The Girl in the Cheap Beret

"My One-Night Stand at a New Years Eve Party"

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“I really like your beret,” I said, “It makes you look stylish and independent.”

She smiled. “Yeah, this is the first time I’ve worn it,” she said, “does it make me look lovely?”

“It accentuates what’s already there,” I replied, “You’re quite a lovely woman.”

She smiled and looked around. I could tell she was still sizing me up. “Is this your place?” she asked.

“I share it with two other guys,” I replied, “Where’s your place?”

“I’m crashing with my sister,” she replied, “She has a house in the city.”

We went on like this for about a half-hour. I got her another soda – she wasn’t drinking beer. I think she was pleased with how I focused on her and not the party.

Her friend came over, leading a guy by the hand. He was some friend of Ed’s.

“This place is packed,” her friend said, “Can’t even sit down.”

I saw my chance. “My neighbors upstairs said I could use their place,” I said, with a straight and earnest face, “They’re out for the night at a friend’s house.”

“Wow,” she said, “Did he leave you a key?”

“Nah,” I replied casually, “Stan left it unlocked. I’ve done the same for him.”  This was a whopper of a bald-faced lie (I didn’t even know the guy’s name, so I made up one). But I sensed things were moving in a positive direction, and since Jake and Ed were otherwise occupied I figured I could get away with it.

She and her friend looked at each other and exchanged looks and ‘whatya think’ and ‘I dunnos’ for a couple of minutes. The other guy was going to say something but I shook my head at him. They were definitely interested, and it was better to let them decide on their own and not appear like we were anxious or pressing them.

The two girls nodded to one another, and the one in the beret said, “OK, let’s go.”

Ed’s friend was about to clap his hands, and I again stared him down. You don’t want to appear as though you just bagged a 5-point buck. Keep things loose and easy.

“Great,” I said casually, “I’ll grab some beers. And another Sprite.”  At the last remark, I gestured to her, eliciting a pleased smile.

I quickly (but without showing obvious haste) grabbed three beers and a Sprite in one hand and led the way through our crowded apartment. I moved steadily but did not hurry, always making sure she was close at hand. Ed’s friend, who was becoming a better wingman, brought up the rear, effectively urging the two on without being pushy.

I led the way upstairs. As I suspected, once they were out of the noise and crowd, they became excited about our little escape. Again, the thing was to keep moving so as to not allow second thoughts.

I had no idea what to expect in the apartment. If it was decorated in bachelor caveman, then I was likely screwed. Whatever it was I had to appear like I had been there before, like I owned the place and belonged there. If I acted like I was exploring Tom Sawyer’s cave, then they’d likely get nervous and bug out.

I casually turned the doorknob and strode in. To my relief, it was nicely furnished – actually nicer than you’d expect from two single guys.

“Wow,” she said, “This is nice.”

“Yeah,” I remarked smoothly as I placed the beer and soda on the counter, “Stan and his roommate rented a set from Aaron Rents. I did the same two summers ago before my brother gave me his stuff.”

I was amazed I was able to come up with that story so fast. It really helped ‘sell’ the whole impression I was trying to create. Actually ‘Stan’ probably got this set from his parents.

I handed beers to the others and a sprite to her. A minute later her friend spoke up.

“Where’s the bathroom,” she asked in a voice that was obviously drunk.

Damn! I thought. I was supposed to know this place, but I had no idea where the bathroom was; the floorplan being totally different from my apartment.

“It’s the door behind the shelf.”  It was Ed’s friend, casually gesturing across the room. I hid my astonishment well.

“…As I was just about to say,” I said, without missing a beat. Her friend tottered off and didn’t come back, so he must have guessed right. I looked at Ed’s friend, and he winked. I guess I misjudged him.

I sat on the couch with the girl. Ed’s friend skipped over to her friend when she exited the bathroom. They talked for a minute or two, she giggled, then they walked hand-in-hand off to one of the bedrooms and closed the door.

I glanced wryly at her. “Guess we’ve seen the last of them for a while,” I said.

She shook her head. “She came here to get drunk and get laid,” she said, “I guess she scored on both.”

I was thinking Ed’s friend was the one who scored, but decided to get off the subject.

“So what did you come here to do?” I asked, trying not to look pushy or obvious.

She cocked her head at me and smiled. “Oh, to celebrate the New Year,” she said, “but I’m open for anything.”

