I did not expect that. To be honest, I am not certain what I had expected, but it was definitely not that, because had I imagined having to watch my husband being mauled by a bunch of drunk women, and having a blow-job in front of everybody, I would not have gone in the first place. And Eddie would have stayed at home with me!
Oh, I know, I can hear you now, “Emma, what a hypocrite!” And yes, you are correct, and I don’t care. I have told you all before, I have the green-eyed monster living deep inside me. True, I had been managing to keep him buried in the past few years and Eddie had not been short of fun, but that was all within my control. And this was not.
I had been very excited when I got the invitation to Claire’s hen party. I didn’t know her that well, but I had been the entertainment at her fiancé’s stag party, and I had thought that it was a thank you. And Angie was going, so I was very much looking to it. Now, with hindsight, I should have been a bit suspicious when Eddie was invited as well but, in my excitement, I had not given it much thought.
Angie called me the weekend before and gave me the outline of the Saturday. I was going to meet her and a few of the other ladies for a late lunch and then onto a very fancy bar where we would meet up with Claire and the others. And it was only then, I asked about Eddie.
“Oh, blimey, I didn’t know she had invited him.” Angie paused.
“Angie, isn’t Phil invited?” There was a longer pause.
“Phil is away with work,” she said, “but I do know a couple of other husbands who have been invited.” And again, Angie paused.
“Angie, you are not telling me everything, are you?” I could hear her take a deep breath.
“I don’t know the detail,” she explained, “but the plan is we are ending up at a private club.” I knew this, and said so, and Angie continued, “All I know is that Philly, Claire’s best friend, has arranged a couple of male strippers, and that they have invited a few of the husbands, or boyfriends, to serve drinks.”
“And does Eddie know about this?” I asked, but immediately realised what a stupid question to ask Angie, “He hasn’t mentioned this to me.”
So, when Eddie walked in, about an hour later, I confronted him.
“I thought you knew.” And he continued, “I’ve been asked to help serve drinks at the evening party, that’s all. And by the way, I did say that I was not comfortable about this, remember?”
”Vaguely,” I replied, but that wasn’t true. I remembered the discussion very well. Whilst Eddie didn’t mention male strippers, he had said there would be entertainment and that it would not be a knitting lesson.
“I am more than happy not to go.” He then added “In fact, I’d prefer not to go. I have a feeling this could be bloody carnage!” He had said that to me at the time but I had dismissed it and, if I remember correctly, I had told him to stop worrying and to grow a set!
And that was that.
Emma amazes me sometimes. When she had told me I had been invited, she hadn’t batted an eyelid. I bloody well had, and I had phoned Phil the following day to get the low-down. He had been invited but was away with work so he had suggested me. Thanks, mate!
Yes, he had explained, it would be very lively, especially given what had happened at the stag night. Claire was determined to have fun but they had arranged a couple of guys to be the entertainment. My job was to serve drinks. And it would be interesting, to say the least, to watch these women having fun.
We had a lovely Friday evening, just the two of us, and the following day we caught the train up to London and, as Emma trotted off to meet Angie and a few of the ladies, I booked into our hotel. The room was spacious and after a quick refresher, I set off to meet a few of the guys who, like me, were to be serving drinks.
I had met two of them before. Peter had been at the Huntsman Ball, and Stephen was the best man, who I had met at the stag night. The other guy, Carl, was a boyfriend of one of the ladies.
The opinion of everyone was this could get very messy. I recalled a similar function we had held at the rugby club a few years ago. I don’t know how to describe it. If you think blokes can get rowdy and out of hand, we cannot hold a candle to a group of women, set on having fun, with ample supplies of alcohol.
“Any idea how many there will be, thirty?” I asked.
“More like sixty!” said Stephen. The rest of us just looked at each other, all thinking the same thing. Oh fucking hell. He explained there were two other parties joining us, both friends of Claire’s. One was celebrating her thirtieth birthday, the other, her divorce! They had decided to join forces to help with the costs.
