She felt so fucking good.
Dave Gregory blindly placed his empty beer bottle on the bistro table beside them, hoping it wouldn’t topple over and shatter. He’d pick it up later if Jim chose not to. Right now, Dave needed both his hands free.
Lindsay tossed her head back and felt masculine palms envelop her hips as she shimmied on Dave’s lap, shoving the center seam of her shorts against his. Her very loose, thin, floral print culotte shorts. They didn’t mold to her ass like denim ones did. They didn’t cinch at her waist like her miniskirts would. These were loungewear – lay-around-the-house relaxing shorts. And Dave had been aroused from the instant he witnessed Lindsay materialize and come rushing his way with open arms and a joyous glow. Because it wasn’t about what she wore. It was Kayleigh herself. This chick stoked his fire by just being.
Of the seven mongers stationed outside in the parking lot, Dave was the first allowed into the brothel Saturday morning at ten o’clock. That itself was an honor; a thank you for his two decades worth of loyal patronage to Colt’s business. Surely the Vivienne Springs, West Virginia resident never dreamed at the outset of the week that he’d be in Flagstone today and primed to party with his all-time favorite courtesan, Kayleigh Sucks.
Jim took Dave through the security protocol and advised him that social time in the bar would be limited to ten minutes, a far cry from the past, but understandable with the world’s current situation. Apparently, the plan was to stagger guests in individually every five minutes to help keep everyone spread out. Dave wanted to maximize what little free time he had with Lindsay. How could he nudge this spellbinding blonde with the unblemished, sweet-cheeks face and strands of silky hair tumbling in front of those deep blue eyes off his lap and out of reach after she so willingly straddled him seconds ago and offered a mask-to-mask kiss, social distancing be damned?
“Oh. My. God. Look at you.” Dave hadn’t been this revved up in ages. “You are a whole lot of sexy and a whole lot of sin.” He needed to hold Lindsay, touch her, start her day off on a positive note. It also warmed Dave’s heart that after thirteen long, frustrating months, he would be the lucky bastard who’d receive the first crack at her.
Yeah, he had this morning. He had right now. And maybe Dave could sneak in an additional hour or two with Lindsay sometime tomorrow before returning home on Monday to his wife and woodworking job. But she had already warned him that her schedule was tight. Regardless, Dave was going to make the most of it. Saying goodbye would suck, as it always did. He wanted to cherish every moment with Lindsay. And hope that she would too.
His cock was already swelling with anticipation, but he’d become annoyed by the thin material of his chino shorts. Lightweight was ideal when he was jogging or mowing the grass in the middle of the summer. It wasn’t so great when he was trying to take his time and soak up every second of being with Lindsay. Oh, how he longed to be with this girl again. Dave could feel every fiber of her core against him, and it made him want to rip her clothes off and fuck her right here in the parlor. Jim could either watch or get the hell out of their way; Dave wouldn’t care.
He tried to withdraw his mouth to talk again, to say something that would soothe this rising crescendo. But Lindsay wouldn’t let him go. She pressed closer, trapping him with her thighs, tightening her hold on his face. He loved that. Dave loved that she wanted this and was losing herself in the moment. But there was no way he would let her rush through this. They were going to take their time.
Dave slid his hand to the back of Lindsay’s head and laced his fingers around her ponytail, pulling gently. She moaned and kissed him again, so he tugged a little harder. Even through the mask, her kiss was featherlight and sweet.
“Kayleigh,” he said in a firm tone as her head tipped further back. “Slow down, babe.”
She tried to shake her head, but with his hand in her hair, she couldn’t. “No, Dave, I want this. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since you called Tuesday and made your appointment. It’s been too long since you’ve held me in your arms. I love our relationship and what we have. I love, love, love it. I love all the gifts you’ve sent me and the five hundred bucks you donated during COVID. That was so thoughtful and so helpful. You’re a very special, very generous man.”