She had a definite come-hither look, so I came-hither. I leaned over slightly and put my hand behind her head, just barely stroking her hair.

“Anything?” I asked.

“Uh-huh,” she said, the come-hither look changing to what-are-you-waiting-for.

We both leaned over and kissed, first just a lip-touching contact, then more contact, and then full-on lip lock. We both scooted over and wrapped our arms around each other as we began a full make-out session.

We kissed and embraced for a good ten minutes, interspacing kissing with running our lips over each other’s cheeks and neck. I was careful not to cause any hickeys – that’s so bush league. I also spent some time rubbing my cheek over hers – by the way her breathing changed she liked that, probably because I shaved before the party.

She pulled away and adjuster her beret. She kind of half-turned toward me and smiled.

“I guess you’d like to go further,” she said, grinning. Come-hither had changed to uncertainty.

Many guys would have blown it here. The obvious man-testosterone response would have been ‘you bet’ or ‘yeah, let’s go’ at which point she would have run like a scared rabbit. I could tell she was interested, but cautious; waiting to find out what she had here. I played it cool.

“I like being here with you,” I said, and I rubbed the back of my fingers softly across her cheek. She liked that, and took my hand and rubbed some more, then dropped it to the couch, still holding it.

“I would enjoy just welcoming the New Year with you,” I said quietly, “it’s almost midnight;  want to stand on the balcony and watch the River Parks fireworks?”

She shook her head. “No, it’s too chilly outside,” she said. She looked at me again, then got up and straddled me, with her legs on both sides of me.

All right, I thought, this is about as clear a signal as you’re going to get. But take it slow, don’t grab anything or try and take something off; let her make the first move.

I smiled and put both hands behind her back and rubbed up and down, being careful not to run my hands over her bra strap. She kind of rocked back and forth, then took my head in her hands and kissed me again, but this time putting her tongue in my mouth and moving it around. I noticed I hadn’t had an erection yet, but I sure started getting one now.

She put her mouth next to my right ear. “You have condoms?” she asked.

“Yes,” I said, “I hope you don’t mind. It’s just something guys do.” Still playing it cool.

She smiled. “I don’t mind at all,” she said. At that, she took off her beret and tossed it beside her, then proceeded to very rapidly take her blouse off. Again not pausing, she reached behind and unsnapped her bra. In a moment, it too was off.

I noticed for the first time that she was kind of chubby, with a slight belly, but her breasts were really nice, not large but round and firm with nice plump nipples. She had very white skin with an array of birthmarks and dots. All in all very nice and quite alluring.

Again, playing it cool, I didn’t rush for the breasts but put my hands on her back again, this time rubbing all the way to her shoulders and back. She kind of arched back, which accentuated her breasts.

“You’re lovely,” I said, “very lovely, very sweet, I could look at you all night.”

At that, she took both my hands and put them on her breasts. I gently cupped them, then ran my hands around them, feeling their fullness. I ran my fingers on either side of her nipples, then over and around them, finally stroking both nipples. She mmm’ed with appreciation. Finally I decided to make a move. I l leaned forward slowly and kissed between her breasts, then ran my lips over her left one. I paused over the nipple, then began darting around it with my tongue, then caressing it with my tongue.

I moved across and did the same to the other breast. She breathed heavy and mmm’ed, so I went ahead and took her entire nipple and breast in my mouth, first letting it glide in and out, then make suction while I dabbed at her nipple. She began moaning, and continued while I did the same to the other breast. All the while I ran my hands up and down her back, gently, trying hard not to cause rug burns but a slow caress.

After several minutes I pulled away and she looked down at me, then gave me a full-on total-tongue French kiss, which must have lasted a minute. Toward the end, I gently sucked her tongue while I moved my hands back to her breasts.

She sat up as obvious sounds of moaning began coming through the door from the bedroom where her friend and Ed’s had disappeared to. She looked at me and giggled. I decided any comment here would be ill-timed, so merely gave a wry smile.

She stood up quickly, so quickly, I thought she was offended or scared, but to my relief began undoing her pants.

“OK if I’m on top?” she asked, shucking out of her pants.

“Only if I’m on the bottom,” I said, in a rare show of well-timed cleverness. I undid my pants and pulled them down. As she already had hers off, she helped pull mine off. I was wearing a sweater, shirt, and undershirt, and with one move managed to get all three off at once, something I didn’t think I could do under normal circumstances.

