The letter part 2

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4 weeks have gone by and I still haven’t heard anything from you. Just for the heck of it I check my email that we used to use for communication, wondering if you by chance remembered what it was.

“You have a new message” pops up across my screen. My heart starts to pound in anticipation. I click open and the message appears across the screen.


Little one,

It indeed has been a long time since I have heard from you, but I have not forgotten about you either. I was not sure how to find you after all these years, but honestly never thought about actually contacting you. I do wonder how you managed to find me though, I moved 3 times since we last talked. But your letter did come as a pleasant surprise, it brought back many memories.

I read that you are married and happy, but not totally happy and that something in your life is missing. I know what you are talking about, no need to explain. I never got married and have no one in my life right now ( not that you asked or anything ) I figured I would put that out there since you did.

I do think about you, but have since tried to move past what happened. I was not sure if I wanted to write you back, but decided to anyways. I know you remember my last words upon your screen being “This is your last chance, I will not contact or respond to you. Is this your final decision” when I read your words of “yes, I am sure” that was it and I promised I wouldn’t contact you again.

I do wonder what you think about? Enlighten with me some of the thoughts you have been having about me? You did say you dream about me as well, what were the dreams about? Again, it was nice to hear from you. maybe I will again.

~ Sir J ~ 


Now that my heart has dropped back down out of my throat, I can maybe regain some composure. What am I going to say back? I didn’t expect a response back from him. I click on the reply button and start to type. my words pour out without even thinking about it.



I honestly did not expect to hear back from you, though I was hoping I would and was waiting anxiously. To be honest you wouldn’t have found me even if you were looking for me. I disappeared from home shortly after that message, I went sort of MIA. I had joined the carnival and was traveling the US with them for a while and let myself go. I wanted nothing to do with anything from my past or anyone for that matter, not even family.

You wonder how I found you, well I did learn a few things while being a carny.

I have my ways. Oh and a little thing called public court records helped a little “giggles”.

I am happy you did write me back, but as I said, I didn’t not expect to hear back from you, but am very happy you replied. I was surprised you remembered the email we used to use. I haven’t used it in a long time and never check it, but out of the blue decided to check and it was a good thing.

I do remember that phrase all to well, it plays in my head over and over again. Sometimes I wish I would have just said wait, I didn’t mean it and go back to the way things were instead of saying yes I am sure and ending the relationship right there. I felt so bad for so long and just wanted to make things better again. But as I said, things happen for a reason.

What do I think about? well that is a tough one to answer. What don’t I think about would be a little easier. For starters I think about when we first met, all the time. As I said, every time I go past the bench I was sitting at the first time we met I think about you and smile. I think about how nervous I was on the ride to your place. I think about everything you taught me, and often make up scenes in my head.

I think about the day you introduced me to age play, how you bought special made baby clothes to fit me and I never even got to use them. You wonder what I dream about as well. I dream about being back with you when I was younger and the experiences we shared and the fun we had. I especially remember the time you were suppose to pick me up in town. A movie was playing in the park where you were going to meet me and there were so many people there we couldn’t find each other. little did I know that would be the last chance I got to ever see you again. I often wish I would have found you in the crowd and wonder what would have happened that night.

I am very happy you got back to me, hope to hear from you again!

Best wishes,

~ little one ~


I hit send and let out a big sigh of relief, I can’t believe I am in contact with my old Sir. I don’t want him to think I want to get back together with him, that is why I told him I was married and had a little boy. I guess I will have to cross that bridge when the time comes, in the meantime I am happy to know he is doing good. Now I wait again for another response. Hopefully it wont take to long this time.

**Part 3 to come soon.. Please let me know what you think so far..

Published 12 years ago

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