The Grimoire -Part 2 – Cleo Baby

"A visit to Cleopatra's Court"

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“Why so thoughtful, John?” She asked.

“I’m not sure. We’ve spent the last few months inside. I have not regretted a second of the time spent with you, as it has been the most intense time of my life. But I now feel the time has come to see new vistas,” I said to Agnes.

Agnes was a witch. Not the type who flew on broomsticks or mixed potions in a cauldron. Agnes was one of the Salem witches who had escaped being burned by our Puritan forefathers. They wanted to roast her because they had spit roasted her daily, and were afraid that their wives were becoming aware of their afternoon dalliances with her.

She had taken refuge in an ancient grimoire, a book of magical incantations that she had discovered and studied assiduously. The book had the power to absorb her into itself and keep her hidden. After her disappearance from Salem, the book had been passed on from person to person through the years and finally fallen into the hands of my uncle.

When my uncle Darcy was declared dead, the book came to me as my inheritance. You can imagine my astonishment while leafing through the sheets I discovered Agnes within the pages. When she materialized in my living room, I was confronted by this vision of beauty that was absolutely mouthwatering.

We were soon entangled in a relationship that transcended sexuality. I admit that my sexual skills were rather rudimentary when we started, however, Agnes was a consummate artist in all aspects of sexuality and it was her absolute pleasure to help me hone my talents.

Agnes was especially attracted by sapiosexuality and insisted I master the intricacies contained in the grimoire. Over the months I learned the mixing of potions, spells, and incantations.

“Agnes, I have spent my life in the cold of the Northeast, and I would love to travel the world and see different climes. Why don’t we go on a voyage? You and I can see and explore the world.”

“It sounds like a wonderful idea. And I judge your knowledge is now sufficient to do so. Where would you like to go?”

“I want sunlight and sea breezes,” I told her as I waved my hands in the air. “I want to meet Interesting people and see the splendors of the past. Where would you suggest?”

She smirked at me, “I don’t suppose you would be interested in voluptuous women also?”

“Well, that would be a bonus… if you had no objections,” I grinned back at her.

“John, I don’t object to a bit of variety. It can always be refreshing. Please remember that I am likely to be interested in variety myself. Will that be a problem?”

“No darling, you are the woman I want to spend my life with, and I hope you feel the same about me.”

With that, she came across the room and sat in my lap and kissed me as if there were no tomorrow. When I managed to catch my breath, I asked her if she had any suggestions for our destination.

“Well, I think I know a place that would meet your criteria. What would you think of going to Egypt during the reign of Cleopatra?”

“Why there?” I asked.

“Well Cleo and I have had some fun together in the past, and I am sure she would welcome me back with open arms; not to mention open thighs,” she replied blushing prettily.

“Oh, so that’s what draws you there.”

“Well she is adorable and quite yummy, and as I told you, I like all kinds of sexuality. Not to mention that her handmaids are chosen from the prettiest young maidens in Egypt. I think you would enjoy the experience. However, you will not be able to fuck Cleo. She’s married to her brother as is required by Egyptian law and tradition. We cannot chance that you impregnate her and cause a historical anachronism which would be a disaster. Such a thing might change our whole history.

John, you will have to be careful of how you act and what you say.  Remember she is the Pharaoh and at such a young age very conscious of her position.”

“How old will she be when we are there?”

“Eighteen. I will also work on the Queen and try to get the three of us into a threesome.”

“How could that happen?” I inquired my curiosity and excitement mounting as I imagined myself in that situation.

“Well… Several scenarios come to mind. You will be a giant in the midst of people who in most cases will only come up to your shoulder, not to mention that you will be a giant in other ways. Your cock will be longer and thicker than other men’s of that time. That will intrigue her for sure. The handmaids you will be cavorting with will certainly carry that tidbit of information back to her.”

“Agnes,” I said in confusion. “What good will she knowing how big my cock is if I can’t fuck her?”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t fuck her I said you couldn’t get her pregnant. I’m sure you can imagine other ways to get that cock into her. Can’t you?”

“Well maybe,” I mused. “What makes you think that Cleo would accept such an offer?”

“The thing you have to remember, John, is that she is not Egyptian. Cleopatra is Greek. Now does that give you a hint of the possibilities?” She smirked at me.

“Enough chit-chat lets’ go,” I said with a laugh. “Agnes, how will I be able to communicate, what shall I wear?”