A few beers and everyone seemed in good form, if not a little nervous, and a couple of hours later, I wandered back to the hotel and changed ready for the evening. It was as I was leaving, Emma and Angie arrived to put on their glad rags for the evening party.
Angie had booked a room in the same hotel. Emma had suggested she could just share with us, but she had apparently turned down the offer, as she was hoping her luck was in, which didn’t surprise me. Angie loves to play, and Phil had given her the green light. Some bloke was going to get lucky tonight.
It was as Emma kissed me goodbye, she whispered in my ear. “See you later. Please behave.” And she trotted off after Angie towards the lifts. Behave?
I must admit I was having a lovely day. Lunch had been fun and we had met up with Claire and the rest of the party at a smashing bar. And I was surprised how many of us there were but when I mentioned this to Angie, she assured me there were a few more to join us yet.
Angie was in very good form. She was at her flirtiest, chatting up every man she could see and she pulled me in to assist and managed to get a few phone numbers. Yep, Phil had given her the green light to play and she was not going to miss the opportunity.
Eddie was just leaving when we got to the hotel to change. He looked lovely in his dinner suit, but as Angie and I dressed, I couldn’t help worrying.
“Angie, have you ever been to something like this before?” She had, but not a private do. However, she explained, she knew Claire and her close friends quite well. Most of them were part of their swinging group and she expected things to get very hot! That is not what I wanted to hear.
“Emma, don’t tell me the green-eyed monster is making an appearance?” I explained that he was. “Fucking hell, Emma, I thought you had put him under lock and key. Blimey, you’ve seen Eddie with countless women now.”
Of course, she was right. I mean, he had actually fucked Claire, the hen of this party! I can’t say I had actually seen them, as I was getting well and truly fucked by Claire’s fiancé and the host at the time. I had seen him with Angie many times and my girlfriend Sally always makes sure Eddie joined us in bed. So why was I so worried?
We set off to the party about an hour later and when we got there, the place was already bouncing.
Bloody hell. I thought it might get lively but this was ridiculous. In hindsight, I suppose I should have expected it but, bloody hell! I was working one of the bars with Carl, and for the first hour or more, we were simply rushed off our feet. And the noise! Bloody hell!
Emma looked beautiful. As soon as she got there, she came straight over to me and kissed me, full-on. I introduced her to Carl, who seemed utterly delighted to say hello.
“Oh, Emma, I was so hoping that you would be here.” She smiled and said thank you and after she had taken a couple of glasses, one for her and one for Angie, she trotted off into the melee.
“Sorry, Eddie, but both of the guys have told me about her.” Oh good, I thought. “Everyone thinks you are the luckiest bloke in the world.”
“Yes, I know,” I said, “Emma tells me that regularly!”
So far so good, I thought. The music was pounding out and every single woman, and I do mean every one of them, was dancing. It is something I absolutely marvel at. If this was a room of blokes, there would not be a single person dancing. And I was wondering when the entertainment would arrive when suddenly the music stopped.
And the ladies knew what was coming.
“Ladies, please welcome, for your pleasure, for one night only, Marcus!” And the lights on the central stage came on and from a side room, in he strode. Holy fucking moly, it was one of the two guys who had fucked Emma at the stag party.
I was having a lovely time. I love a dance and everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves, and with our waiters mingling amongst us, no one was short of a drink.
When the music suddenly stopped, the excitement in the room rose to another level. Oh my, I thought, I wonder what he will be like. Then I saw him. Fucking hell. I quickly looked at Angie, and she had her mouth open and her eyes were on stalks but she saw the expression on my face.
“Is that one of the guys that fucked you!?” she shouted, at the top of her voice. A couple of the ladies nearby obviously heard her and looked at me. I just nodded. “Fucking hell, Emma,” she continued, “he’s fucking gorgeous. Oh, wow.” And she pushed forward to get closer to the stage.
