The Fox and the Wolf, Part 2

"He takes her virginity and more."

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I’m not the kind of person to regret any decision I have made in my life so far. I put thought into my words and calculate my actions carefully before I proceed in any situation; but what happened last night with Christina was totally unplanned. I have been with quite a few girls in my life so far, but this one had a certain element to her that unsettled me, made me wild and angry, pissed off at how much she could get away with. She was one of those girls who thought men were her playthings and that she owned the world. Most of the time, I’m calm like the waters of a lake, but what she was doing… she sure knew how to rock the waters of the lake.

I was never used to being taunted so badly. She was asking for it all the time. Still, I felt bad for hurting her; that’s why I came back. To treat her well and to make it right – because I had called her a dumb whore, which I believed she was then, and I did things she might not have liked. It was in the heat of a moment, of course; she always looked so sexy, so fucking gorgeous that it had proven a challenge to keep my subtle and reserved demeanor up until I lost it when she was laid all over that couch, rubbing against Matt.

Now, I didn’t know her well at the time. She could truly have been a dumb whore, for all I knew – that’s what my buddies were telling me, and she was pretty convincing, but a man has to be a true to everyone. A man has to treat the monarch and the beggar the same way, and I had faltered from this value; I had treated her like shit. I suppose the hidden moral vigilante in me surfaced and led me to do what I normally wouldn’t have; but it was also a matter of pride. I would not stay idle and have a girl toy with me, thinking she could win me over with some tricks.

But I suppose she had won. Physically at least, she had bent me. It had crossed my mind to put her in my bed when I took her to my house and sleep beside her, and perhaps fuck her once or twice come morning. But I do not feel well when I lose control, so I told myself firmly no. She could’ve been playing boys like Matt and Tray on her fingers, but not me. I would just let her spend the night here, then drive her home; that would be my unspoken apology for the way I had treated her, and then we would be even.

The sound of the shower had been close to my ears for quite some time; I sat on the couch of the second living room, staring out the window in deep thought, massaging my temples with my eyes closed. The time to make my next move was near. I’d left beside her some of my clothes that I thought would fit her and a note containing a quick sketch of the house so she could find her way to the shower. When she was out, we’d have breakfast and I’d take her to school, and that would be the end of our post-club adventure, I told myself. That would be my next and final move. I repeated my plan in my head again, and again, like a mantra, as I drew the chessboard from underneath the glass table.

I set the game on the table, setting the pawns and the rest on their rightful places. I did that unconsciously as I repeated the mantra in my head, but the part of me that instructed me to set the pieces, laughed at my silly plan to be done with Christie as soon as possible. When everything was on formation on the board, I looked across the table, to an empty armchair, where my opponent would sit. This time, I had the white pawns.

Outside the window, it was raining heavily. “Shit,” I muttered. I hated having to drive in the rain. Autumn was my favorite season, as I was born in it, but I’d rather stay at home while it rained rather than having to go to school. The sound of the shower upstairs went off. I prepared to stand up and go make some breakfast, but I didn’t hear the sound of the door. She was still in the bathroom.

I crossed my arms and put my feet on the glass table, my ears on the lookout. Twenty minutes passed like this, with me wondering what the hell she was doing in the bathroom for so long. I couldn’t help but thinking, women, right. But eventually, I heard the door open and I stood up and stepped to the kitchen. I figured she wouldn’t like a cold breakfast, so I had to ready it when she showed up.

I was tending to the eggs and the bacon when Christina descended from the stairs. Involuntarily, my heart jumped in my chest when I saw her, but I smirked in disturbance at the same time. She wasn’t wearing the clothes I’d left for her; I didn’t like that. She’d searched through my stuff to find these, but I didn’t dwell on it for long, because my mind wandered elsewhere.

