My name is Fred and I’m a thirty-five-year-old bookkeeper. I go to work in a small office where I’m responsible for all the financial ledgers. I’m very precise and had never made a mistake until that all changed in a flash one day in early summer.
That Monday, I got up, made my bed, and folded my pajamas. I took a shower, shaved carefully, and got dressed. I got my suit from the closet and chose a blue tie to go with my ordinary shirt. I first put on my white briefs and my black socks then donned the shirt and pants and tied my tie very carefully. Finally, I finished by picking up my pocket protector from the bedside table.
I live alone. I have never had a real girlfriend. I’m even not sure I could live with anybody because of little things like unwashed dishes or stockings hanging in the bathroom, which would be impossible for me. I was going to try once but it got sidetracked because she wanted to have sex with me on the second date. She even took off her top while we were kissing. I asked her to put it back on and when I tried to explain that I planned to wait until I was married, she was very upset. After that, she didn’t answer the phone and when I saw her downtown, she was pleasant enough but said she was dating someone else.
When I got to the kitchen, I started my coffee and while it was brewing, picked up the paper from the front porch. Looking at the front page, I was shocked to see that police in California had raided a hippy commune and arrested several people for mass murders. Then as if to shock me even more, a noisy van poked along past my driveway with flowers painted on the side and loud music. Oh goodness, I thought, where are they going? I felt perspiration pop out on the back of my neck and I checked the back door to make sure it was locked.
Then trying to forget all that, I went back to the kitchen where I made my breakfast of two eggs over easy with dry toast and ate, drinking my cup of decaf coffee. After eating, I washed the dishes dried them and put them away.
I backed out of my garage and started down the street thinking about my to-do list at work when I saw something out of the corner of my eye that made me jam on the brakes. The house next door had been empty for a long time. It had been foreclosed and no one seemed to want to buy it. There were weeds in the yard and it had untrimmed hedges. Old papers and flyers littered the porch.
That morning, however, it was full of activity. I saw that very same van in the driveway and guys with long hair and even a woman in a topless dress carrying things around to the back door. Oh no, I thought, this can’t be possible, hippies were moving in next door. I shakily started moving along the street trying not to panic.
“Get your lazy ass out of the van and help us,” I heard my stepmother yell.
Slowly I pushed the quilt away from my head and peered into the hard light coming in from the double doors at the back of the van. My back hurt from the hard metal floor, which the thin mattress didn’t protect me from. I stretched like a cat to get the kinks out of my body and then crawled on my knees and elbows toward the sun.
“There you are, come on, we have to hurry to get all the boxes into the house before a cop rolls by,” said John who was my stepmom’s new boyfriend. He was in his late twenties, long, dirty blond hair and a mustache that would make a porn actor proud. His brother Eric was a few years younger and taller. Both dressed in bell-bottom jeans and leather vests. From a distance, it was hard to tell them apart.
My stepmother had met John a year after her divorce from my father, and I had decided yo stay with her. Even though he was almost ten years younger, they had fallen in love, or that was what she had told me. She quit her job as a secretary in a bank and sold the house. We shacked up with John and Eric who lived in an abandoned house on the other side of town.
The money my stepmother had left after paying the mortgage and her credit card didn’t last long. The amount of weed and beer the two brothers consumed was impressive. I tried to talk to her about it but she didn’t care, she was in love and so was the entire world it seemed, at least in San Francisco.
After a few months when summer came along my stepmother and her new friends decided it was time to spread the word of love and decided to go on a road trip, and for some reason, unknown to me, they thought the Bible belt was a good place to start. We had already been kicked out of two towns within a week and this was the third.
By the time we left San Francisco, Eric had managed to weasel his way into my panties, not that I complained, he had a nice thick cock, which he knew how to use. After the nightly weed session, the four of us would fuck in the living room while listening to music. I had no idea that my stepmother was such a horny woman; I had never heard her and my dad have sex.
