Christmas break with the family in Florida had gone all too quickly. Yet every day I dreamed of her, fantasised about her and worked on plans to see her again. I’d got so close but still, Emily eluded me — would she even remember me after being back home with her damned All American boyfriend?
Now I was flying back to Philadelphia long before the semester started for ski camp. I’d joined the ski team as soon as I’d arrived but this was going to be the first time we’d actually been on the snow.
We’d rented a massive cabin on the slopes at Sugarloaf and twenty of us were driving up for a week over New Year. As I owned a large Ford Explorer, I was responsible for driving myself and four other people the ten-hour drive north.
The plan was simple, I was meeting Amber, the co-captain of the team, at the airport this afternoon. We were spending the night in Philly, and then meeting the other three at the airport in the morning. But as my plane came into land I could see that it was already snowing.
As I cleared arrivals there was Amber as expected, hauling her massive kit bag and suitcase. A senior, with huge amounts of experience, she was by the far the best skier on the team, having been part of Team USA at the Lillehammer Winter Olympics two years previously.
“Good flight,” she asked cheerfully.
“Not bad at all,” I replied, “But it was a lot warmer in Orlando that it is here! Any idea of the forecast?”
“It’s meant to be a bad one — at least we should have good snow when we get there,”
We grabbed a cab and headed into town. The college was all locked up, but some friends had lent me the keys to their fraternity house right in the middle of campus, so we let ourselves in, as the snow continued to fall. Nice and warm inside, I showed Amber around and told her she was free to take any of the rooms for herself.
“I think I’ll stick with the couch,” she chuckled, “Never know what’s gone on in those beds!”
We settled down, turned on the TV and helped ourselves to some beers from the keg. It was still only early evening, but we knew there was a long, tiring day ahead of us tomorrow.
Amber had the typical physique of a top skier, she was around six feet tall, with broad shoulders, an incredibly strong core and thick, powerful thighs — perfect for driving her down the mountain. She wore her hair in a short blonde bob, with a shaved undercut. Her hair framed her rounded face nicely and the colour brought out the baby-blue in her intense eyes.
As she flipped to some soppy romantic comedy I went to sort out the gear for the drive. With five of us, that meant ten pairs of skis, five pairs of boots and all the clothing and helmets to go with it. Being in West Philly, I didn’t dare strap the skis to my truck overnight. So instead I arranged all the equipment by the back door and wondered how we were going to fit it all in.
Finishing up, I realised I didn’t have Amber’s kit yet. I walked towards the front room where I’d left her watching TV, calling out as I went: “Where did you drop your gear?”
Entering the room I saw and heard her gently sobbing. I’d never imagined anyone as strong and powerful as Amber actually crying.
“What happened? What’s wrong?” I asked, standing and looking at her slumped in the corner of one of the couches.
“It’s… it’s nothing,” she sniffed, trying to compose herself as tears rolled down her face.
Clearly, something was wrong but I had no idea what, and I doubted she was going to confide in a freshman. Regardless, I sat down next to her and asked again sincerely: “Really, what’s wrong?”
With that, the floodgates opened and she started bawling her eyes out, tears streaming down her cheeks. Between deep sobs, she said: “It’s Robyn… she dumped me… over Christmas!” as her cries grew louder. “And over… the fucking phone! She couldn’t… even do it… to my face.”
We all knew Robyn, everyone knew Robyn. She was the most gorgeous physical trainer at the gym we all used. A half-Asian girl, with an incredible body and long dark hair with purple tips. She and Amber had been dating since sophomore year.
“Oh fuck Amber, I’m so sorry,” I replied, wrapping my arms around her in consolation.
She lay there crying, as tears soaked through my shirt, for what seemed like an eternity. Her entire body shook with each sob, as her whole world was collapsing around her. I felt genuine sorrow and sympathy for her, Amber was way too nice for someone to do that to her.
I held her until she stopped crying, slowly she looked up with her red, puffy eyes. “I’m sorry, she said, “It’s not your problem, I shouldn’t be burdening you with this.”
I assured it was fine, I was happy to be her sounding board. I’d always liked Amber, she welcomed everyone to the team and was never too busy to help someone — a true team player.
