The Fantasy Came True

"Robert had wanted to be disciplined by his wife for years, and then it came true."

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Angela had found having an empty nest so different from when both girls lived at home before the girls got married. Angela was now forty-six. and was married to Robert, who was forty-eight. She was still happily married, but with the empty nest, she was looking for new chapters in her life.  

Robert was a workaholic, but things had changed a bit because he now worked from home two or sometimes three days a week. What that normally meant, was that he was in the spare bedroom, which he used as his office, for most of the day. Angela heard him talking quite a lot of the time, having Internet meetings on his computer, and also phone calls as well. He did come downstairs at lunchtime, but not for very long. 

When he did come downstairs for lunch, Angela made Robert his lunch for him, and they chatted, but Robert, soon enough, went back to work. 

One day, Angela was musing over one memory that she had played over in her mind several times, particularly when she was annoyed with Robert. That might be because he didn’t notice a new dress she was wearing, that she had had her haircut, or the like, although she knew that he did love her. 

The memory she had was many years beforehand when Robert had come back from the office, where there had been an afternoon and early evening drinks party for the staff. Robert certainly didn’t hold back when having a drink, and, by the time he got home, he was usually tipsy. That was what happened on this particular occasion all that time ago. He didn’t get home until quite late that evening, showered, and got ready for bed. 

Angela and Robert didn’t have the most regular of sex life, but, normally, when Robert was the worst for drink, he would make a play for Angela, once she was in bed as well. That happened that evening. 

Angela remembered how they had started kissing each other, but Robert was ready to enter her well before Angela was ready to take him. Her vagina was hardly wet at all, as Robert tried to enter her, and she asked him to stop. 

That was when Robert asked a question that Angela had never expected him to ask. The words were engraved in her memory, which were, “Would you give me a spanking?” 

Angela remembered just how surprised she was, and she had replied, “A spanking? Really?” When Robert had confirmed that was correct, Angela simply said, “Okay.” 

Angela wasn’t happy that Robert had tried to enter her so quickly, and reckoned that giving him a spanking was a way to avoid that happening this evening. 

Angela sat on the corner of the bed, and Robert bent across her lap. She then started to spank his bare bottom, getting into quite a rhythm, and was surprised that Robert stayed in place. However, she had got bored quite quickly, and to shock Robert into agreeing she should stop, she said, “My hand is starting to sting, and we don’t want all this noise to wake the girls up, do we?” 

That did shake Robert into the realisation of what could happen because he certainly didn’t want the girls to come in and see him being spanked. He immediately shuffled himself off Angela’s lap and stood up, looking urgently towards the door, just to make sure that the girls hadn’t come in without him noticing. They hadn’t. 

The memory didn’t end there. Robert then asked Angela, “Maybe you could give me a proper spanking when both girls are out?”  

Angela supposed that Robert also took heed of the comment that she had said that her hand was hurting after just a dozen or so spanks, because she remembered that Robert then said, “If it helps, I don’t mind if you use a wooden-backed hairbrush as a paddle, and, just so you know, one of the reasons I got into wanting to be spanked was because, when at school, I came very close to getting the cane, but never was caned. That thought had lingered in my mind, and so, I would love you to give me the cane as well.” 

Angela remembered how all of this really did throw her. It wasn’t as though Robert was a submissive. He was certainly going places at the office and was very quick to give his point of view. She couldn’t work out how someone like that would then want to be spanked and, it seemed, even caned. 

Angela remembered saying, “Let me think about it,” but the following day Robert didn’t raise the subject again, and, in fact, never raised it again.  

However, back to today and Angela’s boredom with the empty nest, she was, for some reason, playing that night over in her mind time and again. 