“Not a problem. You mastered Greek and Latin to read the grimoire those are the languages of the court. As to your trousseau,” she said going to a cupboard, “Here is a kilt. It’s all you’ll need. You will be attired as most of the other men there. Now you will be known as Giannis, which is Greek for John, and I am Agni. Can you remember that?”




In an instant, we were transported to Alexandria the main port of Ptolemaic Egypt. From winter in New England, we were suddenly on the docks of Alexandria. The transition was mind-blowing. Here the din and the smells were rich and fragrant. People swirled around us dressed in vivid colors. The air was redolent with exotic scents all overlaid by the aroma of the Mediterranean, a mixture of seaweed and iodine.

Agnes, or rather now Agni, got into a heated discussion with some litter bearers who were lounging next to a warehouse-like building. I could not understand a word of the conversation as it was carried out in what I presume to be an Egyptian dialect. Finally, she turned to me and said, “Climb aboard Giannis.”

“Agni, how are we going to pay for this? I don’t see where under your sheath you could be carrying any money.” Her white linen sheath did not do much to conceal any part of her figure let alone money.

“Don’t worry we will settle the bill when we reach the palace.”

Our litter bearers trotted along under the hot sun while I gazed around me in amazement. The road we were on ran along the shore. To my left, the Mediterranean sparkled under the rays of the sun. I could see a colossal lighthouse at the entrance to the port which I presumed was the Pharos, the famous tower which was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

On the right were gleaming white marble buildings one of which was about the length of a football field. Agni told me that it was the famous library of Alexandria another of the wonders of the world.

The people we passed seemed happy and smiling going about their everyday occupations seemingly without a care in the world.

We were now passing a long wall with soldiers spaced about every fifty feet and arrived at a gate. There we were stopped by sentries who inquired what our business was at the palace. Very regally Agni stated that we were friends of the Pharaoh and had been granted access to visit with her.

They accepted that and let us pass with one of them coming into the litter with us to check that this was the truth.

Through large gardens which seemed to be stretch forever, we meandered. The smell of Jasmin, orange, and other flowers permeated the air. Crystal clear pools and fountains strategically placed cooled the scorching air.

When we arrived at the palace itself, our escorting soldier jumped out and ran in to return with an imposing man wearing a scowl on his face. His face lit up with a huge smile the moment he saw Agni. “Agni, you’re back. Her Highness will be so glad to see you.”

“Serapion, it’s always a pleasure to see you, my friend. Let me introduce you to my betrothed, Giannis, Prince of the Kingdom of Nysa. Giannis, this is Serapion, chamberlain to Cleopatra.

Serapion, please pay these litter bearers for me.”

“Certainly my Lady, Agni. Welcome to the court of Cleopatra your majesty,” he said bowing to me.

He led the way into the palace, and we followed him. I whispered to Agni, “What’s that BS about me being a prince, where the hell is Nysa, and since when are we betrothed?”

“Shush, my darling. Nysa is a beautiful valley full of nymphs in Greek mythology. To these people mythology is real, and you are a Prince because that will give you standing with Cleopatra. As to being my betrothed did you not tell me that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me? To me, that is the most wonderful thing that ever was said to me. So, my dear, I see you as my betrothed, and someday we will make it formal.”

My heart melted at those words, and I would have taken her into my arms and kissed her on the spot except that we entered a large hall through two golden doors at that moment. The chamber was filled with young women, and seated on a throne at the end of the room was this vision of beauty clothed in a translucent veil.

She jumped up and almost came running towards us. “Agni, you’re back. I am so happy to see you,” she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around my love.

“And who is this with you?” She asked as her eyes twinkled. I think she was enamored with my size.

Agni introduced me and told me in English to bow to Cleopatra who had started to scowl when she heard that I was betrothed to Agni.

As I bowed, Agni whispered to Cleopatra who glanced at me and started to smile.

“What did you tell her? “I asked.

“I told her that you were a man of the world and that you would understand my special relationship with her,” she answered with a smirk.

Cleopatra led the way to her throne and called for two seats to be placed across from her. She invited us to sit down.

I was fascinated with Cleo. Here was a woman who was the supreme ruler of Egypt. She was barely more than a child. Eighteen years old and breathtakingly beautiful. Her long blond hair and large green eyes betrayed her Greek origins. Her eyes were enhanced by the skillful application of Kohl which made them look like pools of ocean green water. Her mouth was small. However, her lips were pink and sensual. She was petite, probably no more than four foot eight, slim, and with a magnificent set of tits which were fully visible through the gauze-like material which was covering her body.

Looking around I saw that her handmaids were all visions of loveliness ranging in color from ebony black to almost albino whiteness.

