Here we were. We had made an excuse to go to Michigan this time, stopping briefly to visit my cousin and his spouse. We had told them we were there looking at some property and were going to also be doing some sightseeing. They took the reasons at face value and we left to our true destination.
With some trepidation we were finally ready to meet with Amber and Nick again. We had made our rules and broken most of them as we each discovered through this process that we liked what we were doing far more than we initially had anticipated. We discussed the next step in the progression of things. She had already exposed herself, masturbated in front of another man, made out with two different strangers, sucked a strangers cock with a condom on, had sex in front of someone, and had swapped husbands cum after a sex session with another couple with all of us coming in near tandem.
Here we were in Michigan. Missy had decided since we were out of town to dress a bit more daring than she normally would at home due to her religious background. She had on her now deemed lucky solid white bra and panties. They were thick and almost glowed when she was down to just her undies, solid enough to not be able to see through. Adorned over this was a high waisted skirt that edged the line between conservative and seductive. It was matte black and rose up to her mid-thigh. She had stockings that were a thin black material, embroidered with vines crawling up her legs with roses popping up along the vines the short skirt providing an excellent canvas for the roses. On the top, tucked into the high waisted skirt was a white short sleeve shirt that stood at a cut angle that draped around her deltoid and showed off her tight triceps.
She picked up her black high heels. They were plain, but sharp. They covered her toes perfectly, showing the top of her feet off just right at every angle. Putting them on pressed up her calves and made her butt rise just that much higher giving it that extra oomph. I was never a fan of heels myself. She wore them regularly for church, but always complained about discomfort, dismissing it after I would suggest wearing flats with feigned protests about how pretty they made her feel. This was her special pair that she only brought out for celebrations and out of town romantic getaways.
She looked at herself in the mirror and picked at her clothes self-consciously. I looked at her smiling.
“You look beautiful,” I said to her to try and provide some reassurance.
“I know, I’m just nervous. This is it. I mean we’re here.”
She was shivering slightly, and I walked over and kissed her on the neck, hugging her below her breasts and pulling her close.
“It’ll be fine baby.”
“I know I’m just nervous, and excited, and anxious and it’s all coming together in this mix of emotions.”
“I feel the same way. It’s like boxing, when you know the punch is coming you have to just lean into it. Just make sure you’re more excited than nervous, we can cancel this if you want to, even at the last second.”
“No, I’m excited. I’m ready. Just the jitters.”
We headed out to the car and held hands on our way over to Amber and Nick’s place. The drive was a few hours and it gave us time to process what we were feeling, what we wanted, and what we didn’t want. We pulled into the driveway and placed the car in park. We looked at each other, leaning over for a kiss. I placed my finger under her chin.
“Are you ready?”
“I’m ready.”
She had stopped shaking at this point and was more relaxed. The drive was an excellent way to torture us to build up the anticipation of the evening. Now we were here, and we were going to continue to delay the build up further. We walked up to the door and knocked, waiting for our hosts to answer. They were both at the door and welcomed us in warmly. We each exchanged hugs, and pleasantries about how our drive had been, and where we had stopped along the way.
Amber had cooked an incredible Salmon with a lemon glaze and sea salt, a side of asparagus, and wonderful home prepared mashed potatoes, mixed together in a food processor after boiling for several minutes. Mixed in was sour cream, and some chopped shallots, it was absolute heaven. They had picked a nice light wine to go with the meal.
Everyone had dressed up with sexy/conservative mix in mind. I had worn black slacks to match Missy’s dress, a dark brown dress boot with matching belt, and a crisp white shirt that I had tailored to fit me. This was an outfit I broke out mainly for interviews and weddings. Amber had on a beautiful green dress that was similar in length to Missy’s. Her stockings were a lighter green that corresponded well with her dress. It too was a flowery embroidered design. With her outfit and makeup, she looked like a seductive Poison Ivy, sexier than her fictional counterpart.
Nick had on a tight suit. He was a bigger man, by no means fat though he had what I would call a dad body. After talking more later we found that they were slightly older than my wife and I, but their blessed genetics made them look closer to our age. I had misjudged them the first time we had met thinking Amber younger than my wife, guessing Nick to be only a year or two older than myself.
