The Guidance Counselor: Part 6


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On Wednesday, Patti got a call from Darcy. She couldn’t answer at the time, so when she was home relaxing, she called the girl back. Darcy was going to visit her parents, and her route passed through town. Darcy asked if it would be alright to stop by. Patti thought about what Darcy and Amber had done to Gwen, but Patti told her she was welcome and then asked if Amber was coming also. Darcy was quiet for a few seconds, then said she wouldn’t be. Amber had some business things to deal with. Patti understood and told her she’d expect Darcy late on Thursday afternoon.

Patti was home putting some new items out for the tour when Darcy pulled up in the driveway late Thursday. When Patti went out to greet her, Darcy looked like she’d been crying. Patti asked if she was alright. Darcy said she wasn’t, so Patti escorted her to the living room to talk.

They sat on the sofa facing each other. Darcy wiped the tears from her cheeks and then started by telling Patti, “I broke up with Amber, Patti. I’m not really on my way to my parents. I needed someone to talk to, someone I trusted. I’m also here to talk to Gwen.”

Patti asked, “Why did you break up with her, and why do you need to talk to Gwen?”

Patti knew why Darcy needed to talk to Gwen but acted ignorant. She listened as Darcy told her how she and Amber seduced Gwen and quite a few other girls. Darcy was tired of it, but Amber wasn’t. They’d fought multiple times over it during the past year, but they continued the seductions anyway. That was until they met a girl last month. She was different, like Gwen was different. Neither Gwen nor the other girl showed any interest in sex with them. However, Amber has her ways, and both girls eventually succumbed. The other girl knew Darcy through a friend of a friend and tracked her down. She was very upset and worried someone might find out. Her family was extremely conservative and would disown her if they knew. Their ‘seduction’ had freaked her out regardless of how she reacted at the time. Darcy apologized to her, which she said helped, but when Darcy talked to Amber about it, she just laughed. That bothered Darcy even more, so she gave Amber an ultimatum: no more ‘first timers.’ Amber was fine for a week or two, then told Darcy she had another girl lined up. That’s when Darcy told Amber it was over. She packed her bags and called Patti to see if they could talk.

Patti was moved by Darcy’s confession, and Patti said she could stay awhile and that Gwen was coming over Friday to help with the tours. Patti would leave them alone, and Darcy could apologize. Darcy thanked her with a hug. They went out to get Darcy’s things and took them to the room where Amber and she stayed. Patti asked Darcy to park her car in the driveway so it would block the tourists from parking there on Saturday. Darcy said she would after she finished unloading. Patti was surprised at how little Darcy had with her, even though the car was filled with boxes and clothes. When the car was empty, Darcy moved it, and then the two women settled in the house to talk some more.

Before they began talking, Patti offered Darcy something to drink. Darcy chose coffee, so Patti heated up the kettle and made Darcy a cup and some tea for herself. They decided to sit in the living room to talk since it was more comfortable.

Once they settled on the sofa, Patti asked Darcy what, if anything, she had planned for her future. Patti recalled the conversation they had about Darcy going back to school. Darcy sighed and began her tale. She was a star athlete at her high school, her parents were divorced, and she lived with her mother. Her mom was nice, but she didn’t like to work and lived off Darcy’s dad’s alimony. Darcy said she’d dropped out of junior college after her first year because she ran out of money. She was working part-time, and her mother wouldn’t help pay for her school. That’s when she started dancing.

She told Patti that she actually met Amber at a strip club where she worked. After they started dating, she quit and went to work for Amber as a receptionist. Darcy told Patti she’d had always been frugal with her money; she had several large CDs and a healthy savings account, none of which Amber knew about.

Their relationship seemed ideal, and Darcy thought about going back to school and getting a degree in something like physical therapy, massage, or being a personal trainer. Amber was all for it. Their sex life was fantastic, and Darcy thought her life was ideal until it changed. She and Amber were out clubbing one night and stumbled upon a bachelorette party. One of the girls was curious, so she left the party and went home with Darcy and Amber. One thing led to another, and they seduced the girl.