My embarrassment gradually receded and the fun increased. Marcus strutted his stuff with several lovely ladies being pulled up onto the stage and several more climbing up uninvited, but he coped well, and very gradually his clothes were removed and I could feel my pussy tingle as the memory of his body flooded through my mind.
It was Claire who was in the chair when his pouch was removed, her head under a towel, getting a very close-up view, and her head bobbed up and down, obviously enjoying herself. Finally, he stood back and threw the towel away, and walked around the edge of the stage, his huge black cock bouncing out in front of him. Fucking hell, he was gorgeous and again I could feel my pussy tingle.
Everyone was laughing and cheering and with our glasses refilled, the music started up again, just for a short while until, again, it suddenly stopped.
“Ladies. I hoped you enjoyed that, and you’ll be seeing Marcus again shortly. But now we have another special treat for you. Please welcome Billy,” and out he walked. Oh fucking hell, and my pussy tingled again.
So, Marcus and Billy work as a team then. Billy had been the other guy who had fucked Emma with Marcus at the stag night. And I had guessed at the time, these two were not average guys.
Billy was doing his stuff on stage and noise levels had risen again. I couldn’t see Emma, but no doubt she would be at the front, next to the stage. I could see the stage quite clearly and I could see it was not her straddling Billy. Whoever it was, she had removed her dress and was waving her arms around as if she was at a rodeo.
Carl and I busied ourselves restocking, again, and we caught up quickly with the other two, who, like us, were welcoming a short break.
“Have you ever seen anything like it, have you?” No, I hadn’t. We had all seen “strippers” before, and been at some very lively nights-out. A few rugby club do’s I had been at had been raucous events, but nothing like this. And we all agreed, men simply cannot compete with women when it comes to having fun. And, as a naked Billy left the room, his cock bouncing in front of him, we returned to our starting points and were soon surrounded by women all requiring refills.
The woman who I had seen on Billy was putting her dress back on but had obviously lost her bra, and she didn’t seem too worried about putting her breasts away. I topped up her drink and she jiggled her tits for me and then pressed herself against me and I felt her grab my arse.
I managed to extract myself but, as I worked my way around, more or more hands were grabbing my arse and more than one pressed into me. And, it was as I was working my way back to the bar, that two women began to dance with me, one of them throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me. I was about to gently free myself when the other, who was now behind me, reached around us and pulled her friend into me.
“Wow, ladies,” I said, breaking the kiss briefly, “I’m serving drinks,” but she continued to kiss me while her friend rubbed herself against me and I could feel my cock stir. And so could she, and I felt her press herself against my erection, and then she reached down and squeezed my crotch. I smiled at her and after promising to find her later, I slipped away, back to the safety of the bar. Carl was there, looking flustered.
“Fucking hell,” he said, “you wouldn’t believe what just happened to me!” We both laughed and agreed that we might be in serious trouble here.
Angie just could not get over the fact that I had been fucked by both of these guys, at the same time. And she seemed to take great pleasure in telling all those around us. I was actually embarrassed until one of the women next to us grabbed me and kissed me.
“You are Emma!” And several others gathered round us and all wanted to say hello. Fucking hell, I am famous!
The next half hour was filled with more dancing and drinking and it was fun. It was then I saw Eddie circling with a bottle and I grabbed a refill and took the opportunity to give him a kiss, but it was just as I let go of him that I got a surprise.
“My turn!” And before I could even step back, a woman threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. What the fuck! And I just stood there and watched as another latched herself onto his side, pressing herself into his hip, her free hand on his bum. He did his best to free himself but he had a bottle of Prosecco in each hand, and it was perhaps a minute before he managed to step away.
“This is not my fault,” he said as he quickly walked back to the bar. I followed closely behind him and witnessed two more hands grab his bum. That’s mine!
“Eddie, I am not fucking happy about this!”
“Emma, I am not trying to get laid, am I?”
