“I think we need more details, hun,” Dave said sipping his coffee. “We can add more if we don’t get any responses, dear.”
“Okay, so when do you want to start it?”
“Whenever you want to start dealing with the hordes of applicants I’m sure we’ll have.”
Karen looked at him with a broad grin, her sarcastic tone confirmed he was going to be the one doing most of the applicant screening.
“You know we both need to be comfortable with whomever we hire, right?”
“Yes, but you are better at weeding through the chaff.” Still grinning as she sipped her coffee, her foot playing with his ankle.
“Flattery will get you anything you want, but that foot will get you back in bed if you keep teasing me.”
“Oh? Right now I just want to finish my coffee and listen to the rain.”
Dave sighed, disappointed that her little flirtation wasn’t serious. He kept on editing the ad hoping he wouldn’t have to deal with too many no shows, and other deadbeats. He figured he’d have the ad ready for Monday, then he’d deal with the callers.
A few days went by after Dave placed the ad on Craigslist. They weren’t in a big hurry as it was only March, so the cruise was almost six months away. Their daughter would have watched the dogs, but she had moved beyond an easy drive to their country home and couldn’t stay weeknights due to her job. This coupled with the fact that the cat’s litter box needed daily changes, had forced them into a corner.
It took a few days for responses to start coming in. Some wanted the pets brought to them, others were too young and dependent on their parents for transportation and others lived too far away. It took a few frustrated calls until Dave narrowed it down to four candidates.
He scheduled interviews on a Saturday when Karen could be there. They set up times, making sure the yard was free of dog poop and chew toys as they wanted to set the standard.
The first candidate showed up late in a run down junker car, looked shabby and reeked of alcohol. He was quickly shown the driveway.
The second candidate was a young woman about the same age as their daughter, in her early twenties. She had a nice car, dressed well, and was very polite. But she had a few demands of her own as far as food to eat and visitors while house sitting. She was politely dismissed with a, “we’ll call you later”.
Karen and Dave were lounging on the deck talking about amending the ad when they saw the dogs react before hearing the car on the gravel path leading down from the main road up to the house. When the car stopped, the dogs ran up to greet it; their tails wagging, butts wiggling side to side in excitement. This reaction was different from the previous two applicants who were greeted with barking. The driver opened the car door, stepping out to greet them. She was in a flower print sundress, her jet-black hair swirling about her head.
“Sit, stay!” She commanded in a “calm and assertive manner” popularized by TV dog trainer Cesar Milan.
Once they had obeyed her, she bent over to greet Sadie and Gwen. The two dogs bathed her face with their tongues as their bodies shook. She then stood, releasing them and watching as they danced around her vying for attention.
Karen tapped Dave’s arm pointing out the obvious, “They adore her.”
“They are Labs dear, they adore everyone.”
Holding hands, Karen and Dave walked over to meet the young woman. She paused from petting the dogs, her cheeks glistening with canine affection. To Dave, her dark Polynesian complexion looked almost like a milk chocolate candy bar that had been left to warm in the sun; soft, sweet, and delicious. He kept that thought to himself as he let go of Karen’s hand to shake the young woman’s.
“Thank you for coming. I’m Dave and this is Karen. You’ve met Sadie and Gwen. Sadie is the yellow one.”
“Nice to meet you Dave, Karen. I’m Noelani. They are cuties; I have a male chocolate Lab Ka-lee.”
The dogs ran off to find things for their new friend to throw for them. The trio stood there watching as the two Labs picked up rocks and, pine cones teasing each other as they romped back with their welcome gifts. The three adults walked out onto the broad expanse of grass that served as the backyard.
“This is nice, lots of room for puppies to explore,” Noelani commented as she looked around.
“We have ten acres; five in Christmas trees, one is the pond. The rest are just ornamentals, lawn, and our garden,” Dave replied proudly.
“We love the quiet and privacy; it’s our little slice of heaven. It’s Noelani, right? Tell us a bit about you, experience and references?” Karen asked, catching Dave sweeping Noelani up and down with his eyes.
“Oh, call me Lani. I’m originally from Hawaii but I moved here to be with my boyfriend. I’m going to community college getting all my general classes done, then I’m transferring to a four-year course. I hope to become a Veterinarian. Here’s a list of people I’ve sat for.” She handed them two sheets of references neatly typed on letterhead, with dogs as the background.
“That sounds great, Lani. Which school do you plan on going to?” Karen smiled, hoping she’d fit into their plans as she mouthed “yes”, handing it to Dave .
“Oregon State, they have a really good Vet program. I want to stay in Oregon if at all possible. I may apply to U.C. Davis, but they are extremely hard to get into.”
“Lani,” Dave smiled, looking at Karen who was arching her eyebrows while nodding her approval. “We are looking for a person who can house sit, watch the dogs and our cat. The cat is an indoor one and the litter box is the most difficult part of that. We plan on being away a couple of weekends at first. Then, assuming that works, we have a week long cruise planned this summer. You would watch them that week also. Is that something you might be interested in doing?”
“I think I’d like that, you have a great place out here and the dogs are so cute. I’m more of a dog person but I do like cats too. I would need some notice prior to those weekends.”
“Of course, that’s only fair. Why don’t I go get us something to drink? Then we can sit on the deck and talk specifics.” Dave said.
They walked up to the deck. Dave went inside after getting the ladies drink choices. The two women sat out on the deck as the dogs played, listening to them barking, watching them chase each other. They would run up on the deck for an ear scratch then back down to the lawn to wrestle and play.
When Dave came back out with their drinks, they talked for an hour, discussing details while getting to know each other. When Lani left, Dave and Karen contemplated their talk, looked over the references then decided she would be a good match.
The third candidate was a young man in his twenties, the dogs weren’t as friendly to him as they were to Lani. They were polite to him asking the same questions they had asked Lani. After he left, they had a brief discussion, the result of which was Karen calling Lani to see when she’d like to return. She could bring her dog to meet Sadie and Gwen.
