In the late Summer of nineteen ninety-eight, in a world before Neo had entered ‘The Matrix’ and people still used pencils to correct the spooling of cassette tapes, Matthew Edwards took his wife, Julie, to bed. It was a lazy Sunday morning.
They had barely been up for an hour and had considered going to the gym, but Matthew was much more of the mood for horizontal exercise. His wife, six years his junior aged twenty-nine, was still only wearing a thin vest top through which her nipples announced their presence to the world and a pair of shorts that hugged her feminine hips and barely covered her bottom.
Matthew took her hand and guided her back to their bedroom. Julie followed eagerly and obediently. Once in the bedroom, they removed their limited clothing before Julie grabbed Matthew and they tumbled into their marriage bed. They had decided they would try to conceive their first child.
They kissed passionately and Julie could have felt millennia pass and never care as her beloved husband lay upon her and kissed her as she felt his appendage stiffening, swell and point with intent against her blossoming feminine gender. So aroused and enamoured was each lover, that foreplay was barely necessary and Julie bucked her hips towards Matthew’s erection willing his entrance to her.
Matthew, needing no second invitation to mate with his woman. He pressed his engorged manhood forwards and his helmet was devoured hungrily by Julie’s wanton sex. He thrust his hips forth and embedded his full length in his wife’s sodden canal and made her feel primal as she moaned like so many women throughout history as they were penetrated by their mate.
Matthew and Julie rutted passionately. Their love and desire for one another poured into their embrace and enthusiastic sex. Matthew whispered sensual and erotic temptations into his wife’s ear as she kissed his face greedily while she felt her husband’s satisfying penis impale her and tempestuously ride her waves of passion and pleasure.
Before long, Matthew’s orgasm heralded its arrival.
“Yesssssssss,” Julie moaned gutturally as she felt her beloved near his climax and she gripped his buttocks and pulled him as deep as possible into her mating hole.
Matthew ejaculated and his voice involuntarily ejaculated from him. His semen erupted from his penis and poured into his wife’s loving body. Matthew’s penis throbbing and pulsing sent Julie over the edge and she purred and gasped in her own orgasm as Matthew’s seed gushed like a torrent towards her uterus.
As they lay in the post-orgasm malaise, Matthew’s tadpole soldiers raced towards Julie’s egg, ripe to be fertilised. Over the next day, Julie became pregnant, and on twenty-ninth May nineteen ninety-nine, Julie gave birth to their first child. She was a beautiful baby girl who would go on to exceed all their hopes and dreams for their child and become so much more than they ever knew.
Fast forward twenty-two years and that baby girl, Jessica Edwards, had grown into a quiet, intelligent, beautiful, morally strong young woman, a great professional soccer player and an infamous superheroine, The Lioness.
For Jessica Edwards, life was good. No, life was great. Professionally she was successful and highly thought of. The professional soccer club she played for, Seattle Reign, were defending league champions and were again at the top of the league. Her alter ego, The Lioness, was a mysterious, yet popular figure in her home city of Seattle, Washington and her reputation in this instantaneous world of social media was growing rapidly further afield. Headlines like ‘Seattle Saviour’, ‘Real Life Superhero’ and ‘Incredible Lioness’ were becoming more and more common around the world.
Yet she was unfulfilled, lacking love, partnership and passion from her life. She was still a virgin but her natural urges were growing stronger. Her body may have been enhanced thanks to nanite technology, giving her incredible strength, speed, intelligence and X-Ray vision in her right eye, but her body was still subject to the same natural instincts as all other animals.
She had recently been the unintentional witness of an anonymous couple’s public sexual passions and this had only stoked the fire in her loins. She had awoken one night soon after in a pair of sodden knickers and realised she had been dry-humping her pillow, which she had manoeuvred between her legs in her sleep.
On this day, however, her erotic desires had to be pushed to the back of her mind. Jessica was The Lioness today. After hearing police sirens screaming down the street adjacent to her, she had hidden in an alley and dismissed her clothes revealing The Lioness’ gold, kevlar-lined suit.
She leapt across rooftops to the next street like a gazelle in the savannah. When she was above the police cars, which had now stopped outside of an office block, her immaculate super-powered hearing let her in on the situation.
