The Governor’s Meeting – Chapter 4 – Detention With Miss Bates

"Detention for Sarah leads to an unexpected outcome."

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Feeling somewhat dazed, I meekly followed Rachel away from the Head Girl’s office, and towards the Detention classroom. The events of the last hour had once again turned my world upside down. How could they not? To add to my earlier punishments, not only had I just been strapped and spanked by four teenage girls, but I’d also been – enticed, I think was a good word – into pleasuring the Head Girl with my tongue, whilst the others watched.

And I’d enjoyed it!

I’d never even thought of a woman that way before today, let alone engaged in such an intimate act! Certainly not with someone so much younger than me! Now I didn’t know what to think! And I couldn’t get over how appealing it had been to lick Lisa’s dominant young pussy! Today was proving to be a journey of discovery in so many different ways. I didn’t think I’d ever be the same again!

My prefect guide, Rachel, brought me back to the present.

‘Today’s detention is being run by Miss Bates – Miss Caroline Bates. She’s the Head of History,’ Rachel informed me.

‘Is she strict?’ I asked. At this stage, I wasn’t sure how much more I could cope with. To describe my well-punished bottom as sore would be the understatement of the century.

Rachel looked at me as if I was retarded.

‘They’re all strict, Mrs Lonsdale.’ Yes, silly question. Rachel, who had been one of the girls to use the strap on my bare bottom, just about managed to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. I blushed in embarrassment. It was difficult to believe that, not long ago, I had been wearing this girl’s panties on my head, and was being mercilessly thrashed by her.

What on earth was happening to me? I thought. I should never have let that take place! But as I’d been very firmly told, what happened in the Head Girl’s Office, stayed in the Head Girl’s Office! And as they’d captured the whole thing on video – my video! – I wasn’t about to argue. As I replayed the events of the previous hour, the quivering sensations returned to my tummy. My own poor pussy had been crying out for relief and, so far, had received none. I was turning into a bit of a wreck…

Things didn’t improve. As we entered the Detention classroom, I faltered. Standing next to the teacher’s desk was a woman who quite simply took my breath away. Peripherally, I heard Rachel speaking.

‘Hello Miss Bates, this is Mrs Sarah Lonsdale, the new School Governor.’

Stunning. That was the only way to describe her. I could feel myself standing there with my mouth open. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. Tall and slim, she was wearing a deep blue pencil skirt above her shapely calves, and a crisp, white blouse which accentuated her ample bosom; her wavy auburn hair was loose, so that it flowed over her shoulders.

But it was her eyes! Her glasses did nothing to dilute the intensity of her beautiful, green eyes. Her gaze seemed to penetrate me to the very core, unearthing my innermost secrets, yet at the same time conveying a knowing amusement, like we were sharing the same joke. That she looked like a sexy, strict young school mistress only added to her appeal. I was instantly besotted with her and felt a rush of heat flooding my already damp knickers.

Miss Bates smiled at me. ‘Hello, Sarah – or, given the circumstances, perhaps I ought to say, Mrs Lonsdale. Welcome to our detention classroom.’

I gaped like a goldfish, whilst Rachel gave my disciplinary note to Miss Bates. I watched her as she read the now very familiar words:


I would like to introduce Mrs Lonsdale, the new school Governor.

As part of her induction, Mrs Lonsdale, who is a psychologist, wishes to increase her knowledge of discipline at this school, particularly with regard to the ‘Walk of Shame’, and humiliation. You should know that Mrs Lonsdale is a firm believer in ‘experiential’ learning.

Whilst this is not an instruction to discipline Mrs Lonsdale, your fullest co-operation in this matter is requested in order to meet the requirements of this note. I encourage you to show imagination in deciding what, if any, punishments are merited. Under no account should you hold back in your duties because of Mrs Lonsdale’s status – she has expressed a desire to be held fully accountable for her actions, and I believe an example needs to be set.

Any discipline that is carried out should be recorded in the Punishment book as soon as possible, along with any demerit points awarded. I have explained the demerit system to Mrs Lonsdale, and she fully understands the penalty for incurring excess points. I am keen to ensure she learns an important lesson!’

You should be aware that I found it necessary to punish Mrs Lonsdale myself today for poor behaviour and tardiness. She has additionally earnt a detention for questioning my judgement.


Mrs Dickinson



After finishing, Miss Bates looked at me with those incredible green eyes.

‘Yes, the Headmistress has spoken to me about you,’ she said softly. ‘I couldn’t quite believe what she was telling me. But I see that it is true. You are either a very brave lady, or a very foolish one, Mrs Lonsdale!’

She said this with a twitch of her nose, mirth evident in her smile.

‘Whichever it is, however, it seems I am obliged to deal with you, and…’ she looked at the note again, ‘…hold you fully accountable, without holding back because of your status!’

