Saturday, June 8, 1974
A few minutes after our visitors left, there was another knock at the door. My heart leapt, hoping it would be Felicity at last. It wasn’t, though how could I complain? Whoever this was, she was fucking hot! Mid-thirties: petite and slender, long, straight caramel hair, cheekbones suggesting some Native-American heritage. Her face was “girl next door” pretty—from a very good neighborhood.
She was dressed simply: a white silk kimono thinly draping her proud and pointy breasts, hemmed high in back to offer a glimpse of buttocks, and then legs all the way down to her sandals.
Beyond her visual beauty, an air of sensuality seemed to emanate from her body. The moment she entered, an intangible vibrancy filled the room. My balls began to tingle with excitement. Mom told me later for her it was in her nipples—like an irresistible urge to breastfeed our new visitor.
“Hello, Martin,” she said. “My name is Gaia. I’ve come to get you ready for your ceremony tonight.”
“Lovely to meet you, Gaia. This is my mother Caroline.”
“Oh, yes, Caroline. A pleasure to see you again.”
Mom embraced and kissed her. “The pleasure is mine—I assure you.”
“I’m beginning to suspect you two know each other,” I replied.
“We’ve met, yes,” said Mom. “On a similar occasion, what is it—six months ago?”
“More like seven.”
“Of course. So, Martin, I ought to clarify: Gaia is not one of Felicity’s women, her staff. I mean.”
“That’s right,” she agreed, “though we do often work closely together. I am prioress at the Shrine of Embodied Ecstasy. I’m here to officiate your deflowering this evening.”
“I thought that was what Felicity is doing.”
“Not exactly. Yes, she’ll perform the bodily deflowering, when your penis penetrates into her vagina. But the copulative moment forms the center of deep spiritual ritual; that’s where I come in.”
“Oh, I see…. I think. Just out of curiosity, do you have some idea when I’ll actually see her?”
“Mmm. So eager. So horny for your first-ever fuck. Do you know you’re giving off the most delicious energy, Mark? The erotic bond you already have with Felicity is powerful; I feel it in you like a caged tiger. I can only imagine its intensity once you two couple physically.”
What could I say to that?
“But to answer your question, your ceremony tonight is a bit like a wedding. On the wedding day, the groom does not see his bride until the very moment she makes her entrance. It will be something like that for you.”
“Okay. That makes sense.”
“Only in this case, it is you who are more like the bride. And your mother will be the one to give you away. And I will officiate.”
“So, for the moment, think of me as something like a wedding coordinator. The ceremony will start at nine, and so we have a bit over three hours to do the necessary preparations.”
“Wonderful. Where do we begin?”
“With a shave.”
“Oh, I did that already…”
Her smile was lovely. “Yes, but there’s a bit more to do. Could I ask you to lie face up on the massage table for me.”
A woman that sexy, I hear and obey, especially a command to put myself on display, on the massage table, cock up
I loved how she leaned in close, focusing her attention on my genitalia. “She’s really beautiful, Martin.” Did she just refer to my cock as she? I have to admit, I liked that. “Let’s give her the beauty treatment she deserves, shall we?”
She pulled out a jar of some creamy substance, which felt cold as she lathered it over my pubic hair, around my cock and my balls. If you’ve never had your pubic hair shaved, I highly recommend it—the deep, up close and personal attention on your most private parts. And when done by a desirable woman, the joy your cock experiences is indescribable.
Gently, Gaia began shaving away my curlies, everywhere accessible from the front. Then she had me flip so she could take care of the hairs in my ass crack. She followed it all with a depilatory cream, so that my whole urogenital area ended up silky smooth.
“Do you like it, Martin,” asked Mom.
“Oh god, yes. I can’t believe how sexy that looks.”
Mom ran her hand over it all. “And feels!”
“Yes,” said Gaia, “it is an elegant and sensuous look—not to mention so much nicer for those using their mouths. We do have a bit more to do, though. Felicity wants you bald. Not your head, dear—we’ll be growing that out. Everywhere else, though.”