She was wearing my favorite blue plaid button-down shirt that I usually wore on vacation and a pair of sweatpants in which she managed to look sexy in; she was barefoot, her toenails painted red. The top buttons of my shirt were left unbuttoned, on purpose, I was sure, leaving plenty exposed. Her left nipple was barely visible over a tile of white in my plaid shirt; she wasn’t wearing a bra. The nerve, I thought. The way the shirt curved on her large breasts drew my eye, my mind involuntarily bringing up the image of her round, naked breasts upon the reflection of the bathroom’s mirror, where I’d taken her; thankfully, her beautiful thighs and firm, plump butt were somewhat hidden in the sweatpants, else I was likely to get hard right then.

Christina was petite, but what she lacked in height she made up in flesh, which seemed to have gone to all the right places of her lithe frame. Even with the sweatpants on, it was obvious she had the powerful legs of a dancer, with thick thighs and no gap between them in sight; her butt protruded, round and plump, borderline on “too big”. Matt had told me she was being made fun of for her big butt in elementary, but now boys of every taste in butts ogled at it. And like the rest of the curves of her body, her breasts completed the small hourglass figure. This girl was blessed from head to toe.

She was wearing make-up; the shades of her blue eyes were toned black, just the way I liked it – as if she could read my mind – and her cheeks were slightly pinker than they ought to be, giving her an adolescent look. Really, I thought, after the fucking I gave her last night, this girl had the time, will and patience to put make-up on. I disliked that so much, that I actually liked it, in a way. I guess I was confused. Her blonde hair was tied in a ponytail.

She still walked a bit strangely, but that was to be expected; it was a mark of my performance that the hidden animal in me took pride in. She was standing at the base of the stairs, as if to present herself, smiling sexily at me; there didn’t seem to be any sign of grievance. That bitch liked everything I did to her, I thought to myself. I drew the pan out of the fire, still looking at her above my glasses persistently.

“Good morning,” I said to her coyly, letting the eggs slide onto our plates on the table.

“Hmm,” she let out, still standing on the foot of the stairs. I knew she was examining me from head to toe. “A man who knows how to cook. Intriguing…” Her voice was a bit hoarse, as if her throat hurt, but her tone was seductive all the same.

“I like to be the one to cook the food I eat,” I answered simply as I poured myself a coke and sat on the table; she took it she was invited too, as her plate was opposing to mine on the table. When she was coming over, I noticed my sweat pants were too big, too loose around her waist, and they were slipping off, revealing the very top of her ass crack; she was wearing nothing underneath, and the worst thing, she made no motion to pull the pants up. I felt the blood rush in my face, but I did my best to ignore her so obvious attempt to get me.

When she sat down slowly, she gritted her teeth and exhaled sharply; her butt was in pain. Wanting to be discreet, I looked down on my food, pretending not to notice.

“Is there any coffee?” she asked in a polite manner that I didn’t know she had; she sounded sleepy at the same time.

“Nah, I don’t drink coffee.”

“Your drink has coffee in it,” she replied smartly and I stared at her intently.

“Drink coke then,” I said after a while, gesturing towards the fridge with my fork while eating my bacon. “Help yourself.” I didn’t like interrupting my meal.

She took a wounded look, as if she wanted me to pity her. “Wouldn’t you get it for me? A lady shouldn’t have to get up from the table.”

It was things like this that made me angry about women. As if she wasn’t perfectly able to stand the fuck up! I wouldn’t mind doing her a few courtesies, of course – I’m all for that, it’s my pleasure. But when they demanded courtesy, that really messed with my head. I shook my head, exhaled strongly and went to get her the coke. I put it next to her plate and she attempted to open it, but I held it firmly from the top. She looked up at me innocently; the girl I saw wasn’t the girl I’d fucked last night. Just that look her blue eyes gave me was enough to get the thing in my pants stirring. I loved the sight of my dick stretching her mouth with those pretty lips and those eyes of hers looking up at me like I was her god. I suppose in this case it would pay off if I was pussy whipped or something, but I’m just not that kind of guy.

“Listen here,” I said intensely, wanting to get my point across. “I got you this because you’re my guest. Not because you batted your lashes.” I let go of the coke and returned to my meal.

At first, she took an offended look; I imagined she was taking that look every time someone said something she did not like.

“Is that also why you let me sleep on the couch?!” she yelled at me.

