The I.T. Girl

"The feeling was mutual"

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Felicity Paige was sitting at her desk gazing enquiringly at the computer screen. The last ten minutes had been spent trying to gain access to her email account. She could still have been in bed, making sweet music with her other half. This was the last thing she wanted on a Monday morning. The browser kept graying out, then going static. The error message just read unresponsive script. After restarting the computer and bringing the browser back up, then another unsuccessful attempt at logging into, she picked up the telephone receiver.

It was only 8:10am, I.T would probably just ignore her. They didn’t really warm up until at least 10:00. She keyed in the four-digit number regardless, and waited. It was ringing, which was a good sign. After the fifth ring it automatically went onto call collect. This meant they were busy and the inquiry would be dealt with as soon as one of their technicians became available. To be fair, they were normally on the shop floor within 10-15 minutes.

After the fourth ring a woman’s voice came onto the line.

“Good morning, you’re through to Jo Weekly, how may I help you?”

Felicity’s eyes widened, and her jaw clenched. If there was anybody she didn’t want near her computer it was Jo Weekly, otherwise known as – ‘The biatch from hell’. Though she was a rather gorgeous ‘biatch’, it had to be said. She had a beautiful hour glass figure, 36C breasts, long lustrous locks careering down her back, and a smile to die for. Definitely not the usual geeky sort.

“Oh hi Jo, it’s Felicity here,” she said. “Is Don there?”

Don was her friend, and he knew her computer inside out. If he couldn’t fix it, she doubted anyone could.

“Sorry, Don’s out on a call, can I help?” she asked, politely.

Felicity winced, she was already behind that morning, she had no other choice.

“I seem to have a problem with my visible screen data, I’ve tried all the usual solutions.”

“Okay, I’ll be with you in a couple of minutes,” she said, then hung up.

Felicity then replaced the telephone receiver and sat at her desk awaiting Jo’s arrival. She went through the start-up scenario again before Jo appeared. If Felicity had missed something obvious, Jo would make a big demonstration out of it, and give a lecture on how she’d just wasted her time. And not only that, Jo definitely had it in for Felicity. Why, she didn’t really know.

True to her word, a few minutes later Jo appeared carrying a small toolbox.

“Hi, Felicity,” she said, with a smile. “We’ll have you back up and running in no time.”

Felicity gave a nod and rolled her chair back about a foot, she was still close enough to keep watch. If the same problem occurred again, then she’d fix it her damn self.

It was the first time in ages that they’d been this close, the last time being several months before. Jo had come down to replace a faulty cable on that occasion, and Felicity had breathed a sigh of relief the minute she was gone. At least Don gave her advice on quick fix solutions, or a tutorial on the latest software they’d just installed. Jo was a bit tetchy, and didn’t suffer fools gladly.

“So, Felicity,” she began, “the system really is playing up this morning.”

“I just knew there wasn’t a lot I could do to solve the problem,” said Felicity.

Jo then turned away from the screen and looked at her. “Sure, come and have a look now though, I’ve altered a few networking issues.”

Jo budged over and Felicity rolled her chair closer.

“You see this little panel to the top left,” said Jo, pointing to a drop down menu.

“Yes, that’s new.”

“Yep, it’s an interactive helper,” she said, glancing at Felicity.

“Oh, so the computer comes up with its own solutions?”

“Not exactly, but pretty close,” she said.

Felicity was just thankful she’d sorted the error, and without any drama.

“Oh that’s great, thanks Jo.”

The I.T girl then rose from the chair and made to go.

“Oh,” she said, turning back. “I’d like to make sure the new software doesn’t require any further tweaking, I’ll send you a message through the helper.”

“Er, okay,” said Felicity.

Jo made her way back to the I.T department, and Felicity logged back into This time she was able to retrieve her work emails. It was mostly company memorandums; there were a few that she had to reply back to that morning.

Felicity was half way into her fifth email when a box flashed up on the screen.

At first she was caught unawares as she’d got side-tracked and had actually forgotten about Jo’s helper message.