Fuck! There was nothing Dave wouldn’t give this woman. Being able to break free of his hectic workload and make it to Nevada on such short notice had been a freaking miracle. Lindsay was begging for something Dave could give her. Something he wanted to give her. There were so many things he couldn’t give her, though, not with their provider/client relationship. But if she wanted something and he had it within his power to make it happen, Dave would do whatever he could. And if what she wanted was to be kissed from head to toe and a blistering, cry-his-name orgasm, he was absolutely the right guy for the job.
“I’m not stopping,” he said. “Just want to savor you before the timer starts.”
She inclined her head, sweeping long tresses of hair away from her face. “Why are you so damned handsome?” Lindsay latched slender arms around his neck and arched, distracting him with her lush curves. “I want you.”
“I want you, too, sweet girl.”
“No, I want your dick inside me, Dave.” She traced the outline of his collarbone through his button-down shirt with the tip of one finger. “I really want …”
Catching her ass in both hands, Dave stood up and flipped Lindsay over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. The your dick inside me had Dave titanium hard, and he promptly asked Jim which bedroom down the eastern hall was hers. “Pamela’s old room? Really?” he confirmed. “The one at the end?” So much for dragging the moment out, huh? He ached to sink himself balls deep inside Lindsay, and that particular room held some good memories. Now he could add to them. Dave’s reactions were primal, and he had to work to not just beat his chest like a caveman and strip her bare.
“Tell me your price for a two-hour GFE.” Carrying Lindsay off to the bedroom was improper conduct, especially in a by-the-book brothel like this, but Jim let it slide. Colt would object, no doubt, but was busy helping two turnouts obtain their work permits from the sheriff’s station. Jim had always been far more lenient when it came to rules. “I don’t care how much it is. Name your price.”
“Eighteen hundred.”
“I want you to make me come hard.” After he deposited Lindsay on the bed, she ripped off her mask. “I want you to suck my nipples like you have in the past. I want your big fingers stroking my clit until I come, and then I want to ride your dick right here on this bed until I come again.”
Dave’s heartbeat shot through the roof, and his blood pulsed with a fever pitch as all he could think was fuck, yes. Man, he freaking loved dirty-girl Lindsay. She’d always been hyper and vocal, but now she was a woman with more experience and knew what she wanted.
And was willing to tell him.
Such a far cry from their initial hookup all the way back on July 16, 2019. At the time, Lindsay informed Dave that he would be her first monger back after she’d taken a yearlong break from Happy Ending Ranch. She was sweet and polite, not the instigator on display today. They had an awesome, mind-blowing party, and followed it up later that evening in an overnight threesome with Pamela that broke the Richter scale and surpassed all his expectations.
Whatever happened to Pamela? Dave had hoped to recreate that same magic from two years ago and enjoy Lindsay and Pamela in yet another threesome today. She was my unquestioned ATF until Kayleigh came along. Though he couldn’t find her on the website, Pamela still had to be here, right? She is always here. Several mongers, those in the know, told him in an e-mail that Pamela was secretly married to Colt. Jim was vague about her whereabouts when Dave spoke to him on the telephone.
“I’m sorry, bud, but she doesn’t work here anymore. Yeah, no, I’m sorry, but that’s all I can tell you.”
Lindsay was equally cryptic when he inquired earlier. “Pamela has moved on. She won’t be coming back.”
“Jimbo.” Lindsay’s tone brokered no negotiation as she eyeballed the intercom on the ceiling. “Dave has cash.” She sat up and stripped her top off, followed by her tank, and then her bra. “Come get it because we’re not going to the office. There’s no need since he’s not paying with credit. It’s eighteen hundred for two hours. We’re not leaving this fucking room until we both have what we want.”
“I swear I’ll give you whatever you want, sweetheart.”
“I want you, Dave. I want your big dick to split me open.”