“Yes, exactly. What, you thought I’d forsake my bed for a guest?” I laughed.

She looked at me as if she was shocked, her mouth half open. I knew it was all a play. At the same time, she didn’t know the real reason I’d placed her in my couch last night; my bed was so straight and rigid, her ass would hurt all night. The couch on the other hand, sunk softly when you sat on it. She had been more comfortable there, but I thought trying to explain that would be of no use right now.

She huffed at me. “Why are you so uptight, Alex? You’re like a brick wall. Can’t you just relax for one second?”

Eating my food, I groaned, “I am relaxed.” That’s what I was used to saying, but mid-sentence I realized I wasn’t at all relaxed. This girl was messing with my head with every word she said, in a way that I had never been messed with.

Her expression softened, as if she sensed the strange conflict in my head, or so I liked to think. She started eating, timidly, almost shyly. I couldn’t help but notice her. She really was beautiful, and I loved anything beautiful. But I couldn’t stand her attitude. A real pity, right?

When she was done, she drank a bit from her coke and wiped her mouth softly on a napkin. I noticed she had the table manners of a lady; I could dig that a lot. I liked a girl with class, although Christie had displayed minimal amounts of it ever since I first saw her a week ago. Now finished, she just sat there, looking at me; I could tell from the edge of my sight. I glanced once at her. Something in me stirred. That girl’s lips begged to be kissed.

“Alex?” she asked.

I swallowed the bacon, quickly wiped my mouth on the napkin; it would never do to speak with your mouth full. “Christie?” I asked back and she let out a cute laugh, leaning on her elbow and smiling at me. I don’t know what she thought was going on between us.

“I saw that portrait… you drew that, right?” she asked me. Apparently, she’d seen that. Of course I’d drawn that. Ever since I saw her in the first day of school, I was taken with her beauty. Her round face, her sexy smile, her straight hair, I just had to sketch her. Bitch or not, like I said earlier, I’m a fan of beautiful things. It was a good thing I didn’t also use my imagination to add her naked breasts on the portrait; the humorous thought brought the hint of a smile on my face, which I hid with the back of my mouth.

“I drew it,” I admitted after a moment and she giggled, obviously flattered.

“You think I’m beautiful?” she asked of me. I could feel her influence, numbing my mind. She smelled of lavender, like the bathroom we fucked in last night, and I could feel my cock growing in my pants. I only looked at her sternly, without saying a word. This was just one of her games, I figured. I wasn’t fond of games, and I wasn’t about to do her the courtesy everyone did when they complimented her. She could figure it out for herself, I thought. I stood up from the chair.

“Where are you going?” she asked me immediately, wanting to fish my answer.

“Dress up. We’re going to school.” I headed for the door, to the hanger, to get my sweater. The sound of the rain pounding heavily outside the door daunted me, though.

Christina stood up abruptly from the table. “Are you seriously serious?! It’s raining like hell. I’m not going to school in this weather.”

I took a glance at her ass, and the way she walked to me; surely, a ‘School Queen’ wouldn’t want her subjects to know she had been fucked so hard in the ass that she couldn’t walk properly the next day. “Is it the rain, or is it something else?” I muttered, quietly enough so she wouldn’t hear me. Now I was being an ass.

In truth, I didn’t like the thought of going to school either. Not only because of the rain, but also because of the boring classes. But like Christie, I didn’t admit the real reason: the idea of spending some time here with her was appealing to my subconscious. I had been critical and evasive of her beauty so far, but it was not easy to keep it at bay. I had to drink in it, only then I thought I could resist; and the worst thing, I thought I could control it.

“No school, then,” I decided. “Go upstairs and find something to entertain yourself with,” I told her and turned around, headed for the second living room. She wasn’t going upstairs; she was following me instead. I turned again, ready to confront her, but she instead pounced on me and tried to kiss me. I stopped her. I held her waist with my hands, keeping her face a breath away from mine. We looked into each other’s eyes and goosebumps ran through me. I knew it; she was big trouble. I almost got angry at her unauthorized advance.

