“What do you want Stephan?” she asked coldly, already suspecting the answer.
“If you think I’m gonna get on my knees and beg for forgiveness, forget it. I’ll take my chances. When Peter finds out what you’ve done, he’ll kick the shit out of you.”
Stephan looked disdained. He’d expected some resistance, in fact it heightened his desire, but Sally with her sassy mouth, obviously didn’t realise who she was talking to, otherwise she would have known that any such threat, was totally meaningless.
“Sally my dear; you’ve gotten hold of the wrong end of the stick. If I wanted you on your knees; that’s where you’d be. What’s more, with a mouthful of cock to keep you busy, you wouldn’t be able to beg for anything, let alone mercy.” His eyes wandered over her slim attractive figure and for a moment he wondered whether he should do it anyway… just for the sake of it.
“And having watched you perform your art so wonderfully this morning, I am sorely tempted,” he said, raising his eyebrows and grinning hungrily at her. “And I have a sneaky suspicion that you wouldn’t even try to stop me, would you Sally? Not if your behaviour so far is anything to go by.” He paused, as if his mind was replaying what he’d seen earlier today. “You did seem to enjoy sucking that huge toy prick didn’t you? I bet you can’t resist the real thing can you? Nothing like a nice hot throbbing cock being rammed down your throat is there Sally? Sluts like you are all the same?” His insult was stinging and Sally hated him.
She hated him not only because his statement was closer to the truth than she wanted to admit, but because he could read her like a book and there was nothing she could do about it. Sally stood there seething, wishing she could fight her way out of the room. However Stephan was a fanatical body builder and had a large, well-toned body to prove it, which discouraged any physical resistance, plus there was also the little question of him having the power of God here. If he wanted to, he could do anything in this building and nobody would know. She tried using another tactic.
“If you lay one finger on me I’ll scream this whole fucking place down,” she warned angrily. Stephan moved closer and sat casually on the side of the desk. His easy superior manner seemed more menacing because of it.
“And no-one will hear you, you stupid little bitch. This room is soundproofed and the door is locked.” He smiled unhurriedly. “The only other person who could possibly disturb us is Peter, and luckily for me… he’s in Tower Two. And… if he knows what’s good for him, he will stay there for the rest of the afternoon.” Stephan’s expression was one of satisfaction when he saw the dismay on her attractive face.
“As to the camera there,” and he pointed to the ceiling, “That signal, like all the others in this building, is routed here and only here. So you see Sally my dear, no-one is going to see you, no-one is going to hear you, and absolutely no-one will be coming here to rescue you.” He grinned elatedly seeing the hope in her eyes die. “You’re all mine this afternoon, and we have much to discuss, although I suspect that after a while, all you’ll be able to do is whimper and moan!” he exclaimed with a short demonic laugh.
Sally sensed she was in trouble, but she had no idea what was going on.
“Now let’s dispense with the theatricals shall we. You’ve been a naughty girl, and we can’t let you get away with it, can we now?” Stephan was visibly more relaxed, oozing confidence now that he had the situation under control.
“Now, as head of security, it’s my duty to make sure everything here at Tower Exchange runs smoothly, with no hiccups, no problems, and certainly no young ladies using our elevators for their deviant pleasures.” His voice was raised a notch to emphasize his displeasure.
“However I digress. To help me in my endeavours, I have an awful lot of resources…” He waved his hand indicating the room, before continuing. “At my disposal.” He studied the fingernails of his other hand as he spoke.
Whilst he was preaching on about how important he was, Sally’s hand surreptitiously disappeared into her canvas holdall handbag and reached for what she wanted. Then pretending defeat, she placed everything next to the telephone stand on the desk behind her and returned her attention back to Stephan.
“This room, the reception, even your husband are all assets,” Stephan’s nasal tone sounding condescending, droned on, having seen Sally relieve herself of her holdall in an effort to herself comfortable. “Assets provided to help me maintain order here at the Tower Exchange.” Even though he was facing her, Sally wondered if he saw her at all. His eyes were like those of a shark; dark, lifeless and void of emotion. A shiver ran down her spine.
Although he was acting like he was bored, images of what he’d seen this morning kept flashing through his mind and they prickled his libido. Seeing her standing there all prim and proper, trying to deny being the slut she so obviously was, was simply delicious. Just thinking about what she was capable of, was getting him stiff. Nothing too obvious at the moment, but his manhood was definitely thickening.
