I was now spending more and more time at Emily’s while we prepared for the upcoming Spring Break. Having never been to Mexico, I was growing ever more excited — especially as I’d be going with her.
Emily was clearly looking forward to the trip as well. The last couple of weeks had been filled with shopping trips. She had bought a multitude of swimsuits, short skirts, tiny shorts and all manner of clothing. I, on the other hand, would make do with just a couple of pairs of beach shorts and my existing wardrobe.
Lying naked in bed one morning, Emily gently running her fingers across my body, she said: “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
“Sure, what.”
“Well… you know I’m on rotation at the Sexual Health Clinic this week?”
“Yes, what about it?”
“I was thinking… maybe we… maybe both of us could take a test — not that I think you have anything — but then we could stop using condoms.”
“That sounds like a great Idea,” I immediately replied.
An hour or so later, following a quick breakfast to keep our blood sugar levels up, we were sat waiting to be tested. Sitting in the small, drab waiting room, I suddenly felt incredibly nervous. I had no symptoms but I also knew I hadn’t always been as careful as I should have been.
After a short wait, Emily was called, followed by me. A young nurse drew a vial of blood and I couldn’t help but dread the results. What if they came back positive for something? Not only would it be the end of my relationship with Emily, but perhaps it could be much worse than that.
One week later, we were back in the same dreary room waiting for our results and I was even more nervous than before. The minutes dragged on until I was eventually called into the consultation room. Today the nurse was much older — which terrified me. Surely the more experienced nurses were only used to deliver the bad news? It didn’t take any real knowledge to tell you were clear of everything, did it?
“Jon, I can call you Jon, can’t I?” she said.
“Yes… of course,” I stammered, beads of sweat forming on my forehead and dripping from my armpits — I couldn’t remember ever being more nervous than I was now.
“I just need to ask a few questions about your sex life. Are you with a long-term partner?”
“I am now,” I replied, “but it’s a fairly new thing.”
“So how many sexual partners have you had in the last year?”
“I’d say eight to ten.”
“And did you use protection?”
“Not always,” I confessed.
“And do you participate in oral sex? Vaginal sex? Anal sex? Homosexual sex?”
“Yes, except for anal and homosexual sex.”
Talking to me, the nurse advised that, not so surprisingly, I fell into the “high risk” category. She also offered lots of generic advice about safe sex, all the while my heart beat faster and faster. Where was she going with all this?
Finally, after about fifteen minutes of advice/lecturing, she said: “Jon, I have your results and I’m pleased to say you are totally clear.”
I wanted to kiss her, but instead, I sighed a huge sigh of relief and grabbed the piece of paper proving I was totally STD free — I could barely believe it myself.
Walking back into the waiting room I immediately saw Emily sitting there and held my results high above my head in only semi-mock celebration.
“You ready to go home now,” I smiled at Em as I showed her my clean bill of health. As expected, Emily was also totally clear — much to both our delight.
Back at her apartment, we shared a large bowl of strong weed, joking about how nervous we’d both been waiting for our results. Once very stoned, Emily turned to me and said: “So aren’t you going to fuck me?”
“I’ve been dying to — I just didn’t want to seem too eager.”
“Oh, don’t you know by now? You can never be too eager to fuck me,” she grinned, dragging me towards the bedroom.
Swiftly, we were both naked and falling into bed together. Emily’s determined fingers grabbing for my ever-swelling cock and smooth balls. As keen as I was to feel her for the first time without a condom, I wasn’t going to pass up the chance to go down on her — why deprive myself?
Kissing my way down her sexy body, I savoured every inch, hovering around her belly button before heading further down. It wasn’t long before that now-familiar aroma hit my nostrils and I inhaled deeply. Fuck, she smelled amazing.
Pulling her thighs apart, I slid between them easily, gazing at her beautifully trimmed pussy. Gently I pushed her legs slightly back as I kissed the soft, smooth flesh around her already wet entrance. Today was not the day for dilly-dallying though and instead of teasing her, I dove right in.
My lips met hers, devouring the juice already coating them as my tongue lapped her entire length. With each lick, Emily moaned her approval — and my fingers hadn’t even touched her yet. Gently I eased a finger deep into her hot, wet pussy, relishing the intense grip of those tight walls.
