”Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to our marathon charity show for the victims of the dreadful earthquakes in Nepal.”
Paul Sumner, late night talk show host, newspaper columnist and stinking rich philanthropist, was hosting a huge televised charity event being beamed to millions of homes worldwide.
“Everyone has seen the shocking images and heard the heartbreaking reports, and tonight we,” — and he pointed directly at the camera — “that is you at home and those of us here in the studio, are going to help these poor, desperate people.” His million dollar smile and ingratiating expression were designed to make viewers part with their money. He certainly made full use of both.
Sumner explained what everyone could expect to see on the show and how they could help. At the bottom of the screen, a telephone number, website address, and Giro number were on constant display. He promised both entertaining and disturbing footage, plus live acts, music, and interviews. “And to help me in this gargantuan effort, I’ve compiled a list of names from the Who’s Who of celebrity land. Together, we’re gonna attempt to raise a record-breaking amount for the Nepalese earthquake victims.”
Behind him, viewers could see rows of desks. Every row comprised ten desks, each with a screen, keyboard, telephone headset, notepad and pencils, and bottles of water.
“And who knows,” exclaimed Sumner, rounding off the show’s introduction, “maybe you could be talking to someone famous.” Again the brilliant smile. “But that’s only possible if you call and pledge a donation.” He formed his hands in something akin to praying and looked solemnly into the camera before carrying on.
Although he’d inferred callers would be pledging cash to the celebrities manning the phones, the truth was somewhat different. On a nondescript industrial estate in Hammersmith, a call center would be answering the calls and the thirty desks in the studio, linked via glass fiber cable to Hammersmith, would handle a select number. The call center had over two hundred and fifty employees on standby and the possibility of actually talking to a celebrity was remote. That’s showbiz.
Beneath desk ten, positioned on the first row and furthest from the cameras, Sean Davidson was at work, hunched over bundles of cables. At the moment these resembled a ball of wool after a bunch of kittens had played with them and unfortunately for Sean, it was his responsibility to solve the problem. He was trying to get the internet, telephone and microphone connections for desk ten to work properly. Last minute checks had discovered a glitch and the technical director had demanded it be sorted.
It was turning into a job easier said than done. On screen, everything looked crisp and modern but, out of sight, with very little room in which to operate, Sean was sweating profusely over the plethora of cabling and connections. Through his earpiece, Sean heard a stream of expletives as the technical director urged him to hurry. The young man took a deep breath and for the umpteenth time began rechecking his work. His earpiece burst into sound again. “Sean, for fuck’s sake, the program has started… you’re running out of time.” Even though the director was in his office two floors above, Sean could almost hear him without the need of an earpiece.
The message, although informative, wasn’t helpful, and the young technician cursed his luck. Whatever he tried, nothing seemed to work and, even though he was concentrating intensely, he was also aware of the studio audience applauding in the background as Paul Sumner began introducing the celebrities.
“Come on, my son,” urged the technical director. “You’ve got sixty seconds, Sean, otherwise you’ll have to stay there for the rest of the show. All three fucking hours!” This statement was as useless and unwelcome as the earlier mutterings, but the young engineer, knowing his boss was also under pressure, kept his mouth shut.
Paul Sumner, oblivious of the technical drama going on behind him, was doing what he did best. At home in front of the studio audience, he was busy introducing the long list of celebrities who had ‘given up their precious spare time’.
One of those guests was Jayne Laurens, a stunningly beautiful twenty-five-year-old actress. A former pixie-faced child star, she had developed into a teenage supermodel before quitting the catwalk to resume a career in acting. With a handful of blockbusters under her belt and, more importantly, critical acclaim, she could be called a megastar. Whether that was true or not, Jayne had to wait in the wings for the stage manager’s cue. Only then could she grace the stage with her presence.
Seeing her standing so poised and collected, like a graceful swan, no-one would have guessed that she was nervous. Yet, her calm exterior was an act, masking a serious attack of stage fright. Inhaling deeply, Jayne commanded her body to behave and she glanced around to see if anybody had noticed. She smiled shyly, wondering what the other guests would say if they knew the truth. Not that they would ever know: that’s why she was one of the world’s richest actress, not them.
This event was personally significant for Jayne, and she was determined nothing would spoil her evening. She was making a live appearance on English television, something that had rarely happened since her rise to mega-stardom. She looked at the throng of celebrities standing nearby and gulped at the magnitude of some of them.
There were a couple of politicians, including a cabinet minister, albeit a minor one, and a sprinkling of TV, radio, and sports stars. An aging English actor and his famous model wife, who like Jayne, lived and worked in America, were also in line. Here and there, pop stars, ranging from has-beens to teenage gods, waited for their cue. ‘Not a bad turn out,’ she thought generously. Truthfully, she suspected many were there on advice from their agents. Just like me.
Despite being a world star, she could still walk down the streets of England without being chased by the paparazzi. That was different in America where men pretty much worshiped the ground she walked upon. In the States she was regarded as a serious, talented actress — and totally hot by Hollywood — helped by the fact that Jayne didn’t object to appearing topless or even naked in almost every film she starred in.