He was grateful for the patchy sunlight beaming through the window. Seeing enough in a brothel proved an issue more times than not. Not that any darkness would keep him from doing what he wanted. Dave whisked his shirt off and tossed it atop a nearby chair. Then he lunged and cupped her breasts, thumbing the already stiff nipples, plucking and rolling and enjoying every moment as he dropped messy kisses between the silken valley of her cleavage.
Jim appeared and interrupted their coupling. Dave counted off eighteen Franklins. “I like you, dude, but go. Get the fuck out of here.”
Lindsay took control and ushered her client back to bed. She swung her knee over his pelvis and settled there, straddling him again. She hooked a bare foot around the inside of his knee, removed his mask, and took his face between her hands, and, for the first time since in what seemed like forever, their lips met, and soon it became a violent, intense coupling of tongues and teeth. This was the best moment ever. One long kiss and then another. A shorter one, then harsh and demanding again. Dave slowed their pace, trying to hang on to his control, his very sanity. He pulled his mouth away to check in, only to have Lindsay capture the back of his head and assail him with their deepest kiss yet.
Lindsay in control was a whole separate level of hot.
Jim confided in Dave that Lindsay insisted he be her first party after lockdown. That’s why his appointment was switched from two o’clock this afternoon to ten in the morning. She trusted him and felt comfortable in his presence. “I feel … safe with you,” she once told him. “Safe to … explore things.” The knowledge humbled Dave and turned him on even more. Because Lindsay was real and unfiltered and realized Dave respected her boundaries and that he would take care of her and not judge her and do whatever she wanted him to.
They had a trio of parties during another visit of his to the ranch, too, spread over two days in February 2020 when concerns about the Coronavirus were mounting. I’m glad I made it here in time. He noticed a progression in Lindsay’s temperament then, too, from a soft-spoken teen suckstress several months prior to a confidant, assertive young woman. She’s already a superstar in this business, yet still has so much time to evolve and get better.
Dave slid one hand lower, cupping Lindsay’s thigh and bringing her up against him more fully.
“I don’t need a lot of foreplay,” she said between kisses, squishing her breasts against his chest. God, he’d missed those overinflated bra busters too. “I’m so ready.”
“You wet for me, honey?” Dave didn’t know what type of perfume she had on, but dammit, he wanted to bottle it up and smell it every day for the rest of his life. “Is your pussy dripping, just waiting for me to thrust deep?”
She moaned and tipped her head back. “Yes. Holy crap, yes.”
Dave sprang upright and kissed her neck, only to trail southward, bending her spine and feasting on one nipple, then the other. Lindsay was wiggling on his lap, grinding against his dick, emitting the most amazing noises he’d ever heard within a matter of seconds. She cradled Dave’s skull, holding him close as he swirled his tongue over the tip and sucked hard, then added a scrape of his teeth before looking up at her.
“Lose the shorts and panties.”
She immediately shoved off and complied. Dave was slower, his eyes locked on the amazing beauty before him and not thinking about his own shorts until she tried to straddle him once more. He shucked his shorts and boxers off, kicking them into oblivion.
Lindsay froze, staring at his cock.
“Kayleigh?” he asked, partly amused, partly curious as to what was going through her mind.
“You’ve always had the biggest dick I’ve ever seen. But somehow, I don’t remember it being that big.”
He chuckled. “You okay?”
“Very,” she said, nodding, still staring at his girth and not being one bit bashful about it. “Fuck, you are one fine alpha male. I love big dicks like yours.”
“You’re gonna love it even more when it’s buried deep inside you.” He reached out, latched onto her wrist, and reeled her in until they were skin to skin.
Lindsay climbed up, full of zest, a knee on either side of his hips. She found his cock and clamped her fist around it.
Dave felt like she’d just squeezed all the oxygen from his lungs. He groaned from deep in his abdomen and gnawed his teeth. Her dainty little hand had always provided its own type of magic. He couldn’t wait to be in Lindsay’s mouth and pussy. Of course, sliding in and out of that succulent mouth would have to wait.
