More than the sum of your beautiful long legs and strong arms,
Your wonderful smile and soft breasts pitching and flowing
Against your thin frame
Is the total of your incredible beauty.
Your wonderful smile and soft breasts pitching and flowing
Against your thin frame
Is the total of your incredible beauty.
More than the sum of your laugh and your thick perfect hair and the twinkle
In your deep hazel eyes in response to my simplest touch of your cheek
Or neck or shoulder
Is the total of your warm sensuality.
More than the sum of the pleasure of your lips and your fingers and sweet secrets
Plus your sense of adventure and your burning desire
Is the total of your vibrant sexuality.
More than the sum of my awe for your Beauty and
The magnetism of your Sensuality and
The Sexual electricity of your skin next to mine
Is the Greater Whole of my love for
You, so far away this Valentine’s Day.