We sat down and ate dinner. Some light jazz was playing in the background, with the food and the lighting creating a magical mood. After finishing our food, we decided to take a stroll to an ice cream parlor not far from their house to get some dessert. We decided for fun that we would swap partners on the walk. Amber put her arms around my waist, placing her hand in my pocket. I responded by placing my arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer. Nick opted for the more traditional route and grabbed my wife’s hand interlocking fingers. My wife took her thumb and ran it along the inside of his palm tickling it ever so slightly.
We arrived at the parlor ordering our ice cream and sitting down, continuing the ruse that she was with him and I was with her. Nick leaned over to Missy and gently tapped her on the nose with her ice cream. She reacted with an OH, and he leaned over and licked it up quickly before she could protest. Amber “accidentally” pressed her chocolate ice cream to my neck, leaning over and licking it off.
We were certainly raising some eyebrows. People aren’t used to PDA, but this was done tastefully, intimately, and romantically. Most just tried to avert their gaze. We continued our walk around, burning off the dinner we were eating. When it appeared that no one was around, but we all knew there were some people off in the distance that could see Nick grabbed ahold of Missy, pressing her against a building, pushing his tongue into her eager mouth. She reached out and gripped her hand around the back of his neck, her other hand clutching his back and he grabbed one of her legs, raising it along his side and allowing her to slide it back down rubbing up against him.
I dared Missy to smoke. Amber and Nick no longer smoke themselves and watched eagerly as she slowly inhaled a long drag from her cigarette. She pulled in a mouthful of smoke, and blew it into nicks mouth first, then another into Amber’s. They got a small taste of that nicotine they hadn’t had in years. She looked like the perfect temptress.
We finally made our way back to their house. We all kicked off our shoes and started to get more comfortable. The wine was brought back out again to make it’s rounds. After finishing the first bottle we started into a dessert port that we had brought. We were all starting to get a little flushed now and decided to continue with the fun.
The girls wandered over to the TV, looking at the selection of films that they had, Amber guiding Missy around and allowing her to make the choice. She chose Valentine’s day. A good choice, a movie with dozens of couplings showcasing off all the different types of love available from unrequited, to romantic, to sexual.
We decided we were getting comfortable getting to know each other’s spouses and sat on couches with each other’s spouse snuggled up next to the other. The movie began to roll, and we would each whisper to each other. We would chat about the movie, about what we thought about certain scenes and how they could have improved upon them. We talked about secrets and desires. After the movie finished, we picked up a game of two truths and a lie. It was important for us to build up familiarity and intimacy before pushing things further.
We put on another movie, this time Chocolat with Johnny Depp. It was another perfect choice, filled with lust, forbidden desire, and longing to be. Here we started to relax into the next phase of the evening. Nick had been giving Missy and neck massage and his hands began to push forward massaging her chest gently. Her top button popped with the pressure caused from his large hands.
“Oops,” he teased.
My wife surprised me a little with her retort.
“Oh, let me fix that,” she said as she reached up and undid another button. Her crisp bra was now visible through her unbuttoned shirt.
Amber had been snuggled up next to me, running her hand up my arm and nibbling at my neck. I reached down and grabbed her feet, pulling her up as she turned her body and plopped firmly on her back onto the couch cushions, staring at me like she wanted to devour me. I started to work on her feet, massaging along the arch of her foot, working carefully on her insoles. I gripped at her ankle and applied pressure firmly. I switched out feet and began working on the other. My hand started to massage higher and higher, as I worked on her calves, and applying some pressure around her knees.
Missy bit her lip and stood up, reaching behind her back I could hear the long slow sound of a zipper coming undone. She slid the dress off herself, leaving it in a ball around her feet. She stepped out of it and got back onto the couch.
“You can continue with the massage now,” she said with a breathy voice.
I kept pawing at her, rubbing my hands all over her body. She was silky smooth. Her stockings were calling me, daring me to bite at her legs. I held back and directed her to sit between my legs as I started working at her neck.
At this point Missy’s shirt was now completely off, tossed over to our couch. Nick continued with his massage, turning more into pawing much like I was doing to his wife. The air was starting to get hot in the room, the curtains drawn back to make the room intimate and private. The girls allowed us to strip their stockings off, tossing them together in a pile on the floor.
Now the girls were down to only their underwear. Amber got up and poured herself and I another glass of wine. Missy seemed to get the signal and stood up, doing the same for her and Nick. We sipped and looked at all our bodies.
Missy and Amber were very similar in height. Amber was a little taller than Missy. Nick was bigger than I was, but I was a little taller. He looked like a man who was big not from exercise but from just doing rough work. His thick dad belly was tight, and below what looked like a layer of fat you could see his abs.
