The Job

"My skanky co-worker makes me work hard for his large snake…"

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Four months after leaving high school I was paying the price for having been a shit student. Arrogantly, I had always shunned homework and now found myself in the same position as millions of youngsters around the country, battling to find employment. Hard as I tried, there were simply no jobs available.

Thankfully, I was still living with my parents but with every passing day, my dad was becoming more and more irritated by my inactivity. Finally, my dad arrived home elated one afternoon, gushing about a possible job he had found for me.

An acquaintance of his offered to interview me for a job as a security officer at a warehouse in our town. It was the graveyard shift from nine p.m. till six a.m., six days a week. I cannot say I was delighted, but ‘something is better than nothing’ as the saying goes.

Having got the job I was issued with two sets of overalls. The two-piece overalls were a dirty grey in colour and really ugly. The revolting brown boots that were supplied also didn’t help matters. White t-shirts formed part of the uniform along with a disgusting cap that we had to wear.

The next shock awaiting me was when I met my partner Kev, a thirty-something individual. Kev was a real hick. He was lanky and skanky and very much on the dirty side. Kev was married and he and his wife lived with his mother-in-law. They had two daughters, and Vera, Kev’s wife, worked at a diner from six a.m. till three p.m. daily, six days a week.

As I would come to know, Kev had three passions; fucking, porn, and fixing vehicles. After arriving home after six in the morning Kev would sleep till two p.m., before fixing cars and pickups till five in the afternoon. This explained his icky hands and the number of blackened nails, no doubt struck by some or other tool as he indulged in his hobby. Being the senior partner on our shift he was effectively my boss.

For the first few evenings of our partnership, Kev was out of sorts with a rather bad head cold and interaction was minimal. After a few days, however, his health improved and he became a lot more animated and engaging. Scummy as he was, Kev was actually quite good-looking in the roughest possible way. Although personal hygiene was not part of his daily regime, working the graveyard shift negated that priority, as it was only ever the two us over the nine-hour shift.

When Kev removed the jacket of his overall, the t-shirts he wore always had stained yellow patches under his armpits. His body odour also ranged from ripe to overripe, dependant no doubt on his infrequent showering routine. Between patrols when he removed his cap, his hair looked like it had been pasted to his head. Shampoo was also obviously in short supply his home. Besides all the negatives, however, there was an obscene bulge in the front of his trousers.

Kev was definitely not the brightest person in the world. I am no genius but in comparison to him, I was as brilliant as the sun. When Kev showed me a picture of his family I was taken aback. His wife was enormous and unattractive, and their daughters were miniature versions of the mother. Further snaps of the house they all lived in, also took the word dishevelled to a whole new level.

Our ‘office’ was a small prefabricated shed situated at the back of the plant. We had monitors, a table, two chairs, and personal lockers. There was also a clock that would chime every half hour, signalling our next patrol.

After one of our patrols a few evenings on, as we were about to enter our shed he said, “Hold on, I need to take a piss.”

Opening the front of his trousers Kev pulled out the biggest cock I had ever seen. When he finished pissing and shaking his tool, the thing flopped halfway his thighs.

Unable to resist, I exclaimed, “Fuck Kev… that must be one of the biggest cocks I’ve ever seen!”

Laughing he replied, “Small brain, huge cock.”

I could not help thinking, that if his philosophy was correct, he simply couldn’t have a brain at all.

“That’s why I like big women,” he continued, “because they squeal less. A big woman can take my shlong, comfortably.”

Then, after entering the shed he inquired, “So tell me about your girl.”

“Don’t have one,” I replied, “I’m too poor.”

After nodding his head insightfully, he asked, “Do you have a computer?”

“Yes… why?” I countered.

“Bring it tomorrow,” he instructed. “I have some interesting stuff to show you.”

The following evening I was first shown a few of the magazines that he kept in his locker. They were all of fat women being fucked in various positions. Judging by the condition of the magazines, they had obviously been well perused.

Next, after switching my computer on, we were watching movies of one or more women surrounded by a multitude of guys, fucking and spunking all over them. Kev just loved this sort of porn and had a pile of these DVDs.

After initially being put-off by Kev, with every passing shift I strangely began to find him more appealing. Even his skanky disposition began to offend me less and less. Above all, I began to fantasize about his cock and always made sure to join him for a piss. I drank copious amounts of water to ensure that I would not miss out seeing his incredible dong when we needed to piss.