“Mmm, ohh yes,” she moaned.
Soon a second finger wriggled its way inside and Emily’s moans increased dramatically. Now I knew I needed to make her cum urgently. As my fingers dived into her deepest depths my mouth and tongue focused on her rapidly-appearing clitoris. The mere touch of my tongue on her burning cherry sent spasms rippling through her gorgeous body. Picking up the pace I work my fingers and mouth in unison, reaching deep inside those velvety smooth walls as I sucked and teased her bullet-hard clit.
“Please… yes! Don’t stop! Oh god… “ she cried as her fingers clasped the back of my head, driving my face just where she wanted it.
Within seconds I felt her fingers tense on my scalp, her body arch and her pussy bite at my invading fingers.
“Oh fuck, yes. Yes! Yes!”
With that, a flood of boiling cum gushed across my fingers, splashing my chin and neck in Emily’s glorious flavour. Slowly her body relaxed and her cunt released my hand. Looking up, Emily was smiling broadly and between gasped breaths, she asked: “So are you going to fuck me now?”
I didn’t need to be asked twice, I was dying to find out just how incredible sex with Emily without a condom was going to feel. Quickly, I climbed up from having my head between those toned, tanned thighs. Carefully aiming my raging cock against her dripping entrance I was nearly overwhelmed with excitement.
Gently, I pressed forward, easing my swollen head between her welcoming lips. The moment I entered her, my entire world changed for the better. Sex with Emily had always been amazing but now it was insane. The heat, the tightness and the grip of every single muscle were intense, at least ten times as strong as with the condom.
Slowly, I slid deeper as Emily dragged me inside, her heat rising all the time. Tentatively withdrawing, I simply couldn’t believe how amazing it felt.
“Oh my god, yes! Oh, fuck that feels good.” Emily moaned as my throbbing cock rocked in and out of her incredible cunt.
I tried to pick up the pace, but already my entire body was flinching and spasming as I could feel my orgasm all-to-quickly arriving. Every part of her seemed to be teasing me, torturing my dick into submission. Her incredibly strong walls were massaging, or maybe milking me like nothing before.
A few thrusts later and I knew I couldn’t hold on.
“Oh fuck Em, I’m going to…” and before I could finish my sentence I finished deep in Emily’s intense pussy. My whole body convulsed as my stomach tightened and my balls squeezed themselves as tight as ever. Suddenly, spurt after spurt of thick cum launch as far as possible sucked deep inside her by our passion.
Completely spent, I collapse on top of Emily panting like an animal. Gradually, I regained my breath and looked up to those glorious eyes I loved so dearly.
“Fuck that felt incredible!” I said, “sorry I couldn’t last any longer. You just felt so amazing, I couldn’t last.”
Chuckling, Emily replied: “We’ll have to work on that stamina. But wow, it felt unbelievable. I could feel every ridge, lump, bump and vein on your dick — so, so much better than with a condom. And when you came… holy fuck, it was intense, like a fast, hot liquid bullet.”
Delighted that she had enjoyed it as much as me, I lay there holding her tightly as we both recovered.
“You know, that was the first time I’ve ever had unprotected sex,” she said nonchalantly.
“Really? You’ve never forgotten to use protection — what about with Rob?”
“I’ve always been very careful. Pill and condom every time. Rob often wanted to try it, but I would never let him.”
I couldn’t quite believe what I was hearing. She’d dated Rob throughout high school but had never let him cum inside her without a condom. Yet for me, just a couple of months into our relationship it was her leading the way. No more condoms for us!
A couple of weeks later I was sat on the plane heading to Cancun. I wished I was with Emily, but instead my mind raced. What was the next week going to have in store for us? How crazy was it going to be? Would we have an awkward meeting with her ex, Rob? So many thoughts tore through my mind.
Finally, just after 10 pm, I arrived and took a cab straight to the hotel. Waiting for me was the whole gang — Patrick and Susan were there, Brooke and her latest conquest Trent and of course, my Emily.