In the next few minutes, she removed every trace of my body hair. My chest hair was not excessive, but soon it was gone. Arm and leg hair as well, everywhere. I was glad to hear I was keeping my eyebrows.
“A final rinse and dry—and then… the crucial process to prepare your body.” She turned on the adjacent spray head and covered me with warm, soothing water, and then thoroughly dried me with soft towels.
Gaia smiled down at me sweetly. Her voice was low and calming. “The massage I am about to perform will be unlike any you have had before. The orgasm I am about to produce will be your last before your public climax with Felicity tonight, surrounded by friends, family, admirers, and interested parties.”
“Wow. How many people are we talking about?”
“Oh, a hundred or so.”
“A hundred? Oh my god, that’s fantastic!”
“Yes, and I know you’re excited to be seen and shown off. That time will be here soon enough. But for now, what I need is for you to quiet your thoughts, any of the anticipation about tonight. Just be here and now, present with me and experiencing everything I do to your body. Just feel. Just receive. Can you do that for me, Martin?”
“I’ll try. I will, yes.”
“Very good. Let’s begin.” She untied her kimono and slipped it off. She now wore only the tiniest of thongs and the sandals. Her C-breasts heaved out like twin pyramids. I gazed up at them with longing.
“The answer is, yes, of course you can touch; Consider my body yours to explore. But I need you face down to begin.”
I obeyed, and she began to work silently for several minutes. Then she quietly asked me a question: “What do you know about sexual energy, Martin?”
“Not much. Is it the same as what people call Sexual Magnetism?”
“That is one popular term for it, yes. Though I find it somewhat misleading, because that makes it sound mostly about a force of attraction. It is that —but so much more: Eastern tradition speaks of Ch’i, or of Prana, as the life force. What we know now is that this life force is fundamentally erotic—sexual.”
“I see.”
“What I’m doing today is to open your seven energy centers, known as chakras. Have you heard about these?”
“No, nothing.”
“Right here,” she put her finger on my asshole, “is the pathway to the first and most basic of your chakras. All the sexual energy in your body begins here. Did you know your ass is more basic to your sexual energy than even your balls or your cock? Does that surprise you? That’s why anal penetration is so vital. Remember that. So, I’m going to open your first chakra now.”
Gently she slid her right index finger into my rectum, deep inside. I gasped at a sudden surge of delight.
“That’s your prostate gland, Martin. It feels good, doesn’t it?”
“Yes… oh, yes….” I said, answering her question with a tone imploring her to keep on finger-fucking me. She slipped in her middle finger alongside the index. God, it was absolute heaven!
At some point, I fell into some kind of bliss zone. Conscious, but with narrowly focused awareness. I believe I did just as she had asked, stayed present in the moment. I was aware as she completed the face-down phase, and I followed her instructions when she asked me to turn face up.
I writhed in delight as next she worked my cock and balls—bringing me close to climax, but not letting me orgasm yet. “That’s the second chakra, linked to your reproductive organs,” she muttered. She moved up to my belly and opened the third; then to my chest, breasts, and nipples, to open the fourth: my heart chakra.
On to my neck and my face, and especially my lips. She leaned over to make me suck her nipples. “My breasts link to my erotic heart energy, my chakra number four. Your lips and your tongue link down to your throat chakra, number five. Can you feel the energy exchange? Your five making love to my four? There are so many sex combinations.”
Then she massaged the rest of my face, particularly around my eyes. “There, number six—this is known as the third eye, the window of your soul.”
Finally, she spent time caressing my scalp. “Your crown,” she said. “This is the chakra which connects to the infinite.”
“Now, one through seven. All your chakras are open and beating and pouring forth their energies. How do you feel?”
“It’s hard to describe. I think the best word is just alive.”
“And turned on?”
“Oh god, yes! It’s amazing.”
