The Guidance Counselor: Part 5

"Gwen helps Patti with the house tours"

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Black Friday, Patti slept in until seven. She took a shower, got dressed, and headed down to eat breakfast. When she passed Amber and Darcy’s room, she heard one of them snoring. Listening at Gwen’s door, she heard nothing; the room was silent. She tiptoed past it and then downstairs. She didn’t want to wake them so early, figuring they knew their way around the kitchen and could fend for themselves. When she arrived downstairs, she noticed the girls had put the coffee table back where it belonged, along with the Scrabble game. The wine bottle was in the recycling, and their glasses were in the dishwasher. Patti smiled and thought how nice the girls were.

She needed to be at the retirement celebration to get things set up by nine. So, she ate, sipped her tea, and checked the weather on her phone app. It looked like another cold, clear day.

Gwen had a very restless night, she kept waking up, thinking about what had happened, then gradually falling back asleep. She was wide awake when she heard the floorboards in the hall creaking outside her room. She lay motionless, wondering if it might be Amber or Darcy wanting to pay her a visit. Instead, the soft sounds grew faint, so she figured it was Patti going downstairs.

Gwen rolled over and looked at her cell phone to see what time it was: seven-thirty. She silently got out of bed, turned on the light, and then went to the common bathroom. She used the toilet, quickly showered, and then went back to her room and dressed. She paused for a moment to collect herself, then packed her bag and crept down the stairs, hoping Patti hadn’t left yet.

When she went into the kitchen, Patti was sipping her tea and looking at her phone. Gwen greeted her with a smile, “Good morning, Patti. Did you sleep well?”

Patti was surprised and delighted to see Gwen, but she was wondering why she was up so early. “Good morning, sweetie. I slept like a log. How about you?”

Gwen sat down across from her and replied, “Oh, I tossed and turned a lot. Um, I got a text from Caroline; she lives across the hall from me. She said the dorm is like a graveyard and wondered if I wouldn’t mind coming back and hanging out with her. So, I texted her I would. I hope you don’t mind.”

Patti was a little surprised, but she knew Gwen was a sweetheart. “It’s fine. You’re a good friend, and I’m glad you’re being more social. We can meet up at the game, and it’s no big deal.”

Gwen blushed, “Thanks, um, I’ll be going to the game with her too. We’ll be in the student section. Can you give Greg that ticket? I’m sorry, I hate to do this to you.”

Patti was disappointed, but she didn’t show it when she replied, “It’s fine, sweetie. I’ll let him know. I’ll miss you, you know.”

Gwen replied, “Aww, I’ll miss you too. Are you going to drive or walk to campus? Would it be alright if we went together?”

Patti sipped her tea, then said, “I was going to walk and of course we can walk together. Have something to eat, sweetie. You may want to reheat the water for tea. I’m not leaving right away.”

Gwen smiled, “Thank you, Patti. You’re the best.”

Gwen made herself some tea, then sat down and ate some yogurt and fruit. Around eight-fifteen, Patti and Gwen dawned their coats to leave. Patti placed her comfy shoes in a bag, then put on her snow boots while Gwen changed into her outside shoes. They headed out the door and slowly walked to campus. They didn’t talk much as they walked. Patti thought it was a bit odd because Gwen is usually so bubbly, but she didn’t say anything about it. Just before their paths separated, Gwen gave Patti a hug and said goodbye. She thanked her for Thanksgiving dinner and apologized once more for leaving early. Patti told her she was welcome and told her to have fun at the game. Gwen thanked her again, then headed back to her dorm. Once Patti was out of sight, Gwen began crying. When she got to her room, she unpacked and lay down on her bed. As much as she tried, the images of the previous night wouldn’t go away. She was still trying to figure out how she felt about it when she heard a knock on her door. Gwen quickly pulled herself together and answered it. It was Caroline from across the hall, wondering why Gwen had returned so early. Gwen lied, telling her friend she had an upset stomach and wasn’t feeling well. Caroline nodded and told her if she needed anything to let her know; she’d be studying and then going out for a run. Gwen thanked her, and Caroline went back to her room.

