The Hotel Of Blindfolds And Cuffs

"The secret to The Nine Hills Hotel may be the path to paradise."

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Since time immemorial, the allure of the unknown has tantalized mankind. Some have searched for the Loch Ness monster or hunted for Bigfoot. Others have obsessed over secret organizations and lost civilizations, piecing together one clue after another. They each cast aside all they had for the fleeting hope of success.

Some have even willingly plunged themselves into the deep, dark abyss of hell in the pursuit of happiness. The Nine Hills Hotel was built for such people, for those who are willing to seek the paradise hidden behind a thin veil. And, as Leah walked down the quiet hallways once more in search of her paradise, the tendrils of depravity had already grasped hold of her soul.

Arrival At The Nine Hills Hotel

“Alright, I’ve got to run,” Leah insisted on the phone. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll think about it. On the twentieth, right? ‘Kay, see ya.”

She hung up the phone quickly before Catherine could restart the conversation for what seemed like the fifty-first time. Leah hadn’t spoken to Catherine much since their college days; they used to be inseparable, but as is often the case, they drifted apart after college.

It was Catherine who, a few months back, had reached out in hopes of convincing Leah to attend an upcoming college reunion. It was a great chance to catch up and re-spark an old friendship. Leah had yet to make up her mind about whether she was going to attend or not. But that decision was one for the future. For now, as she stood before her hotel room door, she had one thing on her mind.

A date of sorts.

Leah opened the door to room ‘three-one-seven’ and pulled her suitcase through. The hotel room, as always, was beautiful. It should be considering the cost. Against the wall, there was a large four-poster bed with sheer white curtains draped around it. A large window overlooked the quiet city and bathed the room in dazzling starlight. Vanilla-scented candles wafted through the air. Leah sighed contently. She closed the door and put the room keys in a bowl.

Stretching, she left her suitcase at the foot of the bed. It had been a long drive to a city where she didn’t know anyone and a place she had never had a reason to visit. Except, of course, to satiate the curiosity borne after she had overheard an interesting rumor about this hotel. While cleaning the tables at work, she had quietly listened to two older men who clearly had more money than sense and too much alcohol to be discreet. And how their conversation stirred something in Leah’s soul.

A rumor that had to be false. It just had to be.


A Rumor, A Secret Code, and A Night to Remember

Contact room service; order a bottle of The Nine Hills’ Special Red Wine, chilled for one. Then, when asked if everything is okay with the room, you must say, ‘The room is fine, but I’m having a problem with the locks; perhaps you could send someone to help? This is The Nine Hills after all.’ Finally, they would ask which hill the hotel was founded on, and the correct answer would be, ‘The second hill.’ It was a reference to Dante’s Inferno’s second circle of hell, which was reserved for fornicators, adulterers, and the lustful.

Leah certainly fit into one of those criteria as she let her hair down before the bedroom mirror.

That was the code, which, when followed, would unravel a night to remember. A night reserved for the clandestine few who had learned the secret of The Nine Hills Hotel.

Once those simple phrases were spoken, you could bind and blindfold yourself in the hotel room to be teased by a mystery maid. It was immoral. Delectably so. It mocked the pointless sensibilities of civilized life and reeked of carnal appetite. At first, Leah didn’t take the rumor seriously. After all, who would? But, what if it was true?

In the weeks that followed her discovery, Leah fantasized about the special service offered and toyed with thoughts about trying it for herself. She even brought herself to countless orgasms in the bath, dreaming of what might be. Until finally, her lustful curiosity demanded that she test the rumor.

Knowing the code, however, wasn’t enough. Leah quickly found out on her first visit that you needed to wear a pendant necklace engraved with The Nine Hills Hotel’s logo alongside a unique code. The pendant was the final key, given only to the select few who were trusted by an unseen inner circle. The code on the pendant was also used to release the hi-tech padlocks that were standard use for the service and helped ensure the maid’s anonymity.

But Leah didn’t have a necklace on her first visit. After all, she hadn’t learned about the service through the correct means of knowing the right people. When the room service arrived, she should have been thrown out, most likely after being blackmailed or framed to ensure her secrecy.

For some reason, however, that never happened.

