The Keyholder Pt 6

"Amy gives Ben’s chastity key to his ex-girlfriend"

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Ben was now back in his original Prince Albert cock cage, over which he wore his full steel chastity belt. Amy held the keys to both.

Living with his chastity keyholder kept Ben in a state of constant arousal and longing. The keys were just so close, with one of their favourite hiding places being the front pocket of Amy’s jeans. Well, whether the keys liked it there or not didn’t really matter, as neither they nor Ben had any say on when they would come out.

Amy knew full well that it was a teasingly cruel place to keep them. Ben never had a chance to sneak the keys while she was out; wherever Amy’s jeans went both the keys and Ben’s eyes would follow.

Relaxing on the sofa at night, Ben would become aroused, lean across, and kiss her. His libido would grow, but his cock would remain a one-inch-long stub, encased in unbreakable steel. He would run his hands across her body and kiss her breasts, tantalisingly on show through her low-cut top. Her jeans would be taut around her hips, effectively sealing closed her pockets and shutting away her beautiful legs and hips that Ben so wanted to touch. He would caress the keys through the soft warm denim and kiss her again.

On this occasion, Amy pulled her legs up in front of her, showing her toned butt but creating a barrier between them and crushing the keys even more closely against her inner thigh.

“I bumped into your ex-girlfriend, Louisa,” she whispered.

Fuck. Ben stopped, his hopes of seeing his cock that evening vanished with just the word ‘Louisa’.

“I know I was jealous of her, but she’s okay,” Amy continued.

Ben’s cock felt hopelessly trapped, faced with the almost impossible task of reassuring his insecure woman and making her feel special again before the keys would ever see the light of day.

“I thought she could hold one of your keys for a bit?”

“What?” Ben stared open-mouthed.

Amy had found herself unlocking Ben more and more often as their relationship and love for each other grew. Despite her love of teasing and denying him, she felt that they had lost some of the danger, excitement, and longing of their early relationship. Maybe an external keyholder could bring back the edge, creating a feeling of real frustration, being truly under inescapable lock and key.

Ben and Amy had discussed the idea of an external keyholder, but her choice of Louisa, a stunning blonde extrovert and Ben’s ex-girlfriend was a shock.

“I’ll hold the key to your belt,” Amy breathed, “… so nothing can happen without my consent, but we’ll need Louisa’s key to get to your cock.”


Anticipation filled the room as Amy and Louisa sat on one sofa and Ben on the other. Amy had got to know Louisa better than she had let on, and the two of them chatted like old friends as Ben poured the wine.

Louisa, the younger, overtly stunning blonde seemed in awe of her older and more seductively smouldering friend. Louisa wore a pink cardigan with a tiny grey flared skirt and her bare thighs, clinched leg over leg seemed to dominate the room. Her blonde hair was silky and her smile permanent, but somehow Amy no longer felt threatened by her. Ben’s overwhelming love made her feel safe, and despite just wearing jeans and a white cotton top, she knew that Ben was still looking at her.

“The only key to Ben’s Prince Albert,” Amy announced, placing the single silver key on Louisa’s lap.

Ben’s eyes were transfixed. His freedom was sitting right there on Louisa’s lap.

“You decide when you give it back,” Amy breathed.

“Fuck… So cool,” Louisa whispered, grabbing the key in her closed fist, and holding it to her chest.

“But please don’t lose it!”

Louisa slowly pushed it inside her bra and then winked at Ben as if challenging him to retrieve it, “Maybe I’ll leave it there while I make love to my new guy,” she smiled seductively.

Ben tried to adjust his crushed and tormented steel crotch as he looked at her, “New guy?”

“Yeah,” Louisa sighed, unconvinced and with a longing gaze in her eyes, “I wish I had that cheating fuck in chastity.”


With the long legs, short skirt and Ben’s key gone, Ben took Amy’s hand and led the aroused woman back to their bedroom. He pulled off her top and bra and straddled her on the bed as he kissed her breasts. He stripped down to his glinting chastity belt and kissed Amy again.

“Please, darling,” he panted, his cock pounding inside its cage.

