The High Priestess of the Willow

"A student learns of the mysterious rites of an ancient culture and loses her lesbian virginity"

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The High Priestess removed her white cotton gown, undoing the buttons one by one until her breasts and her pudenda were revealed in glorious dénouement. She was attended by her Sisters, her breasts anointed with first the lavender and then the rose oil, as she stood in the glow of the nearly full moon. Her raven hair cascaded to her waist and her stately presence brought gasps of awe from those picked to witness the event. The chosen one was brought forward, his hands bound, his eyes staring in awe at the three naked women. This was his time. His virginity would be taken.

There was a cool east wind blowing across the games fields that lay around the perimeter of Tanya’s college, as she made her way to the main entrance. Tanya had turned 18 in the July and this was her last year in further education. She had got perfect grades from school and looked forward to the opportunities of the next four years. The breeze seemed to cut through Tanya’s anorak and she shivered, pulling her furry hood up for extra warmth. The long, sultry days of summer seemed a long way off. There was something about the milky glow of the sun and the way the starlings were swirling round that impressed Tanya’s subconscious. The autumn was almost upon them.

Tanya was studying English language, literature and geography. If she could get three A levels, her ambitions lay in the direction of one of England’s great universities. Her academic achievements thus far had been at the expense of a proper social life. She had been romantically involved with one guy when she was 16 but dropped him when she thought he was too demanding of her time. Tanya, with her long, strawberry blonde hair, hour glass figure and angelic features was not the archetypal geek. Yet, her interest in Greek mythology and the legends of the Druids were not shared by anyone she knew. She had always felt a close affinity to nature, going off beach combing as a kid, rather than playing in the arcades on summer holidays.

In spite of the isolation she felt from her hobbies, Tanya was not short of friends. She was popular and though her friends thought she was a little quirky, she would be invited to all the parties. Not that she actually turned up to many of them, but her charm and wit were so infectious that people just wanted to be around her. Being gorgeous, in a self-effacing kind of way was in her favour. Maybe a plain, Jane Eyre type wouldn’t have received the same degree of attention. The upshot of Tanya’s restrained night life was five straight A grades and two A stars in her school results.

It was in her second week at college that an unexpected Druid devotee emerged to share her interest in the ancient philosophy. Miss Driver, her geography tutor was preparing for class one morning and Tanya had arrived early, to ask a question.

“Good morning Tanya, someone’s keen,” said the pretty brunette.

“Yes, I was thinking about the reindeer herders and I wanted to clarify something.”

“Oh, OK. Well, fire away.”

Tanya explained her query, which the tutor was able to clear up. As Tanya was about to take her seat, her attention was drawn to a book on Miss Driver’s desk. Though it was upside, Tanya could see the title was ‘On Rites of Ancient Druids.’

“Say, I didn’t know you were interested in Druids, Miss Driver!” exclaimed Tanya.

“Yes, it’s not something I share generally, I thought I’d put it away.”

“It’s OK, I’m really into that stuff too. As a hobby kind of thing. I’m reading a book on it just now, in fact.”

“You are?!” said Miss Driver, with surprise.

Amy Driver was in her mid-twenties. In Tanya’s opinion, she was the prettiest teacher at the college. She was a well-dressed woman and liked to wear snuggly-fitting skirts, which among other things, made her popular with the guys. She was softly spoken, yet her voice was clear and had a soothing quality. Tanya would happily sit in her class all day.

“Yes,” said Tanya. “I keep it to myself really. When you mention ancient Druids people think you’re into black magic or something.”

“Yes, well people are ignorant. This is a revelation Tanya. We should get together some time.”

“Oh. Yes…”

“What’s up?” Asked Amy, detecting Tanya’s uncertainty.

“It’s just, with you being a tutor. I wasn’t sure…”

“It’s fine Tanya, don’t worry. I meant in the college library. We could just compare notes over coffee.”

“Oh yeah, sure! Sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest…”

“No, that’s OK. Anyway, we’re about to start.”

They looked towards the door as the handle turned and the next two students arrived for the class.

None of Tanya’s friends were doing geography. She sat alone two rows from the front by the window. She felt a little isolated. Her intellect was far beyond her peers and she had questions and ideas that set her apart. The other students didn’t know if she was a freak or just brilliant. Those who knew her well, her closest circle loved her for her. To others she appeared to be a little island, mysterious and obscure.

Tanya stared out of the window as the other students filed in and took their places. The little Rowan trees seemed to be bending under the weight of their red berries. They were plump and ripe, though the green foliage was scorched a little from the long, hot summer. In the distance the woods of the nearby park were just beginning to glow with the first colours of autumn.