Upstairs, at Patti’s house, the girls were still sleeping. Amber was the first to wake up. She lay in bed, watching Darcy softly breathing. She loved her with all her heart. Mainly because she did things Amber enjoyed and never complained or judged her, the seduction of Gwen was magical, and she couldn’t wait for more fun times with the sweet, naive girl with an incredible body.

Amber rolled over to check the time and noticed it was close to eight-thirty. Patti said she was going to leave early and wouldn’t be back until after lunch, so there was plenty of time to play with Gwen and then go wandering around campus and visit her sorority despite not knowing any of the girls there. She wanted to show off Darcy; maybe one or two of them would openly flirt with them, and that would hopefully give them something to do for the rest of the day and maybe even the night.

Amber exited the bed to use the bathroom; on her way, she noticed Gwen’s door was open, so she peeked inside. The bed was made, but Gwen’s overnight bag was missing. She hurried downstairs, looking into the kitchen, living room, and the study. It was obvious Gwen had left. She doubted Gwen had told Patti what happened the night before. Patti would have woken her and Darcy for an explanation, at the very least. She breathed a sigh of relief and hoped Patti would remain in the dark for the remainder of the weekend. Then Amber went back to her room and woke Darcy.

Darcy wasn’t fully awake when Amber told her Gwen had left. When she realized what Amber said, all she could say was, “Well, Fuck!”

Amber agreed, then suggested they shower, dress, and head to campus. Amber wasn’t going to let that confused little girl ruin her weekend. During their shower in Patti’s main bathroom the girls discussed what they did. Darcy was feeling remorseful, and they’d done the same thing to quite a few girls since they’d become lovers. Amber always started it and Darcy went along, but Darcy was getting tired of it.

They were fairly successful, too. There were so many curious straight girls wondering what being with another girl was like that they didn’t lack opportunity. Plus, they were both hot, so it made the seductions that much easier. Of course, a little alcohol or pot helped matters, too. But, what bothered Darcy was that their deflowerings were one-night stands. Amber loved to seduce and then watch as Darcy and the other girl had sex while she masturbated. However, that’s all they did. They never reconnected with the girl or woman, not caring what happened to her.

While showering, Darcy complained to Amber that she felt Amber had more intense orgasms watching her and another girl than she had with Darcy. Amber denied it completely, and she started playing with Darcy while they showered. Darcy soon forgot about their disagreement as Amber brought her to an intense orgasm. However, the thoughts remained with her for the rest of the weekend. After showering, dressing, and eating, Amber and Darcy went on the hunt at Kappa Delta.

At the reception center, Patti was busy supervising chair placement, flower arrangement locations, reviewing the slide show, and other various tasks before the ceremony. She’d done this rather frequently the past few years, and it reminded her that she was getting old, although she certainly didn’t feel like it.

In between all her tasks, Patti’s mind kept flashing back to Gwen. She was sure something must have happened during the Scrabble game to upset her. But Gwen said she was fine, but it still bothered her. Patti found time to text Greg about the game ticket. He texted her back that he already had plans and thanked her.

The retirement party was actually fun. Patti saw people she hadn’t seen in years. The luncheon went off without a hitch and the best thing was Professor Burgin thanking her for putting it all together. He was a sweetheart, and she’d miss him. After everyone left, Patti and a few other staff members cleaned up and then sat around and talked. It wasn’t until four that afternoon that Patti got home and could finally relax.

She received a text around four thirty from Amber letting her know she and Darcy wouldn’t be back that night. They’d met a couple of Amber’s sorority sisters who were in town for homecoming and were going to party with them. She texted that they wouldn’t be at the game Saturday with her. She said she was sorry, but they had extra tickets and invited her and Darcy to go with them.

So, Patti now had four nice seats and nobody to go with. She debated staying home but decided to go anyway. Maybe she’d see someone and give them the extra tickets. She really didn’t care much for football, the stadium was too noisy, and their team was mediocre at best; plus, it was going to be cold, and going alone, really sucked. But she’d go anyway, just to give away the tickets and come home.

That night, after dinner, Patti was reading one of three murder mysteries she’d started. She’d put a small dent in the leftovers she’d kept. She’d wished the girls would have stuck around to help her finish them off, but they were young and had different plans. That’s when Patti started thinking about dating again. She’d tried a couple of dating sites online a few years back, but they were full of flaky people, so she quit doing that. Most of her faculty friends were in relationships, and so were their friends. She figured that’s probably why she tended to seduce the younger women who boarded with her. It wasn’t that she preferred the girls, although they were very lovely, but she figured she was lazy, and it took work to find and maintain a relationship. Maybe she needed a therapist or at least more of a social life.

