The Laundry

"A young woman is sold by the nuns to a rich widow who uses her as her personal plaything"

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It was a soft morning. The sky was grey and the mist of drizzle hung around like a swarm of midges. The scrape of the windscreen wipers was the only sound as the car made its way across the county Galway countryside. Finally, the car turned into the drive of the crumbling convent, past the weather-beaten sign declaring it “Sister Mary Magdalene’s Home for Fallen Women” and as Eilish Galbraith glanced out the window from the back seat, the car crunched across the gravel and came to a halt.

She waited until her driver had got out to open the door before swinging her long stocking clad legs out of the car and stood up. She smiled as she saw a nun standing, waiting at the front door. She was, after all, a rich and regular visitor to the home.

“Mrs. Galbraith, so lovely to see you again,” the nun announced as she climbed the steps.

“Thank you, Sister,” Eilish replied. “Please, would you be so kind as to tell the Mother Superior I would like to see her.”

Eilish stood and waited, running her eyes around the dark reception area as the nun scuttled off down the corridor. She smiled in anticipation as she watched two young women pass, carrying bags of laundry. She let her eyes wander over them, admiring the younger one with her brunette hair cut into a bob. Even though she were wearing a brown shapeless smock, Eilish could visualise the sway of her ass. The girls both blushed and lowered their eyes as they saw her looking at them and scurried on with the same movement as the nun moments earlier.

“The Mother Superior will see you now Mrs. Galbraith,” the nun announced, indicating that she should follow her down the corridor.

After being led through a warren of dark corridors, it was a relief to be led into a bright airy room, with a large window commanding a view over the surrounding countryside.

“Eilish, how lovely to see you again,” the Mother Superior exclaimed as she lifted herself from her chair and came round to shake to hand.

“We are, as you know, so grateful for your continuing support. To be honest, I’m not sure what the convent would do without you.”

“Oh please, Mother Superior. You know I do so little in comparison to what you do for these poor unfortunate girls. When my husband died, he left me very comfortably well off and what little I can do to support you is just my way of saying ‘Thank you’.”

The Mother Superior poured two glasses of sherry and smiled and raised a glass.

“So how can we help you today?”

Eilish, haven taken a sip of sherry and sat down, smiled and ran her eyes around the room before looking back at the old nun behind her desk.

“As you know, I have that large empty house and it seems such a waste to be rattling round it all on my own. Well, there is Rosie who comes in every day to help out but I thought perhaps I could take one of these poor unfortunate young women and let them come to live with me. Maybe give them a second chance, so to speak.”

Eilish paused, looking slyly at the Nun as she sat, impassive, before continuing,

“Obviously I would be making a donation to yourselves so you could carry on the good work with these other girls.”

The Nun smiled, a toothy grin breaking through the hard expanse of her crinkled face.

“Did you have a particular type of girl in mind Mrs. Galbraith?”

“I thought a blonde might be a nice change. Perhaps one who isn’t too big up here,” she indicated with a squeeze of her breasts.

“Hmmm I do believe I know just who might suit,” the Nun replied and rung a small handbell that sat on her desk. When a nun appeared in the doorway, the Mother Superior told her to bring the Devlin girl to her.

The two women sat sipping sherry and exchanging gossip and discussed the chances of John F. Kennedy being elected President of the United States.

“Just imagine,” the Mother Superior said. “An Irishman in the White House and a Catholic to boot.”

Eilish was just about to reply when with a soft knock on the door, the Devlin girl was brought in.

As the door closed behind her, Eilish gasped with delight. She ran her eyes slowly over her. The girl was fresh-faced, eighteen or nineteen years old with long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. Her blue eyes, however, appeared full of fear and confusion at being made to stand in front of the Mother Superior.

Eilish stood up, and still holding the sherry glass, slowly walked around the girl, towering over her as she ran her eyes over her from all angles.

“Oh on first impressions, she does look very suitable.” Her hand snaked its way down her back and over her ass cheeks, cupping one in her hand. “Can you ask her to remove the smock?”

You heard the lady. Remove your smock,” the Mother Superior ordered.

The girl blushed a bright beetroot red and glanced from Eilish to the Mother Superior and back again. “What?” the girl asked.

The Mother Superior slammed her hands on the desk. “You disobedient ungrateful little wrench,” she screamed at the girl. “Take it off now.”

She stood up, and moving surprisingly quickly for a woman of her age and build, she reached round and ripped the front of the smock. The buttons popping as she tore the garment from the girl.

