My face reddened as I saw what the bagger pulled out of my environmentally friendly reusable grocery bag that I also use for laundry and other things. She pulled out a pair of my underwear and stared at it for a moment. Then, with perfect professionalism, she put them back into the bag and started loading my groceries. I, on the other hand, looked away and couldn’t even meet her eyes when I thanked and tipped her.
I know, I know, tipping is frowned upon at that grocery, but I felt I owed her something.
Later that night, a replay of what happened kept running through my mind. A couple of stray thoughts disturbed me. What would I have done if she had surreptitiously slipped them into a pocket? Would I have felt flattered or violated? The other thought was what if they had been dirty ones? I do have to admit to checking as soon as I got out to my car and felt relieved that they were clean. But there was a small part of me that wondered how I would have felt if they were a used pair.
I was once in a sports bar/restaurant in Alabama that was sort of like a Hooter’s with the loveliest servers I have ever seen. Posted up on the wall was a frame with some themed merchandise for sale. Most of them were the usual things, tee-shirts, mugs, posters pf some of the servers in some very sexy poses, but the one I still remember was a pair of panties. They had two prices $20.00 new and $50.00 used. I always wondered if they were serious, but never had the nerve to ask.
It’s funny how some things come to mind as life goes on. I don’t think I’d thought about that pub in years, and this little embarrassing occurrence brought it to mind. In some ways, I wish it had been a few years later than it had been because I would have not only asked but would have done my absolute best to convince my server to not only give up the pair she was wearing but to do so in the privacy of my hotel room.
She was the cutest young girl with the sexiest Southern accent, however; that was before I gave up on men completely. But that’s a different story, this story is about my undies, I guess.
The next morning, I realized a couple of things. I slept horribly because images of my panties showing up in embarrassing places just kept running through my dreams. I rarely remember my dreams, but one part stuck with me. I was going through TSA to catch a flight and get tagged for a random search, no biggie, it happens. However, in this dream, the agent goes through my carry-on, it’s filled with nothing but dirty panties and she gives me such a look. I swear the odor came through my dreams, but it wasn’t completely a dream because I woke up with soaked panties and one hand clenched tightly between my thighs. I was also covered in sweat and breathing hard. Sleep was hard to come by after that.
I was actually nervous about my next trip to the grocery. I know I did nothing wrong, but the scene kept running through my mind. It didn’t help that the bagger that day was a really cute young lady. I hadn’t given her much of a sexual thought because she had to be thirty years younger than myself. I purposefully didn’t get in the line I saw her servicing, but as luck would have it one of the baggers got called away and she ended up taking care of my groceries again.
I was hoping against hope she wouldn’t remember me, but as she opened my reusable bags, I saw her check carefully for anything left behind. I thought it was my imagination, but I also thought she looked a little disappointed. She didn’t say a word, just did her job, again quite professionally. But the look on her face, the one I thought might have been disappointment, stayed with me for days. To make matters worse, I was in a bit of a dry spell between lovers and my masturbatory fantasies started including young, blond cute girls. Even the times I went out with friends, I found myself checking out the much younger girls, particularly the blond cute ones. I don’t know what I might have done if I spotted my bagger, but I only did in my dreams.
Another week went by, and another grocery run. I didn’t see the bagger and part of me was grateful, the rest of me was disappointed. I had a large run to make because I was hosting a few friends over for dinner the next day. So instead of my usual three bags, I had a full shopping cart with my reusables and also several of the brown-paper types. I don’t do large orders often and I had forgotten one small detail.
“Hi, can I help you load up?”
Standing there by the exit was my bagger, Temple was on her nametag, only today, she was on loading duty. The store really specialized in personal service and there is always someone there to help anyone who might need a hand with the groceries. I’d seen them for years helping the elderly, even wrangling kids for a mom with a couple of full carts, but this was the first time I might have needed help in a long time.
Some part of my brain sent a message to politely thank her, but decline. Sure, I might be fifty, but I could handle seven or eight bags of groceries. However, that message went awry and my mouth formed a smile and I heard “Thank you, that would be nice.”
