The Guidance Counselor: Part 3

"Amber and Darcy arrive for Thanksgiving Dinner"

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Wednesday morning before Thanksgiving, Patti woke in a great mood. She’d slept in until seven, then had her breakfast and began getting things ready for the feast the next day. She added fresh sheets to the beds and new towels to the bathrooms. She also made sure there was plenty of toilet paper in the guest bathroom cupboard. The laundry was all done in case the girls wanted to do theirs before heading home. Amber and Darcy lived four hours away and were expected to arrive late in the afternoon. Patti had told Amber to take her time and drive safely. Amber replied, “Yes, Mom” in her texts and then included, “I love you.”

When Patti read it, she smiled, recalling how wild Amber had been before they connected. It was a trying time in both their lives, but when Patti figured out what made Amber click, she settled down and began getting better grades and enjoying college.

They hadn’t kept in close contact since Amber graduated, but every year, Amber would return to socialize at homecoming, visit her sorority, and sleep with Patti. This year would be different since Amber was bringing a girlfriend. Amber hadn’t said much about the girl, but the pictures she shared showed her to be very lovely. The two blondes could almost pass for twins. Both were in great shape and very pretty.

Patti hadn’t heard much from Gwen since their Halloween weekend. They texted now and then but didn’t actually get together. Patti had mixed feelings about it. She missed seeing the pretty, sweet girl, but having her near was almost too tempting. Hopefully, she’d taken Patti’s advice and started being more social.

After prepping the house, Patti went for a long run just to settle herself down. The seven miles she ran helped clear her head and relax her before Amber and Darcy arrived. She made a mental note to tell Amber that Gwen was off limits. She was trying to think of a polite way to do that, but knowing the way Amber thinks, she knew the girl would put two and two together and figure out Patti had designs on her. Patti hoped that Amber would believe her when she told her there was nothing going on between them, but she doubted Amber would. So, the big debate in Patti’s mind was whether to tell Amber or not. As she ran, she kept thinking of her situation with Gwen and Amber. Finally, on the last half mile, she reasoned that since Amber had Darcy with her, and they’d been together for a year or so, she’d leave Gwen alone. So, now she had one less thing to worry about.

When Patti got home, she showered, changed, and then fixed herself some lunch. While she was eating, Amber texted her that they had stopped to eat and were about an hour away. Patti texted back a heart and told her she was home catching up on some paperwork, and the front door was unlocked. Amber texted back emoji kisses, which made Patti smile.

When the girls finally arrived, Patti saw them pull into the gravel drive via her security system and the phone app. When she saw Darcy, Patti got a sweet tingle and thought that there was no way Amber would be flirting with Gwen. She headed downstairs to greet them, opening the huge oak door before they got completely up the steps.

When Amber saw Patti, she smiled and left her bag on the porch, almost causing Darcy to trip over it as she rushed to hug Patti. Darcy stopped, leaving her bag next to Amber’s, and waited until the two women finished their embrace. Amber had told her girlfriend she and Patti had been lovers. Without having been told, Darcy could see Amber and Patti had been intimate in the past. The way they looked at each other after their hug was a dead giveaway.

When Patti and Amber finally separated, Amber introduced Darcy to Patti. Patti offered the young woman a hug, and she gladly accepted, slipping between the older woman’s arms and snuggling tight. Patti could feel Darcy’s firm breasts against hers as they hugged. It was a feeling she wished she was having with Darcy in a different manner upstairs in her room. But she was Amber’s girlfriend, and she’d respect that.

With their hugs complete, Patti ushered the girls inside and out of the cold. They slipped off their shoes and put on slippers. Then, they followed Patti to the living room to chat. Patti and Amber talked about what was happening in their lives while Darcy listened and interjected now and then when Amber talked about her. Patti offered them food and drink, but they declined. They sat catching up for about an hour until Darcy asked to use the bathroom. That’s when the girls retrieved their luggage, and Patti escorted them upstairs.

Patti mentioned that Gwen, one of her students, would be using the room next door to them. She also said they were free to use the main bathroom if the guest was occupied. The girls thanked her, and then Patti left them to unpack and get settled.

When they came downstairs, Patti was reading in the living room. She put down her book, and they started chatting again. This time, Darcy talked more with Patti than Amber. Asking and answering all sorts of questions and getting to know her hostess.

It was getting late in the afternoon. Patti asked the girls if they’d like to go out to dinner or stay home. If they went out, they might need to make reservations. The girls talked about it and then decided to take Patti out since she was hosting them. Patti thought that was nice and told them they didn’t have to, but Amber insisted. Amber recalled a few nice places from her college days and then searched for them with her phone to see if they still existed and if she needed reservations. Amber found a nice, not too expensive place, and she recalled it and suggested it to her two companions. They both thought it was fine, so Amber made reservations for three at seven.