Although it’s common knowledge that most actors and actresses do what the director tells them — after all, they’re the boss on set — it was no coincidence that many of Jayne’s characters suffered wardrobe malfunctions. And the box office loved her for it. Cinemagoers flocked to watch her perform some of the raunchiest love scenes seen on the big screen for years. And, if the rumors were true, they were done without so much as blinking an eyelid. Being used to the coyness and difficulties of high profile actresses when it came to showing skin, Jayne’s willingness to take off her clothes — ‘if the part demanded’ — was a breath of fresh air for Hollywood’s moviemakers.
Her attitude paid dividends, and not simply financial. American moviegoers voted for her in countless magazine polls and she won such titles as “Sexiest woman in Hollywood” and “Most popular actress of the year”, honors which she accepted with enthusiasm and good grace. However, the Oscar she’d won two years earlier, meant most to her. It proved to her antagonists, and she had quite a few, that it wasn’t just the public who loved her. Hard-nosed critics, cynical of Hollywood’s thirst for blockbusters, unconditionally praised Jayne’s performances. Even if a film was critically slated, she usually earned a positive review for her role.
Her dedication to the ‘art,’ was exciting and promising, they wrote. It was true that she had an eye for details and an iron will when it came to quality. If asked to do something that might damage her career, the request received a polite but adamant refusal. However, if a director wasn’t satisfied with her performance, she’d do the scene again and again, without complaint, until perfection was reached. Time after time, Jayne proved to Hollywood, and the world beyond, that it was possible to be successful without being a diva. Consequently, her reputation and bankability kept growing.
For Jayne, it wasn’t complicated. She wanted to be the best actress in the world and nothing would stand in her way. Thankfully, her ‘can do’ attitude and genuine, friendly openness had not only charmed Hollywood but had made her a firm favorite.
And tonight, she was back in England. The former model had chosen her outfit with even more care than usual. At first glance, it seemed nothing out of the ordinary. It was a wraparound dress, a style created in the fifties and improved over the decades, and Jayne’s was the latest incarnation of a timeless design.
The charcoal gray silk fabric was so smooth and shiny it seemed almost translucent, and some believed they could see what she wore beneath it. They were mistaken, but the dress highlighted every curve of her stunning body when she moved. Enticingly simple, the design concealed enough to be decent while suggesting that a lot more would be revealed if something went awry.
The bodice was figure hugging and, helped by an off-the-shoulder neckline which plunged delightfully, it perfectly presented her tanned bosom. Braless, her jutting breasts moved in a natural, sensual manner when she walked and Jayne knew that, if she leaned too far forward, she could cause a sensation which would have nothing to do with raising record-breaking amounts of money. But, being a little mischievous didn’t hurt anyone, did it?
The skirt of the dress also hugged her like a second skin and a black studded leather belt, tied casually around her midriff, hung decoratively towards her left thigh. The hemline, just above her knees, wouldn’t raise eyebrows, but Jayne had arranged the wrap to expose glorious expanses of tanned thigh when she moved. It was so risqué that, after catching their breath, people wondered, “Was she or wasn’t she…” The young actress pretended not to notice the people who gawked at her disapprovingly. She preferred to concentrate on the many approving glances.
Someone who had neither seen nor cared about Jayne’s attire right now, was Sean Davidson. He might have thought differently if he’d been watching from behind the camera but he was still stuck beneath the desk, and no matter what he tried, nothing seemed to work. The technical director wasn’t helping either. Sean’s earpiece was filled with a tirade of earthy expletives, insulting remarks, and disappointing confirmations. Sean had lost count of the times he’d been told there was still no connection and his usual laid back attitude was being tested. He knew some celebrities were already at their desks so whatever happened now, he was there for the duration.
Due to the massive media attention this fundraiser had generated, every aspect of the show was being broadcast and filmed. Each desk had a webcam, enabling viewers to continually watch their favorite star. Every feed could be seen on television via red buttons, or on the fundraiser’s website for computers, tablets, and smartphones. It was the digital age, and because everything had to be perfect, the sight of a technician suddenly appearing from beneath a desk, was definitely a “no, no”. Sean sighed as he continued to struggle with the connections to number ten desk.
“Well fucking done, you. You…” The technical director’s cry of triumph was so loud that Sean felt like he’d been thumped in the head by Arnold Schwarzenegger. “You’ve done it. I’ve got a signal. You’re a fucking genius, my son.”
The roar of triumph died down and Sean heard his boss muttering while he did a complete system check. Lying uncomfortably in the cramped space, Sean held his breath, waiting for the all-clear. Although his discomfort was somewhat reduced by lying on his back, it was still cramped and the tests seemed to be taking much longer than he expected.
In front of camera one, Paul Sumner introduced the next guest and, on cue from the stage manager, Jayne entered the studio to a rapturous reception. As she walked confidently and proudly towards the veteran, distinguished host, her dress living up to all its promise. From the audience, ever-increasing wolf whistles accompanied the applause.
Television’s elder statesman watched her as avidly as the rest of the men in the studio while she approached him, and his hundred-watt smile wasn’t purely professional. Jayne guessed he was mentally undressing her and, as she got nearer, his famous blues sparkled with something more than congeniality. She had the good grace to blush when she stood next to Sumner, smiling and saying ‘thank you’ to him and the enthusiastic audience. Paul placed his arm around her shoulder and pulled the reluctant actress closer before beginning a short interview. As they talked, viewers watched him beaming down at her but they missed the hand sliding over her butt and then back up to her waist.