Throwing her arms around me, Emily hugged me tightly. “I’m so glad you made it,” she almost sang down my ear.
Each couple had their own room, all on the same floor of the three-storey hotel/motel. Each floor wrapped around a large courtyard with a massive pool. Even at this late hour the pool was packed with a writhing mass of college-aged flesh dancing, drinking, playing and messing about.
Quickly, I dumped my suitcase in our room, before Emily produced a large bag of weed she’d already managed to procure. We all had a smoke before heading out for our first night in Mexico.
We strolled along the beachfront, passing hundreds of bars teeming with college kids. Almost every step of the way taco carts, churro sellers and sketchy drug dealers accosted us. It was almost surreal but also incredibly fun.
Finally, we settled on one not-so-crowded bar. Quickly, we ordered a bucket of beers and got down to getting drunk. Beer after beer slipped down easily — probably because they were being diluted out of sight.
Before long, the almost legendary tequila girl came around. Dressed in skimpy shorts and a tight shirt, she wore something resembling two gunslingers’ holsters, one on each hip. Instead of guns, however, each held a bottle of tequila with a pourer. For $10 she’d tip tequila into your mouth until you couldn’t drink any more.
Within moments the group had turned on me, urging, no demanding that I give this I go. Bravely, or perhaps foolishly I finally conceded. Sat in my chair, the girl tilted my head back, I opened my mouth and she began to pour — all the time blowing an incredibly loud whistle. I drank gulp, after gulp, after gulp of disgusting, cheap tequila until finally I spluttered and cough some out. I have no idea how much I drank — but the rest of the night was a complete blur.
I awoke the following afternoon naked, but thankfully in my room. Despite my raging hangover, I quickly realised that Emily — or at least I hoped it was Emily — was taking a shower. Quickly smoking a bowl of weed to aid my recovery, I was delighted when Em strolled out of the bathroom a few minutes later.
“Good morning, sleepy. You had some night didn’t you?”
“Really? I don’t remember.”
She went on the explain that there was lots of drunken singing, dancing, plenty of vomiting and of course, a very late night skinny dip in the ocean — none of which I remembered.
“Anyway, let’s get going. We’ve got to meet everyone else before the competition.”
“Fuck, what competition?”
“Jeez, you really don’t remember anything, do you? Last night you signed me, Brooke, yourself and Patrick up for the swimsuit contest today.”
Slowly, my mind began to clear. I did remember something about that. There was a big competition down at the beach for both guys and girls. The winner not only got the reward of winning, but also a $250 bar tab and a VIP table at the best club in town later in the week. Last night it had seemed like a brilliant idea, today not so much.
Still, I clambered out of bed, grabbed a quick shower and pulled on a pair of swim shorts. Despite being young and having a good physique, in the cold light of day, I realised there was no way on earth either I or Patrick could win. We were just going to make fools of ourselves.
Sitting at our dressing table, Emily was carefully styling her hair and when she stood up it hit me that she might well actually have a shot. Wearing a tiny bright orange bikini, her toned legs looked longer than ever and her abs seemed to ripple all by themselves. As I looked at her, I realised that the bikini bottoms were so small she must have shaved off what remained of her pubes. Otherwise, they’d be sticking out the top — it really was tiny. The top, barely covered her nipples and areolae, let alone offering any support to her amazing tits. But, she might just bring us home a prize I thought.
“So how do I look?” she grinned coyly.
“Fucking hot! Absolutely stunning.”
Emily wrapped herself in a sarong before we stepped out of the room and quickly gathered the gang. Heading to the beach, Emily was already turning heads but we had no idea what lay before us.
Arriving at the beach, we were greeted by an enormous stage, with a booming sound system and a crowd of several thousand Spring Breakers. Everyone was already drunk and partying, just waiting to ogle some sexy bodies on the stage. Trent and Susan went to join the crowd, while the rest of us headed backstage to face our fates.
The guys were on the left of the stage and the girls on the right, with an American MC compering the event. I didn’t count but there were at least one hundred entrants on each side. Looking around at the guys, I realised I stood no chance — some of these guys were ripped. But it was too late to back out now.