“You’re beautiful,” she blurted, looking up at me admiringly. I couldn’t help but grin.

“You’ll make me blush,” I said, wanting to sound sarcastic, but it didn’t quite come off that way.

“Let me kiss you,” she said demandingly in a girlish voice, pouting her lips in a cute way that would make a man’s heart melt. Her breathing had quickened and her pupils had dilated. I knew my hands on her waist were having a drastic effect on both of us.

“You can’t,” I stated; that was my last line of defense, I had used the last ounce of my remaining strength to resist her. “I’m not your boyfriend, and I don’t date whores. What happened last night was a one-time only. I only helped you out of guilt.”

She was shocked by those words, her mouth half open. She abruptly let go of me. “Then I don’t want your help,” she shouted and what she did next, I did not anticipate; she threw her sweatpants down, revealing her naked beauty underneath.

She was shaven and smooth down there; her pussy looked absolutely beautiful, peeking between her thick thighs. I did nothing to stop her, I didn’t want to. My heart was pounding like crazy as I watched her unbutton the shirt and throw it on the floor. She wasn’t wearing any bra; her full breasts were looking back at me with those round, tough and well lined rosy nipples that were a bit larger than average, but they looked just perfect for her breasts. I couldn’t resist looking; no man could. This girl was deliberately beautiful, to mess with my usually orderly mind.

“And keep your clothes away from me,” she yelled, having tossed them to the floor; she turned around and ran to the door, naked from top to bottom. My emotions flared at that moment; I felt anger for this childish move to taunt me further, I felt sorry for having been so harsh with her, and I felt the overwhelming need to make love to her. Just make love to her, and forget every one of our differences. All my emotions clashed, and it wasn’t pretty. I wasn’t going to be gentle.

I ran, reached her and put my arm around her tight belly, stopping her right before she stepped through the door, which she had half-opened. Her butt was pressed against my crotch as she arched her back. I bowed slightly, holding my head close to hers. The rain pounded outside the door step, falling heavily from the roof.

“And where do you think you’re going without my clothes?” I hissed angrily. “It’s raining outside,” I reminded her.

“I’ll manage without you,” she yelled and pushed me back. I was stunned for a moment.

Christina rushed outside in the rain, bare-ass naked, running funnily through the pathway of the garden towards the gate that led to the street. I could see the side of her tits as they bounced. I chased after her, gritting my teeth in a silent curse. I liked to think I understood people and their thoughts on a deeper level, but it seemed I’d never understand this girl’s thought process. I ran after her like a mad dog; in all the absurdity of the situation, an involuntary smile found its way on my lips, because I humorously thought, there’s hardly any straight man on this planet who wouldn’t be running after that ass.

She reached the gate and grasped the iron bars, trying to open it; little did she know, it was locked. Even if she could open it, she wouldn’t get far, because after a second I caught up to her. I grabbed her wrist and forced her around, pinning her against the bars; I showed her my teeth as I stared intently at her.

“Are you crazy?” I yelled. I tried to drag her off, but she held the bar with a surprising amount of strength. I felt the rain hit on my face, making my hair wet; there goes the gel I’d put there to make it stand.

“What do you think you’re doing?” she screamed, “release me.” She didn’t mean it. “We’re not dating,” she said, bitterly; I knew she was crying, even though the rain hit her face.

“We’re not dating,” I agreed, “but you knew you wouldn’t be leaving here naked like this,” I stated the obvious, although I wasn’t one hundred per cent sure. Who knows what went through this girl’s head? “You can’t toss my clothes to the floor and just walk away. You’re only doing this to grab my attention,” I continued harshly, though I was breathless, so close to her.

Now, instead of dragging her away, I pushed her naked form against the bars and stole a glance to admire her naked beauty in the rain. For an eighteen year old girl, she looked stunningly feminine, womanly, the kind of female that is begging to be fucked, and to be fucked right. The wild part of me that I hid behind my carefully collected face roared; if I let it out, all my codes would fly out the window; that greedy animal would ravage her again, and not gently.

