The Fairy Solution: Part 4

"Griffen hosts a new guest, Zuri"

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I was relaxing outside in my chair when breakfast arrived. This time, it was one of the girls I recognized from the first night dancing around the fire. I recognized her because her skin was as dark as a starless night. I’d noticed her on the far side of the fire, dancing by herself, slowly swaying while the others danced together. I was intrigued by her from that moment. Kiera’s skin was much darker, compared to Chepi’s, but this girl was even darker and, I thought, very tantalizing.

She was smiling as she introduced herself handing the plate of food to me. “Hello, Griffen Flopsnod, my name is Zuri. I’m to couple with you, I’ve heard the stories from Kiera and Chepi and I’m looking forward to it.”

I thanked her for the food as I invited her inside. I asked Zuri to sit and chat with me while I ate. Zuri was very sweet and said she didn’t mind waiting. Zuri looked me over and then asked why I was doing the coupling. I told her in a polite way about my encounter with Aubriana. When I’d finished my story along with breakfast, Zuri smiled and thanked me for helping them. I went on to tell her that, at first, I wasn’t very happy with my situation. But with each coupling I’ve had, I’ve looked forward to the next. Then, hearing about the two kings getting ready for war over a trifle, I no longer wish to rejoin my kind.

She asked about my wife and child and if I missed them. I told her I was torn; I wanted to return to them, or maybe there was a way Aubriana could bring them here or wherever we ended up. However, I knew my wife wouldn’t like that I had been coupling with fairies.

Zuri looked puzzled. “Why would she not like that? Oh, she doesn’t like fairies, or does she not like you coupling with others? Or both?”

I smiled and said, “I think it’s both. Most of us humans think marriage is between two people. Not many and certainly not between humans and fairies.”

Zuri blushed as she replied, “I see. But you don’t mind coupling with many others or with fairies. I think that’s nice of you. Are we ready to start, Griffen Flopsnod?”

I laughed. “Yes, we can start, Zuri. Please remove your garments and leave them on the chair near my bed. I’d like to watch you undress if you don’t mind.”

Zuri giggled. “Like you did with Kiera? She told me about that and how it made your ‘coupler thing’ grow. I’ll do my best to please you, Griffen Flopsnod.”

I couldn’t help but smile at her; she was gorgeous and funny. I moved to the bed and sat on the edge to watch Zuri strip. She moved differently than Kiera; she was more fluid and slow. My ‘coupler thing’ slowly began to get hard as she twirled, teased, and grinned at me. When she finished, I asked her to walk to me. She stopped close enough that I could wrap my arms around her. I placed them on her ass, then pulled her closer to me between my legs. Her breasts were within easy reach of my mouth, so I began to suckle one, waiting for a reaction.

Zuri was surprised at first but then began to moan as I sucked, licked, and teased her nipple. I looked up at her, smiling, then moved to her other breast. She definitely enjoyed it as she held my head at her breast, moaning and telling me how good it felt. She also giggled when she mentioned that her tingles had started.

As I sat there, I moved my hands up and down her sides, enjoying the feel of her lovely curves as Zuri continued to moan and press my face to her. After a few moments, my right hand slipped between her legs, and my left went back to her ass. I grazed my fingers on the inside of her thigh, up, then down, slowly moving closer to her pussy with each upward movement.

It didn’t take long before I reached her folds and felt her arousal. I let her enjoy my mouth on her breasts for a little longer, then kissed them goodbye. Zuri smiled and asked if the coupling was next. I told her it was, and much to my surprise, she moved to kneel before me. She looked up at me and told me she needed to get me ready. That sweet fairy removed my rigid prick from my pants, letting them drop to the floor. She took my stiff member in her hand and guided it into her mouth. Chepi or Kiera or both must have given her details because she was incredible, sucking, licking, kissing, and stroking me like she’d done it before.

I wished she would have finished me, but I needed to give her my seed, and if I’d waited any longer, it would have been in her mouth and not where it belonged. I told her it was time and to please bend over the bed for me. Zuri giggled, then stood and lay partially on the bed, her arms spread. I looked at that sweet, firm ass, then gripped my swollen cock and slowly eased it in her. I could hear her wince the first few times, but it didn’t take long before I was completely in and fucking her.

The only sounds I could hear were Zuri telling me how tingly she was and my hips slamming into her sweet ass cheeks. I decided to take a chance and gently swat one of those beautiful cheeks. It was gentle and, from Zuri’s reaction, not pleasant. So, I returned to holding her hips until I was ready to sow my seeds. I told her I was close, and Zuri whined a little as if she was disappointed. I gradually slowed, and she seemed to enjoy it much more. With me going slower, Zuri started pushing back until we had a rhythm. She began moaning louder and telling me she was feeling like she was near caelestis.