At seventeen I knew about sex and I had made out with a few guys before including a blowjob or two, but with John and Eric, it was different. Those guys lived for the sex, from early morning to late night. My stepmother asked me if it was okay if John fucked me and I figured, why not, the more the merrier. He was even better than Eric but I never told him that.
“Let’s go, Jasmine, grab those to boxes with the records in them and get inside while I park the car in the back out of sight,” said John and pointed. My stepmother stood in the kitchen when I walked in through the back door. The strap of her dress had slid over her shoulder exposing most of her right boob.
“Where do you want these?” I asked.
“In the living room is fine. Your room is upstairs. This is such a big house.”
I dropped the boxes and then went upstairs. On the landing, I met Eric who cupped my boobs under my long dress.
“Let’s fuck, I am so horny after the long drive,” he whispered as he kissed my cheek.
“Sure, later. I want to get settled in first.”
With a final kiss, he said, “Okay, let me know.”
My room was light and had an old iron bed with an even older mattress. I pulled it off and stood it against the wall and when I began hitting it dust came of it in clouds. When I was satisfied I put it back on the bed. We had bed sheets in one of the boxes downstairs together with several pillows. Life with John and Eric was like camping, all we needed was in the van, except a roof over our heads.
When I looked out of the window I saw that it faced the neighbor’s house. The lawn was perfect with little flower beds spread around it. A table and two chairs stood to one side and on the porch were another set. I figured the person who lived there must be a bit anal with such a perfect garden.
When I got to work, I was quite busy. I didn’t even think about the bunch next door until lunchtime. As I opened my brown bag and unwrapped the sandwich I had made last night, I considered my options. I just hoped the police had arrived and evicted them. Our neighborhood should not have to put up with the noise and danger of a commune of hippies.
When I drove home that evening, I could not see any lights over there. I don’t think there was electricity anyhow but a few people were sitting on the porch with candles. One of them was practically naked and she couldn’t have been over sixteen or seventeen and seeing her made me almost veer into the grass as I pulled into my driveway. What had come over me?
When I went upstairs to bed that night I realized that from my windows I could see right into the house next door. Downstairs, it looked like they were all sitting on the floor listening to someone play the guitar. Then all of a sudden a glow began to appear from an upstairs room and I could see that young girl looking across. I quickly turned off my light and closed the curtains so she wouldn’t see me. Then I couldn’t quell my curiosity so I peeked through and almost fainted. She was undressing. I was paralyzed and caught myself staring at her. Quickly I left the window and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth where I stared into the mirror and shakily wondered what was happening to me.
As I lay in bed I couldn’t go to sleep like I usually did. My mind kept going back to the vision of the young girl. I tried to wish the picture away but it kept coming back. It reminded me of the time when I was about her age and walking home from school one day, I found a discarded paperback. Its cover was torn off so I put in my bag to look at later. I shouldn’t have picked it up, I realized that night, it was smut. From the very first page, it had descriptions of people having sex. My first reaction was to get rid of it before my parents found out about it. Then it began to have a strange spell over me. I began to get hard and couldn’t think of anything else. Finally, I jolted upright and sneaked downstairs to put it in our outside trash container. The problem was that I had a very vivid dream that night in which I was a part of one of those scenes. I woke up feeling terribly guilty the next morning and found a big wet spot on my sheets.
On that fateful Saturday morning, I decided to do something about the illegal gathering next door. Before I called the officials, I would go over and find out how long they were determined to be squatters there. As it turns out, that might not have been the wisest decision of my life. It may have been a major turning point for me.
We were getting ready to go panhandling the following morning. Usually, we would go to a supermarket or a town square where John and Eric played the guitars and my stepmother and I danced. Sometimes we make a decent amount of money but most of the time it was just small change.
I was standing outside on the street when I saw the door to the neighbor’s house open and the owner walked out. He was dressed in a button-down shirt, beige khaki pants and his hair was neatly combed. When he saw me he did a double take and then seemed to take a deep breath. I watched as he approached me and when he was just a few feet away he cleared his throat.