The following week, it was all Amber wanted to talk about; she eventually convinced Darcy to seduce another. This time, Amber didn’t participate as much in the actual sex part; however, she led the seduction.

Darcy took a break, and Patti noticed she was tearing up. She went to the kitchen and returned with a box of tissues. Darcy laughed, took one, and thanked Patti for being so thoughtful. When she collected herself, Darcy continued. She told Patti that after the third or fourth girl, the lovemaking between her and Amber declined. Amber didn’t seem to have intense orgasms like she used to, regardless of what Darcy did. But Darcy thought she was in love, so they continued being together. It was after visiting with Patti that Darcy realized there was something very wrong in their relationship.

Darcy blushed, then told Patti that making love to her was just that, making love. She told Patti their orgasm together was the best she’d had in a very long time. It felt like they had chemistry together, like when she and Amber first met. Patti blushed and thanked Darcy, telling her she felt it also.

Darcy smiled, then finished her story. She told Patti she wanted to go back to school and make something of herself. Since it was Patti’s vocation to help students, Darcy thought she’d be the perfect person to consult. Then she added, that if Patti felt Darcy had wronged Gwen, she’d apologize to the girl and then leave to pursue her goals someplace else.

When Darcy finished, Patti was shaking her head. Darcy took that as a no, and Patti wouldn’t help her. So, Darcy apologized and said she’d be gone before the weekend. Patti looked at her and said, “The hell you will, young lady! You’re going to stay here and start over, and I won’t take no for an answer.”

Patti continued, “Amber has no clue where you are, I assume. We’ll get you back on track, sweetie. Gwen and I have talked, and I think she’ll be fine with an apology. She told me what happened, and from past experience with Amber, I know it was mostly her doing. I thought I’d straightened her out, but obviously, I was wrong. Right now, I’m busy with the annual tour thing, but next week, we’ll sit down and figure out something for you. How does that sound?”

Darcy smiled as she replied, “It sounds amazing. I had good thoughts about you when we first met, Patti. I hope Gwen will accept my apology. She is a doll. If you need any help here, just ask. I’m more than willing to work and pay rent if you want me to. I also wouldn’t mind sharing your bed if you wanted that too.”

When Darcy finished, she winked at Patti, making her blush.

Patti smiled when she replied, “I wasn’t going to ask for that, but since you volunteered, I won’t say no. We’ll get you on track for a career and to go back to school. I’m sure there’s a gym around here that could use your help and knowledge. Until then, helping out here, cleaning, and making dinner is fine. I’ll have to get a rental agreement for you to sign, and I need to talk to the university about a program I’m in regarding students living here. Since you’re not going to the university, I don’t see a problem with being my renter.”

Darcy grinned, “Thank you, Patti. I knew my instincts were right about you. I really hope Gwen forgives me.”

Darcy leaned closer to Patti and asked in a sultry voice, “When would you like to, umm, seal the deal, Miss Patti?”

She finished her question with a wink, which made Patti blush. “You don’t need to call me Miss Patti, babydoll. It’s nice, and I do like it, but I don’t need it. How about we go upstairs and do just that? Seal the deal.”

Darcy stood and grinned waiting for Patti. Patti stood, reached for Darcy’s hand, and when Darcy slipped hers into Patti’s, Patti pulled her close, and they kissed. Darcy melted into Patti’s embrace as they stood kissing.

They had been making out for a few minutes, Patti’s hands-on Darcy’s tight ass, massaging it as Darcy reciprocated, when suddenly the doorbell rang and startled them.

Patti laughed, “I’m expecting a package, sorry. Why don’t you go upstairs? I’ll be up shortly.”

Darcy smiled, “Okay, I’ll do that.”

They left the living room; Patti went to the front door, and Darcy went up the stairs. When Patti entered her bedroom with the package, Darcy was in bed, half covered with the sheet. She was smiling as she asked what the package was.

Patti said, “It’s a little gift for Gwen because she helped me with the tour last weekend.”