Robert had been working at home again today, but it was supper time, and he had stopped. He had taken a shower and had come back downstairs in pyjama shorts, and a vest top. Angela had already showered and was in a shorty night dress and knickers. She knew that Robert liked to see her bare arms and bare legs, not that he had ever spoken about it, but she had got that from the looks he regularly gave her when she was in a shorty nightdress or when outside wearing something that was sleeveless and which showed off her bare legs. She had also seen him looking at other women who were dressed like that, always looking at women’s arms and legs, and, frankly, not so much at their breasts. Angela knew that she had rather small breasts, and yet when they did make love, Robert was happy enough kissing and sucking her nipples. That was why she wasn’t surprised that Robert wasn’t one for staring at women’s breasts.  

Angela’s thinking again about when Robert asked her to spank him was linked to the fact that Angela had just once, not that long ago, seen what Robert was looking at on his computer screen, which was a man bent across a woman’s lap, with a very red bottom. That was what reminded her about that night so many years ago, and put into her head that Robert had asked her to spank and cane him, and wondered whether that was still a desire that he had. Maybe that picture she saw on his computer told her that he was. 

Just a few minutes ago, they had finished supper, and Angela had washed up everything and Robert was putting everything away. However, as usual, he put something away in the wrong drawer, and that always got Angela annoyed. She told him off as she put the utensil in the correct drawer, and Robert apologised. 

That was when Angela said, “You make this mistake so often, Robert, I sometimes wonder whether if I gave you a spanking each time, you would remember that much better?” 

Angela could tell from the shocked look on Robert’s face that he wasn’t expecting that threat, but, equally, he didn’t just poo-poo the idea. He even seemed to be thinking about the question, as though there was an answer other than, ‘Don’t be silly.’  

In fact, Angela quickly saw how Robert was blushing, which, she supposed, was pretty much an admission that he did still think about being spanked.  

As well as remembering that Robert had asked her to spank him, she had played that possibility over in her mind, as well as the one that was probably more exciting, which was to get Robert to agree that spanking should be a normal form of punishment for him, whenever he didn’t do as he was told. She didn’t see anything wrong with the wife being in control that way, although, to be fair, she didn’t know anyone who did have that lifestyle. Nevertheless, she did find herself getting aroused at the thought, quickly ending up with damp knickers. 

So, as she was the one who started the conversation, she decided to continue it and said more firmly, “I presume you do remember that time when the girls were still living at home when you asked me to spank you, telling me I could use a hairbrush, and even a cane. I have often wondered why you asked me, although you did give me a very brief explanation at the time. Now, as you have once again put things away in the wrong place, I’m thinking I no longer need an explanation, but I do need to give you a spanking. I’ve even got a wooden-backed paddle hairbrush upstairs, which I use when brushing my hair, but it would certainly save my hand when spanking you. What do you say about that, Robert?” 

Robert had never thought that he would have this conversation with Angela. Yes, he had thought about it so often, and pictured himself across Angela’s bare thighs, looking at her upside-down legs, feeling her hand rub his bottom in circles, and then feel each spank as they landed all over his bottom. He had so often seen the hairbrush that Angela was talking about, on her dressing table, and he had also imagined her using that on his bottom. He liked the idea of being bent across her lap as she spanked him, so all of that made sense. He did, very occasionally, picture himself lying on the bed, his bottom perched on a couple of pillows, and Angela using a cane on his bottom. It was always a hook-ended cane, so one that would be used by a headmistress or headmaster. 

What Robert was also thinking, was that there were so many occasions when he had thought about Angela spanking and caning him, and, when he was in bed by himself, he would give himself a hand job and reach a huge orgasm. He did it so often that he knew he had to make sure that all of his cum was captured by his pyjama bottoms, because he certainly didn’t want to stain the sheet, and, more importantly, not stain the mattress. Of course, he could always claim that happened when they made love, but he didn’t want to go there if he could help it. 

So now, faced with Angela telling him that he needed a spanking, it really threw him. He did have a sudden panic that, maybe, she was just joking with him, and either would tell him she was joking, or, put him across her lap and give her just a few light spanks. None of that would be worth agreeing to have a spanking for. 

