Georgina had been on tenterhooks since getting home at eight o’clock this evening. She had got home to find Jeff and Hannah chatting happily in the TV room and, unusually, watching a rom-com even though there was football on the other channel. When Hannah had gone to bed Georgina asked Jeff how come he hadn’t insisted on watching the football.
Jeff blushed as he replied, “Hannah asked to watch the film and we had a discussion about me being more understanding about her preferences. So, I let her watch her film.”
Georgina asked inquisitively, “So, how come you have changed so much in one day as I wanted to watch one of my programmes last night and you insisted on the sports channel?”
Jeff blushed again as he stood up, and, holding out his hand said, “Let’s go upstairs and I’ll explain.”
Georgina was quite taken by the mystery and holding his hand was happily led by Jeff upstairs and into their bedroom.
Georgina noticed there was no light shining under Hannah’s door and presumed she was already asleep.
Once inside their bedroom, Jeff closed the door and beckoned Georgina to sit on the bed. Once she had done so, Jeff turned his back on Georgina and lowered his trousers and underpants so that she had a clear view of his reddened and bruised bottom.
Georgina was horrified. “Who did that to you?” she asked.
Jeff turned and pulled his underpants and trousers up again and went and sat by Georgina on the bed. He sat down too fast and his bottom stung and he gasped but soon recovered before explaining, “Hannah spanked me this afternoon.”
Georgina was speechless as Jeff’s bottom wasn’t just red but actually bruised all over. She wanted to ask how come their eighteen-year-old guest even came close to spanking Jeff but couldn’t get the words out.
Jeff smiled at the flummoxed look on Georgina’s face and, smiling, explained how she had got home early, caught him watching the porn film and masturbating, and the outcome was she spanked him.
Georgina did manage to ask in a questioning tone, “How come you are so bruised. A hand spanking couldn’t do that to you?”
Jeff replied bashfully, “Hannah used the paddle on me as well and, boy, did she use it well.”
Georgina smiled and, feeling more relaxed, asked, “By well I guess you mean really hard judging from the colour of your bottom.”
Jeff nodded as he winced at the memory.
“How come you let her?” Georgina demanded to know although to be fair she was pretty sure that she would have agreed as well had she been the one caught out.
Jeff took a deep breath and answered, “It just happened but I can tell you that actually being spanked is so much better than spanking yourself.” Jeff let the comment linger as he knew that Georgina had her own porn film of a female dominatrix disciplining another woman and that she masturbated when watching that film.
Georgina knew that what Jeff was saying made sense. In fact, it made so much sense that she was immediately jealous of her husband but couldn’t seriously object because he was the lucky one, she knew. She did ask, “So when did you masturbate?”
Jeff blushed again and explained, “I came over Hannah’s thighs.” After a few moments when he saw the horror on Georgina’s face, he added, “She said she didn’t mind and found it quite funny. In fact, it was after that that we agreed to set me some house rules and if I broke any then she would spank me again.”
Georgina was even more jealous now as she could see how Jeff might get spanked again and she wouldn’t have been spanked even once. However, she was nervous asking Hannah to spank her because maybe she didn’t want a bruised bottom like Jeff had.
Jeff smiled at Georgina and said, “It has got me really turned on, so how about an early night?”
Georgina had to admit that the thought of Hannah spanking Jeff or herself was erotic and she knew she was already damp from the conversation. “Let’s shower and go to bed.”
Moments later Georgina and Jeff were both naked and standing in the shower. They often took showers together and soaped each other, and did so again. Georgina made a point of soaping her hands and washing Jeff’s bottom and when he gasped she asked wickedly, “Shall we wake Hannah and have her spank you again while I watch?
Jeff leaned in and kissed Georgina on the lips and enjoyed Georgina kissing him back. As they kissed, Jeff ran one hand between Georgina’s legs and with the other caressed her breasts lightly squeezing her nipples. “If we woke her up she might even spank us both?”
Georgina loved the thought of that but she knew they mustn’t. “Hannah has an exam in the morning and is out with friends in the afternoon. If we got her up now she would be too tired, so we must let her sleep.”