My glasses were a mess from the rain, and I couldn’t see shit. Con of having the green colored eyes of my father, you see; they came with myopia, and without lenses or glasses, my sight was blurry, although I could see her pretty well as she was close. She pouted again with my hand on her wrist, staying submissively against the gate; she seemed so small and vulnerable. I suppose she was only tall when she was wearing heels. The rain was ruining her shades, but somehow I found her hotter that way; she did look like a fucked up whore.

She was speechless at my advance, so my face softened a bit. I couldn’t watch her ache any more.

“What are you thinking, running in the rain like that?” I scolded her, a bit more gently; almost with concern, but I knew full well what was up. My hand moved involuntarily to caress her beautiful face as it was pelted by the raindrops; she gave me the same, childish, girly look she had given me when I dragged her in the bathroom yesterday, teasing the animal in me; I wanted to fuck her face so badly when she looked at me like that. My clothes were getting very wet, but I didn’t give a fuck. This moment was worth a few wet clothes.

“I’d do anything for you,” she whispered, her breath hot near my face, her blue eyes full of wanton lust. Had I been more up to speed with my senses, I’d have disregarded her words as another attempt to throw off my control, like she did yesterday, but I fell for it, because she sounded genuine. I didn’t care if she really was a whore. If she wanted me so badly, I’d let her into my life, and I’d set her straight. I grabbed her other wrist, pinning them both up against the bars.

Our lips joined in a searing hot kiss, my tongue joining with hers in the most satisfying of ways. I held her wrists in the air with one hand as she just stood there, receiving me, yielding to me. Our bodies pressed tightly together, like they should be. I could feel her large breasts, much bigger than any girl of her age should have, flattened on my chest. I couldn’t believe she was a virgin. My dick grew in my pants at the thought of taking her that way, pressing against her abdomen and up her belly.

Her hand went there and felt my pants and she moaned sexily in my mouth; she kissed me with fervor, naked in the rain as she was. She whined when I suddenly broke off the kiss and dragged her by the wrist back home, without looking at her. I heard her whimper, as moving so fast hurt her ass, but I didn’t care. I had to have my way with her, and no more moralities, otherwise I’d go crazy.

“I knew you were the same,” she shouted, “you’re a pervert just like any other man. All you want is sex,” she sneered. But she had started it, so I knew this was just trash talk to provoke me further, and boy, was it just the worst thing to do at this time. I was going to make her regret that… or so I thought.

I pushed her through the doorstep, slipping out of my wet shirt and pants and tossing them aside. I hastily took off my glasses and put them on the counter. My dick formed a straight tent in my boxers, until I took them off; I caught her hungry glance and I shook my head, certain she’d enjoy this. If Christina didn’t like sucking cock and having her face fucked as much as she did, I’d surely think of her as less of a whore.

I swirled her around and made her bent over slightly, her breasts pressed against the wall. I began spanking her, leaving red marks on her ass, and she cried out in pretend shock. That round, plump ass deserved all the spanking I could give it, for making me lose my mind.

“You like that,” I hissed to her, bending over her so our faces were close; I was determined to fill her world and give her exactly what she was looking for this whole time.

Our breaths mingled together, our faces close and our eyes locked to each other’s.

“Stop, Alex,” she cried, but I could tell a lie when it was being told. She was trying to steal a glance at my cock, which was placed against the low of her back. I knew that excited her imagination, because she was slick and shiny between her legs and all around her thighs. My dick still stung from the soap I’d used as lubrication yesterday, but man, was fucking her asshole in return worth it.

I placed my palm on her clit, gently, softly, without rubbing; I only teased her with two fingers, just outside. Her clit was swollen, protruding between her lips like a gumdrop; it was amazingly aroused and enlarged, a beautiful sight that rendered me fully hard, especially at the thought that no one but me had ever gone in there.