Dave went online to cancel the Craigslist ad, figuring they had found their sitter.
A couple of weeks went by until Lani could return with her dog. This time Samantha, Dave and Karen’s daughter, was visiting. She wanted a chance to meet and talk with Lani in order to give her parents a third opinion.
When Lani arrived she was greeted again by Sadie and Gwen. She cautiously held onto Ka-lee to be sure the dogs could properly meet each other. The three dogs had an initial curious reaction to each other sniffing and posturing but after a few seemingly tense moments Lani released Ka-lee. The three new friends ran off playing. Lani kept them in the corner of her eye just to be safe.
Dave introduced Samantha to Lani, then walked back into the house to tell Karen she was there. He had some work going on in the shop, so he left the final interview to Karen along with Samantha. Dave let Samantha and Lani know Karen would be a few minutes, suggesting that they check up on the dogs who could be heard but not seen.
Samantha and Lani agreed, then headed towards the pond following the dogs playful sounds. Karen joined the two young women within a couple of minutes. Samantha and Lani briefly discussed colleges, finding things they had in common and some quirks about the dogs Lani would be in charge of.
Samantha was impressed with Lani’s knowledge of dogs giving her mother an approving nod when Lani’s eyes were averted. They talked for quite some time about college, Oregon, and animals in general. Oregon State was Samantha’s alma mater, so she offered some contacts to Lani who gladly accepted the information. They walked around talking, stopping at one end of the pond. They tossed retrieving dummies into the pond for the dogs as they chatted.
It was an unusually warm spring day, so the three women had worn shorts and tennis shoes with cotton blouses. However, they soon discovered that rubber boots with long pants would have made better attire. Each time one of the dogs returned to drop one of the dummies at their feet, it shook, soaking them in the process. Karen finally suggested wearing the rubber boots they kept on the deck tucked away for winter walking. Lani offered to get them then headed for the deck’s storage bin.
“She’s pretty smart, mom, I like her. She has an amazing smile and a nice personality.”
“I’m glad you like her, that confirms your father’s and my opinion too. She’ll be house sitting for us when we go to the coast and if things work out for the cruise too.”
Their attention was diverted to the dogs with an occasional glance at Lani, each smiling with different thoughts about her presence there. Karen was happy Lani had applied and she got along well with everyone who met her. The references all had checked out fine and she felt she could trust her. She did plan on having Samantha drop by unannounced the first couple of times Lani was house sitting, just to check on things.
Samantha liked her as a possible new friend; she found they had a few things in common during their brief chat. She thought about asking her if she wanted to go to a charity dog walk at the end of the month, taking the three dogs and her mom along.
Samantha thought she was cute also which hopefully translated to a cute boyfriend. Then naturally, this thought progressed to the boyfriend having some nice looking friends she could get to know. Her own group of friends had run out of guys to set her up with. She hadn’t had a serious boyfriend since graduating from college two years before.
Lani returned wearing one pair of boots she had found at the bottom of the bin. She held two other pairs which she hoped would fit Samantha and Karen. Samantha and Karen started laughing as she approached.
“Very sexy look Lani, I should get my camera.” Karen teased causing Lani to blush.
“I like little yellows ducks, Lani. I think those may have been my niece’s when she visited this winter.” Samantha giggled.
“They fit and they are functional, that’s all I care about. I have small feet, what can I say? If you take pictures I’ll call my lawyer because I know you’ll use them as blackmail.”
They all laughed as the dogs ran up once more shaking and getting them wet. Karen and Samantha used each other’s shoulders to help them balance as they replaced their shoes with boots. Lani watched them change while tossing the throw dummies for the dogs. Samantha volunteered to take the shoes back to the deck to avoid further soaking.
It was then Karen that officially offered the house sitting position to Lani.
“Lani, I wonder if you’d like to start house sitting for us? We’re thinking about a trip to the coast in three weeks. That would be a chance to see how you like being out here before we do our long trip.”
“I’d love to; let me check my calendar and I’ll let you know. I don’t think I have anything planned.”
“Let me know, Samantha might be here, but I can’t count on her having the time right now.”
“Okay, I’ll check when I get home and call you.”
“Thanks, we’ll get together to iron out the details. I’ll make a list of people to call in case of emergencies, then we’ll go over the dogs’ routines and feeding requirements.”
Samantha returned, joining the conversation while listening and making mental notes of her parents’ plans. She asked Lani if she’d like to do the dog walk, which happened to be on that weekend also. Lani thought that her boyfriend might want to go; that way they each would have a dog. They continued talking for the next hour until the dogs finally wore themselves out and quit returning the dummies, preferring to lie in the warm spring sun.
Unfortunately for the dogs, Lani couldn’t stay much longer. Samantha grabbed some towels off the deck. Calling to them, she took all three dogs to get some clean water to drink. Then she proceeded to give them each a bath so they wouldn’t smell like pond water. After changing back into their tennis shoes, Lani said her goodbyes. She promised to call to finalize the plans while loading Ka-lee into her car.
After waving their goodbyes, Samantha and Karen walked back to the deck. They sat and talked about the weekend plans. After a bit, they went inside so Karen could make a list of people she thought would be helpful when Lani watched the house.
Karen and Dave met with Lani the during the week, giving her a tour of the house, a key and a list of phone numbers along with any pertinent information they could think of. Lani thanked them, then put the list in a safe place in case she needed it. Since Samantha was coming over to go with her to the dog walk, Lani felt if she had problems or questions Samantha would be available to help.
The big weekend arrived and Lani showed up on Friday afternoon. The weather was warm so she changed into her bikini and let the dogs out to play and swim in the pond. Her boyfriend was away with his buddies camping, so it would be the three dogs with her and Samantha at the walk the following morning. She brought some homework to do, figuring she could do that later in the evening when the dogs were sleeping off their playtime. Ka-lee had been so tired and happy from the swimming during his previous visit she was sure they would all just play while it was light and then sleep till morning.