Jeff kissed Georgina again and after another lingering passionate kiss pulled his head back and said smiling, “So you already think of her well being so she won’t be spanking you for being thoughtless.”
Georgina put one hand on Jeff’s bottom and pulling it back landed a hard spank and smiled when Jeff gasped. “Smartypants,” Georgina said smiling back at Jeff, knowing he was right about that.
The conversation ended with Georgina taking Jeff’s penis in her hand and gently leading him to the bed. She flicked the light out and moments later Jeff and Georgina we’re caressing and kissing and fondling and fingering each other bringing the other closer and closer to an orgasm, climaxing together like they so often did, but both also thinking about Hannah in the next bedroom.
Georgina and Jeff cuddled each other but both knew they would make love again and, sure enough, they were kissing and cuddling and playing with each other’s penis and vagina and all the time getting each other closer and closer to another orgasm.
As they collapsed exhausted after their second orgasm Jeff turned to Georgina and asked, “Any chance you can spank me?
Georgina smiled at Jeff as she replied, “I just can’t get turned on by spanking you. I know you would like me to, but I won’t get anything from it.”
Jeff replied also smiling, “What if I spank you as well?”
Georgina thought for a moment and replied, “That might work but, as you know, I want to be spanked in front of other people and not just alone. I also want to be caned and you said that was too much for you.”
Jeff had to accept he did say he didn’t think he could cane Georgina as she wanted, and he was also a little unhappy about having outsiders watch as he was spanked and didn’t understand how come Georgina liked the idea. Of course, Jeff did not appreciate just what Georgina got up to at the office and had no idea that she was called the office tart because of the things she did. If he had known then he would have fully understood how much Georgina liked to be humiliated in front of whole groups of people.
However, Georgina had confided in Hannah about her antics at the office. Hannah was writing a project on work experiences and when she asked Georgina about office love affairs she readily described some of the affairs she had had, although didn’t admit it involved her. It was during those conversations that she described how some women enjoyed being ‘the office tart,’ and used by all and sundry at the office as well as loving to be humiliated in front of others, and described, ‘others,’ desire to be spanked and caned.
The next day at breakfast Hannah made a direct comment to Jeff. “No porn today, Jeff. In fact, in future, you will ask me before watching any porn and if you don’t you’ll get another even harder spanking. Understood?” she demanded but more as a statement than a question.
Jeff replied, blush, “Yes, Hannah, I understand.”
Hannah gave Georgina a knowing look and a smile as though warning her who of the three of them would be in charge of the other two.
Georgina smiled, though, and said, “That’s exactly right, Hannah, which should go for anyone watching porn.” Georgina continued to blush knowing she watched her own porn film as well but hadn’t been caught, yet, although she actually wished that it had been her who had been caught.”
Hannah gave Georgina another knowing look and asked, “So, that includes you as well, Georgina?”
Georgina also kept blushing and said not knowing why, “Of course, Hannah, but I don’t.”
Jeff’s gave Georgina a, ‘You are kidding,’ look but he had to leave to go to work.
Hannah left for school soon afterwards, and as she left again gave Georgina a knowing look and said, “Bo good.”
Georgina swallowed as she replied in a submissive tone, “I will, Hannah.”
Georgina had a day off and whilst staying at home couldn’t get this mornings exchange out of her mind until, and at lunchtime she sent Hannah a text saying, ‘I lied about watching porn, and the woman tart at the office is me. I am so sorry I lied and know I need to be punished. Please will you deal with me like you did Jeff but also bring along some friends to watch,’ and she waited nervously for Hannah to reply. Jeff was working late so the timing was great, Georgina reckoned.
It was four o’clock before Georgina heard from Hannah. She got the text she hoped for that read, ‘That was obvious, tart. I am coming home soon so get out a hairbrush and the cane I saw in your cupboard, wear one of my school dresses but no knickers, and make sure you are facing the wall in the living room with your hands on your head when I get home.’
Georgina was breathless with joy when she got the message and quickly got things ready. Of course, the response told her that Hannah had realised her descriptions of the office tart were of herself but didn’t mind that now.