She excused herself and went to the bathroom to wipe her face and compose herself. On her return, I suggested getting some food.
“Fancy ordering a pizza?” I asked with a smile.
“That sounds like a great idea,” she replied, “Pepperoni OK with you?”
I agreed and offered to order. I remembered from a previous event that Amber loved Chunky Monkey ice cream, so I made sure to ask for a pint of that with the pizza. We sat together in almost silence until the food arrived.
I collected the food, then returned to the front room. “Dinner’s here,” I exclaimed dropping the pizza on the table. Suddenly Amber spotted the ice cream.
“Did you get that for me?” she asked, totally surprised. I just nodded and smiled. “That’s so kind of you,” she replied, a smile breaking across her face for the first time in a while.
We spent the evening eating pizza, watching crappy movies and drinking beer until my pot dealer arrived just after 9pm. I’d made sure to order an ounce of very kind bud to take to camp with us.
“Fancy a quick smoke, before we go to bed?” I asked.
“I’d fucking love to,” Amber replied, very quickly.
Grabbing a small glass bong, we packed a bowl and smoked until we were very pleasantly stoned. As we chilled out Amber lay her head on my lap while we watched TV. Almost automatically I started stroking her hair as she lay there peacefully, curling up tighter still.
Over the hours we smoked more, drank a couple more beers and chatted casually, never mentioning Robyn again. Both of us were eager to get to the mountain, her to focus on something other than her heartbreak, and me keen to prove myself to the team and to see if a freshman could make the squad.
As midnight approached I rolled a couple of joints for the drive and made sure we were set to go. Checking outside, I saw that it was snowing heavier than ever and already there was more than a foot on the ground. Eventually, I announced I had to get to bed. I grabbed some blankets and pillows for Amber and checked she was alright.
“Thanks for being so great,” she said, “You’ve been really sweet.” As I tucked her in I intuitively gave her a kiss on the top of her head, without even thinking.
“Good night,” I said as I went upstairs to bed.
By the morning there was more than four feet of snow on the ground, but Amber and I cleared the way, loaded my truck and headed to the airport to pick up the others. Ben, Jesse and Susannah all arrived basically on time and by 10am we were driving north to Sugarloaf and luckily the interstate had been ploughed.
The drive was long but uneventful, we smoked the joints, listened to music and talked — never once mentioning Robyn as Amber sat in the passenger seat. Due to the snow, we eventually arrived just after midnight and were surprised to find we were the first people there.
As we were first, we got to pick our rooms. Amber, naturally, chose the master bedroom, the others quickly grabbed single rooms, but I knew that as the newbie I was never going to be allowed a single. Instead, I picked a room with bunk beds and made myself at home.
Once settled, the five of us started the party, cracking open beers and smoking some weed. Slowly everyone arrived and we all enjoyed a great night really getting to know each other.
The next couple of days were spent adjusting our equipment, testing the slopes and generally getting ourselves ready for the trials that were coming. Each of us had to master the slalom and giant slalom, as that’s what we’d be competing in. Plus, of course, there was the ubiquitous party every evening.
Everything was going well until the third day.
As I was running a timed run on the GS course I crashed. While travelling about 45/50mph as I crossed a roll in the slope my ski tips crossed, throwing me high in the air. I flew about thirty feet before slamming into the ice, snapping a carbon fibre ski pole as I landed. Sliding down the slope, I knew I was hurt but couldn’t tell how badly.
After what seemed like an age, I ground to a halt. My goggles had been ripped off, my helmet cracked, my eyelashes were frozen shut and I hurt. Pulling off my glove, I carefully removed the snow from my eyes and surveyed the damage. Instantly I saw that my little and ring fingers on my right hand were dislocated; popping them back in place barely hurt — especially compared to my back. Soon my friends arrived on the scene, collecting my missing ski as they did.
Staggering to my feet, I knew my day was over, adrenaline coursed through my veins, but still, I could tell I had injured my back quite severely. Jesse and Ben skied me back to the cabin and left me there. I grabbed a beer, smoked a big bowl, then checked out the damage.