Marching out on the stage was one of the most intimidating things I have ever done. The crowd cheered and jeered to each competitor. The MC quickly ushered you to one side or the other based on the crowd’s response. Once all the guys that had been jeered were one side, they were chanted off stage. It was all such a blur, but I quickly realised that, surprisingly, I had survived round one but poor Patrick had not.
Then it was the girls’ turn. Instead of the flexing and showing off of muscles, the girls danced and posed sexily as the drunk crowd yelled. Once again, half the girls were soon jeered off stage. But both Emily and Brooke survived.
In round two I was unceremoniously booed off stage along with another twenty or so guys. Secretly, I was happy it was all over and soon met Patrick backstage.
“Let’s get out of here, see if we can find the others and cheer the girls on,” I suggested.
“Fucking good idea, mate,” Patrick replied.
Fighting our way through the crowd, we soon realised we’d never find the others until this party died down a bit. But soon it was the girls turn once again. To our delight, both girls made it through once more.
In the next round, Brooke left, leaving just the top ten girls. But first, it was the guys’ turn. Soon the girls were back and once more, Emily was cheered through to the next and penultimate round.
Finally, we were down to the last two guys, both enormously ripped and tall. It was only then that I noticed one was wearing a somewhat-faded University of Texas baseball cap. It couldn’t be, could it? Surely this wasn’t Rob? I didn’t know but was delighted when he lost to an even bigger guy from Florida. Even if he wasn’t Rob, the last thing I wanted was the chance that it was.
Now it was the girls’ turn and Emily returned to the stage alongside a gorgeous brunette. As they danced, the crowd cheered almost unanimously and I couldn’t help be feel immensely proud that it was my girlfriend up there.
They posed, they gyrated, they bent over provocatively — a great view with just a tiny orange string nestling between Em’s firm ass cheeks. But as she turned back around something happened that turned the crowd completely. Whether it was deliberate or not I did not know, but as she spun around, first one and then the other of Emily’s amazing tits burst free from her tiny bikini.
The crowd erupted in cheers and it was all over. The other girl was jeered off stage. The MC introduced Emily and handed her a tacky plastic crown but also the prized VIP voucher. Emily beamed the widest smile I had ever seen, she was clearly proud of herself and rightly so. Patrick and I raced backstage to greet her, finding Brooke, Susan and Trent on the way.
Jumping into my arms she squealed: “Holy shit, I fucking won! I won! I can’t fucking believe it, I won!”
“I’m so proud of you, gorgeous. You looked amazing up there.”
“I think my tits helped a bit though don’t you?” she smiled with a wicked look in her eye.
“Oh, you sneaky little bitch,” I laughed.
“You know it! But did you see who nearly fucking won the guys competition? Fucking Rob!”
I’d known it, it was goddamn Rob all along. Thank heaven he hadn’t won. But still, he was clearly here, probably with a bunch of friends and undoubtedly he would have noticed Emily up on stage.
“We’ll just try and stay away from him and his teammates. The last thing we want is any trouble spoiling our Spring Break, right?” I said.
“Right! Let’s head back to the hotel so I can get changed. Maybe we can… celebrate my victory somehow?” she grinned.
Making our excuses from the rest of the gang, we sauntered arm in arm back to the hotel, all the while revelling in Emily’s amazing victory. We were so engaged in conversation that we failed to notice the two guys following us. It wasn’t until we were climbing the stairs of our hotel that we heard them.
“Isn’t that the skank that just showed everyone her tits?” they laughed.
We ignored them and kept walking.
“She’s Rob’s slut of an ex. Such a piece of trash.”
With that, I spun round to confront these pricks. Much to my surprise, they were enormous and both wearing UT tee shirts — clearly teammates of Rob’s.
“Just leave it, please, let’s just go,” Emily implored, so I did and carried on towards our room.
“Hey, did that whore ever tell you all the things she did with Rob and the rest of the team? She’s such a dirty cunt!”
I couldn’t take it any longer and spun around, marching right up to the biggest one. Towering over me, he must have been six-foot-four or so and 250lbs of muscle. I was much shorter, but at that age, still in great shape. I was an international skier and rugby player, so knew I could pretty much hold my own.