Georgina quickly brought down the hook ended senior cane she had often caned herself with and put it on the dining table. There was also a paddle hairbrush which she used to brush her hair but liked the idea of being spanked with it. She also went into Hannah’s bedroom and took out one of her school dresses, which she was thrilled to wear knowing that Hannah would also be in her school uniform. She gave the living room a final look over and saw it was ten past four when she went and pressed her nose against the wall and put her hands on her head. She waited pensively and even enjoyed how the time dragged as she felt so naughty as she stared at the blank wall.
It was four-thirty before Georgina heard the front door open and felt just like a naughty girl sent to her room and told to wait there to be spanked.
Hannah came into the room and saw Georgina standing with her hands on her head and with her nose pressed against the wall and smiled to her three school friends and also her teacher, Miss Haines. She put her finger to her lips so that the others stayed quiet as she went up and stood behind Georgina and said in her haughty east European tone, “I see you have been a naughty girl, Georgina. Well, you are going to be disciplined. You will address me as, ‘Miss,’ and I will refer to you by your nickname at work, ‘Tart.’ Understood?”
“Yes, Miss,” Georgina replied feeling quivers flying across her vagina just as she did when she at work when being humiliated by her boss or work colleagues. Of course, after being humiliated by her boss they would normally go to the executive lavatory and make out as it was for her boss’s exclusive use. With her other work colleagues, she would book a meeting room and knell between their legs under the table as they sat on a chair, and she would give the men a blowjob and would lick and suck the women’s pussy. She didn’t expect the same today, particularly as Hannah was just eighteen-years-old, and, to be fair on the occasions Georgina made out with other women they were her own age or at least rather older than Hannah.
Hannah smiled to the back of Georgina’s head and, running her hand up the back of her thigh and under her skirt, she was pleased to find that Georgina wasn’t wearing any knickers. She said aloud, “I see Tart isn’t wearing her regulation school knickers so that will get you extras, tart.”
Hannah looked at the group of girls and Miss Haines and with a smile held Georgina’s skirt up with her left hand and gave her a hard smack on her bottom with her right hand.
Georgina gasped as the smack landed and her forehead pressed against the wall.
“Turn around, Tart,” Hannah ordered.
Georgina turned and immediately saw the others. She gasped as she recognised the three girls from Hannah’s class and knew each of their mothers. The girls were all Hannah’s age and so eighteen-years-old and were also in school uniform. She had actually hoped that Hannah would bring home a friend or two to watch having explained her liking of being the office tart, and so was pleased to see the girls. She wasn’t so sure about Miss Haines though but knew it was too late to object. On the other hand, she smiled to herself as she knew that Miss Haines was in her early-forties and so the right age to make out with. Then, thinking about how the girls would tell their mother’s, she got aroused thinking about how those mothers would make humiliating remarks to her about the things their daughters were about to see. She was so looking forward to that continuing humiliation as well.
Hannah ordered, “Say hello to everyone, Tart.”
Georgina looked at the guests and said, “Hullo girls. Hullo, Miss Haines.”
The girls and teacher said in unison, “Hullo, Tart.” They all smiled as they had been told by Hannah to use the term throughout.
Hannah then ordered, “Take your clothes off, Tart. Let’s see your tits and pussy, Tart.”
Georgina was already getting aroused by the humiliation as she obeyed and unzipped her dress and pushed it down to the floor, scooped it up, folded it and placed it on a chair. She then undid her bra letting the straps slide down her arms, catching them, and placing the bra with her the dress. She then turned back to those watching and, just as she did at the office, placed her hands back on her head and looked ahead obediently knowing they were enjoying looking at her naked body.
The girls and Miss Haines looked Georgina up and down and Georgina was sure they would note her full breasts, almost flat tummy, shaven pussy lips, and well-toned arms and legs. Indeed, Georgina could tell from the looks she was getting that Miss Haines and the girls did admire her body.
Once the initial surprise of who was watching had passed, Georgina was more relaxed and settled into her naughty girl role-play. After all, she was going to get the spanking she craved but was too scared to ask for at the office. Anyway, her tart role there was to have sex with a range of men and women and suffer the humiliation of being the only one in the room who was naked, rather than to submit to their discipline. Today, though, she felt fine with submitting to Hannah and letting her punish her even more harshly than she had done to Jeff.