The girls were chattering at a mile a minute, and it was evident to me that they had a real friendship between them.

Agni turned towards me and asked if I wished to retire to our rooms and rest before the banquet which would be held in our honor. I agreed, and we were led to a sumptuous suite.

As soon as we were alone, I gathered Agni into my arms and kissed her with all the passion I felt for her.

“What’s that for?” she asked smiling.

“It’s not every day you discover that you are betrothed to the most wonderful woman in the world,” I answered.

I picked her up in my arms intending to ravish her there and then.

“Not now, darling,” she said. You will need to save your strength for later. I am sure Cleo will set you up with one of her nubile young wenches so that she can have her way with me all night.

I looked at her dumbfounded. “You mean that she intends to spend the night with you?”

“Oh yes, that’s what she wants. The way you were looking at those girls of hers, I am sure you will be provided with a sweet young thing in compensation.”

“You wouldn’t mind if that happened?”

“No, my handsome one. It will just add spice to our lives and keep us from getting sated with each other. Besides, I think that you wouldn’t mind at all,” Agni smirked at me.

I reviewed in my mind the bevy of young girls which I had ogled earlier and felt my cock get a life of its own as I imagined the possibilities.

“So love, are you intrigued by the possibilities?” Agni asked as she reached under my kilt and wrapped her hand around my tumescent member. “You know I will not be jealous, dear. I have you for eternity, and I appreciate the need for variety from time to time. Let’s lie down and rest till supper, this could be a long night for both of us.”







I slept fitfully with images dancing in my mind of the pending festivities. When I awoke, it was dark, and there came a knock on our door by a servant summoning us to the banquet.

We followed him to a long room fitted with Roman style couches. He indicated a sofa at the top of the table for Agni and the adjoining lounge for me. The place started to fill, and Cleo came out and joined Agni on her couch.

Smiling at me, she asked if I could bear to be separated from my betrothed for a while as she had not seen her in some time, and wanted to catch up with her. I smiled back and told her that her pleasure was mine.

She made a sign and a young woman approached and asked me if she could join me on my couch.

Cleopatra said, “Giannis, this is Saba who I feel would be a fitting companion for your dinner. She is also of royal blood. She is the direct descendant of the Queen Sheba, and I am told almost a spitting image of her. I also like how you complement each other with your pale skin against her dark skin. You make a most handsome couple. Does she meet with your approval?”

All I could do was manage a nod and a smile as I looked at this enchanting creature who would share my couch.

Saba was stunning. Curly black hair and luminous brown eyes looked back at me as I examined her. She too was short and seemed to be about sixteen or seventeen years old. She was wearing a filmy cream-colored shift which did little to disguise her charms. Her small pointed breasts were clearly delineated, and her nipples were thrusting the material out in two delicate diamond hard nubs. Her skin was the color of milk chocolate.

She lay down cuddled against me as the servants brought out tray after tray of food. It seemed to me that there was enough food set in front of us to feed the whole city of Alexandria. Roasts, fish, vegetables, bread most of it looking unfamiliar, however, all of it smelling delicious. I gazed at it and wondered how we were supposed to eat as there were no forks or other implements except knives.

Saba, quickly solved the problem for me as she cut a piece from an unfamiliar fowl and fed it to me with her small hand. It tasted divine, and I asked her what it was.

“Roast Goose,” she answered. It is a particular favorite that we all enjoy.

I cut off a piece in turn and fed it to her. She held my hand and sucked my fingers into her delicate warm mouth looking me right in the eye. It was an incredibly sensual feeling, and I could feel myself respond to it while my imagination ran amok with how it would feel to have my cock suckled in that fashion.

Between mouthfuls washed down with a chilled white wine we chatted. I discovered that Saba’s family lived in Ethiopia, as we know it now, and was part of Cleopatra’s domain. Saba had been sent here by her family to have the ear of Cleopatra and serve as the emissary for her people. She was seventeen years old and had been here for the past three years. She had been educated and spoke Greek, Latin and the demotic language of the ordinary people apart from her native language.

She plied me with questions about myself which I answered as best I could. As we finished eating, I felt her hand rest on my thigh and slowly creep up. She ran her fingers along my shaft, and it rapidly grew under her ministrations. I saw her jaw drop when she realized the length and girth of my cock.

“The Lady Agni is a very fortunate person,” she said to me her eyes wide with wonder.

I heard the voice of Cleopatra asking Saba a question in a language I could not understand. Saba held her palms about eight inches apart and then used two hands in a circle to show her my girth.