She grabbed a lounge chair and took it out by the pond so she could keep an eye on the dogs while she sunned. Putting her MP3 player on shuffle, she kicked back to watch the dogs play. Occasionally, she’d toss a dummy for the dogs to scamper after. Looking around she decided there was enough privacy; the nearest neighbor was a quarter mile away and Christmas trees filled the space between, blocking any possible views. She sat up and released the knot to the top of her bikini, slipping it off and laying it at the base of her chair away from the dogs’, curiosity. She giggled picturing herself topless chasing one of them if they happened to grab it, thinking it was a toy.
The sun felt good on her bare breasts. Her skin was naturally dark brown and she wasn’t too worried about getting sunburned. She lay back against the chair, closing her eyes and enjoying the warmth the sun gave her. She’d peek every so often at the dogs who were playing tug of war and chasing each other. They calmed down after about twenty minutes, and all three came back to her, taking refuge under and around her lounger. With the dogs close by and nodding off, she turned down the volume on her player and drifted off to sleep.
About twenty minutes later, she was rudely awakened when the dog that was sleeping under her chair got up. She looked around to see what he was running to. That’s when she saw Samantha walking towards her. She stood, smiling at Samantha who started giggling as she approached. Lani couldn’t figure out what was so funny as she stood there waiting for Samantha. She removed the ear buds and then realized what Samantha was giggling at. She quickly looked around, only to discover one of the dogs had stolen her top and was offering it to Samantha. Samantha took the top and walked towards Lani dangling the tiny piece of cloth as a tease.
“Hi, missing something?”
Lani blushed and attempted to cover her breasts with her arms. Samantha grinned as she handed the tiny wad of fabric back to the Polynesian beauty before her.
“Thanks, I was just taking advantage of the sun. Darn Ka-lee, I thought I had that where they couldn’t get it.”
“It’s okay, I take advantage of the privacy out here too. If you don’t mind I’ll join you.”
Lani turned, covering herself as she retied the top. “I don’t mind. Want something to drink? Your parents left tons of stuff for me.”
“Sure, I’ll get it after I change, you want something?”
“Oh, a coke thanks.”
Lani watched as Samantha walked back to the house. She hoped her napping semi-naked wouldn’t get back to Karen and Dave. If it did, she hoped it wouldn’t matter to them. She liked being out there and wanted to keep this little bit of easy money she was making. Readjusting her top she sat back down, not worrying about the dogs that had followed Samantha into the house, hoping for a treat. After a few minutes, Samantha came back out with two cokes. She handed one to Lani then set the other aside. Grabbing a lounge chair, she opened it up close to Lani, retrieved her drink and eased into the chair. The dogs, wagging their tails, returned to playing near the pond, barking and having their usual doggie good time.
“How’s the house sitting going so far, Lani?”
“Pretty good, sorry about the topless thing, the sun just felt too good. I didn’t think anyone would be out here.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m surprised the dogs didn’t hear me drive up; they must be tired from playing so much. You know tired dogs are happy dogs.”
“Yeah, they have been enjoying the free time out here almost as much as I am.”
“Nice tan by the way.”
Lani giggled, “It’s sort of genetic, I don’t do much to keep it that way.”
“It would take me almost all summer to get as dark as you. I did it once in High School but haven’t had the time to do it since. I don’t tan easily but once I get going I can get pretty dark. No tan lines either I noticed, nice.”
“Tan lines are there I’m just dark naturally, so they aren’t as obvious.”
Lani sat up, untied her top and turned towards Samantha. “Wanna see?”
Samantha looked over, a little embarrassed, “Very nice, I wish I could devote the time to get that way. You’re lucky, Lani, nice boobs too.”
“Thanks, I’ve dropped some weight since moving to the mainland, but my boobs stayed the same. I think it’s genetic too. All the women in my family have great tits.”
They both laughed as Lani sat back against her chair closing her eyes after checking on the dogs making sure they were okay. Samantha sat up removing her top then setting it beside her chair.
“Don’t worry about me telling mom. You weren’t doing anything wrong, we lay out here when we can get away with it.”
Lani smiled after looking to see what Samantha was doing, she noticed some slight tan lines around Samantha’s breasts and smiled to herself. “You have nice boobs too girl, I know some who wouldn’t mind having those.”
“Thanks, I guess we’re both blessed with good genes. I was hoping you might know some single guys who would appreciate them.”
“I know a few, I think all of them would love those boobs of yours.”
They both grinned then settled back to soak up the rays, sipping their sodas from time to time, checking on the dogs as they played until they settled back around the chairs to nap. Out of the corners of their eyes ,they would each sneak a peek at each other as they lay there.
After about half an hour, everyone woke from the naps; the dogs were hungry, begging to be fed. The two young women talked a bit more. Lani offered to make dinner but Samantha had plans. Samantha eventually got dressed then headed back to her own house, reminding Lani what time she’d be around the next day for the walk.
The walk was fun; they got Tee shirts, the dogs received various goodies plus coupons for a variety of dog related businesses. They walked a couple of miles, talking and getting to know each other better. The dogs enjoyed sniffing the many other dog butts there for the event. The walk tired them out once more, making Lani’s job easy.
The remainder of the day was routine, Lani relaxed, sunned herself and made sure the dogs had fun. When Dave and Karen returned, three happy dogs along with a well-rested sitter greeted them. They talked for a bit and Lani told them how the weekend went and about the walk. She said how great it was to have peace and quiet so she could study. She complimented them on having such well-mannered dogs and thanked them again after she was paid. Karen called Samantha and asked how the walk went. Samantha let her know they had a nice time and the house was in good hands. Neither girl mentioned the sunbathing.