I looked up just as she was dropping her panties. She had kind of wide hips, was definitely on the chubby side, but had a nicely-framed bush. With her legs spread as they were, I could see a hint of her feminine notch. My mouth ran dry with the sight of her.

I realized I had my briefs still on and started to take them off, but she beat me to it, taking them by the waistband and gently pulling them off, being careful to lift the waistband over my stiff member. Dropping my briefs on the floor, she dropped to her knees and took my member in one hand, and gently stroked it up and down. She took the other hand and caressed my sack, rubbing one finger between my balls in a move I had never experienced but which I found exquisite. She did this for a minute or two, and I was expecting she would go down on me next, but instead, she looked up at me.

“Condom?” she asked.

I nodded and leaned over to my pants and removed two envelopes from the front pocket and tore one off. Before I could open she quietly took it out of my hand.

“Let me,” she whispered and proceeded to tear open the envelope and pull the condom out.

I wasn’t too certain about a girl I had just met putting a condom on. Besides the obvious hazard to an organ I’m very fond of, I had heard stories about girls anxious to get pregnant and trap a guy pinching a hole in the reservoir tip, so some semen and sperm would enter their waiting womb. But she didn’t appear to be angling for a husband, so I let her go.

She quite skillfully pushed the reservoir out at the end, placed it over my knob, and slowly rolled it down the shaft while looking at me with her tongue between her lips. Once it was fully unrolled she again ran her fingers up and down my shaft, which was now aching for release.

She stood up and resumed her straddling position. As soon as she did, I asked, “can you put your beret back on?”

She laughed, reached over and picked it off the couch, then put it on and carefully arranged it on her head. No sooner had she done that than she reared up on her knees and reached down to grasp my erect member. Carefully, looking deep into my eyes while doing it, she inserted my manhood between her lips, then with a quiet gasp impaled herself on my straining penis.

Amazing is the only word I can use to describe the feeling. Even through the condom her vagina felt warm and soft, and seemed to caress my straining member. For about thirty seconds I was totally lost in the feeling, so much so that when I opened my eyes she was looking at me with a supercilious expression.

She had her hands on her hips and was slowly pumping up and down on me. I reached up and caressed her breasts again, then began stroking her nipples with both hands, all the while loving the feeling of us having intercourse. This was a way better New Year’s than I had expected.

After several minutes her breathing became tinged with moans and her intercourse became more rapid, so much so that I released her nipples and put my hands on either side of her ass, and began rubbing her skin in time with our intercourse. Finally, she leaned forward and put her hands on my shoulders, and pitched her head forward so violently that her beret flew off and landed behind me. With that, her ups and downs became very rapid, and she began loud moaning in time with our thrusts. Finally, she leaned her head back and began saying, “Ahh…Ahh…” loudly with her eyes closed, and it was apparent she was in the grips of orgasm. Then with a long “Ahhhh…” she stopped her motions and collapsed on to me, panting heavily.

This finale was ill-timed, for I was on the verge of cumming myself.

“Oh man, that was incredible,” she said, still panting “most guys would have popped way before I started cumming.”

She sat up and looked at me with concern. “But you haven’t shot your wad yet,” she whispered. With that, she got up off my still erect member and dropped to her knees on the floor in front of me. With a rapid motion, she ripped off my condom and went down on me, fully engulfing my member in her mouth and beginning a rapid head-bobbing blowjob.  

It didn’t take more than about a minute of this before I ejaculated, so quickly I didn’t even have time to warn her but suddenly shot a huge jet of semen into her mouth. She ‘mmm’ed’ a little at that, and looked up at me with her lips around my knob as I emptied my seminal vesicles into her mouth.

When I finished she withdrew her mouth with pursed lips, and spat my wad into her left hand, then used the heel of the hand to wipe off her chin.

“I figured I owed you that,” she said with a grin as she stood up and padded off to the bathroom. I sat and watched her lovely plump ass as she crossed the room. After a few seconds, I heard water running, and what sounded like her spitting water into the sink. Soon she emerged from the bathroom. I appreciated for the first time she was pleasingly plump and very curvy as she walked back in her full-frontal glory.

I had half-turned toward her so I didn’t look like a spent walrus. She smiled as she reached me, retrieved her panties, and began putting them on. I took this as a cue and pulled my briefs back on, followed by my pants.