“Are we going to regret giving that key to Louisa?” Amy panted.

“Fuck, I already am….”

Amy stripped off her warm jeans and straightened her black silk underwear that had endured a steamy morning. She took the key and unlocked the belt. Ben’s testicles hung down beneath a short silver cage that contained his cock. Amy wrapped her manicured hands around his balls and watched his eyes lose focus and melt away as she massaged them.

“Oh fuck, let’s do it,” Ben cried, his fingers trying to prise open the small steel tube.

“Oh, darling,” Amy exclaimed, “Have you ever known me not to lock you down properly!”

“Spare key?”

“Only key is in your ex’s fucking bra!”

Amy pulled back her dark hair to reveal longing and desperately aroused eyes. She loved the excitement and the raw emotion of their predicament. They physically couldn’t make love because of another woman. It was crazily frustrating but to her, crazily sexy. That bitch would make love to her man with Ben’s key still between her tits, leaving Amy with a man with no cock. Fucking she was already wet.

Ben’s head was now down between her legs and quickly bringing her to orgasm. She cried out, her toned body quivering in ecstasy as she grabbed his hair to hold him between her legs. She trembled as the hormones coursed through her body. Ben went again and she held tightly to his head to steady herself. She was still shaking, and Ben’s lips were still in contact with her vagina as she wrapped him up tightly between her thighs in a loving, but inescapable embrace.


It was almost a week later when Amy and Ben met Louisa and her new guy at the bar. Louisa looked stunning, her blonde hair cascading down over her short tight red dress. Amy would normally have been intimidated by her full breasts and exposed tanned thighs but was strangely excited by the thought that this tall, blatantly sexual woman held the key to her man’s cock.

“You look lovely,” Ben whispered to Louisa as they kissed on the cheek. A moment later and Amy said the same thing as she also hugged the keyholding blonde.

Louisa grinned, playing teasingly with her curls as her eyes flicked between Amy and Ben. With her date at the bar, she leaned in between then and licked her lips, “Did you make love today?” she breathed.

“You know the answer,” Ben winced, her words seemingly shrinking his cock cage.

“I will tonight…” Louisa teased.

Thrilled by her power high, Louisa leaned forward and kissed Amy on the lips. Amy smiled and edged forward on her stool, pushed her leg between Louisa’s bare thighs as she kissed her back.

“You girls enjoying yourselves?” Ben panted, his cock aching from sight of his keyholders kissing.

“Girl on girl while you’re in your cage,” Louisa teased, her hand resting beneath Amy’s black cocktail dress, “fuck that’s cruel.”


With the prospect of sleeping with her date all too vanilla, Louisa had made her excuses and joined Ben and Amy at their apartment.

Ben, knowing that he was outnumbered, tried to take control by wrapping his arms around Amy’s waist and kissing the giggling drunk brunette. He loved Amy’s wild nature, her fetishes and the fact that she occasionally flirted with women, but his cock had barely been able to resist the sight of her with Louisa.

“Should we chain his hands to his cock,” Louisa interrupted, pulling Ben’s head to the side and placing her freshly glossed lips on his.

“What?” Ben protested.

“Or I could leave now,” Louisa threatened, turning and rubbing her silk-covered butt against Amy’s short dress.

Amy quickly stepped in to prevent a fight and held her finger to Ben’s lips as she led him back to their bedroom. Amid deep kisses, she stripped off his clothes and used her key, which dangled from the back of her thong, to unlock Ben’s chastity belt. She then handcuffed her naked lover’s wrists together, “Don’t worry, I’ll look after you,” Amy whispered as Louisa joined them in their bedroom.

Amy gestured for Ben to lie down on the bed and then sat astride his waist with his cuffed wrists stretched up towards the headrest. Louisa was fidgeting, desperate for a chance to join in.

“Take a seat,” Amy smiled at the overly eager blonde. Louisa let out a giggle and then climbed onto the bed and sat down on top of Ben’s outstretched arms with her feet folded beneath her.