Around mid-June, Dave was called away on business, so Karen decided to take that weekend to visit her sister who lived a couple of hours away by air. Lani came over to watch the dogs and make sure the house was fine.
On Sunday afternoon, Lani was lying out on the deck and the dogs in the pond swimming when Karen came home. She caught an earlier flight than expected. The dogs were lost in their play as she drove up and by the time they noticed she was walking up the steps to the deck to a sleeping, topless Lani. She covered herself as best she could and apologized to Karen for being in that state of undress. Karen told her to just relax repeating what Samantha had told her weeks before. It was fine to be out sunning, they did it all the time. Karen shrugged off Lani’s worry then took her bags inside. After about twenty minutes Karen walked back out with dressed only in bikini bottoms. Lani’s jaw dropped when she looked over to see Karen’s bikinied cheeks facing her, the sound of a lounge chair being dragged over.
Karen adjusted the back of her chair while the dogs lay down on the deck. After placing a towel on the chair, she sat down. She then proceeded to squirt some SPF 15 into her palm, applying it to her upper body while talking. Lani tried to keep her eyes and mind focused on other things but Karen’s breasts distracted her.
“Has it been like this all weekend?” Karen asked as the sound of the lotion spurting into her palms made Lani giggle.
“That sounded good, yeah, pretty much. I’ve been studying at night since it’s been so nice. I can’t see keeping the dogs inside when it’s so gorgeous out. It’s one more thing I like about being out here, privacy and sun. I want a place like this some day.”
“Yes, it’s almost empty. I don’t blame you; I’d be out here all day if I could, I love the sun. It apparently loves you too Lani, you’ve gotten so much darker since we first met.”
Lani blushed as a slight tingle shot through her. She didn’t know what caused it, maybe the close proximity of Karen or the way she talked, so calm and reassuring. She shivered when the bottle did its little squirt thing again accompanied by the sound of Karen spreading it over her skin.
“Do you use sunblock, Lani?”
“No, I’ve never burned; I have had reactions to some so I just don’t use them.”
“Well this is all natural; it’s over here if you want it. I have more inside.”
“Thank you, Karen. How was your trip?”
“It was good, but my sister was starting to come down with a cold so I decided it might be better to leave early. I was able to get a flight so here I am. Hopefully, I didn’t catch the bug, so now you’re stuck with me.”
“That’s okay; I packed up some of my things already. I just want to get a little more time in the sun and I’ll be out of your hair.”
“You’re fine Lani. Why not stay for dinner? Dave will be gone for a couple more days and I hate being out here alone.”
“Are you sure it’s no trouble?
“We’ll call out for Chinese or whatever you’d like. I sure don’t feel like cooking and I don’t know about you. I’m buying and you’re staying. Now soak up more of those rays. Sure you don’t want any sun block?”
“Well, you say it’s all natural?”
“Yes, I did. I have allergies too. It took some research to find it. I order a case each spring. Help yourself.”
“Well, I’ll try it, thanks.”
Lani got up; she couldn’t help but stare as she bent down to pick up the bottle of sun block Karen had placed on the deck next to her chair. She felt a bit nervous being that close, Karen’s breasts were as beautiful as Samantha’s. Fuller, not quite as firm looking and there were no tan lines at all. She swallowed hard trying to focus on the bottle and not Karen.
“You okay Lani?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m fine.”
“You sure, it’s almost like you’ve never seen a woman’s breasts before,” Karen stated as she lowered her sunglasses gazing at Lani’s firm bronzed body.
Lani was kneeling at Karen’s side trying to get the bottle without disturbing her. She paused in a squatted position holding the bottle while Karen talked to her.
“You have a fantastic body, Lani. Has anyone ever told you that?”
“Just my boyfriend, but I think he compliments me just to get me in the mood.”
“Well, he’s not lying as you are lovely. Such a delicious dark brown. I noticed Dave was checking you out that first day we met. Plus those breasts, nicely shaped, firm. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to have mine like that again. Not that they were ever as dark as yours, but they were perky at one time. I guess I could have them that way again but surgery isn’t for me.”
“Yours are amazing Karen, I’ve never seen mature breasts that are so pert. All my older relatives have really big and saggy ones.”
“You’re sweet, thanks.”
As they each focused on the others breasts, their nipples began to grow and harden. Karen moved her gaze from Lani’s breasts to the young woman’s face. Despite her color, a definite blush was becoming obvious.
“Am I making you uncomfortable, Lani?”
“Just a little bit, Karen. I’ve never been this close to another woman who looked at my breasts the way you are.”
“How am I looking at them?”
“Like you could, well, just devour them.”
Lani’s face turned a deeper red. Karen smiled, lifting her hand to caress just below one of Lani’s breasts. Her index finger traced just under, then over her solid nipple. Lani gasped, closing her eyes as Karen circled the dark aureole with her well-manicured nail. Lani held onto the armrest of Karen’s lounger, letting the older woman tease her.
“Devour is such a crude work Lani. They are too sweet to ravage like that. No, I think they want to be suckled, maybe teased a bit. They are definitely yearning for some attention and maybe even need to be gently made love to. Don’t you think?”
Karen’s voice was soft and seductive, so all Lani could do was to nod her head and enjoy the older woman’s sensuous touch.
Lani opened her eyes to see Karen’s smile, her eyes were following her fingertip as she explored the dark brown flesh.
“It’s probably a good thing I’m not into girls, isn’t it Lani?”
“Yeah, I’m not into girls at all. But the way you’re touching me I might reconsider.”
Karen stopped her tease but left her finger close to Lani’s breasts; her elbow resting on the arm support.
“You wouldn’t want that I guess.”
“No, I’m happy being straight, aren’t you?”
Lani looked down at Karen’s finger, still pointing at her nipple, then back to Karen. She leaned in so Karen’s finger contacted her nipple again.
“Yes, I am very happy being straight Lani,” Karen grinned, making small circles over the bumpy aureole and glancing Lani’s erect nipple once again.