Dave moved his hand between Lindsay’s thighs as she stroked up and down his length, causing his eyes to cross. He was gauging how ready she truly was for him because he wasn’t sure how gentle he could be. Not after fifteen months of longing for this very moment. COVID nearly destroyed his favorite pastime. Dave would give Lindsay whatever she could take. And maybe just a push beyond.
He slid his fingers through her damp, narrow channel, and forged the middle one inward. She arched off the mattress, whimpering, clutching his shoulders as he cocooned his opposite arm around her, his hand playing down the line of her body.
Then she rose on her knees and lowered herself again, sliding up and down his middle finger. “Dave.” She nuzzled her face into his neck, nipping her teeth on the tendons and veins. “Oh my God, Dave.”
She fucked his finger while stroking his cock. What a multitasker! It was hot as hell, but Dave knew they could do better than this. He pulled Lindsay closer, but soon remembered something very important.
“Fuck. Condom,” he said, his fists clenched.
“I got you, baby.” Lindsay produced a condom from underneath her pillow and applied it in record time.
Dave slapped her ass hard with his dominant hand, causing Lindsay to cry out and dig her fingernails into his back. “Good God, Kayleigh. I’ll be honest. Fucking you again after all this time away, I may not last as long as I like – it may be short – but I promise to do my best. I love my wife, but she’s all I’ve had since I was last with you.”
“Do your best.” A seismic wave of unbridled need jolted her, fierce and sizzling. “Short but sweet and hard; I’m fine with that.”
“Hard, I can definitely do.” Dave maneuvered her down against his shaft as they swapped tongues. Then he peeled off and moved his lips to her ear. “Take me inside, Kay-Kay, and ride me like the dirty cowgirl you are.”
Lindsay blew out a breath and reached between them, again securing a hand around his thickness. She stroked once, twice, a third time, then went up to her knees. Lindsay’s gaze held Dave captive as she got into position and slid onto his cock.
Dave’s fingers burrowed into the meaty flesh of her ass after just an inch. He was suddenly breathing like he’d just run a mile, and he needed a second to, well, not thrust once and fill her, and go apeshit. Lindsay was heaven and hell at once, and his need for her was unbearable. He had never felt this way about any prostitute he’d played with.
Not even Pamela.
“Want you to take all of me,” Dave said, his voice so gruff he didn’t recognize it. “You okay?”
“So okay,” she said. “But you’re so big.”
“And you’re tighter than I remember.”
She grinned down at him. “Well, I don’t know about that, but you do have a habit of keeping me pretty loosened up whenever we’ve been together. It’s been a while.”
Desire shot through him with her raw honesty. Dave lowered Lindsay another inch. “I’m not joking or trying to talk you up. You feel brand fucking new, like a virgin.”
She took a shaky breath. “Yeah?”
“Holy shit, Kayleigh. Fuck yeah, you feel amazing. This is where my cock was made to be. I never want to leave.”
She half-moaned, half-laughed. “You feel the same way. You’re amazing, too, Dave. I can’t believe just how amazing. Easily one of the best lovers I’ve ever had.”
Oh, this was good for his ego.
“But I want more,” Lindsay said, wiggling in his hands. “Let me have all of you like you said. Because if you don’t, well, I’m just gonna have to take it from you.”
Jesus Christ, hearing Lindsay say stuff like that gave the forty-seven-year-old a shot of adrenaline and endorphins as he’d never experienced before. “Oh, you can have all of me. But I want all of you too.”
He allowed her to drop another inch, then Lindsay spread her knees and settled onto his pelvis, vacuuming him inside. They both moaned in unison, and she placed her forehead against his and simply breathed, adjusting. “Fuck. It’s so big. It’s big. Oh my God, it’s so big.”
Lindsay almost sent the lucky man into cardiac arrest when, a tick later, she rose up and lowered herself, at first slowly, then picking up speed. “Oh, right there. Oh my God.” She bounced up and down in a greedy search for pleasure and caught her own nipple. “Oh, so good. I want that big dick. I want it so bad. Gimme that dick!”