Miss Bates folded the note and handed it back to Rachel.

‘Dear me, Sarah…’ she laughed pleasantly, ‘or rather, Mrs Lonsdale! What have you done? And I understand you’ve already been, ahhh, seen to, by Miss Haworth, and the Head Girl?’

‘Yes, Miss Bates,’ I responded, meekly.

‘And I believe you have been given an additional detention by Miss Haworth?’

‘Yes, Miss Bates – actually, Miss Haworth gave me a double detention, Miss Bates.’

I couldn’t help but be deferential. I’d spent the day submitting to punishment and now, it just seemed to come naturally. How had I become so submissive in such a short time? Why had I become so accepting of what was happening to me?

‘Hmmm – you’ve clearly had a very busy and eventful afternoon! Very well – let’s see what you can learn whilst you are with me.’

She smiled and, gesturing with her hands, indicated the desks in front of her.

‘Take a seat at one of the desks with paper and pen. You are to write lines for the next hour. Today’s line is on the board.’

She pointed, and I read what was written.

“I must learn to be respectful at all times!”

Yes – that would certainly be a good one for me to learn! It had gotten me into a lot of trouble today!

‘I will check your efforts at the end of the hour. It pays to be accurate – each mistake earns a stroke of the cane. Students are expected to complete a minimum of sixty lines in the hour. Each line under sixty also earns a stroke of the cane. It sounds harsh, but it does work. Do you understand?’

Miss Bates looked at me intently.

‘Yes, Miss Bates.’ Bloody hell. I was bound to make mistakes – writing neatly was never my strongest point, and given how much I was trembling, I wasn’t holding out much hope for the accuracy she was demanding.

‘Good. Given the content of the note from the Headmistress, I’m not going to be able to offer you any leniency, Mrs Lonsdale.’

I swallowed. Great.

Miss Bates looked at me with a slightly pitying smile, and for the first time, I got a sense of sympathy from someone, which was both surprising, and gratifying. I felt a flood of warmth for this incredibly good looking and sensual woman.

She turned to Rachel.

‘Thank you, Rachel. You may leave – I will ensure Mrs Lonsdale reaches her final appointment after her detention’

‘Thank you, Miss.’

Mrs Bates turned to me as Rachel left the classroom.

‘Let me explain what will happen. At the end of the detention, I will check your work and tot up what punishment is due. Now, unfortunately for you, as you have already been given an additional two detentions, I will be required to cane you, even if your work is perfect.’

She looked at me to make sure I was following her explanation. I swallowed again, and thought of being caned by the beautiful creature. I wasn’t sure how much more moisture my panties could absorb.

‘Students get six strokes of the cane for each additional detention. As an adult, however, you will get twelve, on your bare bottom. So, you have earnt twenty-four strokes before you’ve even started. Do you understand?’

You bet I did. ‘Yes, Miss Bates.’

‘Very well. You’d better join the other girls and get started!’

I belatedly realised that there were three other girls already seated in the classroom – my attention had clearly been elsewhere! They were all looking at me with wide eyes, having listened avidly to Miss Bates’ explanation.

I quietly went to sit down and winced. After my last spanking at the hands of the prefects, sitting down was absolutely the last thing my bottom and thighs wanted to do!

I picked up the old-fashioned fountain pen and started writing. The problem was, I was shaking like a leaf with all the adrenalin and other ups and downs of the last few hours. This really wasn’t going to go well…

The other girls kept giving me sideways glances with questioning eyes, as they tried to write their own lines, my presence obviously distracting them.

At least I would have some time to quietly reflect whilst I carried out my task. Writing lines, I knew, was deliberately supposed to be tedious and boring – all part of the punishment. For me, however, it was almost therapeutic.


Fifteen minutes into the hour the quiet scratching of pens was suddenly interrupted by the unexpected sound of a loud “Splat!”, followed by a yelp of pain. My eyes widened with astonishment as I realised with sudden horror that the howl of pain was me! Everyone looked up. Where on earth had that just come from?

I surreptitiously looked down, and could see a faint light emanating from my handbag. With a dawning dread, I reached for my phone. There was a new text from my daughter. Oh, you had to be kidding me – the spanking noise was my text alert! Those bloody prefects! They had recorded my punishment, somehow must have created a text alert with it, and changed my phone settings – which had definitely been on silent at the beginning of the day!

Five more “Splats” with accompanying yelps rang through the classroom.

All my texts were coming in at once! Unbelievable! I could feel my face going beetroot red with embarrassment and humiliation as I desperately tried to turn the text alert off. The other three students were looking towards me with various expressions of amazement, and pity.

I had five texts from my daughter, and one from my own mum.

“Mum, what on earth is going on?”

“Mum, what have you done? Everyone’s talking about you!”