Darcy replied, “That’s so sweet of both of you. I hope she enjoys it.”

Patti grinned as she replied, “I think she will.”

Patti began undressing, kicking off her slippers and then sitting on the edge of the bed to remove her socks. As she was sitting, Darcy moved next to her. She moved Patti’s hair off the back of her neck and began kissing it. Patti moaned, dropping her socks on the floor, then turned to return Darcy’s kiss. It was awkward for Patti to kiss Darcy, sitting there with her body twisted, but she loved the feel of the girl’s lips on her own. After a few minutes, Patti stopped her so she could finish undressing. Darcy returned to sit against the pillows propped up against the headboard.

When Patti stood to remove her jeans, Darcy asked her to go slow. Patti grinned and suggested Darcy direct her since she had been a professional. Darcy giggled, then started telling Patti what to do.

Darcy said, “Patti, take your top off one inch at a time. Look at me after every move. Make sure you look me in the eyes. Oh, I know I don’t need to say this, but smile.”

Darcy giggled, then sat back to watch as Patti started to follow her instructions. Her tee wasn’t that sexy, but she started at the hem and gradually inched it up, one side, then the other. When she arrived at her breasts, she did a peek-a-boo with her boobs and the tee. Darcy giggled and said, “That’s it, momma, tease me.”

Patti continued inching it up, over her bra and then her head, tossing it at Darcy, who caught it and then tossed it on the floor as she grinned. Patti then reached behind her back to unhook her bra. She continued in slow motion, swaying and turning her back to Darcy, giving her quick views of her newly exposed flesh.

Darcy was having a ball, watching Patti. She told her, “You don’t need instructions. Were YOU a dancer in a previous life?”

Patti laughed, “Yeah, right.” Then she continued her tease, slipping one arm out of the bra, cupping her breast, and then letting the other strap fall. She turned her back and let the bra drop to the floor, then turned around. Patti’s arms were covering her breasts until she started playing peek-a-boo with them, giving Darcy quick flashes of her stiff nipples and full breasts.

When Patti saw Darcy slip a hand between her legs, she waved a finger at her, saying, “No, no, girlie. That’s my job.”

Darcy laughed, removing her hand and placing both of them on her lap so Patti could see them, “There, happy now?”

Patti smiled. “No, but I think I will be in about forty-five minutes or so.”

Darcy purred, “I like the way you think, Patti.”

Patti continued her strip tease, finally showing Darcy her breasts. Darcy licked her lips as Patti unbuttoned her jeans. She gradually lowered each side, turning, and bending over to show Darcy her ass. When she was bent over, Patti looked back at Darcy. Darcy smiled and asked Patti to please hurry up or else she’d start rubbing again.

Patti laughed, then dropped her jeans in a pile at her feet and stepped out of them. Patti’s panties were all that remained of her clothing. When she turned to face Darcy, an unmistakable dark spot was showing. Darcy noticed it but didn’t say anything. She was glad that their little playacting had aroused Patti because she was certainly aroused also.

Patti didn’t take as much time to remove her panties as she did the other articles of clothing. With the panties on the bedroom floor, Patti joined Darcy and started kissing her. As they kissed, the two women slowly sunk down onto the mattress and snuggled next to each other, lips pressed against each other. Patti was the first to speak, telling Darcy she wanted to worship her body. Darcy loved that idea and told Patti to take her time.

Patti grinned, lowering her face to Darcy’s breasts, then started nursing. Darcy arched her chest, enjoying Patti’s sloppy, wet attention. It seemed like Patti fed forever, and it felt so good to Darcy. When Patti moved away from her breasts, Darcy pouted until she felt Patti’s tongue circle her navel and then go lower.

Patti teased Darcy when she stopped above the Hummingbird tattoo and talked to the little bird as if it were real. Darcy thought that was cute but was getting anxious. She didn’t say anything, but Patti knew she should move on to better things. So, after saying goodbye to Mr. Hummingbird, Patti moved lower to feast upon Darcy’s sex.