“Now, we’re ready to assess your personal erotic energy field. This is my special gift, Martin. Felicity, and her research team, especially Joann —you’ll meet her—they have developed techniques to detect and measure—quantify it. But I am energy sensitive; what I perceive are the flavours, the colors, individual erotic particularities. Now that your seven chakras are open and flowing freely, it will be easy to read your erotic patterns. Allow me to demonstrate.”
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, as she began gently but methodically caressing my genitals, first my ball sac and then up my shaft, slowly, gradually until reaching the crown of the head, and then all the way to the tip. She continued with her left hand, while with her right she reentered my anus. For a long time her fingers danced all over my organs of pleasure—and the pleasure became close to unendurable.
Gaia’s face showed intense concentration as she probed her feelings. Then, suddenly she opened her eyes and smiled. “It feels… oh yes. Clearly submissive. Do you like to do as you’re told, Martin?”
“For someone… like you…”
“Like me? You mean a woman you desire? Someone you’re dying to fuck?”
“That’s it! God, yes. Anything for lust. When I desire a woman, I’m putty in her hands. I’m hers to command.” I looked up in her eyes.
“You desire me?” she asked.
“Goddamn right, I do. So, definitely, I’m yours to command.”
“Mmm, yes. I can feel the sweet submissiveness in your energy now. It’s delicious. Now, what else?”
She went quiet for a moment, closed her eyes again, and concentrated.
“Yes, oh, yes, there it is. Your passion to exhibit yourself—your need to be nude—it’s more than a simple self-indulgence, my dear—it’s your drive—your passion. Whenever you expose yourself, your energy level will go exponential. For you, for those like you, clothing suppresses your potential. Becoming nude—for all the world to see—unleashes your power. What do you think of that?”
“I like the sound of that. That explains so much about how I feel when I am naked and out and seen and desired.”
“Absolutely. Mmm, and… you have another stream I’m sensing now—another powerful drive. Oh, I like how it feels. Tell me, Martin, do you like to feel feminine?”
All I could do is gasp out the truth. “I do. Yes, I do.”
I saw Gaia look over and my mother, and they exchanged smiles.
She squeezed my cock. “This beauty is the epitome of masculine, of course. This big, gorgeous, long, and thick dick of yours. And it is bursting with intense masculine erotic energy. But you are a complex being, my love. Just as strong—perhaps not—but pulsating and potent, a quality of femininity running through it all. It could dominate, if you needed it to, if you let it. You already know this about yourself, don’t you?”
My voice was faint. “It explains a lot.”
“How you tried on feminine things—your mother’s panties perhaps, her bras…”
I looked over at Mom, sheepishly. “A few times.”
“It’s all right, sweetheart,” she said. “I’m glad we’ve shared those, too.”
“Makeup, too?”
“Lipstick, yes.”
“I’m sure you look beautiful in lipstick, honey,” my mother said.
There was the rumble. Climax approached.
“Excellent. Felicity was so right in everything she said about you: submissive, exhibitionist, feminizable. Oh, this is going to be a wonderful evening!”
“Time for you to climax, Martin. You like me being in control of your orgasm, don’t you? Yes. Well, I’m going to make you come now.”
Vibrancy raced through every inch of my flesh, head to toe. Ecstatic pulsations made me writhe and moan and gasp. It was in my ass and in my balls and in my cock—but also in arms and legs and toes. Then, it hit—hard. And it stayed longer than any climax I had known, what I later learned was a full-body orgasm. I shot out cum, which landed on my chin, my neck, my chest.
Then I was out—in a way—for who knows how long. When I came to, Gaia was looking down on me, still holding my genitalia. Mom was looking down, too. She leaned in and we kissed.
“Rest a few moments, Martin,” said Gaia. “We only have the finishing touches to go. Felicity was so right.”
Here’s what the finishing touches were, as ordered by Felicity. First, Gaia gave me a manicure and a pedicure. Then, she produced a vial of nail varnish from my own stocked vanity. The color was opalescent rose, and she proceeded to apply polish to my fingernails and then my toenails.
