I kissed a girl, and I liked it… Katy Perry’s fun little anthem was playing in the lingerie store as I walked in. CJ comes home tonight, so I was hoping to find something cute for his first night back. I also needed some bigger bras, desperately.
“I’d love to see THIS on you,” I heard from behind me.
I turned around to see Kim standing behind me, holding up a light blue satin and lace corset.
“Oh my God!” I beamed, giving Kim a tight hug. “What are you doing here?”
“Going out tonight,” Kim said, smiling.
“Going out? In a corset??” I asked, laughing.
“I go to a little different club than you’d probably find yourself in, Dear.”
“Oh! Well, you never know,” I said, giggling. If she only knew what KT and I had done, I thought. I held the corset up to my body, checking the size. “Is it safe to wear something tight like this when I have a little bun in the oven?”
“It’s fine, Honey,” Kim started. “It doesn’t have to be super tight. And your cute tummy isn’t huge.”
“Not huge, yet,” I said, flatly. “And I have a feeling my boobs are going to be spilling out of this thing.”
“That’s kinda the point with corsets,” Kim assured me. “Go try it on!”
I can’t believe Kim is picking out my lingerie, I laughed to myself, pulling my top over my head. Kim had given me the same style of corset she was wearing, only hers was pink and red. Her smaller boobs were still cascading over the top. I expected mine to definitely draw some attention away from my blooming torso.
Surprisingly, it looked really good on me. Kim knew what she was doing, I thought. The cup size was perfect and the boning in front minimized the bump in my tummy. It’s probably what I would have chosen, if Kim hadn’t suggested it.
“How does it look?” Kim whispered from the other side of the dressing room door.
I quietly unlatched the door, opening it enough for Kim to get a peek. She had more in mind than just a peek, though, as she hurried through the door and latched it behind her.
“You,” Kim whispered, stepping directly in front of me, “look soooo good.” She reached her hand around to the back of my skirt and began working the zipper. “Let’s see how it looks without the skirt.”
Kim’s fingers worked with precision, And a second later, my miniskirt was around my ankles. I tried in vain to control my heavy breathing. I could tell Kim was sensing my desire for her. She leaned down, put her lips against my ear and whispered, “If you want to kiss me again, I will not stop you.”
I put my hands around Kim’s waist, pulling her to me as she brought her lips to mine. I closed my eyes and let Kim take both of my breasts in her hands, massaging them with conspicuous lust. Kim slid her hands around to my back, gliding her fingers down, gently teasing the soft skin between each crisscrossed section of the satin ties.
I moaned loudly into Kim’s mouth when she grabbed both sides of my ass and pulled me tight to her. I sucked Kim’s tongue into my mouth as she forcefully pulled my panties down. When Kim brought a hand around to the front of me, I stepped out of my underwear and opened my legs for what was surely about to happen.
Kim grabbed my pussy with serious intent. She massaged my puffy mound, then finally slipped a finger inside me. I broke our kiss and took in huge, panting breaths as the attendant knocked on the changing room door.
“Miss? Is everything alright?” the store clerk asked.
“Yes, it’s just a little…” I groaned as Kim shoved another finger inside me, “tight.”
I wasn’t exactly confident that the attendant was satisfied with what she heard from our changing room. But I was unconcerned. When her high heels clicked down the hall away from our door, Kim leaned into me, nudging me down onto the bench that ran the length of the wall.
“I’m going to eat you alive,” Kim whispered, lowering herself to her knees.
Kim eased two fingers inside me and began rapidly firing the tip of her tongue on my clit. It felt so good. Perfectly natural and beautiful. Kim learned my body quickly, knowing exactly what to do with her mouth and hand, and when to do it. I felt the orgasmic wave start to pull me under, then suddenly thought – she is my dad’s age. That notion, bothersome at first, took a hard turn when I felt myself gush into Kim’s mouth.
If you want to cum, you better just go with it, Heather, I thought. So what if she’s the same age as your dad? She knows what she’s doing. I bet he does too. You know he wants to eat KT’s pussy. You know it. She was right. He would totally fuck her. You WANT him to fuck her. You want KT to eat you out while Daddy fucks her senseless.
My climactic wave didn’t have any time to materialize. Kim’s forceful fingering and aggressive tongue combined with my incestuous, three-way sexual fantasy plunged me under. I came hard, soaking Kim’s mouth and hand. She continued fucking me until I fell silent, spent.
“My goodness, girl!. Do you always make such a mess?” Kim quietly teased.
I lay panting while Kim used my lace thong to wipe us both clean. I giggled when she tucked those drenched panties into her own satin g-string. For not being a lesbian, I sure do like the way they fuck, I thought, amusingly.
“Not usually,” I replied, getting to my feet. “You are just too good at it,” I laughed.
“Put these on and let me take a pic,” Kim whispered, handing me a pair of panties she had bought for herself.
I stepped into the sexy white panties and struck a pose that concealed my tummy. “We are so bad.”
“Smile and say…pussy!” Kim said.
“Pussy!” I said, a bit loudly, making us both crack up as she snapped a pic with her phone.
“You should be a lingerie model,” Kim said, showing me the pic.
“Send that to me,” I told her.