“So angry, mum, you deserve everything you get! Tempted to spank you myself!”

“Sarah, what on earth is going on? Jenny gave me a call and sounded most upset!”

I didn’t get any further before I sensed Miss Bates’ presence. I looked up and saw she was walking purposefully towards me, her gorgeous, but extremely annoyed eyes locked onto my phone.

‘Is that your phone I see you with, Mrs Lonsdale?’


‘Um, yes, Miss Bates. I’m sorry – I know I put in on silent, but it, um, pinged!’

‘Yes, I think we all heard it “ping”, Mrs Lonsdale. You’d better give that to me.’

Sheepishly, I gave it to her.

‘It sounds like someone has been having fun with you, Mrs Lonsdale – I understand you were with the prefects before you came to me?’

I nodded, words failing me.

She hesitated, looking at me compassionately.

‘Even so, I see no alternative than to award you an additional detention. I’m very sorry. I hope you’re good at maths…’

Miss Bates rested her hand briefly on my shoulder as she spoke. Then, after a brief moment of hesitation, she leant down and whispered in my ear.

‘I must admit – you’ve really brightened my day. I do enjoy a submissive woman. I’m looking forward to punishing your naughty bottom, Sarah…’

I drew in a sharp breath and looked up at her. Was I that obvious? She was smiling down at me, her eyes glinting with enjoyment. She couldn’t mean what I thought she did – could she?

Caroline Bates turned and walked back to the front of the classroom. I couldn’t take my eyes off her beautiful calves. I crossed my legs and tried to concentrate as I thought about her words.

The rest of the hour seemed to pass excruciatingly slowly. I couldn’t help thinking about what my daughter had said in her texts. I hoped she was alright – I would have to explain it to her later – though what exactly I was going to explain, I had no idea. I prayed no more messages would arrive before the end of the detention.

‘Time!’ Mrs Bates finally called. Phew – I just made the sixty lines by the end of the hour!

Mrs Bates collected the sheets of paper from the four of us, and we remained sat whilst she studied them.

‘Okay, girls – no mistakes – you may all leave.’

The three lucky girls collected their bags and filed out of the classroom, smirking at me as they left. At least, I wouldn’t have an audience this time! Mrs Bates gazed across at me.

‘Not such a good effort from you, Mrs Lonsdale, I’m afraid. Eight mistakes! That is not a good tally! Eight, plus the twenty-four for the two extra detentions – no, three extra detentions! Thirty-six. That makes forty-four strokes of the cane! You are in for a bit of a hiding, my dear!’

Miss Bates said this almost gleefully. ‘It is rather appalling, Mrs Lonsdale. I think it’s also a record! And it’s going to be very uncomfortable for you. I believe I will also have to award additional demerit points as well.’

Miss Bates didn’t look in the least sorry about this. If anything, she looked delighted.

‘You had better get up here. You will need to remove your skirt and knickers – you know the drill, I’m sure – and you must be used to that by now?’

Her voice was friendly – conspirational, almost. I did as she said, quietly folding my skirt onto her desk, and placing my damp knickers on top.

‘Bend over my desk, and hold the far side,’ she ordered quietly.

Then there was a pause, and I could sense Miss Bates looking at my bottom. I felt her hand gently stroking my buttocks. I gasped at her touch. My bottom was so sore and sensitive, it felt both painful and sensual at the same time.

‘Oh dear…’

Disappointingly, her fingers retreated.

‘If you will excuse me, Sarah, I need to make a phone call. I had better not hear a murmur whilst I’m out of the classroom!’ she warned, as she stepped outside.

As I lay there, bare bottom once more exposed and vulnerable, I could hear her talking with someone on her phone. I could hear what I thought was persuasion, followed by some grunts of agreement. Then I heard the clack of Caroline’s heels as she re-entered the classroom.

‘I’ve been speaking with the Headmistress. I’ve told her that I think you – or rather, your bottom, has already received more than enough corporal punishment for one day, and recommended a delay. She has agreed that you should have time to recover, before any further punishment is carried out, on the condition that you accept an additional twelve strokes of the cane.’

She paused.

‘Correction, that you have time to recover before the main part of your punishment is carried out. I have been encouraged to administer an alternative punishment today.’

She walked into my field of vision.

‘So, I am going to give you six strokes of the cane on your hands – three on each, plus six strokes on the back of your thighs – those don’t look too bad – yet! These will be in addition to your punishment next week.

‘You will be expected to report to the Headmistress in her study one week from today to be given your main punishment – fifty-six strokes of the cane.’

Caroline bent down and looked into my eyes.

‘The choice is yours, Sarah, but – your bottom really is a bit of a mess, and I thoroughly recommend delaying your caning.’

Her voice conveyed real compassion and concern. With a mixture of both relief and disappointment, I nodded, accepting her recommendation.