The younger woman spread her legs, offering herself to Patti. When Patti lowered her face to Darcy’s pussy, Darcy placed her feet on Patti’s back to hold her in place. Patti placed her hands under Darcy’s ass, lifting her slightly, which was more comfortable for her as she explored the young woman with her tongue.

Darcy was in heaven; she hadn’t had an experienced woman in a very long time, and she told Patti how good she was feeling, thanking her continuously. Patti loved the praise from her younger lover and continued to use her tongue in various ways to excite her. When Patti moved her right hand, she placed it so she could slide a finger into Darcy’s wet vagina while using her thumb to massage the girl’s rosebud.

Darcy’s initial reaction was vocal, telling Patti, “Oh my god, Patti. You’re killing me! I love that!”

Patti continued playing with Darcy’s ass as she flicked and sucked on her clit. Darcy was thrashing and calling out Patti’s name as her older lover gradually brought her to a mind-numbing orgasm. When Darcy peaked, her body shook, her back arched, and her eyes rolled back in her head. She beat the bed with her fists multiple times, thanking Patti while she did.

Patti backed off slightly waiting until Darcy was completely spent before she stopped lapping up Darcy’s honey and massaging her bud. When Patti finally sat back to look over Darcy, she saw a totally exhausted young woman with glazed over eyes. Her arms outstretched, begging for Patti to embrace her.

Patti joined her new lover and held her tight while Darcy’s body gradually calmed down, and her heartbeat returned to normal. Darcy lavished kisses on Patti, thanking her at the same time. Patti was smitten and told Darcy she was welcome, thanking her as well.

They lay in Patti’s bed well into the evening, then they showered, dressed in their night clothes, and went downstairs to have something for dinner. After eating, they went back to bed to make love again. This time, Patti was the object of Darcy’s affection. In the morning, the two lovers talked about some of the things they each enjoyed in bed. They discovered they had quite a few things in common.

When they finally got out of bed, they showered again after making love and almost running out of hot water. They dressed, and Darcy made breakfast for them while Patti watched. When breakfast was over, Patti finished setting up for the tours while Darcy put her clothes away in her room and silently thanked Amber for introducing her to Patti. Darcy vowed to herself she was going to get her degree or something similar. She was enamored with Patti and wanted to make sure she didn’t disappoint her new mentor.

It might have taken longer than she had thought, but she was now on a path to a better life, and she was happy. The only thing she wasn’t looking forward to was apologizing to Gwen, not that she didn’t want to do it. She only hoped Gwen would forgive her, and maybe someday they could be friends.

Friday afternoon, Gwen walked from campus to Patti’s house with her overnight bag. She’d been looking forward to this weekend after spending time in Patti’s bed and making love. Of course, being the tour guide was nice also, but being with Patti was actually the highlight of last weekend. Gwen slowed her pace when she saw a strange car parked in Patti’s driveway. She wondered if a tourist arrived too early or maybe Patti had a visitor. When she rang the doorbell, Darcy answered it, much to her surprise. Gwen stood there momentarily, recalling Thanksgiving night. She noticed Darcy had a serious, almost painful look on her face. The first words out of Darcy’s mouth were, “Hello, Gwen, I’m so sorry. I want to apologize to you for what Amber and I did. Would you please come in so we can talk?”

Gwen snapped out of her fog, not saying a word, and entered the house. Darcy closed the door behind her and waited for Gwen to change into the house slippers before escorting her to the living room. Gwen left her bag by the door and followed Darcy to see what she had to say.

When Patti heard the doorbell, she checked her watch. She thought it was probably Gwen, so she stopped what she was doing upstairs and then went to listen before heading down to see who it was. She heard the front door open and Darcy greeting Gwen. She waited until she heard them move to the living room before quietly descending the stairs to listen in on their conversation.

Gwen sat first on the sofa, turning halfway to look at Darcy, who was tearing up. She sat facing Gwen then quietly explained her actions that night and the reasoning behind it. Gwen thought about interrupting, but patiently listened to Darcy’s confession and request for forgiveness. When Darcy finished, they sat in silence. Darcy leaned back against the sofa waiting for Gwen to speak.

