The night had started with the best of intentions. A week before, Bertie and Rachel had been sitting in front of the TV, watching cartoons while eating dinner, and Rachel had asked, out of the blue, when they’d last had any friends over to visit them at the apartment.
Even now, Bertie didn’t know what had prompted her question, but he couldn’t provide an answer for her, either. Clearly they could use a little company – but whom?
Kelsey Ransom was out – though their former couples therapist appreciated the invite. Despite Bertie’s assurances that it wouldn’t be a fetish party, Sherrie likewise declined, explaining that her wife – previously mentioned but never seen – wasn’t in the ‘scene’. That left only Jeff and Mika.
This situation gave Bertie pause, but Rachel pointed out that their small apartment wasn’t suited for a large group anyway. With another couple, they could have a party on a small scale – some drinks, some snacks, a few board games, nothing fancy. She imagined a “sleepover” theme for the night, with everyone dressed in pajamas. She even had a matched set of his and hers loungewear printed to look like tuxedos which she’d bought for a previous anniversary and they’d never worn.
While Bertie knew he wasn’t going to talk Rachel out of the idea once she’d committed to a dress code, he still had his doubts. The first, hardly the most pressing, was what games would be most suited to a mixed-generation crowd. He considered Jeff a friend, but all of his conversations with the older man had tended to involve kink or folk music – he knew little of his other interests.
Another problem, and far more relevant, was Mika. Jeff’s twenty-something girlfriend was an inveterate tease with seemingly limitless energy. She’d managed to irritate Rachel into spanking her the last time all four had gotten together, and Bertie wasn’t exactly sure why or how the two had made up since. Rachel had only told him that she’d found some insight as to why Mika acted like she did.
Insight or not, Bertie still approached the party with foreboding.
Jeff was the first to arrive, in his bathrobe and slippers. He pretended to have gotten lost along the way, then decided he might as well stay and share the twelve-pack of beer he’d brought with him.
“Didn’t Mika come with you?” Rachel had asked.
Jeff had shrugged. That Mika had refused to move in with him was a point of contention. She would arrive on her own time – and did he see a Scrabble board?
After eight games, the door buzzer sounded for the second time. No sooner had he opened the door than Mika burst into the apartment, her eyes eyes glassy and with a faint herbal aroma clinging to her coat.
“Hey, the party’s here!” she squealed. “Do I just throw my stuff on the table, or-“
“How about I find someplace to hang that?” said Bertie, “It’s a little… skunky.”
“It’s just weed, guy. Don’t be a narc.”
“It’s his house,” Jeff reminded her, not even taking his eye off the board before him.
Mika sighed theatrically, but turned around and unzipped her coat as Bertie waited, handing it to him with a mischievous grin.
“How do I look?”
She looked… perky. The see-though lace teddy rested lightly on her small breasts, with small red stitch marks below the bust line that emphasized her dark nipples. Trying to look away didn’t help, as he was only drawn instead to her bare legs. He could already feel a tent forming behind the cover of her coat.
Mika giggled at his obvious discomfort. “That good, huh? Don’t worry, your girlfriend made me promise to be on my best behaviour.”
Rachel moved herself between them, taking Mika’s coat. How she was able to look the other girl in the eyes was beyond him – especially since Rachel’s height put her just above Mika’s chest level.
“Hi, girl,” Mika waved.
“Hi, Mika. You mean to tell me this is what you wear to bed?”
“Actually, she sleeps in the raw,” Jeff piped up. “Another game, anyone?”
There was little enthusiasm for another round of Scrabble at that point. Fortunately, Bertie was ready with the pop music edition of Trivial Pursuit. The barista at the café he’d rented them from had assured him that it was the most recent release, and should cover the experiences of everyone in attendance. Sadly, the 1999 copyright on the back of the game told a different story.
“Let’s try this one,” said Jeff to Mika. “’What edgy Motown girl group performed the hit single Leader of the Pack in 1964?’”
“I don’t know, the Spice Girls?”
Bertie couldn’t miss seeing Rachel wince with that one. Much as he’d been completely dominated by Jeff during Scrabble, Mika was losing badly at the new game, even with Rachel’s help.
Jeff shook his head, and Mika balled her fists and threw herself back into the couch beside Bertie.
He’d tried his best to avoid her throughout the last hour, but every time his gaze had drifted Mika’s way, she’d tilted herself to best show off her assets. He’d hoped that she would give up if he ignored her – but he saw no sign of that happening.
“Sorry,” she murmured, giving him a reassuring pat on the leg that somehow reached into his inner thigh.
He gently pushed her back. “Hands to yourself, Mika.”
“Aw. I thought we were here to have fun.”
It appeared for a moment that was going to be the end of it. But by the end of the game (Which Rachel won, correctly identifying the nation of origin for Eurovision 1988’s victor), Mika was growing bored again.