“Why don’t you shut the fuck up and apologise to the lady?” I asked.
Laughing, he replied: “She’s no lady — she’s a fucking slut!”
“Please let’s just go!” Emily practically begged.
“It’s OK, Em. I’ve got this,” I reassured her before turning back to the brute in front of me.
“I’ve asked you nicely to apologise and I won’t ask again. Now apologise to the lady and leave.”
“What are you going to do about it, little man?” he mocked, moving closer still.
My first punch landed straight in his solar plexus, sucking all the air from his lungs. Before he had a chance to do anything, the second strike landed and we all heard his ribs crack. As his knees buckled and he headed to the floor my swiftly rising fist collided square on his nose. As it exploded in a fine red mist, he collapsed unconscious, in a rapidly growing pool of blood.
His friend immediately stepped towards me.
“I suggest you take him home, leave the lady and me alone and don’t come back,” I said firmly.
He hesitated for a moment and then began tending to his friend. Emily and I quickly turned tail and hurried back to our room — my heart pounding in like never before. As soon as I shut our room door behind us Emily leapt into my arms. Wrapping her legs tightly around my waist she began kissing me passionately.
“That was so fucking hot! I’ve never had someone stand up for me like that,” she cried. “How the fuck did you do that?”
I just smiled and kissed her back. With her legs still around my waist, Emily said: “Do you know how fucking horny that’s made me?”
“No, but I’d like to.”
“That power, your confidence, the way you slapped him around makes me so wet.”
“Oh, I like the sound of that! I do love it when you’re wet.”
“But… do you remember a few weeks ago I told you about… about my… my fantasy?”
“Yes,” I replied hesitantly.
“I want you to treat me like that guy out there. I want you to hit me, slap me, choke me, call me names, anything you have to do to fuck me.”
“What? Wait a minute, you want me to hurt you?”
“Well, not really hurt me. But smack me around, dominate me, totally make me yours. And I want you to really get into your role. Really pin me down and force me to do what I’m told. I want to feel that power I just saw outside.”
“Are you sure? What if I really hurt you?”
“I’ll be fine. If it gets too much I’ll scream ‘butterfly’ and you stop. “Oh, and I might fight back, just a bit — it’s the power struggle that makes me so hot.
Despite my reservations, I could see just how turned on Emily was by the prospect of this fantasy and so agreed. Although I had no idea how it would play out. Giving her one final tender kiss, we began.
Throwing Emily onto the bed I thought this was going to be easy, that I would soon pin her down and have sex with her as normal. How wrong I was. The moment she hit the bed, she wriggled and writhed to escape my clutches.
Every time I got close, I was pushed away, or she evaded my grasp. Finally, I managed to pin both legs to the bed. Taking the opportunity, I jumped on top of her, keeping her legs under control with my weight.
With her legs pinned, I was able to rip off that tiny bikini bottom but was still a long way away from having sex with her. Scrunching up the bikini I stuffed it in Emily’s mouth, so she couldn’t talk back.
“Listen, bitch!” I yelled, hardly believing the words escaping my mouth, “you’re going to do everything I tell you to, aren’t you.”
But Emily just shook her head. Almost without thinking I did something I never thought I’d do and slapped her hard. My palm crashed into her cheek, rocking her head to the side.
Just as I thought I was gaining some semblance of control a searing pain flooded my testicles and stomach. I’d let Emily’s leg free and she’d kneed me as hard as she could in the balls in revenge for my slap.
It was fucking agony. Instinctively, my hand wait straight to her throat squeezing tight.
“Don’t fucking do that again! Do you understand?”
Em’s eyes burned with a fierce intensity as I felt her struggling, squirming underneath me trying to wriggle free. Slowly, I squeezed harder and harder, staring deep into these incredible eyes. Gradually, their brightness began to subside and almost glaze over. Emily’s struggling weakened and I suddenly realised that I was actually choking my girlfriend to the point where she was about to pass out. Instantly I let go.
Quickly, I ripped her bikini top off, figuring I could use that to tie her up somehow. Grabbing her right arm I twisted it firmly, causing her to roll over onto her side. Now, I had an idea. Rolling her totally over onto her stomach I wrenched her other arm from beneath her and swiftly tied her wrists together with her bikini top.