In the control room, the show’s director sniggered when he saw the hand move. Knowing what Paul was like around attractive women, his smile broadened. Then he briefly wondered how the young actress would handle herself while the supposed gentleman continued to cop a quick feel. He pondered if he should be worried. That took two nanoseconds before he concluded it wasn’t his problem… yet.
He turned back to the job in hand and, with the image of Jayne already fading from his memory, he threw a fleeting glance at another screen and instructed the stage manager to prepare the next celebrity’s entrance.
“And there she is, ladies and gentlemen, the lovely and delightful,” he paused for effect, “Miss Jayne Laurens.” Another round of applause filled the studio as Paul turned to face the camera and read the autocue. “And our next guest tonight, ladies and gentlemen, is one of rock and roll’s greatest… “
Walking towards her appointed desk, the young lady tried to contain her temper. She’d felt the hand brush her ass a second time, as the host finished the interview, and that confirmed the first time hadn’t been an accident. Although unprepared for Paul’s unwanted attention, she’d managed to conceal her shock. After a perfunctory kiss on the cheek, Jayne smiled and waved at the camera before turning away. Ever the professional, she’d maintained her gleaming smile, but she was fuming. Anyone who knew her intimately could tell from her body language that she was definitely irked.
Finally, the technical director had finished his tests. “Everything seems in working order, Sean. If you can, get the fuck out of there.”
The technician sat up, but as he tried to emerge from his awkward position, the desk chair moved, casters gliding silently on the studio floor. Oh no! Sean’s guts churned as a pair of red high-heeled shoes and tanned legs filled his field of vision. His escape route was cut off. He was doomed.
“Fucking dirty prick,” Jayne seethed, moving in front of the chair. “I hope you enjoyed it while you fucking could,” she continued, mumbling darkly and parking her offended bum on the comfortable seat cushion. “Probably can’t get it up without a truckload of Viagra, the old fart.” She gripped the desk’s work top and pulled herself violently forward.
That’s when the sharp point of her heels made contact with Sean Davidson’s chest.
Sean caught his breath and suppressed a painful groan as Jayne, realizing someone was beneath the desk, was about to exclaim her indignance. Her gorgeously made-up lips opened to object — but she remembered where she was and clamped her jaw shut.
“Who are you?” she hissed, without looking under the desk. “And what the bloody hell are you doing down there?”
Her blood still boiling from Paul’s unwanted attention, Jayne looked angrily towards the floor but, before she could say another word, she sensed someone watching her. Raising her head, she received a curious glance from the old politician sitting at desk nine.
“Did you say something, my dear?” he asked courteously, raising a finger to his ear. “I’m deaf in this one, and I didn’t hear you properly.”
She apologized politely and blamed her outburst on nerves. She didn’t think she should bother her neighbor with news that someone was under her desk. For all she knew, there was someone beneath every desk, and she didn’t want to appear ignorant. The genteel old man, still not sure what the attractive young lady had said, nodded, smiled wanly, and returned his attention to his own desk.
Sean, meanwhile, had gathered his wits. In a low voice, little above a whisper, he explained that he was a technician sorting out a problem. Jayne, striving to contain her irritation, asked how long he intended to stay there.
Luckily, Sean couldn’t see the dismay on her face when he told her that he was trapped for the duration of the broadcast. “Sorry, darling,” he apologized while squeezing himself against the front wall of the desk, to allow her more leg room.
Accepting his explanation, the young actress shrugged her shoulders and again rolled forward on the chair, albeit more gingerly this time. She had a job to do and was not going to allow anything insignificant to spoil her evening. Sean, pressing his back against the partition, watched the lovely tanned legs approaching and held his breath whilst trying to ignore the aggravated muttering from above.
As the dress opened to reveal a pair of well-toned thighs, Sean stared in amazement at the bare flesh.
Nice pins.
The marathon passed into the second hour. For Jayne, time flew by as she chatted to the fortunate viewers who’d been patched through to pledge their donations. She was enjoying herself so much, she’d almost forgotten about the man lying beneath her desk. Relaxed, she’d kicked off her shoes. Occasionally, she crossed and re-crossed her legs and, when her feet brushed against Sean, she remembered that he was occupying the cramped amount of space.
Every time it happened, she apologized, but it didn’t stop her doing it again and again. After every incident, she felt sorry for the guy trapped there and when she occasionally heard him excuse her, she wondered what the stranger looked like. She’d been introduced to the all broadcasting staff during rehearsals but barely remembered anybody, let alone the technical minions.
Sean had no illusions about who was sitting above him. It was part of his job to know the seating plan and, while this wasn’t how he’d expected to spend the evening, there were compensations. He’d seen her movies and, in that strange abstract way that people idolize film stars, Sean fancied Jayne Laurens. She was good looking, intelligent and known to have a filthy sense of humor.
After seeing her latest film, he’d joked in the pub about wanting to “fuck the ass off that.” It was an opinion widely shared by his mates, although they knew something like that happened only in movies. But Sean wasn’t in a movie now. Trapped as he was, he was not complaining. If he had to be confined anywhere for three hours, staring at Miss Laurens’s shapely thighs wasn’t exactly a punishment.