“Hello, young lady. Are your parents at home?”
“Yeah, why do you ask?”
He looked away from me and I realized why. My dress had slipped down my shoulder and the swelling of my right boob was clearly visible.
“I, um, I need to speak with them.”
I tuned to the house and shouted. “Mom, John, there is a dude out here who wants to speak to you.”
“Just a moment, dear,” my mom called back.
While we waited the man fidgeted with his hands and kept on pushing his glasses up. He was obviously uncomfortable standing so close to me.
“What’s your name?” I asked.
“Hi, Fred, I’m Jasmine.”
”Nice to meet you,” he said, still looking away.
“Are you nervous, Fred?”
“Me? No, no, not at all.”
“Do you think I’m ugly?”
“No, you are a very pretty young lady.”
At that moment my stepmother and John came out and walked up to us.
“This is Fred, he lives next door,” I said.
“Hi, Fred, I’m Linda, this is John, my daughter Jasmine, and inside is Eric, Johns brother. What can we do for you?”
“I was wondering how long you are staying for? This house is not yours and I suspect you don’t pay rent.”
It was John who spoke. “We don’t know, we’re just passing through town, maybe a couple of weeks at the most.”
“Uh-huh, and what do you do for a living? This is a nice quiet neighborhood and we don’t need people like you?”
“Like us?” my stepmother said.
“Yeah, you hippy types, squatters and what not.”
My stepmother laughed and then tried to put her arm around Fred’s shoulders but he flinched away.
“Say away from me, I know all about you. Your friends killed that director’s wife and her friends in LA.”
John smiled. “You are wrong, man. We are all about love and peace.”
“Sure, but I know what you really are, you dirty people.”
With that Fred turned and walked away. We stood staring at him and then John slowly turned to me.
“Jasmine, I have a job for you.”
“What’s that?”
He pointed at Fred’s back. “That man, he needs some tender love and care. Make sure he gets it.”
A smile grew on my face. Even though Fred was dressed like a dork, he was a pretty good looking man and I definitely was down for some new and fresh cock to take in my mouth and pussy.
My visit to my next-door neighbors didn’t go well. In fact, it was a nerve-racking experience. They don’t seem to be planning to leave anytime soon. I wondered what I would I do, should I call the police, get a petition from others on the street, turn my security lights to shine on them all night? I was at my wit’s end. Then, something happened that really made me nervous but also made me switch gears in my thinking.
After I was home for an hour or so, there was a knock on the door. I looked through the door’s peephole and didn’t know whether to open it or not. There was the daughter, I think her name was Jasmine, with a very flimsy, see-through blouse on and no bra. She kept knocking. I guess she knew I was home because my car was still in the garage so I opened the door and looked through the screen door.
“What are you doing here?” I asked with a little bit too much fear in my voice.
“I just wanted to come over and talk about why we are in the house next door.”
“What do you mean, why? I can see that you are illegal squatters. What more can you tell me?”
“Well, let me in, please, and I will explain,” she said in a pouty little girl voice as she opened the screen door.
I backed away but I couldn’t miss how she was dressed. She had on very tight shorts and the shirt barely covered her full breasts, her midriff was completely exposed, and she was bare-foot. “I, uh, do you want anything to drink?” I stuttered. I was hardly able to think with an almost naked girl standing in front of me.
“Yes, that would be very nice,” she cooed.
“Then, uh, I guess… well… why don’t you sit here in the living room while I get us something? What would you like?”
“Do you have any beer?”
“What? You don’t look old enough to be drinking,” I told her even as I realized that her body was certainly very grown up.
“Oh, I am older than I look.
I quickly retreated to the kitchen and heard her laugh behind me. What was she trying to do, I wondered. When I got back with the beers she had moved to the couch and had her legs up under her which seemed to make her shorts that much more revealing if that was possible.
Trying not to stare at her open legs, I stammered, “So, tell me exactly what you think you are doing over there?”
