“Hello, Johnson Brothers Landscaping, can I help you?” I said, once I could speak again.
“Yes this is Claudia Wentworth. I would like someone from your company to come over and give me an estimate on some work I would like done,” the voice on the other end of the phone said.
“I see. Yes we can come over and discuss your ideas and give you an estimate. How does tomorrow afternoon work for you?”
“Tomorrow afternoon will be fine. I have an appointment at 4:00 in the afternoon but before that I am available.”
“All right then… I can come over and take a look at your plans about 2:00 then.”
“Fine. I will see you then. The address is 1547 Avondale Lane,” she said and hung up. I didn’t know what she had in mind or if we could help her, but I penciled her name and address in my appointment book and then closed up the office and went home.
The next day I drove to the address that Mrs. Wentworth gave me. I knew the area, although I had never done any work in that part of town. Avondale Lane was in the wealthy part of town and the houses and properties were huge there. A lot of people with a lot of money. I was looking forward to this job and I hoped it was going to be a good-sized one… the company could use a windfall right about then, since most of the jobs we had gotten so far that season were just small-time things. We needed something substantial before the close of the season to make our summer worthwhile.
I pulled up to this big iron bar gate and opened the window to push the speaker button announcing my arrival.
“Yes?” the man’s voice from the speaker said.
“Alan Johnson from Johnson Brothers Landscaping here to see Mrs. Wentworth for an estimate of work she wanted to do,” I said into the speaker.
There was a long pause and I was starting to get nervous that this was all just a practical joke, when suddenly I heard a loud buzz and the gate began to open. I let the gate get wide enough for my truck and then drove into the gated property. I drove up to the front of the house on the semi-circular brick driveway. I parked in the front of the house, between the large fountain on the left side of my truck and the house on the right.
The house was one of those huge Colonial type mansions with several big columns in the front and a second story balcony that you could just picture Scarlet O’Hara standing at looking out over the property. I walked up to the immense double front doors and rang the doorbell. A few moments later a man came to the door and ushered me inside.
“You may wait in the study. Mrs. Wentworth will be with you shortly,” the man said. So I took a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk to wait for Mrs. Wentworth. I didn’t have to wait long.
“Ahh, Mr. Johnson, thank you for coming by to see what I had in mind for my property,” she said, as she walked in the room. From the position of the desk and my chair I couldn’t get a good view of my potential client, so I stood and turned to return her greeting.
As I turned to see my host, I was shocked to see a very stunning woman, in her mid to late 30’s standing there in the doorway. Mrs. Wentworth was about five foot five inches tall, with blonde wavy hair that cascaded down her back like a yellow waterfall to just below her shoulder blades. Her hair framed a very lovely face, complete with gorgeous blue eyes and full red lips.
She was dressed very stylishly, in a figure-flattering shimmering gold, mid-thigh length dress with a deep V neckline that accentuated her lovely breasts nicely. She had matching gold ankle-strap six inch high heels which brought her eye level with my six foot height. Her makeup was flawless and she looked like she was on her way to an evening out.
I shook off my surprised appreciation and took her hand, shaking it lightly. “Thank you Mrs. Wentworth for considering our company for your needs. Shall we see what we can do for you?” I said.
“Straight to the business at hand… I admire that. But please, call me Claudia. Mrs. Wentworth is so formal and wordy!” she said.
“Very well, Claudia. You can call me Alan then,” I replied.
She smiled, “Alan it is then. Would you like a cup of coffee or something while we talk?”
“A cup of coffee would be nice,” I said. She buzzed the man who had seen me inside.
“Yes ma’am?” he said.
“Yes, bring us a couple cups of coffee please, Thomas. How do you take yours, Alan?” she asked.
“Just black will be fine,” I said to him.
“Very well, I shall return momentarily,” he said, turning to leave.
“Now then shall we get started?” she said. “What I would like to do is create a garden area in the back of the house. I would like a stone pathway that takes you through the gardens. I want a small coy pond with a nice bench for sitting while watching the fish. I want a variety of flowers lining the pathway with some low bushes such as juniper to provide ground cover and taller hedges and shaped bushes for privacy and art elements,” she explained. She’d had a drawing made of her property so she could show me what she was looking for. I had to admit, the lady had good taste and knew what she liked!