“Oops, breath in old son,” he murmured as Jayne crossed her legs again. This time, the foot didn’t just brush against him, it stayed in contact with his chest for what seemed like a fraction too long. Briefly, he wondered if it was accidental or by design. Either way, he couldn’t do much about it.
Whenever Jayne crossed or uncrossed her legs — and she did quite often, whichever way you look at it — Sean got to see something that should have been reserved for someone personal in her life. As he contemplated this, her feet exchanged places again. And again he felt a longer physical contact. It dawned on him that one of the world’s richest actress was a prick teaser. She had to know what she was doing, right?
Sean wasn’t mistaken. Feeling mischievous, Jayne knew exactly what she was doing. Aware of what the mystery man could see when she moved, she was enjoying her little game. In fact, she was beyond the point of just enjoying herself, it was turning her on. Not knowing if the engineer was enjoying the peep show as much as she was, she hadn’t heard any complaints so far, she continued her secret game.
Throughout the last hour, her imagination had been running wild, fantasizing about the man beneath her feet. Was he young or old? Tall, dark and handsome or some geeky, nerdy sort of bloke. Despite trying really hard, Jayne couldn’t remember who she’d been introduced to earlier. That said, the body felt hard when her feet brushed against it; an ‘accidental’ movement she was finding increasingly hard to curtail.
Again, she pressed her toes against the muscular form, and this time slid them downward. With a grin, she felt a big heavy belt buckle and carried on moving her foot south.
Sean watched the dainty foot crossing his flat stomach. What the hell’s going on? He looked up but couldn’t see beyond the edge of the desk. He saw the dress riding high over the smooth skin of her thighs; the thighs he’d been fantasizing about for some time. He grinned wickedly. Some of the images that flashed through his brain were so sordid, he felt ashamed and silently rebuked his disgusting mind. Luckily, they were just that: fantasies, or at least that’s what he told himself countless times. Then her foot moved, this time brushing his groin. Sean definitely began to wonder about Jayne Laurens’s integrity.
The spirited actress had no such worries. Having expected an uneventful evening answering telephones, this unexpected interlude explained her secret smile. Her love life had been on a backburner for a while and although she denied it publicly, she knew herself well enough to know what she was missing. Sex.
Jayne loved sex. All aspects of it. After years of public life, the former model had seen it all, engaged in some of it and had come away unscathed, while still retaining a healthy sexual appetite. There wasn’t much that could shock her, although she had to admit, ‘flashing one’s underwear to a complete stranger, on a live television show, while one’s foot was resting on his erection,’ definitely was a “No, no.” She increased the pressure her foot exerted and grinned impishly. She couldn’t help herself.
The idea of having some fun, acting a little slutty, and then when the show ended, walking away with no drama, no lies, and, most importantly, no regrets, seemed very appealing.
The more she thought about it, the more she liked the idea and a damp heat developed between her legs. Her desire to do something outrageous grew and she rested her elbows on the desktop in an effort to conceal her stiffening nipples. Jayne grinned impishly. Although being wickedly naughty on live TV was a turn on, it would probably better for everyone if she didn’t advertise the fact.
‘Maybe this is what I need.’
The thought was like a bucket of cold water being poured over her and it brought her to her senses. Should she carry on this madness? A national scandal was the last thing she needed her professionalism admitted, but even though it was the sensible thing to do, her body protested.
Then a new thought flashed through her brain. What if the man between her legs took the initiative. Should she encourage him, enjoying his attentions and risk the dangers or should she play it safe, back away and leave it at that. Her body screamed one thing and common sense demanded another. In the normal turn of events, this wouldn’t have been a problem. Having never been a shy woman, Jayne would normally approach the person she was attracted to and let things would take their course, but this situation was like no other she’d encountered.
When a man took control in the bedroom, she enjoyed it, obediently obeying his demands, but this was different. She realized with a growing sense of foreboding, that if her mystery man continued or even increased their amorous game, here and now… on worldwide TV… there was absolutely nothing she could do to stop it. Or was there? If pressed she could always insist the touch was pure accidental if things really got out of hand.
Sean was uncomfortably aware of Jayne’s dainty foot resting on his buckle again and had come to the conclusion that Miss Laurens was a dirty little bitch who liked teasing unsuspecting TV engineers. She’d crossed and uncrossed her legs so often it was a wonder her hips didn’t ache. Then a hand rested momentarily on her dress before disappearing out of sight. He blinked, realized what had happened, and had to smother a snigger. He could easily picture her acting as if nothing unusual was happening while he gazed at the large expanse of smooth satin skin which she’d deliberately exposed. Then his eyes focused on what he thought, at that moment, was the most exciting place on earth.
Through the gossamer sheer fabric, he could see her landing strip. The neatly trimmed pubes were black as coal, contrasting with the virgin white lace. His mouth was dry. He licked his lips and swallowed. How he’d like to pull those panties down and lick along the length of her pussy, feeling her open up to his touch. And drink in her sweet honey and make her beg for more. For the thousandth time, he considered what it would be like to fuck her and blood rushed to his loins.
Jayne was rounding off a call, her finger poised to take the next one, when she felt movement beneath her foot.
Wanting to be sure, she traced her foot along his zipper. Yep, no doubt about it, he’s getting hard. A ripple of wicked delight ran down her spine as she felt the growing bulge beneath her toes. On screen, viewers at home could see Jayne Laurens looking very happy.