“Three hostages,” a street police officer was informing two Detective Inspectors, “We believe armed but not heavily. They have been in control of the building for approximately twenty minutes. No demands made and the only communication is that they are seeking political asylum for two Colombian prisoners.”
“How many of them are there?” asked one of the Detective Inspectors.
“Either four or five, but that remains unconfirmed, sir.”
“Okay, thanks, son. Make sure this street is cordoned off. No non-emergency personnel, cordon manned at all times and I need three officers for the door here.”
“Consider it done, sir.”
And with that, the officer jogged away.
Lioness watched the movement avidly. She considered the situation. She needed to get inside but had to assess her action plan first. From here across the street though, her X-ray right eye couldn’t see far enough inside the building and she couldn’t see any of the antagonists.
‘I need to get on that roof,’ Lioness thought to herself.
She jogged back to the far edge of her current perch and ran. She accelerated rapidly and leapt off the edge of the roof. The air whistled and whipped past her hood-covered face as she bulleted through the air. She comfortably cleared the urban ravine and on the opposite roof planted her hands and rolled through her landing like a time-served ninja.
She made her way inside the roof door carefully, scanning her surroundings and using her X-Ray eye to see down the stairwell. It was all clear. She climbed down several flights sliently, checking all the way. She could feel her heart rate increasing with each step, but she was confident and focussed.
Eventually, she came to a door with a tall male standing behind it. She X-Rayed him thoroughly. The officer from outside hadn’t been wrong when he had claimed them to be lightly armed. The man on the other side of the door held one small firearm and what appeared to be a walkie-talkie.
She considered her options. She needed to incapacitate him, but do so as quietly as possible. She could open the door swiftly and knock him over before attacking, but he could make enough noise in that time to alert others to her presence. Lioness crafted a plan.
She clicked fingers twice. Sure enough, the tall man turned and looked at the door. He turned back.
Lioness clicked her fingers once more. The man stepped back from the door and studied it. Lioness could see his heart accelerating its rhythm. He cocked his gun. Perfect. Lioness crouched next to the door and watched as the tall man slowly opened it.
When the door was just open far enough, Lioness thrust her foot up rapidly and caught the man perfectly right under his chin. He was unconscious immediately. He began to fall backwards but Lioness grabbed his shirt to stop him hitting the ground and making any noise.
She grabbed his gun and suddenly realised, she had no idea how to disassemble a firearm. She made a mental note that she would need to learn.
Lioness walked through the door and scanned the floor. It was a dimly lit office with spartan furnishings and little character. She finally saw what she was looking for. In a room adjacent to the one she was creeping through were clearly three hostages and two armed men. One was short and stocky, the other tall and clearly well-built.
She silently scampered towards the door and prepared herself. She would need to storm in and attack. She had no other choice. She’d have to be quick. Just as she was about the grip the door handle, she heard a click and felt something hard press against the back of her head.
“Bit early for Halloween, no?” sneered a Hispanic voice behind her. “Do nothing stupid and open the door slowly.”
Lioness was terrified. She had never encountered a situation like this. Her mind was frozen. She couldn’t think clearly enough to decide what to do.
“Move, bitch!” said the man behind her.
She opened the door and walked through.
“I found this jester. She’s put down Danny.” said her captor.
“Well, well, well,” said a deep, strong voice before her.
She looked up at the scene. The three hostages looked at her petrified, two men and one woman, all bound and gagged. The short stocky man was ugly and shoddily dressed. The taller man struck Lioness as being tremendously handsome. A mixed race man of African-American and Hispanic descent with a strong, clean face and a visibly toned physique. She couldn’t get over how attracted she was to him. He was beautiful. Lioness felt so conflicted. She knew she had to subdue this man and his cohorts, but in that moment she would have loved to feel this man rip her suit from her flesh and deflower her. She felt awful, embarrassed and aroused.
The handsome man slowly walked towards her. “You want to fuck us? Then we’ll fuck you.”
He stood straight before Lioness, smirked and then began to unbutton his trousers. He opened the flaps at his buttons and fished from within his underwear a long, very thick penis. Lioness was struck by how aroused she felt with this penis right in her face. She felt so conflicted. On one hand, she had a responsibility and a moral obligation to save the three hostages, but then again she wanted for nothing more in that moment to take this man’s delicious endowment in her mouth, bring him to full erection. Her heart was hammering as she felt desperate, desire and indecision.
