The Jax Show

""Would it help if I took off my clothes, too?""

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“What would you like to see?”

“Show me what turns you on.”

In my bright pink shift dress, which was bunched around my waist, I climbed off of him and crossed my bare legs on the living room floor. “Besides you?”

Kevin let out a loud exhale. He adjusted his belt buckle. “I’m so freaking into you, it’s making me crazy.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“We’ve been dating for a month, and we are still pretending to binge-watch old sitcoms while we make out on the couch, like we’re in high school.” 

“We fell off the couch,” I corrected, tugging my dress to cover my panties, “and I’m making up for lost time. I’m a big dork who never did any of this in high school. Not all of us were the popular homecoming king, or a soccer star, or even a sexually active band geek.”

“Or all three.” Kevin linked his hands behind his head. 

“So, a decade later, I am experiencing some arrested development.”

“Which we finished last week.” He leaned in to reach for my waist. His light blue dress shirt remained half-buttoned, exposing the dusting of dark hairs on his sculpted brown chest. “Jax, am I moving too fast?”

“I like what we are doing. I’m not ready for everything yet.”

“Which I understand.”

“I need some encouragement, some warming up, if you want to see me,” I whispered, “play with myself.”

His fingers pressed into my hips. “I will do anything you want me to.”

“Where’s your computer?” I walked to his bedroom, and he followed.

Searching on his laptop, I showed him a series of erotic stories, opening each one in a separate tab. 

He observed quietly as explained which categories I preferred, and then I showed him a few intimate videos with corresponding themes.

“Sensual, humorous, with characters who respect each other. What do you think so far?” I asked from the desk chair.

He stood behind me, massaging my tense shoulders, his thumbs brushing the kinky, black curls at the nape of my neck. “Stimulating.”

I realized something important was missing. 

“I usually have a magic wand.”

“Like a wizard?”

“Like this.” I clicked on an image of the white plug-in toy.

“That is large.”

“I have one at home.”

“You should have one here as well.” He took command of the keyboard. “Tonight.” A map of our area popped on the screen. “Let’s go shopping.”

“One of our best sellers,” Harmony the cashier said as she scanned the cardboard box.

“It has always served me well,” I informed her, wiggling my toes in my leather boots.

“Me too!” She nudged a bottle across the checkout counter. “Would you like to sample our shea butter scented lube?”

I pumped a drop on my wrist. “It smells like a fancy sugar cookie.”

“Last time I used it,” Harmony confided, “my wife and I went straight to a bakery because I was craving donuts.”

“Donuts!” I sniffed again. “Or cronuts?”

“So many gizmos and doodads I have never seen before.” Kevin scanned the shelves as he retrieved his credit card from Harmony. 

“I’ve only tried two others. The wand is the best.”

He rubbed the small of my back. “Have your eye on anything else?”

“Only you,” I winked, turning toward the exit. “Thanks, Harmony.”

“Have fun, you two.”

Kevin carried the brown paper bag, and we walked through the front door of the toy shop to his sedan. “What else will help you feel more comfortable? Not just tonight, but in general. In my apartment.”

“Your blankets are soft. The throw pillows are cushiony? I’m not sure what you mean.”

He opened the passenger side door for me. “I want you to feel welcome.” I climbed in. “At home. Like my girlfriend.” He dashed to the other side of the car.

“Oh, I see,” I smirked as he entered the vehicle.

“If that is something you would be interested in.” He turned the key.

I shook the bag at him. “Is this a bribe?”

“No! It’s a gift. If you want to see other people–“

“I’m not dating anyone else.”

“Neither am I. I haven’t wanted to since we met.”

I relished his adorable nervousness. “I would like Corn Flakes and organic milk,” I informed my new boyfriend. “You don’t have any in your refrigerator. What would make my apartment feel like your home?”

“Can I bring over my shaving stuff this week?”

“Yeah.” I ran my thumb across his stubbly cheek. “I, your girlfriend, will make space for you.”

After a stop at the nearest grocery store, we returned to Kevin’s apartment, put away my breakfast items, and found our way to the bedroom.

He sat down first, unboxed the wand, and set it in the middle of the mattress.

We both peered at the elephant in the room, as if it would crawl off the bed on its own. 

I found a soapy, wet paper towel to clean it off. “Do you have an extension cord?”

He located one in his desk drawer.

I plugged the wand into the nearest outlet. Then I returned to my standing position. “This shouldn’t be so hard.”