Angela could see the wavering look on Robert’s face. She did realise that he might well be thinking that she was joking, and, when she first said it, she supposed that she was. However, when she saw the wavering look on his face and remembered how she thought how she would rather like the added feeling of control she would have over Robert if she could spank him for pre-agreed reasons, she thought that, if this was going to happen, she would have to make Robert understand that she would be giving him a seriously hard spanking, and not one that he would easily cope with. 

So, realising there could be some minuses, but seeing for herself plenty of pluses, she said rather more firmly, “I’m not joking, Robert. I know you want to be spanked, and, actually, I have fantasied about spanking you. Not just with my hand, of course, but a serious spanking which would include using my wooden-backed paddle hairbrush. You know, the one that I have on my dressing table and which you look at from time to time.” 

Angela saw the renewed look of shock on Robert’s face when she accused him of looking at her hairbrush because that was exactly what he did do. He looked at it, picturing himself across Angela’s lap, and being spanked with that very hairbrush. He hadn’t thought he had been that obvious, but, clearly, he had been. Angela saw the new look on Robert’s face, which suggested that he knew that he had been caught out. She realised that she was pressing plenty of buttons, and, it seemed, buttons that Robert had pressed himself, so decided to keep on going. 

Angela continued, “I’m really not joking, Robert. I am so annoyed with you and do think that you deserve a spanking. It wouldn’t just be a light spanking, either. I will spank you with my hand as long as I can, but I will use my hairbrush, and give you dozens and dozens of spanks with it. I don’t have a cane, but I do have a rather thick leather belt, and I will use that on you as well. Just bear in mind, you know I don’t do things in halves, and so it won’t be the only time I spank you, not by a long way, and, I am sure you can find out how to purchase a cane because I recall you saying that was a fantasy of yours as well. So, this would all be about turning your fantasy, and mine, into reality.” 

To be fair, Angela hadn’t really had any of those fantasies, but could see how saying that she had, might just get Robert to agree. What she did know, was that she felt flutters flying around her vagina just then, and thought that if she didn’t stop talking, her knickers would get really damp. Robert might not see the dampness as her knickers were covered by her shorty night dress, but, then, if he did, maybe that wouldn’t matter either. 

Angela then said ever more firmly, bearing in mind that Robert still hadn’t said anything, but was still looking as though he was thinking about everything she was saying, “Enough of the discussion, Robert. Let’s go up to the bedroom, I’ll give you a spanking and use the hairbrush, and then you can lie on the bed and I will use the leather belt as well. It really won’t be something you will cope with that easily, but I rather suspect your fantasies are like mine, and neither of us want you to cope that well, do we?” 

Then Robert said the first words for a long time which were said in an uneasy tone of voice, “I suppose so.” 

Angela thought the best thing to do was take that as Robert’s agreement, and so she instructed, “Exactly, so, let’s get upstairs to the bedroom and deal with you.” 

Right then, Angela wasn’t sure whether Robert would find his voice and tell her no way this was happening, or not. In the event, Robert nodded his head, turned, and walked out of the kitchen, along the hallway, up the stairs, along the upstairs hallway, and into the bedroom. Angela followed him as quickly as she could, but as he was going up two steps at a time, he did get there rather quicker than she did. 

As soon as Angela got to the bedroom, she saw a silent,  tense-looking Robert stand and look towards her, as though waiting for an instruction. Angela knew what the instruction was going to be and ordered, “Get your pyjama shorts and top off, and let’s have you naked.” 

Angela saw Robert do exactly as she said, and, once naked, when he turned and looked at her, he didn’t ask her to be naked, but was actually looking at her legs, at least her thighs. Once again, that confirmed to her that he really was up for this. 

Angela then sat on the corner of the bed, pretty much as she had done that time that the girls were at home, and ordered, “Bring me the hairbrush, and then get across my lap.” 

Angela watched Robert do exactly as he was told, and, when he came towards her with the hairbrush, what she noticed straight away was his erection. That was quick, she told herself, but so telling. 