“Yes, I can see your vision, Claudia, and it looks wonderful. I am certain we can give you all you ask for here easily enough. If you’d like I can go back to my office and draw you up an estimate and get back to you with the costs and timeline we would be looking at to do the job,” I said.
“There’s no need for an estimate, Alan. If you say you can do the job, you have it. Money is no object for me, results are all that I care about,” she said, reaching out to place her hand over mine. She gave my hand a small squeeze and I wasn’t sure, but I thought I felt something more than “business” in that touch.
I went back to the office to start working on Mrs. Wentworth’s project. I didn’t give the handholding thing any more thought, I was sure I was just imagining things. I had to get my crew up to speed as well as get in touch with my suppliers to get the materials needed to complete the work. So after a few days of phone calls, office work and planning, I was ready to begin the work.
“Hello, Mrs. Wentworth please, this is Alan Johnson, from Johnsons Brothers Landscaping calling,” I said.
“Just a moment,” the voice said.
Presently I heard Claudia’s voice. “Hello Alan, I was just thinking about calling you!” she said.
“Well, I got everything ready to begin work. I was hoping we could get together one more time before I get started just incase I missed something,” I said.
“Yes that would be fine. How does tomorrow look for you? I am open all day,” she said.
“Tomorrow would be great… say about 2:00?” I said.
“That would be fine. I will see you at 2:00 tomorrow then. I am looking forward to getting this project going!” she said.
The next day I was preparing to meet with Claudia and I made sure I had everything I needed for the meeting. I drove over to her place and was once again ushered inside.
Claudia showed up once again looking stunning and we went into the living room this time where she said we would be much more comfortable.
Her home was magnificent and I was totally awestruck by the size and decor of the place. I would have liked to have had the money they spent just in living room furniture!
“You have a spectacular home, Claudia. You and Mr. Wentworth must be very happy here,” I said.
“Well Mr. Wentworth doesn’t spend much time here. In fact, he is gone much more than he is home,” she said with a soft sigh.
“Oh? What does Mr. Wentworth do that would take him from such a palatial home as this?” I asked.
“Well, my husband is involved in many things – oil, investments, and such. You see, we come from what is commonly referred to as ‘old money’, meaning that we were born into money. My husband learned how to manage investments and he takes care of where and how we spend the money so we will always be able to live this way,” she said.
“He must be very good at it. This place is breathtaking,” I said.
“Thank you, Alan. But as grand as this place is, it can be a cold and lonely place sometimes,” she said. I didn’t know it at the time, but this last statement was going to turn out to be quite prophetic.
After we talked about the ideas and plans for her backyard garden, we decided to go out and see the area firsthand.
We went out through the French doors that led onto the big back deck and I was able to get an overlay of the area from the high deck. Once I saw the area I would be dealing with, we went down the stairs to the ground level itself for a walkthough.
We were walking through what would soon be her backyard garden, and I was pointing out what would go where and walking down the imaginary stone path I would create. As I talked and told her how I would lay everything out, she suddenly took my arm.
“Everything sounds so beautiful, Alan. I can’t wait to see it finished!” she said. Her voice had a different sound to it and with her pressed up against me as we walked, I turned to her.
“Claudia?” I asked, wondering what was happening.
She turned to face me. “Alan, you don’t know what my life is like. You see a rich woman living a life of luxury and affluence… a life apparently free from worry and care. But really the truth is far different. Yes, I have all the money I could possibly want and I have people at my beck and call. But money truly isn’t everything. This house, for all its elegance and grandeur, is a very lonely place for a woman who needs someone to love her,” she said, her voice quivering as she spoke.
“What about your husband? I know he is away a lot but what about when he is home?” I asked.
“Donald and I haven’t been close for a long time. He has his work and his life with his friends. Even on the rare occasions he is here to get his clothes washed and repack his suitcases, we aren’t really together. We haven’t been intimate in years,” she confessed.
“You mean you haven’t…?” I said shocked.
“No, I didn’t say that. I just haven’t with him. Alan, I am a very passionate woman and I have certain needs that have to be fulfilled. Unfortunately my husband doesn’t understand or appreciate that fact. So I have had to look elsewhere for my fulfillment,” she said.
“Well, Claudia, I am so sorry to hear this… but what does it have to do with me?” I asked.
“Alan, I’m not going to lie to you. I find you extremely attractive – I have since we first met. That’s part of why you got the job. I told you that money is no object, I found you attractive, you said you could do the job, so you got it,” she said. Now the handholding thing made sense!
