Sleep falls gently from my eyes
And with a yawn, I glance at you
Already seated beside that dressing table
Once more wearing that false, sweet smile.
‘How early this time, did you rise?’
To sit and pout before that mirror
Whilst night and stars still flee to day
Even bird songs have yet to hail the dawn.
For far too long, I’ve held my peace
So, I furrow my brow and frown at you.
You turn then pause and inquire of me,
“What is it, love? What is wrong?”
“Honestly,” I breathe my weary sigh,
“It is because of you.”
All these years I’ve watched this show;
As daily you sit, before that liar
While secretly, you hold those bitter tears back
When another fresh wrinkle you’ve found has stayed.
Then, you cup your breasts and push them up
All while that lying mirror sneers and mocks.
You pinch your sides. True, a little more fat.
Now you must try that new diet, to be loved?
A shake of my head;
A weary sigh expelled.
“So… You ask what is wrong?”
“Honestly, it is because of you.”
Why is it, that you refuse to hear and see
Those things that are crystal clear to me?
For, when I’ve said each night and day,
‘You’ve never been as radiant as today.’
Truly I spoke; with no guile nor hope for gain
Because never has one been as special as you.
So pay no heed to the liar in that mirror
She, who beguiles you each new morn’
For with each fleeting year, you’ll lose not beauty,
Nor my love, but forever crown it with glory above.
And if my luck should last some more;
Oh! How I plead that there’s yet more to come.
Then as one, we’ll grow old and grey
And on each passing day, I’ll count myself
To be above, even the elect of this world
To have lived these envious days with thee.
But remember this, and pause not to fret
For, with each new dawn, my love still grows
And now my dear, truly I speak;
It is because of you. And always you!
That I can rise and smile each morn’.