She took a long swig from her beer can and as she wiped her lips very delicately and smiled, she answered, “We are traveling around the country to spread peace, love and wonderful sex with all we meet.”
I just about emptied my beer before I asked, “What about that so-called family in LA that are mass murderers?”
“Oh, sweet man, we are not like them at all. They are obviously deranged but we are simple people wanting to live a simple life and, guess what, I am getting very horny looking at your trim body.”
I could hardly speak but tried to spit out, “I’m not sure I heard you right.”
She drank the rest of her beer and put the can on the coaster next to her, untangled her legs and got up, crossed the room and knelt in front of me. “Let me show you how we express our love next door.”
He tensed as I slowly moved my palms along his thighs towards the goal. I kept eye contact with him as much as I could because his eyes were all over the place. One second they were on me, the next on something behind me, and then off to the side. He had stopped breathing and his face slowly flushed as my right palm reached its destination. His flimsy office pants couldn’t hide the hard on that was growing under my touch. When I grabbed his shaft through the fabric his breath rushed out.
“No, this is wrong, you’re just a child,” he said and tried to get up.
I took a better grip and while licking my lip, I said, “I’m seventeen, so that’s not a problem. Relax, I bet you will love this, man.”
“No, no, stop it.”
His words did not represent what was happening with his body and when my small fingers unbutton his pants and pulled down the zipper his cock pressed against his briefs.
“Mm, look at that, you are bigger than John and Eric.”
“What, you sleep with both of them?”
“I do, and I love it.”
He was about to speak again but by then I had freed his cock and gently put the cock head between my teeth holding it there while I searched for his eyes. When they met mine, I very carefully bit down a little.
“Ah, ah, careful.”
“Will you play along,” I asked after releasing him.
“Yeah, sure.”
“Good man.”
I lowered my head and this time I took him into my warm mouth. He gasped as my full lips pressed against the base of his cock and his cock head touched the back of my throat. I loved deep throating, taking all of him inside me.
Slowly bobbing my head up and down his shaft grew even harder and his breathing became faster and shallower.
“Oh, god, oh, oh, please forgive my sins,” he said before shooting his load.
It was an awfull lot of cum that came rushing down my throat, so much, in fact, it spilled out the corners of my mouth and trickled down my chin. I swallowed as best as I could while he shot two more loads.
“Good, lord, man. When was the last time you had sex?” I asked as I wiped my chin with the back of my hand.
He had his eyes closed and while I watched his cock went limp between his legs and shriveled up. It looked like a scared worm and made me giggle.
“Can I be honest?”
I smiled and said, “That’s the only way.”
“This was my first time.”
I got up and straddled him bringing my face close to his. “You’re shitting me, are you a virgin?”
“Yeah, I guess I am.”
“Holy shit, that is so cool.”
As I moved my ass against his shaft I felt it harden again, but I had to go back to the house for dinner. I leaned in and whispered, “Would you like me to come back a bit later so we can finish this?” He only nodded his head slowly without speaking.
When I got off him and walked towards the door he said, “Jasmine, thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
After that incredible woman left, throwing me a kiss, and closing the door gently, I almost lost my mind. I was wavering back and forth between feeling so different and feeling like I had made a terrible mistake. I started pacing around and trying to actually think but that experience with her was blocking everything out.
She had called me as “virgin” and in most ways, I was really glad she did. Before this, I had always assumed that would be the way it would remain for me. When I was younger, it bothered me some, but after my experience with the girl who pushed me to have sex, I think I just blocked it out my mind and went on. So when Jasmine said that, I felt such relief that somebody else knew and not only that but a woman who obviously wouldn’t take no for an answer.
As I walked around, I stopped for a few minutes at the windows facing the woods behind my house. This was a terrible mistake, I thought. How could I have let this hippy play with my penis and make me ejaculate? There was nothing I could do to erase that but the guilt was overwhelming.
After a few more pacing circles downstairs, I went up and looked out at the house next door. I couldn’t see Jasmine but there were some guys in the backyard sitting around the BBQ pit and smoking. Was that marijuana? Once again, I asked myself, what had I gotten myself into?