After mulling those things over, Patti went back to her book until bedtime, her issues still weighing on her mind.

Saturday, Patti cleaned and dusted the house, looked at her counseling schedule for December, and wrote herself reminders to meet with a few struggling students. She knew Winter break was fast approaching and soon after, the Spring schedule would be out. There were some kids who needed certain classes before the end of the term, and she wanted to remind them to get them scheduled. With her school things completed, she relaxed and wondered how Gwen was doing; she debated texting but thought better of it. Gwen needed her space, and Patti didn’t want her to think she was lonely, although she was.

Saturday night, Patti did go to the game. She took earplugs and wore an extra layer of clothes to keep warm. She was surprised that the game was as exciting as it was. The game changed leads multiple times, and it came down to a last-second field goal, and for once, the home team won a nail-biter. The walk home was nice. Most of the people she met were happy and smiling. When she got home, it was late, and she was exhausted. She slept in and didn’t see Amber and Darcy until around noon. They looked like hell, but Patti didn’t say anything when they came in. They apologized once more for missing the game, ate leftovers, showered, dressed, packed, and then said goodbye.

What surprised Patti was that when Amber was still upstairs packing, Darcy came downstairs to talk with her. She apologized once more and asked Patti if she could call her sometime. After being on campus and getting a glimpse of college life, she was contemplating going back to school and getting a degree. She’d dropped out of community college after a year, but the atmosphere this past weekend started her rethinking her life.

Of course, Patti thought that was great, so they exchanged numbers, and Darcy thanked her. The girls took off late that afternoon and promised to text Patti when they arrived safely. Amber teased Patti a bit more, calling her ‘Mom’ again, which made Darcy giggle.

The girls did make it home okay, and unbeknownst to Amber, Darcy texted Patti also to make sure she had the right number. When Patti got it, she grinned and texted back she wished Darcy could have stayed longer. Darcy sent a blushing emoji and said, ‘Me too.’

The few weeks before Winter break were hectic. Patti met with all of her students to see how they were doing and to go over their schedule for the next semester. She didn’t hear much from Gwen, just a text or two saying she was busy and she was sorry she couldn’t come over. Patti was disappointed but didn’t completely give up on Gwen.

The new year started, and Gwen was still quiet. Patti texted her after Winter break to see how she was, and Gwen said she was fine but busy. Patti decided there was nothing there with Gwen and that pursuing the girl was pointless. So, back to her routine, she went.

It was late March when Patti heard from Darcy. She wanted to talk about applying to schools, financial assistance, and how to figure out what she should major in. Patti suggested she list the things she liked doing and possibly talk to someone at the local community college. They might have tests she could take to help her. Darcy thanked her for the help. Patti said she’d help her with anything she needed or if she had more questions. Darcy appreciated that and said she’d keep in touch.

It was mid-April, and the neighborhood tours were soon to start. There were flyers posted around town and on campus to remind everyone. The posters had been out since the end of March, and Patti hadn’t heard from Gwen, so she texted her and asked if she wanted to be a tour guide at her house. It took Gwen a couple of days for the girl to respond that she would, so they decided to meet and talk about it.

Patti and Gwen met on a Sunday afternoon at Patti’s house. Gwen seemed quite somber as they sat and talked. Gwen apologized for not calling or visiting; she’d been very busy at school. Patti said she understood, and she knew Gwen was doing well in all her classes. She had been to a couple of her swim meets and was very proud of her. Gwen smiled and thanked her, but inside, she was feeling bad because she’d been so distant.

They continued discussing Gwen’s duties as a tour guide. She really didn’t need to know a lot about the house. She was there more for security to make sure items didn’t disappear. Patti did give her a small booklet with the house’s history and other fun facts to read in case she was asked questions. Patti would be around to answer the more difficult ones. When Patti told Gwen she could wear Rose’s dress again, her demeanor changed. It was like the old Gwen was back, bubbly and enthusiastic.