Lani sighed, her voice soft as if she were in a dream. Closing her eyes again, she said. “Me too, I can’t imagine how someone could be attracted to someone of their own sex.”
“Yes, pretty far fetched, isn’t it.”
Karen’s voice was soft and self-assured, her lone finger stopped tracing. She placed her thumb along with her index finger over Lani’s dark nipple, rolling it between them while her other fingers brushed the firm brown breast.
“You know it seems to be the ‘in’ thing these days, being bi or at least curious. Curiosity killed the cat you know.” Karen observed.
“But satisfaction brought her back.”
Both women giggled at that comment. Lani stood; leaving Karen’s touch, she straddled the lounger, sitting on Karen’s lap and leaning in she kissed Karen’s cheek. Their breasts pressed together as Karen wrapped her arms around the younger woman. She began to massage Lani’s back. Lani moved from kissing Karen’s cheek, across her lips to the other cheek. She sat back then scooted up a bit so her breasts were within easy reach of Karen’s face.
“So what were you saying about my breasts not being ravaged?”
“I said they looked like they wanted to be suckled, if I recall correctly.”
“Oh, I stand corrected.”
“You better not stand at all,” Karen ordered her smiling with an impish grin.
Karen tilted her head forward, placing her lips over Lani’s nipple. Lani smiled and she placed her hands on the back of Karen’s lounge chair, just above the older woman’s head. Karen suckled each breast as if she had done it a few times before, moving back and forth, delighting how they felt in her mouth. She would suckle, then flick the wet nipple, engulfing as much of Lani’s breast as she could fit in her mouth. Lani encouraged her by keeping her back arched, moaning with each delightful mouthful. It took Karen a long time to explore Lani’s breasts. She then paused, sat back, holding Lani’s waist; looking up at her and seeing a very large grin.
“Is the cat satisfied?”
“The cat enjoyed that very much, for a straight cat.”
“Straight cats like to share?” Karen asked as her fingertips traced Lani’s curves.
“They can be persuaded.”
“What would it take to persuade the straight cat?”
“Not much, the straight cat feels very nice right now and she’s developed more curiosity.”
“Oh? What is the straight cat curious about?”
“Well, if this feeling is shared, would it be increased?”
“I think it is shared, speaking as another straight cat that is a bit more curious herself now. Tell you what, let’s lock up the puppies. Then we can go inside to see if these two straight cats can resolve this curiosity thing.”
Lani smiled as she stood up and called the dogs to go into the house. They responded with their usual enthusiasm expecting a treat as their reward. She walked over to the sliding glass to let them in. Karen got up off the lounger walking in behind the younger woman. Placing her hand on the girl’s lower back, she guided her to the master bedroom. The dogs were disappointed, trudging off to their beds to sulk, leaving Karen and Lani alone.
They entered the master bedroom, Lani slid onto one side of the king sized bed with Karen slipping onto the other. They didn’t bother to remove the comforter but did prop the pillows up a bit. Lying on their sides facing each other, Karen placed a finger on Lani’s lips tracing them while looking into Lani’s eyes.
“Seriously, I am straight and this is the first time I have ever done anything remotely like this Lani.”
“Me too, Karen, but it just feels right. I mean, it’s just something about you and I being here that doesn’t feel strange or weird or anything like that.”
“Lani, to be perfectly honest, I’m very nervous right now.”
She grinned, looking at Karen and scooting down the bed a bit, she placed her arm around Karen. Lani moved her head in and started suckling Karen’s breast. Karen sighed, enjoying the feeling of this wonderful “straight” girl.
Lani paused looking up at Karen in a throaty whisper she asked, “Feeling any better?”
Karen grinned nodding her head. She gently rolled onto her back. Lani adjusted her position over Karen returning to her exploring. Karen reveled in the way Lani made love to her breasts, it didn’t feel odd at all having this beautiful young woman enjoying her body the way she was. She placed her hand at Lani’s head and gently slipped her fingers through the girls jet-black locks. Marveling how lovely Lani’s hair felt against her body and in her hands. Lani continued her explorations moving from breast to breast, licking, suckling, thoroughly enjoying herself.
“Lani, that feels so nice, sweetheart.”
Lani smiled, then let go of the nipple she was sucking on. Scooting up, she kissed Karen passionately on the lips. Karen wrapped her arms around her ensuring Lani wouldn’t go anywhere. They kissed and hugged for a bit, just enjoying how each other felt. After a bit, Karen initiated their break so she could catch her breath.
“You okay Karen?”
“Yes, I am. I just needed to say something to you.”
Their little experiment had gone so well Lani wondered why Karen would want to stop to tell her something. Karen brushed Lani’s hair back and spoke to her in a whisper.
“I feel a little bit guilty doing this. It does feel good and you’re not doing anything wrong. But I am married and this feels like cheating. I love Dave and I don’t know that I can take this any further.”
“Karen, it’s okay. We’re both straight as we’ve reminded each other. I don’t want you feeling guilty at all. I will do whatever you want to do. Having you feel bad is the last thing I want to happen. We can stop if you want, not that I really want to. I haven’t been this aroused in quite some time, but I do understand.”
“You’re a sweetheart, Lani. I do feel very warm inside and this does feel right. But in the back of my mind, a little bird is telling me it’s wrong.”
Lani laid her head against Karen’s chest, listening to the rapid beat of her heart. It slowed slightly as Karen’s breathing returned to a normal, steady rate. They remained silent, thinking about what they had done and wondering if they would ever do it again. Karen continued to brush Lani’s hair with her fingers, comforting her and calming herself.
“Frustrating isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is, but I can live with it,” Lani confessed.
“I am sorry. Maybe someday I won’t feel this way, but right now I do. I just want to be sure we can still be friends. I’d hate to lose such a cute house sitter.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it. I was curious and now I have had that partially answered. It’s not like you forced me.”