That made me feel good as I prepared to launch my seeds into the lovely Zuri. As it worked out, Zuri reached caelestis before I spilled. She arched her back, then dropped down onto the bed, calling out Eris, their fairy goddess, multiple times. Later in bed, when we were snuggling, she told me who Eris was.

I finished filling her, then took my time removing myself as Zuri lay panting on my bed. I stepped out of my pants and then removed my shirt. I joined her on the bed, my legs hanging off. I asked her if she enjoyed it. She blushed and said she did. Then I asked her who Eris was, and she explained. I smiled, then moved closer so we could kiss. It was awkward at first, so I suggested we get completely onto the bed to kiss some more. Zuri grinned, then moved up, and I followed. She asked me to kiss her breasts like I had done earlier because she loved it. I moved down her and began nursing, licking, and playing with them as she moaned.

I recalled something Calypso had said before she’d left that females enjoy having their pee holes licked, too, or something like that. So, I left Zuri’s lovely breasts and kissed my way down her stomach. She wasn’t sure what was going on at first. I told her it was fine and that her tingles would probably come back. She liked that idea, so I continued licking and kissing past her tummy, then between her legs. Up and down her firm thighs as she giggled and told me the tingles had returned.

I wasn’t sure what I was doing, so I kissed around where she peed from. There was a fold, and running the tip of my tongue over it made Zuri shudder. I continued doing that as I built up my confidence, then parted her fold with the tip of my tongue and continued licking, kissing, and pulling on it with my lips. I guess I did well because Zuri called out Eris once more, so I slipped it in deeper.

Pressing my face against her, I began licking inside, exploring. I looked up at Zuri’s face as I licked and kissed her and noticed she was playing with her nipples with both hands. As I pushed my tongue up inside, I discovered a small hard nub. When I touched it with my tongue and then moved away, Zuri told me to put it back. I did as she wanted and kept it there, circling that thing and teasing it.

Zuri was moaning and playing with her breasts, telling me how wonderful I was making her feel when suddenly her body shook. She started bouncing on the bed, which scared me. Her legs briefly clamped down on my head, and I thought I’d done something bad. I tried to move back to watch her, but she had a firm grip on me. She continued rolling back and forth, my head between her legs, until she realized what she was doing to me. Once she released me, I told her I was sorry. When she finally calmed down, Zuri told me she wasn’t hurt and that I shouldn’t be sorry. She felt amazing like she’d never felt before.

I watched as she opened her arms, beckoning me to lay with her and kiss her some more. I slipped in next to her, and she smothered me with kisses. My face was soaked from her pee hole, but it didn’t smell like pee as Zuri kissed me clean.

I told her I’d never done that and was surprised that it was that good for her. It felt so good, she told me I could do it anytime I wanted. I smiled and snuggled against her, softly kissing her smooth sweet skin. We slowly stopped talking and fell asleep in each other’s arms.

When dawn broke, we were still snuggled tight. I opened my eyes and watched quietly as Zuri’s lovely breasts rose and fell while she slept next to me. She was so pretty I hated to move and disturb her. When she finally woke, we kissed good morning, and then she excused herself to go outside for a few moments. When she returned, I did the same thing and then rejoined her in bed. We kissed and cuddled until we heard a knock on the door calling out that my breakfast had arrived. I answered ‘thank you’ and then asked Zuri if she was hungry. She said she’d rather couple again if I didn’t mind. I smiled and told her I’d love to.

We started kissing with Zuri on top of me, playfully at first, but as our excitement built, I could feel her wetness on me. Without saying anything, Zuri moved down my body, kissing and licking her way to my ‘coupling thing,’ as she liked to call it. I was already stiff when her mouth encircled it, and she lovingly got me ready. When I looked down at her, I saw that she had one hand between her legs as she played with sucked, licked, and kissed me. I suggested that when she was moist enough to climb on top and lower herself onto me. I wanted her facing me so we could kiss and I could play with her beautiful breasts.

Zuri loved that idea, and soon, she switched her position and eased herself down over my rigid member. I helped her as best I could as she got settled on me and began moving up and down. When Zuri became confident in her movements, she started leaning down to kiss me, then sitting back up so I could play with her nipples and breasts. We also discovered with a little adjustment that she could lean far enough while I sat up for me to suckle her while my prick stayed within her.

We probably made enough noise with the sound of her slamming into me, along with her moans, to startle any perching birds on my little hut. Zuri’s moans continued to get louder as she neared her peak, her facial expressions changing with each bounce on me. I loved watching them as she moved, and I touched her in various areas of her body. When I was close, I told her to slow down, but she just grinned and continued riding me hard. I slapped her ass cheek to refocus her, which she hadn’t liked before, but in her heightened state of pleasure, she now found delightful. I laughed as Zuri continued being a very mischievous fairy, teasing me with her actions and words. I kept telling her she was a naughty fairy, which made her giggle and reply that I loved her doing those things. I told her she was right as she made a face at me. Zuri was making coupling much more fun than I had imagined.