During the tutorial Tanya listened intently, making her usual insightful contributions. In between times she watched Amy driver intently. She studied her movements. The way her hair moved and the slight swaying of her breasts inside her blouse, as she pointed to the map. Tanya was straight, but discovering their shared interest had awakened a certain inquisitiveness for her tutor. It crossed the boundaries, which Tanya liked to keep clearly in her mind, but even she couldn’t help but indulge her fantasies now and then. Tanya’s love life for over a year had been a secret between herself and her fingers. Her studies and her reading had consumed her time. She had no enthusiasm for a relationship. Not to mention the fact that the guys she knew were intellectual lightweights, who wouldn’t know a conversation if one landed on them from a great height.

A week passed and Amy and Tanya had met for an hour in the college library. They resumed the conversation that they had begun in class. Amy had been studying the ancient rites of Druid folk for two years. Tanya had so many questions. The autumn equinox was approaching and Tanya was full of enthusiasm now that she had found Amy. The festival of Alban Elfed was one of the most important dates of the Druid calendar. It celebrated the balance of darkness and light and the coming harvest. On their second meeting, the discussion continued.

“What have you read of the ogham?” asked Amy.

“Only that there were twenty five trees that have a great significance to the Druids?” replied Tanya, eager to air her knowledge. “They’re all native British trees,” she continued.

“That’s right. Have you heard of the Priestess of the Willow?” asked Amy, looking at Tanya, inquisitively.

“I haven’t, I don’t think. Who’s that?”

“As you may know,” said Amy. “The role of women in the high orders of Druid life is little known, but the most favoured rose to the Order of the Willow.”

“I didn’t know that,” said Tanya, with interest. “Maybe I haven’t got to that bit in my book.”

Tanya looked at her tutor, whose almost black hair, shone in the later afternoon light. The library was in the oldest wing of the college and the leaded, mullioned windows gave that part of the building an ancient, almost spooky look. Amy brushed her fringe with her left hand and smiled kindly, acknowledging, if only subtly, the attention she was receiving. Tanya looked up to Amy in the way a student does to her tutor. Yet, there was an extra dimension to their relationship. Tanya didn’t quite know what that was, just that it was there.

“Anything you want to ask… don’t hesitate,” said the tutor.

“Are there any other followers in the college?” asked Tanya.

Amy hesitated before she answered, looking bleakly into her empty cup.

“There is one, actually,” she said, at last.

Tanya detected that the question was not entirely a welcome one, though she couldn’t imagine why.

“Oh,” said Tanya. “Sorry if I’m being nosey.”

“No, it’s fine Tanya. Miss Parker. She and I, we’re together.”

“Do you mean you’re a couple? No, sorry I shouldn’t have asked.”

“It’s OK,” said Amy. “It’s not common knowledge, but I can trust you, can’t I.”

“Of course!”

“Of course I can. Maybe I just didn’t expect the conversation to go in that direction.”

“Well, maybe I should get on anyway,” said Tanya, feeling faintly uncomfortable.

“No, you don’t have to,” said Amy.

The tutor put a hand out and stroked Tanya’s hand, urging her to remain in her seat. Tanya looked down and Amy withdrew her hand, wary of the small indiscretion. Tanya smiled awkwardly, eliciting an apology from the older woman.

“It’s OK, I really should be getting on,” said Tanya.

“OK, but if you need to talk or ask me anything, you know where I am.”

“I will thanks.”

Tanya’s blue eyes twinkled as she spoke and Amy couldn’t help but lose herself in their beauty momentarily.

That night Tanya sat on her bed running the brush through her hair. Rain mixed with hail battered her bedroom window. She thought back to her meeting with Amy and felt somehow underwhelmed. She sensed that her tutor was over wary of her responsibilities and the tiny spark she had noticed earlier had gone. Maybe the austere surroundings of the library hadn’t helped. Tanya wished she could meet up with Amy out of college but realistically she knew that wasn’t on the cards. The revelation that she and Miss Parker – her English tutor – were an item, complicated matters.

Tanya went to bed down in the dumps. She wished she had never discovered Amy’s and her shared interests. Her silent admiration of the mysterious brunette was fine when everything was in its proper order. Now Tanya felt mixed up and it hurt. She would tell Amy when she had her next tutorial that she didn’t want to pursue their extra curricula meetings. Tanya realized that she was lonelier than she would openly admit. Her single-minded pursuit for learning and mental stimulation wasn’t healthy and she knew it. In the last six months, she had only been to one party and her friends were becoming strangers. Even her Facebook presence was now updated with such paucity that people were beginning to think she had withdrawn from socializing altogether. She still kept in touch with her closest friends by text but she wasn’t fun anymore. Her girly chums didn’t mind her geekiness; it was what made her Tanya.