Moments later, Robert had handed Angela the hairbrush, and then immediately bent down across her lap. He knew he had an erection, but couldn’t do anything about it, and so lowered his erection onto Angela’s bare thighs. As his head dropped to almost the floor, he then saw Angela’s bare upside down legs, and her painted toenails. All of this was exactly as he had imagined, well, maybe not exactly, but very close to it. Even when he felt Angela’s hand rubbing his bottom in circles, he knew that his erection was actually getting stiffer. Why, he didn’t know, because he knew that he was going to suffer a lot of pain, at least he would be if Angela was telling him the truth when saying she was going to spank him so hard that he would find it difficult to cope. Well, he was about to find out. 

Once Angela had her husband across her lap, she realised that her resolve to spank Robert hard was increasing. She wondered if Robert’s resolve was weakening as he lay there, but given his erection, she thought his was strong and as firm as his penis.  

Focusing on the job at hand, Angela was enjoying rubbing Robert’s bottom in circles and could see how he simply stayed in place. So, knowing that everything was now in her hands, she raised her hand and brought her palm down pretty hard on Robert’s far bottom cheek. She did like the way that his bottom cheek flattened with each spank, and, as the spanking proceeded, so Robert did start to gasp now and again, and tense his arms. Angela did like the way that Robert seemed to be forcing himself to stay in position as she spanked him, which confirmed his wanting to be spanked.  

Angela knew to increase the intensity of the spanking she should spank each bottom cheek several times in a row, and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, lots and lots of times. She did that, and could tell that Robert was struggling to cope more and more, but was still staying in place. She knew that he could quite easily have forced himself up from her lap, but was clearly choosing not to. That, again, spoke bundles about how he must want to be spanked.  

Once happy with the way that she had turned Robert’s bottom a rather nice shade of red, Angela then picked up the hairbrush from the bed beside her and then proceeded to use that to spank Robert’s bottom much harder than with her hand. The reaction from Robert showed how he was clearly struggling, but still forcing himself to stay across her lap. This was so wonderful, Angela told herself, and her enthusiasm for spanking Robert was increasing even more as she landed each spank. It wasn’t just about enjoyment though, but she also thought that if she spanked him when he disobeyed her, which always made her stressed when he did, she was sure that this was a very good method for her stress relief. After all, that was the whole purpose of giving a spanking, not just to teach the person being spanked a lesson, but to allow the person giving the spanking to show their stress. 

Angela wondered whether she had slightly overdone spanking Robert with the hairbrush because she noticed a few bruises on each bottom cheek. Oh well, she told herself, he was still taking every spank, so maybe that wasn’t such a problem. At least, it wasn’t for her. However, she knew that she still had to use the leather belt on her husband’s bottom, as she had told him she was going to do that. Why let him off that, she told herself, particularly if this ended up being the one time he accepted a spanking.  

Angela therefore ordered, “Right, Robert, get off my lap, pile the pillows up in the middle of the bed, and perch your bottom on top of them. I will get my leather belt.” 

Robert had never suffered such a hard spanking, nor ever had a bottom that was stinging as much as he now did. However, he wanted to obey Angela because, whilst the leather belt wasn’t going to be anywhere near as hard as the cane, it was likely to be the next best thing, and, he now very much had in his mind wanting to be spanked again by Angela. It did worry him because he knew that once Angela had the authority to spank him, she would insist on doing it whenever she decided it was necessary rather than when they both agreed, but maybe that was a compromise that he had to make. He wasn’t sure whether he was sexually aroused by being spanked, but rather hoped that was going to be the case. When he stood up, he didn’t expect to see an erection and didn’t, but, then, maybe it will come later on. 