I spanked her again on the other cheek as she was arched over to the wall. Her ass was firm, as were her thighs and the rest of her legs, all the parts that I was fond of the most in a woman. Her body wasn’t only fit, it was the body of an athlete; I remembered she had invited Matt to her ballet show to grab my attention, and then I knew that she took ballet more seriously than I had thought, and I knew that her pussy had to be as tight as the rest of her body, except maybe her asshole. I started rubbing my hand up and down her ass crack and she whimpered as my fingers brushed lightly over her bruised asshole, just to give her an idea. “You fucking pervert,” she breathed sharply, then she whimpered, “are you going to fuck my ass, Alex?”

“Nah,” I retorted, my fingers patiently massaging, pressing (but not penetrating) her pussy in a suggestive manner. “That’s only one of the three holes I’ll fuck today.”

She was aghast at my words, acting offended, as if.

“This is rape, you know, I’ll tell everyone what you did to me,” she cried, and that set me off really badly. I jerked her around, grabbed her jaw strongly and she let out a lusty, submissive moan, proof that she was doing this only to mess with me. I stared at her intently, wildly, and she stared at me back. There was no fear in her blue eyes, only defiance and lust. God, I wanted to fuck this woman.

I buttoned her against the wall, and she did nothing to resist me. I slammed my tightened fist onto the wall, next to her head as a show of power. She yelped and gasped, looking at my own lips. That was my cue. We kissed with a passion and hotness that I’d never felt before. It was a brutal, devouring kiss. Although she seemed slutty, she displayed a shyness and submissiveness, a girly innocence that, when combined with her inexperience, drove me crazy. She was being proven a virgin before my eyes, while I had so firmly believed otherwise yesterday.

She grabbed my hard cock and stroked it towards her belly, and I held one breast in my hand. I slipped to one knee so my head was on the same height as her glorious tits and I plunged my face in them. That alone was enough to make a man’s year. I took one of her girthy, round nipples in my mouth and sucked on it, kissing it, my tongue swirling hungrily. She let out a sigh of pleasure, raising her head to the ceiling as she ran her hand through my hair and cupped my cheek gently. I looked up at her, and I saw a shy girl, a bit concerned; that drew my attention.

“Are my nipples too big, Alex?” she asked of me.

“They’re like flowers,” I replied, somewhat jokingly. Truly, they looked like roses, stiffened and pink as they were. Their ends poked out, but not in an absurdly big manner. It was just the way I wanted it, so tender and feminine. I took the other one in my mouth and kissed it, admiring her for it. I grinned naughtily at her before I bit down on it and she let out a cute yelp, grasping my wet hair strongly. I’d wanted to do that since I saw those tits break free yesterday; I took the other one in my mouth again, biting down playfully and she yelped again. I parted her legs with my hand, searching for her beautiful wet pussy; I teased her with two fingers over there as I sucked and bit on her nipple and she closed her eyes, letting out a throaty sigh of pleasure.

“ I’m gonna take the prize before anyone else gets to it,” I said to her, standing up.

“I’d never let anybody,” she breathed her promise, “it’s only yours to fuck, Alex,” she moaned shyly, submissively. I let out a chuckle, pleased. When I first saw her, I knew I could bend her if I wanted to, but I never thought she would be this passive. Perhaps she liked me a bit too much. I pulled her to me and she hugged me. I spanked her again for being such a slut, then on a whim, I grabbed her hair and yanked her away, to the living room. I kept close behind her, pressing my dick against her back, constantly reminding her of my hardness, and I put my hand on her smooth, shaven pussy as I pushed her forward. I wondered if she had shaven for me, and then I thought, of course she had. What she didn’t know was that I appreciated hair there.

“Leave some hair there,” I commander her, “if I don’t see a bikini wax soon, I’m gonna leave you dick-less, you whore.” She moaned in disdain.

“Sh-show some respect – OW!” I threw her over the couch’s arm. Her ass was thrust up in the air, her face down on the pillow. She turned to look at me, the slut, biting down on her bottom lip as I spanked her and she cried out. Her pussy and asshole presented themselves from the thick, firm butt cheeks; I couldn’t resist the sight. I just plunged my face right into her sweet-smelling pussy, hugging her beautiful thighs strongly so she had nowhere to go. I licked her lips and she let out a gasp and a groan. My tongue forced its way into her virgin fuck tool, swirling, as I rubbed it with my fingers outside.

