The Long Ride Home

"A long bus ride home gets interesting"

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A few years ago, I was lucky enough to land a job with a major university. The bulk of my job focuses on creating new partnerships with major corporations and maintaining existing relationships established along the way. My main goal is bringing these companies into our school to donate money to various programs. 

From time to time, my job requires me to travel to cities like Philadelphia and Boston. Most of the time, these trips are for conferences or meetings with corporate partners. For many, trips like these are a nightmare because of the constant working lunches, social dinners, and attempts to strike deals and create programs. I don’t really mind them, though. I treat these like mini vacations. 

However, this particular trip that this story centers on is my least favorite type – one with a large group of students. Twice a year, our office rents a large chartered bus and invites fifty of our top students to join us for an alumni networking event and some corporate site visits in one of these cities. Overall, it isn’t that bad, but there is just no avoiding that long ride home with a bus full of students.

Due to a full schedule, we found ourselves driving late into the night on the way home. Normally, I would have just stayed an extra day and left early the next morning, but with our office footing the bill for about fifteen hotel rooms for the students, that simply was not an option. So there I was, sitting in the second row of a crowded bus with fifty students and one other staff member. 

It was roughly 11:00pm and it seemed that nearly everyone on the bus was asleep after a very long day. I could hear the small group in the very back of the bus talking and laughing but they weren’t too loud. I could tell my coworker in the seat in front of me had dozed off too. At that moment, we were about halfway there but still about four hours away from home and I wished that I could just fall asleep.

But I had this weird thing where I simply could not fall asleep on buses or planes. I had just never been able to do so. I’m not sure why but I could never get comfortable enough or relax, no matter how hard I tried.

I was pressed into the window seat with my eyes closed and my headphones in, listening to a podcast to pass the time. It was then that I felt someone sitting down in the open seat next to me. I opened my eyes and saw that it was one of the students, holding her laptop.

“Hey,” she whispered. “I saw that you were awake and I had a quick question about emailing one of the people that I met today. Could you take a look at what I wrote and tell me what you think?”

I was pretty annoyed but I didn’t want to be an asshole, so I just smiled and said that I would be happy too.

“Sure. Let’s take a look,” I said.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that she had already signed the email so I didn’t have to ask what her name was. I had never met her before but after being on this trip for three days, she was probably under the assumption that I knew who she was. Her name was Jamie Silverstein and, according to her email, she was a sophomore economics major. 

“Alright, Jamie… you want to be sure you are starting with a strong introduction. Make sure you are letting them know who you are and remind them of something specific from your interaction to jog their memory,” I told her.

“Oh, okay. So, like, when I asked him how they maintain such impressive profit margins in each of their lines of business?” She asked.

“Yeah, exactly! Then he will put a face to a name. That’s important,” I explained to her.

From there, we went through her email, line by line, to make sure that she was saying the right things and making a good impression. I was pretty tired but this was an effective way to pass the time. About twenty minutes later, we were just about finished with her email. I had to admit she was very thorough and wanted to be sure every word was perfect. 

I’m not sure if it was the dark, tight quarters, the faint smell of her hair, or just the fact that I was this close to a cute twenty year old girl for the first time since I had been that age, but I was suddenly getting distracted. I hated myself for such an unprofessional reaction, but I was so tired that my guard must have been down. As we talked, I felt myself getting a little stiff in my pants and I couldn’t help but steal a quick glance at her pretty face, lit up by the soft light of her computer screen.

Jamie really was quite pretty in a way that many young girls are. She had long, dark brown hair, and a cute little nose. It was hard to get a look at her body because she was in sweatpants and an oversized hooded sweatshirt. I had to snap out of it!

“Alright, Jamie… I think that should just about do it! Better get back to your seat,” I said, trying to get her out of here before I got fired for getting an erection because of a student. 

“Thank you so much, I really could not have done this without you,” she said.

“No problem – just be sure to give me credit when you get that internship offer this summer!” I joked.

“For sure!” she said, laughing quietly. 

She saved the email draft, before closing her browser, not wanting to send such an important email at 11:30pm on a Friday.

“One more question,” she said. “Did I cause this?”

Before the words could even register in my mind, her hand was in my lap. She didn’t quite grab my stiff cock through my jeans but there was no mistaking that she placed her hand directly on top of my hardness. I was frozen as she stared into my eyes, waiting for an answer. The soft glow of her computer screen was providing just enough light that I could see the slight mischievous smile on her face.

“Jamie, what are you doing?!” I hissed, trying to attract any attention.

“My boyfriend used to tell me that if I made him hard, it was my responsibility to make it go away,” she whispered in my ear.

“You need to go back to your seat. This is super inappropriate,” I whispered back.

“What did it? Was it just being this close to me? Oh my god, that makes me so hot,” Jamie whispered, keeping her voice down. 

There was a moment of silence. I was terrified but my cock was harder than ever, imprisoned in my jeans. As I tried convincing her to go back to her seat, she continued squeezing me. I was so worried that someone would notice that I didn’t dare risk making a scene. She seemed to know she had me trapped. Who was this girl?

“Everyone is asleep, Mr. Brooks. Don’t worry! Besides, you seem to be enjoying this!” she tried assuring me.

“That doesn’t make it okay! You can’t just do this on a bus full of people!” I said as quietly as possible.

“So you would fuck me if all these people weren’t around?” Jamie teased me, with a tight squeeze on my swollen shaft.