“That’s what she said.”

I was mildly amused. “Are you hard?”

“I’ve been trying to conceal it all night.”

I took a seat next to him. “I don’t want you to hide from me.”

“I don’t want to scare you away.”

I caressed his thigh. “I’m not scared.” I turned my back to him.

He responded by replicating my actions and pressed his back against mine.

I shook my head. “No, unzip me.”

With care, he tugged the pull-tab of the slider down to the bottom stop. 

I shrugged out of the fabric, which Kevin draped over the chair.

In my black bra and panties, I remembered the toy next to me. I tested the heft in my palm.

Kevin untucked his shirt. “Would it help if I took off my clothes, too?”

I removed his belt from his waistband. “I like watching you, too.”

Once he got down to his boxers, I asked him to unhook my bra.

He wrapped his arms around me, initially floundered with the fasteners, but eventually detached the garment from my upper torso. He unconsciously licked his lips as he ogled my bare breasts, the dark nipples swelling from my arousal.

“You told me you like to touch them,” he mumbled. “You seem to like when I touch them.”

I timidly brushed my fingertips near my large areolas, tapping the crinkled tips. The anticipation was making my lower lips quiver. “Take off your underwear, and sit over there.”

He swiftly obeyed, engorged to full mast before his bottom hit the chair, his muscled thighs spread as he grasped himself wantonly. “Can I stroke? Please, Jax?”

“Stroke it for me.”

He did.

I drew my sticky panties off my own thighs. 

“Yesss,” he hissed, thumbing his dripping cock head. “Let that pussy breathe.”

I lounged on my side, enjoying the view of my lascivious partner, who had his brown eyes locked on my naked body. 

I reached for the wand, placed the head on the top of my damp bush, clamped the head between my legs, and turned it to the lowest setting.

The buzzing stirred Kevin’s passion. He threw his leg over the side of the chair, hooking the armrest under his knee, so he could get better access to rub the sensitive skin between his full balls and his glory hole.

The vibrations excited me yet calmed my nerves, allowing me to settle into the eroticism of the situation.

Wow, was I horny?

My fingers found my nipples again, fondling, flicking, rolling. It felt so good. I increased the wand speed. The liquid began seeping onto the sheets.

I turned it off, concerned about getting the bed wet.

Kevin noticed my worry. “Don’t stop. I’ll change the sheets later. Please, Jax. Squirt all over.”

I turned it back on. Ohh, I needed this. “Do you like the show, Kevin?”

He grunted, “uh-huh.”

I lay on my back, keeping one hand on my big ole titty. I opened my legs into a wide V and worked the wand inside my glistening slit. “Are you entertained?”

He gave me a thumbs up.

“You want me to cum on your bed?”

“Yes, yes, yes,” he panted.

With my feet in the air, I teased my puffy clit, making a puddle under my round butt. “Is this what good girlfriends do?”

“The best girlfriend -” He was interrupted by the semen spurting out of his shaft onto the carpet. Kevin shook so hard he kicked the desk repeatedly and almost tipped the chair over. 

“Oh wow, oh wow,” he tried to gather himself. He saw me continue to titillate my body in front of him. “I’m not even remotely soft yet,” he marveled, hand on cock. 

“You have another load for me?” 

He nodded. The perspiration trickled along his collarbone.

I dipped my finger inside my folds. “You want a taste?”

He crawled into the bed, leading with his tongue. I let him suck the nectar from my finger. Then I prodded him back to the chair.

He pouted, but he didn’t stop jerking his rod.

I was getting close. Real close.

“I want to see you cum, Jax.”

I giggled with embarrassment, as Kevin and pleasured ourselves for mutual enjoyment.

It was time. The quakes started in my core, erupted in my inner walls, pulsated through my clit, and culminated in a loud, extended moan. 

While I writhed with delight, my consecutive orgasms soaking the mattress from top to bottom, Kevin pistoned his shaft, cumming for a second time once I had collapsed from exhaustion. 

I patted a wet spot next to me. Kevin scampered to my side, tail wagging like a puppy. We held each other’s slippery torsos, our calves and ankles linked.

I stared at the ceiling. “Was the demonstration satisfactory? Kevin?”

With his head cradled by my sweaty chest, he muttered an unintelligible reply, accompanied by a snore.

I patted his short black hair, and I kissed nose. “I will take that as a yes.”

Published 5 years ago

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