Karen lifted Lani’s face to hers, kissing Lani deeply wanting to ensure there were no hurt feelings. After the kiss, they lay together snuggling and cuddling.
“Karen, I should get going.”
“No, You’re staying for dinner, I won’t take no for an answer.”
“Alright, you did promise me didn’t you?”
“I did. So what shall we have?”
“Chinese is fine, I like that takeout place you have a menu for.”
Lani extracted herself from Karen’s embrace, getting off the bed with a slightly disappointed sigh. They both put their tops back on with Karen calling to order dinner. While they were waiting for their dinner to arrive the phone rang and Karen answered it. It was Dave, calling to check to see how Lani was doing with the dogs. He was surprised that Karen was there but understood when she told him about her sister. They talked for about thirty minutes until the dinner arrived. They said their good-byes, telling each other they loved and missed the other. Karen hung up sighing as she looked at Lani, who was clearing the table so they could eat.
The remainder of the evening was filled with looks, double entendres, giggles, and sighs; each of them wanting to return to their moments of intimacy. Samantha called to see how Lani was doing and heard Karen in the background. She took that opportunity to invite Lani to a doggie social the next Friday night. Lani had no plans, telling Samantha she had broken up with her boyfriend. Samantha thought it would be a good way for Lani to begin getting over him.
Lani left before it got dark, she hugged and kissed Karen once more hoping they had a new bond that might become stronger.
Friday rolled around; Samantha stopped by her parent’s house to drop off her overnight things. It would be easier for her to stay there than drive back to her apartment later that night. She decided not to take Sadie and Gwen with her because three dogs would be harder for the two of them to control. She chatted with her mom and dad during dinner, letting them know she might be home late or maybe not at all if she had too much to drink. Lani had offered her the couch if they over indulged, which both Karen and Dave liked hearing since they didn’t want Samantha drinking and driving. She took off about 7pm. She was dressed to meet up with Lani, and they both wore fairly casual attire; flip-flops, shorts and loose shirts. Lani wore a Hawaiian print with bright bird of paradise flowers, while Samantha wore a pink and black bowling shirt.
They drove Samantha’s car to the small pub that catered to dog owners hosting the event. Ka-lee had a great time meeting some new friends, sniffing butts, and playing; the girls had fun drinking, meeting new people, and watching Ka-lee play. It was a warm Summer evening and the girls in their flip-flops didn’t dance. Lani noticed a pair of women dancing very suggestively, pointing them out to Samantha while not being obvious to anyone else. They both giggled remembering their talk while sunbathing, while Lani reflected back on her few moments with Karen. Ka-lee had enough fun and lay at their feet chomping on one of the many free treats he’d received. Around 10pm they decided they had enough fun for one night then drove back to Lani’s apartment. They had only a couple of drinks each so they were feeling good but not drunk.
Ka-lee went straight to his bed, worn out and happy. Lani asked Samantha if she felt like going back out dancing or clubbing. Samantha declined, noting they weren’t really dressed for it, Lani then suggested a nightcap and a video. Samantha thought that was a good idea, volunteering to help in whatever way she could. They kicked off their flip-flops and proceeded to relax.
Lani showed Samantha where things were in the kitchen and asked of she’d make the popcorn. Samantha agreed then proceeded to pop the kernels. Lani looked for a movie, calling out titles to Samantha as she popped their snack. They went through Lani’s collection ,with each of them having seen the movies Lani named at least once. Samantha suggested just seeing what was on cable or one of the premium channels Lani had. Lani agreed and arranged the throw pillows on the floor in front of the couch for them to sit on.
She headed back into the kitchen as Samantha was pulling the popcorn off the stove. She found an appropriate a bowl for them to eat out of. Lani let Samantha fill it with the freshly popped corn. They each grabbed a hard lemonade along with a towel to wipe their fingers. Taking their seats in front of the couch Lani picked up the remote and began flipping through the channels.
There wasn’t much on that either of them liked. Lani went through the channels at least three times before they agreed on a slasher movie. Samantha suggested turning the lights down to make it a bit scarier, so Lani turned off all but the light over the stove. She went to her bedroom and slipped out of her shirt and shorts, removed her bra and put her nightshirt on. When she returned Samantha commented on her new attire, Lani suggested she do the same, since Lani had extra shirts and they had seen each other half naked before. Samantha liked the idea so Lani got her an old shirt to wear. She changed while Lani went through the channels one last time just to be sure they weren’t missing anything. She wound up back at the slasher movie as their reluctant choice.
They sat in the glow of the television, drinking their lemonades, munching popcorn, and commenting on how stupid the victims were. The movie played and screaming teens were hacked to death about every ten minutes. Finding the routine boring, they began to talk about the evening, Lani finished her drink and offered to get them another. Samantha looked at hers and decided one more wouldn’t hurt. Lani took their glasses and the now empty snack bowl back to the kitchen, returning with the drinks. She plopped down a bit closer to Samantha since the popcorn bowl wasn’t around anymore.
“Thanks, Lani. This is nice. I haven’t just kicked back like this in a long time; work is so crazy.”
“You’re welcome. I know, I’m in the same boat. All work and no play makes Lani a very boring girl.”
“Is that why he dumped you?”
“Yep, he decided that I had no time for him and so he suggested we ‘see other people’ which is really goodbye.”
“That sucks. I was hoping he had some friends.”
“I can’t help you there; most don’t have jobs or are working part-time and going to school. Not really good long term dating material. But, they would love your boobs.”
“At this point in my life I’m looking for Mr. Right Now not really Mr. Right. A good lover would be nice for a bit.”
“I thought my guy was Mr. Right but now I know he was ‘not quite right’ for me.”
“I guess it takes some time, although it seems like I’m going to more weddings this year than I ever have.”
“I don’t know that I’ll ever get married. I want kids but marriage? I’m not so sure. How’s your drink Sam?”