Hannah was also feeling good about what she was doing. She had already told her three school friends that she had spanked Jeff the day before, and they were duly envious. Miss Haines had overheard them and threatened them all with a double detention if they refused to tell her what they were talking about and forced it out of them that way. So, when asked to come along today Miss Haines readily agreed saying it would help with projects she had set the class.
Now Hannah took control and went and sat on a dining chair which she saw had already been turned around to face into the room, presumably by Georgina. She glared at Georgina and ordered, “Okay, Tart, go and stand in front of the others with your back to them and bend over and touch your toes so they can see your bottom, and don’t forget they are all your superiors.”
Georgina was used to showing off her stretched pussy lips and as she stepped across the room she could see the girls and Miss Haines still looking her up and down. Georgina felt at ease doing this and equally at ease as she turned around, parted her legs, and bent right over touching her toes. She did pilates and found the manoeuvre quite easy.
The girls and Miss Haines smiled as their eyes quickly settled again on Georgina’s stretched shaven pussy lips, this time with her bottom crack also on show.
Hannah looked at Miss Haines and said, “Could you please tell me whether Tart has damp pussy lips, Miss.”
Georgina looked at the floor behind her and smiled when she realised the upside-down legs belonged to Miss Haines. She was so relaxed by the time the teacher ran her finger along her stretched pussy lips and said, “Tart is quite dry actually.”
Georgina was a little surprised she was dry as she felt quite aroused but knew she would be wet very soon.
Hannah ordered, “Okay, Tart, come here and get across my lap.”
Georgina said a respectful, “Yes, Miss,” as she eased herself up and completely at ease with her nakedness and submissive persona stepped across the room to Hannah and stood looking down at her lap. Georgina saw that Hannah had pulled her dress right up and was delighted to see that she would be lying across her bare thighs as she eased herself down, balancing her hands first on the far side of the chair and then catching her fall with her hands on the floor. She looked at Hannah’s upside-down legs and smiled but quickly looked sideways and saw the four pairs of bare legs on the seats close by. She was going to get the spanking she had always wanted, and with several people watching, which really turned her on.
Hannah glared at Georgina as her face passed inches from her own and then at the back of her head as she lowered her full weight on to her lap. She wasn’t as heavy as Jeff, but she thought her bottom much rounder and more spankable than his.
Georgina settled down quickly across Hannah’s lap and waited increasingly tensely for the spanking to start. She had never been spanked before and the realisation she was about to be made her vagina quiver.
Hannah placed her hand on Georgina’s bottom and rubbed in circles, rather enjoying the soft feel of her bottom cheeks, and ran her hands down the backs of her thighs. Hannah knew she felt more comfortable with girls and as much as she made out with boys and was happy giving them handjobs and getting finger sex in return, she was far happier licking a girls’ wet pussy lips rather than taking a boys erect penis into her mouth and swallowing his cum. In fact, she was quickly coming to the conclusion that her lesbian tendencies were streets ahead of her hetro ones, but she hadn’t finally decided yet. However, as she eased her hands between Georgina’s thighs and along her pussy lips she so loved the feel and the reaction she got.
Georgina found having her bottom rubbed so sexily erotic, and even more so the backs of her thighs. When Hannah rubbed the inside of her thighs she edged her legs apart and when she felt Hannah run her fingers along her pussy lips she nearly came. She didn’t want to cum, but it was such a surprise, and, luckily for her, Hannah only fingered her the once before landing the first spank
Setting her sexual feelings to one side, Hannah raised her hand and brought her palm down as hard as she could on Georgina’s gorgeously sexy bottom. She loved seeing Georgina’s bottom cheek swirl and when she landed the second spank on the other bottom cheek and enjoyed the sight again. After that, Hannah focused knowing the real purpose was to give Georgina a very hard spanking, which, hopefully, given Jeff’s reaction, would be the first of many.