When we weren’t watching his porn collection, Kev would regale me with stories about his sex life. He did not hold back and described his bedroom activity in fine detail.

On workdays, at seven-thirty each evening, Kev and the wife would go to their bedroom and fuck up a storm after putting the kids to bed. Kev described his wife’s fat pussy in detail and told me how he loved watching his cock slide in and out of it. He loved the smell of his wife’s cunt and also vividly explained what it looked like. Kev particularly loved Sunday afternoons, when the highlight of Kev’s week was to fuck his wife in the arse.

Next, he contemplatively stated, “I wonder if a man feels the same pleasure as a woman does… you know, when being fucked in the arse.”

I wouldn’t know,” I answered.

“Do you often jerk-off?” he then asked.

“Yeah… sure,” I replied, matter-of-factly.

“I love playing with myself when I watch porn,” he then announced, before continuing, “Would it offend if I milk my lizard in front of you from time to time?”

“No, not at all,” I replied, perhaps a little too quickly.

Sniggering, he observed me for a while. “I think you love looking at my cock,” he then stated, smiling impishly.

“Umm… well… it’s very impressive,” I stammered.

“Sure is,” he answered, before resuming, “But it’s the way you look at it that interests me. Maybe, you prefer men to women, Grant?” he concluded, measuredly.

Dumbfounded, I just stared at him like a child caught stealing sweets.

Fortunately, the chime then interrupted our conversation. “Time for another patrol,” he stated, before concluding, “and when we get back you can have a really good look at my snake.”

Upon returning to the shed, Kev pulled out his knob before unleashing a torrent of piss. Once done, he didn’t bother to replace it in his trousers before entering the shed and bolting the door. After removing his jacket and cap, Kev sat down with his cylinder nestled between his thighs.

“I can see all the monitors from here, it’s all yours, pussy-boy,” he announced, offering his dick to me with a horny grin.

Kneeling before him, I stared at his cock in wonderment. After a short while, he laughed and said, “Fuck, it’s not going to bite you, get on with it.”

I supported his tool with my left hand and started fondling the head of his cock with my right hand. I almost salivated as his rich genital odour assailed my nostrils. Slowly, as I began sliding his foreskin back liberating the head of his dick from its confinement, the intense smell was overpowering. There were pubic hairs that had been captured under the hood that were stuck to the head of his cock. As I inhaled Kev observed me with fascination.

“Do you like my smell?” he asked.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Get in close and enjoy it, Grant,” he instructed.

Kev’s skanky essence was totally mouth-watering. Kev’s icky fingers then began to pluck the hairs off his knob head before he sniggered and said, “Don’t want any of these stuck in your throat.”

After closing his own foreskin he told me to open my mouth. First, he ran the wrinkled overhang around my lips before slowly retracting his foreskin and leisurely tapping the pungent head on my tongue.

Next, with a look of delight on his face, he gently moved his dick ever forward. As I became overexcited he pushed my head backward, impatiently reprimanding me. “Not so fast boy, you must savour my knob.”

Seeing the reproached look on my face he explained; “We’ve got all night, there’s no need to act like a glutton. Sexual encounters must always be slow and enjoyable. Impatience is the sign of a second-rate fucker.”

‘Fuck,’ I thought, ‘this man is a sexual virtuoso.’

“Now, slowly show me your appreciation,” he instructively concluded.

Like a gourmet at a tasting, I unhurriedly began licking and relishing his magnificent knob.

“Yes, boy, now we’re talking,” he lustfully exclaimed.

Minutes later the chime sounded again.

After we returned to the shed once more, Kev now removed his boots, trousers, and underpants, after bolting the door. As he again sat on his chair and was finally able to open his legs properly, I was told to service his meaty balls. With his legs wide apart a final bouquet of fragrance assailed my nostrils. I couldn’t care less and had become a total skank hound.

“Now, where were we?” He asked as his cock returned to my mouth.

My head worshipped Kev’s knob bopping up and down in a slow rhythm, to sighs of approval from him. Kev’s skanky hands toyed with my hair in appreciation of his pleasure.

When the next chime sounded, I could’ve had a shit-fit.

Sadly, when we returned he informed me that we were done. “We need to save ourselves for tomorrow because you need to learn discipline, boy,” he said with a fatherly demeanour.

