she stalks the cage of her shadow
a predator
waiting to pounce
but once was prey
on the fringes of reality
blurring the lines
she cannot remember
from whence she came
or to where she is headed
she feeds on the sins
and fevered nightmares
of childhood’s end
forgetting, sometimes
that her own blatant hopes
burned in the flames
she now consumes
and they taste sweet
like arsenic
on her tongue
as she devours them
blood dripping
from her fangs
and running down her moonlit skin
to puddle at her feet
before she straightens
eyes slitted
the beginnings of a growl in her voice
she licks her lips
three times
to catch the last drops
of her incubuses
softly now
the last drop
of a promise
that was made to be broken
trickles down her chin
landing softly
where it may
and she has no name
but her nightmares
that swirl around her
like so many forgotten dreams
unable to be remembered
unable to be forgotten
she sleeps
her eternity
on time’s endless face