Dave allowed Lindsay to take over, loving the wild sensations, of course, but also the sight of this blonde goddess riding him like his cock was the only thing she needed in life. Experimental rocking became languid hip rolls and then more enthusiastic bouncing.
It was a mental image Dave would never forget. And would likely jerk off to a million times.
He reached up and thumbed her nipples. Dave felt the resultant clench of her pussy, so he tugged, eliciting a harder response and a subsequent moan. “You like that?”
“I fucking love it.” Lindsay had a hand braced on his chest as she bounced, but, as he played with her nipples, she moved both hands behind her, anchoring them on his thighs. That not only torqued her back but also changed the angle of insertion, helping him hit a new sweet spot. “Oh!”
“Dammit, I should have kept you in the parlor and put you on the countertop.” Dave’s jaw was tight as he fought not to grip her ass and slam up deep inside. “I could have spread you out and fucked you good there.”
“You’re fucking me good right here.”
“You’re fucking me good right here.”
Her eyes widened. “I guess I am.” She rotated her hips again. “And it’s good?”
“So. Fucking. Good.” The measured cadence of the bed creaking and squealing echoed off the walls.
“Then we don’t need the bartop.” She slid a hand between her own legs just for the tactile pleasure of touching him – the inside of his thighs, and his heavy, hairy sack of balls as they compressed with each downward plunge of her swollen pussy lips. That felt good too. Breathtakingly good. “I love that big horse cock!”
“No, we definitely don’t need the bartop.”
“Besides, I don’t think Jim would’ve approved of that.”
“I need to take over soon, honey, because I want to fuck you so hard that you feel me for the rest of the day with all the clients you have waiting to see you. And feel me tomorrow, too, even when you’re on break and relaxing in a chair or on the sofa. Or sleeping.” He wound his fingers in her hair yet again, pulling her head all the way back as his hips thumped upward, hard and fast and wonderfully, aggressively deep. “God, you’re incredible.”
She succumbed against his stocky frame, molding her feminine charms to all the best parts of him. “I want that. I want to feel you today and into tomorrow. Fuck me any way you see fit. Please, Dave. Oh God, please. Fuck me like the dirty whore I am.”
With an invitation like that, Dave didn’t ask if she was sure. He didn’t hesitate for one damned millisecond. He seized her ass and stood. Lindsay instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked her to the far side of the room, kiss after kiss, step after step until her back was pressed flush against the pink drywall. He pushed between her thighs, seeking her slick folds, and, in a single hard thrust, embedded himself within them.
Indeed, there was little foreplay here; Lindsay didn’t require anything more than the feel of his possessive arm around her waist and yanking her back onto his invading cock. The spasm of her body gripped him, welcomed him deeper. Urged him to go harder, to throw caution to the wind, and forget about the world’s uneasiness. His hand fisted her side. Lindsay’s grunting cries as Dave battered the rippling swells of her pussy belied the fact that she had found a suitable rhythm, too, pumping back on him, over and over again, sending powerful vibrations all throughout his veins until he could feel them centering in his testicles.
And when Lindsay came, oh, how her Kegel muscles flexed and put a death grip on his cock. Stroke after stroke ensued until something broke, and the swells of ecstasy ripped through Dave as well. He shouted, slamming deep into Lindsay one final time, every inch of him taut and straining, and satisfied now every bit as she was. He wilted over her, their sweat pooling in her cleavage and across her abdomen – hers and his, intermingled.
They staggered back toward the bed and collapsed on it. With shaky arms, Dave rolled her off and onto her back, his chest heaving as he basked in the afterglow of orgasm.
Snuggling in close to his side, Lindsay lay her hand on his thundering heart and her head on his shoulder. “Thank you, Dave.”
“For what, sweet girl?”
“For being my first monger in so long … for helping me get back in the game. Shit, that was intense.” Her smile dimmed to fifty percent. “But once you leave, I know all future parties will be downhill from here. It doesn’t get any better than being with you.”