Georgina felt okay with the first few spanks and even raised her bottom to meet Hannah’s downwards travelling palm. However, after a while she found her bottom stinging more and more after every spank and she started to gasp with the pain. The gasps got louder as the spanks landed repetitively on the same bottom cheek and even more so as the spanks focused on the backs of her legs. As she felt the tears well up in her eyes she even wondered how come she had fantasised about being spanked all these years as it was hurting so much already and she had only been hand spanked and there were the hairbrush and cane to come.
Hannah was enjoying herself spanking Georgina and revelled in the louder and louder gasps she was getting. She smiled at the reddy hue of Georgina’s bottom and the backs of her legs and decided she would intensify the spanking more by using the hairbrush. She reached out and picked up the hairbrush and quickly tapped Georgina’s waiting bottom twice and saw her bottom cheeks tense and the groan Georgina uttered.
Georgina knew her eyes were tear-filled but managed to keep the tears from running down her face and wondered whether she would be able to get through the whole punishment without crying. However, as she felt the two taps with what she knew was the hairbrush she groaned and tensed her bottom readying herself for the more intense pain. She sensed the hairbrush being raised up and its downward path and cried out as the flat paddle side of the hairbrush spanked down onto her bottom. How could she have wanted such a horrid implement used on her, she asked herself, as the second spank landed on her other bottom cheek? As spank after spank landed on alternate bottom cheeks so the tears did start to roll down her face, and, although struggling with the pain, could not help but hear the giggling from the girls and their comments about how red her bottom was being turned.
Hannah smiled at her friends as she splattered the hairbrush all over Georgina’s bottom turning the reddy hue into blue bruising and her cries into yelps of pain. Hannah didn’t sympathise with Georgina, though, as she had asked her directly to spank her just as she had spanked Jeff, and indeed more than that specifically asked for the hairbrush and cane. Well, all she was getting was what she asked for so she could hardly complain, Hannah reasoned, as she continued to land spank after spank.
Georgina was crying uncontrollably as the pain intensified. She could no longer make out clearly the backs of Hannah’s legs as the tears blurred her vision but she did still hear the comments the girls made about the colour of her bottom and how, ‘She’s crying a lot for an adult,’ and a sarcastic, ‘Well she probably deserved to be spanked,’ and, ‘I doubt this will be the last spanking Hannah has to give her.’
Georgina wanted to shout out that Hannah didn’t ‘Have,’ to give her this spanking as she asked Hannah to spank her but certainly won’t spank her again, but she was crying too much to be able to put even two words together.
Hannah counted out fifty spanks with the hairbrush which she decided was enough. She looked at the back of Georgina’s head and ordered, “You can get up but prepare to get the cane now, Tart.”
Georgina cried as she eased herself up from Hannah’s lap and so wanted to tell her to forget the cane. However, as much as she tried, she still couldn’t string her words together and she heard Hannah demand, “Bend over the dining table and grab hold of the sides, Tart.”
Georgina reminded herself that actually the one implement she really wanted to experience was the cane, and had only asked to be spanked as she thought that would be better than taking a cold caning. Well, she was wrong about all of that but did stay resolute enough to want the cane. She also still loved the fact that Hannah had brought her friends and teacher along because she still craved the humiliation and particularly because she knew the watching girl’s parents and saw them quite often. So, she obediently stood at the end of the dining table and bent over grabbing both sides of the table edge as far up as she could.
As Georgina grabbed the sides of the table so she realised the three girls were already sitting around the other end so just a couple of feet from her face. It was even more humiliating to see the blurred outlines of their faces but she certainly made out their teeth which told her they had beaming smiles on their faces. Georgina could not understand why, but she felt good having the girls seated so close to her face knowing they will see close-up the pain that was bound to be etched on her face as she was caned.
Miss Haines stood by Hannah and said, “I’ll give Tart the first stroke so you can see what to do, Hannah.”
Hannah sounded happy as she replied, “Oh yes please, Miss, that would be great.”