I looked at Claudia Wentworth in a different light at that moment. Not as some wealthy woman interested in making her spectacular home even more so. Not as a spoiled woman with more money than she knew what to do with. But as a woman so trapped by the life she found herself in that she was miserable. Trapped by the very thing most of us would give our eye teeth to have more of. Claudia Wentworth was literally drowning in her own money.
Then I did something so outrageous that to this day I still can’t believe I had the nerve. I took Claudia, my client, into my arms, lifted her tear-streaked face to mine, and kissed her. Not just a small peck on the cheek kiss either – I kissed her long and deep and intimately.
Claudia melted in my arms as I drew her in closer. I tasted her sweet lips as I crushed my mouth to hers, and I heard the soft moan of desire as it escaped her mouth, only to be captured in mine. She put her arms around my neck and clung tightly to me, unwilling to let me go. And truth be told I wasn’t sure I wanted to be let go. This warm, sensuous, beautiful woman felt very good in my arms, and the softness of her body, the scent of her hair, and the soft moans she was breathing out were beginning to have a definite effect on my cock!
Claudia pressed herself closer to me and felt the growing bulge in my crotch. She moaned louder, knowing that she wasn’t the only one feeling the moment. She reached down and gripped my cock through my pants and squeezed it, feeling my hardness and size. She pulled back a bit and looked into my face, her eyes flicking back and forth searching for something from me.
“What about Thomas?” I said.
“Thomas is loyal to me. He won’t say anything,” she whispered, her voice already tinged with lust.
I reached down and swept Claudia’s legs up and carried her back to the house. As I got to the top of the stairs and crossed the deck, Thomas opened the French doors for us and stood aside as I walked past.
“Thank you, Thomas,” I said as I walked past him.
“Not at all, sir,” he replied as he closed the doors again. I carried Claudia to the bedroom as she directed me and when we reached the bedroom, I laid her down on her huge king-sized bed.
“Please understand… normally, I am not nearly so forward Alan, nor so easy to get into bed. But, to be honest, I believe that you have something that I really need right now!”
“Oh?” I asked toying with her a bit and adding to the tension.
“I think you know what I mean Alan.
I did not have to think for very long. Claudia was extremely good looking, and it had been too long since the last time I had been with a woman. I could already feel my cock straining against my blue jeans, waiting for an opportunity to prove itself to her. If she wanted to be pounded, my cock would be her hammer!
Claudia saw my acceptance of her suggestion in my eyes and immediately took control of the situation. “Take it out for me, Alan. Let me see your big, fucking cock!”
I was a little surprised by my employers choice of language. Somehow, the use of profanity coming from such a “lady” was a real turn-on. It certainly seemed to get her aroused and excited. I didn’t need to be asked twice. I took a step closer to her and stood there as she reached out and unfastened my belt and jeans. She pulled my pants and boxers down together slowly, as if unsure if she wanted to know what lay beneath. Finally my clothes slipped down my legs and my eight inches of erect cockmeat sprung up in front of her.
Claudia gasped as she saw my hard cock spring to attention in front of her and she licked her lips appreciatively. She could feel her moistness between her thighs increasing as she reached out for my large cock and pulled me slowly towards her.
She opened her lips and accepted the head of my cock head between them, forming a tight seal around my shaft. I groaned as her tongue danced seductively over the tip as her slender ruby-tipped fingers stroked along the underside of my long shaft. Her long digits eventually found their way down to my large cum heavy testicles where she playfully teased the sack making me twitch again inside her mouth and throb gently.
Claudia knew that she was good at this – sucking cock was sort of a specialty of hers and she fully expected me to cum at any moment. She was not disappointed. A few more seconds of her expert tongue rolling over my distended and swollen knob and she felt my hips jerk.
“Oh fuck! I’m cumming! I’m cumming!” I cried out as I felt my cock explode inside her mouth. She felt my hot sticky cum hit the back of her throat forcefully, filling her mouth and she took every drop, not spilling any until I had emptied my balls of their load.
She watched me as I filled her mouth with my white treasure and when the pulsing jets had stopped she opened her mouth, showing me that she was still carrying my seed.
“Swallow.” I commanded and smiling she downed the mouthful and then opened up to prove she had done it.