She took me over to the seat before the vanity.
“Did you look in here, Martin? Did you assume all these cosmetic products were here for your mother? They’re not. They’re yours. I’m going to put them on you—and teach you how to put them on yourself.”
She applied foundation, and then blush. Next came eye-shadow, then eyeliner, followed by mascara for my lashes. I looked in the mirror, scarcely believing what I saw.
Then she opened the drawer to uncover tube after tube of lipstick. She selected coral rose and demonstrated how I apply it to my lips. “We’ll bring it along. There’ll be lots of kissing.” She used the stick to apply matching color to my nipples.
“One final touch,” she said, as she began applying body makeup, which made my skin shine like oil, with a golden sheen, and sparkles.
“Now stand up. Look at yourself in the full-length mirror.”
God, was I gorgeous! It was hard not to fall in love with myself. I looked so goddamn feminine! The feeling of splendor was near overwhelming. Feminine, absolutely, though I hasten to insist, utterly and completely straight.
“Now put these on, and I’ll give you a quick lesson on how to walk in them.” They were transparent, open-toed heels. I thought I’m Cinderella and these are my glass slippers. My lessons did not take long, until I was comfortably pacing in them.
“Almost time,” said Gaia. “Do you have the ribbon?” she asked my mom.
She produced a long, deep pink, satiny ribbon, and she tied it in a bow around the base of my cock and balls. The two ends hung down between my thighs, down below my knees. On each end dangled a silver charm. One the Venus sign, for feminine. The other the Mars sign, for masculine.
Gaia proclaimed I was ready to descend to my waiting public, and it was time to make my appearance. I was ready to burst—could not wait another moment to expose myself to the whole congregation.
Mom had been dressing at the same time and was resplendent in a mauve strapless gown with her Playboy-class bosom rocking a plunging décolleté. “Could you fasten my necklace, honey?” she asked with a twinkle in her eye.
“My god, Mom. You are the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.”
“I certainly hope so, sweetheart,” she quipped back.
Gaia wrapped herself back in the kimono. “I need to go back down and change now. Caroline, you’re in charge, to begin with, of course. I have one last set of instructions for you, if you’ll come with me a moment.”
The women went out into the sitting room, while I waited. Mom returned a few moments later with a small, flat case and a big smile.
“This is going to be fun.” She opened the case to reveal a golden collar—like a dog collar, but wide and fur-lined. Around it was coiled a matching leash. She put the collar around my neck and buckled it and then attached the leash.
“Whoever holds the leash has possession of you; whoever it may be, for that moment, you belong to him or her. That’s the game. Do you understand?”
“I believe so, yes. I can’t believe how much that excites me, although it also scares me. What if…?”
“That’s part of the fun. You’re surrendering charge of your body to whoever, just for a brief time. But don’t worry everyone here is well-behaved. More or less.”
“Whatever that means.”
Mom laughed. “Exactly.”
At last, we left the room, Mom leading me by my leash. We descended the back stairs and passed through the corridors, until we reached the designated rear door of the ballroom. I could hear voices and piano music inside.
My heart was galloping. I took in a deep breath and looked at Mom.
“Ready?” she asked.
“I was born ready.”
“I believe it. I was there, remember? Mine was the first pussy you were ever inside.”
“The next will be Felicity’s.”
“And many more. Starting tonight. Let’s do it.”
She pulled a bell ribbon to the right of the door. It was 9:03 pm.
Through the door, we heard the voices hush. The piano trailed off. Silence. We stood waiting.
Then, the door opened, and I saw a hundred faces turned and looking at us. Looking at me.
Then a hundred voices at once: oohs, aha, gasps, muttered responses of surprise, shock, amazement, satisfaction, excitement. I guessed most had not expected me to appear naked. Certainly not feminised. Nor being led like a dog on a leash.
My body felt supercharged. I had the sensation that joy and delight and desire were bursting out from my groin—balls, cock,…