Smiling, his eyes closed, he pulled Lindsay in tighter. “I’ll always come back to see you, Kayleigh. We’ll have plenty more moments like this in the future. You are and always will be the perfect provider for me. That’s all you ever have to be; I won’t ask for or expect anything more.”
“Why don’t you come party with me again at seven o’clock in the morning?” Lindsay asked, grinning and biting her lower lip simultaneously.
Opening his eyes, Dave looked at her.
“I have appointments booked at ten, two, five, nine, and midnight tomorrow, but could squeeze you in early before we open. Mariko is having an overnight already – two of them, actually, back to back – so Colt will already be up and active, so it won’t be an inconvenience at all. I’d love to party again, baby, and have an idea that may make the experience all the more special for you. It’s only an extra hundred bucks to see a girl after hours like that.”
“Oh?” Rolling to face her, Dave caught Lindsay’s face in his hand and kissed her, slow and thorough. “What’s your idea, my love?” He could snuggle and make out with this chick for the rest of eternity. “How could anything be more special than what we just experienced?”
Lindsay propped herself up on an elbow. “I know that you’re disappointed that Pamela isn’t here anymore and was looking forward to another threesome with her and me. I’m so sorry that didn’t happen. But tell you what: we have two new turnouts in town, and one of them is named Piper. She’s eighteen and just got hired yesterday. I mean, she’s a brunette, slender, smoking hot, and sweet as molasses – and right up your alley. Her medicals aren’t expected back until tonight, so there’s a good chance Piper’s first party won’t happen until tomorrow.” Lindsay’s teeth shone pearly white. “I mean, I’d have to talk to her, but I’ll tell Piper how you would be the ideal monger to pop her brothel cherry.” Lindsay bit back another grin and ended in a low, husky tone, “And I’d love to help you … pop it too.”
“Oh, really?” Dave’s heart almost vacated its cavity at the thought. “Yeah, no doubt, that sounds like something I’d definitely be interested in … especially if you’re going to vouch for this girl like that.” He flicked both brows up. “Seven o’clock tomorrow morning, you say? I’ll be here.”
“Is she on the website yet?”
“I think so.”
“I’ll look her up later.”
As their tongues mingled and danced, Dave memorized the perfect curve of Lindsay’s ass, the feel of her breasts against his chest – also perfect – the smell of her skin, and the way she jacked his cock with her hand, trying to coax another erection out of him.
“Don’t forget that we still have an hour and fifteen minutes left in this party, baby. I’ve gotta suck your dick, and I know you’d love to try the sixty-nine position as it’s one of your favorites. And oh, fuck me doggy-style too.”
“You’re going to be the end of me.” Dave chuckled as he struggled to go upright and lean against the headboard. “But at least I’d go out a happy, satisfied man. Tell me something, honey.” He stroked her cheek as blue eyes gazed up at him, tender and sincere. “Pamela has been here forever. What happened to her?” Lines creased Lindsay’s forehead as Dave continued, “Is she okay? Pamela is one of those gals who I thought would never leave the business. She’s got, like, fifteen years in, right?” He titled his head. “I’ve been with Pamela countless times and just want to know that she’s okay. I care about her. She was always so good to me, just like you are. I don’t know; I feel … devastated … that I may never see her again.”
Trepidation skittered down her spine, but Lindsay shook it off and made a decision. If any monger deserved to know the truth, it was Dave Gregory.
“Pamela is fine, baby. She’s just fine.”
“Where is she? And why isn’t she here?” Lindsay feared Dave may start begging for any morsel of information, let alone a full answer. “Judging from that threesome we had, I could tell that you and Pamela were incredibly close. I haven’t seen two girls more into each other in all my years. Please tell me, Kayleigh. I know you know. Is Pamela okay? Is she safe? What happened to her?”
Lindsay’s laugh came soft, almost girlish. “She’s pregnant.”
(End of Chapter Thirty-Two – to be continued)