I took her head in my hands and pulled her back onto my cock. “Clean up your mess slut,” I said. She accepted this extra pressure without gagging, and took me deep into her throat and milked the remaining cum from my cock. She pulled back slowly, lips sealed tightly around my shaft, my cock coming out spotlessly clean as she sucked the last drops from it.
Claudia licked the semen from her lips with slow, lustful sweeps of her long, pink tongue. “Mmmm, I just love the taste of cum, and yours is delicious!” she said, savoring the salty taste and licking her fingers.
Then she laid back on the bed with her legs hanging over the edge and me standing above her as she spoke.
“I think that you should now tend to MY garden, Mr. Johnson!” she said, playfully biting a red nail.
I watched transfixed as my attractive employer quickly began pulling the dress from her shoulders in front of me. The dress was quite form-fitting and expensive looking, but Claudia seemed not to care as she virtually ripped it from her body and tossed it casually onto the floor. I stared slack-jawed at her 34-24-34 body. She seemed almost perfect; almost goddess-like.
Her large firm D-cup breasts tilted upwards beautifully. Tipped with hard, ripe nipples that seemed to throb as I watched at them. My eyes moved slowly downwards, taking in her flat, tanned stomach and long tapered legs. She still wore the tiny pink panties that were tight enough to show the outline of her tight well-formed pussy. It was my turn now to lick my lips as I watched the attractive woman peel the last remaining garment over the swell of her hips and down her long, lean legs.
As Claudia parted her long legs, I received my first real look at her perfect hairless pussy. The folds of her labia opened like a blooming flower and I could plainly see the obvious signs of her lust as the lips glistened wetly even in the dimmed light of the bedroom. I knew exactly what she needed and I was not about to let her down.
Kneeling between her wide-spread thighs, I used my fingers to gently peel back her inner lips and lowered my head towards her treasure box. Her sweet, musky aroma filled my nostrils as my tongue made first contact with her engorged clitoris. Claudia gasped at the touch and I furthered her pleasure with several long sweeping strokes of my tongue. Her juices began flowing freely and I felt her body arch as I pushed the tip of my tongue deeper into her warm, slick hole.
Claudia screamed out as she felt her pussy penetrated by the wet, slippery invader. She thought that she was good at giving head, and she was, but I was no slouch and kept up with her oral skills. Every nerve in her body seemed to center on her clitoris as I worked her closer and closer towards an inevitable, incredible orgasm. She could feel herself approaching the edge of sanity as my tongue plunged in and out of her wet pussy, detouring every now and then to slither over the puckered opening of her ass. Then it happened. The sensation seemed to build from the tips of her toes and tremble through her entire body. She could not stop her legs from shaking as the climax surged through her body. Her back arched nearly a foot from the sofa as she spread her legs as wide as possible and released her fluid onto my face.
“OhhhmyyyGGodddd!! Ohhhh, I’m cuumminnnggg!” she screamed at the top of her lungs as her dam burst. The huge room resounded with her screams and wails as wave after tremendous wave crashed over her and she writhed and twisted and bucked trying to dislodge my tongue from her cunt. I hung on for dear life, still continuing to lick and lap at her gushing slit even as she went through the throes of her orgasm.
When Claudia had recovered from her earth-shattering orgasm and caught her breath, she excused herself to go to the bathroom to “freshen up”. When she returned, she glanced over at me sitting on the bed next to her. She smiled as she saw I was already fully recovered and ready for further action.
This time, however, there was to be no subtlety. As Claudia returned to the bedside to join me, I grabbed her firmly and forcefully around the waist. Claudia gasped and squealed like a schoolgirl as she felt my strong, muscular hands take hold of her and pull her towards me. I tossed her onto the bed.
“On your knees slut, I’m going to fuck that ass you’ve been shaking at me all day!” I growled.
“Oh yes! I love being fucked in the ass!” she said, quickly getting into position. She knelt on the bed with her knees wide apart, her face on the bed and her breasts rubbing against the sheets. I moved in behind her and as I sat back on my heels on the bed, I began rubbing her still dripping pussy with my hand as she began moaning and pushing back against my hand.
“Ohhhh… ohhhh, yess….” she cooed as I prepared her pussy again. I slapped her ass as I toyed with her pussy, causing her to squeal again and raise her ass higher.
“Please, Alan, please fuck me…” she moaned.
With her pleading, I saw an opportunity to not only “own” this rich slut, but to drive her wild in the process.
