I found myself on Saturday morning on a train bound for London. I had of course agreed that I would wear a uniform as requested. Richard has suggested that we go shopping in London to purchase what we needed. So here I was sitting in a first-class carriage on a shopping trip for a maid’s uniform in which my boss would no doubt spank me.
The journey passed with us talking about our backgrounds, siblings, relatives, and where and how we were raised. I found out that Richard came from a middle-class background and not the privileged one I had imagined but had worked hard to achieve his success. The conversation was easy and I found myself enjoying his company.
We arrived at Waterloo station and started to walk along the Southbank. Richard asked, do you fancy a cocktail? There is a nice bar overlooking the river.”
“That sounds great, let’s do it.”
So I found myself sipping a Daiquiri which on an empty stomach went straight to my head.
Feeling brave, I asked, “Are you trying to get me drunk so you can have your wicked way with me?”
Richard did blush slightly. “Maybe,” he smiled.
“Where are we going today, which shops do you have in mind?”
“I know a specialist outfitters.”
“What do they specialise in?”
“Sexy clothing.” Again a smile crept across his face. “We have an appointment to keep,” Richard said.
Again, a little shiver of excitement passed through me, before meeting Richard I could not have imagined myself even thinking of behaving in this way.
We walked over the Millennium bridge, and I followed Richard to a small mews just off Tottenham Court Road. He rang a bell on a small door set back from the street.
I was not sure what I was expecting, I had never really thought about where to buy sexy maid uniforms before, but this was a surprise.
We heard a disembodied voice telling us to come up to the second floor. We climbed the stairs and saw a plaque on the door proclaiming “Oscars – Specialist Outfitters”. The door opened and we were greeted by a striking woman aged around fiftyish. She was tall, graceful, and had an air of confidence and sophistication about her.
“Richard lovely to see you again,” she beamed. “And you must be Penny.”
“Yes, lovely to meet you.”
“Come in, do you want coffee before we start?”
“That would be lovely Richard answered for both of us.”
Whilst waiting I looked around. We were in a plain room; it was expensively decorated, and one wall was a mirror. It was unlike any shop I had ever visited before.
“Here we go,” the coffees arrived and were placed on a small table, “I will be helping you today. Please ask if there is anything I can do for you.”
I did warm to Lucy and with the effect of the cocktail was looking forward to this experience.
“I understand we are looking for a maid’s uniform, is that correct?”
“Yes,” answered Richard, “we saw a lovely uniform on your website and Penny would like to try it on.”
“Lovely, Penny if you follow me, we can get you measured up and find the right size for you.”
I followed Penny into an adjoining room and was asked to strip down to my underwear.
There was something in the confidence of Lucy that made me comply without question. Once undressed I was measured. It seemed to me that an excess of measurements were taken but I just did as I was told.
“Perfect, I have everything I need Let me go and find what you are looking for,” with this she disappeared leaving me alone in the small changing room.
She quickly returned with the same dress I had seen on the website Richard had shown me, in addition, she carried some black satin panties which were trimmed with white lace.
“I will let you get changed,” Lucy said, “I will choose a pair of stockings for you.”
She bustled out of the room.
I removed my plain bra and knickers and held up the satin panties. Although very sexy they would not leave very much to the imagination. I pulled them on and looked at myself in the mirror. My bottom did look very nice although quite a lot of my buttocks were on show. The dress came with a detachable apron. It all looked very sexy but very impractical, but I did think that was the purpose. I put the dress on, it barely covered my bum. If I bent down my bottom would be fully revealed. My breasts without my bra were just concealed but any movement caused them to show themselves in a very provocative way. Just as I was admiring myself Lucy returned with a pair of hold-up fishnet stockings.
“You look very sexy,” Lucy said, “Give me a twirl.”
I turned slowly whilst Lucy looked on, “These stockings go with the outfit, I have also brought you some stiletto shoes to complete the look.”
I pulled up the stockings and settled my feet into the shoes and I did by this stage feel very naughty.
“Let’s go and show Richard,” Lucy prompted.
“Ok, let’s,” I replied with a smile.
I went to find Richard and when he saw me, his eyes widened, and he smiled. “Perfect, you look stunning.”
I could tell he meant this.
“Should I get the other things we spoke about?” Lucy asked.
“Yes, please,” Richard replied.
I did not know what they meant but was happy to wait with Richard whilst Lucy disappeared again.
Richard looked at me again and smiled. “Do you have a vibrator at home?”
Blushing, I replied, “Yes.”
“Have you masturbated since you arrived?”
“Many times?” Richard asked.
“Several, yes.”
“I will have to punish you for masturbating without my permission.”
“I did not know I needed to ask.”
“That is no excuse, I will punish you this evening.”
“Yes, Sir,” I smiled.
“What do you think about when you masturbate?”