Instead, the maid, who the hotel had sent, decided to give Leah a pendant necklace to keep. Then, as she teased Leah, blindfolded and bound to the door, the maid explained the rules to her. She gave Leah strict instructions that no one could know how she got it. After that, the maid had given Leah the greatest evening of her life before vanishing into the obscurity of night.

That was eight months ago, and now on the first of each month, Leah would ensure to book a room at The Nine Hills Hotel.

On each of her subsequent visits, the same maid had taken care of Leah. It almost felt like a date rather than some secret act of carnal indulgence hidden behind a veil of passwords. She was unsure why she had won the favor of the nameless maid; regardless, she looked forward to their naughty dates together. Occasionally, she even wondered what it would be like to date her for real.

Though in her heart she knew that fantasy often overshadows reality. It was the mystery, after all, that created the excitement. To be helplessly exposed to someone unknown to you and at the mercy of their lust. Just the thought of it made Leah horny.

The entire system was designed so that the client would never discover the identity of the maids. But this maid didn’t seem to follow the rules as written. Maybe there was hope for her forbidden love. Her modern-day Romeo and Juliet, hopefully with a happier ending.

The Phone Call

This time Leah felt particularly curious to learn the nameless maid’s identity. She pulled a blindfold from her suitcase, which was slightly more sheer than the hotel allowed. Sure, she wouldn’t be able to see the maid clearly, but she would be able to see a little bit. More than she was allowed to, and perhaps enough to give her a clue to reveal her identity.

Would she recognize the maid if she walked past her in the corridor with nothing but her figure as a clue? She played with the soft material between her fingers as she picked up the phone to call room service.

A sophisticated voice answered, “Good evening, Madam Wilson, how may we assist you tonight?”

“Hey, I’d like to order a bottle of The Nine Hills Hotel Special Red, please,” Leah replied, “Oh, and chilled for one.”

As Leah spoke to room service, she slowly began to strip. Her skirt was first to go, as she wiggled her hips and allowed it to fall to the ground—it would only get in the way later. She stepped out and kicked her discarded skirt over the back of a nearby chair.

“Splendid choice, Madam.” The voice replied, “And is everything with your room satisfactory to your standards?”

She gulped in anticipation as she continued to speak the words that would secure her a night with the maid. Even after all these months, it was still a thrill for Leah to have these clandestine conversations. She unbuttoned her blouse; it fell to the ground. She walked unashamed through the hotel room in nothing but her delicate lingerie. Would the nameless maid like the lingerie set she had brought specifically for her?

Leah continued to give the prescribed answers while her hands explored her soft, naked body. She imagined it was the maid’s hand. She bit her lips to suppress a moan meant only for the maid’s ears. Her pendant sparkled between her cleavage. She unclasped her bra and sighed happily.

The conversation with room service was almost complete, and paradise had been brought.

“Thank you, Madam; your usual will arrive at your room in twenty minutes,” The sophisticated tone had shifted to a more seductive one. “Please ensure you are fully prepared for her arrival, in accordance with hotel rules. Enjoy your night, Madam.”


Leah chewed her lips as she hung up the phone and leaned the back of her head against one of the wooden bedposts. She caressed her breasts and rolled her thumb over her nipples. It was a full moon that night, and the room was flooded with its angelic light. She smiled as she looked at her suitcase; hidden within were various sex toys and cuffs that her maid could choose to use on her.

She picked up a set of hi-tech padlocks that were almost impossible to pick and had a delayed release feature, a standard for the hotel. The delay feature allowed the maids to release their captives once they had left. She placed them on her bed as her fingers roamed over the various restraints she had brought.

“How do I want to do it this time?” Leah pondered.

She had already left herself bound to a single post and endured endless orgasms on the maid’s tongue; it took her a while to be able to stand again after that night. Another time she had bound herself bent over a chair with each of her limbs tied to a different chair leg; she was spanked and tickled that night. Yet another night; her legs and wrist were bound within the same yoke; the maid had forced her to worship her feet that time.

The options were only limited by her imagination. Or more accurately by the desires and depravities of the hotel maids.