“Oh come now… surely a dirty little fuckslut like you can beg harder than that! Now show me that you want fucked. Prove how much you want my cock!” I said, slapping her ass again.
“Oh God, Alan! Oh please… please fuck me! I need your cock in my pussy so bad! Oh fuck me! Fuck, me damn you!” she cried out, pushing her ass back at me hard.
“You want me to stick my cock in your dirty little cunt?” I said teasing her more.
“Yes! Fuck my dirty cunt! Oh Alan, fuck me please! Fuck my cunt, fuck my ass… I don’t care, just fuck me!” she said. She was almost to the point of crying her need was so great. My plan had worked – the woman was mine.
She gasped as she felt my hard, thick tool pierce her moist lips and enter her most private area. I pushed into her deeply and filled her so completely she sensed she could feel my cock probing at the entrance to her womb. As I rammed my cock home, I reached up and hauled her head back by her long blonde hair and grabbed her throat, squeezing just enough to let her know she was mine now.
“Play with your clit, slut. Play with your clit while I fuck your cunt!” I growled into her ear. She whimpered at the suggestion and did as I said, reaching between her legs to strum her throbbing button.
Before she knew what was happening, I had let go of her throat and my fingers were spreading her firm buttocks and exposing her tight pink anus. She screamed out in her second orgasm as she felt my long finger penetrate her tiny puckered hole even as her pussy was still being pummeled by my big cock. Her climax seemed to increase as she pushed back against my cock and finger grinding her pussy firmly onto my groin to ensure that his penetration was as deep as possible and wriggling her ass as she enjoyed my finger pushed deep into her ass. Upon this encouragement, I added a second finger to her ass and she moaned louder. Her legs shook violently as she came and came. It was glorious!
I kept up the hard, brutal fucking and my fingering her ass even as she was wracked by one orgasm after another. I loved seeing her writhe and moan and twist and buck as she struggled to fight this hopeless battle. The harder I thrust my rigid cock into her tight, wet pussy, the harder she seemed to slam her body back to meet it. I was aware of her almost continuous orgasm and as I held onto her slender hips and grasped her engorged nipples between his fingers, I knew that I would be joining her very soon.
“That’s it, fuck my cock! Fuck my cock you filthy slut!” I growled, slapping her ass for emphasis. She moaned her response and kept shoving herself back, impaling herself on me over and over. Sweat was dripping off both of us from our exertion and our breathing was coming in ragged desperate gasps.
I could feel the walls of her vagina gripping my cock tightly as I pounded into her and I knew I was at the point of no return. One last thrust and I wrapped an arm tightly around her waist, holding me inside her as deep as I could possibly go. I leaned over and bit her shoulder as I hurtled over the edge and plummeted into the black abyss. My cry of lust was almost drowned out by hers as we both came together in a thunderous roar.
As I felt my searing cum surge from the tip of my cock and fill Claudia’s pussy, I held this beautiful, sexy, wanton woman in my arms, still not truly believing that I was the one she had chosen to give herself to. As our storm clouds parted and we collapsed in a panting, sweaty heap on the bed, I found the strength to pull her close and hold her as we retuned slowly to earth once more.
I saw Claudia for several years after that. We dated quite frequently and had many wonderful times together. During the time I worked on her property, we spent lunchtimes together – while my crew went off to have their own lunches, I had mine wrapped in a beautiful Claudia-shaped package! And after work I spent many hours putting in some “overtime” there.
After the work was done, we continued to see each other a couple times a week and just about every weekend. We enjoyed each other’s company and of course the sex was always great!
Even though we weren’t real secretive about things, we would meet in public places and dated almost as if we were both single, Donald didn’t bother us. Either he remained somehow oblivious to our relationship or he didn’t care, but he made no motion to stop us.
Thomas did indeed stay loyal to Claudia. I think he was just happy his friend and employer had finally found someone who made her happy and he and I became good friends because of how I treated her.
One day when I went to see her, Claudia sat me down and told me that she had received news that Donald had been involved in a terrible plane crash. His private jet was coming in for a landing at some airport and had been hit by a wind shear, slamming it to the ground about a mile away from the runway and killing him. I would have consoled her at her loss, but she didn’t really seem to need it. That is when the enormity of her lonely life hit me. I was glad that I was able to help fill the hole that she’d had in her life. I made a promise to myself and to her not to let that hole get empty again.