The Judge

"Divorce and the Judge"

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I was walking out of the courtroom devastated.

I was officially divorced.  That was it.  There was no more Mrs. to my name.  It had been a long marriage and one I was really proud of. 

But he wanted the divorce.  Said he was unhappy so there it was.  In plain black and white.  Divorced.

I had chosen a black skirt, stiletto black heels and a white blouse for the occasion.  He hated it when I wore black and white.  He liked color.  So, I made sure I didn’t do anything he was partial to.  It was my day of mourning and to be honest, I just didn’t care what he thought anymore, he didn’t love me so that was it.  My heart was broken.

I slipped my sunglasses on and walked to the glass doors.

“Ms. Smith!”

I turned in time to see a court attendant running toward me.


“The judge wanted a word with you, if that’s alright?”

Shocked, I turned and walked with him back to the courtroom, taking my sunglasses off just as the attendant opened the door for me.  The judge was still at the front writing something out.  He looked up and smiled.

“Thank you, James.  Please lock up, I’ll help Ms. Smith out the back way.”

“Yes, your honor.”

I looked at the young man walking back out and heard the lock.  Huh.  I thought to myself.  I turned and walked a little ways up the aisle.

“Did I miss a paper?”

“Yes.  I’m sorry.  You went out of the room so fast I wasn’t able to get your attention.  Would you mind terribly coming up here and signing the last bit of paperwork?”

“Oh.  Ok.”  I felt like the inside of a garbage can.  My emotions were shot, I had cried for weeks, maybe months. And here I was, back inside the courtroom where twenty-eight years had come to an end.  Tom was already headed to a twenty-seven-year-old replacement after making comments about how we were only getting older.  Fuck him.  Second marriages were harder than first ones.  There was no way a girl would stick around, but that was his brunt to bear.  It would be sad to see him keep up.  Wow.  I thought to myself, bitter much?  If he wanted a replacement, that was his life.  I looked up finally at the judge who was waiting for me to sign.  He must have seen the entire dialogue going through my head.

“Just sign here, and here.”  He pointed to a place on the bottom of two pages.  I took the pen and signed in big swooping circles.  There, all done.

I looked up at him finally and blushed.  He was looking at me earnestly.

“Ms. Smith, you were my last case of the day.  I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t mind a drink.  Would you like to join me?”

The year of hell suddenly just stopped.  Kindness.  Wow.  That’s nice.  Here was a man who deals with men and women all day fighting over assets and children and houses and he was asking if I wanted a drink.

“You know, that would be lovely.”

He gave me a light smile and stood up, walked down his stairs, and held open a side door.  I walked over and into an office located behind the bench.  He walked over to a credenza and unstopped a decanter full of something lovely.  My mouth watered. 

I hadn’t realized it, but the judge was hot as hell.  I must have been in so much grief I stopped being human.  He took a few glasses down from a cabinet and poured a few fingers full.  He handed me a glass and motioned for me to sit on the couch.

“Thank you.”

“No, the pleasure is all mine.  To be honest, I’ve never had a woman back here before.”

I smiled, “Really?”

That made him laugh, “You think I’m lying?”

“No.  Well, I wouldn’t know, I don’t know you.  I bet you see a lot of emotions all day.”

“Yes.”  He looked down at his drink.  I could see a shadow cross his face.  It piqued my interest.

“May I ask what you’re thinking about?”

“Do you know why I became a judge?”

“No.  Why?” 

He took another drink and leaned down on a knee.  He looked over at me and stared right into my soul.

“Because I was in the courtroom when my father divorced my mother and left her with nothing.  Including a way to support me.  From that moment on, I decided to do my best to make sure things were fair.  I’ve met a lot of really bad judges.  I like to think I have a different spin.”

“Well, I thought you were very fair.”

“Your case was easy compared to most.  There was nothing but a house, no children left in the home and well, it was just sadness and grief that had to be sorted.”

Wow nailed that one.

“You know Ms. Smith; I’ll tell you this.  Your husband is an idiot.  The young girl he brought to the courtroom will leave him in about nine months.  He thinks he can keep up but it’s never that easy.”

“Well, it’s his life.  He can go and play with young girls our kid’s age who have no history with him over and over.  It’s not my problem anymore.  I finally realized that being friends and having someone to talk to when you get home is actually more important than anything.  Even sex.  Oh god, spoken like a true first wife who hasn’t had sex in ages.  Maybe I’ve been the problem all along.”

“No.  You’ve just lived a full life and need someone to be kind right now.  I think I can be that person.”

Spidey senses just perked up.  Was the judge hitting on me?

“Unlike your husband, I don’t want to ever raise a wife like I raised kids.  I like to know that I don’t have to teach someone how to, uh, shall we say, be intimate?”


“I think you’re incredibly attractive.  Stunning really.”

His voice hitched.  So did mine.  I could feel my heartbeat through my thin white blouse.