The only rule was that once a client was bound, the maids decided their fate. You were their toy, their prisoner. If a maid wanted you to suffer, you would suffer. If a maid demanded you to tremble in pleasure, you would tremble. The thought filled Leah with a perverse satisfaction.

After some consideration, Leah had settled on a classic. One that she had never tried before but always wanted to. To make love while she was bound, spread-eagle, across a bed. She put on four leather cuffs around her ankles and wrists and climbed over the bed to attach heavy-duty chains to each corner of the bed. On the side of the bed, she placed a short leather crop and a vibrating wand. Hopefully, the maid would take the hint and use one, if not both, of them on her.

She looked at the clock and sighed. Still fifteen minutes before the maid was due. Why does time always slow down when you’re horny?

Leah attached a pair of clover clamps to her dainty nipples with a low groan. Then, she secured an o-ring gag around her neck. The maid could decide whether she wanted to hear Leah’s begging or silence her whimpering as she claimed her prize.

Leah ran her fingers along her thighs and wondered if her maid was as excited to see her as she was. It was unlikely; after all, she was just another paying customer, but Leah allowed herself to dream. The thought of her maid eagerly skipping down the halls after hearing that her Leah had arrived. It made her feel like a schoolgirl having her first crush once more. Leah smiled to herself.

With legs stretched out, Leah connected two chains to the cuffs around her ankles, binding each to a separate bedpost. The padlocks followed afterwards. She checked the room. Had she missed anything? It was hard to tell when she was so aroused.

There were still twelve minutes left.

Leah tied the sheer blindfold around her eyes as she leaned back on the fresh pillows. Her hands clumsily patted the bed, searching for the chains that would bind her arms. Eventually, after finding the chains, she locked her wristcuffs to the bed. It was always difficult to get the final padlock on. When she finally heard the click, the sensation of helplessness overcame her, and she purred for the nameless maid to come.

Leah lay waiting, dreaming about what was about to unfold.

The minutes passed slowly by as she wriggled within her restraints. Occasionally Leah would hear footsteps outside the hotel room and feel her excitement grow, only for those sounds to cruelly pass by the hotel room door as she whimpered in disappointment. She squirmed on the bed and pulled at the cuffs. She was completely trapped. Her fate was sealed, and only the nameless maid had the power to release her.

A pair of heels gracefully clicked down the hall; the steps were steady and collected. They grew louder and closer. Then, they stopped outside her door. Leah chewed her lips and waited and waited for the door to open. She wriggled on her bed, listening for the door to open.

“Open it,” Leah whined in her heart.


“Please, don’t make me wait anymore,” Leah softly whimpered on the bed.

Still, she was made to wait, tormented by her deprived anticipation. Bound naked to the bed, she wondered if those footsteps belonged to her maid or some other guest who was simply lost and looking for their room. She lay, wondering if her night of debauchery and excitement was about to begin. Wondering if she would learn who the maid was. Wondering how she would be used this time around.

“Please,” she pleaded with even more desperation.


The Nameless Maid

Leah moaned happily as she heard the door’s lock accept the keycard and slowly open. The door closed, and the sound of heels drew closer as the nameless maid entered the bedroom. Leah watched the outline of the maid walk around the bed and place the bottle of wine on the table beside her. She felt the maid’s soft fingers grazing along her legs, injecting even greater lust into her body. The maid sat on the bed and placed her thumb against Leah’s lower lip.

“Hmm. Now, now, Madam Wilson. I don’t believe that blindfold is acceptable,” the maid spoke as she leaned down and kissed Leah.

“It seems to me that you’re trying to break hotel rules and learn who I am,” she continued.

The maid’s fingers trailed off along Leah’s neck and across her collarbone. Another corrupting kiss was placed on Leah’s lips as the maid’s soft hair flowed over her; Leah moaned. The delicate scent of the maid’s shampoo and conditioner was enthralling as it lingered through the kiss.

The maid stood and slowly walked to each corner of the bed. She pulled the chains tighter than Leah ever could do by herself, trapping her in place. Leah wriggled against the restraints, barely able to move. The helplessness swelled within her. Picking up the crop, the maid rubbed the leather against Leah’s pussy, sending a shiver throughout her body.

“Naughty, naughty.” The delight in the maid’s voice was clear.