Jo: Hi Felicity, hope your morning is going to plan now

Felicity: Yes it is, and thanks, everything is running as normal

Jo: Glad I could assist, the helper should be a good addition for you

Felicity: I’m still not sure how it’ll help

Jo: It just makes communication and diagnostics of computer errors a little easier

Felicity: Oh, so you won’t be on the shop floor as often then?

Jo: Maybe not, that’s a good thing for some I think 🙂

Felicity hesitated, she wasn’t sure how to reply. She’d miss them, but they were kind of disbanding the personal touch she reckoned, mmm.

Felicity: I suppose the company has to move with the times

Jo: Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll find the new system to be fun

Felicity: I will? I’ll let you know in due course

Jo: Lol, okay, I’ve not convinced you

Felicity: Not yet, but it’s been nice chatting

Jo: The same here, you seem different in type

Felicity: The helper reminds me of chatting on yahoo

Jo: You’re right, with inhibitions all but gone

Felicity couldn’t quite believe she was talking to the same Jo, who she could have sworn at on many occasions. And to top it all, she was actually feeling rather turned on by her.

Felicity: The only thing being, we’re at work. I wish I had a nice glass of vino to hand

Jo: Just imagine you have, and you’re wearing a nice silk negligee

Felicity: I have to say, you’re making me blush

Jo: That’s what I was hoping, don’t you want to make me blush too?

Felicity: Right now I could just throw caution out the door and meet you in the damn store closet

Jo: Oh, you wicked minx, I always knew you had a trashy side

Felicity: And I’ve always thought you were jealous of Don and me

Jo: Only because I wanted to have you all to myself

Felicity’s heart rate was starting to increase, and she wondered if her colleagues had noticed anything out the ordinary. By now she’d normally be onto her second coffee and been around the place and said hi to a few people.

Felicity: I don’t know what to say, I thought you hated me

Jo: Nope, not at all, it was just my way of getting your attention, you seemed not to notice me

Felicity: Oh honey, believe me, you have the interest of just about everyone down here

Jo: Really? What the eye doesn’t see

Felicity: Oh yeah! Anyhow, I hope you’re pleased with yourself – I need to go visit the ladies room now.

Get my drift?

Jo: Lol, at least we’ve broken the ice, see you on the shop floor sometime soon 🙂

Felicity: I look forward to it 🙂

A moment later Felicity clicked the little box from the screen and discreetly gazed around. She needn’t have worried, her work colleagues were far too busy to have noticed anything. She then found herself a coffee and got busy answering the backlog of work emails. The flicker of a smile appeared on her face. She couldn’t believe that Jo was bi-sexual. And if she wasn’t, then she was definitely curious. Felicity would never have guessed it, Jo hadn’t even given the slightest hint.

Later that day…

Felicity had just gotten back from a meeting that had dragged on for longer than expected. Her brain hurt after an hour and a half of psychobabble. She glanced at her watch, it was 3:30, and not long until home time.

Suddenly the little helper box appeared again. Felicity wondered what now. Had her computer suddenly developed an error or something.

Jo: Hi, just checking everything’s okay

Felicity: With the computer yes, with me no

Jo: What’s up?

Felicity: I’m ready to blow a fuse

Jo: Lol, really? Why’s that then?

Felicity: Oh, just spent a bit too long listening to some nonsense at a meeting

Jo: Aww, sorry. Tell me what would make you feel better

Felicity laughed under her breath, she couldn’t take this in, it felt good though.

Felicity: A massage would do it

Jo: Oh, I wish I could. They’d only sack us both

Felicity: You’re so outrageous

Jo: Felicity, I want you to go into your desk drawer, take out the earpiece set and put it on

Felicity wondered what on earth Jo was planning, but complied anyway

Felicity: Okay, earphones are on

Jo: Can you hear my voice now?

Felicity: Yes Jo, and you sound so sweet

Jo: So do you, now, just imagine that you’re laying on my therapy bench ready for a massage. Go back to typing in the box for now

Felicity: Mmm, we’re at my favorite spa, with the delicate scent of honeysuckle lingering in the air

Jo: Good, you’re getting it. Now, I say to you – “Hi, I’m Jo, your masseuse.”

Felicity: “Oh, hi Jo, got a few knots in my muscles.”