Grabbing both her arms, I pushed them upwards, threatening to pop her shoulders from her sockets. Her face dove into the bed and for the first time she began to submit.
“Now on your knees, bitch! I’m going to fuck you so hard!” I ordered. For once she listened and dutifully climbed onto her knees, her head still buried in the mattress. Making the most of the moment of peace, I leapt up and ripped off my shorts, ready to finally fuck her.
As I pushed her arms firmly up her back. Even though her gag, I could hear the yelp of pain. Despite the great view of her ass and pussy, Emily had her legs firmly clamped together and there was no way I was going to succeed in fucking her. She really was being bratty.
“Now you’re going to do what I say, or I’m going to hurt you. Open your fucking legs!”
Nothing, she didn’t move an inch and I knew if I pushed her arms any further then I would actually hurt her. We were at an impasse, but now I was determined to have my way with my very resilient girlfriend.
Finally, it hit me. I knew what to do. Holding her tied-together arms in one hand I coated my left thumb in saliva and placed it on Emily’s virgin asshole.
“Open your fucking legs or this is going in your ass.”
Once again there was no response. She seemed to be enjoying being punished for not listening.
She left me with no choice. Seconds later my thumb was buried in that sweet, tender anus for the very first time. The incredibly tight ring bit hard against my imposing digit, but fuck it was so warm and soft in there.
“Unless you want my cock in there next, you’ll open your fucking legs!” I ordered. Knowing how unwilling she was to try anal sex, I guessed she’d finally submit.
At long last, her knees parted, revealing her beautiful cunt and her inner thighs, glistening in pussy juice. She had clearly enjoyed the struggle. Grabbing my cock, I pressed it hard against her puffed lips, before sliding all the way in with one quick thrust. A small squeal could be heard from Em’s gagged mouth.
Now I had her and I wasn’t going to hold back. With my thumb still buried in her ass, I pounded into Emily’s hot went opening as hard and fast as I could. The tight muscles of her pussy clamped hard onto my dick, while her anus tried to expel its unwanted guest.
As my hips slapped against Emily’s ass I could feel the tell-tale signs that she was close to cumming. Her breathing had changed, her hips tried to rock away and convulsions began in that sweet cunt. Still, I kept driving in, pummelling her face into the bed as I slammed into her.
“Take it, take my fat cock and love it,” I cried, suddenly really getting into my role.
Moments later it hit, her entire body spasmed and convulsed and her pussy tried to snap my naked cock in half. But I kept on, never relenting for one second. I knew that in the position she was in, I was bound to be smashing into her G-spot and that Em never lasted long with that. Sure enough, I felt it, the hot, sensual flood of cum as it coursed through her.
“Mmmm, oooh, mmmm fuck, oh so good!” I heard her scream, although it was mostly muffled by the gag and bed.
Faster and faster I went, crashing into that soft, spongy prize, relishing the burning heat of her ravaged pussy. Suddenly it rose in me, my balls contracted, and my pulse raced, then I let loose, launching what felt like gallons of cum deep inside Emily.
“Fuck, ohh fuck yes!” I yelled as my balls drained themselves of every last drop of cum they possessed.
As soon as my orgasm subsided, I yanked my dick from Emily, pulled my thumb out of her ass and swiftly untied her hands, eager to check she was alright.
Collapsing beside her I said: “Butterfly.”
Slowly she rolled onto her side and removed the bikini bottoms from her mouth. Grabbing both my cheeks in her hands she kissed me deeper and more passionately than I had ever known.
“Thank you! Thank you! That was… that was fucking incredible!” she said as she collapsed into my arms.
“Wow, you really did put up a fight, my balls are still damn sore.”
“I told you I might, I fucking loved the struggle,” she smiled before suddenly tears welled in her eyes.
“Wait, what’s wrong? I thought you liked it,” I stammered.
Between gentle sobs, she said: “I’ve just wanted this for so, so long. But I never dared tell anyone. I never dreamed it would ever happen. I never thought I’d trust someone enough to actually live out my fantasy. Now today you’ve given me that. I can’t thank you enough.”