“Wicked child,” she scolded as she slapped the girl across the cheek. The girl, with tears in her eyes, whimpered a “Sorry Mother Superior,” as she allowed the torn smock to fall to the floor revealing her naked form.

She tried to hide her modesty with an arm over her breasts and a hand shielding her crotch but a barked order from the Mother Superior made the girl stand with her arms by her side.

Eilish licked her lips. The girl was slight, 5’4 or so, with small pert boobs with little pink nipples, a tiny waist, and a nice heart shaped ass. Eilish watched as the nipples reacted to the cold air and began to harden. She reached forward and took one between her thumb and finger and rolled it. The girl flinched, trying to pull away, but Eilish kept a firm grip on the hardening nubbin and the girl quickly got the message.

She stood, shocked, a tear formed in the corner of her eye as she was mauled by this tall luxuriously dressed stranger. Eilish cupped the girl’s breasts and ran her hands over her, in much the same way as a farmer might do with an animal at market. She spread her ass cheeks, checking their firmness before listening with satisfaction to the noise as she gave each a swift smack. She then slowly ran her fingers down over the girl’s stomach and through her blonde fuzzy mound before cupping her folds. As she did so, she turned to the Mother Superior.

“So, is she used goods?”

“I’m afraid she is,” the Mother Superior replied. “Her father caught her with three boys from the village behind the dance hall one night, reeking of drink. He brought her straight here.”

“That’s not true,” the girl exclaimed. “The boys were drunk and mauling me but nothing happened.”

Silence!” the mother Superior roared. Turning to Eilish she continued, “As you can see, she still has some spirit but I’m sure you will be able to handle her.”

“I’m sure I can.”

Eilish smiled and reached for her purse. She slowly counted out £30 in large brown £5 notes. Placing each one in a pile on the desk.

“Thirty punts is indeed a very generous donation Mrs. Galbraith.”

“Does she have any family?” Eilish asked.

“Only the father. She has two brothers but they have both moved away. The mother died several years ago. I think the girl went wild and the father couldn’t control her. Hopefully, now she is in your hands you will be able to tame that wanton behaviour.”

“Good. Well, thank you so much, Sister. It is always a pleasure to help out the church in whatever way I can. Does she have a name?”

“We tend not to refer to them by name. Perhaps you have one in mind?”

Eilish smiled. “I had thought Saoirse might be appropriate.”

“The Gaelic for ‘Freedom’. Oh, you do have a wicked sense of humour Mrs. Galbraith,” the Mother Superior chuckled as she stood up to open the door.

As Eilish turned to go, she looked back and frowned at the girl.

“Well don’t just stand there Saoirse, come along now.”

The girl slowly reached down and picked up her smock and in a daze followed behind. She slipped the smock back on to cover her nakedness as she followed the Mother Superior and her new owner down the warren-like maze of corridors towards the front door. For all her apprehension about what might lie ahead, Saoirse felt it couldn’t be any worse than the mental and physical abuse she had suffered in the seven months she had been in the care of the nuns.


As she entered Mrs. Galbraith’s house, Saoirse gasped with surprise. She had never been in as posh a house before. She spun around, watching the sunlight reflected through the glass in the chandelier hanging in the hallway.

She stopped suddenly when she saw another girl looking at her.

“I’m Rosie,” the girl answered sullenly to the unspoken question on Saoirse’s lips.

“Follow me,” she ordered as she turned and walked up the stairs.

As Saoirse followed, she wondered who Rosie was. She seemed to be about 20, she was stocky, maybe even a bit chubby with large breasts and curly red hair which fell down over her shoulders. ‘She must be the maid,’ Saoirse thought, noting the black dress and shoes.

She followed Rosie into an attic bedroom. The large comfortable double bed with feather pillows and comforters was a far cry from her last bedroom, sharing with seventeen other girls in the dormitory. Rosie opened the wardrobe door and showed her the uniform.

“Black bra, black panties, black dress. The Mistress likes black.” Rosie told her as she pointed from one shelf to another.

Saoirse stared, trying to take it all in as the girl told her how she was to dress, talk and act.

She then led Saoirse along the corridor to a room filled with steam.

“Have a bath and then come back to the room and I’ll get you prepared.”

Saoirse waited until Rosie left, then quickly slipped out of the shapeless smock and slid into the hot bath filled with bubbles. For the first time in how long, she luxuriated in the pleasure of bathing in hot water, on her own.

As she walked back into her bedroom, Rosie exclaimed, “Finally, I was just about to go and check if you had drowned.”