‘Very well. As you are already bent over my desk, I will cane your thighs first – as you are an adult, I should let you know that I will be using the senior cane.’

I felt Miss Bates moving behind me. Then I heard a couple of practice swishes of her cane, my bottom clenching involuntarily as the sounds reached my ears.

‘Legs slightly further apart!’

There was another pause as I shuffled my feet, and my heart thumped in anticipation.

Thwack! My head shot up. Oh, God – that hurt! Miss Bates might have had some sympathy for my situation, but she wasn’t holding back!

Thwack! Arghhh! That was the crease between my thighs and buttocks! Oh, Lord…

Thwack! I could feel the tears starting. Three strokes, and I was crying again. The feel of the cane on my thighs was so different. More painful, somehow.

Thwack! I gripped the desk hard, trying not to move.

Thwack! I rested my forehead on the desk, clenching my eyes tight, trying to ignore the burning sensation on my poor thighs.

Thwack! Unbelievably, I realised I was close to coming – how was that even possible!

‘You may stand up. No rubbing!’

Slowly, I stood, taking deep breaths. My pussy was throbbing almost as much as my thighs. I wanted to touch myself so badly!

‘We may as well get this over with. I’m to take you to see Mrs Vero once we’ve finished here.’

Mrs Vero? Oh no – I wondered what the old bat wanted. She really didn’t approve of me – I’d learned that in the short time I’d known her.

‘Why – why does Mrs Vero want to see me?’

‘Oh – you know she used to be the Headmistress – before Mrs Dickinson? Now she’s the senior Governor, and as such, she keeps an office in the school. I think she’s heard about your little “Tour” and wants to see how you’ve got on.’

I watched silently as Caroline exchanged implements, picking a slightly shorter and whippier looking cane.

‘Right – put your left hand out, and support it with your other hand – that’s right. Three strokes!’

I tensed as I watched her raise the cane.


Oh! How could that smart so much!

‘Leave your hand up! That’s it! I don’t want to have to repeat it!’


‘Owwww!’ I wasn’t sure I could handle another – it was unbelievably painful!


Ohhhh. I was crying again, tears falling freely down my face. I hadn’t expected a caning on my hands to hurt this much! Only the fact that it was Miss Bates doing this was making it bearable!

‘That’s it, Sarah – only three to go now. You’re doing really well! Change your hands over! No blowing or rubbing!’

Reluctantly, I switched my hands around. This was a different sort of punishment, and I didn’t like it at all!

Thwack! I bit my lip, trying hard not to sob.

Thwack! I couldn’t help myself, a sob finally breaking from my throat.

Thwack! I was starting to feel broken from all the punishment I had endured. Was this the lesson I was supposed to learn?

‘There, there – all done!’

Caroline Bates put the cane down, reached over, and hugged me. I rested my head between her head and shoulder, and quietly sobbed for a few minutes. I could smell her hair – a delicious scent of something flowery – I couldn’t tell what; and I was conscious of Caroline’s arms around me, her hands gently caressing me.

It felt incredibly loving, and I wanted to stroke her back. The temptation to kiss her was hard to resist; in the end, I just gave in. I raised my head, tears still wet on my face and softly kissed her on the lips. She froze for a moment, and just as I was about to withdraw in embarrassment, she responded, kissing me back.

That kiss gave me a new understanding of the word passion, Caroline’s soft lips and indecent tongue making me moan uncontrollably. Whilst it must only have been moments, it felt like a millennium, seeming to go on and on forever.

When she finally let me go, she was beaming, and I was breathless, almost unable to stand.

‘Well, that was unexpected! Lovely, but unexpected! I may not let you out of my clutches, you naughty thing!’

My stomach flipped, hoping beyond hope that she meant what she said.

‘Well done,’ she said. ‘I think what you’re doing is incredibly brave. Now – get dressed and I’ll take you over to Mrs Vero’s office.

I slowly put my knickers and skirt back on, grimacing as I slid my panties into place. Miss Bates gave me a wry smile as she watched. Then she led me out of the classroom. We were both quiet as we walked side by side through the school corridors.

Finally, we reached our destination.

‘It’s down there, on the right. Just knock and wait for Mrs Vero to say “enter”.’

We looked at each other for a long moment, then Caroline reached up and kissed me on the cheek. She handed me my phone, smiled, turned, and walked away. I stared after her, bewitched as I had never been before. When she turned a corner, I went to put my mobile away and saw that a note had been inserted between the phone and its case.

It contained a phone number and a short message; ‘I was feeling generous – you actually made thirty-one mistakes. Do feel free to give me a call if you’d like to settle up sometime – I would very much enjoy the opportunity…’

I smiled to myself. Oh my – yes, I thought. I’d very much like to settle up with Miss Caroline Bates!

Published 5 years ago

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