The Flirt – A Heather Story – Part 11

"CJ feeds Heather after dinner with their parents"

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“What was THAT about?” CJ asked, smiling and spent.

The whole thing with Kim, my soaking wet panties, and total bewilderment of which way my sexual compass was pointing, started a raging fire that was only extinguishable by immediate, masculine penetration from my boyfriend.

“I had a…strange day,” I admitted, flatly, catching my breath and relaxing in the afterglow of fulfillment. 

CJ set a concerned look on his face and lightly caressed my exposed shoulder and chest as we lay facing each other. “So…you’re using me now?” he teased.

“No,” I giggled. “Just had a weird conversation with Kim today. Made me think about you.”

“Kim?” CJ asked. “The lesbian woman at the dealership?”

“You’ve only talked to her a few times. How did you know she….” I started to ask. “Oh! She must have not fallen for your charms, making her OBVIOUSLY a lesbian!” I laughed.

CJ chuckled, shaking his head, “No. Not at all.”

“Yeah, right,” I replied, playing along. “Well, she IS lesbian, yes. But she’s a really private person. Not sure how you know so much about her.”

“I don’t know anything about her, Heather. Honestly…except the way she looks at you.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, furrowing my brow. “She’s the Office Manager. And we all kinda kiss her ass, but she doesn’t treat me any differently than anyone else.”

“Wow,” CJ smiled. “Your hitting streak finally ends.”

“My hitting streak?”

“You’ve got EVERYBODY figured out. You know everything about everyone, but somehow you swung and missed on her.”

I wanted to argue, but CJ was right. I had missed it. How could it have been that obvious to him, and I completely missed it?

“Apparently,” I said, exhaling. 

“What happened?”

“She fucking…sorry. She came ON to me!” I laughed.

“Oh my!” CJ said, with mock sincerity.

“I’m serious,” I giggled. “I didn’t know what to do.”

“You didn’t know what to do? Come on, Baby. You’ve been hit on by so many guys, and it just rolls off of you. Why is it so different if an attractive woman does it?”

“An ATTRACTIVE woman?” I blasted CJ, teasing. “I’m sure your mind is just working, working right now, imagining me and her!” I laughed, wagging a finger in CJ’s face.

CJ’s face went red. He does not embarrass easily, so I knew I was right. But I let it go. Let him have his little fantasy.

“Well,” CJ started, red-faced and laughing. “Not saying THAT. But I might want to thank her next time I see her…if her little advance makes you come over and jump my bones!”

I think Kim’s “little advance” was more of an overt attempt to seduce me. I tease and flirt. But I know when enough is enough, and try not to cross the line between joking around…and actually propositioning someone. It’s flattering when anyone projects their interest towards me, with compliments or just with their eyes. But I was totally caught off guard with her. Still…. She did make me ruin a pair of panties.

My concern about ruining another set of CJ’s sheets was for nothing. A little wet spot was the only evidence I left behind this time. I had mixed up so many thoughts and feelings about my virginity, and about my “first time”. The aftermath of it all was becoming tiresome. I was happy to put all that behind me. No more worrying. This should be fun. I will “jump his bones” whenever I feel like it now!

With my sexuality and anatomy questions answered, I was ready to spend a relaxing evening with my boyfriend. CJ suggested watching a movie in their home cinema. I was in a rather romantic mood, so the first thing that came to mind was Twilight. I think I actually HEARD his eyes roll. But since he let me pick, and he hadn’t seen it before, I made him promise to at least give it a chance.

There were parts of the movie where I had to laugh at CJ. So many syrupy sweet, cheesy lines…he had to be throwing up a little bit in his mouth. But by the end, I could tell he was drawn into the story. He even suggested we watch New Moon next time, which I thought was cute.

I made it home before midnight, so Daddy was satisfied. We chatted for a bit, catching each other up on the relevant parts of our day. I let him know that CJ’s parents have offered for us to go skiing with them over Spring Break. They have a chalet at the base of the mountain, right next to the ski lifts. 

Daddy thought it sounded amazing, but he wouldn’t feel comfortable since they’ve never even met him. He thought it was a really generous offer, but suspected they were only extending it to him because CJ wanted ME to go. I had to admit, he was probably right. But I didn’t want to press the issue as we were going to bed.

In the morning, I awoke to a text from CJ, Can you and your dad come to dinner tonight?

Hi Babydoll! I will ask Daddy. I don’t work tonight. What time should I tell him?

Come at 6, if that works, CJ answered.

I told my dad about the dinner invitation. I could tell he wasn’t thrilled about meeting CJ’s parents, but he would do it…”to make me happy.”

“They’re probably going to put the hard sell on me about skiing,” Daddy grumbled.