I could hardly sleep when I arrived back home that morning. Inexplicably, I didn’t pluck my knob. Maybe his first lesson in restraint had taught me something.

That evening I was bristling with sexual tension when I arrived at work. I was also given my second lesson in sexual restraint, because nothing happened for the first five hours. Only after returning to the shed at two a.m., did Kev removed his boots, trousers, and underpants. After gesturing with his head, I again took up station before him.

Again the smells totally intoxicated me, because Kev was even skankier than the night before. Subtlety, he demanded deeper penetration in my mouth as my throat got properly introduced to his dick.

During our second session, Kev stood up after twice gobbing into my mouth and again began sliding his knob passed my lips.

“Only when you’ve swallowed my entire cock, will your butt receive its reward,” he informed me.

‘Jesus,’ I thought, ‘I’m never going to be fucked.’

Cradled in his hands, Kev manipulated my head. But try as I might, the last few inches just wouldn’t fit.

After extracting my head off his knob I asked, “When are you going to cum in my mouth?”

“When you’ve earned it,” he stated.

Next, after a pause, he asked, “Do you like cum, boy?”

“Yes, I love it,” I replied.

“So do I. When I wank I always eat my own cum,” he retorted. I was very surprised by this admission.

There was no third session that evening.

After our shift ended on Sunday morning, I would have to wait till nine p.m. on Tuesday for my next treat. Mondays were our one day off per week, when it paid management to employ an outside company to perform the necessary security duties at the plant.

On Tuesday, when I arrived at work Kev was very excited. He had swapped out his older DVDs for new ones. That evening as we watched all the new material, he never once suggested a bit of interplay between us. I finally realized that this was part of his control strategy.

Again I had to watch a multitude of females being spewed upon. It was as always, boring as hell, but I played along watching him slowly jerking his cock without any request for participation from me.

On Wednesday there was a change of attitude and from eleven p.m. onwards, I was again sucking and slurping happily. To my amazement, I managed to take more of cock down my throat but the last two inches defeated me. Kev was really impressed.

Three nights later I finally got to the summit of Everest, when I was able to swallow all of his cock, almost expiring during the ordeal.

Spluttering and drenched with spit, I stood up and blurted, “I have done as you have asked; now you must fuck me!”

Laughing, Kev announced, “No one has ever taken my dick all the way,” moments before the fucking patrol chime sounded.

“I’ll fuck you when we get back,” he guffawed.

Upon our return, I was ready within moments and presenting my arse, as I bent over our small table. Kneeling behind me Kev first rimmed my hole.

When he finally stood up, he warned me, “You begged for this, boy, no matter how much it hurts, I won’t stop.”

I felt his dirty strong hands gripping my hips as he began to surge his knob forward. It did hurt a little, but I was so horny I couldn’t care less. I wanted that fucking knob inside me more than anything else in the world. Inch by inch, he stretched my manhole as his cock slid in further and further.

“Fuck, boy, you’re so fucking tight. Nnnh, this is the best pussy I’ve ever fucked,” Kev lustfully murmured.

As his grasp really tightened, he speared balls deep into me in one fell swoop. As I began yelping, he clamped our bodies together. After a short pause and with the pain subsiding, Kev began his sensational onslaught on my hole. The sounds he made were low and guttural as his hands danced on my back, with his pulsating fingers amplifying my pleasure.

“How does my dick feel inside you?” Kev grunted.

“Fuckin awesome,” I gasped.

“Patience always has its rewards,” Kev rumbled.

Grunting and shuddering, Kev’s body signalled his impending release. As cum bombarded my hole I smiled, reflecting upon the restraint that had led to this point. It had definitely been worthwhile. I was then instructed to turn and clean Kev’s cock, which I did enthusiastically.

A short while later the chime sounded.

Upon our return, Kev ordered me back to the table. After a much swifter entry, Kev was soon riding my manhole again. This time, however, his approach was for slower and more sustained. In fact, he took so much time that we had to interrupt our session for the next patrol.

Fortunately, once back in the shed, we immediately took up where we had left off and twenty minutes later, I got my second deposit from Kev. I again cleaned his knob and was very surprised when he bent me over the table once more, and felched his two loads out of my backside.