Ben tried to look up from between Louisa’s thighs, but the blonde eased forward, stowing Ben’s head safely inside her dress. He wanted to watch and twisted and pulled in an attempt to free himself from the two women who were straddling his body.

“Blindfolded inside your dress… cool,” Amy purred.

“Fuck, I love it,” Louisa breathed, still riding the efforts of the hopelessly captive male.

Amy looked down at Ben’s small silver stud that sadly limped between her open legs, “That’s all he has,” she breathed as she stroked his balls.

“Oh fuck, if only all men could be kept this way…” Louisa leaned forward hoping to kiss Amy.

“Your choice Lou,” Amy whispered, “if you keep the key Ben will stay like this.”

“Just a brief reprieve… and only while we’re sitting on him,” Louisa trembled as she fished around inside her bra and pulled the key from beneath her swollen breasts. There was a moan from inside her skirt as Amy unlocked him and gently massaged him to size.

“Wow!” Louisa mouthed.

Amy pursed her lips as she placed lubricant on his cock, pulled her panties to one side and slowly lowered herself down onto the faceless man’s penis, “First time won’t take long,” she breathed, sitting up straight and gently thrusting down.

Ben climaxed; his shaking body easily held in placed beneath them. With Ben still inside her, Amy propped her hands against Ben’s chest and kissed Louisa again, “Oh fuck,” Louisa trembled, “this is so cool.”

Amy was now using her tongue, “Squeeze your thighs tighter, I don’t want Ben to hear…” she whispered as the women kissed.

Ben was already hard and frustrated by the humiliation of being stuck inside his ex-girlfriend’s skirt as the woman made out above him. His arms were aching from Louisa’s weight, but his outstretched fingers could only just touch the red fabric that wrapped around her hips.

“Sit on his face,” Amy breathed as she kissed Louisa’s neck, “Let’s humble him.”

Louisa unhooked her dress from around Ben’s head and placed her tacky butt directly onto her ex-boyfriend’s face, her thong doing little to shield him from her body.

“Breath play really works for him,” Amy mouthed as she eased his cock back inside her, “Let’s see if I orgasm before you asphyxiate him…”

Ben was thrashing about, his chained hands managing to lift Louisa from his face for just a second before her full weight re-landed. Ben and Amy were getting close, even Louisa was aroused as she rode Ben’s face like a wild bull, his saliva and her perspiration making it harder to grip.

Only once Ben and Amy had climaxed did Louisa lift up and allow Ben to gasp in some breaths. In appreciation of the blonde’s actions which may have saved his life, Ben peppered Louisa’s thighs and butt with kisses.

“See, he still likes you,” Amy smiled.

“He’s just pleased to be breathing…”

Louisa loved the feel of Ben’s warm breath pumping against her damp thong and his gentle lips against her panties. She waited and watched happily as Amy threaded the chastity cage back through Ben’s piercing and locked him back down to his one inch. Ben’s cock crushed under Amy’s expert touch until the metal pieces touched and the lock inserted and turned.

“Wow is that all he gets?” Louisa asked, aware that Ben’s brief respite had been spent with her on his face.

“It’s a compact package, isn’t it,” Amy smiled, jiggling the beautiful metal object

“It’s so cruel…” Louisa’s sighed, her compassionate mood flowing from the fact that Ben was still kissing between her legs, his tongue now venturing inside her thong, “…oh…. fuck…”

Amy slid forward on Ben’s chest and kissed Louisa as Ben’s tongue flicked against Louisa’s labia and then pushed further inside. Louisa became animated, madly kissing Amy as if they were making love, as if unaware of the man beneath them. Louisa orgasmed, moaning out loud and hugging Amy while her cheeks dropped back down onto Ben’s panting face.

“God you’re sexy,” Louisa trembled.

Amy glowed at the compliment. The women hugged again and sat giggling on top of their chastised captive.

Louisa finally wobbled back onto her heels and looked on in amazement as Amy locked Ben’s full chastity belt over his Prince Albert cock cage and then handcuffed his hands to the belt, “You really keep him locked up like that?” Louisa stammered.