Cleopatra laughed and kissed Agni and told her she was a lucky woman.

My cock was stiff as a rod, and I could feel pre-cum oozing at the tip. Saba dipped her fingers on it and brought them to her mouth where she cleaned them with relish.

She took my hand and brought it under her veils and rubbed them along her velvety smooth pussy. They came out drenched with her juice, and I brought them to my mouth to taste her. She was delighted that I sucked my fingers clean.

She stood up and gave me her hand. I stood, and she started to lead me away. I turned to search for Agni, but she and Cleopatra had already left.

We returned to the room which had been assigned to us and closed the doors behind us.

Oil lamps had been lit which gave a warm glow to the room and reflected of Saba’s body.

She turned to me and deftly removed the kilt off my hips, before letting her veils slide of her body to pool on the floor at her feet. I reached for her. However, she slithered away and went to the corner of the room. As I approached her, I saw that there was a large sunken bath set in the floor from which steam was wafting into the air.

Taking my hand, she had me step into the water before following me in. “Giannis, I am going to wash you and then give you a massage first. Then we will consider our next options,” she said. “Sit down on that bench in the middle of the pool.”

I followed her instructions and sat in the warm water, only my head and shoulders projected out of the water. I felt her hands massaging some kind of lotion into my hair and her strong fingers rubbing it into my scalp. I let my head fall back against her breast, and her tits wrapped themselves around my head. It was a sensational feeling to have her fingers massage my scalp and knead the muscles of my neck.

When she was satisfied, she had me close my eyes and using an ewer, rinsed the suds out of my hair. She proceeded to have me stand and lathered my back and my legs with soap. Her arms curled around my body and soaped my chest and stomach. I was in heaven as the feel of her body on my back assisted her in massaging my back. I could feel her nipples hard against me adding to the voluptuousness of the massage.

I felt her move back, and she pressed my body forward and surprised me by inserting a finger up my ass and rubbing it back and forth and simultaneously cleaning me and stimulating my prostate. Her other hand snaked under me and grasped my member which was given a loving cleaning. I struggled not to cum as she performed my cleansing.

She finally rinsed me off and assisted me to get out of the bath. Using a large towel, she dried me off and led me to the bed.

“Saba, how about you, don’t I get to wash you,” I asked.

“No, Giannis, I was bathed by my slaves before supper and don’t need to wash. Maybe later after we have played a while, we can think about it. Now lie down on the bed on your stomach.”

I lay down and rested my head on the pillow. Peeking behind me I saw Saba oil her body till it gleamed. She proceeded to spread my legs so that I was totally exposed and climbed on the bed. She lay down on my back and continued to slide her body against mine giving me a full body massage by using her own body. Her pussy would occasionally rub itself on my calf, and I could feel the wetness of her juices against me.

When I tried to turn, she stopped me and told me to be patient. Kneeling behind me I felt her tongue circle my anus and the tip probing into my ass. It was an incredible feeling and sent sparks coursing through my body.

Finally not being able to stand it any longer I rolled over and trapped her between my legs. She giggled, and her tiny mouth descended on my cock. Her tongue licked it from the balls to the tip, and she savored the pre-cum that was now oozing out of my cock. She vainly attempted to take my cock into her mouth, but it was more than she could achieve. Saba started taking only the head and sucking it in and out of her deliciously warm mouth.

She was driving me crazy, and I think she realized I was ready. She straddled my hips and slowly sank down till my cock head was placed against her tender slit. I felt her slowly spread as my shaft slid into the warm confines of her pussy. My God, she was so tight. I felt as if I was being squeezed and massaged by every fold of her pussy.

I reached up and massaged her elongated nipples between my fingers which caused her to moan, and I felt her juices flow around my cock lubricating it so that she was able to slide faster and faster on me. I pulled her forward so that her tits were against my chest and this permitted me to massage her ass with my hands.

My fingers grazed her pucker, and she clamped down on me tight as a vise. I reached down and gathered some of the juices which were now flowing from her pussy and used them to lubricate her pucker as she rocked back and forth on my cock. I gently inserted my fingers into her ass, and as I did I felt her spasm, and her whole body quivered. I could feel my shaft throb deep in her, and she pushed down even harder till I felt myself push against her cervix.

She keened a wild sound, and I felt her explode in a cataclysmically orgasm on my cock. Her cum was hot and flowed around me as my cock started throbbing deep in her. Not able to hold back, in turn, I exploded and filled her tight pussy with my own hot cum as she kept riding me from orgasm to orgasm.