After our following patrol, I got another surprise when Kev told me to sit on the table, before sucking my dick. Placing my hands on his head I began to stroke and toy with his oily hair. After all the previous excitement I did not last too long and soon unloaded into his mouth. He also gave me a good cleaning in a reciprocal gesture.

“Your cum is very sweet,” he told me, afterward. “Mine tastes like shit compared to yours.”

On our Sunday shift, Kev spent most of the time lodged in my backside. Between chimes, he would leisurely fuck me without coming, showing incredible endurance. I did not mind at all and was happy to hug the table, as often and as long as he liked. When Kev finally came he did so in my mouth. It was the strangest spunk I had ever encountered. It was gelatinous and lumpy, and as predicted, had a slightly acrid taste. To me, however, it was delicious.

After our weekly break on Monday, we returned for our Tuesday shift. For the following few nights, we followed a similar pattern to the previous week. Sometimes Kev would unload up to three times during a shift, and at other times, only once. He also continued to blow me regularly.

During one Saturday shift, Kev again surprised me. We had never kissed up until then and I simply believed that oral intimacy was a step too far for him. Upon returning to the shed after a patrol that evening, Kev embraced my body and commenced kissing me.

Intimate as we had been up until then, I had never gotten this near to his armpits before. They were even more pungent than I realized.

“Please take your t-shirt off?” I requested.

After returning to our embrace, I pushed my hands up into his dank pits and twiddled my fingers around before placing my fingers under my nose.

“Do you like my smell?” Kev asked, somewhat bemused.

Without answering I lifted his left arm and dove straight into his armpit. The sighs from Kev were awesome as I began to savour his stench. Minutes later, the other armpit followed to sustained approval from him.

“You know that this will be a nightly ritual from here on,” he groaned.

With a horny grin, I looked at him and said, “I’m not done yet.” Looking at me quizzically he lifted an eyebrow. “Turn around and bend over,” I concluded.

Obediently, he did as told. After pulling his butt cheeks apart I dove straight in. As I began licking his musty damp hole the sounds from him became frantic and he literally panted with lust.

After yet another patrol, Kev gave me the most severe fucking thus far. To add to my joy, I also got to suck on his dirty fingers as he fucked my brains out.


Six months later I was very sad when Kev started his own pawn shop. He had saved toward that for a long while and of course, his wife also got involved in their business. This new development was great for them, as they were finally able to revert to a normal home life.

Kev’s replacement was twenty-two-year-old named Toddy. Toddy was fairly bulky, with a full beard and expressive brown eyes. During our first shift together, he had a hard time staying awake due to his former daytime routine and we didn’t communicate too much.

The second shift, however, went far better and we chatted much more. After one of our patrols, I whipped my dick out and had what had become a traditional outdoor piss. Unfortunately, he didn’t need to do so. A few patrols later, however, he also needed to take a leak and I got to see his cock.

Although respectable, Toddy wasn’t in Kev’s league, but then few men are. He did, nevertheless, have a decent thick knob.

Smiling at me afterward and shaking his dick vigorously, he said, “Whew, nothing beats the satisfaction one feels after emptying your bladder”

Smiling, I replied, “Yeah you’re right, but a good blowjob beats that hands down.”

Toddy then gave me a quizzical look.

As we sat in the shed, he asked, “Do you like porn?”

“Sure,” I replied.

Letting out a laugh he told me that he would bring his computer the following evening, and show me some of his ‘stuff.’

Toddy did as promised, and the following evening we were watching two guys fucking a woman. With a few minutes to go until the next chime, Toddy pressed the pause button.

After returning to the shed we both had a ritualistic piss before returning inside. During the piss, I could have sworn that his cock appeared larger than normal.

After pressing the play button once we had returned indoors, the scene before us continued on the computer.

By now the guys had changed positions twice in the video. My interest then really sparked, when the guy who had been receiving the blowjob from the female moved behind the guy who was fucking her. As he pushed his cock into the man fucking the woman my fascination peaked. It was totally awesome. To further add to my bliss, Toddy commenced blatantly rubbing his dick through his trousers as we exchanged horny smiles.

After the following patrol, I decided to throw caution to the winds. As the video again commenced, I pulled my trousers down and bent over the table. To my elation, Toddy instantly moved behind me and pulled his zipper down.

After my disappointment following Kev’s departure, things seemed to be looking up once more.

Published 9 years ago

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