Stripping off, I saw that my ribs were heavily bruised, but clearly not broken — I could breathe way too easily. My lower back showed a small dark mark, and I could barely stand up straight. The fingers I had repositioned seemed to be fine, although they ached.
I spent the rest of the day lounging around, gulping painkillers and lying on the couch. As the light faded, everyone returned, eager to hear how I was doing.
“Not too bad,” was my general response, despite the pain. “I think I’ll be all right by the morning,” I added, not quite believing the words coming from my mouth.
By 2am the party wound down and we all headed to bed. I suffered a fitful sleep as my back got worse and the alcohol and weed wore off. Come morning, I was unable to sit up and couldn’t get out of bed. A stream of well-wishers visited me after I announced I simply wouldn’t be skiing that day.
Unanimously, and kindly, the team decided to move me to the second largest room, mainly because it had a double bed but also a TV — something to keep me entertained during the long day. They stocked me up with beer and weed and headed off for a day on the slopes, as I lay on my stomach unable to roll over. Each time I moved, shooting pains fired down my lower back and into my hamstrings. Gradually the alcohol and drugs built up and I dozed off.
I woke from my drug-induced slumber to a gentle knock on the door. Before I could answer I heard it opening and the familiar rustling sounds of someone in ski pants walking in. Carefully, Amber appeared in my field of view, kneeling near my head she asked: “How are you doing?”
“Not so bad,” I lied.
“Can I do anything for you?” she asked, appearing genuinely concerned.
“I don’t think so,” I replied, “I think I just need to rest, but if it doesn’t start getting better soon, then I should see a doctor. But I don’t think anything’s broken.”
Leaping to her feet, Amber stated: “You know what you need? A massage. I’ll be right back.”
With that, she disappeared, and the rustling slowly hushed as she walked away. Moments later she was back, but this time almost silently. Twisting my head I saw she’d removed her ski clothes and was wearing just her thermal top with bare legs, her muscular thighs and calfs clearly visible.
She eased the duvet back and helped me struggle free of my tee shirt. “Wow that looks pretty sore,” she said, as her hand brushed against my bruised ribs.
“That’s not the sore part,” I replied, “I think I’ve trapped a nerve, cracked a vertebra or something like that.”
“Let’s see what I can do about that,” she smiled, as she began drizzling oil down my back.
The cool of the oil was soon met by the warmth of Amber’s strong, powerful hands. Using her thumbs she worked the tight, strained muscles of my shoulders and upper back, nursing the knots of the fascia joints. Working down my spine she dug in deeply with her thumbs causing me to groan with a mix of pleasure and pain
“You’re back is certainly tight, is this helping at all?” she asked.
“Ooh, it feels great. I don’t know if it’s helping but it feels incredible,” I replied, as she kept going.
“Tell me where it hurts,” Amber urged as her hands worked towards the small of my back, “Is it here?”
“It’s sore there, but it really hurts further down,” I said, trying to point to where it really was sore, just below the elastic of my boxer shorts.
Without a word of objection Amber gently rolled my shorts down, exposing the top of my butt, but more importantly the sacroiliac joints that were the source of my discomfort. As her hands explored the area she said: “I can feel the swelling here,” digging her hands in as she spoke.
“Ahh! There, that’s it, right there,” I cried as she pushed and rubbed the inflamed joints,
Every few minutes my shorts rolled themselves back up, forcing Amber to pull them down again, and slowly she worked her way across the joints, approaching them from all angles.
Suddenly my shorts once again rolled back up over my ass. “These fucking shorts!” Amber exclaimed yanking them off completely, exposing my entire ass to her view. “That’s better,” she added as I lay there feeling dangerously exposed.
“How are your legs?” she asked.
“They’re fine, why?” I queried, but before she answered, Amber simply stood up and straddled my upper thighs just beneath my butt and poured more oil onto my lower back and ass.
“Now I can get to them,” she said working both joints strongly at the same time. The pressure felt amazing and I sensed that the work she was doing was paying off, the muscles seemed to be relaxing.
“God that feels so, so good,” I moaned as Amber kneaded my back.