Her foot moved again and Sean felt the deliberate provocation. He swallowed hard, unable to believe what was happening. Then his eyes widened in amazement. He watched amazed as her legs spread to accommodate him. Unable to believe his good fortune, he reached for his smartphone and switched on the camera. The small but powerful flash illuminated the area between her thighs and Sean not only saw the tiny tattoo within her expensive lingerie, but he made out the outline and folds of her pussy, pressed tightly against the delicate fabric.
Sean heard an audible click and looked at the telephone in horror. In the confined space, he’d accidently taken a photo. The click sounded terribly loud in his confined space and he hoped Jayne was too occupied to hear it. She wasn’t and she had. Sipping water between callers, she’d heard the familiar sound of a camera shutter, from beneath the desk and grinned into the bottle. It was her only response. Aware that at least three or four TV cameras were pointing at her, she had to act as if nothing had happened.
Cheeky bastard, she thought while pretending to answer another call. Picking up a pencil, she wrote on the notepad, “But what am I going to do about it?” and smirked. A glance at the computer screen told her there was another hour to go. That was all she needed. Knowing what she wanted, the actress set about putting her plan into action. Furtively looking around to see if anybody was watching, Jayne slid forward on her chair and dropped a hand out of sight.
Beneath the desk, Sean watched her groin move towards him and then saw the finger beckoning him. He stretched his neck and blew a long warm burst of air along the length of exposed flesh and waited for a reaction. The hand disappeared, but the toes in his groin pressed harder against his thickening erection. Now that couldn’t be a coincidence. Growing bolder, he ran a hand from the foot in his lap and massaged the calf. A mischievous smile lit up Jayne’s face while this mystery man fondled her leg. As encouragement for his boldness, she increased pressure on the growing cock beneath her toes. It throbbed.
As much as Sean was enjoying the saucy minx’s administrations, it was also quite painful. Like most men, Sean’s manhood had been comfortably resting in its normal relaxed position, but after Jayne had started teasing him, that had gradually become a problem. He was getting hard but his cock, bent over in the cramped situation was trapped. Each time she pressed her foot against his erection, it almost brought tears to his eyes. He didn’t want her to stop — but he definitely needed to rearrange himself otherwise she might do him some painful damage.
The toned thighs, now either side of his head, looked very inviting, as did the white triangle of lace a few inches from his nose. He could feel the heat from her body and smell the unmistakable, fragrant scent of arousal. Sean Davidson wondered how far he could take things.
The smirk on the movie star’s attractive face grew and then turned into a surprised smile when the hand moved to her upper thigh. Strong fingers gripped the firm muscles and squeezed, then moved further up and repeated the process. With immense willpower, Jayne managed to suppress a fit of nervous, excited giggles when the hand reached her sodden panties. It stopped moving. Willing the hand onward, she edged forward on her seat. This didn’t go unnoticed by Sean, but her movement had caused him pain. He had to do something before she did him an injury. Only one thing for it — he swiftly removed his hand from the succulent thigh and reached for her foot.
Momentarily dismayed, this unexpected development piled agony onto the actress’s mounting frustration. To make matters even worse, there was nothing she could do about it. Wondering if she’d made a wrong assumption, Jayne became concerned. She needn’t have worried. Almost immediately a hand grabbed her foot and lifted it from its resting place. Instantly guessing what was happening, another display of facial control contained a growing fit of giggles. Waiting impatiently, she let her mystery man rearrange his manhood while pondering a few things. How big? How long? How thick?
Seconds later, with his belt and jeans now undone, Sean breathed a huge, if silent, sigh of relief. No longer being in danger of being crippled by the amorous adventures of desk ten’s occupier, he returned the foot back to where he wanted it. Although his position wasn’t one of his choosing, he felt much better now his prick was resting flat against his pelvis. Stretching long and hard inside his underwear, Sean waited for a reaction.
Pleased with this new development, Jayne wasted no time checking out the goods. From the base of his erection, she slowly walked her toes up his length, stopping only for a moment when she felt the rim of his helmet. Sean’s deep moan reverberated in the small space and it shocked her. She glanced at her neighbor. Luckily, he hadn’t heard anything.
Quickly recovering his composure, Sean returned his attention to the young woman’s crotch. The delicate white panties were tantalizingly close, the gusset disappearing deliciously between the cleft of her buttocks. As he watched, the fine material grew darker and, with a metaphorical slap on his forehead, Sean realized what was causing the discoloration. He blew warm air across her thigh, teasing her, the smooth skin shimmering. Unable to control her reaction, the engineer watched in smug satisfaction as Jayne’s knickers kept growing darker.
She invitingly thrust her groin at him… and waited.
This was a chance of a lifetime as far as Sean was concerned and he had photos to prove it. The small tattoo on her inner thigh, rarely seen on screen but occasionally documented by paparazzi photographers, came out well in his opinion. He smiled at the kinky image of “Kitty” eagerly poking out her tongue towards Miss Laurens hidden folds, and had a new appreciation for the popular children’s character. Deciding to follow Kitty’s lead, Sean tentatively licked the superheated skin, very close to the soft underwear.