Something bashed loudly against the door and the three men were all distracted. This was Lioness’ opportunity to act, but her mind and body were frozen with desire. The cogs of her mind clunked and struggled to turn.
Then she caught the eye of the female hostage. Her eyes were pleading to her. Something so deep and desperate in the woman’s tear-filled eyes pulled Lioness from her reverie. She acted. She threw a huge uppercut to the man in front of her and hit him square in the testicles. He made a noise somewhere between a distressed goose and a cat’s meow. She then planted her hands and kicked backwards hard, connecting with the knees of the man behind her, breaking his legs instantly. He screamed like a hurt child.
These actions, conducted by Lioness’ superhuman body, all happened so quickly. Yet as she stood to attack the third hostage taker, the short, stocky man was upon her with incredible speed for a man of his size and shape. They locked into a struggle and Lioness managed to maneuver the gun away from her face. For a few intense seconds, they struggled until the door burst open. This distracted the short man long enough for Lioness to pounce. She leapt vertically and wrapped her legs around the man’s neck and threw herself backwards and to the right, pulling the man to the ground and jerking his neck, rendering him unconscious.
Lioness stood rapidly and turned to face up to the person that had opened the door and found herself face to face with one of the Detective Inspectors from outside. They stared at each other. The DI looked slightly stunned. He was a slightly older man, who had obviously once been well-built, but was now showing the signs of too many stake-out doughnuts. He wore dark clothes and a long black, leather jacket.
Finally, he raised his hands submissively. Lioness nodded to him and he nodded back.
“Can you help me restrain these guys?” he asked. Lioness nodded.
Their task of restraining the men was a simple one. One of the men couldn’t move for cradling his testicles, another had two broken knees and the third was unconscious. They then removed the restraints from the hostages and cleared them from the room. As she was leaving, the female hostage mouthed, ‘thank you,’ to Lioness.
“Thank you,” said the DI, as he re-entered the room.
Lioness parted her lips to respond, but something in her mind told her to protect her identity. Jessica Edwards had been excellent at French in school and so for some reason, when Lioness responded it was in a French accent.
“You’re welcome.”
The DI looked even more surprised and stroked his thick moustache, flecked with grey.
“Well I didn’t expect that. Or you, period.” he said. “What are you doing here?”
“I go where I am needed.” replied Lioness in her faux French accent.
The DI slightly shook his head.
“You’re just a child,” he said, in a parental voice, “This isn’t a game for you. Criminals are who they are because they are desperate and feel they have no other option. They don’t fear punishment and they won’t fear you.”
Lioness’ pride stung. She could feel her cheeks flush and her stomach knotted.
“They’ll learn to.” she fired back. And with that she ran out the door and headed for the stairwell. The DI followed her to the threshold and called after her,
“Wait! I need to take your information!”
“I’m the Lioness. That’s all you need to know.”
She turned and exited, all the way up the stairs to the roof, from where she ran, sprang and vaulted her way back to where she had left her clothes.
Jessica Edwards changed back into her civilian outfit and then caught her breath. She leaned against the wall, her eyes wincing in the low sun. Her fiery red hair tossed in the breeze. She massaged her elbow, for when she had pulled down the short, stocky man to the ground, she had hit her elbow hard. She felt pride again in having helped people and the female hostage saying thank you meant so much, but she broke down in tears.
Back in that room, her sexual wants had nearly endangered the lives of three people. She felt sick. She wanted to be rid of her virginity so much and yet in that moment never wanted to think of sex again.
She knew she needed help.
She had a dilemma, though. The person that she spoke to about everything, Luke Green, her best friend his early high school wasn’t just wanted by Jessica; Lioness wanted to talk to him, too.
Jessica and Luke had always been so close. Luke was in a wheelchair and Jessica had wanted to help him. They had hit it off straight away. Luke had found her neither condescending nor patronising about his being a wheelchair user, but valued her friendship and assistance.
Luke was massively intelligent and intellectual and when Lioness needed advice on where to get parts for her suit she had secretly contacted Luke. Jessica was beginning to feel a conflict within herself withholding her alter ego from Luke.
Jessica dried her eyes and decided to go and speak to him.
To Be Continued….