“Hey, maybe we can play Twister next?” she proposed.
Thankfully he hadn’t brought that one, though Mika was probably the only one of them flexible enough to actually do well at the game. But the mere thought of her slim body contorting itself around him made him shift in his seat.
By this time, Mika had polished off two pouches of snack mix and Jeff was on his third beer. As their visitors began to set up a Jenga tower, Bertie and Rachel both took the opportunity to regroup in the kitchen.
“You said she’d be on her best behaviour,” Bertie hissed once they had a wall separating them from their guests.
“She lied. I bet she’s trying to arrange herself another spanking,” whispered Rachel. “Your turn this time?”
Dear God, but he wanted to. The fantasy of putting her near-naked body over his knee and slapping the seat of those lacy panties until they frayed, ate at his every thought. And Jeff wouldn’t lift a finger, as he hadn’t stopped Rachel before.
“That’s not the point,” he said, burying the pleasant image to the recesses of his mind, “I don’t want to be putting up with her antics every time we’re together, and it’s killing the mood. I’ll see if I can talk to Jeff, maybe he can do something other than enabling her.”
Rachel shook her head. “He’s not enabling her, he’s encouraging her. That’s his kink.”
“That… explains a lot.”
Behind them, there was a crash and a peal of laughter.
“I have an idea,” said Rachel. “It’ll show Mika that not everything’s about her, and it might even satisfy a fantasy I know you’ve had for a while.”
“Sounds good. What’s the catch?”
Rachel grimaced. “I’m going to have to make it up to you later…”
“Welcome back!” Jeff cheered. “We were starting to think you’d gotten lost.”
“We just had a little trouble finding snacks,” Rachel explained, handing him a beer. “There’s some cookies if Mika would like. Where is Mika?”
“Down here.”
Bertie nearly jumped. She was on the floor beside him, on her hands and knees having tried to crawl under the couch.
“Sorry. We’re trying to find all the Jenga pieces, and I think I’m stuck. A little help?”
Her squirming had pulled her flimsy panties deep into the crack of her ass. Two smooth cheeks peeked out at him from under the furniture.
“Bertie,” said Rachel, just loud enough to be heard, “Stop staring.”
“Ooh, do you like what you see, Bertie?” said Mika, “You can look, but don’t touch. Unless touching helps me get out of here, then touch all you want.”
He saw Jeff smirking in his seat behind them. Ignoring the older man’s inaction, Bertie knelt down on the floor beside the entrapped Mika. She didn’t look like she was stuck.
“Should I lift the couch?” he offered.
“This is a bit delicate,” said Mika, slightly muffled, “But all this shimmying around has given me a wedgie. Would you mind picking me out? Daddy’s got bad knees.”
She gave her little bottom a most enticing wiggle.
“Honey–” Rachel started, her tone anything but sweet.
“Relax, Rachel. I’m just going to give her a hand.” There wasn’t much material he could grasp without also touching Mika, but he pinched two folds in the cloth and carefully pulled…
And then, just as he expected her to, Mika bucked. Instead of two innocuous patches of fabric, he ended up with Mika’s entire backside in his unprepared lap. He fell to the floor, his hands wrapped around her ass.
Her weight pressed down on him in the most inopportune place. She was light but firm, as soft and warm as he’d imagined. But for all she’d been showing it off, now that he was touching her toned bottom, it felt… underwhelming.
Still, the die had been cast. Mika laughed, withdrawing herself easily.
“Ooh, Bertie, you naughty boy,” she said, and pointed. He’d been able to cover his arousal earlier when he first saw her in her nightie, but sprawled on the floor there was no way to hide his reaction.
Rachel was at his side in an instant. She grabbed him by his wrist and pulled, the momentum carrying him to his feet and across the floor.
“You couldn’t resist, huh? I expected this from Mika, but not you.”
“Rachel, I’m sorry!”
“You will be.”
His eyes widened. A plea formed on his lips, but went unsaid as she yanked him out of the room with a strength that belied her tiny size, leaving their baffled guests wondering what they had just witnessed.
She didn’t take him far. It wasn’t a large apartment, after all. Rachel threw open the bedroom door and sat down on the edge of mattress, never loosening her grip. With her free hand, she reached for the drawstring on Bertie’s pajama bottoms.
“Honey, please,” he tried, “I didn’t know she was going to do that.”
“But you enjoyed it anyway,” she said, underlining her judgment with a swift pull at his trousers. “Look, you’re still hard.”
She batted at the head of his penis – not enough to hurt, but more than enough to remind him that he was, indeed, still throbbing, his knees weak. As he fell into the cushion of her thighs, he heard footsteps. No doubt their visitors had finally decided to see what all the fuss was about…
… Only to be greeted with the sight of a thirty-five-year-old man with his pajamas around his knees, about to get the spanking of his life from a small woman in matching tuxedo print.