Gwen cleared her throat and said, “Darcy, I barely got any sleep that night. I left the house that morning because I was ashamed of what I did, and I was mad that you and Amber took advantage of me. I lied to Patti about being texted by a friend in the dorm because I couldn’t tell her what happened to me. I locked myself in my dorm room all day, going over what happened in my mind. I was torn. On one hand, I was mad that you both tricked me. On the other hand, I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much; it freaked me out.”

Darcy was about to say something when Gwen held up her hand to stop her. She sat back and let Gwen continue.

Gwen took a deep breath and said, “Darcy, I basically shut myself off from the world, thinking what I was going to do. It took me several months before I realized that it was my own fault for being so naive. I let it happen, and it’s done. I’ve come to accept that I like girls, and it’s not a bad thing. I forgive you, Darcy, and I’m sorry about Amber.”

Gwen sighed and smiled at Darcy. Darcy was relieved and opened her arms to embrace Gwen. Gwen scooted closer to hug the older girl. They held each other until Patti walked in interrupting them. She apologized for the intrusion, as they both looked at her. When Patti asked if things were okay. The girls replied in unison, that it was and then both giggled.

Patti said, “Good, I have a present for Gwen here. It’s for helping me last weekend and for her nineteenth birthday next week. You can open it now, Gwen, or wait. Your choice. I was also going to get a cake, but that can wait until next week.”

Gwen giggled and said, “I’ll open it now, Patti. Thank you. How did you know my birthday was next week? Oh, you have my records. Duh!”

Patti handed Gwen the simple white box with a red ribbon from behind her back. Gwen smiled, shook the box, then pulled one end of the ribbon. The bow vanished and the ribbon dropped to the floor as Gwen opened the box to see what was inside. She peeled back the tissue paper, and when Gwen saw her gifts, she gasped.

Gwen set the box on the coffee table and then raised the top of the white lingerie to look at it. She exclaimed, “Oh my god, Patti. You shouldn’t have, but I love it. Thank you!”

Patti smiled, “You’re welcome, sweetness. I couldn’t decide on black or white, so I got both. They’re a little different from each other.”

All Darcy had to say was, “Meow.”

Gwen giggled and replied, “I’m tempted to try them on right now.” She put the white top back, then raised the black set. “Wow! I love them both!”

Patti looked at Darcy and then said, “I don’t see why you shouldn’t try them on now, Gwen. What do you think, Darcy?”

Darcy hesitated, then replied, “I’d love to see you in either one, Gwen. If you don’t mind.”

Gwen smiled, “I don’t mind at all, Darcy.”

Gwen started to take her top off, but Patti stopped her and said, “Why don’t we take these up to my room, and you can model them for us there, my love.”

Darcy’s eyes widened, and a mischievous look appeared on her face. “If I get a vote, I’d say that was a very good idea. I’ll carry your overnight bag up, Gwen.”

Gwen blushed. “I guess that would be more private, and of course, you get a vote, Darcy. Thank you for the offer. I’ll take these to my room to change and meet you both in Patti’s room.”

Patti grinned, and the three women headed upstairs for the lingerie show after Darcy grabbed Gwen’s bag. On the way up the stairs, Patti suggested Gwen wear the white outfit first. Gwen shrugged and said, “Sure.”

When they arrived in front of Gwen’s door, Darcy laid the bag down. She said she had some pumps that Gwen could wear if she wanted to, then asked what size she wore. The shoes were a size larger than Gwen normally wore, but she accepted the offer anyway. Darcy also mentioned she had some stripper heels but was afraid Gwen might fall wearing them. That made them all laugh as Gwen took her bag and the lingerie into the room to change.

Darcy went next door and retrieved the heels and gave them to Gwen. She then went to Patti’s room to wait for the show. While Darcy and Patti waited, Darcy asked, “I assume you two have been intimate. Am I right?”

Patti replied, “Yes, we were last weekend. Thank you for not asking if we fucked. Gwen told me about you and Amber seducing her. At first, I was livid, but then she said she liked it. One thing led to another, and we made love. Does that bother you?”