She turned her head, moaning like a slut; she grabbed my hair strongly, pushing me in. My response was a heavy, loud smack on her ass which made her cry out, “Oh, fuck!” as she rubbed her breast and nipple. My nose was deep into her musky smell, which I couldn’t get enough of. It felt wonderful to please Christie in this way. I grabbed both her reddened cheeks and pulled away slightly; I was going to rub her ass crack again, so her juices spread around. Two fingers slipped in her pussy, making her gasp, but I didn’t go too far, as not to break her too early. I moved my tongue up to her bruised asshole, licking and rimming the tight ring. That really set her wild and squirming on my arms.

“Shit, Alex, right there,” she let out; I was French-kissing her asshole as I had her mouth just moments ago, and she was so into it, despite having had it fucked so hard yesterday. Her eager rosebud clenched and relaxed as I lapped her sphincter into relaxation, forcing a mix of my saliva and her juices down into her waiting rectum, all the while I rubbed her pussy outside, two of my fingers up in there (but not very far). I felt her butt ring pleasantly tight around my tongue, her tangy smell keeping me turned on. She was quivering and moaning, at the mercy of my oral machinations.

I stroked my dick so I remained hard, fantasizing about getting that asshole around it again. She submitted into an explosive orgasm, screaming and squirting all over my mouth. I smacked her ass, grinning victoriously, wanting to watch her lusty expression against the couch. Before she even had a chance to recover, I stood up. Her face was flushed, her eyes glazed after her orgasm.

“Get up,” I commanded her, “you need to be standing for the most important moment in your life.” She didn’t need to, of course, I was just saying that because I always thought sluts must get fucked while standing up, because that’s what they do most of the time anyway.

“Wait,” she shrieked, “do you have any condoms?”

I laughed harshly, “I’m not about to waste a load in your snatch.” I had condoms, but I’d discovered long ago I could do without them.

She opened her mouth to protest, but I had no patience for arguing. I grabbed her arm strongly. “You’re hurting me,” she protested, and this time she was honest. I had little control of my strength when I got wild; I lightened my grip without apologizing and dragged her to the pillar nearby and made her bend over and grab it. She looked so incredibly sexy, bent over like that; I only wished she was wearing heels. I grabbed my cock and placed it on the lips of her pussy. I don’t know what part in me resisted just plunging it deep in one go. “Do you want it?” I asked of her, pressing lightly. I was going to return some of the teasing she had done to me.

“God, yes, please, Alex, I can’t wait any longer,” she moaned. I could tell by the heated way she said it that she would never be more ready.

My cockhead pushed past the sopping wet lips of her cunt. I was going in and she screamed. Once I felt that slippery tightness engulf me, I had to push it in one go. I held her waist and rammed it inside her pussy, looking down to admire how wonderfully I was stretching it, almost balls deep into her hot, no longer virgin tool. Blood dripped to the floor from my invasion. Her squeezing wetness squeezed my cock. All my senses told me to go fast, because it was this pussy that had made me lost my mind. It turns out, she didn’t like slow.

“It hurts soo good,” she whispered with her eyes shut, biting her bottom lip. I began slipping out of her, my legs sticky from her juices. I embraced her from behind, bent over with her and kissed her elegant shoulder lightly, before my I put my chin on it. I had one hand on her breast, rubbing and twisting slightly her nipple, the other hand rubbing her clit as I watched her pretty face tense. The rain drops that slid down her face made it look like she was crying; and she had an expression as if she was hurt, her lips pouting sexily, her deep blue eyes begging me, wanting me. Our bodies mingled together, our union breathlessly satisfying. She yielded to me completely.

“God, Alex,” she uttered as I thrust in her for the second time. She looked overwhelmed, absolutely conquered. “Take it away,” she whimpered. “I’m giving it to you, it’s all yours to abuse,” she continued and her dirty words made my dick twitch, deep inside the wet confines of her pussy. I roughly forced my hand between her thighs from the front, making her part them, then held her waist. I kissed the small blonde with passion, forcing my tongue into her moaning mouth. I began pounding into her with force, pumping her pussy full as she returned my kiss feverishly.