Those years ago, after my aborted sex experience, I had tried to masturbate but the guilt almost always got me before I could climax. Except for one time. I had gone to an adult bookstore when I was in the city for a convention and bought a very explicit magazine. I hid it in my jacket and sneaked back into my hotel room where I put it in my suitcase thinking I would take it home with me.
That night when our meetings were over a few of us went the bar to have a drink. I may have had a bit too much for me because I started to feel dizzy. I said my goodnights and went to my room. I undressed but was so drunk I didn’t put on any pajamas but just lay on my back on top of the covers. I think I might have passed out for a while but woke up feeling cold and tried to think where I was and what happened. For some reason, I already had the beginnings of an erection. Then it hit me. I had an X-rated magazine in my luggage.
When I sat up and put my legs over the side of the bed, I wasn’t dizzy but I still felt happily buzzed. So I went over and pulled out the magazine and took it back to bed with me. I couldn’t help but start leafing through it and right away got very hard. Then I was in a kind of trance and when I saw an older man having intercourse with a very young woman, I touched myself and climaxed right away. At that point, I guess I did pass out. When I woke the next morning and saw the evidence of what happened, I could hardly move because of the overwhelming guilt.
Trying to push away the same kind of guilt today, I went back down to make some coffee. As I did, I looked out saw and Jasmine and her stepmother walking up to the back door and heard them knock which almost paralyzed me. Was she coming to castigate me for what I had done with her daughter? Oh no, I thought, maybe if I am quiet they will go away but that didn’t work. They kept on knocking waiting for me to come to the door.
My stepmother giggled like a schoolgirl while I banged on the door. I knew he was in there but for some reason, he didn’t open.
“Are you sure he is a virgin?” she said.
“Yeah, he is.”
“I’m going to fuck with him a little, just follow my lead.”
I turned to my stepmother.” Don’t be mean, he is a nice guy.”
“Sure, but just a little.”
Finally, the door opened and Fred stood in the doorway, looking as prim as he had when I first met him.
“What?” he said, his voice insecure.
My stepmother pushed past him and I followed kicking the door closed with my bare foot.
“Did you have my daughter suck your cock,” my stepmother said.
“I…I..I’m sorry, but…”
“No fucking buts did you or did you not?”
He looked down at his shoes. “Yes, she did.”
“You pervert, I bet you loved having her lips around her shaft. She told me you shot your load in her mouth, is that true?”
“Aha, and how did that feel?”
He was quiet so my stepmother said, “C’mon, spit it out, did you like squirting in her seventeen-year-old mouth?”
“I guess so, yeah, I did.”
“Man, I am so happy for you. Congratulations!”
Her voice had changed from hard to warm and kind.
“Come, Fred, let’s go to the living room, I want to show you something.”
She gently pushed him down onto the sofa and she and I stood in front of him. The house was silent but I could hear the music coming from our house. Eric and John were in the back yard smoking grass and chilling out. We had told them where we were going and what we were going to do. They had just shrugged their shoulders and wished us good luck. That was their mentality, no judging, no anger, just love.
My stepmother slowly lifted her long dress until she had it in a bunch around her waist. Glancing over I saw her thick black bush.
“Fred, have you seen a pussy like mine before? Better yet, have you ever seen a pussy?”
He swallowed hard and his gaze was fixed on my stepmother’s sex. “No, no, I haven’t.”
“Do you like looking at this?
“Yes, ma’am I sure do.”
“Then do you want to feel it?”
“Oh, stop with the ma’am, we are all friends. Call me Lucy. Say it.”
He opened and closed his mouth before any sound came out. “I would like to touch your sex, Lucy.”
“Again, and don’t use the words sex.”
“I would like to touch your pussy, Lucy.”
“Mm, okay, go ahead.”
Slowly almost delicately he reached out with his hand and my stepmother stepped closer. His fingers ran through her thick bush and she smiled while closing her eyes.