When I was on the brink of planting my seed into my lovely bad girl, I told her, so she leaned down to kiss me. When I went off, her kisses became more intense as each spurt filled her. When I was empty, Zuri continued her gyrations on me until I actually flopped out of her. That was the first time that had ever happened, and I felt embarrassed. Zuri just giggled and moved over so I could devour her sweet, hunny pot, which she now called her pussy or pee hole.

When she reached that point of caelestis, she shuddered and thanked me once again. When the waves of her pleasure subsided, she joined me to snuggle and kiss. If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear I was falling in love with her. She was amazing and playful in bed, and I wished we could stay like that forever. Sadly, it had to at least pause because of my obligation to Aubriana. My naughty fairy and I talked about it as we lay snuggling. We were rudely interrupted when there was an urgent knocking at my door.

We sat up as the voice told us that there were soldiers in the area and that whoever was with me needed to leave. Zuri and I looked at each other, and we both pouted. Zuri hurried out of bed and donned her garments, kissed me goodbye, and told me she’d be back despite what Aubriana had decreed because she loved coupling with me. I told her I loved it also and I couldn’t wait for her return. Once dressed, my new love rushed out the door and, I hope, headed back into the woods and safety. I dressed, gathered my breakfast from outside, and ate, wondering if the soldiers would find me and what they would do if they did.

After eating, I checked my meager hut for any sign that might hint that I hadn’t been alone. I found none, then went to the river to rinse the aromas from the night’s coupling from me. When I returned, I debated going hunting. I needed to look like I could sustain myself out here by myself should I be questioned. I grabbed my bow and quiver, then headed out. As luck would have it, I stumbled on a Boar rooting around in a copse not too far from my abode. I debated killing it because it was the King’s property, and I was banned as a hunter. I watched it, bow and arrow at the ready, as it rooted around. When it offered a clear shot, I took it, and down it went without a squeal. Maybe the hex was lifted, or perhaps it never existed, and I just had a run of bad luck. I didn’t care now.

I made quick work of my kill, then took it back to my hut to hang and butcher. I’d finished skinning and hanging most of the meat when I heard talking off in the distance. I figured it was the soldiers I’d been warned about, so I placed my bow and quiver of arrows near me just in case I needed to defend myself. I had no idea what weapons they carried, but my guess was a sword and perhaps a lance.

The Boar was finally butchered when two soldiers from my former King’s army wandered upon me. They drew their swords and cautiously approached, asking me to identify myself. I told them who I was, and they sheathed their weapons and began laughing.

The taller of the two said to his companion. “That’s Flopsnod, the daft hunter the King banned because he was hexed by a fairy, Elrod.”

Elrod replied, “I heard of him. He owes the tavern keeper for some mead he drank and ran out on without paying, Waldo.”

Waldo replied, “Is there a reward if we bring him in?”

Elrod responded, “Nah, the tavern keeper just banned him. He’s daft, and we need to report back soon. We can’t go dragging him off to town, or we’ll get preotaned, you nitwit.”

Waldo pointed at my butchered pig and said, “I wonder if he has anything to give us to keep our silence about him offing one of the king’s pigs?”

Elrod laughed, then replied, “I doubt it. Look at him.”

Just then, Waldo slapped his neck; his eyes went wide as his knees crumpled. He fell face-first onto the ground. Elrod looked at him, then at me, wondering what had happened. He started to say something, but no words came out as he met the same fate as his companion. I stood there in disbelief, and then it dawned on me that there were fairies about. Then, from behind, a tree fluttered one of the male fairies who had been bringing my meals to me. He floated over to the two crumpled soldiers, looked them over, then looked at me.

I asked, “Are they dead?”

He laughed and told me, “No. I just put them to sleep. We’ll take them a long way away and give them something so they won’t recall how they got where they ended up. It’s rather funny to watch when that happens. We don’t kill unless we have to. If we do, we have to go before the elders and explain why. It’s not a pleasant experience, Griffen Flopsnod.”

I smiled and said, “Thank you, may I know your name?”

He replied, “I’m Alfrigg. I hate it, but it’s what my parents named me.”

I stifled a laugh, then said, “Well, thank you, Alfrigg. I’m glad they aren’t dead. Do I still need to move?”

Alfrigg replied, “That’s up to Queen Aubriana. I heard that the two kings came to an agreement because a third king had started assembling his troops to take advantage of the other two being at war and was going to occupy some land they both couldn’t defend if they were battling each other. You humans are a strange bunch.”

I shook my head, telling him, “We truly are, Alfrigg, we truly are.”