Darcy giggled, “Not at all. I’m picturing a very cozy relationship between the three of us at some point. But it’s entirely up to Gwen. I’m liking you more and more, Patti.”

Patti smiled and replied, “I had a feeling you wouldn’t mind. I don’t know if I could like you any more than I do right now, Darcy. But it’s entirely possible, sweetheart. Gwen’s a doll, and I don’t think she’d object to your participation. I have a feeling she’s smitten with you. You were her first, after all.”

Darcy sighed and replied, “Yes, I was, and I’m so glad she’s forgiven me. She is a doll, that’s for sure. I can’t wait to see her in that white outfit.”

Patti grinned, then said, “Me too. But I’m really looking forward to the black. It’s a tad naughtier.”

Darcy giggled, “You’re so bad. Oh, shhh. I hear her coming.”

Gwen was hesitant at first walking into the room. She was in the white set wearing Darcy’s white pumps. She stepped gingerly as she approached Darcy and Patti. The look on her face was priceless. A bit unsure of herself and waiting for approval.

Darcy commented first, “Oh my, Gwen, you look amazing! If those pumps are giving you trouble, kick them off, baby.”

Gwen blushed, replying, “I’m not used to wearing them, and they’re a bit large. But I’m getting the hang of it. You really think I look that good?”

Patti replied, “Sweetie, Darcy is right. You look fantastic. Now, slowly turn for us, sugar. I want to see how it fits.”

Patti and Darcy had been sitting on the edge of the bed. Patti rose and walked closer to Gwen to closely exam the lingerie. She asked how Gwen felt about it and if it was too small or large since she had guessed the size to order. Gwen said it felt fine, but she was nervous about showing off for both of them. When Darcy walked over, she commented that Gwen looked delicious, which made the girl blush. Both Darcy and Patti caressed Gwen over her outfit, continuing to tell her how adorable she looked. They could tell Gwen was beginning to enjoy their attention, but Patti wanted to see her in the black one, so she asked her to change.

Gwen looked flush before she left her admirers to switch outfits. She left the white heels in the room, preferring to walk barefoot. When Gwen returned, she was definitely blushing. She’d noticed the black lingerie was a little more revealing than the white. She’d quickly taken a look at herself in the bathroom mirror and liked what she saw.

She decided to wear the black pumps and walked with a bit more confidence but was still slightly embarrassed about wearing the revealing lingerie. Patti had picked a one piece lace bodysuit with a deep vee neck teddy. It had a mini babydoll fringe which looked fantastic on the younger woman. It fit Gwen like a glove and made both Patti and Darcy swoon.

Darcy’s first comment was, “Meeeooowwwww.”

Gwen felt her blush rise in her chest and onto her face. When Patti said, “God, Gwen, I knew you’d look hot in that, but this is way beyond my expectations, baby girl.”

Gwen felt her heart racing as the two women drew closer. She thanked them for the compliments, then started to turn and show off. Patti stopped her and pulled her close to kiss her. Gwen melted into Patti’s embrace, passionately kissing her back as Patti’s hands roamed the girl’s tight ass. They stood kissing for a few moments as Darcy stood close by watching. She knew Gwen forgave her but was unsure if she wanted to be intimate with her again. When Patti and Gwen finished kissing, Gwen looked over at Darcy.

Gwen took two steps towards Darcy and asked, “May I have a kiss, please? You were definitely the winner on Thanksgiving.”

Darcy smiled, “Yes, baby girl. You may, and thank you.”

Patti watched as the two girls embraced and kissed. Darcy, like Patti, moved her hands over Gwen’s ass, enjoying how it felt. When they stopped kissing, they continued holding each other tight, looking over at Patti with smiles on their faces. Patti asked, “So, ladies. Where do we go from here?”

The girls looked at each other, and then both turned their heads to Patti’s bed. They giggled and then looked back at Patti. Gwen surprised Darcy and Patti when she said, “I think it’s obvious, Aunt Patti, don’t you?”