Amber and Missy were both pretty fit looking. Missy had mostly stayed at home while going through school and had focused on her fitness a few hours a week after getting self-conscious about the weight she gained early in our marriage. I had gone through a similar phase and we lost the weight together. She was no field and track star, but she was tight. Her skin care routine made her look like a mystical creature. We all had our flaws. Missy and I had some stretch marks along our sides from our past weight, and I had a few scars from past mistakes. Nick and Amber had their mark as well, but all I saw was four beautiful bodies.
After half of this glass the girls were starting to get hot. They stood up and Amber commanded Missy to turn around. She obeyed like an innocent doe, facing Nick and stripping off her bra for him. Amber turned around confidently and faced me.
“Now you take mine off too,” she said to my wife.
She reached behind Amber, undoing the snap with a quick motion of her two fingers. The bra dropped to the floor, and Missy reached around and began manipulating Ambers breasts in her hand, leaning forward and sucking on her neck gently.
Nick and I leaned back, looking at each other and nodding in agreement to not disturb the girls at any cost because this was quite a show. Amber was the only woman Missy had kissed, this being her second time after our first rendezvous. The girls put on a show, and each reached their hand down and began rubbing at each other through their wet panties. Amber had a dark rose red pair of underwear on and you could see a slightly darker spot spreading around the center of them. Missy’s were now drenched.
What happened next made me a bit uncertain. Missy and I had made an agreement to break our final rule. To not be alone. We also agreed, at least for a while, to not talk about anything that happened while either of us was alone. That would cause some complex feelings, but it would also spread out this excitement and feeling of desire for years. Nick walked up behind Missy, and scooped her up into his arms. His biceps bulged slightly, and the outline of his cock was daring to rip through his underwear. He walked away with my wife, going to a room in the back of the house.
I stood up, looking like a lost little kid in a store and took a half step towards the room. I felt a little sick inside. Amber stood between me and the room and placed a gentle but firm hand on my chest. I looked down at her and she looked up at me, raising her eyebrows and giving me a suggestive smile.
“Stay boy,” she said firmly. She pushed me onto the chair that rested between the two couches in the living room and got on her knees between my legs. She placed her hands on the top of my legs and looked me in the eyes. I reached out towards her and she slapped my hand away.
“No. You’re not in control right now. That’s the point. Right now, my husband is with your wife. I’m here with you. We will WAIT our turns until AFTER they are finished. After that you and I will go in knowing what they did while we were out here, and they’ll sit out here wondering what we’re doing like you’re wondering now.”
Her voice was so seductive.
“Keep talking,” I breathed out heavily.
“Well how about we help you process big boy. Tell me how you’re feeling.”
“I don’t… I don’t know…”
“Well you’ve got to give me something to work with tiger. You’ve got to be feeling something. Tell me. You can trust me.”
She had me with you can trust me.
“I feel a little sick. I mean knowing he’s in there touching her all alone. That he’s probably having sex with her.”
“Go on.”
“That feeling morphs into me being a bit jealous. Wondering if she’s enjoying it, or enjoying it more than with me. I mean not that she shouldn’t enjoy it, that’s the point.”
“Keep talking.”
She started to massage the tops of my leg, running her hands down to the knee, and pushing them up to my hips firmly.
“Then after jealousy I get a little insecure.”
She kept massaging.
“But beyond those feeling are other ones. I feel excited. I feel naughty. I feel happy knowing she’s getting pleasure even when I’m not there. I love her. I love seeing her pleasured.”
“Keep talking it out, you’re almost there.”
“I mean I like it. I really do. We’ve already done everything else, and we like you two as a couple.”
This was therapeutic for me. They had already been there done that and she was helping process the emotions I was feeling. I wanted this, I really did, but I had always had some jealousy issues revolving my wife’s past sexual experiences before marrying me.
Amber got up and mounted me, sitting down on my lap gently pushing her wet panties against the front of my boxers, my erection wanting to just burst right there. She wrapped her arms around me and leaned in.
“Just listen,” she whispered. She whispered at just barely an audible level, that gave me tingles down my spine.
“Right now … my husband has already taken your wife’s panties off.”
As she said this, she grabbed my hand and allowed me to put it into her underwear. She encouraged my finger, allowing me to push it into her.
“He’s fingering her, getting her ready for his cock to penetrate her.”
She took her other hand and reached out grabbing my cock through my underwear.