This was the moment I felt most complete in. I was taking her virginity with every bit of the savageness I believed her young, teasing pussy deserved.

I broke off the kiss, my mouth wandering to the side of her neck as I fucked her; I loved her neck, so elegant and smooth. I kissed and licked that little vixen from shoulder to ear, sinking my teeth into her to mark her as mine like an animal, my hands grasping her petite waist to pull her back to me with every thrust.

She was breathless, quiet for a time as I pumped into her; perhaps she didn’t have the strength to shout. I growled next to her ear, satisfied with my progress.

I pushed all the way in, to the hilt, and I smacked her beautiful ass harshly. “Ow,” she let out, finally, breathless and panting heavily.

“Arms behind your back, hurry up,” I commanded, and she gave me her arms meekly; I crossed them behind her back, securing them both with one hand. Her own small hands closed near her elbows. The sight was splendid. “Aren’t you a submissive whore?” I hissed. I knew by this point she liked that, because her pussy tightened involuntarily around me, although she groaned in disdain. It seemed Christina Rousseau wasn’t quite used to being called that.

She shouldn’t have tied her hair into a ponytail, because it begged me to get grabbed. From the arms secured tightly behind her back and her ponytail, I yanked her forcefully back to me with every quick yet long thrust, ramming into her pussy with all my strength. I drew her backwards, forcing her to bend over. She arched her back sexily and moaned loudly as I fucked her roughly. I wished there was a mirror in front of her, like yesterday, so I could see her tits bouncing and her beautiful, round face, screwed up with lust and the effort to endure my love making.

On the same arm I kept her own arms behind her back I put pressure, so my elbow was pressing her lower back down, rendering her completely grounded. Even though she was standing up, she was secured and within my control from every corner – her head, her arms, her legs. She had surrendered absolutely, held down by my strength, giving me her virginity away quietly, letting out a choking yelp every now and then.

I slowed my pace, making sure she fully understood my movements; I let go of her hair. My fingers found their way between her cheeks to her asshole; she jumped lightly and I pushed her body against the pillar, grinning wolfishly.

Her juices were all over, so my glistening fingers slipped easily into her hungry asshole. She yelped and jumped, but made no move to stop me. What could she do, with her hands firmly secured behind her back? As my fingers plunged deep, she tightened her asshole, pushing them out; she’d already learned the tricks of the trade. I put my three fingers in there, keeping my cock deep inside her snatch. In and out my fingers went, picking up pace until I was jamming them in her asshole; along with my fingers, I moved my dick slightly, just to create friction.

“Oh, that feels so good,” she screamed.

Taking in ragged breaths, I growled as if to demand that her orgasm arrived. She trembled and I felt her climax rise right up. I thrust faster into her, plunging my dick deeply in unison with my fingers. I felt her cunt flood with her juices as she came, her hot pocket tightening around my cock. Her whole body was shaking and she could only utter, “oh, oh,” grinding her butt against my crotch, as if to massage me and her cunt. I retracted my fingers from her ass, watching them slip gracefully out.

After the wave struck, she yelled in ecstasy, “good God, what have you done to me!”

I stopped my thrusting, letting her catch her breath. She was flushed and panting, just the way I liked her to be. I let her relax for a few moments; I thought even she deserved as much, because the storm hadn’t passed yet. I still didn’t slip out of her, though; I didn’t want her to forget.

After she caught a few breaths, she cooed, “Jesus, where did you learn to fuck like that?” and I grinned.

“I’ve had plenty of chances to experiment,” I said wickedly. I also watched a lot of porn; ever since I started watching, when I was ten (I had perverted friends, don’t get me wrong), I liked it a lot and as I grew up I gradually began to observe what certain male porn-stars did to make women get off, so I learned a few things beyond the basics. But along with knowledge upon sex, porn awakened something more in me, an animal with a thirst that could only be quenched with and upon a girl like Christie.

Published 10 years ago

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