Jayne felt the tongue moving along the inside of her thigh and almost came on the spot. She clamped her thighs around the head buried between them and it took all her concentration not to give the game away. The tongue traced along the edge of her panties and her pussy twinged agonizingly. Although she wanted it, had actually encouraged it, she couldn’t believe it was really happening. The whole situation was surreal and she marveled at the technician’s audacity. His agile tongue moved easily over her flesh, alternating between thighs. He licked long, lazy circles on her smooth flesh and crowned them with a soft kiss before he started the next circle.
Admirably, the young actress continued taking calls, noting down pledges, and wishing the caller a fine evening while, out of sight, the mouth between her legs nearly brought her to the brink of insanity.
Especially frustrating was the way the tongue got closer and closer to her honey pot but never made contact. Although the teasing was delightfully exquisite, Jayne knew if she’d been in bed with this guy, she would have grabbed his head by now and held it exactly where she wanted it while grinding her throbbing pussy into his face. She recognized the irony of the situation: there was nothing she could do but hope.
Beneath the desk, Sean was getting bolder. Supporting his weight on one arm, he wrapped his other one over her leg and pulled, spreading her thighs further apart. Without the camera flash, it was impossible for him to see the extent of Jayne’s excitement, but he could smell her and the scent was intoxicating. The urge to taste her was overwhelming. He couldn’t resist any longer. He pressed his tongue into the hidden folds encased within the soft wet silk. He felt her shudder, repeated the action and was rewarded with her subtle flavors flooding the fine fabric.
The beautiful actress, halfway through a pledge, fell silent. Unable to believe what was happening beneath the desktop, she sat transfixed. Hardly daring to breathe, in case she gave herself away, Jayne relaxed her body. The tongue licking her dripping sex felt magical and she desperately wanted more. But, even as ripples of ecstasy coursed through her, the actress knew that she had to get a grip on herself otherwise she’d give the game away.
It wasn’t easy, but somehow she managed it.
The person left hanging on the line raised her voice, asking, albeit hesitantly, if anybody was there. Composing herself, Jayne cleared her throat and addressed the caller. Just when she thought she was on top of the situation, fingers gripped the edge of her panties and pulled the delicate triangle tightly over her mound. The stretched gusset split her juicy cunt lips and Jayne felt her copious love sap saturating the abused garment. She pressed the disconnect button.
Sean was getting into his stride. Although he couldn’t believe what was happening, and who would, what he really found incredible was Jayne Laurens slutty behavior. What sort of person allowed herself to be licked so intimately while on live television? In a packed TV studio? He wondered how she managed to pretend that nothing was happening when the evidence in front of him said otherwise. Then he smiled. That’s why she’s one of Hollywood’s most successful actresses, you idiot.
He pulled the tiny triangular shaped cloth to one side and watched Jayne’s gorgeous slit open expectantly. Above her puffy lips, he saw the small hood protecting her clit and licked his lips. He leaned forward. His tongue sliced through the pink folds and parted her inner lips. Delicious honey cascaded over his taste buds and he swallowed greedily. With strong fingers holding her panties to one side, he rubbed his thumb up the puffy lips and found her clitoris.
“Oh yes, Madam,” replied Jayne, somewhat distractedly. “It was lovely talking to you and thank you once again for your donation.” She bit her lip as her clit throbbed incessantly and she barely listened while the caller continued talking. The following silence was embarrassing but Jayne didn’t notice until she heard a discreet cough. “Oh, I will,” she blurted, breathlessly. She had no idea what she’d just agreed. “And thank you again for your support, Ma’am.”
Hardly able to think coherently, she disconnected and succumbed to the exquisite action happening between her legs.
Although she had no idea who her mystery man was — and couldn’t until after the show — Jayne knew he was unshaven. The bristles on his jaw had caused erotic prickling sensations on her hot and clammy skin. That was not the only thing she knew about him. Having traced her toes up and down his length a couple of times, she was impressed: he was very well endowed.
She judged it to be at least eight inches long and being candidly honest with herself, wanted to discover if he was as good with that monster as he was with his mouth and tongue.
Unaware of the lurid thoughts his erection was causing the horny actress, Sean was enthusiastically running his tongue up and down her leaking pussy. He eagerly lapped at the sweet love sap streaming between her pink folds, while he expertly worked his thumb on her clitoris. He’d felt her swell under his touch and guessed that Jayne, thrusting her abdomen against his face, liked what he was doing. Then he felt her toes trying to hook into the elasticated waistband of his shorts. Surprised, he almost stopped what he was doing. Apparently, not content to just receive, she was taking a more active role.
Unable to realistically concentrate, the former child star pretended to take calls. She looked at the screen but saw nothing. She tapped her fingers on the keyboard, held her head to one side as if listening intently to a caller pledging money — but it was all a sham. An actress at work! The only thing that mattered was all happening beneath the desk. The mystery man had understood what she wanted and had uncovered his magnificent erection. Now she could play with it. She put one foot between his legs and rubbed his balls, while the toes on her other foot played with his slippery knob. She enthusiastically massaged pre-cum into the spongy dome, making his heavy cock throb. His balls were full and he was gradually being brought to a boiling point.
With an arm supporting his weight, Sean had only one hand free to do everything he wanted and one hand simply wasn’t enough. Her footwork was incredible, but he wanted to jack off and shoot his load. Well, actually, he really wanted to rip off Jayne’s clothes and fuck her, but that was impossible, at least for the moment. His immediate problem was a lack of available hands. If he used his free hand to masturbate, he couldn’t keep her panties from covering her delicious honey pot. Something had to give.