Suddenly she placed both hands firmly on the left-hand joint and pressed down hard. A loud ‘crack’ broke the silence and a jolt of lightning-like pain shot down my leg. Then relief, pure unadulterated, absolute relief.
“I think that joint just popped back into place!” Amber exclaimed.
“Oh my god, that’s amazing!” I replied as the pain on the left-hand side of my body almost instantly subsided. “Can you do the other one?”
“I’ll try!” she sang back cheerfully.
Unfortunately, despite her best efforts, the right joint refused to snap back into place. “I’m sorry,” Amber said, with sincere sadness in her voice.
“Don’t be, you’ve already done more than I could have asked,” I replied.
Without saying another word I felt more oil being poured the length of my back and right down to my ass crack. Soon her strong, supple fingers were working it into my muscles, but without notice, she stopped and I felt Amber sit up straight on my thighs.
Moments later a new sensation covered my back, as I felt the warmth and softness of Amber’s entire weight lying flat on my back. It wasn’t until she moved and I felt her hard nipples rubbing into my flesh that I realised she was topless.
“Mmm,” she moaned as she rubbed her chest and stomach across my back. I could hardly believe what was happening, thoughts raced through my mind “Isn’t Amber gay?”, “Am I mistaken at what’s happening?”.
“Christ this feels nice,” she muttered as her bare breasts rubbed me hard. As I twisted, trying to make eye contact with her another loud ‘crack’ ripped through the air. Once again a stabbing pain tore through my lower back and hamstring before the pain subsided.
“You did it!” Amber cried, sitting up straight once again and rubbing the quickly recovering joints once more.
“Thank god,” I replied, “I might actually be able to walk again.” Just as I was about to try rolling over again I felt Amber’s hands massaging lower down, grabbing my ass cheeks.
“Mmm, wait, these feel pretty tense too,” she cooed wickedly. Her dextrous hands, pressed and squeezed, kneaded and worked at my firm butt, as her body slid further down my legs. Gently her hands reached between my thighs, urging them to open. As she rose up my legs parted and I felt the cool air hit my balls and cock.
Swiftly her fingers began teasing the oil between my cheeks and onto my balls, all of a sudden she must have looked at what she was doing. “Christ is that your cock,” she exclaimed. Clearly, my dick, which was pinned under me was sticking out from between my legs. Cautiously I felt her fingers dance across my hairy sac before gently touching the quickly-growing tip of my penis. Within moments I had to move; my cock was pressing so hard into the bed that with each brush of her now-delicate hands my dick hurt.
“I need to roll over,” I muttered, despite the pleasure I was receiving.
Amber rose from my thighs giving me room to turn over. I was greeted by the incredible sight of her pert boobs slick with massage oil and Amber kneeling over me wearing nothing but a small pair of black underwear.
“Well hello there,” she whistled as I flipped over. Looking at her face I suddenly realised it wasn’t me she was talking to, instead she was staring at my cock. Quickly she crouched down between my legs and took hold of my shaft. Her large hands wrapped around me with ease and covered with oil, they happily slid up and down my meaty shaft.
“Oh yes,” she moaned, as I groaned at her touch.
After a few moments, she lowered her head, brushing a lock of hair from her face so that I had the perfect view as she opened wide and took me in her mouth. Gay or not, this was clearly not the first cock she had sucked.
Despite my size, she comfortably fit more than half my dick between her lips. Soon she was bobbing up and down like a champion, one hand tugging at my balls while the other rubbed my cock. As I looked down, I saw her baby-blues staring straight at me.
“Fuck that’s good,” I moaned, “So fucking good!”
Encouraged by my words, Amber worked harder than ever sliding up and down as her mouth took more and more of my swollen manhood inside her. The warmth and caress of her tongue were driving me wild and I knew I was about to cum.
“Fuck! I’m going to cum in your mouth any second,” I panted, eager to warn her so she could pull back. Instead, she went deeper, practically smashing me into the back of her mouth.
“Oh fuck, fuck, YES!” I cried as I emptied into her mouth. My cock swelled and pumped load after load into her eager face, but never once did she break eye contact. With a final squeeze of my balls, she slid her lips off my dick, giving the cum-soaked tip a gentle kiss as she did.