Once she had bra and panties on, she grabbed her pants and blouse, held them to her, sat down, and put her head on my shoulder. I had heard of ‘cool down’ before, so I held still and looked down at her. Presently I stroked her hair a few times.

She sat up and looked around. “Where’s my beret?” she asked.

I remembered it had flown past my shoulder, so I turned and saw that it had landed between the couch cushion and the back. I retrieved it and handed it to her.

“It flew quite a ways when you started cumming,” I said with a chuckle. She just looked at me with a wry grin and began replacing it on her head.

“Is it valuable?” I asked.

She laughed. “Hell, no,” she said, “I bought it at a thrift store.”

“You seem attached to it,” I replied.

She smiled. “I like it because you like it,” she said.

I smiled and she replaced her head on my shoulder, this time with more circumspection since she wore her beret again. I glanced at the clock, which read 12:15 am.

“Happy New Year,” I said, and lifted her hand and kissed it.

She sat up smiling and kissed me, and a long, friendly kiss. Then she looked around.

“I didn’t hear the fireworks or anyone yelling, or car horns,” she said.

“We were busy making our own fireworks,” I said. She smiled, kissed me again, then sat up. She stood and started putting her pants on.

I busied myself putting on my t-shirt and shirt, first disentangling them from my sweater, which I left off; still being pretty overheated from my latest exertions. It was interesting that, although she had done all the work, I still felt like I had run a 10k race.

She sat back down and I put my arm across the couch behind her. She looked at me pensively and made no move to get close to me. I sensed the mood had changed, so instead of forcing continued intimacy, I paused and considered.

“Were you going to stay the night?” I asked.

“Stacy and I hadn’t decided,” she said, then looked at the closed bedroom door and continued, “I guess I could go ask her, but I don’t want to intrude.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” I said. She gave a small smile at that, and looked away. I clearly sensed her pulling away, but she didn’t feel she could leave yet.

“Let’s watch TV,” she said, “I bet the New Years from Times Square is still on.

I was sensing this was turning into a one-night stand. Where most guys would have welcomed this development, I felt disappointed. Besides being the greatest sexual experience I had had to that time, she was kind of interesting and very cute, and I wanted to spend more time with her. But there was no use forcing anything.

So I hid my chagrin and said, “sure” and retrieved the TV remote. For the sake of my charade of having been in this apartment it was lying in plain sight. I flipped it on and tuned in Dick Clark introducing a pop band, who started into their latest hit. She sat next to me, still about six inches away with one leg up on the couch and her hands clasped around it, in a very fetching feminine manner. I put my arm back on the couch cushions behind her and mentioned how I saw that same band in concert a few years ago, and she smiled and said, “really!” and said nothing more.

I wasn’t conscious of when it happened, but I presently dozed off. I awoke to the sound of TV static and silence otherwise. I started and sat up, and found I was alone on the couch.

I got up and walked around the apartment. The door to the bedroom was open, and I heard snoring. I peaked in and found Ed’s friend asleep on the bed, still naked but face down thank goodness, but alone. I left him there and checked the other bedrooms, which were empty.

I went out the door and downstairs to my place, and walked quietly through the door. The floor was covered with sleeping party-goers, some in sleeping bags, others under blankets. I picked my way carefully through the carpet of bodies to the kitchen, and retrieved a small penlight. Turning it on, I swept it quickly around the room, and saw that neither she nor her friend were among the snoozing throng. Ed’s door was open, and I swept the light in there and saw him in bed with two girls, neither of which was her. Returning to my bedroom, the only occupant was a snoring Jake along with another girl.

I sighed, went back outside and sat on the stairs. It was cool, so I pulled on my sweater. Just then, the upstairs door slammed, startling me, and I saw Ed’s friend coming unsteadily down the stairs, his clothes in a disheveled state. He leaned on the stair rail and looked around.

“Where are they?” he said, running his hand through his hair.

“Gone,” I said.

He shook his head. “How’d you do?” he asked.

“Got laid,” I replied.

He sniffled and wiped his nose on his sleeve. “Her friend was a real pain,” he said, “too drunk to go down on me.”

I looked away and he stumbled into my apartment. I heard some voices in protest, meaning he wasn’t as careful picking his way across the room as I had been. I looked up at the clear night sky full of brilliant stars.

It was just then I realized I had never found out her name.


Published 5 years ago

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