The restaurant was nice. It served a variety of dishes and was rated five stars. The menu had changed a bit since Amber had visited it when she was in school. However, her favorites were still on the menu. The ladies ordered a variety of dishes so they could each try what the others ordered. Some of the things they ordered were Chili stuffed sweet potato, spicy Thai basil chicken, Chicken Shawarma with lemon dill sauce, and Bibimbap inspired beef stir fry. They had fun feeding each other and were the centers of attention for many of the patrons and wait staff. Patti had never been there before and made a mental note to take Gwen there at some point.

After dinner, they drove around to show Darcy the school, Amber’s sorority house, and a couple of dance clubs the girls might want to check out Friday night. Their evening together was very fun; the three of them got along nicely, and when they got home, they relaxed with a bottle of wine in front of the fireplace. The way they got along and the never ending conversations made Patti feel like she’d known Darcy for a very long time. She felt very comfortable around the young woman and was glad that Amber and Darcy had found each other.

Around ten, Patti decided to call it a night. She hugged the girls before locking up and going to bed. She told them to make themselves at home, then went upstairs, got ready for bed, turned out the light, and quickly fell asleep.

Patti was sound asleep when she felt the bed move. She opened her eyes as she rolled over to see the outline of a fit younger female slipping between the sheets to join her. Patti whispered, “Amber, what are you doing here? Does Darcy know you’re sneaking into my bed?”

Before Amber could answer, Darcy whispered, “Yes, she does, and she approves wholeheartedly, Miss Patti.”

Patti turned to see Darcy slipping into the other side of the bed. She could see she was nude, just as Amber was. When Amber snuggled next to Patti, she whispered, “I hope this is alright, Patti. I’ve told Darcy all about us, and she said she had to join us.”

Patti looked back at Amber and replied, “You’re such a good girl, Amber.”

She turned back to Darcy and said, “Hello, Darcy, I’m glad you could join us, baby. Come here, sweetness.”

Darcy purred, “Yes, ma’am.”

Darcy snuggled close to the older woman, draping her leg over Patti’s body, then moved in to kiss her. Amber moved in closer, whispering in Patti’s ear as the two women kissed. “May I turn on a light, Miss Patti? I’d love to watch you two.”

Patti didn’t answer Amber right away because she and Darcy were busy making out. When Patti came up for air, she turned her head to face her former lover and said, “Yes, I know you enjoy that, my love. I want to see Darcy’s scrumptious body also.”

Amber giggled, then left the bed as Patti and Darcy returned to making out. When the light came on, they broke their kiss so Patti could have a look at Darcy. Darcy reluctantly left Patti to stand near her bed and pose for the older woman.

Patti grinned, “You’re more beautiful than I had imagined, Darcy. Perfect in every way. Oh, I love your tattoo, sweetie. It’s an Annas or Ruby-Throated Hummer, isn’t it? And such a wicked place to put him. I love it!”

Darcy blushed. “I think it’s an Annas. I know it’s a male, and he’s pretty. Thank you, Miss Patti.”

As Patti was looking over Darcy, Amber moved the lone chair in Patti’s room so she could watch them in bed. After Patti threw back the covers, Darcy climbed back on the bed, and the two new lovers went back to kissing.

Amber sat down, one foot planted on the chair and the other on the floor. She began rubbing herself as she watched Darcy and Patti warm up. She smiled as they continued kissing, enjoying the show. It wasn’t the same as seducing a first-timer, but something about two women having sex in front of her thrilled her.

Darcy was laying partially on Patti as they made out, her leg draped over the older woman’s body. She felt comfortable, like their bodies perfectly fit together. Patti could feel Darcy’s warm arousal against her skin. It matched her own moistness and gave her a smile. When Darcy’s lips left Patti’s, she moved to her neck, nuzzling and kissing it as Patti closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

Darcy would move back up to whisper questions in Patti’s ears. She asked if she enjoyed showing off for Amber and liked what Darcy was doing. Patti just nodded and moaned as Darcy continued kissing and licking. After a few minutes, Darcy started kissing lower, under Patti’s chin, her shoulders, and above her breasts, teasing Patti as Patti massaged the younger woman’s back and whispered how good she felt.

Amber was busy fingering herself and playing with her breasts, watching her girlfriend slowly make love to her former lover and mentor. This had happened before with casual girlfriends Amber had brought home from school functions and clubs in town. Patti never saw the girls again after the one night of lovemaking. She slowly weaned Amber from doing that because she was afraid word would get out, and she might lose her job. But, now that Amber had graduated and moved away, she had no qualms about making love to Darcy.