Licking the last drops from her lips, Amber moved from between my legs and lay beside me, resting her head on my chest. “God I’ve missed a real cock,” she said, “So much better than silicone.”
Gasping for breath, I didn’t know what to say, so just kissed the top of her head softly.
“I haven’t missed the taste of cum one bit though,” she laughed.
As I recovered, I lay there stroking her hair as my dick slowly softened. I wondered what was going to happen, did she just need some sexual contact after Robyn? What did she want to happen now? What should I do?
Luckily she let me know, just before I spoke.
“How are you feeling? Do you think you’re up for some more?” Amber asked, without moving her head, her hand tenderly running across my stomach.
“I feel amazing now, thanks to you?” I replied, “What do you have in mind?”
“I haven’t been fucked with anything but a strap-on since freshman year, do you have any condoms?”
Since my encounter with Marissa, I always made sure to carry at least one condom, if not more. So I told Amber I did but warned her that I’d need a few minutes before I was ready.
“Take as long as you need, I’m happy right here,” she said without moving from my chest.
“You know…” I started, before stopping myself. Amber waited but I didn’t want to finish the sentence I had started.
“What?” she finally asked, still without moving.
“No, it’s silly. I’d feel so stupid,” I said, feeling my cheeks turn red with embarrassment.
“Feel silly about what? Tell me, please.”
“Ok,” I said, “But don’t laugh.”
“I promise, pinky promise,” she laughed.
“I… I… I love to eat pussy and I’d love…” before I finished my sentence Amber whipped her head around and looked me straight in the eye.
“Seriously, a guy who loves to eat pussy!?!” she shouted in surprise, “Hell yeah.” with that she kicked her legs in the air and tore off her panties. Within seconds she was staring down at me as she knelt above my face.
My view was exquisite, her strong smooth thighs were either side of my head, leading to a beautiful pussy. Clearly Amber was a natural blonde, as a mound of straw-coloured hair surrounded her large cunt.
I lay there savouring not only the view but also the fragrance lingering inches from my nose. Amber had a strong scent, slightly salty, almost metallic but wonderfully intense; a morning of vigorous skiing had no doubt added a fair amount of sweat to the mix.
Carefully she lowered herself, her baby-blues looking deep into my eyes. I placed my hands on the top of her thighs, pulling her toward my desperate mouth. Finally, my tongue pressed against her soft flesh, her lips welcoming my touch. She tasted as good as she smelled and soon my tongue worked its way further inside, probing her inner realm.
“Oh yeah,” she cried, “Lick that pussy.”
Not quite sure if she was mocking me or not, I was still loving the experience. The way Amber was positioned, her clit rubbed against my nose as I lapped at her wet opening, but I couldn’t reach it with my tongue. Soon her pussy warmed to my attention, her lips puffing slightly and opening wider. Amber sat down further, pressing her clit into my nose more and engulfing my mouth with her soft cunt.
“Mmm, yes, yes. Just like that,” she moaned, now sounding more serious. My tongue darted in and out, lapping her savoury juices into my mouth. Clearly what I was doing was working, as Amber started grinding harder into my face. Faster and faster she went, pressing her swollen cherry into my nose and drawing my tongue as deep as possible.
“Oh my god, yes! Yes! Yes!” she cried, reaching her hands behind her and grabbing at my chest, pushing harder against my face.
“Fuck, you’re going to make me cum,” she moaned louder than before. “I’m going to cum!” she screamed, almost in surprise, as her pussy nearly smothered me. Despite the lack of air, my tongue dug as deep as it could, sucking out as much of her delicious flavour as possible.
Suddenly her skiers’ thighs clamped onto my head, holding my tongue just where she wanted it as she rode my face. Screaming out loud, her pussy creamed all over me. A gush of juices flooded into my mouth and her body shook vigorously as her short nails dragged across my chest.
Gradually she loosened her grip on my head and rose from her seat, staring at my cum-drenched face.
“You really do love to eat pussy,” she panted, “And you’re not too bad at it either… for a guy.”