“You,” I really did blush now.
“What am I doing to you?”
“Punishing me.”
“In the future, you will ask permission before you masturbate.”
“Yes, Sir, I will ask in the future.”
“I may even come and assist.”
“That would be nice.”
With this Lucy returned.
I spent the next half hour dressing up as a schoolgirl, who would be instantly expelled. I also tried on a nurse’s uniform that left nothing to the imagination. Finally, I modelled very tight jodhpurs with high black leather boots and a very sheer blouse. Lucy and Richard were very complimentary. Richard’s desire was evident throughout.
Lucy said, “I have a suggestion to enhance these uniforms,” With this, she produced a pair of very brief black lacy panties, they were crotchless. “These are sometimes called punishment panties.”
Richard smiled, “We will take three pairs.”
Lucy went to package up all our purchases. When she returned carrying several bags she said to Richard, “Here are the three other items you asked for,” she put three packages into one of the bags.
“Do you have everything you need to provide the other item we discussed?” Richard asked.
“Yes, I will ship it to you in a couple of weeks.”
“Perfect thanks for your help today,” with this we left loaded up with our bags.
Once back on the street Richard asked if I was hungry. “Yes, I am starving.”
We went to a small bistro restaurant just off the Southbank. We ordered wine and food off the menu.
Feeling a bit brave I asked, “Do you spank Caroline the gardener?”
“Yes, every month she bares her bottom for my cane,” Richard replied as if this was the most natural thing in the world to do.
“Wow, is she naughty then?” I asked.
“Sometimes but Caroline is a bit different. She likes the thrill of being disciplined. Once a month she submits herself to a maintenance caning. She has a steady boyfriend, but he does not spank her, he seems a bit of a wimp if you ask me. So, every month I punish her. It works for both of us.”
“You cane her?”
“Yes, normally twelve strokes across her bare bottom, she does have a very nice bottom.”
“I overheard you on the phone the other day saying this time it is twelve on the bare, do you cane someone else?”
“I run a team of three sales staff, I punish them when occasion demands.”
“Really,” I could not believe what I was hearing.
“I pay my staff above market rates and when they fall short of the standards required or fail to meet their targets they know they are liable for punishment. It works, and the team is exceedingly high performing. We topped the employee satisfaction charts in the last survey. A sore bottom seems to be an acceptable price to pay for job satisfaction. I also think they enjoy it,” with this last comment he smiled.
“So basically, you spank all your staff.”
“Yes, by the way, I knew before your interview your CV was a work of fiction.”
“You what,” I blushed, the wine was again taking effect.
“If you were going to live in the annex, I would be crazy not to check you out, so I knew the CV was worthless.”
“So why did you give me the job,” I was very curious.
“I did think about cancelling the interview, but I took a chance, I gave you the job because you have a very cute bottom.”
I was dumbstruck. “So my bottom got me the job?”
“Yes, and I was right you are perfect for the role. I like you; I enjoy your company you have more potential than you give yourself credit for. I think you like working for me and of course, you do have an extremely cute bottom.”
“You are crazy, and I do really like working for you.”
We had a lovely meal, and I had more wine than usual. On the way home, we sat next to each other. The wine made me sleepy, and I fell asleep as soon as the train picked up speed. I awoke when we had reached the New Forest and I was embarrassed that I had slept cuddled into Richard.
“Sorry it was the wine, I did not mean to sleep on you.”
“Don’t worry it was nice.”
Shortly afterwards we arrived at Poole station and Richard drove home. As we parked, he said, “I fancy a quick shower and then I will prepare something light for dinner. We also have the situation with the masturbation to deal with.” He smiled and gave me all the bags with the clothes but kept the parcels he had been given.
“I will freshen up too, see you in half an hour?”
“Perfect,” again the cheeky grin.
I jumped in the shower and got ready for the evening. I decided I would wear the maid’s outfit and as I was due to be punished it seemed right that I wear the punishment panties. Again, I wondered what had come over me, before Richard I would never have dressed this way. I did look sexy in a very smutty way.
I made my way to the kitchen.
“Wow you look lovely,” greeted me upon arrival. Richard had prepared crepes with scrambled eggs and smoked salmon washed down with more wine. It felt very funny sitting for dinner my crotchless panties gave me the feeling of sitting naked on the chair. Dinner was quickly eaten as we were both keen to get onto the main course.
Once the dishes were put in the sink, Richard said, “Go through to the lounge I will be with you shortly.”
I sat on the sofa and Richard entered carrying the hairbrush once again.
“Last time I spanked you in the traditional over-the-knee spanking position. This time we will try something new. I want you to put your bottom on my lap between my legs and rest your front on your elbows on the floor, this is called the wheelbarrow position.”
I positioned myself as requested. I was both embarrassed and turned on at the same time. In this position I had both my pussy and bottom on full display.