“It’s fine, and I want kids too. Little kids are so amazing. Being an only child I missed out on having brothers or sisters.”
Samantha took the last swig from her bottle setting it aside. Grabbing a loose pillow, she turned and laid on her stomach to watch the movie, Pillow under her chin, feet resting at the back of the couch next to Lani. Lani finished her drink and set it on the opposite side of the couch on the floor. She scooted closer to Samantha’s feet, placing a pillow between her lower back and the couch.
She gazed at Samantha in the glow of the television noting her long legs, tight butt, and long soft hair. She reminded Lani of Karen and that evoked a tingle within her.
“What did you think of those two girls at the pub?” Lani asked as she contemplated touching Samantha’s legs.
“I think they were really into each other and were getting off teasing every one as they danced.”
“I bet there are a few guys remembering them tonight, alone in their beds.” Lani giggled.
“Yeah, they were hot, that’s for sure.”
Lani decided to use the backs of her fingers to brush Samantha’s ankles. She started with slow, intermittent, light touches to see if Samantha would say anything. When Samantha didn’t, she continued making longer strokes up and down Samantha’s calves. Samantha didn’t move, her concentration apparently focussed on the bad movie before them. Lani smiled, enjoying the feel of Samantha’s smooth legs against her fingers. Samantha moved one leg closer to Lani so she could feel Lani’s hip against her foot. Lani took this as a good sign and began to use her hand to massage the ankle and calf. She’d wrap her hand around the ankle, putting slight pressure on it and then moving up the calf to the back of the knee. Samantha remained quiet, watching the movie in the darkness. Lani continued her massage; varying her pressure and length of her stroke. After a few really long strokes Samantha bent her leg at the knee. Lani waited for Samantha to ask her what she was doing but instead Samantha shifted her position so her legs were on either side of Lani.
She now lay with Lani sitting astride her ankles, her feet against the couch. Lani grinned then used both hands this time. She kneaded both legs from ankles to knees working what little tension in them up to Samantha’s rear. Samantha pushed the pillow out from under her chin; turned her head resting it on the pillow. Her hands moved under her cheek as she lay there facing the side.
“You like this Sam?”
Samantha nodded with a broad smile on her face.
“Mind if I turn off the television?”
“Go ahead. I wasn’t really watching it after you started touching me, besides I’ve seen it like three times already.”
Lani stopped to flick the television off; the room grew a bit dimmer as the glow faded from the television’s tube as it shut down. She returned to massaging Samantha’s legs, moving higher with some strokes along the insides of her thighs. Their voices were soft whispers now, matching the dim light that surrounded them.
“Did you like seeing those girls dancing Lani?”
“Yes, they did look sexy.”
“I thought so too, I thought about dancing too, but I was chicken.”
“I think you would have been very sexy Sam.”
Lani sat up on her knees to reach further up Samantha’s thighs. She leaned forward pressing her weight onto them with the up stroke and lightly touched them on the way back. With each new stroke she followed a different path to Samantha’s cheeks but on each return trip she placed her hands right where her cheeks met and then down their insides. Sometimes when she’d get close to the bottoms of Samantha’s panties, Samantha would shiver and adjust her resting place.
“Yes, Lani?”
“Can I ask you something? I know we both mentioned it when we were sunbathing but I was curious and this seems like the right time to ask.”
Dreamily Samantha replied, “Ask away.”
“We both said we were straight, if I recall. I was just wondering if you had ever, you know, with a girl.”
“Once at college, I did make out with this girl in my dorm room. Why?”
“I’m just sort of in the mood, if you know what I mean.”
Samantha bent her legs at the knees, not wanting to hit Lani as she rolled over and sat up to face her. She crossed her legs and sat in a lotus position, looking into Lani’s eyes she asked.
“You want to make out with me? Is that what I’m hearing?”
Lani blushed. Her seduction had been going so well to this point and now Samantha was onto her.
“Yes and no. I mean touching you felt really nice Just watching those girls dance, coupled with the lack of any boyfriend intimacy and the drinks, means that I am in that mood.”
“It’s okay; I was enjoying your massage as if you couldn’t tell. So we’d just make out? Is that all we’d be doing?”
“Forget it; it sounds really stupid when you put it that way, I’m sorry I brought it up.”
Lani pouted a bit, looking down at the floor. Samantha placed her fingers under Lani’s chin, tilting her head up. She leaned in brushing Lani’s lips with hers. Looking into Lani’s eyes she whispered.
“What do you want to do?”
“You don’t have to Sam, I’m fine.”
In a pseudo stern voice Samantha inquired, “Now you don’t want to? Girl you’re confusing me.”
“I just don’t want you to feel obligated, like I coerced you into doing something.”
Samantha leaned in again, tracing her lips with her tongue, then kissing her with a little more passion.
“I don’t feel coerced; I feel very nice right now.”
“Could we go to my room and see how that feels?”
“Sure, if either of us feels weird about it, we can just stop. Sound fair to you?”
“Yeah, that sounds fair.”
Lani looked at her as a huge grin crossed her face. She stood taking Samantha’s hand and helping her up. Lani led her to the bedroom after turning off the stove light. They stumbled to the bedroom in the darkness bumping into each other, causing some giggling. Apologizing, Lani found the lamp next to the bed and flicked it on. Samantha smiled then grasped the bottom of her borrowed shirt lifting it over her head and off her body. Lani’s grin grew wider while watching Samantha. After Samantha had flung her top aside Lani did the same thing, with a bit more wiggle to it.
Samantha took the lead; crawling across the bed lying on her side. Her head was cradled in her hand resting on one elbow watching Lani. Lani giggled; jumping in next to her, practically knocking Samantha over with the impact of their foreheads.
“Oh, gosh I’m so sorry!” Lani fretted, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. A little enthusiastic are we?” Samantha said as she rubbed her forehead.