When Darcy moved lower on Patti to suckle and nurse on her breasts, Patti opened her legs, allowing Darcy to move her body between them. Darcy now felt Patti’s arousal against her skin, and it pleased her. Patti’s eyes were closed as Darcy made love to Patti’s full, mature breasts. They were so different than the younger woman Darcy and Amber tended to seduce.

Although the girls were nice, Darcy actually preferred women with some experience. They reciprocated and brought her to more intense orgasms than the first-time girls who weren’t sure what they were doing but at least tried. When Patti opened her eyes, they focused on Darcy as she began moving lower on her. She smiled and quietly asked Darcy if she enjoyed tribbing. Darcy grinned and mouthed, ‘Yes, ma’am.’ Patti didn’t need to say another word as Darcy kissed Patti’s tummy one last time, then moved. She took one of Patti’s legs and gently moved it, then slipped in between. Patti grinned as Darcy figured out the right position for the two of them. When Patti gasped, Darcy knew that was the right spot and focused her movements there.

Amber was pulling her nipples as she inserted a third finger between her legs. Darcy and Patti were definitely putting on a show for her. Then, a thought crossed her mind. She quickly got up and went to the bathroom. Grabbing a towel, she quickly returned and placed it on the seat of the chair, then went back to watching and fingering.

Patti was enthralled with Darcy’s body, watching her abs undulate as she moved her vagina over Patti’s. Darcy’s slow and intense movements and the thrill of watching her toned body was gradually bringing Patti to her climax. When Darcy asked Patti to play with her breasts, Patti reached up to roll the young woman’s nipples between her fingers. Darcy paused momentarily. The slight pain she felt excited her. Patti could see how much Darcy enjoyed it, so she pulled harder. When Darcy closed her eyes, arched her back and said, “Oh, fuck, Patti. That feels sooo good,” Patti grinned.

Patti was no stranger to tribbing. She started matching Darcy’s hip movements as best she could, and she was delighted with how much stamina Darcy had. They continued their rhythmic movements, looking deep into each other’s eyes as they did. When Patti asked Darcy to vary her movements, Darcy grinned and replied, “Yes, ma’am.”

Patti wasn’t a domme by any stretch of the imagination, but she loved polite girls who respected her maturity. She smiled at Darcy and then whispered, “You are perfection, baby. I hope you know it.”

Darcy glanced at Amber, whose eyes were closed as she continued fingering herself. Then, she went back to Patti and said with a smile, “I could say the same about you, Miss Patti. You’re amazing.”

Patti blushed as Darcy bent forward so they could kiss. The kiss didn’t last long because Amber shrieked as she reached her climax, slipping off the chair and falling on the floor. Darcy froze, then turned to look over at Amber. She asked her lover if she was alright. Amber blushed and said she was fine and thanked Darcy.

Darcy turned back to Patti and said, “Shall we continue, lover?”

Patti giggled, then replied, “Please do. We’re not quite there yet are we, baby.”

Darcy returned to her undulations on Patti’s vagina while Patti reached back up to tease and pull Darcy’s nipples. The aroma of sex filled the air of Patti’s bedroom. The sounds of Darcy’s body rubbing against Patti’s, coupled with the moans, made for an erotic tune. When Patti was close, she told Darcy, who ramped up her gyrations. The two women’s eyes locked and focused on each other, only to be broken when Patti reached her climax, and she closed hers. Darcy soon followed, and as the waves of pleasure coursed through their bodies, Darcy gradually slowed and then halted. She bent forward to lavish kisses on her new lover.

Patti wrapped one arm around Darcy’s neck, holding her in place as they kissed. Their kissing was so passionate that their saliva oozed from the corners of Patti’s mouth and slowly dripped down her cheeks and onto the bed. When Patti finally released Darcy, the young woman noticed and wiped the drool from her lover’s cheeks. Darcy glanced over at Amber, who was busy putting her towel and chair away. She whispered in Patti’s ear and said, “Wow, I could get used to this, Patti. You really are an amazing lover.”

Patti grinned and made sure Amber wasn’t watching and replied, “Thank you. You’re not so bad yourself, pretty lady. I hope we can do this again before you two leave.”

Darcy purred, “Me too.”

When their bodies calmed down from their highs, Darcy and Patti melded into one, kissing and whispering more sweet things to each other. Amber slid in next to them, kissing each in turn and thanking them for her glorious orgasm. Then Amber told Darcy she’d be in bed waiting for her and left the room.

Darcy and Patti weren’t ready to sleep quite yet, so they kissed and talked for quite some time before Darcy reluctantly left Patti’s bed to rejoin Amber. That night, Patti slept peacefully and was in a great mood Thanksgiving morning, once again, hoping she and Darcy might have a repeat performance over the holiday weekend.