Then she collapsed next to me, her firm tits rapidly rising up and down as the fragrance of her cunt filled the room. As her breathing slowed, she stroked my semi-hard dick. Gradually it rose to the occasion, getting larger and larger thanks to Amber’s attention.
“Where did you say that condom was?” she asked as I neared full erection.
I directed her to the top pocket of my backpack and watched as she bent down to open it, her rock hard ass tilting to offer a peek at her wet cunt. Grabbing a strip of 12 condoms she turned to me smirking.
“Were you expecting to get lucky?”
“I… I always make… ” I stammered.
“That’s fine, it’s good to be prepared,” Amber chuckled, tearing one from off and strolling back to me, a sheen of cum spreading between her thighs with each step.
Reaching the bed, she gave me a few quick strokes to make sure I was ready and then tried to roll the latex sheath over my swollen head. Clearly, she hadn’t done this in a while, so I lent a helping hand. Finally dressed, Amber settled above me and slowly impaled herself on my rock-hard member. Taking her time, she slid down as her dripping cunt inched onto my thick shaft.
“Oh god, that feels good,” Amber whimpered, slipping more inside with each breath.
She finally came to rest with about two inches still to go. Rocking back and forth, Amber moaned with delight, savouring the sensation of being filled. With each movement, her pussy sucked a fraction more of my dick inside her.
Soon she had grown accustomed to the thick rod buried in her pussy and began riding it. Short strokes soon grew longer and longer until Amber was rising almost totally off my cock, before sliding down as far as possible. Suddenly I felt her swollen clit smash into my pelvis and realised I was fully inside her sweet hole.
Reaching up, I grabbed her shoulders, pulling her close to me, pushing my dick deeper still, as I kissed her deeply, my tongue diving as far into her mouth as my cock was in her cunt. Each small thrust of mine caused a flinch from Amber and I could almost feel her heart pounding in her chest, as her firm tits grazed my pecs. Despite the pain from my still-healing back, I was determined not to stop, so fought to keep time with her actions.
Now we were perfectly in rhythm, she rose as I withdrew and we met with a precise crescendo of motion, driving each other nearer and nearer to climax. The walls of her pussy gripped my cock with a tender tightness, holding just enough before sliding upwards with ease. As our bodies collided in unison the throbbing base of my dick and curly pubes slammed against her heated clit. The familiar slap of flesh hammered a perfect beat and I could hear her breathing intensify.
Faster and harder we went. Then faster still, out bodies now entwined as one. Desperately, I burrowed my face in her tits, a stream of sweat running between them. My eager hands quickly positioned a nipple between my lips as I sucked hard, my cock still plunging into her burning heat.
“Ugh, ugh, ugh. Mmm, that’s good,” Amber exhaled as my tongue ravished her tit. While she kept riding me, I reached one hand beneath her, ready to rub her clit as it arrived. With each meeting of our bodies, I stroked and teased her swollen nub.
Amber’s moans turned to pants; she pulled me from her breast and began devouring my face — her tongue plunging into my mouth, as my fingers tickled her and my dick tormented her.
Still eating my face, Amber’s muffled moans said: “Fuck, fuck, fuck that’s it. Right…”
Then she broke free of my mouth, sweat streaming down our bodies, and screamed like a tortured animal. Full body convulsions ripped through her, she sat bolt upright digging her nails hard into my chest and her cunt squeezed as if it’s life depended on it.
“Oh my god. Yes. Yes. YES!” she cried as another wave of her boiling juice flowed over my dick.
That was it. My body tensed, my balls pulled tight and my stomach contracted harder than ever. I had no choice but to sit upright, despite the pain from my back. I wrapped my arms around Amber, driving my head between her breasts again, as squirt after squirt, after squirt of semen fired relentlessly into the condom as I roared my passion.
Before I could collapse Amber embraced me tightly, pulling me harder than ever into her chest, and now I could actually hear her heart pounding. We fell together back onto the bed, our bodies heaving for air as the cool air chilled out sweat-drenched bodies, and she held me close.
After a few moments, our breathing slowed a bit and Amber lifted her head from alongside mine. Still sat firmly on my cock, she looked at me intensely. Her pretty blue eyes locked onto mine, she clasped either side of my face and kissed me deeply. This time she did not use her tongue, just a deep personal kiss.