The tours were two consecutive weekends, and much to Patti’s delight, Gwen asked if she could stay over both weekends of the tours. Patti reminded Gwen she was always welcome and she’d loved to have her around. When they finished their meeting, Patti asked Gwen if she’d like to stay for dinner. Gwen declined but promised to cook for Patti when she stayed over. Patti was a little disappointed, but she understood.

Finally, the Friday before the tours began arrived. Patti had taken time off from work to set up her displays throughout the ground floor of her home. She had rug runners laid out and little cardboard arrows pointing the way to keep people from wandering around. They still did it, but it was less chaotic with the signs. Gwen arrived around four, brought her overnight bag, and was ready to stay the weekend. When Patti met her at the door, Gwen smiled. A dramatic change from the last time they met. It had been rainy and windy earlier, and the sun had broken through before Gwen left campus. But Spring has fickle weather, and poor Gwen got stuck in a downpour three blocks from Patti’s house and was soaked when she got to the front door. But that didn’t matter; she was happy to be spending the weekend with Patti and being a tour guide.

Gwen immediately went upstairs to change and dry off. Patti lugged her bag up and left it in her room, then called out that she’d be in the kitchen. Gwen yelled out, “Okay.” She recalled the last time she was there, took a deep then let it go. She’d gotten most of that night out of her mind, but now it began creeping back in. Gwen was determined not to let it get to her as she dried off, then changed into her pajamas, figuring she’d be more comfortable in them. When she entered the kitchen, Patti was watching another downpour through the kitchen window. She turned to see Gwen looking out the sliding glass door. She was dressed in an old tee shirt and shorts, and on her feet were her fuzzy slippers. Patti’s heart skipped a beat, her chest tightened, and that warm, wonderful feeling crept over her.

Patti managed to collect herself and then asked, “Did you want something to drink or eat, sweetie? We can start dinner whenever you feel like it.”

Gwen turned and smiled; Patti almost melted, wondering how she’d control herself this weekend around Gwen. It hadn’t been that long since she’d been with Darcy. But Gwen looked so yummy that she’d probably end up taking multiple cold showers or masturbating before the weekend was over.

Gwen replied, “I’m not that hungry at the moment, Patti. Maybe in an hour or two. But I’ll try one of your exotic teas if you don’t mind.”

Patti laughed, then replied, “They aren’t all exotic, sweetie, and I only have a few that are. Why don’t you look them over, they’re in the cupboard. When you find one you like, I’ll heat the water, or you can. You know your way around.”

Gwen headed to the cupboard where the tea was kept. After opening the door, she stood on her tiptoes to look all the way in the back. Patti swooned, gawking at Gwen’s taut leg muscles. She bit her lower lip and then had to look away so she didn’t get caught staring. Gwen found a tea she thought might be yummy, pulled it out of the cupboard, and asked Patti what it tasted like.

Patti looked closer at the package and replied, “Oh, that’s my Belgian chocolate Rooibos tea. It’s a little sweet. I think you’ll like it. I’ll have some, too.”

Gwen smiled. “Okay, I’ll get the water going. I noticed my dress wasn’t in my room. Is it still in the basement?”

Patti replied, “Oh crap! It is. We can get it before or after our tea. I’ve been so busy getting ready for the tour I forgot our dresses. I’m sorry.”

Gwen said, “It’s fine. I’m very familiar with being busy. The water has just started, so let’s go get them.”

Patti agreed, so off they went. It didn’t take long for them to retrieve the dresses and hang them in their rooms. They decided to get the accessories and shoes after dinner. Patti suggested that they get a few items and then try them on in her room since she has a full-length mirror there. Gwen was all for it as they sat down to sip their tea. Since it had been a while since they’d talked, They caught up until it was close to dinner time. Gwen made chicken fajitas from the ingredients Patti had in the fridge. Patti opened a bottle of white wine, which they shared. They only had one glass each during dinner. Once dinner was over and the dishes were done and put away, Gwen and Patti retired to the basement to figure out what they wanted to wear.

Taking their time, they picked out a few pairs of shoes and some jewelry. There were a few empty boxes in the basement. They filled a couple of them with their treasures, then went to Patti’s room to see how everything went together. Gwen brought her dress over, and the show began. On either side of the bed, they laid out their dresses, then added necklaces and broaches next to them. On the floor, they placed a few pairs of shoes, then decided to walk both sides to mix and match until they both agreed on the combinations.