Darcy looked surprised when Gwen called Patti ‘Aunt’. When Gwen said, “Oops.” Patti laughed and explained, it was just an intimate term Gwen used for her. They weren’t related. Darcy giggled and said, “I don’t judge, and it’s cool, Aunt Patti.”

They all smiled, and then Patti began undressing. The girls followed her lead, and soon, all of their clothes were hung up or on the floor, and they were on Patti’s bed, with Patti in the middle. The ladies took turns kissing each other and then shared kisses. Without saying anything, Gwen and Darcy let Patti lead. Patti would have loved to lay back and watch her two young lovers as she masturbated, but she thought that it would be too soon for Gwen. She suggested Darcy sit back against the headboard while she and Gwen made love to her. Darcy had a slightly different suggestion that she lay down in the middle and not sit up.

Neither lady had a problem with that, so Patti and Darcy switched positions. Gwen moved closer to Darcy and began kissing her lips. Patti started lower, suckling Darcy’s breasts and toying with her nipples. When Gwen moved from Darcy’s lips, she made little butterfly kisses on the nape of Darcy’s neck and then went lower to suckle her breasts. Before Patti left Darcy’s breasts, she moved closer to Gwen, and they kissed passionately as Darcy watched.

When they broke their kiss, Gwen returned to suckle Darcy, and Patti moved to kiss her lips. Darcy was in heaven, moaning and cooing as her new lovers explored her body. The two ladies enjoyed playing with Darcy. When one moved, the other would pause to meet her and share a kiss. Darcy didn’t say anything, but she soon realized what Amber had enjoyed about watching. When Patti was about to move lower on Darcy and start feasting on her honey pot, Gwen beat her to it. Gwen was between Darcy’s legs on her knees, softly kissing near Mr. Hummingbird.

After another shared kiss, Patti was about to suggest they take turns. Instead, she asked Gwen to spread her legs and lower her cute little ass. Gwen wasn’t sure what Patti wanted, but she moved with a little guidance from Patti. When Patti had Gwen where she wanted her, she slipped under the girl and began tonguing her. Gwen’s eyes rolled back in her head as she moaned, thanks to Patti’s expertise. Darcy noticed Gwen’s absence; she coughed and woke Gwen, who returned to apologize to Mr. Hummingbird, then continued kissing and licking her way toward Darcy’s vagina.

Patti’s legs were draped over the end of the bed as she licked and sucked on sweet Gwen’s labia. After a few minutes, She used the tip of her tongue to brush against the girl’s clit, causing Gwen to pause to savor the feelings within her. Darcy noticed but refrained from saying anything and spoiling their lovemaking. Patti knew what was happening and didn’t continue teasing Gwen for very long. Instead, she left Gwen and moved up to kiss Darcy, letting her taste Gwen’s juices on her lips.

Darcy was very appreciative of Patti’s gesture, reaching behind her head and holding her as they kissed. Patti loved Darcy’s reaction, using one hand to reach down and toy with Darcy’s nipple. The two women remained kissing as Gwen explored Darcy’s pussy. Her cheeks were getting wet as she pressed against Darcy, who tried to move her hand down to hold Gwen in place.

Soon, Darcy was on the verge of her orgasm. The pinching, kissing, and tongue work by the inexperienced Gwen was having its effect. When Gwen realized she was playing with Darcy’s clit, she kept at it, intensifying the waves of pleasure in Darcy’s body. Patti kept pulling and rolling Darcy’s nipples while kissing her. But once she moved to suckle the younger woman, Darcy nearly lost it.

Darcy gasped, telling her lovers she was close. So, Patti started playing with one breast while nursing the other. Gwen switched from teasing Darcy’s clit with her tongue to sucking and rubbing it with her tongue. Darcy didn’t take much more to push her over the edge. She gasped, pressed Patti’s face to her chest, then lifted her lower body, making Gwen back up, wondering what was happening.