Jayne’s eyes opened wide as the hand between her legs tried to squeeze under her buttocks. Quickly, she recovered her senses and subtly shifted her weight. Strong fingers hooked into the waistband and tried to pull the expensive panties from her body. Although the sheer fabric appeared frail and delicate, it was a match for Sean’s one armed assault, much to his aggravation. Determined not to give up, he continued tugging and was rewarded by a faint ripping sound. Jayne heard and felt what was happening and using the palm of her hand, disguised a wide-mouthed grin.
The elastic stretched to breaking point and, when it gave, her panties hung slack around her hips. They were ruined, but she didn’t care. Slightly raising one buttock after another from the seat, the useless garment was removed. She heard the sound of deep sniffing and looked cautiously around the studio. Relieved that nobody was taking much notice of her, she relaxed a little. Only the old politician seemed to be watching. The honorable gentleman had seen her fidgeting and raised a curious eyebrow.
“Got my knickers in a twist,” she said by way of explanation and looked faintly embarrassed. She needn’t have worried.
“I know what you mean,” he said out of the corner of his mouth and winked. Then he returned his attention to his screen and the next online caller.
Sean, hearing her explanation, pulled the dainty panties from his face and grinned. He had a real trophy now and they smelt wonderful. He watched amazed while the slutty actress pushed her hips forward again. Understanding what was required, he smiled broadly, stuffed the exotic prize into his shirt and turned towards the exposed sex. Jayne’s pussy was twitching expectantly. This time he tried something different.
Instead of feeling Sean’s tongue tormenting her pussy, Jayne gasped when she felt a thick thumb push past her swollen lips.
Sean grinned mischievously as his thumb penetrated her steaming hot sex. Her reaction was as unexpected as it was fantastic. The dirty bitch contracted her muscles, the silky sheath squeezing his intruding digit and trying to suck it deeper inside.
On TV, viewers looking at her saw Jayne in the background place a pen between her teeth. Unaware of what was happening, they could easily assume she was busy taking a call. What they couldn’t see, was Sean’s teeth nibbling softly on her engorged clit and, if that wasn’t enough, his agile fingers reaching under her buttocks. He deliberately pressed them against her rear entrance. That’s the reason her jaws were clamped together, the pen gripped tightly between her teeth.
Although one of Hollywood’s best actresses, Jayne was having trouble keeping things together. The combination of a hungry mouth teasing her clit, a fat thumb fucking her cunt, and a finger pressed against her rear passage, was almost too much to handle. No stranger to anal sex, she wasn’t sure she was prepared to be anally fingered while on worldwide TV. But, the more Sean played with her cunt, the more excited she got, until finally, she thought, “Fuck it.”
Heavily lubricated with her own slick fluids, the digit slipped easily inside her back passage. Despite enjoying the sensation immensely, Jayne knew this was definitely a no, no! Has anyone ever had their ass fingered live on television? She’d never heard of anything so outrageous but the notion that she was probably the first — and likely, the last — made her so hot, she could barely contain her emotions.
Pretending to be conscientiously at work whilst waves of intense pleasure coursed through her body, made Jayne feel secretly guilty. But not that much. She’d agreed to take part in the event because of the exposure it guaranteed her in England, but if pushed, she could think of some other things she’d rather be doing. Sitting astride this big cock currently between her feet, sprang to mind. Although she tried thinking about something else — vital in her battle to keep up the working facade — her mind kept returning to the huge fleshy shaft.
As she shuddered on another wave of pleasure, Jayne knew she had to get a grip on things. Otherwise, she’d be on the front page of every tabloid tomorrow… for all the wrong reasons.
And yet…
As far as the audience was concerned, Jayne’s performance was perfect. If anyone noticed her glow, they probably assumed it was down to the special occasion. In essence, that was the truth. But only she and the man between her legs knew how tenuous her state was. She didn’t need to see her chest to know her cherry red nipples were erect. She’d felt them poking her dress and had hunched over the desk, making the expensive garment less figure hugging. Otherwise, the entire viewing public would have noticed her condition.
Even Paul Sumner, leaning on the politician’s desk while asking her how things were going, hadn’t guessed what was happening. As part of the show, Sumner would interview all the celebrities taking part, and he’d finally got to her. Jayne’s eyes sparkled as she answered his banal questions while secretly edging towards a climax.
She remembered how Paul had slyly felt her ass. What would you give to be my mystery man? she thought, seeing his hungry eyes. Sumner remembered the firmness of her rump and, while he drank in her beauty, vowed he had to have her.
Determined to have her revenge, Jayne sensually blinked her eyelids at Sumner as Sean’s tongue took a long, deep lick over her clit. Her body shuddered delightfully. Sumner, being so conceited, misread the signals and saucily winked at her. He’d already decided to make his move during the after show party. Rounding off the brief interview with another sly wink, Paul offered his million dollar smile and turned his back on her. Her orgasm not far away, the young actress watched him walk to center stage, her pussy throbbing and green eyes sparkling.
Sean guessed her climax wasn’t far away. All the signals were there. Every time his mouth made contact with her sex, Jayne thrust against his face and her thighs clamped his head. Whenever he flicked his tongue inside her steamy tunnel while pressing his nose against her sensitive button, her abdominal muscles contracted around his digits still buried deep inside her tunnel. Jesus, she’s one hot woman.