“Your wife is probably sucking his cock, getting him wet to enter her. She wants this so badly, she’s probably trembling.”
I was starting to tremble myself.
She pulled me close to her, and I started kissing at her nipples.
“He’s doing this to her right now too. She’s moaning at it; she’s wanted this for a long time. He’s kissing her. Your wife is kissing another man passionately on the lips. She’s probably using her tongue, running it around the inside of his mouth.”
I gently moaned, this was getting a bit much and I took a gentle nibble on her nipple. She slapped me.
I licked around it in a circle.
I could hear some music starting in the distant room. The opening chords to the familiar song began to play.
Amber leaned into my ear, leaning as close as possible. As she whispered a thin layer of condensation filled my inner ear, her next words again pushing me almost to the edge.
“He’s fucking her now.”
Those four words excited me now more than anything. Amber had talked me through my mixed emotions and now I was so aroused thinking about how good my wife was getting fucked right now by this gorgeous woman’s husband.
The song continued to play in the background. Amber leaned in, her hands now firmly grasped on my wrists keeping them down to my sides. She opened her mouth and I leaned in to kiss her. She leaned back every time I got close and pushed as I pulled away until I understood what she meant. She hovered with her mouth open next to mine and just breathed into me. This was a kind of intimacy I had only experienced with my wife before.
She slid down, Getting onto her knees on the floor in front of me.
“Save it for after they finish. We wait.”
She leaned forward and began to run her lips tightly around my cock through my boxers. My boxers were getting soaked from her mouth. She was able to fit a bit of the tip into her mouth through the boxers and sucked hard daring a hole to break right where her mouth was.
I stood up, lifting her up and placing her on the couch. I kissed my way down her chest and stomach to her soaked panties. Her aroma was intoxicating, and I leaned forward and began to taste it. I had been married for years now and hadn’t tasted another pussy in quite some time. The taste of her honey was bittersweet. I licked her through her panties, pressing my tongue as deep into her as I could through that dark red piece of cloth.
She started breathing heavy and pushed on my shoulders to get me to stop. I wouldn’t. She pushed a little more urgently but after a few seconds gave up and feigned trying to stop me.
She gripped my hair like she was trying to rip it off and I had to stop. It felt like I was going to start bleeding from where her nails were digging in.
“You. Are. A. Naughty. Boy.”
I stared back at her.
“You’re lucky I get off easy. You better keep that energy up mister.”
We sat back on the couch, kissing passionately, the taste of her pussy and my cock still on our lips swapping back and forth.
After an agonizing amount of time Missy came stumbling out of the bedroom. She seemed now like she was more drunk than she was before. Her hair was a mess of flyaways on top, her hairy mound looked damp and matted. She was grinning from ear to ear and her face was flush. She put her panties back on walking up and kissing me on the lips, wrapping her arms around my neck and rubbing the back of my leg with her foot.
“That was fantastic,” she whispered into my ear.
Nick came out and sat down, Missy curling up next to him to snuggle.
Amber grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bedroom almost running.
Before the door had fully closed, she playfully shouted out, “Fuck me you handsome stud!”
She punctuated this with a loud slap on my ass. Missy certainly heard that. Hopefully Nick would talk her through things like Amber had for me.
We ripped off our underwear and I picked Amber up. She understood what it was I was wanting to do and wrapped her legs around my hips. I positioned my cock to line up with her and slowly began working in. She liked it a bit harder and as soon as I was positioned right, she shoved the rest of it into her. She gleefully rocked herself up and down while I was holding onto her.
She got vocal.
“OH, FUCK yes that is AMAZING!”
I wasn’t used to this volume. I blushed a little, but it turned me on and gave me a confidence would make you feel like you had a 10-inch penis.
“shhh,” I whispered.
“Oh, you can’t shush ME Mister!” and she just started moaning louder.
I walked over to the bed and jumped up while holding myself in her still. We landed on the bed and she let out a playful giggle.
“Oh my god you horny boy!”
I started giving it to her harder. Missy was never into fucking rough, she said it hurt too much, so I always held back but Amber was fucking like she wanted at least one of us to leave the bedroom bruised. I grabbed at her hard, using this leverage so that I could put more strength into my hip thrusts.
She was breathing faster and faster, starting to gasp unable to fully take in all the air she needed. She started to cum, screaming out “yes!” so loud I thought the neighbors might hear.