Back in Darcy and Amber’s room, Amber was sound asleep when Darcy came to bed. However, Darcy lay awake for at least an hour until her heart returned to a normal beat. She knew Patti was much older than she was, but from what Darcy had just experienced, she knew Patti would be a fantastic lover if they could ever do it again. When she did finally fall asleep, Darcy had a very large smile on her face.

Thanksgiving morning, Patti was up early, putting the finishing touches on the decorations, setting the dining room table, and placing little name tags for her guests. She’d prepped most of the side dishes and had saved room in the refrigerator for the dishes the others were bringing. When Amber and Darcy woke, they showered, dressed, and headed down for breakfast and coffee to see what Patti needed help with. Patti had purchased blueberry muffins for their breakfast, and as they sat around the table eating, they talked about the night before and how delicious it was.

The subject matter changed when Darcy asked how Patti acquired the house. Patti sipped her tea and began her tale. It was fairly long, and since Amber had heard it before, she left after finishing her coffee and muffin. When Patti’s story concluded, Darcy just said, “That’s quite a story, Patti!” Patti grinned, telling her it was scary and good at the same time, and then put their dishes in the sink. Patti then continued preparing for the feast, tidying up and double-checking her ‘to-do’ list. Darcy excused herself and went looking for Amber. She found her in the library texting away. So, Darcy returned to help Patti finish up her chores.

With the prep work completed the only thing left to do was wait. The turkey was only going to take four hours to cook, so Patti sat down to read one of the mystery books she was in the middle of. Since Amber was occupied, Darcy went for a six-mile run with a route given to her by Patti.

Around noon, Patti’s guests began to arrive. First was Greg; he was dressed casually but nicely and brought a few bottles of sparking cider to toast with. Patti introduced him to the girls and they moved to the living room to make small talk.

About ten minutes later, Professor Fisher arrived with the traditional green bean casserole, which Patti put in the fridge to warm up just before dinner. Professor Fisher was introduced next. He thought he recalled Amber in one of his classes and as a cheerleader. Amber was flattered that he remembered as the four guests once again headed to the living room to talk.

Not long after Professor Fisher arrived, the Balboas rang the doorbell and Patti let them in. They brought the candied yams and cranberry sauce. Those also wound up in the fridge. The married couple was introduced to Greg, Amber, and Darcy. They already knew Professor Fisher. Darcy surprised Patti by offering to get drinks for everyone. Patti smiled and thanked Darcy for being helpful. Darcy smiled and told Patti she was welcome, then fetched the beverages for the group.

Finally, Gwen arrived. Darcy had just finished doling out the drinks, so she went to the door. When she saw Gwen, her smile widened as she introduced herself. She escorted Gwen to the living room and then asked if she wanted anything to drink. Gwen politely declined as Patti greeted her last guest. Patti then introduced Gwen to the group.

With that out of the way, Gwen asked Patti how she could help. The turkey was due to go into the oven, so Patti said Gwen could help with that. Gwen followed Patti into the kitchen, where she gladly helped with the gizzards, stuffing and tying the legs closed on the large bird. Then, it went into the oven and cooked for four hours.

The time it took the turkey to cook seemed like an eternity to Gwen. She didn’t know anyone except Patti, but she made the best of it by asking the other guests questions and answering theirs. The ‘adults’ seemed to talk mostly about the school, a fellow professor’s retirement party, and homecoming. Gwen wasn’t a huge football fan, and since the university’s team basically sucked, she didn’t join in the discussion.

She talked briefly with Greg, Darcy, and Amber. Mostly small talk about the university and what she was majoring in.

When the turkey was finally ready, Gwen helped Patti once again in the kitchen. Patti had heated up the sides and had them ready for the table, perfectly timed to go with the turkey. Gwen took the initiative and placed the various side dishes around the table, poured the sparking cider, and then called everyone to the table. When Patti brought the turkey out, everyone applauded. It looked delicious.

When everyone had a full plate, instead of saying ‘grace’ Patti asked everyone to say what they were thankful for. Most of the guests said, their family, friends, and good health. When it was Gwen’s turn, she said she was thankful that Patti was her counselor and, of course, the usual family, friends, and her health. With that over, they all began to eat.

The conversations continued to be about the school and related topics. Gwen answered questions but mainly kept to herself. She did notice that Darcy and Amber kept smiling at her. It made her a little uncomfortable, but she shrugged it off. With dinner done, Gwen, Greg, Darcy, and Amber cleared the table and did the dishes. A few times when Gwen would bring something into the kitchen, she’d catch Amber and Darcy kissing. She dropped off whatever she was carrying and then hurriedly left so they could have some privacy.

When everything was cleaned and put away, Patti got out a Scrabble game for the younger people to play. She rejoined the adults talking about the university and other topics.

Published 2 months ago

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