Patti went first, holding her dress up to herself as she looked in the mirror. Gwen brought the necklace and the shoes for Patti to show off, then stood back to critique. They switched shoes several times and added a broach. They talked about putting their hair up and finally decided on Patti’s look. She put her outfit on the dressing chair, and then it was Gwen’s turn.

Gwen’s main concern was the area around her neck, either pearls or a choker with a cameo. She had a hard time making up her mind until Patti suggested a different choker she had in her drawer. When Patti showed Gwen the black Victorian lace and red rhinestone choker, she fell in love with it. Patti helped her put it on as she stood behind the young woman. She mentioned it was a replica of her great-grandmother’s favorite. When Gwen looked at herself in the mirror, both women thought it was perfect.

The shoes were easy, and when they were finished, Gwen returned her outfit to her room, then rejoined Patti, sitting on the edge of the kingsized bed watching as Patti hung up her dress and placed her necklace on the dresser.

Gwen asked Patti, “Are you going to wear some lingerie again?”

Patti replied, “Yes, I have a lovely powder blue set I thought about wearing.”

Gwen said, “I think that will go well with the dress even though it won’t really be seen. I know that doesn’t make sense. Isn’t lingerie supposed to be seen?”

Patti grinned, “It’s mainly to be seen, I think. But it does feel yummy against the skin. Plus, I like knowing I feel sexy underneath my dress. Did you bring any lingerie?”

Gwen blushed as she replied, “I don’t have anything sexy like that green set you wore. I don’t have anyone to wear it for anyway.”

Patti nodded and replied, “Well, I doubt any of mine will fit you, sweetie. Otherwise, I’d let you wear something. I think you’d enjoy how it makes you feel.”

Gwen sighed, then said, “Maybe. Oh well. So, what time are we getting up in the morning?”

Patti sat next to Gwen, “I think seven at the latest. The tours don’t start until eight. I’ll be up around six. You can sleep in if you want, and I’ll wake you up. I’ll put the yard sign out so people will know this house is open. Not all of them are.”

Gwen smiled as she replied, “I’ll be up. I’ve been looking forward to this. I think it’s going to be fun. It’s a long day, but it should be interesting. Would it be possible for me to take a break and look at some of the other houses?”

Patti replied, “I rather you didn’t. It can get busy in a hurry. I’ll call around to see if it’s alright if you go after the regular tour times. I’m sure my friends won’t mind.”

Gwen smiled and then said, “Thank you, Patti. So, I guess we’re all ready. I’m going to finish an essay in my room. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Patti smiled, “Good girl. I’ll be downstairs reading. Good night, sweetie.”

Gwen rose and said, “Good night.” Then, she headed to her room. Patti went downstairs, and instead of reading, she opened up her laptop and looked at lingerie. Patti had a good idea what size Gwen was since she fit into Rose’s dress. She looked over various outfits and decided on a sexy, but not too sexy, white one along with a black one that was slightly different and sort of naughty. Both would look good on her, Patti thought. Then she placed them in her cart, filled out the address, and paid for them. They’d be delivered by Thursday, in time for the following weekend tours. Patti smiled, then shut down her laptop and continued reading her novel.

That night, Gwen slept restlessly, recalling Thanksgiving night. She felt like she’d abandoned Patti, not having spoken to her very much over the last few months. Maybe at some point over the weekend she’d talk to her about what happened and see what advice Patti had for her. She hadn’t discussed it or her new feelings with anyone. She thought about her real aunt but figured Patti was closer, and they could talk face to face. Talking over the phone on Facetime or Zoom wasn’t something she did. So, maybe when the time felt right, she’d say something to Patti. With that partially resolved, Gwen fell back asleep until Patti woke her at seven.

Gwen was startled and apologized for sleeping so late. Patti shrugged it off and told her it was fine and to go eat something and then get dressed for the tour. Patti had already eaten and put the yard sign out before waking Gwen. She went to her room to get dressed, leaving the bedroom door open in case Gwen needed anything. She heard the girl scamper downstairs and, not too long after, return to shower and dress. Patti was completely dressed when Gwen entered her room so they could fix each other’s hair. When they were all set, they went down to wait. They talked a bit as they sipped their tea. Gwen was obviously nervous, but Patti reassured her things would be fine.