Rachel’s slim hand began its familiar attack run, and the air filled with sharp cracks that drowned out any other sound. Bertie winced – it wasn’t painful, not yet. But it issued the warning that pain would be coming.
“Oh my God!”
He couldn’t see behind him to tell if Mika’s cry was out of astonishment or amusement. He hid his face in the comforter, but Rachel was having none of it.
“Give me a minute, please. I’ll be right back.”
The waistline of his pants slipped ever southward as her hand continued to rise and fall. His attempts to catch the rumpled cloth with his knees only forced them further down and exposed more of himself than he’d started with. And it certainly didn’t have any effect on his continued suffering.
Jeff cleared his throat, trying to remain the rational one. “Rachel, I don’t see how this is necessary…”
“This is absolutely necessary. I understand you let Mika have her fun, but that’s not how we do things here.”
“You’re right. Mika played a trick on Bertie, perhaps she’s the one who should–“
“Daddy!” Mika shrieked.
Rachel stopped suddenly. Bertie breathed a quiet sigh of relief.
“Jeff, we all knew it was a trick. It’s what she does. And Bertie does not to avoid responsibility because of Mika did it intentionally. Isn’t that right, Bertie?”
Bertie whimpered. He hadn’t expected to be called upon.
“Yes, Rachel.”
“And now what are you going to get?”
“A spanking, Rachel.” He hoped they couldn’t see his face, as he was redder in the front than he was in the back – at least for the moment.
Rachel continued with a new vigour, her irritation with Bertie amplified by Jeff’s ignorance and Mika’s veiled innocence. Bertie began twitching with each slap, his pants now twisted around his ankles. He couldn’t see what kind of show he was putting on, nor did he care anymore.
Under the noise of the constant smacking and his own gasps and groans, he heard Rachel instruct Mika toward the dresser against the wall behind her. The girl hesitated, then he saw her approach him, her movements hesitant.
“Thank you, Mika. Would you like to take the rest of what Bertie’s earned for himself?”
“No,” said Mika, her voice barely a whisper.
“I didn’t think so,” Rachel replied, then turned her attention back to Bertie. “I think we need to make this lesson one to remember, don’t we?” She pressed her new acquisition down against Bertie’s braised flesh, and he yelped.
The bristles were still straight, and sharp. Rachel had never intended this brush for use with her hair.
With a practiced hand, Rachel flipped the implement around and began painting Bertie’s ass at volume. Whereas he’d been able to keep his voice low when she’d only be using her hand, the hairbrush forced howls out of him with every strike. He kicked wildly, but the bunched-up pant legs held him fast.
Maybe Jeff or Mika protested, but he couldn’t hear them – he couldn’t hear anything but the brush’s agonizing staccato. Words spilled from his lips, apologies, excuses, and even promises that he’d never touch another woman as long as he lived.
He couldn’t hear any of those, either.
Only once his ass had been turned an incandescent crimson did Rachel relent. She let him slide down to the floor, wiping his eyes and reassuring him that he’d taken his discipline well and that all was forgiven. And then she reminded him that he was due in the corner.
He caught snippets from Rachel’s conversation with Jeff and Mika after all three had left the room. Jeff started to apologize for Mika’s behaviour and then stopped himself.
“No. Mika, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be egging you on like that. It’s fun when it’s just the two of us, but it’s rude to drag Rachel and Bertie into our games.” He turned back toward Rachel. “Just Scrabble next time unless otherwise stated, agreed?”
“Agreed,” said Rachel.
Mika said nothing. If she could see into the bedroom, she was probably still staring at the aftermath of Rachel’s quiet rage. Reflecting, perhaps, on how she’d escaped with only a fraction of that damage when she’d invited that same wrath on herself.
Once the door had closed on the other couple, Bertie hitched up his drawers and joined Rachel in the living room.
“Remind me again why it had to be me getting the spanking?”
“Because Jeff would have stopped you if it were the other way around. Besides, you were the one drooling over Mika’s tits all night.”
Bertie rubbed at his tender backside, reconsidering his decision to put his pants back on. The soft cotton blend might as well have been steel wool.
“You think it’ll work?” he ventured through gritted teeth.
“I hope so. I don’t think I can pull that off again.”
“Right, because you’re the one who won’t be able to sit until Tuesday…”
“Poor baby. Besides, I said I’d make it up to you, didn’t I?” She gestured toward the coffee table. “We don’t have to bring these board games back until tomorrow, you feel up to another round of Trivial Pursuit?”
“Not winner spanks the loser, I hope?”
“I’m not that mean,” she said, kissing his still-damp cheek. “How about… loser gives the winner oral.”
He grinned. “I’d be down for that.”
Sighing at his terrible joke, she bent down and opened the game board.