Miss Haines swished the cane and tapped it on Georgina’s bottom. She then explained so that everyone including, of course, Georgina could hear. “Make sure the end of the cane lands fully on the far bottom cheek so that the pain is the most intense. Once happy with your position rub the cane back and forth on Tart’s bottom so she knows what is about to happen and you will find that increases the tension she will feel. You must decide where you are going to land the cane. Don’t go too high but aim for just above halfway and then the subsequent strokes should be placed just below the previous one each time. Don’t allow too long between stokes but savour the welt as it appears and the gasp of pain Tart is likely to let out. She will also most likely throw her head backwards as she yells out as the strokes continue. Decide the number of strokes as well. Once happy with everything bring the cane back, focus on the part of the bottom you are going to cane and bring it down really firmly.”
Hannah took in the whole explanation, and announced, “It will be six strokes that Tart will be getting.”
Georgina listened to the explanation and felt flutters flying around her vagina and reckoned that ‘Six of the best,’ was ideal. She knew she was submissive by character and enjoyed being told off and scolded and from that fantasised about being spanked and then caned. As the cane was rubbed back and forth across her bottom she licked her lips and tensed her thighs as she would if wanting to send flutters around her vagina, and she felt aroused as she did it which was just as she had hoped.
Next moment Georgina cried out as the cane bit into her bottom and although she wasn’t aware of it she did throw her head back and yelp, just as Miss Haines said she would. As she lowered her head again she opened her eyes and as the watching girls’ faces were so close to hers she saw their blurred smiles and heard their, ‘Wow,’ and ‘So cool,’ and even, ‘I bet she can take it harder than that,’
Miss Haines handed the cane to Hannah and said, “Now you do it.”
Hannah took the cane and positioned herself and, when happy, rubbed the cane back and forth across Georgina’s bottom. She licked her lips and, looking at Miss Haines, said, “Five more, Tart.” she then looked back at Georgina’s bottom and saw the red welt that had developed and knew to aim just below it. She pulled her arm back and, after just a moment’s final focussing, she brought the cane down firmly, landing it as she intended to just below the first welt.
Georgina yelped out again and as she threw her head back hissed in and out through clenched teeth. She soon enough felt the cane being rubbed across her bottom again and even made out Miss Haines saying, “You are a natural, Hannah.”
Georgina was recovering but that ended when the next moment the cane landed for the third time and she yelped out, again and again, and threw her head back. The pain was even more intense and she felt the tears run down her face. She sobbed and then when the fourth stroke landed she went through the whole yelping head throwing and crying that she had done with the earlier strokes, only the pain was far worse.
“Make it harder, Hannah,” one of the girls said with a giggle, and although Georgina wanted to tell her to be quiet she couldn’t as she was crying and even knew her mouth was dribbling and she felt so humiliated that she wasn’t coping well at all.
The fifth stroke sent the pain cascading around Georgina’s bottom and she asked herself this time why she had wanted to be caned. She then heard the words behind her, “The last one is the hardest,” and a moment later that last stroke landed and sure enough the tears rolled down her face, the dribble continued to fall from her mouth, and her eyes were tight shut as she fought to cope with the pain.
Hannah smiled at Miss Haines and then at her friends and it seemed everyone in the room was happy, except Georgina.
Miss Haines said, “Next time you could make it nine or twelve strokes, Hannah.”
Georgina wanted to shout out that there won’t be another time, but she was crying uncontrollably and still couldn’t speak.
Hannah wanted to discipline Georgina again, as she would Jeff, and knew to ease Georgina’s possible reluctance she would caress her, so she rubbed and squeezed Georgina’s bottom and the backs of her legs and as she did so Georgina raised her bottom willing Hannah to run her fingers along her pussy lips.
Georgina was quickly edging towards an orgasm and knew the stinging pain was making the orgasm a huge one. She decided then that she would have Hannah discipline her again.
Hannah knew it would happen like this, whilst it seemed so extraordinary to Georgina that she felt that way, but she did.
Once Georgina had cum with a series of huge erotic gasps, she allowed a few moments for Georgina to savour the orgasm before ordering, “Get up, Tart,” and, now reluctantly, Georgina eased herself up from the table and stood rubbing her bottom and taking huge steps which she knew was the spanking dance.
Georgina’s eyes were clearing as she rubbed her bottom and she listened to the happy chatter in the room. She heard the girls happily chatting, or at least one was with Hannah. Georgina saw that the other two had their arms around each other and were cuddling each other and then kissing each other.