“Don’t be silly, I’d do anything for you, Em, anything. You know that right? You don’t need to thank me, I enjoyed it. Well, most of it.” I smiled.
As her tears dried up and she snuggled even closer to me, she looked at me with those vibrant green eyes I loved so much and said: “Did you enjoy that special present I gave you?”
“What present?”
“My ass, you idiot. I’ve never let anyone put anything in my ass before. But I know how much you wanted to.”
“So you did that on purpose?”
Emily smiled and winked at me: “Of course I did, and it felt surprisingly nice actually.”
Having said that, she rolled over and we spooned tightly, my soft cock nestling serenely between her firm ass cheeks.
As I lay there holding her close to me, I kissed the damp nape of her neck and had never felt closer to anyone in my life. I had spent months searching high and low for this girl. When I finally found her, she was with someone else and unobtainable. I was amazed at how much could change in seven months — but equally delighted.
Lost in the moment and without thinking, I whispered: “God, I love you.”
In an instant Emily rolled over, staring deeply at me, her glowing eyes desperately scouring mine. Their burning intensity seared into my soul and I suddenly panicked. How could I have been so fucking stupid? It was way too soon to tell someone that you loved them. I must have sounded like a psycho, some obsessed idiot — surely I had blown what I had worked so damn hard for.
As my heart drummed in my chest I lay there waiting for her to speak. Was she going to laugh at me, or was it going to be much, much worse than that? Had I just ruined everything?
“What did you just say?”
Stammering, I replied: “God, I… I… love you.”
Again time stood still, those incandescent emeralds stared intently at. What was she thinking? Was she making sure I was serious or was she worried at how crazy I had just sounded? Whatever happened next I had to take it like an adult, no begging, no pleading — just accept whatever she said to me, however much that terrified me.
“Do you mean that? Really mean that?” she demanded.
Had she just thrown me a lifeline? Thoughts raced through my mind. Was there a way out of this horrible dilemma? Should I lie and say I hadn’t meant it or grab the bull by the horns and tell her the truth. The truth that might well condemn me. The truth that could cost me Emily, not just now, but forever.
As my mind churned I knew I had to say something. Finally, I decided, and I suddenly knew how it felt to be on death row. Taking a long deep breath to calm myself I began to speak clearly and calmly. She deserved to know how I felt — regardless of the cost.
“Of course I do Em. I’m… I’m totally irreparably in love with you. I think I have been since the very first day I saw you. I’ve wanted to be with you for so very long and now I never want to let you go.
Once again silence hung heavy in the air like a late summer’s thunderstorm brewing. I scoured her face searching, frantically scouring for a response. Was this to be the last time I gazed into those deep green pools of light. Slowly her expression began to change. Was that derision? Sympathy? I couldn’t tell — how I wished I could.
Then suddenly, for the second time in ten minutes, Emily burst into tears before kissing me passionately. My heart soared, I felt like cheering, this could mean only one thing and I was dying to hear her say it. After what felt like forever her luxurious lips began to move.
“I love you too, so, so much,” she sobbed as I held her in my arms. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone… not even Rob.”
Fireworks went off in my heart. I’d never been so joyously happy about anything in my life before or since. I had walked the knife edge between adorable and insane and made it to the other side. I had committed fully like climbing a rock face without ropes — one tiny mistake would have cost everything. But here we were. We loved each other!
Nervously, Emily asked: “Don’t you want to know what that guy was talking about? About back in high school?”
“Honestly, I couldn’t care less what you did in the past. Or what Rob and those idiots think about you. If you want to tell me someday then that’s up to you. But I won’t give it a second thought.”
She kissed me tenderly on the hand and whispered: “I love you so much.”
Lying there I couldn’t have been happier. The girl of my dreams had just told me she loved me and I knew in my heart of hearts that I loved her absolutely. Holding her there, the world could have ended and I wouldn’t have cared — I had everything I could ever want.
We still had five days of our Mexican adventure to go and it had already been pretty eventful. I could only hope that we’d seen the last of the Texas boys and that Em and I could grow closer still over the rest of the week.