“Maybe a bit, can I make it feel better?”
Lani kissed Samantha’s forehead, barely touching it with her lips so not to cause any further pain. She kissed all around Samantha’s face as gently as she could. Samantha closed her eyes enjoying the light busses. She slipped her arm around Lani rolling onto her back taking Lani with her. Lani looked up then her focus turned to Samantha’s lips, brushing them with hers, teasing by licking them with the tip of her tongue. The girls kissed and snuggled until Samantha happened to see the clock on the nightstand. It was almost midnight and she was supposed to be staying at her parent’s house. She rolled off and mentioned to Lani that she was thinking about leaving.
“Don’t.” Lani whispered.
Lani then lowered her head and began exploring Samantha’s breasts with her mouth while tracing her thighs with her fingernails. Samantha lost her train of thought; her head sinking back into Lani’s pillow, cooing with delight. Lani grinned enjoying the feel of Samantha’s nipples in her mouth. They weren’t like Karen’s, whose breasts were full and soft. Samantha’s were full and firmer. The pleasant moans from Samantha reassured Lani that she was enjoying herself. In a soft whisper between moans Samantha managed to ask Lani a question.
“I thought we were just going to make out, Lani.”
“We were. Does this feel okay?”
Samantha grinned, “It feels more than okay. Can’t you tell?”
“But you’re complaining and you wanted to leave.” Lani muttered, switching from one breast to another, her fingers gliding over Samantha’s mound, teasing her each time her fingers slipped from one thigh to the other.
“Not really a complaint, this is just more than I expected and my parents did sort of expect me home.”
Lani stopped she looked at Samantha as best she could in the dark. “I’ll stop if you want me to, not that I want to. I really want you to stay the night now. I’m so worked up now I may just pleasure myself.”
Samantha squirmed; a smile brightened her face in the darkness. “We could pleasure each other. I could stay; it’s really too late to call them and I did tell them I might stay if we drank too much.”
“It would be just two friends helping each other. I’m good with that if you are.”
“I think I can live with that, just fingers?”
Lani grinned, snuggling into Samantha’s neck; she whispered, “What ever you want to do. I have a small vibe if you like.”
With that she inched a finger between Samantha’s tummy and the waistband of her panties. Samantha wiggled from side to side, letting Lani remove them. Tossing the tiny sliver of cloth off the bed, she returned her fingers to Samantha’s warm flesh.
“Much better, don’t you think?”
“Yes, now it’s your turn, Lani.”
Samantha slid her hand down Lani’s tummy, inching her fingers between the waistband and Lani’s warm skin, nudging it upward and into her panties, tugging them a bit while Lani rose up to help her ease them off. She tossed them to the floor then rolled onto Lani so they could kiss.
The girls looked into each others eyes a slight sparkle in each as the moonlight streaming through the bedroom window reflected off them. Their warm, soft bodies felt good against each other; a perfect blend with the warm, still air of Lani’s bedroom. Lani closed her eyes and wrapped her arm around Samantha. She began massaging her back in small circles, increasing as her passion built. Samantha lowered her face to Lani’s, closing her eyes as she kissed her new friend. Lani continued her exploration of Samantha’s back while slipping her legs between Samantha’s. Both young women enjoyed kissing, they continued making out for what seemed like hours. Squirming and rubbing their legs together, teasing and giggling between kisses. Their passion building while their hearts raced caused by new and exciting feelings.
Samantha was the first to speak, whispering to Lani.
“Is this at all like you thought it might be?”
Lani looked up at Samantha, pausing to think about what to say. Her heart was racing, her pussy moist from the anticipation her breath labored.
“I’ve been close to feeling like this recently, I enjoyed it very much. No pressure, no expectations, just feeling comfortable, relaxed while really aroused is a sort of strange combination.”
“I’m glad; this is farther than I went with my friend in college. I like being with you, kissing, touching.”
Samantha raised herself up from Lani and began sliding her body up and down. Her breasts were deliberately brushing Lani’s as she slid herself down to Lani’s tummy, kissing, sucking, licking it, then moving back to her lips. Samantha kept repeating squirming slowly up and down, enjoying the feel of Lani under her. The young woman’s velvety smooth skin felt much like her own and the sensations she was experiencing reminded her of her college friend not too long ago.
Lani continued massaging Samantha’s back moaning with delight as she became more aroused. Her whispered words of encouragement delighted Samantha which had its own effect of making Samantha more excited. Samantha continued her gyrations over Lani, licking and kissing her sweet mocha flesh as they both neared their goal of mutual satisfaction. Samantha’s thigh continually slipping up and down Lani’s increasingly wet pussy was bringing Lani close. The feeling of Lani beneath her was having the same effect on Samantha; the sensual gyrations finally bringing them both to a delightful orgasm.
Lani was the first to shudder, she gripped the bed sheets next to her; arching her head back then collapsing. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she squirmed under Samantha. Samantha was delighted, feeling Lani writhe under her quickly drove her to a quiet climax. She shuddered a few times then collapsed on top. She kissed Lani’s lips their breathing matched in gasped moments. Pausing for a brief moment she looked as best she could into Lani’s eyes and then clumsily rolled off and next to her. Both girls panting, trying to catch their breath as they each thanked the other.
Samantha spoke first cooing as she did, “That wasn’t bad at all, Lani.”
“No, that was something I haven’t felt in some time.”
“Maybe in the morning we can try a little more if you feel like it.”
“I like the sound of that.” Lani raised her arms looking herself over, she smiled.
“What are you doing?”
“I don’t look any different, Sam. So I guess being with another girl isn’t all that bad.”
“You’re crazy. Can we get some sleep now?”
“Sure, and thanks for being here, Sam.”
“You’re welcome and thank you too, you are very sexy, Lani”
They whispered a few more compliments, kissed some then each slowly closed their eyes to nod off; each satiated and smiling.