Hannah then went over to the third girl and just kissed her on the lips and the girl kissed her back as they went over to the sofa and had their hands under the others dress and probably inside the others knickers, Georgina reckoned.
Miss Haines said sternly to Georgina, “Let me rub some cream into your bottom, Tart.”
Georgina was aroused again by the authoritative voice, sighed, and said, “Oh yes please, Miss Haines.”
“Get across my lap then,” Miss Haines said in a more friendly tone as she sat on a dining chair.
Georgina eased herself down across Miss Haines’s lap and groaned erotically as she felt her hand rubbing her bottom. The cool cream felt so good and Georgina now felt good about being spanked as the caressing and squeezing and rubbing was so sensuous. As Miss Haines rubbed the back of Georgina’s legs so she parted them and she gasped again as Miss Haines rubbed the inside of her thighs and then ran her fingers along her pussy lips.
Georgina raised her hips and Miss Haines happily edged her fingers inside Georgina’s vagina and flicked her taut clit and soon Georgina was gasping more and more loudly as she was edged towards another orgasm. As she gave a long erotic orgasmic gasp so Georgina told herself that this was exactly why she wanted to be disciplined because as well as the orgasm she now knew the stinging was so erotic.
Miss Haines kept her fingers inside Georgina’s vagina whilst gently flicking her taut clit and knew it was what Georgina would enjoy and that feeling was certainly enforced by the continued erotic groans.
After a few minutes, Miss Haines said, “Up you get, Tart.”
Georgina didn’t mind being called tart and decided she would get her work colleagues to address her like that when using her. She stood and, rubbing her bottom, again felt so good about having been disciplined with an audience. She was still naked and loved it and, more so, when Miss Haines came up close and kissing her cupped her breast in her hand and caressed her and sent the other hand in search of her clit again.
After a lingering kiss, Miss Haines whispered into Georgina’s ear, “You need to give Hannah disciplinary control over you as I have over the girls at school. She already has control over your husband, and I think it will do you both a lot of good.”
Georgina smiled at Miss Haines and glanced around the room looking for Hannah. She saw two of the girls making out on the sofa with their hands clearly inside the others knickers. She looked at the other sofa and saw Hannah on it with the other friend and they too were making out. Clearly, everyone was aroused by seeing her disciplined and she had to admit that now her bottom and legs were stinging so erotically she definitely wanted to be disciplined again, and who better than by Hannah.
Georgina said, “I’ve seen the list of rules that Hannah has given Jeff and I know I would break several of them rather often. Still, I know it will do both Jeff and me good to give disciplinary control to Hannah.” After a few moments, Georgina added, “I suppose if I need another caning it will be the nine or twelve strokes you said?” Georgina asked with a smile.
“At least,” Miss Haines replied smiling. After a moment she added, “I need a thank you as well so let’s go to your bedroom and leave the girls down here to continue making out.”
Georgina swallowed as she felt so aroused at the thought of making out with Miss Haines. She was a teacher, so in a position of authority which was sexy, and was her own age, which was just right.
So as Georgina walked towards the stairs Miss Haines smacked her bare bottom at every step and ordered, “Faster, Tart, faster.”
Georgina loved it that Miss Haines was smacking her bottom and was now sure that the pain was what was so good about being spanked, as well as the humiliation, which all got her so aroused. Her bottom was stinging and that sent quivers rushing around her vagina, and, knowing she will have difficulty sitting down comfortably, as well as the humiliation of being spanked in front of Hannah’s friends, all made her sure that she wanted to be disciplined again and again by a woman with authority over her. Hannah disciplining her made sense as she was already in charge of Jeff and she now hoped that she and Jeff would suffer many a spanking and caning from Hannah for so long as she was living with them, hopefully with her friends watching each time.
So, as Georgina knelt between Miss Haines’s thighs and she kissed and licked her wet pussy lips and brought her to the orgasm she had demanded, she knew the humiliation and pain of a hard spanking and caning were just what she needed and looked forward to it happening time and again from the authoritative Hannah.
She hoped so anyway.