“Quite simply Sally, YOU…” and he jabbed his finger in her direction, “With your, how shall I put it, fragrant misuse of our elevators, and the disgustingly perverted little sideshow…” and he pointed to the bank of screens, “are in deep shit, to coin a phrase!”
Sally gave a sideways glance and cringed. On one of the biggest televisions Sally had ever seen, she regarded the image of herself with half closed eyelids. She was almost completely naked, impaled on the giant dildo and had two fingers buried knuckle deep up her arse. Sally’s eyes closed in disgust when she saw the lurid expression on her face. Her eyes were closed and her lips were pursed tightly together, but curling up at the corners in an expression of immense pleasure. There was no doubt she was enjoying herself.
There wasn’t much that could shock Sally; she was after all a born exhibitionist and although seeing herself look like a porno queen was very horny, she had to admit that the image was quite confrontational. The worst thing about the whole affair was that she’d assumed only her fiancée was watching her, not his boss. Stephan’s voice suddenly exploded, making her jump.
“Your rash, juvenile fucking games have caused me a serious fucking problem you stupid cunt. Have you any idea what you’ve done, with your bloody silly exhibition?” Sally couldn’t answer because she was shocked by his outburst and tears began welling up in her eyes. She tried desperately to hide them from him, but failed miserably. Not knowing what to say, Sally shook her head despondently and lowered her gaze to the floor. In doing so she missed him smiling sadistically.
“Now you might not have broken any laws Sally, which is lucky for you but you have cost our company an awful lot of money. As a rule I wouldn’t intervene in this sort of thing, however seeing as you’re the wife of one of my better men, I feel I have to. Normally, someone who has behaved as badly as you would be handed over to the police, and they would handle it from there.” He saw tears trickling freely down her cheeks and experienced a feeling of satisfaction. This was exactly how he wanted her; nice and pliant.
“Firstly they’ll be arrested, then charged,” He started ticking off his fingers and talking in voice one would use when explaining something to an extremely dense child. “Then they would have a date with the magistrates, where they could explain themselves, and if they’re lucky they’d probably end up being fined and receiving community service. Oh and of course they’d have a police record,” he said matter of factly. Sally looked at him uncomprehendingly.
“Once Peter finds out about your little escapade today, and I can assure you he will, he’ll be fired without reason, recourse or references. That’s what your performance today has accomplished.” He smiled wolfishly again. “Without references he’ll find it difficult finding work again, and of course a career as a security officer is over. Life can be so cruel sometimes can’t it Sally?”
Sally was momentarily confused. She couldn’t help wondering how Peter would find out. He definitely wasn’t going to find out from her. Ignorance is bliss as far as she was concerned, and Sally was pretty sure Stephan wouldn’t tell him. She sensed he enjoyed having something over his employees, and to waste a morsel as juicy as this, was simply unthinkable. ‘Maybe,’ she pondered hopefully, ‘I can still get myself out of this little mess.’
“What do you mean? Peter has no idea I’m here,” she said emphatically, “and as far as I’m concerned he doesn’t need to know either,” she added conspiratorially, smiling encouragingly.
“If that were only possible Sally,” Stephan sighed theatrically, bursting her bubble of hope.
“What do you mean?” she asked with an irritation that was growing by the minute. His teasing and sarcasm was getting on her nerves and she was having trouble containing her temper.
“Well Sally, it’s like this. The London Exchange Tower has very strict policies when it comes to their employees. No police records.”
“But Peter hasn’t got a record,” she stated exasperated by his obtuseness.
“Oh I’m sorry Sally. Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear,” his voice dripping condescension.
“If anyone applying for a job fails our security checks, then they are declined employment. If a problem arises with someone already working here, a renewed check is done and,” he raised a finger and pointed it at her, “if there’s a perceived risk, then employment is terminated. Do you get where I’m coming from? I’m not going too fast for you, am I?” he asked belittlingly. Sally gave him her best look of contempt.
“Now let’s imagine shall we, that a security guard already working here has a girlfriend,” and he stared at Sally with emphasis, “And said girlfriend receives a police record for lewd behaviour, and for your benefit, that means she can’t keep her knickers on in public.” He smiled at sarcastically before continuing. “Then we would be quite within our rights to reassess the situation.”
He flicked an imaginary speck of dust from his trousers and then looked at her seriously. “Having done so, and perceiving a potential situation that includes said employee being blackmail by person or persons unknown, we would be morally obligated to dismiss him or her at once. In fact it would be remiss of us if we didn’t.” Sally felt her stomach lurch.