“That’s not what I meant… I need you to stop.

I could lose my job. My wife would…” I trailed off because as I spoke she unzipped my fly and pushed her right hand inside my jeans. There was still a layer of boxer briefs between her hand and my cock but the attention she was giving me was slowly eroding at my concentration and determination.

“Oh my, this feels like a big one,” she whispered, dangerously close to my ear. If anyone had been looking, there would have been no excuse for her to be that close to me. 

She seemed to have noticed that my resolve was wearing thin and quickly used her left hand to undo my belt and top button. There I was with my pants completely undone on a bus full of people and this gorgeous co-ed using me as her plaything. 

“Let’s make this quick so you don’t get in trouble,” she teased.

She positioned herself so that we were both sitting in the seats facing forward. Anyone sitting behind us would have no idea that something so insane was happening. She looked around, as did I, for any prying eyes. From here, everyone seemed to be asleep. Certainly, no one was looking in our direction. She closed her laptop and placed it on the floor in front of her seat so that there was no unwanted light shed on what she was doing.

Once situated, she used that hand to pull down the front of my boxer briefs and pulled my cock out into the open air. I was hard before but the confinement kept me from reaching full erection, even with her attention. Now that I was exposed, I was as hard as possible.

“This is much bigger than my boyfriend’s cock,” she whispered, stroking me up and down.

I wasn’t a porn star or anything but when fully erect I was probably around seven inches. What I assume she was most impressed with was my girth. I have an unusually thick cock according to my wife and past girlfriends. Picture a slightly longer toilet paper roll with a golf ball sitting on top – that’s my hard dick.

“Oh my god, this is making me so wet, Mr. Brooks,” she said as sexily as possible into my ear. “Your cock feels so good in my hand. I hope you don’t cum too  quickly!”

My mind was reeling. Her delicate fingers were wrapped as far around me as they could reach. As she stroked up and down, I felt my balls tightening in my scrotum, hinting that I would not be able to hold off for too long. I still couldn’t see her body in those baggy sweats, but I knew what had to be hidden underneath. I quickly went from wanting her to stop before we got caught to trying to think of a way that I could fuck her on this bus.

I glanced around and saw that no one was aware of what was happening. That was good! We were being quiet but on a silent bus, even the sound of a zipper might alert someone. As she jerked me up and down, she decided it was time for a little multitasking and pulled at her pants drawstring with her left hand.

I saw what she was doing and she smiled. Slowly, she put that left hand into the front of her pants and began rubbing herself. Immediately, she was squirming in her seat, trying to remain calm as she pleasured me and herself at the same time. There was now a mildly audible squishing noise coming from inside her hands as she dipped a finger inside herself over and over.

The scene in front of me was too much to handle. I was getting close but was focusing very hard on making this last despite the fact that every passing second made it more likely that we would be caught. I could not see anything that she was doing to herself, aside from the movement of her pants, so I closed my eyes and got ready for the finale. 

I leaned my head back and relaxed as best I could. I knew I was going to have to warn her so I didn’t spray my seed all over myself. I felt her grab the base of my cock and squeeze firmly. It felt like a signal so I opened my eyes to look at her. As I did so, she pulled her left hand out of her panties and moved it to the tip of my cock. Her fingers were glistening with a copious amount of her juices. Knowing what she was doing almost sent me over the edge. 

Jamie wiped all of those juices onto my dick like a homemade lube before continuing to stroke me with her right hand. My cock was now slick with her wetness and her hand was gliding up and down even faster than before. She knew this was going to be the end.

Her left hand was back in her pants, rubbing and fingering her juicy pussy faster and faster. Any louder and she might give herself away to those sitting close to us. Apparently, that was all she needed, and she tensed in her seat and gripped my cock tightly. She pulled her hand out of her panties and squeezed her legs together tightly as her orgasm overtook her. Jamie tried hard to remain silent but a small whimper escaped her lips as her climax peaked. 

Seeing her cum was the final straw for me. My cock turned to blue steel in her hand as she jerked me harder. Suddenly, she took that wet left hand and covered my nose and mouth with it. I inhaled deeply, experiencing the sweet, musky scent of her cunt left on her fingers. I was now in sensory overload and she knew it.

At the very last second before I exploded, she dropped her head to my lap and took the tip of my cock into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the head and I let go. I felt my balls pumping rope after rope of cum into her mouth as she continued sucking and stroking. It felt like she would eventually suck my soul out of my body because the orgasm seemed to last forever. Not wanting to make a mess, she swallowed everything that came out of me.

Finally, she had retrieved every last drop and lifted her head. There was a big smile on her face, like she was proud of a job well done. Several rows behind us, we heard someone cough, which brought us back to reality. I quickly tucked myself back into my jeans and quietly zipped up. She grabbed her laptop off the floor, smiled, and stood to leave.

“Thanks for the email tips! Maybe I can stop by your office this week for help with some others?” Jamie said, smirking.

“Anytime!” I said.

She headed back to her seat and I looked around. I was glad to see that no one else was awake at this point, so it looked like we were in the clear. I leaned back against my seat and put my headphones back in to finish my podcast. My mind was racing but I had also just had the orgasm of a lifetime which made it a little easier to relax.

I dozed off a few minutes later and didn’t wake up until we pulled to a stop, just outside campus. Apparently, a quick hand job was all that it took for me to get some sleep on the bus!

Published 8 years ago

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