Tanya read her latest text from her friend Marcie.

‘Come out with us baby. Call us if you want to talk.’

Tanya smiled meekly and turned her phone off. The rain was still beating against her window and it had a soothing effect as she drifted off to sleep.

The young man could feel the heat from the fire and he watched the embers spit and the wood crackle as those gathered beat drums and chanted the words of the Willow. One of the Sisters placed a little wreath of daisies on his head and he was led towards the large flat stone, which had been brought down from the hills by those employed by the Sage Elders. The breeze rustled through the branches of the great oak, under which they stood. The High Priestess approached him with a wooden bowl and he was given the mixture to drink. It would make sure his manhood was as stiff as the mighty tree itself. The onlookers were sharing a gourd of wine, passing it from hand to hand and their chanting grew louder and more fervid as the time approached.

The two sisters, their hair as yellow as corn dropped to their knees as the man’s arousal increased. The High Priestess herself, her long, dark locks flowing over her shoulders knelt before him. Together they placed their lips and tongues around his penis. His eyes widened and his mouth puckered in a grimace of pleasure and fear of the unknown.

Two days later Tanya stayed behind after her tutorial. She had plucked up the courage to broach the issue of their out of class liaison, if that’s what it was.

“You were quiet today Tanya,” said Amy, straightening the papers on her desk.

“I know,” said Tanya, looking out of the window.

“Is something on your mind?”

“Yes, it’s about the other day. I know you said we could meet up again, but I’m not sure.”

Amy looked genuinely surprised at what Tanya had to say and walked round to her side of the desk. Without consideration for tutor student protocol, she put an arm around Amy’s shoulder and hugged her warmly. Tanya looked at Amy, her heartbeat suddenly racing and butterflies skipping around her tummy.

“I’m just a bit confused, it’s probably nothing. I thought I was special somehow but then you said about Miss Parker.

“Oh Tanya darling, you are special.”

“Am I?” said Tanya, cynically.

Amy put her index finger under her student’s chin and looked into her eyes.

“Why don’t you come round later, we can sort things out and clear the air.”

“Come round?”

“Yes, it’s OK. Probably best not to spread it round though.”

“You mean to your house?”

“The three of us,” said Amy. “If you want, there’s no pressure.”

“You and Miss Parker?”

“Stacey yes. At mine. We can have a drink.”

Tanya didn’t know what to think.

“Does Miss Parker know we meet up for coffee and that?”

“Of course she does.”

“Hmmm… OK, I’m not sure I should be coming round to your house. It’s not that I’m not grateful.”

“It’s fine Tanya, relax.”

Amy stroked Tanya’s hair, brushing it away from her face. Tanya followed her tutor’s movements with her eyes without flinching.

“It’s just that I thought you would fit in,” continued Amy.

“Fit in?” asked Tanya.

“Into the group. You would be perfect for the equinox.”

“Alba Elfed?”

“Yes. If you come round, we can tell you all about it.”

Tanya wanted to gain a more in depth knowledge of the female roles of Druid tradition. Amy was cool. She and Stacey were two of the younger teachers and Tanya had a good rapport with them.

“I guess. Are you sure it’s OK?”

“Yes Tanya, you’re right to be cautious, I get that, but there’s nothing to worry about. It’s just three girls getting together. We just happen to be college tutors.”

“OK! I’ll go shower and come after dinner, if that’s all right,” said Tanya, feeling reassured by Amy’s eloquence.

“Fine, I can pick you up, it’s no trouble,” offered Amy, pleasantly.

“OK, fine.”

“That’s that then,” said Amy.

Tanya smiled, feeling both reassured and intensely inquisitive. Fortunately she had badminton training and then a free period, which meant that she could finish early. That was just as well in her present state, which was one of excited anticipation. What exactly was the group that Amy spoke of and what part would she be expected to play in the celebrations, a week later?

His penis was throbbing, the warmth of their breath and the cool night air a wonderful combination. Their lips met as they twirled their tongues around his twitching manhood and then joined together in a three way kiss as he looked on. The High Priestess stood up and the younger girl poured a little oil into her palm. It was pressed from the olives, which had been brought by the traders from the south and…

Published 12 years ago

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