I do not want to feel what I’m feeling.
The times with you I miss so much,
When I would quiver at your touch.
It seems to me my heart is in danger,
You treated me just like a stranger,
But that’s the story of my life.
Few days ago I was your wife,
You held me close and cherished me,
Said you loved me but no longer I see.
I should have listened to those who cared,
The ones who spoke out and who dared,
To question me and how I felt.
Because for you my heart did melt,
But I guess deep down I always new,
I really wasn’t the one for you.
To treat me so dismissively,
I am a person, can’t you see?
Not just a person who can’t type,
Or get you off when your cock is ripe.
What’s the deal with human beings?
Not caring about other’s feelings.
I’m hurting now but I always knew,
That none of what you said was true.
I’m better at poems but not at stories,
I wrote one for you when I was horny.
I know you were so delighted,
You read it and got so excited.
You asked for me to write you more,
I was doing that, it wasn’t a chore.
Always did anything for you,
The way I felt for you was true.
I guess I wanted to believe,
That you would not do that or deceive.
I didn’t listen to anyone else,
So, I guess I will just blame myself.
I need to wise up and grow a pair,
Listen to the ones who really care.
But just so you know, my chest is aching,
I loved you and now my heart is breaking.
But I will survive, I always do.
I wish only good things for you.
Eventually all things end,
To you one last kiss I send.
2014 Copyright Kiera This work may not be copied, transmitted or used in any way, either in part or in full, without the authors express written permission.