“I don’t think so. I mean, they probably want to just ask you formally. That’s how they are. But they won’t be pushy about it. It’s still a couple of weeks away, so maybe…you can tell them you’ll think about it? 

I knew Daddy wouldn’t go on that trip. He’s declined trips like that with his own friends. But I still needed him to keep an open mind about letting me go with them.

I was a bit nervous all day, that my dad would change his mind and back out of our dinner plans. But when I got home from school, I found Daddy in a good mood. He asked me lots of questions about what he should wear, what CJ’s parents were like, if he should bring wine or something. I took it as a good, positive sign, and suggested bringing a bottle of Scotch for CJ’s dad.

We got to Shale Rock right at six o’clock. Daddy and CJ’s dad exchanged pleasantries, which turned into an engaging conversation. It was nice to see my dad become comfortable so quickly in such unfamiliar surroundings. 

When we sat down to eat, I was unsure how Daddy would react to seeing all the staff serving our food and attending to everyone before, during and after dinner. But Daddy is a chameleon, blending in with his surroundings. 

I could tell he was a little nervous, but I suspect it was more anxiety than anything else. Mr. Benson had been very solid in his assurance to “take good care of me,” and Daddy had agreed to let me go with them. I know he was worried about putting his little girl into their hands for a week of snow skiing, hundreds of miles away. But he was going to trust them, and I could hardly contain my excitement. 

I gave Daddy a huge hug and happy, sloppy kisses on his cheeks when he left to go back home, after dinner. As discussed, CJ would bring me home later, after we did a little workout, and relaxed in the jacuzzi. 

“Your dad looked a little choked up when you told him goodbye. How is he?” CJ asked, turning the blue light on in the jacuzzi. 

“He’s fine,” I said. “Just told me I owe him ‘big time’ for this.”

CJ and I chatted, flirted, and relaxed in the warm jacuzzi for a long time. We took trips down memory lane, laughing and reminiscing about the last few weeks. I felt so happy, content, knowing he shared the same appreciation for our relationship. I know my dad would not have agreed to let me go away for a week with anyone else. The trust that CJ had cultivated…with me, with his parents, and with my dad, couldn’t be understated.  

We had been in the jacuzzi for so long, the timer expired on the lights, dimming down to complete darkness. The little LED light on the wall panel wasn’t even bright enough to create our own shadows. 

“Gimme a break,” CJ said, getting up to fix the lights.

“Leave them off, Babydoll,” I giggled. “Come here. Feeeeel your way,” I flirted.

I heard and felt water swishing and dripping as CJ searched for me in the dark. I giggled and dodged him, playfully making a game of it.

“There’s a leg,” he said, gripping one of my calves. “Oh! There’s another leg!” he proclaimed, finally catching me. CJ ran his hands up my legs, pulling us together. “And there’s…no swimsuit bottoms…or top,” he said, quietly, as his hands discovered my secrets.

“Hmmm. And look…no swimsuit on you either,” I giggled, blindly pulling CJ’s swim trunks down.

I remember the first time I went down on CJ. He apparently enjoyed it, but I was inexperienced and awkward. Since then, I paid more attention to the language of his body, working my hands and mouth to not simply get him off..but to truly please him.

I took a firm grip on CJ’s shaft and brought the head of his cock to my tongue. Without closing my lips around it, I just teased the tip and hood with my lips and tongue, feeling it get hard and tight. When I heard CJ’s breathing subtly become a bit shaky, I introduced the bulk of his cock to the warm, wet satisfaction of my sucking mouth.

With my stroking hand acting as a bumper, protecting the back of my throat, I allowed CJ to control his own tempo and depths of thrusts as he fucked my mouth in the dark. Water splashed up to my face. Obscene groans and the unmistakable sucking and slurping sounds of oral pleasure echoed around us. 

The first wave of cum hit the back of my throat, prompting me to open my mouth. I had learned from my experience over the last few times that if I stopped sucking on CJ’s cock as he was finishing, I was able to let him cum in my mouth. The taste was no longer so disagreeable to me and I was eager to swallow it…as long as it wasn’t being shot directly into my throat.

I’ve heard girls talk about giving blowjobs. Some of them brag about how good they are. Some of them talk about how degrading it is, and only do it reluctantly. And some girls, like me, don’t talk about it all. We just listen and smile, thinking I fucking LOVE making a guy cum like that!

I lay back against the curved wall of the jacuzzi, satisfied with myself for treating my boyfriend to such indulgence. When I felt CJ’s lips touch mine, I was surprised and sincerely warm-hearted. He had never kissed me after I had gone down on him before. It wasn’t an open-mouth kiss, but the sentiment was sweet. I can see many many more blowjobs in your future, Mr. Benson.

End of Part 11



Published 4 years ago

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