She reached out and pulled the towel off Saoirse, licking her lips as she drank in the girl’s nakedness. She stood behind her and as she rubbed the towel through her hair, she leant in, pressing herself against the girl’s firm pert ass cheeks. Her full breasts rubbed against her back.

“Have you been with another woman yet Saoirse?” Rosie asked. “Have the Nuns had their way with you?”

Saoirse pushed herself away and turned round. “No, they haven’t. How dare you,” she shouted. Her eyes blazing with righteous anger.

Rosie grinned in response and reached forward and cupped the girl’s blonde mound.

“Doesn’t matter. The Mistress said you were used goods but she will have you soon enough anyway.”

“That’s quite enough Rosie!” came the sharp reprimanding voice from the doorway.

Both girls froze and turned to the door where Eilish stood.

Eilish was dressed in a pale yellow nightdress. Just transparent enough for the darker areas of her nipples to be seen through it. Her black hair was hanging loose around her shoulders. The nightdress was almost immodestly short, stopping well above the knees. Her pale legs looked toned and her toenails were painted the same dark red hue as her fingernails.

She entered the room and slowly walked around the two girls.

“You are right though Rosie, she is delicious.”

Eilish ran a finger over Saoirse’s shoulder, down, traversing the curve of her breast as the nipple hardened. As she trailed the finger up again, tilting her jaw so she looked up, Eilish bent her head and kissed her firmly on the mouth. As Saoirse stood, frozen with shock, Eilish ran her fingers through the girl’s long blonde hair and gripped it tightly. With her other hand, she explored the girl’s body leisurely. Her thumb grazing the girl’s nipple, her hand dipped between her legs, stroked her lips as she felt them dampen, heard the girl’s muted moans as she pushed her tongue into her mouth.

Eilish took her time with the girl. As she continued to kiss and stroke the girl, Rosie moved behind her Mistress and unbuttoned her nightdress. As the material slithered to the ground, Eilish gently guided the girl onto the bed. Instinctively, the girl parted her legs as she lay back on the bed. Eilish broke the kiss and leant back, she ran her fingers down over Saoirse’s stomach and down her inner thighs. She placed a hand on each of Saoirse’s knees and pushed the legs wider apart. The slick dew glistened on the blonde fuzz that partially covered her slit before Eilish bent her head and slowly lapped. Her broad flat tongue slowly scraping its way along her slit. The lips parting under her touch. Saoirse arched her back and groaned a low guttural moan of pleasure which ended with a sharp gasp as Eilish flicked the protruding clit with the tip of her tongue.

She teased the girl, her tongue moved from her soft wet velvety hole to her clit and back again. The girl writhed on the bed, moaning softly as Eilish ate her out. Rosie stood watching, her own hand slipped underneath her dress as she watched her Mistress bring the girl quickly to orgasm. The girl’s moans turned from low groans to sharp high pitched little bird-like cries. Her breathing became ragged and her face was flushed as Eilish flicked her clit and slid a finger slowly inside her.

With a final scream “Noo,” the girl convulsed and came. She spasmed on the bed, her eyes screwed shut as Eilish brought the girl through her orgasm. Finally, as the girl whimpered on the bed, Eilish stopped and after one last slow lap with her tongue straightened up and stood looking down at her.

“I will see you in the morning. Rosie will now instruct you on your duties for tomorrow.”

Rosie helped her Mistress get dressed in her nightdress again before the two of them left, leaving Saoirse alone in her room, stunned. Her quivering pussy still spasming from the aftershocks of what had just happened.

A few minutes later Rosie was back. Her black tunic hitting the floor as soon as she got the door closed. Saoirse stared at her. Rosie’s much larger breasts swinging as she removed her underwear and climbed onto the bed beside her.

“As you will have noticed, Mrs. Galbraith has a thing for the ladies. You didn’t seem to complain which is good. Now, I want you to show me what you can do.”

Rosie rolled onto her back and spread her legs. The triangle of rich red curly hair pointing obscenely to her slick secret spot. Saoirse stared, blushing red. It was one thing to lie there and let your Mistress do what she liked to you. It was quite another to be told by the servant girl to do it to her. And yet, Saoirse couldn’t help but wonder what it tasted like. Almost without thinking, she bent her head and inhaled the rich, sweet, fishy, musky aroma.

“Mmmm yes that’s it,” Rosie encouraged as Saoirse took her first tentative licks with her tongue. Rosie reached forward and twisted her fingers in the girl’s hair before pulling Saoirse’s face deeper into her.