At last sated, she sank down against me and wrapped me in her arms. Her mouth approached mine, and she thrust her sweet tongue into my mouth. Our kiss seemed to last forever. We finally just lay there with me supporting her on me till her breathing slowed and she closed her eyes and fell asleep in my arms.

I must have fallen asleep. I was awakened by the sound of moans coming from beside me. I opened my eyes to find Saba and Agni locked together in a sixty-nine position eating each other out. I gazed at the beautiful sight of two extraordinary women loving each other.

My cock responded by raising itself to full height. I must have moved for suddenly Agni lifted her head and said, “Good morning my love.” Saba turned her head and gave me a radiant smile. They both came one on each side of me, and I was the meat in the sandwich between these two beautiful creatures.

I reached out and caressed them. My hands roamed over their warm, soft bodies. I fingered both of them, one with each hand, and fondled their pussies. Softly I curved my fingers into them and found their G-spots eliciting moans from both of them. My thumbs ran circles around their clits till I brought them both to a climax.

I wanted to fuck both those delicious morsels, but Agni stopped me. “Not now my love. Cleopatra is expecting us after breakfast, and you will need to keep your strength for her.”

Saba’s jaw dropped as did mine. “How did you accomplish that Lady Agni?” she asked.

“I just told her what an accomplished masseur Giannis was. Don’t you agree, Saba?”

“Oh yes, my lady. He has extraordinary skills, you are a fortunate woman. I wish someday to find a man such as him.”

“Oh, I’m sure you will. I can see the future, and I can see you married to a very famous general, a strong, kind and powerful man.”

She smiled, her white teeth gleaming. “Really, you can see that in my future?”

“Yes. I see that and a lot more. You will have a long happy life and many children. You will go back to your land and be a powerful woman among your people. As powerful as your ancestor, Queen Makeda.”

“You really see that? Can you see if I will see you both again?”

“My vision does not extend to myself and to Giannis little one, but it might happen that you will visit our land at some point in the future. Should that be, we will welcome you with open arms.”

“Thank you both. You have made me so happy. Now I must run to attend Cleopatra.”

She leaned over me to give a lingering kiss before she rewarded Agni similarly.

Agni smiled at me and asked, “Did you enjoy your night, love?”

“I did, honey how about you?”

“Mmm… Yes, I did. Cleopatra is sweet as you are about to find out. Just remember dear that whatever happens, you cannot take the chance of making her pregnant.”

“I know love. I will make sure not to take that risk.”

At that point, servants came into the room and refilled the bath with hot water, and Agni escorted me to the tub. She proceeded to wash me as thoroughly as Saba had done. This time, however, I returned the favor by cleaning her most thoroughly with many squeals and tickles. I realized more than ever how I loved my little witch.






Cleopatra was just stepping out from her bath as we entered her chambers. She was being toweled dry by Saba and was nude with her blond hair streaming down her back. “Good morning to you both,” Cleo chirped with a smile. “I hope you both slept well?” she asked us with a broad wink.

“I’m so glad you are both here this morning. My whole body needs a good massage to start my day. Giannis, rumor has it that you have wonderful… hands, would you do me the honor of being my masseur today.”

“Cleopatra, you do me the honor, and I’ll do my best to please you. I do have a suggestion, however, how would you feel if we gave you a four hand massage.”

“Four hands?”

“Yes. Agni and I will massage you at the same time. Would that please you?”

“Oh yes. That sounds delightful. Saba, you will stay and watch so in future you can do the same for me when Agni and Giannis leave.”

“Why don’t you stretch out on your massage table and we will start,” I suggested. “On your stomach first,” I told the Queen as she stretched out on the table.

I positioned myself at her shoulders, and Agni placed herself at her legs. I could hardly believe what was happening. Here was the queen of Egypt stretched out totally nude in front of me. She was indeed a thing of beauty with her pale skin, long legs, and tight little bum fully exposed.

Saba brought me some scented heated oil to use. It smelled of jasmine. I slowly poured some onto Cleopatra’s back while Agni did the same on her legs, thighs, and calves.

I slowly and gently started working the oil into her shoulder muscles and along the nape of her neck. She kept making sounds of satisfaction almost like the purr of a cat. As my hands started working her shoulders and back, I noticed that Agni had spread her legs and was massaging her upper thighs. Her hands stroked the sensitive flesh, and Cleo’s ass started to wriggle on the table indicating that she was sexually aroused by the care she was receiving.