She smiled back and as my knees and resolved both weakened, she took the handle of my cart and walked out with me.
Now my mind was going a million miles a minute. The girl who had been living in my fantasies for weeks now was walking me out to my car. I could barely hold up my end of the conversation about the weather and weekend plans. I learned she was twenty and going back to Uni in the fall. Her family owned the grocery store and she worked there every summer. For my part, I did mention the dinner party when she noticed that I rarely bought so much.
I think part of my brain froze when I realized she was paying attention to me and what I bought. She helped load everything in the back of my little Civic, and I thanked and tipped her. She shook my hand, and my imagination took off again, did she hold my hand longer than necessary? I couldn’t tell. I couldn’t not watch her briefly as she walked away with her tight little ass moving so sweetly.
I was a wreck by the time I got home and unpacked the car. Putting my grocery haul away came to a complete and sudden end because tucked in the bottom of one of my recyclable bags was a pair of cute blue panties.
They certainly weren’t mine, my fifty-year-old ass wasn’t in bad shape, but it certainly wasn’t going to fit in that tiny thing. I couldn’t help myself, I held them up to my nose and the aroma was enticing. I felt seconds away from orgasm when water from the slowly melting ice cream container sitting on my counter hit the hand that was keeping me upright and reminded me I was in the middle of a chore and couldn’t stop just yet.
I finished putting everything away, especially the perishables, but for the life of me I knew I was in trouble because I doubt I put things away in the right places. Cooking tomorrow was going to be a huge task just trying to find everything I bought today. I did double-check and make sure the right things were in the fridge and freezer as appropriate. After that, I couldn’t help myself, I took my little gift into the bedroom for a little me time. I had just settled down when my phone rang. I almost ignored it because the number wasn’t familiar.
“I hope you got my little present?”
My mind flipped again, how … she continued, “Don’t be mad, I learned your last name from the cashier and used Google. You’ve been on my mind since the other week. I had to know if you left them in there on purpose.”
I was somewhere between gibbering like an idiot and rational speech. I’m not sure how she managed to interpret whatever it was I said to mean it was accidental.
“I hoped it wasn’t because I’ve done nothing but think of you ever since. When I saw you enter the store today, I went to the bathroom and… well, you can guess what I did from their condition. After that, I just made sure I would be the one to help you to your car. I know some of the male baggers prefer to help pretty ladies, but I got there first.”
My mind went sideways again, she thought I was pretty.
She continued while I mentally went off on a tangent. “I figured you would find them when you put your stuff away, I hope I guessed right. So, did you find them?”
I swallowed more nervously than the day I lost my virginity. “Yes, I did!”
“I hope it didn’t bother you?”
The adult in me screamed that I had to shut this down right now, but like my previous adult-type message, it never got near my mouth. “Not in the least!”
“Oh good! You have no idea how hard it was not to take yours and bringing them to my face. I have to know, were they clean?”
“Yes, they were.”
“Oh, too bad! I always hoped they were well -sed. That figured into my thoughts an awful lot lately. I kept kicking myself for not stuffing them into my pocket.”
I blushed, something that doesn’t happen very often, “I would have been mortified!”
Temple grinned, “And now knowing the — impact you had on me?”
I had to laugh at that. “Well, at the time I would have been mortified! It would have been worse if you were a guy.”
“I am so glad to hear you say that. I guess you finished with the groceries, where are you?”
I paused, “At home.”
“No, where in your home are you? I’m hoping my panties have been a bit inspiring.”
I panicked slightly, remembering her age. “Where are you?”
“Still at work, taking a break and sitting in my car. You’re in your bedroom, aren’t you?”
“How do you know?”
“Because if I had snagged your panties the other day, that’s the first place I would have gone. As it was, I did anyway once I got off work. I wish I could see you in your bedroom. Maybe laying on the bed with my panties handy. They are handy, aren’t they?”
She was irrepressible! I looked to my left and there were her cute little panties. A delicate blue thong. “Yes, they’re right here.”
“I knew it! OMG, I wish I were there with you right now. Do me a favor?”
The conversation shift confused me a little. “I guess?”
“Don’t do anything, not yet! Wait until 10:30.”