Alfrigg smiled, then made a birdlike sound and four more male fairies appeared from the woods. They split up, two grabbing legs and two grabbing shoulders then flying off with the unconscious warriors. Alfrigg said goodbye, then floated off after them to parts unknown to hopefully have a laugh watching them when they regained consciousness.

I took some time to clean myself up in the river then put my bow and arrows away. Not long after, Aubriana appeared and much to my delight she was wearing an outfit that seemed to me to be a little more revealing of her lovely attributes. I smiled as she approached, greeting her and telling her it was lovely to see her again.

She stopped near me and smiled as she grew closer. It was nice to see her smiling, she always seemed so serious when she visited. I know it’s only been a few days, and our relationship had gone from adversaries to a degree to something a bit more friendly, which was nice. I think it had to do with my realization that the coupling was something I truly enjoyed. I had no responsibilities, except to impregnate gorgeous fairies and hunt a bit. Who could ask for more?

Aubriana greeted me with a kind. “Hello Griffen, I heard Alfrigg took care of the two wandering soldiers and told you about the current situation with those stupid kings. I assume Zuri was pleased when she left you this morning. I have yet to speak with her.”

I blushed, telling her, “I think she was very pleased, Aubriana. We both wished she could have stayed longer, but we weren’t sure about the soldiers.”

Then Aubriana got serious when she said, “You know you can’t fall in love with any of these girls. They’re here for one reason only. Don’t make this complicated, Griffen. You’re here only because you have a few redeemable qualities.”

I grimaced when I replied, “I can’t guarantee I won’t fall in love with any of them, your Highness. I know my purpose here, but things happen when you least expect them to. Like me losing my hunting skills.”

Aubriana frowned as she said, “It’s ‘Your Highness’ now it is? Okay, enough of that. I’m going to move you to a place deeper in the forest, which is far away from the disputed areas of your silly kings. I’ve already had the girls moved near there, so there shouldn’t be any problems with them coming to visit you. Your next ‘guest,’ as you call them, is Kitsune. She’s from the western region of our remaining domain. She’s of royal blood, and you will show her the respect she deserves, are we understood?”

I bowed and replied, “Yes, your Highness. I will treat her with the utmost respect. When will I be moved? I just harvested a Boar for my table.”

Aubriana replied, “When Alfrigg and his crew are satisfied, the two incompetent warriors are conscious and well. Alfrigg will return and escort you to your new location. I’ve asked them to be gentle with you.”

I laughed, then said, “Gentle? I thought I’d just walk and follow them.”

Aubriana laughed and replied, “No, the place is too far away to walk. It would take you a week at least to get there. That’s wasted time, Griffen. You’ll be asleep and carried like the two simpletons you met earlier. Is that satisfactory?”

I sighed, then told her, “I guess I don’t have a say in the matter once again. You know, your Highness, just when I start liking you, something happens to change that. Hopefully, at my new stede we can call a truce and get to know one another as friends.”

Aubriana sighed as she replied, “I thought we were making progress on that. I have a task to perform, Griffen and that’s my main focus. I’m sorry if I’ve offended you, we did seem to be getting along for a bit there. Hopefully, this urgency will settle down, and we can figure out what to do when the girls are actually with child. Until then, we both have our responsibilities. Yours is much more pleasant than mine, sir.”

I replied, “Yes, very pleasant indeed. I assume you’re not one of the chosen few because you’re the queen?”

Aubriana laughed, saying to me, “Why do you ask, Griffen? Are you attracted to me in some way? I’m way too old to bear children, silly man. Let’s keep this relationship as it is. We have a deal, remember. I’m not part of it, no matter what you may think or desire.”

I laughed, telling her, “I was just putting forward a question, Aubriana. It’s one of my many quirks. I’m just a silly, curious human male. I mean no offense, dear lady.”

Aubriana smiled, replying, “You are a very silly male, Griffen. I can’t imagine myself with a child. It actually strikes me as funny you’d even think like that. So, back to the task at hand. Gather your belongings and be ready to leave when Alfrigg returns. It should be before the sun sets over the mountains.”

I bowed when I replied, “I shall be ready to do your bidding soon after you leave my presence, my queen.”

When I said that, I noticed Aubriana bite her lower lip and shiver. She said goodbye, then turned and flittered away, leaving me grinning.

It didn’t take long to gather my meager belongings, and sooner than expected, Alfrigg and his crew returned to take me away. To me, it seemed like only a few moments. I was standing there waiting for them to do whatever they needed to do, and the next thing I knew, I was in a new area, waking up.

Alfrigg stayed long enough to make sure I was fine, then he and his bunch vanished leaving me to get settled in my new hut. It was a little larger than the first one which was nice. Once I got settled, I wandered around locating a new pee tree, then back to patiently wait for Kitsune to arrive.

Published 3 months ago

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