When the big grandfather clock that Patti had restarted, because it was annoying, finally chimed eight, it startled Gwen and made Patti giggle. Then Patti unlocked the front door. The first tourists arrived just after eight, and after that, it was a steady stream. Gwen and Patti covered each other for lunch and toilet breaks. To Gwen, the day whizzed by. For Patti, it was a routine tour day, and thankfully, there were no surprises.

When it was all said and done, Patti offered to have dinner brought to them. They were both tired, and Gwen confessed that she didn’t feel like cooking. They browsed places that delivered, then agreed on Chinese. They changed into lounging clothes while waiting for their food to be delivered. Sitting around in the kitchen, they talked about their day, telling stories of the various people they met. Gwen mentioned a few stupid questions she got, and when Patti asked how she answered them, Gwen said, “Diplomatically.”

Patti laughed and congratulated Gwen with a ‘good girl’ and a smile.

Gwen blushed and told her she’d asked a few in some of her classes, so she was being nice because she knew how it felt to be laughed at. Since the day was done, and just before their dinner was to arrive, Patti suggested a glass of wine. Gwen accepted, and after Patti poured, they toasted a successful day.

When dinner arrived, they ate, talked, and laughed, taking about an hour to eat. There weren’t any leftovers, and when it was all cleaned up, they moved to the sofa in the living room with their glasses and a half-empty bottle. Patti and Gwen continued telling their stories until around nine, when Patti yawned and said she was tired. Gwen put their glasses and the bottle away, then walked upstairs with Patti and hugged her goodnight.

Sometime after midnight, Patti felt her bed move. She rolled over to see Gwen slipping under the covers. She groggily asked, “Gwen, sweetie, what are you doing here?”

Patti could tell from Gwen’s voice she’d been crying. “What’s wrong, sweetness? You okay?”

Gwen moved closer to Patti and said, “No, I’m not. I need to tell you something.”

Patti said, “Come here, baby. You know you can tell Aunt Patti anything.”

Gwen snuggled close to Patti. Patti’s eyes adjusted to the dim light, and that’s when she realized Gwen was only in her panties. She held the girl tight against her, brushing her cheek with her finger and telling her everything would be alright. Gwen took a deep breath and then said, “I want to tell you about Thanksgiving night. I want you to know why I left so suddenly.”

Patti comforted her and said, “Okay, sweetie, tell me. Did Amber do something to you?”

Gwen nodded and replied, “Uh-huh. And Darcy. They seduced me. Well, they tricked me, Aunt Patti.”

Patti growled, “I should have told that fucking Amber you were off limits. She’s up to her old tricks, the little cunt. I’m so sorry, sweetie. It’s my fault.”

Gwen said, “NO! I kinda let them. I didn’t realize I was curious, if that makes sense. Plus, I had too much wine. They did tease me, but….”

Gwen whispered, “I liked it, Aunt Patti.”

Patti replied, “You’re confusing me, sweetie.”

Then Gwen explained how she felt guilty and was depressed for days. Then she slowly realized she really liked how she felt while Darcy was going down on her and Amber was kissing her. She apologized for not speaking with Patti for weeks and it truly was because she was busy. Patti was comforting Gwen as she gave her explanation, listening and not interrupting.

When Gwen was finished, she said, “Now you know why I was so distant, Aunt Patti. I was confused and embarrassed.”

Patti held her tighter, telling her, “It’s alright, sweetheart. When I discovered I liked girls, I was confused too. I never told my parents, but I think they knew. Take your time and explore, you like boys, you like girls, the best of both worlds, sweetness.”

Gwen giggled, then whispered, “Thank you for understanding, Aunt Patti. I knew I could confide in my favorite Auntie. So, can I ask you for a favor?”

Patti replied, “I’m your favorite Auntie now, huh? Hmmmm, what’s this favor, Gwen? I’m not killing anyone, am I?”

Gwen giggled and once again whispered, “Would you make love to me? Just so I know, it’s not something that’s temporary or something like that. Please, Aunt Patti.”