“Harder, slower, long slow licks,” Rosie told her, directing Saoirse as she knelt on the bed, her face buried deep between Rosie’s thighs.


The next morning, Saoirse woke, temporarily confused as sunlight shown in through the attic window. She sat up, then, as she remembered Mrs. Galbraith and the Nuns and what Mrs. Galbraith and Rosie had done to her in this very bedroom, she lay back down again and smiled. She thought of how Rosie had made her lick her and finger her. before they had ended up doing what Rosie had called a soixante-neuf which had sounded and turned out to be incredibly erotic. Almost without thinking, her fingers glided down over her stomach and began to stroke herself in her secret spot.

“Get up you lazy bitch” Rosie shouted as she stormed into the room. “It’s past 8 o’clock and you should have been up hours ago helping out.”

Saoirse couldn’t help noticing that Rosie looked dishevelled as she threw bra, panties and dress out of the wardrobe at her.

“Get dressed and come downstairs to the kitchen,” she ordered before storming out and clomped her way down the wooden staircase.

When she got to the kitchen, Saoirse was informed by Rosie that Mrs. Galbraith was entertaining some of the local ladies for lunch and a card game. It was Rosie and Saoirse’s job to bring round drinks and nibbles and entertain the guests.

“Just one thing,” Rosie cautioned as the girls stood outside the drawing room. “Don’t stare, don’t ask questions and do not refuse when you are told to do something. Remember that and you will be fine.”

As the girls entered carrying trays of tea and sandwiches, Eilish exclaimed happily,

“Here she is, my latest project. Ladies this is Saoirse.”

Eilish waited until Saoirse and Rosie had placed the tray on the table and served everyone tea before taking her hand and leading her round the other ladies. As she was paraded around, Saoirse felt their eyes on her. There were five ladies in the room apart from Mrs. Galbraith and all were in their 40s or 50s. Each was dressed in wool or tweed twin-sets, as if they were on their way to church.

“Isn’t she quite adorable”

“Such pretty eyes”

“Quite the little strumpet I’m sure.”

Saoirse was confused by the comments. She kept her head down, desperately trying to avoid eye contact.

“A fine piece of meat,” one of them announced as she reached out her hand and smacked Saoirse’s left buttock.

“Indeed. Anyway, ladies, shall we sit down?” Eilish announced as if nothing had happened and led Saoirse towards the table in the centre of the room. The ladies sat themselves down and one reached over and picked up a deck of cards.

She laughed as she shuffled the cards and asked, “Should we draw cards to see who gets her first?”

Saoirse stood, unsure what was going on as the cards were dealt out, her bum cheek still smarted from the squeeze. She watched as the same woman who had smacked her laid down the winning hand.

“Mrs. McGuire, I do believe you win, with the Queen of Hearts no less,” Eilish announced, smiling. “What would you like to do with your prize?”

“Put her over the table so we can all get a look at that fine arse of hers.” Mrs. McGuire replied, licking her lips.

Saoirse felt Rosie move in behind her and as she pushed her face down onto the table, she whispered in her ear, “Don’t struggle and don’t protest my love.”

The ladies gathered around Saoirse as Rosie stood to one side and lifted the hem of the dress, revealing Saoirse’s pert ass and slim legs.

“Pull the panties down Rosie that’s a good girl.” Mrs. McGuire told her and she stepped in closer. Saoirse stood, her face pressed against the cold wood of the table with her ass sticking out as the ladies discussed her as if she wasn’t there. Rosie slid the panties down and she felt the cold air between her legs.

Suddenly she yelped as a searing pain spread through her. It came again and she realised someone was slapping her ass with their hand. Heavy meaty blows rained down on her ass and between each slap, she felt large fingers slide between her legs and along her slit, sometimes the tip of a finger pushed at the entrance and smeared the juices that were beginning to drip out of her around her lips and clit. She moaned, halfway between pain and pleasure at every slap and touch of the finger. Coming on top of last night’s session, Saoirse silently willed the woman to take her harder and finger her properly.

Then all of a sudden it was over. Saoirse saw the women sit down again and pick up their cards as if nothing had happened. She stood with her dress up round her waist, unsure what she was supposed to do until Mrs. Galbraith told her bluntly to get on her knees and work her way around the table, beginning with Mrs. McGuire.

Saoirse looked at Mrs. Galbraith and saw the serious intent in her eyes. She whispered, “Yes Ma’am” and with a deep breath dropped to her knees and crawled beneath the table.