I downed my drink in one shot.  The warmth ran down my throat and warmed me from the inside out all the way down.  I looked at the judge and saw a pulse at the base of his neck.  His lips were full and his hair meticulous and dark with a few wisps of gray.  I looked at his hands, they were strong and large and, I wanted them on me.

“Am I too forward for you?”  He looked at me with smokey grey eyes, searching for an answer.

“I can’t say I’ve ever had someone be this forward.”

He smiled at that.

“You had a sadness that pulled at me.  Reminded me of my mother.  It’s been years since I’ve had anything like that feeling.”

“So, you’re attracted to me because I’m like your mother?”

“Ha!  No.  Nothing like that.  You just pulled at me.  I can’t really say anyone does that.”

“Probably part of the job.”  I smiled.

His eyes lowered.  His intention was clear.  He downed his drink.

“Would you like another one?”

“Uh, I, um, I better get going.”

“Do I make you nervous?”


“Which is it?  Yes, or no?”  He smiled again.  God, he had beautiful straight teeth.

“Well, I’m flattered but it’s been a really horrible year.”

“Do you know what helps a really bad year?”


“Forgetting about it with a stranger for a few hours.”  He smiled again.

Oh my god.  He made my mouth water.

“May I do something?”

My eyes widened.

Another smile.  “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.”  He reached down and picked up my left foot, resting it on his lap.  Thank god I got that pedicure.  My toes were a lovely coral color.  He slowly undid the strap releasing my feet from it’s beautiful prison.  He set the shoe down and slowly rubbed my feet, down the length of my foot to the heel and back up and in and out of my toes.  I purred like a kitten.  Nobody had ever done anything like this for me.  Nobody.

I closed my eyes, leaned back, and took a deep sigh.  I could feel my other foot go in his lap; my right foot rested on a bulge.  Hot damn.  He liked feet.  He rubbed the other one, then back to the left, back to the right, deep penetrating rubs.  Holy fuck.

He took his hands and started rubbing my ankles, deep penetrating fingers slowly massaging my legs.  Never in my life had I ever felt this touched.  My nipples went hard.  I could feel them brush against my blouse through my thin bra.

His hands moved up so far that his finger hooked itself onto my black lace g-string.  He whipped it down and off me in a second flat.

I had serious doubts about whether he never had women in here.  I just didn’t care.  I sighed deep, my breath hitching again.  I could feel a wave coming over me, a tingling.  His hands rubbed over my pussy.  I scooted down on the couch until I was almost laying down, my legs on his lap, his fingers on my clit.  Rubbing in a circle slowly I was getting very wet and so worked up I moaned.  He knelt down by the couch, pushed my skirt up and proceeded to lick in quick spurts on my clit, over and over and over.  I was getting ready to climax.  He put a finger up to my ass and rubbed while his tongue continued and then it happened, I came so hard I partially squirted.  He put his whole mouth on me to lick the juices. 

His hands gently moved my body upright.  I felt so lovely that I just obeyed.  He lay my body down on the desk, my head was next to his monitor, his hands pushing staplers and papers off the area.  He lifted his robe up, undid his pants, and slowly moved inside me.  My feet wrapped around him, my head hitting the keyboard typing at random.  He slowly pushed inside me.  Holy hell he was big.  I needed it hard and fast.

“Flip me around.”  I cried.

He pulled me off the desk so fast that the keyboard went flying.  He opened my blouse and released my breasts while pumping, pinching the nipples my breasts bouncing from the movement.  He bent down and sucked hard on one, turned me over, held onto my hips and proceeded to pound into me hard and fast.  I rose up on my hands and felt the magnitude of his strong hands holding my hips as he pounded into me.

“Oh god, here I go again,”  I screamed

He pushed hard and then he came, “Oh, oh. Oh. God.  What a gorgeous ass you have.  What a gorgeous body you have.  Oh, holy hell.”

We stayed that way for a few more minutes, then he pulled out, the cum dripping down my legs.  It felt like heaven.  I felt beautiful.  I sat on the couch, cleaned up just a little, watched him put his manhood back.  Pity, I would have liked to lick it.  I put my shoes back on and stood up smoothing my skirt out.  I looked up; he was staring at me.

“Um, thank you?”

He laughed and walked toward me, enveloping my face in his hands, and kissed me deep.  Oh.  That’s what it’s like to get kissed deep, like when someone really really wants to kiss you.

“I would love to take you out sometime.”

“You would?” I said breathlessly

“Oh, yes.”

I wrote my number down, not expecting a call, but it would be fun if he did.

“Thank you for the, uh, drink.”  I gave him a hundred-watt smile.

“It was my pleasure.”  He held the door open for me. 

I walked out.  To the right was a back door out of the place, and to the left was the door to the courtroom.  My new ex was standing there looking harassed.

I smoothed out my hair, gave him a smile, and walked the other way.

Published 3 years ago

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