I started on her arms working the warm oil down toward her hands and fingers. As I stretched her fingers and lightly pulled on them, I decided to get Saba to help me and had her do the other arm in the same way. I resumed my work on the back and all of a sudden I felt a hand grasping my cock. I glanced down and realized that Cleo had reached below my kilt to fondle me.

She gasped, “Saba I thought you were kidding me when you told me about his size. I can’t even get my hand around it.”

Saba grasped my kilt and removed it. “Look at it. Isn’t it magnificent?”

“Agni! Cleo exclaimed you are truly a fortunate woman to have him to service your needs with that magnificent instrument.”

“I know, Cleo, however, he is also a most skillful and considerate lover, and that is why he has my heart.”

Cleopatra’s arms went around my hips and pulled me forward so she could use her tongue to taste my cock which was now at full extension pointing upward towards her mouth. She too could not get it into her mouth but lapped the length of it with her soft, warm tongue before sucking my cock head in and out of her mouth.

In this position, I could reach her ass which I started to knead with my hands. This caused Cleo to suck even more vigorously on my cock. I could also see that Agni’s hand was now working its magic on her pussy. Her fingers were impaled deeply up her sheath, and she was giving it a thorough massage. Cleo was squealing with delight.

Her little ass was so inviting I started to rub her anal pucker and could feel it opening up to my ministrations. I oiled my fingers and slid them up that delightful butt. She rose up on her knees to permit us more access to toy with her.

After I judged that she was ripe for more, I went down to the foot of the table and dragged her towards me. I lifted her up with her back against my chest. Cradling her legs I lifted her up. She was positioned directly over my cock with her thighs held wide apart. I lowered her till her anus was right over my cock and lowered her slowly onto me. Saba came forward and started massaging her tits while holding her upper body erect.

My cock pushed against her anus, and I felt it spread open till it engulfed my glans. I just held her there without forcing myself into her till she became accustomed to the size of it invading her rear passage. Slowly I could feel her opening up to me, and she now was ready to take my length into her hot well-oiled rectum.

My cock slid smoothly into her, and she resumed those purring sounds she had been making earlier. I was soon fully encased deep into her hot velvety ass.

Agni came up with a long ivory ridged phallus shaped dildo and kneeling under Cleo proceeded to oil it and slide it into her now sopping pussy. As she worked it in and out, I could feel it rubbing against my cock. I started to throb as my Agni used her other hand to massage my testicles and anus in time with my thrusts.

Cleo was now moaning nonstop. I could feel her pussy contracting as she neared her orgasm. I increased the speed and depth of my thrusts, and my cum exploded from me and flooded her bowels. As she felt my hot jet of sperm fill her, she, in turn, climaxed during which time her whole body trembled in my arms.

Agni removed the dildo and lay down on the massage table and had me bring Cleo to her. I positioned her so that her pussy was right over Agni’s face. She immediately started to lap up the pussy juice which was leaking abundantly from Cleo’s ravished cunt. Saba placed herself above Cleo’s ass and parted her ass cheeks. She started lapping my juices which were flowing from that delightful ass.

My cock started to rise again at this erotic sight, and I went behind the crouching Saba and immediately thrust it right into her tight brown puckered ass hole.

The room was filled with the sound of moans as my love and Cleo pleasured each other, and Saba enjoyed her ass being reamed. After another orgasm from me (and god knows how many the women gave each other), we all collapsed on each other in a tangle of limbs.

Sometime later I woke up. I was holding Cleo in my arms. Agni and Saba were enlaced around each other. Cleo gave me a sweet kiss. “Thank you, Giannis. I never expected this. It is a gift I will always treasure. You are the first man to have ever penetrated me.”

“But aren’t you married?” I asked.

“Yes, I am, but it is a ritual marriage only. My husband is my ten-year-old brother as is required by Egyptian law and custom. I have to tell you that he will never share my bed. How long will you two be staying?”

“I am not sure but probably for seven days.”

“From now on the four of us will be spending the night in my bed. Would that please you?”

“I will be delighted to share your bed along with these two other nymphs.”

“Come on girls get up, and we will all share a nice refreshing bath before the day really starts.”

We stayed with Cleopatra in her palace for six more glorious days, each one more lavish and orgasm filled than the previous. We left her with tears of joy and a promise to visit again soon.

And yes! I did finally get to thrust my shaft into that delightful royal pussy making sure that I withdrew well before I could ejaculate.


My thanks again to JefferyB for his editing






Published 7 years ago

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