Mrs. McGuire sat with her legs open. As Saoirse crawled underneath the table, she saw the woman hitching her skirt and slip up a little to allow her easier access. Saoirse reached up and pulled the shapeless grey knickers down and was confronted by a mass of hair. Leaving the panties around her ankles, Saoirse pushed the woman’s legs apart and gingerly ran her tongue over her slit.

“Oh sweet mother of God,” the woman exclaimed as Saoirse lapped at her. Her thumbs spread the woman’s lips apart as she whirled her tongue along her folds. Her nose rubbed the woman’s clit from side to side as she pushed the tip of her extended tongue inside her tight love hole.

Saoirse was soon lost in her own little world, as she tongued the women, one after the other. No sooner had one arched her back and cum over her face then she was being pulled along on her knees to service the next one.

Finally, she found herself facing her Mistress under the table. She, however, kept her knees firmly pressed together and with a kick of her foot against Saoirse’s leg indicated for her to get up. As she crawled out from under the table, the six women didn’t give her a second glance. They carried on playing their game of whist. She stood for a few seconds, unsure what to do before Rosie stepped forward and took her hand and guided her away and indicated to pick up the tea tray and follow her.


As soon as she had set the tea tray down in the kitchen, Rosie grabbed Saoirse and pressed her against the wall, kissing her deeply and forcefully. Telling her breathlessly between kisses how watching her had made her want her even more. Saoirse’s panties were still lying in a crumpled heap in the dining room and Rosie’s fingers were inside her dress and fingering her wet slit in seconds. Saoirse came almost immediately as the girl fingered her up against the wall. Rosie bit her neck and groped at her small sensitive breasts as she ravaged her. She had two fingers pushed deep inside her. Rosie curled them around, taking Saoirse and using her, Rosie growled and bit Saoirse’s ear as she heard Saoirse gasp and moan and spasm on her hand.

Rosie released her and as Saoirse slumped against the wall,  Rosie wiped her fingers over her face before slapping her gently and telling Saoirse there would be plenty more of that later.

That night, as Saoirse lifted her head from between Rosie’s legs, Rosie told her that the Mistress was having a dinner party at the weekend and Rosie was to teach her how to mix the drinks.


The evening of the dinner party came and Saoirse helped prepare her Mistress. As she lapped the smear of juices from Eilish’s thighs, she was told not to wear any underwear whilst she was serving drinks. Saoirse blushed and murmured “Yes Mistress” before being sent downstairs to help Rosie with the reception.

As she stood holding a tray of drinks, Saoirse leant over and whispered to Rosie that she had been told not to wear any underwear.

I’m not wearing any either,” Rosie replied. “You are on display for the Mistress.”

Saoirse was just about to ask what she meant when a man approached and stood before her.

“Would you care for a drink, Sir?” Saoirse asked politely.

“Thank you, my dear. That’s very kind,” the man replied and Saoirse had to try and keep the tray balanced as she suddenly felt his hand on her thigh, the fingers groping at the hem before slowly sliding up inside her dress. He smiled at her, slowly sipping his whiskey as his hand fumbled beneath her dress. A finger pushed between her legs and he sighed in satisfaction as he checked she wasn’t wearing any panties. He pushed the finger roughly inside her, causing her to wince before he removed it and brought it to his nose.

‘A delightful bouquet,” he sighed and turned and wandered off to rejoin what Saoirse presumed to be his wife.

She had hardly had time to check what Rosie was doing before another man appeared at her side alongside his wife.

The wife didn’t even bat an eyelid as the man reached under her dress and cupped her damp mound. He rubbed his course hand over her pubis while his wife smiled and lifted a sherry from the tray.

Just then, a taller man reached in and took the tray from her hands.

“Excuse me,” he said, smiling, “but I don’t think you will be needing this.”

He placed the tray on the table and turned back to Saoirse. He unzipped his trousers then as he took a firm grip on her hair, he whispered in her ear,

“There’s a good girl now and get down on your knees.”

He pulled downwards on her hair, forcing Saoirse to kneel before him, where she found herself staring straight at his rapidly hardening cock. She swallowed hard and looked up at him. She opened her mouth to tell him she had never done this before but he pushed the cock inside her mouth before she could speak. She looked up at him, her lips wrapped around his shaft as he roughly shoved it in and out of her mouth. It took only a few thrusts before he grimaced and groaned, “Oh fuck you filthy little trollop,” and fired a load of cum into her mouth.

