The Exchange Student

"Jeff is caught watching an S&M porn film by the overseas student staying with him and his wife."

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Hannah got back from school earlier than expected as the after school rounders match had been cancelled. She unlocked the door and walked into the hallway and heard the groaning sound coming from the living room. As she walked towards the living room she thought how it sounded more like the groaning sound she made as she masturbated.

Hannah was eighteen-years-old and lived with forty-three-year-old Jeff and forty-one-year-old Georgina. She was from Poland and lived with Georgina and Jeff whilst she went to school here. It was a government-led ‘House a Foreign Pupil Scheme,’ for sixth formers studying for A-Level’s, and Georgina and Jeff were happy to participate as they had no children of their own and wanted the experience, even for a short while. 

Hannah was wearing her school uniform of a short-sleeved blue and white check gingham dress with a white belt. She wasn’t required to wear socks as it was summer and had bare legs

Hannah pushed open the living room door and walked in and was shocked to see Jeff sitting in an armchair watching a porn film clasping his very erect penis. However, with a wicked grin on her face, Hannah soon got over the shock and quickly got out her phone and started to film Jeff and also showed the porn film he was watching.

Jeff was oblivious to Hannah being there and as he groaned he kept repeating to himself, “You naughty boy. You need a hard spanking.”

Hannah only focused on what Jeff was saying after about the third time and then, whilst still filming, she looked more closely at the film which showed a woman in a black vest top and black shorts with black tights wielding a wooden paddle. The man in the film was bent over a dining table grabbing both sides and the close-up of his bottom showed it to be a deep red and even had blue tinges of bruising.

Jeff was getting closer and closer to an orgasm as he watched the film. He had a fantasy of being spanked by a dominant woman and wished that Georgina would take on that role but she too only wanted to be spanked, so they both had to resort to watching porno films and masturbating. Not that they did it that often, but both managed to a couple of times a week and whilst both still wanted to be spanked, they settled for watching porn films and otherwise, were a very happily married couple.

Hannah cleared her throat and the noise was loud enough for Jeff to hear. He stopped masturbating and, looking around, was in shock when he saw Hannah and stood up facing her. When he saw her looking towards his tummy he realised that, in fact, she was looking at his erect penis which he immediately covered with his hand. He was speechless and swallowed hard, not sure how to cope with Hannah seeing what he was doing.

He never had to be careful when it was just him and Georgina in the house as they both knew they watched porn films. Now, though, with Hannah living here he realised that he should have been far more careful. However, it was too late now.

Hannah recovered rather more quickly than Jeff and continuing to film she asked with a wicked smile, “Hi Jeff, having fun?”

Jeff swallowed hard again as he watched Hannah go to the dining table.

Hannah had seen some things on the dining table and, intrigued, went over to it and filmed what was on it. She saw a pad and that the front page was covered in lines that read, ‘I have been a naughty boy and need to be spanked,’ and realised that that was what Jeff had been saying as he masturbated. Also on the table was a wooden paddle pretty much like the one being used by the dominatrix in the film. 

Hannah looked up from the table and thought that she would have some fun winding him up, and said in a very firm tone of voice with her eastern European tang that made her sound even more stern, “So, Jeff, you’ve been a naughty boy and need a spanking. Well, I guess I had better give it to you, then.”

Jeff swallowed hard but didn’t actually argue against Hannah spanking him, because, he realised, he had fantasised about being spanked by a girl not much older than her. Even the girl in the film was just eighteen-years-old which was why he liked the film so much. 

Hannah was quite taken by the fact Jeff made no move to object to her spanking him. She thought it would be quite cool to be able to tell her friends that she had spanked Jeff and so pressed him as she turned a dining chair into the room and sitting down ordered, “Come here, Jeff. You are very naughty to be watching porno films like this and certainly need your bottom spanked.”

Jeff looked at the now seated Hannah and thought about his long-held fantasy of being spanked for being a naughty boy. Certainly watching porno films was seen as very risqué when he was younger and he often did so with his friends, but they were your standard full-on sex films. It was only when he was by himself that he started to look at S&M films and was drawn more and more towards films where women spanked submissive men.

He even enjoyed looking at women of differing ages on busses and trains and imagined himself being spanked by them, but soon focussed more on the younger women reckoning it was even more submissive to be spanked by them rather than women his own age or even his mum’s age. 