After a short pause, the maid whispered into her ear, “Mrs. Smith always said you were a brat, didn’t she?”

Leah purred at the words and the touch of the crop against her most sensitive regions. Then the word sunk in.

Mrs. Smith? She was one of Leah’s old professors, who had always teased her by calling her a brat. How did the nameless maid know about her? Just who was this maid? Leah thought about trying to rub the blindfold off, but her thoughts were interrupted as the crop landed on her inner thigh. Leah yelped.

Two more smacks. Each along her thighs. Each replied with Leah moaning.

As the sting spread across her thigh and realization set in, Leah blushed. She had not been getting teased by some distant stranger. But by someone who actually knew her. She had always thought the voice sounded familiar, but no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn’t figure out who it belonged to. Or perhaps she had pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind, not wanting to dispel the mystery that captivated her each month.

Three more spanks landed on her thighs; harder this time, leaving little red marks.

As Leah gasped from the sting of the crop, she breathed in the maid’s perfume. She knew the perfume’s smell from college. Who was it that wore it? Mary? No, not her; she didn’t even know Mrs. Smith. What about Sally? No, her perfume was more delicate. Who then? Her thoughts were interrupted as the leather of the crop teased along her tummy.

She squirmed on the bed, then jumped as the leather of the crop tapped lightly against her clit. Her delicate lingerie was already sticking to her damp lips as she lay bound and at the mercy of the maid’s teasing. She then remembered who had worn that perfume. It was her own. Whoever the maid was, she must have remembered it and worn it tonight to tease her.

“Mmm. We… We… We know each other, don’t we?” Leah stuttered.

There was no reply to her question.

The maid simply traced her index finger slowly along Leah’s tummy. Then moving her finger higher between her breasts as the maid’s thumb caressed Leah’s nipple. Leah arched her back into the soft touches. Even though the nameless maid’s identity weighed on her mind, she grew increasingly desperate to be touched by her. The desire consumed every fiber of her being.

With lust devouring her sanity, she gripped the chains that held her prisoner and tried to get loose to grab the maid to make love to her. The merciless leather strapped around her wrists and ankles kept her at bay, and rattling chains mocked her futile attempts. The nameless maid leaned down and kissed Leah along the neck towards her ear.

Leah panted in the dark.

“And what if I do know you, Madam?” The maid whispered before taking the gag that hung around Leah’s neck and silencing the captive girl.

Leah groaned into her gag. The outline of the maid moved towards the table beside her where the bottle of wine had been put. While it was hard to make out the details, especially considering how aroused Leah was, she could see her reach into the wine’s ice bucket.

She jolted and clawed at the chains when the maid brought her hand over Leah’s body with cold water dripping over her breasts. The maid pressed a cube of ice to Leah’s nipple. The freezing sensation was a tortuous pleasure as the ice melted; the cold water licked her curves. Her nipples stiffened as the cold air brushed against them.

Slowly, the maid moved the ice to Leah’s belly button. Leah’s breathing quickened as her drool spilt from her gag down her chin and cheeks. While holding the first cube in place, the maid reached for another. Leah was already shivering and moaning. The ice made every sensation and every touch impossible to ignore. No matter how slight or brief the touch, it would become all-encompassing and demanded her full attention.

She had once thought she understood what cold was. She was wrong.

Leah screamed into her gag with exquisite joy as the maid lifted Leah’s panties and slipped the second cube of ice underneath. It started to melt fast against her warm lips, and the icy water crawled over each of her folds. The cold ice fought with the fires of depravity that raged within Leah’s heart. She whimpered and pulled helplessly on chains to the delight of her sadistic maid.

The Abyss

“So, Madam Wilson, since you were so naughty tonight,” the maid giggled as she playfully tugged on Leah’s hair.

As Leah groaned, the maid continued, “You should be punished, correct?”

The maid climbed over Leah’s face, legs straddling either side. Leah whimpered as a warm weight wiggled across her face. Soft cotton pressed against Leah’s nose; the smell was intoxicating. Her mind spun as she was plunged deep into the depths of lust. The maid’s fingernails raked along her thighs; she moaned louder into her gag. The ice had almost melted completely within her panties as the maid’s fingers pushed them to the side.