“What happens then?” I asked with a lovely suspicion forming in what was left of my brain.
“I get off work at ten and if you give me your address there will be a knock on your door.”
Even though I was expecting that response, it still caught me a bit off-guard. This gorgeous twenty-year-old was going to come over for sex! Was I crazy or what? There was still this adult part of my mind that was running through all the reasons why this was a bad idea. At the same time, the rest of me recited my address. She giggled, she actually giggled, and then disconnected with a cheery “See you soon!”
I got up from my bed and left the panties lying there. I know if I touched them again, I wouldn’t be able to help myself. I did what any woman anticipating a surprise houseguest, I started straightening up. It’s not that the place was a mess, but I was planning on a pretty solid cleaning tomorrow early before buckling down and cooking for my dinner party. I felt like a teenager getting ready for the first time a boyfriend visited her in her home without the parents being home.
I was on the edge of insanity for some reason. It’s not like I hadn’t had lovers before! Sure, I was in a dry spell, but they rarely lasted long, not with my circle of friends. There was something about Temple that made me feel — giddy. Believe me, that wasn’t a feeling I was used to. It wasn’t even that I hadn’t had a much younger lover, although thirty years was the widest gap. Well, not exactly. It was the widest gap with me being the older one. There was this professor in college and that gap was a wee bit wider. All those errant thoughts blew right by the part of me still racking a list of why this was a bad idea. I knew it was still adding things up, but once I said my address, I also knew it wouldn’t matter. Temple was coming over and hopefully, shortly thereafter, we would both be cumming over and over.
As I hung up some clothes and stashed my laundry basket in the closet, I looked at that sexy thong on my bed with a surprising longing. I wanted to take them and rub them all over my own wet pussy! I wanted to taste how we would taste together! I was halfway to my bed before I caught myself.
I was almost drooling as much as I felt like I was dripping. But I held off! Anticipation is a wonderful spice, even if it is a hard one to get a handle on.
As I cleaned, I wondered several things, like was she clean-shaven or would she want a shower first after work. It was a hot day and I bet her skin would taste delightfully salty. I was determined to at least taste her neck before she took a shower! I love the taste of the sweet and salty mix on a woman’s skin! I get so distracted when I hit the gym and some lovely lady is working up a serious sweat.
I’ve even got to taste some of them in the privacy of the locker room and shower. Some of my most memorable encounters were at the gym and even the local bike trails. This one lady caught me looking at her ass as she was on one of the weight machines. Instead of being insulted, she said she was flattered and later we…
“Ring!” went my doorbell. I glanced at the clock and realized how quickly time had flown by. That stupid rational part of me thought, “If she got off at ten, she broke the speed limits getting here,” while the less than rational part thought the same thing, but that part of me was flattered.
I paused before opening the door, more to catch my breath than anything. Standing on my front step was Temple, the most adorable, and young, blonde girl with who I had become infatuated over underwear. Just as she stepped in, I realized she wasn’t alone. Behind her was another young girl, taller, slimmer, with dark brown hair. She was smiling at me, but her presence took me off guard. Temple pinned herself against me and before I could enjoy the sensation of this curvy little blond, the slender brunette sort of pushed us both in and closed the door behind her.
“I’m Wanda! When I busted my horny little friend here in the loo… again… she told me what was going on. I hope you don’t mind inviting myself along. I did it partly for her protection since she tends to think with her pussy. I’m extremely glad she was telling me the truth.” As she said that, she started unbuttoning her top.
I might have said something but Temple started nuzzling my neck and, I don’t know about you but that is one of my buttons. I’d been turned on for hours, so the combination of getting my neck nuzzled and pretty Wanda disrobing in front of me killed any idea of stopping. I leaned down and did my own neck nuzzling on a delicious Temple.
Salty and sweet, just as I expected! What made it even more special was the vibration that seemed to run through her body as I raked my tongue, teeth, and lips on her soft neck.
Some tiny part of my brain knew there was a story here, but I didn’t care. I’m just a little under six feet and in good shape. I reached down and picked up little Temple. She sort of squawked in surprise as her arms tightened around my neck. Without being able to see, I still went straight to my bedroom. I heard her giggle as she saw her panties. Her voice went right down my spine, “Did you jill after we talked?”