It was strange, Jeff realised, because he was very senior at the office making lots of important decisions and everyone looked up to him, yet, when outside the office, he wanted to submit to a woman’s authority. Lately, that changed to a desire to be under the disciplinary control of a girl Hannah’s age on the basis it would be humiliating as well as painful. He stopped short of wanting to be spanked with others watching, though, thinking that would be too embarrassing for an alpha male like him. 

As Jeff thought these thoughts he reckoned that, actually, Hannah was the right person to spank him. She was far more mature than her years and had an endearing, ‘Do as I say or else,’ tone of voice. It wasn’t a sexual attraction to her, though, but he could see how he could get the real-life spanking he desired from Hannah, and then make out with Georgina afterwards. So, the spanking would be foreplay because he knew he would be aroused by the spanking. 

Hannah saw Jeff start to walk towards her and wondered just what he was thinking. She certainly didn’t expect to actually spank Jeff, and her ordering him to come over to her was supposed to make him laugh. Yet, instead of laughing, he seemed to be looking down at her lap as though readying himself to bend across it.

Indeed, as Jeff stepped towards Hannah he was looking at her and compared her to the woman in the film. Hannah was the same age but the school dress was very different from the black shorts and black tights of the woman in the film, but, he thought, even sexier. He had gone through a phase of liking women in uniforms to spank the men, and he remembered deciding how a school uniform was sexiest and then a nurse’s uniform.

He also thought that Hannah’s bare legs were more sexy than black tights as he took another step towards Hannah, thinking how being spanked by a schoolgirl rather than a woman his own age or older emphasised his desire to be submissive. 

Hannah looked down at her lap and saw that her dress had risen right up and so her thighs were bare. She knew that, although very well-behaved at school, she was one of the girls who wore her hem well up her thighs. The school, though, never took any action against sixth form girls who wore the shorter than regulation dress hems. After all, by then the girls were all older, and plenty of other schools allowed girls of their age to even wear shorts particularly in the summer.

So, as Hannah looked at her lap, she realised that Jeff would be pretty much lying across her bare thighs and she even giggled to herself at the thought of his willy lying on her bare skin. Not that she minded, as she had made out with a few of the boys and given them handjobs as they had given her finger sex in return, and so she knew all about men’s penises. 

Hannah glared at Jeff and saw his penis had now melted and wondered if it was the thought of actually being spanked that had caused it to collapse. Even more sure that Jeff was leaning towards her spanking him, and reckoning even more that it would be fun to give him a few spanks, she pointed to her lap and ordered, “Get your trousers and underpants off and then get across my lap, Jeff.”

Jeff was again taken by the haughty tone of voice and was drawn increasingly towards Hannah and her oh, so enticing lap, and as he was just two steps away he took a deep breath and, swallowing hard, stood by her side before he obediently pushed his already unzipped trousers and underpants down to the floor and stepped out of them both. He scooped them up and put them on another chair before looking once again at Hannah’s inviting bare thighs, and eased himself down across her lap.

As his head passed so closely by Hannah’s face he closed his eyes in embarrassment but opened them again as the floor came up to meet his face, and he stopped his fall with his hands before lowering his full weight on to Hannah’s lap. As he did so he had a close-up look at the backs of her legs and saw her calf muscles tense as she took his weight, and knew his penis was erect again and resting on Hannah’s bare thighs.

Hannah breathed deeply as Jeff stood by her, wavered for a few moments, and then to her delight removed his clothing below his waist and, with a now partially erect penis, leaned forward and held the far side of the seat of the dining chair and eased himself downwards. She saw his face pass within inches of her own and was glad his eyes were closed as she could not stop herself from having a broad grin at the thought of what she was about to do. 

It wasn’t as though Hannah had ever thought about giving anyone a spanking, except she did know several girls in her class who had been to the headmistress for either a spanking, or even the cane, for misbehaving. They didn’t tend to be girls she was friendly with, but she and her friends had often discussed how they would readily give a spanking or the cane to those same girls if given the chance.

It was always in fun, though, and they never expected to have the chance to deal with them for real, but Hannah remembered masturbating when picturing herself spanking those naughty girls’ bare bottoms. However, instead of just imagining it, here Hannah was, about to deal with Jeff, and now she couldn’t wait for him to settle down on her lap.

