I had been chatting on the WhatsApp site with a guy for about six months. His name was Paul. We had started on Instagram but Instagram is not that private. Not that we had anything to hide but we wanted to keep our chats private. Our chats never got flirty or dirty. They were just casual chats about our everyday lives.
One day Paul asked me if I would like to attend an un-Valentine’s Day party he was having. Paul and I did have one thing very much in common. We had both lost the love of our lives on Valentine’s day and we just didn’t celebrate it anymore. Paul’s died of Covid in 2020 and my fiancé had been killed in a horrific traffic accident in 2020. Since then, Paul, like me, just immersed himself in work or other activities to forget what Valentine’s Day meant. I don’t know about Paul but I had not had any romantic or sexual activity in nearly three years.
I was hesitant about going to any type of Valentine’s Day party but Paul explained to me that he was a part of a small group of people who had also lost a lover on Valentine’s Day and they just got together to share feelings and memories. Although still a bit reluctant, I agreed to attend.
He PM’d his address and surprisingly it was in the same town I lived in. Neither of us had mentioned where we lived to each other and we had also never sent each other our pictures so the party would be our first face-to-face encounter.
Valentine’s Day arrived and I put on the nicest dress I owned. The hem came down to my mid-thighs and showed off my attractive legs. The neckline came down far enough to show just a glimpse of the cleavage of my size C tits with the help of my push-up bra. Before I left the house I examined myself in the mirror and I saw that I looked sexy but not slutty. So, off to the party I went to.
I got to the address and nervously rang the bell. The door opened and one of the most voluptuous women I have ever seen was standing there. She was very exotic looking with smooth light olive-colored skin. The dress she was wearing was made of silk. It was an off-white color. The top part came down in two wide strips that barely covered her beautiful size D tits. The skirt section was fairly short displaying a set of long and sexy-looking legs. I felt underdressed.
She smiled displaying the whitest and most beautiful teeth I had ever seen. She said, “You must be Patty, I’m Delores. Come on in. You are right on time so please join the rest of us who are already here.” She stepped back and I noticed she licked her beautifully sculptured lips very seductively as I passed her. I thought it odd but thought no more of it however if the rest of the people there looked, and were as finely dressed as she was, I would be the “ugly duck” of the bunch.
She led me to the back of the house where five other people were sitting in a conversation pit type of sofa and to my relief looked much like I did. Delores told me Paul was in the kitchen finishing up the food prep and will be out shortly. She then went over to a bowl of punch, got a cup, and handed it to me, saying, “None of us drink alcoholic beverages so this is nothing more than plain fruit punch, I hope you are not disappointed.”
“Thank you and no, I am not disappointed. I am not much of a drinker and plain fruit punch will be fine.”
I sat down and Paul soon came in with two large platters of Hors d’ Oeuvres. There were many items on the platters that I didn’t recognize but everything was delicious.
As we snacked on the Hors d’ Oeuvres we chatted freely and shared memories of our departed lovers. There were no flowers, hearts, chocolates, or other Valentine’s Day trappings. Just delicious food and friendly and loving sharing of memories among people with a sad but common bond.
Suddenly, I felt odd. My vision blurred and I felt like I was passing out. When my senses cleared I was on a table and I realized I was lying there spread eagle and stark naked. I could lift my head a bit and could see I wasn’t bound but I was unable to move. I could see the others standing around me and they were just looking down at me and not saying anything.
It was then a most frightening thing that happened. Their skin began to separate and fall off and pretty soon I was surrounded by rather shapeless figures. They were all greenish-grey in color and each one had six red eyes. Their faces were featureless and each one of them had four arms. Two of their arms had hands with long fingers with suction cups on the end of each of their long fingers. The other two arms were folded across their bodies but on the ends of these fingers were very sharp and deadly-looking claws.
They started to speak to each other in a language I didn’t understand but when they opened their mouths I could see several rows of very sharp-looking teeth.
I became very frightened. It looked like they were getting ready for dinner and I was to be the main course. I was so frightened I felt my bladder let go and urine squirt out of me. They seemed to watch that with great interest as their speech became more animated.
They then reached out towards me with those fingers with the octopus-looking suction cups on them. They started touching me all over. They touched my feet, my hands, my legs, my stomach, and my tits. Their touch was gentle and when those suction cups hit my nipples the gentle sucking was arousing. I tried to fight the arousal but found I couldn’t. They then touched my cunt and clit and I got aroused even more.
This touching went on for quite a while. I estimated about an hour and I could feel myself building up to an orgasm. They then opened their mouths and out flowed these long tongues. Their tongues licked every inch of my body from the soles of my feet to the top of my head and then began probing my mouth, my cunt, and my asshole. Between the probing of my orifices and the licking of my tits, I was soon overwhelmed by a massive orgasm.
I could feel myself scream, it wasn’t a scream of fear but of ecstasy. My scream of ecstasy was muffled by the tongue which was now well down my throat and combined with the tongues that were probing my cunt and my asshole my orgasm seemed to go on forever. This seemed to amuse or interest them as their red eyes started glowing green.
My orgasm finally subsided and they retracted their tongues. A slit opened down on their bodies and out of these slits long, thick penis-looking things came out. These penis-looking things then penetrated my mouth, cunt, and asshole. The one in my mouth went in past my throat. The one in my cunt penetrated way deeper than any cock ever had as did the one that penetrated my asshole. All three of those pushed into and out of me causing me to have another orgasm. It wasn’t long and I felt all three of those penises begin pumping something into me.
At the same time, the other four penises began spewing something all over my body. I was soon covered in some kind of slimy goo-like substance. The goo-like substance that was pumped into my mouth had a pungent taste to it but didn’t taste too bad and my body was again assailed by another orgasm.
They continued to pump their goo-like substance (call it their cum I guess) into and onto my body over and over and my orgasms continued with each one more intense than the last.
I don’t know how long this lasted because I eventually fell back into the foggy state of mind I experienced earlier.
When I came back to my senses they were gone. I was able to sit up and saw that I was covered in their cum which was very rapidly getting sticky. I could feel my stomach, cunt, and asshole full of their cum. I got up, and on very shaky legs, I made my way to the bathroom where I vomited their cum into the toilet. At the same time, all of their cum poured out of my cunt and asshole leaving me to stand in a huge puddle of it.
I saw the shower, turned it on, and got in and as quickly as I could, washing all of their cum out of my hair and off my body.
I wanted the hell out of there. The thought that maybe just fucking me, every way but loose, was not going to be enough for them so I found my dress and ran out of the house and got into my car, and drove away as fast as I could.
On the drive home, I started thinking about what happened and got turned on again and I began finger fucking myself as I drove giving myself more orgasms.
When I got home I took another shower and poured myself a glass of wine and sat down to think about what happened. I began to believe it was just a dream until I heard the “message received” beep from my computer.
When I got to my computer it was a message from Paul. It said, “Patty, you were terrific last night. We all enjoyed fucking you very much. We all thank you for giving us a great time. Paul.”
As I sat there reading that message I realized that I was finger fucking myself once again and didn’t stop until I gave myself three more great orgasms.
I realized that I had just had the greatest un-Valentine’s Day ever.
Copyright Tom Wetstuph 2/1/2023