“Wow, it’s so warm,” he moaned.
“Drag a finger along her slit,” I said, barely in a whisper.
“Oh, wow, it’s so hot and wet.”
“Jasmine, why don’t you help Fred with his clothes.”
I got his shirt and undershirt off him and then worked on his pants. It was a bit difficult since my stepmother was standing so close and Fred kept on dragging his fingers through her bush and playing with her slit but eventually, the man was naked.
My stepmother saw his cock and a long sigh escaped her mouth.
“Man, that is one beautiful cock.”
Before Fred had a chance to say anything she had straddled him and guided his shaft inside her.
“Holy fuck, I have my cock in a pussy, good Lord, it feels amazing!”
I giggled and when I noticed a single tear running down his cheek I said, “Look, Mom, he’s crying.”
She leaned in and kissed the tear away. “You poor, poor, man.”
She began to ride him with long slow movements so not to make him come too fast. I walked around the sofa and gently pulled back his head and then leaned down so I could put my boobs on either side of his head. He sighed and kissed each in turn but when I put a nipple to his mouth, he gasped and began to suckle it. His teeth made me moan with pleasure and a bit of pain. As my stepmother began to ride him faster he let go of my boob and held on to my stepmother’s hips lifting her up and down.
“Oh, oh, this is amazing; you are an amazing woman, Lucy!”
She looked up at me and raised an eyebrow; I nodded and walked back around so I was next to her.
“If you think my pussy is good, wait until you try my daughter’s.”
I quickly took off my clothes and when my stepmother slipped off Fred, I took her place.
“Jesus, you are tight,” he said.
His cock took its time to slide in all the way. Meanwhile, my mouth was half open and my eyes almost closed. I had my palms on his chest and as his shaft widened and stretched my pussy lips my nails dug into his skin.
Oh, Fred, you fill me up, your cock is so hard and big inside me.”
That’s when he lost it. He grabbed my hips and began to thrust hard and violently into me. His cock felt like if it was going to pop out the top of my head and all I could to was to hold on to him.
“Yes, take it, take it you hippy bitch!”
I laughed and so did my stepmother. She said, “I bet you just love that tight hippy pussy, don’t you Fred.”
“Fuck yes, so tight, so tight.”
He suddenly stopped breathing and his body tensed as he shot load after load and when he was done I slid off him. My pussy was so loose that his cum ran down my thighs and dripped onto the floor.
“There, I hope you feel better now, Fred?” said my stepmother.
He just stared at us, and then he slowly nodded his head. I had to hold on to my stepmother because my head was spinning after being fucked so hard. John and Eric might have more skill but Fred sure did it harder and deeper.
“Well, I think it’s time for us to leave, but I hope we are welcome back another day, and please, feel free to come by and visit,” said my stepmother while picking up my clothes.
I dressed on the way to the back door and when I took a last look at Fred I saw him on the sofa, cock still hard, a goofy smile on his face and he gave me a small wave.
It has been a couple of days since Jasmine and Lucy came over that afternoon. I don’t really remember too many details of their visit but it is not an exaggeration at all to say they changed my life
After the first time Jasmine was here I was almost paralyzed by the shame and guilt I felt. This time it seemed completely different. After recovering from their visit and making myself get up from the couch, I went into the kitchen where I swigged two or three glasses of water. Then I went to my desk and looked at how carefully I had placed all my stuff. This is going to change, I thought. I have wasted so much time worrying about the little things and missing lots of life.
I even thought to myself, I will contact the realtor to see what price that house was listed at. Maybe I should get it, I thought, for my new friends and open it up for others to join them. So, I realized, I’m indeed a completely different person.
I went next door that Saturday dressed in jeans and tee shirt. I met the guys for the first time, which felt a little awkward at first until Lucy came out to the backyard and said, “Hey guys, this is the former virgin from next door that I told you about.” Everybody laughed and it completely relaxed me. In fact, it made me proud of myself. It also, amazingly, made me start thinking about which of the woman I wanted to take home with me this time.