Patti giggled and said, “You know I’ve been planning on seducing you in the not-too-distant future, sweetheart. Of course, I’ll make love to you. I’d be a fool not to.”

Gwen smiled, “Seriously? Were you planning that? I had no clue. Oh, is it still okay if I call you Aunt Patti?”

Patti responded, “Sweetheart, you can call me anything you like in private. I’m still your guidance counselor, though. Don’t you forget that.”

Gwen giggled, “I won’t, Aunt Patti, I promise.”

Patti moved closer, kissing Gwen softly on the lips. Gwen responded by kissing her back and moving her leg between Patti’s.

Patti was in her nightshirt and panties. As their kissing became more passionate, Patti paused Gwen so she could remove her top. Gwen took that as an invitation to move from Patti’s lips to her breasts, which kind of surprised the older woman. Gwen suckled and played with Patti’s breasts, switching back and forth as Patti moaned and squirmed. She placed her hands on Gwen’s bare back, massaging it as Gwen nursed. Patti’s breasts weren’t as firm as Ambers or Darcys, but it didn’t matter to Gwen. She gradually moved from licking and sucking on Patti’s entire breast to licking and toying with her lover’s nipples. Patti’s moans and praise became more frequent as Gwen discovered what she liked to do and what Patti enjoyed.

They continued like that until Patti suggested they switch positions. Gwen sighed and said she was enjoying herself. She asked Patti if she was doing something wrong. Patti placed her hands on Gwen’s cheeks, then looked her in the eyes as she said, “Lord, no, sweetheart. You’re getting me very close to a climax. I want to please you also before it gets too late. We have to be up early tomorrow, remember?”

Gwen giggled. “Yes, ma’am. I remember. I was really enjoying your boobs. Maybe we should just put up a sign that says ‘tours closed.'”

Patti laughed. “I wish. Now roll onto your back, baby. I want to taste you.”

Gwen shuddered. “Yes, Aunt Patti.”

Then Gwen giggled. “That sounds naughty now. Doesn’t it.”

Patti smiled and told her, “It’s only naughty if we were actually related, my darling. Now do as Auntie Patti said and roll over.”

Gwen replied, “Yes, ma’am.” She rolled onto her back as Patti moved between her long, taut legs. Patti reached up to slip her fingers in the girl’s waistband, then slowly inched her panties down as Gwen lifted her ass, then her legs. Patti tossed the cute cotton panties onto the floor, then bent down between Gwen’s legs.

Patti took her time savoring the taste and smell she discovered as she kissed and licked her way along Gwen’s legs, then her inner thighs. Gwen was in ecstasy, squirming and moaning as Pattis teased her. When Patti moved closer and traced Gwen’s outer lips with her tongue, Gwen almost lost it. She gasped and told Patti how good it felt, and when Patti used her tongue, slipping it between her lips, Gwen shook and said, “God, Aunt Patti!”

Patti grinned, continuing Gwen’s journey of discovery. Next, she rolled her tongue, moving it back and forth, using the tip to brush against the girl’s hard nub. Gwen gripped the bedsheet, moaning and telling Patti how amazing she felt. Patti kept going slowly, wanting to gradually take Gwen to the edge and back. She did that quite a few times until Gwen begged her to let her climax. Patti didn’t torture the young woman and concentrated on her nub, sending sweet Gwen into the abyss.

Gwen arched her back as the waves of bliss crashed over her. She white-knuckled the bed sheet as Patti backed off to watch her darling enjoy herself. When Gwen calmed down, she smiled at Patti, confessing, “I definitely like girls, Aunt Patti.”

Patti laughed, saying, “I do, too, my love.”

Patti lay next to her; they softly kissed and talked for a long time until they both fell asleep. Sunday morning, they showered together and talked about the night before. Patti made breakfast, and then they dressed, both wishing they could lay in bed and make love all day. The tourists filed through like the day before, and both women were spent at the end of the day. Gwen wanted to stay the night, but she had an early class on Monday morning. She promised to return early on Friday for that weekend’s tour. They kissed goodbye upstairs so they wouldn’t be seen from the front yard, and then Patti took Gwen back to her dorm.

When Patti returned home, she thought about giving Amber a call and chewing her out. But it would be pointless. Amber had reverted, and there was nothing Patti could do about it.

Published 1 month ago

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