This started to push me closer to the edge. Something possessed me and I looked at Amber and said, “You like it rough like that don’t you?”
I liked dirty talk, but this was someone else’s wife and it felt like a risk.
She nodded her head and bit her lip, “not as much as you’re going to like it, I think.”
She reached her hands up and firmly grasped around my throat. We had discussed all our kinks in emails back and forth and she remembered I had passingly mentioned this. She was firm, but I was fully able to breath. I liked the feeling of firm pressure applied on my neck. She gave me this mischievous look.
“Want more?”
I nodded and she gripped a little more firmly.
I grabbed her arms and held them hard above her head, thrusting harder into her now. With a final mighty thrust I pushed in deeply and unloaded inside of her.
This was another thing we had discussed and prepared for. We cleaned up, and she applied the various methods to make sure there was nothing getting fertilized down there. I almost immediately caught a second wind seeing that these were already open and likely that Missy had used it after Nick had cum wherever.
We put our underwear back on and wandered out into the living room. Amber and I were a bit wobbly too now, and I realized why. The bedroom temperature had been set at least a good 20 degrees higher than the rest of the house. I hadn’t noticed at first because of the wine but now I was getting goosebumps.
We joined my wife and her husband in the living room and sat back down on our couch covering our almost naked bodies with a thick blanket. We continued watching movies. I looked over at my wife after an hour and at Nick and stood up without thinking. I brushed my wife aside and looked at Nick. I was a little bi-curious and I thought this was the time in our lives to try everything. I pulled down Nicks boxers. He raised his eyebrows but didn’t protest. I leaned down and placed the head of his cock into my mouth. I could taste my wife on him and that got my erection going harder. I wasn’t used to giving blowjobs, so I wasn’t able to fit much into my mouth.
After a minute I was at the limit of my stamina, and I pulled off. I looked over and Missy was on her knees next to me. She looked at me, leaning over and started to suck Nick’s cock. I stared at her, obsessed with the bobbing of her head. I was so caught up that I hadn’t noticed Amber crawl up to me. I felt her pull down my boxers and immediately she began to give that mind shattering blowjob that she had delivered before. The heat and pressure were consistent and out of this world. Never will you find a woman as in tune with her mouth as Amber.
Nick started to breath heavily. Amber stood up and I looked at her curiously. She grabbed the top of my hair firmly and sat me next to my wife. Nick had gripped Missy’s hair gently and was holding her head at a tilt. Amber did the same to my head and pressed my cheeks next to my wives. We both smiled and looked up. Nick unloaded his cum equally onto our faces. The smell was strong, but I wanted to make this moment picture perfect so I could remember it later. I leaned over and licked the cum off her face, holding it in my mouth. My wife licked all the cum off my face and swallowed. As soon as she did, I leaned forward, pushing my tongue and the rest of the cum into her mouth. She kissed me while swallowing.
We finished the evening out, sobering up and making out way back to our hotel. After our vacation was over, we headed back to Maine and to home. We were intoxicated by everything we had already done. We would talk about it every night. Our sex life was renewed fully. I would look at my wife and instead of same old same old I would see her with a new eye. I would see how desirable she was. How, really, any man would fuck her given the opportunity. She looked at me lovingly thinking many of the same things.
We would fly back and forth to Amber and Nicks swapping. On one occasion Amber came alone and spent the weekend in bed with my wife and I while Nick was treated to a resort getaway. Missy returned to Michigan and did the same with Amber and Nick while I enjoyed a peaceful time attending a music festival with friends.
We enjoyed our lifestyle for nearly two years, though eventually all things must come to an end. With complex relationships you must take your time carefully to detangle. We still talk and will occasionally play with Amber and Nick but eventually the sex stopped, and we resumed a monogamous relationship. We would still flash Brad, or strangers on road trips, and take occasionaly pictures, but we were now comfortable and refreshed.
What ended it for us wasn’t emotions, or disease. We were careful and luckily did catch either feels or STD’s. What ended it was oddly enough what started it, desire.
My wife walked up to me one day and looked at me deeply in the eyes.
“We’ve climbed all those mountains and we’ve done everything. Now I’m ready.”
I looked at her and smiled. We weren’t old by any means, but we were on the edge of being capable of doing this the traditional way.
She nodded.
“Put a baby in me you fool!”
We discontinued all forms of birth control, and for several weeks we attended classes and learned as much as we could. After the first month it had cleared out of her system and we were ready. The rest of our lives was going to begin.