Ben shared a discrete smile with Amy, he knew that she was toying with the attractive, but naïve blonde, “Put him in his box, will you Lou?” she called.

“Oh wow,” Louisa mumbled as she hesitantly led her ex-boyfriend into the spare room and watched him climb into the heavy wooden trunk, “You need to close it Lou, or he tends to climb out…”

With that, Amy closed the lid, sat on it and provocatively crossed her legs. Still unsure of what to do, Louisa followed suit, her tall, toned figure weighing heavily on the lid.

“Wow, if I could hire you for the night, I wouldn’t have to padlock the box,” Amy breathed, still fascinated, and aroused by the younger woman’s body.

Amy padlocked it anyway and then led the stunned blonde out of the small room and locked the door behind them. She withdrew the door key which she tossed vaguely towards her handbag but clattered onto the floor and skidded under the sofa.

Louisa looked on in awe. No wonder Ben loved her; she had a brooding controlling sexuality that Louisa was also starting to find addictive.

The women finished their wine before Amy showed Louisa to the door. She then walked barefoot back to her room where she slipped out of her dress and lay back, giggling on the bed. That had been so much fun, kissing a cute girl and totally exorcising her jealousy of Louisa. She jumped up and pulled on a white tee shirt and blue jeans and slowly meandered back to the spare room and unlocked the box, “Did you like that, darling?” she smiled.

Ben’s contented smile beamed up at her, “I think she’s into you.”

“She’s a tart.”

Ben struggled to sit up with his chained hands and strained upwards to kiss Amy’s lips, “So you are my only keyholder again?”

“Yes… the keys are back in the safety of my pocket… and that’s where they’re staying tonight.

Ben’s heart skipped a beat.

He scrambled out of the box and followed Amy’s provocative jeans back to the lounge. They sat down on the sofa where Amy threw her legs over her partner and snuggled up to him beneath a blanket, “This is so nice,” she purred.

Halfway through the movie and Amy was already asleep. Ben could feel the keys in her jeans pocket but had no desire to remove them. He leaned to the side and lay down on the sofa. Amy now lying on top of him and soon they were both asleep.


It was a few weeks later and Ben sat on the beach enjoying the view from their deserted Maldives retreat. With no one else in sight, he had stripped off his black board shorts and was stroking the small silver chastity cage that, as always, hung limply between his legs.

He ran his fingers over his balls and enjoyed the tickling sensation and the resultant pressure building up his cage. He then touched the steel cage, much of which was a solid tube, but as always there was little sensation and certainly no erection. He wiped away the sand and turned the cage so he could look into the dark interior of the small keyhole, wondering when Amy might next let him out to play.

It had been his choice to give up control of his cock to a girl and the girl he had chosen seemed increasingly besotted with the arrangement. Her delight in locking him up was all too contagious.

Not having access to his own cock was now normal for Ben; he spent at least ninety-five percentage of his life this way. His penis was just one of Amy’s sex toys, no different from her vibrator. An object that belonged to her and one that she only brought out to satisfy her sexual desires. If she could keep it locked away in her cupboard she would, but unfortunately, it was attached between his legs and therefore the need for the cage.

While the cage stripped Ben of his penis, it was strangely sexual. It focused his thoughts and sexual desires on the woman who held his key, to the point that even a passing thought about Amy brought Ben to arousal. The cage would kill any erection of course, but it felt comforting, like a hug for his cock as it tried to swell before withering away.

The chastity cage seemed to give Amy superpowers. A sexy outfit or even just a teasing smile would have a huge impact on Ben’s chastised mind, dropping him immediately back under her spell. New provocative lingerie could literally bring Ben to his knees from where he would beg for his freedom. Yet somehow, Amy’s body and the playful look in her eyes could turn this pain into pleasure.

His cock swelled again, like a Pavlov dog, as he watched Amy walk towards him on the beach, her rolling hips silhouetted against the sun. She was dressed in a hot pink, tie-up bikini that miraculously clung to her tanned body. Before tying the bikini bottoms around her waist, Amy had threaded the bikini strap through Ben’s chastity key. The key was now an integral part of her outfit, bouncing around against her right hip.