“That is perfect for a very naughty girl, as you know modesty is for good girls. I will start spanking you with my hand and then progress to using the hairbrush.”
With this, the first smack landed. The noise seemed very loud of hand meeting bare flesh, my panties had parted and displayed my bottom for punishment.
A series of smacks landed and very soon I was sending out distress signals, I wriggled and moaned but the smacks continued to fall.
“You need to learn discipline under punishment, you do make a fuss.”
“Yes, Sir,” this seemed the right thing to say.
“Your bottom is now ready for the brush, this position does make it easier to punish the tops of your thighs along with your bottom.”
“Yes, Sir.”
The first brush stroke fell, and I cried out. The brush landed on my other buttock, and I cried again. Richard soon got into a rhythm, and I suffered a painful time. Although I tried to keep still, I failed, and I was very vocal in my cries by the end of the spanking.
I felt Richard’s hand stroke my sore bottom. “You have been very brave.”
Although I knew this was not the case, I was pleased to hear this. The pleasure was short-lived as Richard then said. “I will continue your punishment upstairs in the bedroom. Please place three pillows in the middle of the bed and place the cane next to these. Then lie over the pillows, bottom uppermost. I will be up shortly to deliver twelve strokes to your cute bottom.”
“Yes, Sir,” with a beating heart I walked upstairs to await my fate.
In the bedroom, I got the cane with both fear and excitement. I positioned the pillows as requested and positioned myself. Once again, I was fully on display Richard could hardly fail to notice my excitement. I also knew that this time he would not just punish me but that we would also become lovers.
I heard him enter the room.
“Legs apart,” he commanded.
I rushed to obey if I was not on display before I was now.
He picked up the cane and swished it through the air.
“I will give you six from this side, we will then take a break and I will give you six from the other side.”
This was not a question it was given as a statement of fact. I felt the cane laid across my bottom and held my breath.
“I want you to remain still and quiet, you only have yourself to blame for this.”
I was not sure that masturbating without permission warranted this, but I decided not to argue.
The first stroke landed, and I cried out and I just resisted the urge to reach back and protect myself. I felt the line of pain across my lower bottom. The next five strokes were delivered I managed to just hold my position, but I did make a noise after each stroke. Tears were not far away.
“We will take a break now; I have some things I wish to show you. Please get up.”
Richard sat on the bed, and I scrambled to sit upright but decided my bottom was too sore for sitting so laid next to him.
“I bought you three extra things today, here is the first,” he handed me a small box.
I carefully opened it, inside was a thin gold chain with a clamp at either end.
“These are nipple clamps; on your uniform days I will sometimes require you naked except you will wear this chain.”
I was both horrified and excited by the prospect, I opened one of the clamps. Thankfully, the spring was not very strong, but it would hold firmly. Richard handed me a second slightly larger box. I opened this and found a silver bullet with a pink jewel on one end.
“This is a buttplug, when you have been especially naughty, I will ask you to wear this. It will make you very aware of your bottom before punishment. It will also look lovely if worn with your uniforms. Have you ever seen one before?”
“No,” I stammered. My previous boyfriend had wanted to try anal sex but I had flatly refused, the thought of wearing this although very scary in all its implications was also very erotic. Once again, I wondered what had come over me.
I was handed a final package which was two feet long and thin. With mixed feelings, I opened it to find a leather whip. There was a braided leather handle and twelve or fifteen leather thongs at the business end.
“I thought this could be added to the collection, it can obviously punish your bottom, but it could be used to punish your breasts or even your pussy.”
This should have sent me running from the room but instead, I fondled the thongs of the whip and imagined myself being punished this way. I knew Richard would never really hurt me, but he would excite me.
“Thank you for my presents, they are very exciting. Scary but exciting at the same time.”
“That is for later now we have six more strokes of the cane, please remove all your clothing for the final part of your punishment.”
I stood and soon found myself naked back across the pillows. Richard walked to the opposite side of the bed and once again placed the cane across my bottom. Six strokes were quickly delivered, and I once again cried out after each, this time tears had started to fall. My bottom felt like it was on fire.
“It is time for my dessert,” I heard Richard say as I felt him kneel behind me.
I felt Richard’s tongue seeking and finding my clitoris. I do get off from oral sex and Richards proved to be very skilled. I was soon thrusting myself onto his face and all the excitement of the day came out as I quickly reached my peak. As I was coming down from my high, I heard Richard undressing behind me. He quickly mounted me as I was laid over the pillows and he fucked me. It was what we both needed there was no subtlety and as I felt him reach his peak, I joined him with my second orgasm.
Later that evening when we were both spent and cuddled up, I reached behind me and held Richard’s penis. “I missed out on dessert.”
“There is always breakfast,” was Richard’s reply.
We drifted off to sleep.
The End.