Robert then took the pillows from the top of the bed and piled them up in the middle of the bed before laying down on top of them, knowing that his bottom was perched as high as it could be. Once in position, he looked around and saw that Angela already had her very thick leather belt in her hand, and, from the look on her face, he supposed that she really was focused on spanking him really hard with it. In fact, was it a spanking or was it actually a whipping? Either way, he knew this was going to hurt more than the hairbrush, although he didn’t know how many spanks, or lashes, she was going to give him with it. 

Angela positioned herself, raised the belt, and then brought it down with a really loud thwack. She loved how Robert gasped much louder than when being spanked with either her hand or the hairbrush, and even raised his head, showing how painful that lash had been. Nevertheless, Angela saw that Robert stayed in position and so proceeded to land lash after lash on his already red and bruised bottom. She didn’t see any reason to go lightly, because Robert was staying in position, gasping louder and louder, even squirming around on top of the pillows, but taking every single lash.  

Robert had expected the leather belt to hurt much more than either his wife’s hand or hairbrush, and wasn’t actually surprised at how much it did hurt. As he stayed in position, and lash after lash was followed by the same thwacking noise, he didn’t have in his mind trying to stand up but was still wondering how this compared to being caned. In fact, he couldn’t get that out of his mind, even as the lashes continued. 

Angela knew that she was hurting her husband, but was now so up for doing it time and again. After all, this only came about because Robert had asked her to spank and even cane him all those years ago, and if he hadn’t done that, then she wouldn’t be thrashing him as she was today. Of course, she knew that, as much as she wanted to do this again because she could feel how it was doing her so much good, as well as making her knickers damp, she also knew that she would have to get at least some agreement from Robert that she could do it again.  

Once she was happy with how many lashes she had landed, Angela knew she had to stop, even though she would have happily continued, and focused on how Robert was reacting. She could see that he was breathing very heavily, so the thrashing had had an impact on him, but, because he was staying in position, she also told herself that there was just a chance that he would want this to happen again. It encouraged her to ask. 

Angela said, “Okay, Robert, you can get up now. Settle down, and then we’ll have a chat.” 

Robert heard the instruction and did manage to slide off the bed and stand up, albeit immediately starting to rub and clutch his stinging bottom cheeks, and was even stepping from foot to foot as he did so. However, his overriding thought was the chat that Angela wanted, which he hoped would involve her doing this again.  

What Angela saw and Robert realised he had, almost at the same time, was that Robert now had an erection again, and that spoke masses about how he felt about what had happened to him. Angela was going to tell Robert to go and wash his face and get dressed and whatever, before their chat, but instead, she thought she would jump right in and ask, “Well, Robert, I think you handled that well enough. What it does point to, however, in view of your erection, is that you will be up for this happening again. I can tell you, now that I have done it to you, I certainly will be up to repeat thrashing you time and again. So, how’s about I set some rules, and if you break any, you get another thrashing?” 

Robert couldn’t quite understand why he was so happy with that question because he really was struggling to cope with his stinging bottom, but, then, he also had an erection, and so perhaps he really was aroused by the thought of Angela thrashing him again. For some that could be a quandary, but for him, he knew straight away, what he wanted, and replied, “What kind of rules, Angela? Maybe quite a few?” 

Angela smiled, although she was pretty sure Robert wouldn’t see that smile through his tear-filled eyes, and said, “Actually, there will just be one rule. You will obey me every time straight away and without any question whatsoever. Whenever I think you have broken a rule, then my decision is final.” 

Robert realised that that gave Angela total control, just the way that he had imagined it so often. He also could feel his erection getting even stiffer in anticipation.  

Angela also saw Robert’s erection stiffen, and they both knew that that single rule was how they would lead their married life going forward, both relishing what that meant. 

Angela knew she was already turned on by the decision and quickly slipped her damp knickers off, lay on the bed, guided Robert on top of her, and whispered into his ear, “Take me, darling,” and what followed was the best sex they had had for years. Angela was brought to a huge orgasm, followed by Robert emptying his load inside her. 

Yes, their lives had changed for the better, and they both knew it was because they had made a fantasy come true. 


Published 4 months ago

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