“You’ve got a sandy butt,” Ben smiled, pleased for an excuse to touch Amy’s bottom, and straighten her bikini that had started to ride up between her cheeks.

“Thank you,” she replied demurely from beneath large sunglasses and a wide-brimmed white hat, “I love a naked man on the beach…”

“You know I could be completely naked…?”

Ben spread his muscular legs and played hopefully with his one-inch silver stump.

“What girl could resist,” Amy giggled.

Amy nudged Ben’s face with her tanned thigh and waited for him to rub more sun cream into her legs, “Just as well you make up for it in other ways,” she winked.

Amy’s cream-covered legs and the dangling key were causing pleasant havoc inside Ben’s chastity cage which he rhythmically stroked with his hand, “Smallest cock on the island,” Amy teased.

Ben smiled, he loved the beautiful teasing sensation inside the cage, not that he was going to admit that to his giggling sadistic keyholder.

“Well given that you can’t impress any of the beautiful women on this island,” Amy smiled mischievously, rubbing her bikini bottoms against Ben’s face, “Why don’t I bury you!”


Ben started to dig a narrow but deep hole as Amy meandered back up to their villa, happily humming a tune as her hips bounced to the beat. When Amy’s bare feet squelched back across the warm white sand, she had a pair of handcuffs and a padlock hanging from her bikini.

“Love the prison guard attire,” Ben smiled, and playfully slapped her butt before jumping back into the hole to continue to dig.

“Hey, my bottom might remember that when you’re buried,” Amy replied indignantly, “For a helpless head, my bottom could be your worst enemy!” Amy flicked off her wide-brimmed hat and shook out her hair.

Ben was now standing in the hole with the beach at neck level as Amy sat down on the edge. The sand gave way under her weight, partly burying her victim. She glanced up and down the empty beach before reaching in and handcuffing Ben’s hands to his chastity cage. She then tried to clamber back out, but again the hole collapsed in, bringing more of the sand crashing down on the fast-disappearing man.

“Very elegant,” Ben teased, touching his cage with his hands.

“Really?” Amy retorted, looking down over the top of her sunglasses, “just think about your predicament, darling.”

Amy’s long legs towered above him as she kicked the sand back into the hole, occasionally knocking her feet against his head. With the hole now completely filled, and with only Ben’s head poking out from the sand, Amy stamped her bare feet back and forth, compressing the sand even more tightly around him.

“Okay, I’m buried,” Ben panted, a little concerned that every step of Amy’s bare feet compressed him even more tightly.

Still Amy’s bikini body continued to pace, compacting him closely into the damp sand, as her long, tanned legs towered even higher above him. She then resorted to two-footed jumps, her sandy feet landing less than an inch from Ben’s head. Amy tapped the key that dangled from her bikini as she jumped, her breasts and bottom bouncing, threatening to escape her bikini.

Amy finally stopped to catch her breath and then knelt down above what was now only a head. She slowly sat back on her haunches until Ben’s face pushed against her crotch, his loving eyes straining to see past her hot pink bikini.

“The sand feels like concrete,” Ben heaved, his chest tight from the pressure.

“Mmm… and it’s closing it in even more under my weight.” She bounced her bikini butt on the sand to demonstrate.

Amy toyed with the key that hung from her bikini, “I love how there is nothing on this island that could cut you out of that chastity cage… if I threw this key into the sea, your chastity would be physically permanent until we leave.”

“Don’t you want to make love?” croaked the desperate voice from between her thighs.

“Oh I can get my fun like this,” Amy breathed, untying her bikini bottom and pressing herself against Ben’s lips.

“No,” Ben croaked as he tried to avoid stimulating her naked vagina.

“Oh darling, do you really want to disappoint me?”

Amy’s body had drifted into her dreamy state that she often progressed to when she had complete control. Arguing with her in this state was futile and even dangerous. With his body crushed under the weight of both the sand and the aroused woman, he pressed his lips against her and once again brought her to orgasm.

