Chapter 6
A week later John got a text from Maggie that she needed him for a consultation for a couple of hours. John decided to take an Uber and asked Kat to join him about 6 PM at his office for a tour then they’d go grab dinner.
Kat arrived at the office a little before 6 PM. She had never been there before. She’d only met Maggie briefly at their wedding. The office was bright and spacious, nothing like the law offices she had been in. She was greeted by a casually but well-dressed woman as she walked in, who introduced herself, and led Kat to John’s office. His office was bright and airy with a not-too-big desk, a conference table for six people, and a lounge area. John was seated in the lounge area with Maggie, a very attractive black woman. As John saw Kat approach, he stood and walked to her, giving her a hug and kiss. Holding her hand, he turned and reintroduced Kat to Maggie.
Up close Maggie was even more striking. Her brown color was dark and becoming. She held out her hand to shake Kat’s, who did her thing and immediately hugged Maggie. Maggie was a bit taken aback but soon she got the hang of the Kat hug and relaxed and enjoyed the sensation. Kat and Maggie sat, while John grabbed three glasses and poured some bourbon with ice for everyone. They all sat.
The talk turned to business and John was being a very proud Dad. He told Kat that his son was done with his clerkship at the US Supreme Court, but had no interest in practicing in a large firm. He had reached out to Maggie to see if she had an opening, and she instantly hired him! Maggie was delighted in hearing John tell the story.
Kat watched her closely. Maggie couldn’t take her eyes off of John. She hung on every word. “Fuck,” Kat thought to herself, “She’s in love with John.” Kat also noticed that Maggie was getting a bit antsy, kind of wiggling in her seat. Maggie excused herself to go to the bathroom.
When she walked out Kat turned to John and said, “Sweetie, that woman is in love with you.” John sputtered. Kat retorted, “Now don’t get a big head thinking you’re God’s gift to women, just because you’re tall, handsome, honest, giving, have a big dick and oh yeah, you’re rich…not every woman is going to fall for that bullshit.” Then she said, “I’ll be back.”
Kat headed to the bathroom. The office was vacant by then as it was well past 7 PM. Kat stole quietly into the bathroom. The first thing that hit her was the smell of sex. Oh, how she loved the smell of a woman’s sex. The next thing she heard was a faint: thwop, thwop, thwop of what could have only been a hand rapidly pounding a pussy. A sudden gasp, a bit of silence, a huge inhale of breath and then the chorus thwop, thwop, thwop began again.
Not surprisingly, Maggie hadn’t been careful and so when Kat pushed open the bathroom stall door, there was the beautiful Maggie, on the toilet seat, with almost her entire fist buried in her cunt, frigging away. She looked up in shock and quit moving her hand. Kat did the only thing reasonable given the situation. She grabbed Maggie’s hand and started shoving it in and out of her pussy. Just as Maggie was about to orgasm, Kat covered her mouth with her lips and kissed her so the shriek wouldn’t be heard too far outside of the bathroom. After, Maggie was gasping for breath as Kat asked, “Was that for me or for John?” and she kissed her on the lips pushing her tongue deep inside of her mouth. Maggie responded with another grunt and orgasm.
“Well I guess that answers that.” Kat pulled her off the seat into a standing hug, and kissed her again, Maggie’s underwear and slacks falling on the stall floor. Kat pulled her out of the stall and Maggie waddled over to the bathroom vanity. Kat lifted her up onto the vanity, pulled her pants and underwear completely off, wrapped her legs on her shoulders and dove her tongue into Maggie’s soaked pussy. Maggie shrieked in ecstasy. Kat hoped nobody was outside, but she didn’t really care. She was muff diving and nothing was going to deter her.
Maggie was incredibly delicious, Kat quickly decided. After a couple of more shaking orgasms, Kat leaned back, pulled her dress up to her waist, and had Maggie change positions and work on her pulsing pussy. Maggie was only too happy to oblige, recognizing that Kat was full commando and had no underwear on to slow her down.
Maggie doubled down on Kat’s pussy and she didn’t relent until Kat cried, “No more, please no more. Maggie climbed up, her face still wet from Kat’s juices and slid her tongue in between Kat’s lips. Normal breathing returned, giggling and laughing, caressing and hugging seemed the only course of action. Kat whispered, “Do you want to go to dinner with John and me tonight?” Maggie purred a yes.
They got underwear and pants back on Maggie, Kat’s dress pulled down and straightened each other’s hair as best they could, and walked back to John’s office hand-in-hand. John looked up when they walked in, he smiled as Kat told him he was taking both girls to dinner and did he know someplace they could all go with a quiet dark booth. He knew just the place and they were soon at the restaurant nearby.
Maggie was a wonderful addition to their life. As a business partner, she was perfect. As a lover, she was powerful and giving. She definitely had a preference for women but a good dicking never hurt, and John had a great dick she would come to find out. Melanie fell in love with Maggie too.