Releasing me, she sat up and holding the condom tightly, she carefully climbed off my still stiff cock before lying down next to me, her head on my shoulder. Our panting turned to heavy breathing, and from there back to normal. All the time I held Amber closely as my dick gently collapsed.
I still didn’t know what had just happened, or what was going to happen next — but I was delighted all the same. Still, I didn’t dare speak for fear of ruining whatever this moment actually was.
Amber’s fingers began tracing their way across my stomach, fingering each muscle as they went. Then finally Amber spoke, quieter than ever: “That was amazing,” she whispered, kissing me tenderly.
“It was special,” I replied, pulling her in so I could kiss her head again. We lay there in blissful silence, each holding tightly to the other.
Suddenly we heard the instantly recognisable swish of skis outside the window and Amber practically leapt from the bed.
“Fuck, I have to go!” She cried, grabbing her top and running naked out of the room. I simply pulled the covers over my body and wished she’d closed the door behind her.
Quickly the noise level rose as everyone arrived back from the slopes. Minutes later Ben, Jesse and a few more appeared at my door.
“How’re you doing?” they asked as one.
“I’m doing much better,” I said, despite the sheets being pulled up to my neck. “I think I’ll be up and about soon — should be back on my skis tomorrow.”
Surprised and happy they left the room closing the door behind them. I quickly removed the cum-filled condom and then tried my luck and found I could now stand up. As I pulled on a fresh pair of underwear I spotted it, lying on the floor right next to the bed was Amber’s underwear.
Carefully I dressed and went out to the living room where everyone was already smoking and drinking.
“It walks!” cried the crowd. “You going to be skiing or flying tomorrow?” they joked as everyone welcomed me back to the land of the living, while Amber appeared from her room dressed in sweatpants.
We ate dinner, smoked a lot of weed and drank many beers before heading to bed just after 2am. Luckily nobody had asked for my new room back, so I climbed into bed, still damp from our sweaty fucking. Wearing just boxers, I dozed off in luxury, delighted that my back was mostly better. Sometime later I thought I heard a light knock at my door, but ignored it.
Gradually a small crack of light spread across the room, yet I lay motionless. Footsteps crossed the floor, getting closer and closer. A whispered voice called my name, and I lay still. Almost, but not quite silently I heard a muffled sound, then the covers to the bed lifted and Amber climbed in beside me.
Carefully I felt an arm across my waist and her warm, soft, naked flesh press into my back. Slowly her hand slid down until it rested on my cock. Unable to suppress my natural instincts my cock began to grow.
“I knew you were awake!” she hissed into my ear. “Feels like you’re ready for more,” she added, as my dick strained against my underwear. Instantly her hand reached for my flesh, teasing and stroking me until I was fully hard.
“Should I get another of your many condoms,” she asked, with a laughing tone. Without waiting for my answer she climbed out of bed heading for my backpack. Turning over, I saw that fantastic ass bending over once again — one that could literally crack walnuts.
This time Amber managed to apply to the condom with little effort — clearly a quick learner.
She leaned close and whispered: “We’re going to have to be quiet. You know that right?”
“I know and I’ll try my best,” I winked, as she kneeled over me. Quickly Amber licked her fingers and rubbed her pussy and then grabbed my twitching cock. Carefully she aimed my hard-on for her entrance and began bearing down on it.
In the dark, I couldn’t see her face clearly, but I did see her close her eyes and clench her teeth as my tip entered. Her pussy felt as hot as ever, almost burning hot, but she was nowhere near as wet as earlier.
Instead of gliding in, my dick now stuck to her tight walls, the condom pulling hard against me. For each inch she took, she had to pull out two. Up and down she went, up and down, grinding her hungry pussy against my raging cock.
“Um, yes, that’s good,” she muttered, “That’s good.” Still, she was less than halfway down, but with each slide, she got wetter. “Oh yes, yes,” she cried as I drove deeper into her begging chasm.
“Shhh,” I urged, “You wanted us to be quiet,” as I stabbed my dick further into her heat.