Darcy let out a small squeal as her body shook. She dropped back onto the bed as Gwen watched, delighted that her efforts had given Darcy an orgasm. Patti managed to free herself from Darcy’s grasp and moved down the bed to wrap her arm around Gwen and kiss her as Darcy calmed down.

Between kisses, Patti praised Gwen and told her she was beautiful. Gwen blushed, loving the adoration Patti bestowed upon her. After Darcy regained her composure, she asked for kisses from both of her new lovers. She lay between them as they once more took turns kissing each other.

Patti was the first to speak, “You two are so perfect. I think I’m in love with you both.”

Gwen giggled, replying, “I love you too, Aunt Patti, and you too, Darcy. Oh, I brought a jar of cherries, Aunt Patti.”

Patti laughed, telling Gwen she loved her thoughtfulness. Darcy said she loved them both and asked what the cherries were for. Patti smiled and explained, then suggested they shower and think about what to do for dinner because they just had dessert.

After their shower, the ladies dressed minimally and talked about their new arrangement. Since Darcy was going to ‘rent’ from Patti, Patti mentioned to Gwen that maybe she could get out of her arrangement with the school, and Gwen could live with them. Gwen loved that idea.

Over dinner, they discussed sleeping arrangements and the tour. Darcy knew nothing about old houses, but she agreed to dress up and spell Gwen and Patti so they could eat and use the bathroom. Sleeping or sharing Patti’s bed was completely up to the girls. Patti had no qualms about them both sleeping with her or in their own rooms or in each other’s beds without her. They also talked about making love and that it should always be spontaneous. If someone walked in on the other two, they should ask if it was okay to join them. Nothing was written down, and Patti also hoped the girls would respect each other’s privacy if they happened to bring someone over. However, their relationship was to be kept private, or Patti would ask them to leave.

Gwen and Darcy agreed, and they also suggested that their situation remain fluid, and if a problem arose, they’d talk it out. Patti loved the idea so they made a pact and sealed it with a kiss.

The next day, the tours went smoothly, Darcy filled in when needed and enjoyed meeting people. She got hit on by several guys and a couple of older women. They gave her their phone numbers, but Darcy trashed them after the tours ended. Gwen got hit on as did Patti. At dinner Sunday they all laughed over some of the lines the would-be suitors used.

When Gwen left to head back to the dorm, Patti and Darcy went with her. They had kissed goodbye before leaving the house, so Gwen’s secret would remain just that, a secret. During the week, Patti checked with the university and cancelled her boarding agreement with them. When asked why, Patti said that because of inflation and her frozen salary, she needed to rent the rooms she had available. The clerk understood and tore up the document.

Darcy went job hunting that week, looking for any position among the various gyms in town. She also found a studio that taught pole dancing and aerial yoga, among other things. The owner asked for a quick demonstration, and Darcy was hired on the spot. Darcy also went to the local community college and got their Summer schedule to go over with Patti.

Amber texted Patti in June asking if she’d heard from Darcy. Patti texted back that she hadn’t and then asked why. Amber said she left her and blocked her number. Patti said she was sorry, and that was the last she heard from Amber.

In the weeks before Summer, Gwen spent most of her weekends at the house with Patti and Darcy. There were a few bumps with the living arrangement, but the ladies worked them all out. Gwen had originally thought about going home for the summer, but she changed her mind and told her parents she was going to summer school. She said she’d found a place off campus to live, which was less expensive than the dorm. Her parents loved that part but asked her to at least come home after the summer session and let out to visit with them. Gwen agreed and spent most of August with them.

When the Fall semester arrived, Darcy was working part-time at the dance studio and attending classes at the community college part-time. Gwen was a sophomore and was starting to take some of her core classes for her degree. She was living with Darcy and Patti and enjoying college life to its fullest. The three women kept up the charade when they had visitors. There were never any hints that they all slept in Patti’s king-sized four-poster bed most nights.

Patti, Darcy, and Gwen had a near-perfect arrangement and they knew it. They also knew that, eventually, it would change, and they were alright with that because it probably wouldn’t for at least three years, if not longer.

Published 1 month ago

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