“Oh fuck!” Ben was trembling, desperate for Amy, “Please unlock me…” his voice trailed off as he saw the tease in Amy’s big eyes.

“Your cock is institutionalised, darling; it couldn’t survive in the big world.”

“It could survive while we make love?”

“Mmm, not sure…” Amy’s shimmering sandy body was writhing in ecstasy, her naked crotch and strong thighs playing teasingly with Ben’s helpless head.

“The key’s right there,” he begged, seeing the single key half buried in sand, still attached to Amy’s discarded bikini.”

“Yes, but all that trouble of turning the key…”

Ben was trembling and moaning, perspiration dripping into his dilated eyes.

“We both know you love your cage,” Amy breathed, all dreamy eyes and long legs as she stood up.

“You look beautiful from down here,” Ben replied wistfully.

“We’ll make love tonight,” Amy purred.

“You’re leaving me here?”

Amy stopped and crouched down, “Oh that’s so sweet… you look just like you did when I first put you in chastity… gorgeous eyes unsure whether to trust or fear me,” Amy let out an inadvertent giggle.

“I seem to spend my life watching you and hoping,” Ben’s eyes blinked away moisture, “especially when you’re in that fucking sexy bikini.”

Amy could feel her heart glow as she edged closer to hug his head, “Did you enjoy that failed orgasm?”

Ben nodded. Even with Amy’s cries at orgasm, he hadn’t gotten close but still, it was nice. Now he watched as Amy tied her bikini straps, tightening the pink Lycra back around her body. She then slipped on her hat and sunglasses and placed her feet within kissing distance of her prisoner. Having a man imprisoned at her feet was cool, especially when he would do anything to please her.  

“Picture us making love tonight,” she whispered.

“Oh yeah!” Ben panted.

Amy paused and smiled, “Good boy,”, her voice throaty from heavy breathing, “I’m going to sunbathe for a while… then take a shower and then maybe I’ll dig you out.”


Amy sat on the balcony of their secluded beachfront villa watching Ben’s head sticking out from the compacted sand. She was pretty sure he couldn’t see her, as she had buried him facing towards the sea, but still she hid discreetly behind her wide-brimmed hat. She was fidgeting impatiently, trying to stop the horny woman inside of her from releasing him too early.

She used to consciously play the ‘mean’ girl, aware that Ben’s enforced punishment and separation were part of the magic of their relationship. Now though, being cruel played to some of her deepest fantasies and inflicting cruelty seemed to calm and satisfy her.

Her glossy lips broke into a wide smile as she remembered how far the tide had come in the night before. If she didn’t free him, Ben would be drowned. She bit her lower lip as her body tingled. She would never ever hurt him, but just the thought of her standing above him in ankle-deep water as he desperately begged for air caused goose bumps to form as her nails caressed her thighs.

‘Stop it,’ she told herself as she slipped into their private plunge pool and kicked off to reach the other side. Ben’s face would be hot and dry, and maybe it would be kind to wrap her wet bikini around his head. Mmm, but then she would then be naked…. almost too many choices to make.

Suddenly she saw a woman walking up towards their end of the beach. Amy grabbed her towel and leap in long strides down to her helpless man. By the time the woman reached them, Amy was kneeling back on her haunches with the towel wrapped over her legs. Ben was now completely out of sight.

“I see you do yoga?” the woman called, before sitting down next to Amy and copying her position.

“Silent meditation,” Amy explained in the hope of discouraging the annoying blonde.

Fuck, Ben’s lips were lapping her vagina again making her breath suspiciously deep and trembly. She stretched her arms forward, laying her chest on her thighs and squeezed her legs in an attempt to immobilise Ben’s mouth. The stupid woman next to her was copying her again!

Amy stretched her arms up and shuffled forward before sinking heavily back down into the sand. She knew she was now putting force on Ben’s neck but at least his tongue was no longer inside her. Thankfully the blonde woman had now taken the hint and had continued her walk along the beach.

“What were you doing Ben?” Amy exclaimed as she shuffled back and parted her sandy thighs just a little, “Did you want me to stand up and say to her, ‘Here, try my head’!”