Despite her efforts to delay the exquisite inevitable, the former model arrived and crashed through the point of no return. Consumed by lust, she reached between her thighs and grabbed the short spiky hair on the head causing her so much trouble. And pleasure. Determined not to be cheated out of her oncoming orgasm, she pulled him against her willing sex. Opening her legs as wide as possible, Jayne ground her dripping cunt into the mouth which had been eating her out so expertly. With her spread legs trembling, her knees bumped against the insides of the desk. Jayne shifted her weight and rubbed a foot along her assailant’s hard cock.
Sean’s cock throbbed desperately. Although Jayne’s toes felt fabulous, he really needed to grasp his erection and masturbate. In his cramped position, that seemed impossible. Something had to change. It was a struggle but Sean managed to alter position enough to free his other arm. Immediately, he removed his fingers from her orifices and started stroking his cock while fantasizing about fucking the woman sitting in front of him.
His muse guessed what he was doing and smiled wickedly. For the last twenty minutes, she’d thought of little else other than the large piece of meat beneath her feet. Secretly she wished it was her hand wrapped around the throbbing erection. For the last hour or so, she’d thought about nothing else than this monster fucking her. She wanted to feel the thickness stretch her, feel how it made her scream loudly, and, most of all, she wanted to feel it ejaculate inside her, filling her with delicious hot spunk.
While the tip of his tongue flicked between her lips, Sean applied the thumb of his free hand to her swollen clit. From her response, he knew she must be close. In the office chair, Jayne was thrusting her abdomen into the head buried between her thighs. Although she was teetering on the edge, she was aware of the mystery man rocking his hips in time with her movements.
Her toes brushed the fingers gripping his hard shaft, provoking a low guttural groan.
Now perched so far forward on the chair, Jayne risked sliding off or tipping over if she moved too wildly. But, reckless with desire, she felt it was worth the risk. And it gave the mystery man easy access to her sex… oh boy… if he keeps that up!
Despite his determination to make the movie star climax, Sean’s aching neck was protesting. Jayne was bucking her hips so fiercely, that he was having trouble keeping his mouth where she wanted it. With one hand furiously pumping his cock and the other busy stimulating her body, Sean realized he was in a race.
Jayne felt her stomach cramp and opened her eyes wide. Her breathing was labored, and she was failing in her attempt to act normally. Trying to maintain the charade, she grabbed the desktop to prevent falling off the chair. “Oooh God,” she murmured, her body shaking uncontrollably. Her thighs, taking a life of their own, squeezed the head between them.
Feeling the vise-like grip on his neck, Sean tensed his body to fend off any possible injury should Miss Laurens make any sudden wrenching movements. Meanwhile, the hand fisting his prick moved in a blur as he played catch up.
She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. It was the only way to keep her mouth closed while she came. Her tunnel flooded with hot juices and her body shook violently. She gripped the desk and used her taut arms to absorb the bodily shocks, striving to present a normal posture to the cameras.
Sean greedily drank Jayne’s cum. The warm stream seemed never-ending and excess fluids dribbled down his chin.
Jayne clenched her teeth and stared ahead. Any pretense was over. Brilliant actress or not, her climax was so overwhelming she couldn’t concentrate on anything else at that moment.
Sean felt her abdominal shocks diminish and he stopped licking. Fuck, she was hot. He looked at her quivering pussy, saw the tops of her thighs glistening with sticky cum, and smiled self-consciously: his chin must be in a similar state. But the view before him was so horny, he increased his hand speed.
Jayne nearly screamed when the lips that had given her so much pleasure suddenly departed from her pussy. Descending from the dizzying heights of a mind-blowing climax, she was still enjoying the aftershocks created by her assailant’s mouth.
Sean felt his seed rising. Looking at the beautifully exposed cunt, pink and swollen between the expanse of her silky sexy thighs, was enough to send him over the edge. His hips bucked wildly and Sean kept his hand jerking toward his ultimate release.
Jayne felt her admirer’s huge helmet expanding beneath her toes and instantly knew what was happening. Before she could move, the first salvo of hot sperm landed on her foot and ankle and she automatically flinched. Surprise over, Jayne felt the second and third salvo of warm creamy fluid trickling down her leg and she grinned insanely.
The program was nearing its conclusion and everybody seemed to be in a party mood. But Jayne was aware that the cameras were still rolling and the deceit needed to continue. Nevertheless, barely able to believe what had taken place and, hoping she’d fooled everybody, the grin became a mischievous smile. Not wanting things to end like this, Jayne began scribbling on the notepad.
Sean slumped against the desk. He was spent but extremely satisfied. His eyelids felt heavy and he closed them. When he opened them again, he squinted at the time on his wristwatch. Almost midnight. He was suddenly fully awake. In front of him, the chair was empty, and he realized the fundraiser was virtually over. He looked down at his lap and saw, trapped between the overlapping flaps of denim, a slip of notepaper.
Jayne bowed and acknowledged the audience’s applause. She offered host Paul Sumner a dazzling, encouraging smile. It will be a shame to miss his party, she thought, still smiling. She knew she’d have a bigger prick to play with tonight.
Author’s note; A special thanks to JWren for his help and guidance.