Who are you going to show that to? I could hear the girl in the mirror teasing me already. You know you’re not going to spoil the surprise for CJ. And who would you say took that pic of you? If you tell KT, you know she’ll bring up Daddy.
“I better go,” Kim said, interrupting the argument I had started with myself.
I picked up my skirt and stepped over to kiss Kim one more time before she left. I could smell and taste myself on Kim’s mouth, as our tongues swam together. I have always liked the way I taste. But sharing it from someone else was a huge turn-on.
Kim gave me a warm smile and told me to wait a few minutes to come out, so we weren’t caught by any snooping store clerks. I certainly didn’t mind waiting a bit. I had some things to say to the girl in the mirror, anyway.
So you’re turning gay. Is that it? The girl in the mirror accused.
“I didn’t start this. Either time,” I whispered.
But you didn’t stop it.
And what the fuck was that? KT and Daddy? You better get a handle on those hormones before you do or say something you regret. KT was probably right about him checking her out. But he would NEVER go there.
“It was just a dirty thought. Nothing else. Daddy doesn’t really look at KT any differently than he looks at me. So we can just drop it.”
If you say so. But you might want to check your panties. You just made a wet spot.
The girl in the mirror was right. I looked down, saw the dampness and just giggled. It was definitely time to redirect my thoughts.
“CJ is gonna love this corset. But I don’t think he needs to know that Kim picked it out for me,” I giggled.
No. That’s our little secret, replied the giddy girl in the mirror.
CJ said he would text me as soon as his plane landed. I had a few hours, so I decided to head home, take a bath, and try to get my body and mind all cleaned up.
“Hey, Sweetie!” Daddy greeted me, a bit anxiously. “I thought you were staying at CJ’s tonight.”
“Well…” I started, hesitantly. “He comes in later. So I thought I would come home and hang out with you for a little while,” I said, giving my dad a skeptical face.
“I…” Daddy started, then glanced over at his closed bedroom door.
“Oh shit… shoot,” I laughed, quietly. “Don’t mind me. I’m just gonna take a bath.”
“Sorry,” he said, embarrassed.
“No! No! I’m sorry. I should have called or texted first. My bad.”
“What’s in the bag?” Daddy asked, looking at the clearly marked, pink striped bag.
“Wouldn’t YOU like to know!” I answered, playfully.
“Actually, I probably DON’T want to know,” he laughed. “But I’m sure CJ will like it.”
“He will,” I said, turning to go down the hall. “Kim picked it out,” I teased as I walked away.
Way to go, Heather, the girl in the mirror laughed. Daddy is probably going to bang his date so hard; she won’t know what hit her!
“That’s for sure!” I giggled. “And if I really wanted to be cruel, I could tell him that Kim just fucked my brains out!”
Would he be jealous…or turned on? she wondered.
“I’m not sure I even want to answer that,” I said, laughing.
I took my bath, shaving my legs and private areas. CJ likes my hair down. So I just dried it halfway and let it fall into its natural wave, then pulled my bangs back into a cute bump. Slipping back into that satin corset instantly reminded me of my encounter with Kim. And I wondered how her “night out” was going as I pulled a sweatshirt over my pretty lingerie.
Daddy’s door was open when I made my way back down the hall. Did he just have a booty call? I thought. Or did I just totally screw up his evening?
“Hey,” I said, walking into my dad’s room. “Everything…OK?”
“Yeah,” Daddy grinned sheepishly, reclining against his headboard, body hidden under the bed linens.
“I hope I didn’t screw up your night,” bumping him over to give me room next to him. I lay down, matching his position, and slipped back into my heels while we chatted.
“No,” he replied. “Not at all. We were just saying goodbye when you got home. Don’t worry about it.”
I was sure that was a lie. But Daddy is always kind like that, and I love him for it. Maybe they had already finished before I got home. I’ll just assume that’s the case since he’s not going to say any more about it anyway.
“Well, I’m about to head over to CJ’s. His plane should be arriving soon.”
“Sweatshirt, huh?” Daddy said, teasing. “Not quite what I imagined was in that shopping bag.”
“Oh?” I asked, playfully. “You don’t think sweatshirts are just soooo sexy?” I teased as my phone chimed with a text.
We both laughed as I swiped my phone, unlocking it. Naturally, the last thing I had open on my cell phone was the pic Kim had taken of me in the changing room. And naturally, Daddy got an eye-full. I closed it as quickly as I could, but I heard his sharp inhale.
“Don’t!” I commanded, putting two fingers over his mouth. “Don’t say a word. You were NOT supposed to see that,” I told him, seriously.
Suddenly, I was reminded of the last time I put my fingers to someone’s mouth like that. KT had started cooking an orgasm inside me by licking between my fingers. I knew my face must have been bright red by the time I pulled my hand away from his mouth. Fortunately, Daddy made no further attempt to acknowledge or comment on what he had just seen. The last thing I needed was any more memories associated with that damn corset.
The only thing I could do to avoid the comments I was getting from Daddy’s eyes was to avert my own gaze. I read CJ’s text and scooted off the bed. It was time to head to Shale Rock and wait for my boyfriend to climb into bed with me. I had a surprise meant for his eyes only that had already been shared with way too many people.
End of Part – 17