“She seemed nice…”

“Fuck those hips would have killed you!” Amy exclaimed.

Ben kissed her thigh in atonement. Amy was now smiling, but that didn’t stop her from closing her legs again and leaving Ben to reflect on the error of his ways in the dark compress of her inescapable body.


Digging Ben free from the sand hadn’t been easy, and after a long swim, they had wandered barefoot to the sand-covered beach bar.

“There’s your yoga girl,” Amy whispered, pointing to the bar, “Go talk to her.”

“Yes, but you’ve made it clear I have the smallest cock on the island…”

“Mmm and I think she’s the kind of girl who wants cock…,” Amy giggled, lifting her white beach dress to reveal the key that had yet to escape from her bikini bottoms, “Yep, your cock’s still tiny.”

“Maybe my one inch can go further than you think,” Ben teased.

Amy let out a loud inadvertent laugh which made the blonde look over, “Go say hello” Amy urged.


Ben’s smile and physique were effective as always and he soon had the full attention of the superficial blonde who had already taken a step closer. Amy watched with interest as Ben casually let his hand drop to protect his crotch from her attention.

Still watching Ben, Amy walked to the bar and smiled at a guy who quickly used the opportunity to start a conversation. Amy glanced down to see the man’s obvious erection in his tight swim trunks.

If this was how men interacted with women, maybe she was stripping Ben of more than she realised. Ben’s trunks could never bulge. She also felt a sense of indignation as the man casually touched her leg and then adjusted himself. She was evidently the cause of this fucker’s erection, yet neither she, nor any woman, had given him permission to effectively ‘prepare’ for sex. Why the fuck wasn’t he locked up?

She quickly blanked him, rocked her hips, and walked off leaving the man no doubt questioning why this woman had a key on a keyless island.


Ben quickly re-joined Amy and led the excited, barefoot brunette back towards their villa, “Other guys do have erections, Amy!”

“I’m so glad I have you,” Amy purred happily as Ben closed the wooden door behind them.

Ben smiled as he saw Amy strip off her dress, but then stopped as she jiggled from foot to foot to squeeze into blue denim shorts, high-waisted and skin-tight around her slim curves. She paired them with a flowing lace top and then flopped down onto a large wicker chair with her book. She removed her hair elastic and shook free long tangled and salty hair.

“I thought we could….” Ben’s voice trailed off as he worked his fingers into her feet.

“Thank you, darling, at least there are some wonderful men in the world.”

Amy’s eyes became heavy and soon her book flopped out of her hand and her breathing deepened as Ben watched her chest rise and fall.

He was tempted to find the creep in the bar and deal with him but decided to wait for Amy to ask. Instead, he sat on the balcony holding his silver stub as he watched the horizon. He returned to check whether he could jailbreak the key from Amy’s shorts and happy that that was impossible, he prepared for when she woke up.


Amy opened her eyes to see Ben watching her, two glasses and an unopened bottle of champagne on the table. Candles, music, and a darkened room were all her favourite things. Ben pulled her to her feet and kissed her.

Amazingly he opened the champagne and poured it with one arm still wrapped around her slim waist and his lips never far from hers. They sipped their drinks before Ben led her to the large freshly made bed. She flopped down with a smile as Ben’s strong hands caressed her body followed by intimate and tickly kisses.

“I have new respect for your yoga block,” Ben whispered.

Amy giggled. Oops, yes, she had been very intimate on the beach.

“You can undo my shorts if you like, darling,” she breathed heavily.

Ben popped the buttons and kissed the salty hot pink bikini beneath. Finally, when they were both undressed, Amy retrieved her flung bikini bottoms and unlocked Ben’s cage. Carefully she unhooked it from his piercing and used her lips to bring him to full size.

“From the smallest to the largest,” Amy murmured quietly. She loved to play the shy girl when it was Ben’s turn to be in control. She tried to escape his body that straddled her waist and cried out in excitement as he pinned her hands to the bed. It was her turn to trust him, and she moaned in delight as he pushed himself inside.

Published 2 years ago

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