“Ugh, ugh, ugh,” she moaned as her pussy ate more of my cock. Soon she had sunk down until out pelvises rubbed against each other once again. Instead of letting her rise up, I held her shoulders down, my cock stretching up inside her towards her stomach. With each twitch of my dick, she shuddered.
“Oh god that’s it, that’s it!” she moaned. I pulled back and slammed back into her. “Oh fuck yes, YES!” she shouted and then laughed.
“You need to be quieter, if you don’t want people to hear,” I said, my dick still buried inside her.
Slowly she rose up and before sinking down again and saying: “Right now I don’t care.”
With that I started thrusting back, pushing deep inside her as she rode me hard. Freed from the restraint of silence, and with my back feeling much better, I fucked Amber hard. Each motion of hers was met by my cock slamming into her, her clit thundering into my pelvis in perfect harmony to her strokes.
Soon I knew I couldn’t hold back and her body told me she couldn’t either. With one final effort, I shoved deeper than ever.
“Fuck yes, yes, YES!” she screamed before realising how loud she was being. As I kept pounding away, I felt her body become rigid and I knew she was going to cum but didn’t relent. In and out I drove, striving to get ever deeper.
Without warning Amber dove forward and bit hard into my shoulder, nearly drawing blood. Despite her mouth being full, it was clear to hear her screaming with delirious passion. At that instant a wave of intensely hot cum surged over my cock, sending me over the edge.
Not being one for words, I simply grunted loudly with each pulse of cum that shot from my dick, causing Amber to clamp her hand over my mouth in a vain attempt to lessen the noise.
As my cock stopped pumping, Amber dropped down and kissed me sincerely on the lips, before rolling carefully off me. With her head rested on my chest once more, she cooed: “God that was fun.”
Barely able to catch my breath, I stammered: “You’re telling me!”
As my cock softened I removed the condom. Amber held me tight, every so often her fingers traced a path across my stomach and to my chest as she kissed my neck lovingly. Full of endorphins I needed to know more. Was this a one-day thing? Did she want more? Surely she didn’t want a freshman as a boyfriend? Would she be upset that I didn’t want a girlfriend?
Instead of having the chance to talk with Amber, she announced that she had to get back to her room. Getting out of bed, she pulled on her clothes, gave me a kiss and wished me good night. I pulled on my boxers and fell into a deep sleep, my head still filled with questions.
In the morning, I awoke to the sounds of laughter and everyone already having breakfast. Pulling on some jeans and a tee shirt I walked out to join them. As soon as I opened the door I was greeted by a cheer.
“Fuck yes, yes, YES!” they mocked.
Jesse added: “Sounds like someone had a good night! Who was in there with you newbie?”
As I searched for words everyone was scanning the girls in the room. I tried to avoid looking at Amber, but her quickly-reddening cheeks were hard to miss.
Suddenly Susannah spotted them too: “Amber you dirty bitch!”
A deep pause hung in the air as everyone processed this information, you could almost hear the gears grinding inside their heads.
“Hang on a second. I thought you were gay,” Susannah added, “And what about Robyn?”
Amber curtly replied: “No and no,” before heading to her room to get changed.
While I ate my breakfast the questions fired in from all sides, but I refused to answer any of them. It wasn’t my place to speak for Amber and I had no idea who she wanted to know what.
Later, after a full day of ski trials, Amber told anyone who cared to listen that she had split up with Robyn but didn’t go into any details. Together we agreed that I’d share her master bedroom for the rest of the week, meaning no more sneaking around.
That night, after another incredible fuck, Amber and I finally had the chance to talk.
“I don’t want to be unfair to you, but really, I don’t want a boyfriend or a girlfriend right now. I just needed this,” she said. The rest of ski camp was great, I solidified my place on the team, made some great friends and got to fuck Amber every night. It seemed that she was keen for me to perfect my oral technique, and I certainly didn’t object.
Yet every day as my return to campus drew closer I couldn’t help thinking about Emily. What was she doing? How had her Christmas been? And that look, that amazing look the last time I saw, her there was something — a fleeting moment for sure — but something. Had she lain awake at night thinking of me? Would I someday soon get to share my newly-perfected skills?