The fingers slipped within Leah’s pussy, stretching lightly, as wet petals hugged the fingers. Leah lifted her hips into the fingers. She moaned, needing more. Another ice cube was placed against Leah’s clit as the maid curled her fingers inside her prisoner. The opposing sensations of sinister ice and hot lust drove Leah insane. She twisted and turned as she was subjected to the teasing.

She was getting closer to climaxing as the maid’s practiced fingers slowed, leaving her teetering on the edge of insanity. The ice kept her forever in the moment, making her experience every twist of the fingers. She was painfully aware of how wet she was as her pussy eagerly squeezed the fingers. The captive girl writhed in pleasure with the maid kneeling over her head. She could feel the soft cotton that protected the maid’s modesty, already damp, brush against her lips.

How she wished she could see and taste her.

Leah pressed her tongue through the o-ring gag and heard the maid gasp as her tongue found the maid’s lips. The expertly trained fingers within Leah briefly lost their composure in response to the lick. Leah lifted her head and blindly pressed her warm tongue fully against the maid’s panties.

As she did so, the weight that had hovered teasingly above her came crashing down on top of her face. Leah groaned as she felt the plump ass smothering her face and the maid’s fingers working with greater earnestness. Leah had been plunged into an impenetrable abyss with no light or air. She could barely hear anything beyond the rustling of bedsheets and her heart pounding within her chest.

The lack of air made Leah even more sensitive to the maid’s tormenting fingers. Leah wanted to cum, but when she was about to crest that glorious edge, the maid would withdraw her fingers and press more ice against her clit. The maid imprisoned her in a perpetual state of near orgasm. Once the maid lifted her butt off Leah’s face, she didn’t know whether to gasp for air or beg for an orgasm.

By the third edge, Leah’s body was on fire. Her lungs were heavy and burned. She was lightheaded, desperate to cum, and yet the maid continued her relentless torture. Amidst her lust, Leah had forgotten that even if the maid’s identity remained a mystery, the maid knew who she was. Her lewd secret could so easily be exposed to all her friends and family. The risk of the humiliation drove her deeper into oblivion, where all but her primal desire was forgotten, consumed by her sinful urges.

Leah gasped greedily at the air as the maid mercifully lifted her butt again.

“Please!” Leah’s scream was muffled by the gag, “Please, make me cum!”

Before Leah could finish her pleading, the abyss of the maid’s butt fell on top of her again. How much longer would she be kept on the brink of orgasm without relief? How much longer could Leah endure without finally breaking? Leah could hear how much pleasure the nameless maid was having as she rolled her hips over Leah’s face. She tried to help by flicking her tongue blindly through the gag against the soft cotton.

The abyss deepened. Grew stronger. Heavier.

The maid’s thighs tightened around Leah’s face. Both of the women were close to their climax, agonizingly close, but all the power rested in the hands of one. Leah groaned as the damp cotton firmly pushed against her tongue moved faster. She could almost feel the pussy behind them twitching.

Leah’s toes began to curl as she approached the edge again. “Please.”

More ice for her clit; more whimpers into the maid’s ass.

Leah was convinced that the maid would never allow her to experience an orgasm again. She gasped as a hand gripped her breast tightly. Nails dug into her flesh. Nails that were trembling with pleasure. Leah struggled helplessly against the restraints. Above her, she could hear the maid’s breathing becoming more ragged. The thighs wrapped tightly around Leah’s face shook.

The abyss paused. So heavy now. Pressing down on her face. Impossible to breathe. Impossible to endure. Her pussy was so wet. So needy.

The maid cried out in pleasure as an orgasm ripped through her body while she sat on top of Leah’s face. Leah felt the maid’s body shaking as she climaxed; even at the end of the orgasm, she could feel sporadic twitches above. The melodious moans of ecstasy filled the bedroom as Leah’s muffled whimpers supplied the bass. The songs of lust must have echoed down the hotel hallways.

Leah gasped for air as the maid lifted her butt and the abyss fled. Her lungs greedily drank up the lust-filled air. The hem of the maid’s skirt tickled her face. Leah whimpered in frustrated desperation.