Jo: Lol, you’re good at this. I start on your tense shoulders with firm strokes, the smell of frankincense and patchouli fills your senses

Felicity: Mmm, the fragrance is so nice, and your touch feels so – soothing

Jo: Good, that’s what I’m aiming for, I want you to completely relax

Felicity: Oh, believe me, I am Jo

Jo: My firm motions have now reached the back of your thighs, I work my thumbs in long languorous strokes

Felicity: Oh, it’s heaven, don’t stop

Suddenly Felicity could hear Jo groaning softly into the earpiece, it was as if they were really there. Subconsciously Felicity had been groaning too, it had just occurred to her.

Jo: You know Felicity, you sound so sexy when you groan

Felicity: You are full of surprises, Jo. And I wish you could see the smile I have right now

Jo: I’ll just imagine, bet it’s a picture though

Felicity: Mmm, yes

Jo: Felicity, I want you to do something for me

Felicity: What? I’ll do anything Jo, anything at all

Jo: Stop typing and slip your fingers inside your panties, while I run my hand up your thighs

Felicity: Oh, okay, doing it now

Felicity then concentrated her attention on the sensation as her fingers gradually dipped lower, eventually reaching the warmth of her pussy

Jo: How does that feel Felicity?

Felicity: Ah… it feels pretty hot Jo

Jo: Good, now, slide two fingers into your pussy, and get a little friction going

Felicity: Oh god… okay, I’m throbbing quite badly though

Jo: That’s the idea, now keep going, my hand is travelling towards your backside now

Felicity was completely lost in the moment, and she could hear Jo groaning softly again

Felicity: Jo honey, keep up all that moaning and groaning and you’ll make me come

Jo: Felicity, I want you to come, but first, just imagine that it’s my hand down there, inside your panties

Felicity: Oh, fuck… your touch feels so damn good Jo, and its sending little shock waves into my center

Jo: Felicity, you don’t know what you’re doing to me… AAARRRGGG!!!

Felicity’s eyes widened, it sounded like Jo had just come

Felicity: Jo, I’m just about to explode, and it’s all your fault

Jo: I’m waiting… keep going

Felicity’s breathing was getting deeper, and her groans louder, she was so close. Jo was cooing to her through the earpiece. Her motions had become more frenzied as she sank her fingers in and out of her gushing pussy. Then all of a sudden, it hit her, and she let out a constrained scream. Her pussy convulsed around her fingers, spasm after spasm of divine ecstasy pulsed right the way through her.

Felicity: Oh, Jo! That was, fun! Now, get your ass down here. I want you to personally see what kind of state you’ve got me into.

Jo: Lol, okay. Give me five!

After Jo had disconnected the line, Felicity gazed around. Everyone seemed to be going about their normal business. It was just a typical busy Monday. Thankfully none of her colleagues appeared to have seen or heard anything.

A few minutes later Jo came into site, and grinning like some kind of lunatic. She then perched herself on Felicity’s desk.

“So, did the helper satisfy your needs today?” asked Jo, unable to keep from smiling.

Felicity’s face was still a little flushed and her usual calm demeanor was showing signs of being caught off-guard, she was more than a little frayed around the edges.

“Oh yes, it was first class thanks,” Felicity replied, unable to conceal a huge grin.

As the two women sat there, Don came walking across to meet them.

“Oh, hi Felicity and here you are Jo, I’ve been phoning your desk,” he said, with a note of urgency.

“I was tied up with an essential call that couldn’t have waited,” she said dreamily.

Felicity looked on but could sense something in Don’s manner that signaled a problem.

“Hmm, it’s just that there’s been a glitch with the interactive helper.”

“It was working just fine earlier Don,” said Jo, though now detecting his alarm.

He gazed at Felicity then at Jo. “It’s just that your messages have been pinging up on the computers down here on the shop floor.”

Both women darted a look at one another, their eyes like saucers. No, surely not, it wasn’t true. Felicity then surveyed her colleagues. Some of whom were hunched suspiciously over their computers, others gave a fleeting look and a grin before turning back to their work.

Felicity felt herself start to laugh, though really just out of sheer disbelief. It had definitely been some kind of ‘Sexual Healing’ for a Monday.

Published 12 years ago

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