The shock of it caused Saoirse to try and move her head out of the way and as a result, the second load splashed on her chin and down the front of her black dress. She felt the warm cum splash against her face and knelt there as the man hitched up his trousers and wandered off, giving Rosie a slap on the arse as he passed her, telling her he’d see her later.

She was suddenly aware that there were people watching her. As she glanced around the room she saw a few men had approached her, all with their flies undone and now stood in front of her.

One man reached down and guided her face towards him. She obediently opened her mouth and took him the same way as she had done with the last man. This time however she was prepared and when she felt him grip her hair harder and his breathing change she was ready for the hot streams of cum that shot out of the end of his cock.

Just as she started to wonder if she was expected to remain on her knees for the rest of the evening, a gruff voice ordered for her to be lifted onto the table. Two men picked her up and laid her over the table, in much the same position as the ladies had had her in the other day. She lay, face down. Her feet still on the ground and her breasts and face pressed into the wood.

The dress was flipped up amid cries of appreciation and then she felt it. The tip of another cock pressing against her virgin hole.

“Fuck she’s tight boys,” a man groaned as he slowly impaled her. Tears formed in Saoirse’s eyes as the man took her from behind. Roughly taking her virginity. Impregnating her like one of the cattle on her father’s farm. He lasted longer than either of the men who had had her mouth and slowly the pain she felt was replaced by something else. She felt it build inside her. This was different than when her Mistress or Rosie had taken her. This was a raw primal sensation as the man’s cock ploughed deep inside her. The tip of it slamming into her cervix. She had nothing to compare it to but somehow she knew he was big. As his hands gripped her ass cheeks she arched her back and threw her head back and screamed as her first orgasm of the night broke over her.

After that, they just kept her there and used her over and over. Sometimes a man would lift her head by the hair and guide her mouth to his cock while another man took her from behind. She had lost count of how many men had used her and as the clock struck midnight, she felt the last one leave. She lay there. The spunk of a dozen men dribbled down her thighs. She could feel the dried cum on her face as she lay there like a used rag.

As she pulled herself up from the table, she saw Rosie lying slumped naked on the settee. She gingerly walked over to her, feeling the twinges between her legs. Her newly ravaged womb protested with every step. Mrs Galbraith entered at that point and glanced around the room before announcing that they could go off to bed and tidy up in the morning.


As Saoirse lay in bed, she watched as Rosie slept beside her. The girl’s long red curls matted with Saoirse’s juices from the previous night’s lovemaking. She thought about how her life had changed in the couple of months since she had been brought there and how lucky she was to have been chosen by Mrs. Galbraith. Just then Rosie stirred and opened her eyes. She smiled at Saoirse then grimaced.

“Oh no, I think it’s my time of the month again,” she groaned.

Saoirse froze. A sudden realisation dawned on her.

“Rosie,” she whispered in a panicked voice. “I haven’t had my time of the month since I’ve been here.”

“How? What?” Rosie stammered.

“The dinner party,” Saoirse gasped, her hand over her mouth as the realisation dawned on her.

“We must tell Mrs. Galbraith. She’ll know what to do.” Rosie climbed out of bed and quickly got dressed and went to tell her as Saoirse sat on the edge of the bed, frozen with fear.

Rosie was back almost immediately, her face pale and her voice trembled.

“Mrs. Galbraith says to get dressed at once Saoirse. She says she’ll sort it.”

Saoirse walked down the stairs to find Mrs. Galbraith putting on her coat and gloves.

“There you are Saoirse, not to worry. We’ll get you checked out.” Mrs. Galbraith reassured her as she escorted her to the car.

It was only as the car turned into the drive of Sister Mary Magdalene’s Home for Fallen Women that the realisation of what Mrs. Galbraith meant hit Saoirse. As the car pulled up, two nuns approached.

“No, please no Mrs. Galbraith. Please… No… Not the nuns,” Saoirse begged as the door was opened and she was pulled out.

As the nuns led Saoirse away, Eilish could hear her plaintive cries until they faded into the distance.

“Such a shame things didn’t work out Mrs. Galbraith.”

Eilish turned and smiled at the Mother Superior.

“No, well you did warn me. It’s just such a shame I wasn’t able to keep her on the straight and narrow. Still, I know you will take good care of her and the baby here.”

“Indeed we will,” the old nun replied.

“Tell me,” Eilish enquired as she produced her purse from her handbag. “Last time I was here there was a charming young girl with a brunette bob here. Perhaps I might be able to help her instead?”


Published 7 years ago

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