It was only the arrival of Angie which prevented a full-on row. And after a couple of minutes of her calming voice, some reassurance from Eddie he was doing his best to avoid being group shagged, and the arrival of Marcus on stage, that Angie and I left him to serve drinks.
It was only five minutes later I was watching Angie sat in the chair, with Marcus stood in front of her, naked other than his pouch. And she certainly looked like she was enjoying herself.
This time Marcus didn’t leave the room, but he jumped down into the crowd, stark naked, his lovely cock waving in front of him and he was completely surrounded in seconds.
Once Billy had finished his set, and a very lovely set it was, he did likewise and I found myself watching two women sucking his cock, whilst another hugged him from behind, pressing herself into him. Angie appeared at my side, looking very pleased with herself.
“Fucking hell, Emma, what a lovely cock that man has!” I agreed and we danced and watched as more women took the opportunity to feel, fondle and suck. It was then I noticed Carl. He had a bottle in one hand, but had a woman kissing him, and another knelt in front of him, who was sucking his cock.
“Where’s Eddie?” I said and I set off to find him.
It didn’t take long. He stood, almost pinned, against a pillar surrounded by three women. One was kissing him and one had his cock in her hand. The other had removed her top and, as I watched, mouth open, she knelt in front of him, and opened her mouth.
Angie appeared next to me. I turned and left. And Angie followed me out.
The walk home was lonely. The lads were going on for a few “for the ditch” but I wasn’t in the mood. I had seen Emma marching off but by the time I had managed to push myself free, she and Angie had disappeared into the night. And that was well over an hour ago.
My text messages to Emma went unanswered but Angie had replied, just to say they were together and not to worry. So, I wandered back to the hotel and, hopefully, looked into the bar but they weren’t there. Our room was empty and whilst I could have tried to see if they were in Angie’s room, I thought it best not to and went to bed.
I would guess it was another hour before I heard the door and then footsteps cross the room. After another few minutes and a visit to the bathroom, I felt Emma slip into bed next to me. And I waited, but there was no movement or sound other than her gentle breathing.
“You OK?” I finally said.
“Fuck off. I’m not talking to you.” I didn’t say anything but just lay there.
“I fucking hate you.” Again, I didn’t reply as, somehow, I thought she probably didn’t want to hear my version of events.
“Don’t say a fucking word, Eddie.” I wasn’t going to, and didn’t, but suddenly I felt her hand on my cock and then, a minute or so later, her body against mine. Her hand stroked my balls and my cock and she started to kiss my chest and then my stomach and then onto my cock. Her hand was massaging my balls and her fingers exploring my bum, as her mouth licked the glands, and then, very gradually, she began to suck my erection, taking as much as she could into her warm mouth.
It was wonderful, and soon she sucked deeply, and I started stroking her head, her shoulders, and down her back to her beautiful bottom.
She suddenly knelt up and straddled me, but instead of getting on my cock, she moved up my chest, placing her knees over my shoulders, and pressed her pussy into my face.
“Can you taste him?” she said. Yes, I could, and she started to drive her pussy into my face. “Good, fucking lick me, Eddie, and then you are going to fuck me hard, and I mean fucking hard.” She stayed like this for several minutes, grinding her pussy into my face until she slipped down my body and my cock slipped into her.
As we fucked, she told me all about it. Angie had phoned one of the guys she had met earlier and they had met at a local bar. There were two of them and they had taken them back to Angie’s room and they had fucked them.
She made sure I heard all the details, such as how she had sucked both their cocks and then had been fucked over the edge of the bed and had orgasmed on his big hard cock. How they had switched partners and she licked Angie’s pussy as she was being fucked from behind. And she had let him cum in her so I could lick it out of her.
And the more she told me, the harder we fucked until she orgasmed, almost screaming in delight but she held on to me and our fucking turned into love-making and she kissed me and kissed me, and I kissed her and kissed her.
When I came, she still didn’t let me go and we fell asleep in each other’s arms, her legs still wrapped around me.