“You wouldn’t dare, you fucking shit,” Sally spat defiantly even though she knew he could and would, if it pleased him.
“I thought you wanted to help me, but you’ve obviously got no intention have you? You’re a fucking bastard, that’s what you are! A fucking big shithead.” Sally’s ire was up now and she was going to let him have it, with both barrels.
“You’ve just bought me here to see me squirm, haven’t you, you bastard? How long do I have got before the rozzers arrive?” She slapped her hand against her forehead in exasperation. “God, am I stupid bitch? I thought I could trust you being Pete’s boss and all, but you’re just another fucking useless prick, aren’t you?”
“Now, now Sally, no need to get all personal, I’m probably the only one who can help you right now!” Stephan chided sarcastically. “So stop insulting me. It’s only making matters worse.”
Sally heard the rebuke with ill grace and watched him look at his watch furtively. Then he stared hard at her.
“We don’t have much time. Now listen you silly mare, I can help and I will help you, but it has to happen today, before this afternoon’s business is closed. After that, it’s out of my hands,” he added, shrugging his shoulders emphatically. Sally looked on uncomprehendingly, and Stephan began explaining.
“Every film made here is automatically transferred to our head office at the end of the day. There, they employ an army of people to do nothing else to do than watch every inch of footage they receive.” He looked at Sally and saw he had her undivided attention.
“Once they see your little exhibition, they’ll follow the standard procedure. They’ll scrutinize your every move since entering this building, and of course they’ll have your name from the reception records. Then they’ll cross check your details in the vast security databases at their disposal and before you know it, they will have your whole life in front of them.” He grimaced as he carried on.
“Then they will turn everything over to the police, who in turn will carry out another thorough investigation. Unfortunately for you, one of the details that will light up their screens like a big red beacon, is your address. Why I hear you ask. Because according to our files; it’s the home address of someone who works here.” He shrugged his shoulders almost apologetically.
“So, you’ll still have your date with the magistrates and Peter will automatically be fired!” He wiped his brow with a silken handkerchief, acting like it was all too much for him.
“And there’s nothing you can do to stop this?” Sally asked, more afraid of hearing the answer than she dared acknowledge. Stephan looked at his watch and furrowed his brow.
“Sure there is Sally, in fact I’m probably the only one who can help you!” he replied spreading his hands in a friendly gesture, raising her hopes. Then he smiled wolfishly.
“But why would I? I’m not the one with a problem now am I?” He saw the look of utter dismay on her face and a thrill ran down his spine.
“Removing the film from the server is risky and entails an enormous personal risk. To be honest I’m not sure you’re worth the trouble.” Sally’s tears started again. “Okay I’d lose a good man but I’m sure someone else will come along.”
“Please help me,” Sally pleaded, choking back the sob that was filling her throat. “I’ll make it worth your while Stephan, I’ll do anything you ask,” she assured him, using the back of her hand to wipe away the tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Your offer is very tempting, but is it worth the risk?” He asked himself out loud, obviously weighing up the pros and cons.
Sally didn’t know what floated his boat, but she guessed what he wanted. Well she could live with that. She’d used sex in the past, to get her own way and now there was a lot more on the line, which was all the more reason for her to spread them.
“Let’s get on with it Stephan, the sooner you’ve fucked me the sooner you can solve this mess,” she announced coolly, detaching physical and emotional feelings easily.
“Oh Sally, you really don’t know me at all do you? If I just wanted to fuck you, you’d already be lying across my desk, with your legs open wide and what’s more you’d love it, because deep down, you’re just a dirty little slut.” She regarded Stephan with loathing as he talked.
“Oh no Sally my dear, I want something more from you, but I’m not sure you can handle it!”
Sally wondered what the hell he was talking about. From the tone of his voice he was excited, but she couldn’t fathom out what he intended. She looked at his powerful six foot frame and felt a shiver run down her spine.
He really was a brick shithouse. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on his body and his uniform was in some places stretched beyond belief.
Quicker that she would of thought possible for a man of his build, Stephan had bridged the gap between them and grabbed hold of her, pinning her arms against her side. Before she could catch her breath he had turned her around and pushed her face down onto the desk and used his massive frame to keep her there. Having been taken by surprise, Sally was winded and was powerless to resist.
He pulled her left hand upwards and held it above her head near the far edge of the desk. Then…