Her blindfold had slightly come loose from the maid humping her face so that she could see just a glimpse of the maid. As Leah looked up, she could see the white panties that had been pressed against her face and the wet patch revealing the swollen lips behind. Before she could enjoy the sight too much or even think to look at the maid’s face, the nameless maid adjusted the blindfold to cover her eyes once more.

Leah jumped with a yelp as a firm slap landed on her clit. The pain spread across her body rapidly and somewhere along the way morphed into pleasure. What on Earth had the maid done to her? Leah gulped as a bead of sweat ran down her cleavage.

“So, I bet you want an orgasm as well?” The maid’s tone was dripping with mocking condescension.

That voice, without the earlier professional tone, sounded so familiar. Where had she heard it before? Leah whimpered and moaned. In her weakened state, she couldn’t even bring herself to beg. The most she could manage was a gentle nod.

The maid stood up and picked up the vibrating wand that had fallen onto the floor during her fun. Leah squirmed on the bed as she heard the sound of the wand whirling into life. The vibrations were divine. Leah melted into paradise as she felt the wand pressed against her nipple and then slowly moving toward her clit. She nodded and moaned.

“Please,” she tried to beg through the gag as saliva dripped over her lips.

The wand moved lower. Leah jumped as the vibrations grew stronger as the wand passed over her belly button. It was so close. She knew the moment it reached her clit, she would scream out just as the maid had done before. Leah wriggled her hips, trying to get the wand where she wanted it. Where she needed it. The maid giggled at her efforts.

She could feel the vibrations across her skin teasing her clit as the wand rested a little above. Time was slowing down, crawling to a halt as everything in the universe except that wand and her clit became insignificant. Leah purred. The wand was almost there—her reward for all the teasing she had endured. The wand passed over her clit as she braced herself for the orgasm.

Wait! Where are the vibrations?

Leah whimpered as the wand was turned off as it passed over her clit and pussy. She felt the maid place the wand on the bed between her thighs, lightly pressed against her bum. Only then did the vibrations return with a pitifully low setting. Leah tried to tilt her hips and get more pleasure from the wand, but it would just roll away.

The maid slowly walked around Leah and set the timer for the padlocks to be released once she had left. Leah pleaded through her gag. She begged with every remaining ounce of strength she had left. She had to cum. She needed the maid to make her cum. It was essential; if it didn’t happen, the universe would collapse in on itself.

“Don’t leave me,” she whimpered, yanking hard against her restraints.

The maid rolled her nails along her body as she listened to Leah’s pleading. She would have to leave before the padlocks released her prisoner. But not before one last thing. Leah watched the outline of the maid bend over and wiggle her hips. She crawled over the bed towards her and then pressed something into the o-ring gag. It was soft, warm, and wet. So delicate, and it tasted… Tasted like the abyss.

Leah groaned as the maid pressed her panties into her gag. The lewd act filled her soul with impure passion as she tasted just how aroused the maid was. How aroused Leah had made her. Then, with every increasingly distant click of heels along the floorboards, Leah whimpered.

“No, please. Come back,” Leah begged into the soft cotton. “Please, please, please, I need you.”

Beep. The door shut and denied Leah the thing she desired most.

As soon as the padlock’s timer hit zero and fell from the chains, Leah reached down for the wand and pressed it firmly against her pussy. She pulled the panties from her mouth and gripped them tightly against her chest as she panted. As she was getting closer to the edge, her phone began to vibrate again and again. She ignored it and focused on her pleasure. The phone vibrated again.

“For fuck’s sake, not now!” Leah screamed through the gag.

She lifted the blindfold and reached to silence the phone while the wand kept her on edge. It was a message from Catherine. Another one? About some stupid college reunion? Now? Doesn’t she know I have better things to do? Frustrated and still with the maid’s panties between her fingers, Leah opened the message to check what Catherine wanted now of all times.

“You can give those back to me at the reunion, Madam Wilson.” Leah’s eyes widened as she read the message and looked at the soft cotton panties.

As the implication set in, she was plunged into orgasmic heaven. She cried out Catherine’s name as the door opened, and this time for real, her favorite maid, her old college friend, walked out of the room.

Well, at least now she didn’t have to ask Catherine what she had been doing since finishing college.

Published 4 months ago

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