All I could do was shake my head as I laid her down. That head shake caused a bright smile to erupt. Then she tugged at my top. I heard Wanda behind me, but it mattered little. Right in front of me was a sexy dream. I couldn’t even think of anything, or anyone else. Temple sat up on the edge of the bed and turned me around so she could unhook my bra. Sitting in my reading chair was a completely naked Wanda. As I said, she was taller than Temple, but several inches shorter than me. She was slender with small breasts, and a full bush — although I could barely see it because her hand was rubbing herself as she watched us.
Once I was topless, Temple turned me around and went for my own small breasts. But I started attacking her work clothes. The blue top was hard to unbutton because she kept squirming under my hands. Her bra matched her sexy blue thong, at least, I think it did. I got a very brief look as she unhooked it between her breasts and she tossed it out of view. It took both of us to get her black pants over her hips because it turns out, she’s also extremely ticklish. Shortly she was down to a pair of white socks and I took a small breath, taking her all in.
Temple is petite, about five-foot-two or three. A nice tight body, but curvy in places neither Wanda nor I could ever match. She was lightly tanned, with obvious tan lines. She was shaved leaving a small strip above her pussy. She ran a hand across it briefly and I could see she was as turned on as I felt.
She leaned back on my pillows as she took me in as well. A quick gesture and I stripped off my own slacks and panties. My body was more like Wanda’s, but not nearly as slim as I used to be. My hips had widened with age, but unlike many of my friends about my age, I had a waist and a pair of not-quite B-cup breasts. I could get away without a bra, but I learned that as I moved around my nipples would often rub on my tops, keeping them sensitive, which is terrific, but they were also almost always stiff and evident in tops, plus when I run or bike, they would be rubbed raw without a bra.
She took me in herself, and I was glad to not see any disappointment in her eyes. I knew I wasn’t young anymore, but it didn’t seem to bother her. Behind us, I could hear Wanda enjoying herself.
“I thought of cleaning up before coming over, but I couldn’t stop myself. I hope you don’t mind!”
In response I got on my bed, separating her legs wide, and took off her socks for her. I kissed her ankle and tickled her feet. She screamed a little and moved so sexily. She turned over and I could see what might be her best feature.
Her butt was perfect! So round, so delightful and just begging for a kiss, so I did and then I worked my way up her back to her neck and pressed against her.
With an agility I don’t think I ever had, she twisted under me and started kissing me as she wrapped her legs around me. Temple was a sloppy kisser, and I loved it! Our mouths slipping and sliding, as we wrestled tongues, sucked up each other’s spit, and even passed it back and forth. It got messier as I followed it between those amazing breasts, past her belly to a sweet-smelling pussy. Instead of diving right in, I snagged her thong which was still sitting there on the bed and I started rubbing her with it.
In moments the light blue darkened and her heady perfume filled the air. I couldn’t wait any longer and tossed the panties to Wanda who caught them one-handed. I didn’t see what she did with them because I buried my face in Temple’s pussy. She was wet and tasted amazing! If her kisses were sloppy, that was nothing compared to her pussy.
She was also all over the bed, which is an accomplishment because my bed is an antique, handed down through my family for generations. It was almost as long as a California king, but wider. I had to special order the mattress and box spring from a company in Ohio every decade or so.
It was serious exercise staying with her, but well worthwhile. Finally, she pulled me up to her and she started licking my wet face as we ground against each other. Once she pushed a thigh between my legs, it didn’t take long before we were both orgasmed loudly and very wetly, if that’s even a word!
As we recovered, I felt the bed shift and Wanda apparently decided enough spectating. She pushed my legs open and started eating me from behind. Temple pulled me down on her and we were kissing again. I orgasmed a second time in the middle of a kiss that had us sharing our breath. I felt lightheaded for a moment as the three of us recovered briefly.
Wanda was the one who first found her voice, “Fuck, that was hot! You two never did it before?”
Temple and I looked at each other and I responded for the both of us, “Only in our dreams!”