Jeff gave a last squirming movement with his hands on the floor and seeing his legs reach the floor on the far side of the chair realised that his bare bottom was perched on Hannah’s lap. He gasped as he felt Hannah’s hand on his bottom rubbing in circles and was momentarily concerned about Georgina coming home and seeing him across Hannah’s lap.

He then even laughed to himself that he was worried about his wife seeing him being spanked rather than the fact that it was Hannah, a teenager, who was about to spank him. Still, that told him he was reconciled to Hannah spanking him, which was just as well as he could hardly say it was all a joke now and force himself up again. Anyway, Jeff knew he didn’t want to get back up and wanted the spanking he had fantasised about for so long.

Hannah smiled, wide-eyed, as she placed her open palm on Jeff’s bare bottom and rubbed in circles. Her breathing was heavy as she rubbed in circles watching, just in case Jeff changed his mind, as she was building up to her first spank. Once sure there was no resistance she raised her hand, focused on the near bottom cheek she was going to spank, and brought her hand down as hard as she could. As she watched the bottom cheek surrender to her flat palm, and heard the quiet grunt Jeff made, she licked her lips as she raised her hand and brought her open palm back down equally as hard on the far bare bottom cheek.

Jeff looked at Hannah’s legs as he felt her rub his bottom and when he saw her calf muscles tense sensed that his bottom was no longer being rubbed but knew that the first spank was about to land, and, as it did, he grunted more because he expected it to hurt rather than because of the actual pain. In fact, he was quite disappointed that the spank didn’t hurt, but once the spanks continued to land on alternate bottom cheeks so he felt the stinging intensify and he knew the pain would only get worse. As it did, he could feel his penis stiffen even more and knew he was actually getting aroused by the increasingly intense stinging pain.

Hannah continued to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, now not even thinking that she was spanking Jeff but just saw a reddening bottom which she was actually enjoying spanking. As well as the changing colour she was also enjoying watching his bottom squirm on her lap and even his legs tense and his head shake. 

Jeff was struggling a bit with the spanks and could not understand how come his penis was stiffening, and yet both were happening. He didn’t mind at all the stinging pain, although it was perhaps rather more uncomfortable than it appeared in his fantasies. However, he never expected his penis to be so stiff and he had never imagined that in his fantasises but now supposed that was because he usually had his hand around his penis rubbing and squeezing it and got aroused that way.

Hannah saw Jeff’s bottom was nicely red and remembered the film showing the dominatrix using the paddle, and, at the same time, remembered the paddle on the dining table. She wondered if she should use it and supposed that as Jeff had accepted her hand spanking and he was watching a film where the paddle was used, she thought, why not?

So, Hannah stopped spanking and leaned across and picked up the paddle and rested it on Jeff’s bottom saying as she rubbed it in circles, “This will hurt more than when you paddle yourself, Jeff, but you do need this as well.” She told herself that fifty spanks with the paddle should be about right.

Jeff gasped as he felt what he knew to be the paddle being rubbed on his bottom. He wondered how Hannah knew he did paddle himself but supposed it was obvious really, as why else would he have it with him when watching the film? What he always did was masturbate first watching some of the film, then hit himself with the paddle forty or fifty times, and then watch the rest of the film. So, Hannah using the paddle on him wasn’t so different, except it was Hannah spanking him with it. 

Hannah rubbed Jeff’s bottom three more times waiting once again to see if there were any second thoughts, and when there weren’t any she raised the paddle and brought it down hard on his near bare bottom cheek. This time Hannah heard the noticeably louder grunt and knew the paddle would make much more of an impact than her hand and so raised it again and brought it down just as hard on the far bottom cheek.

The louder grunt was repeated and this time she noticed Jeff’s head was raised and Hannah heard him breathe in and out through clenched teeth. Even so, she didn’t even consider lightening the spanks and proceeded to land hard spanks with the paddle on alternate bottom cheeks and noticed how the reddy colour soon had blue tinges of bruising.  

Jeff’s grunts got louder and louder as his bottom stung more and more with each spank. The stinging got even worse as Hannah landed spank after spank on the same bottom cheek, maybe a dozen times, before spanking the other bottom cheek a dozen times. He could tell why the paddle hurt much more than when he spanked himself because he used to leave a gap if his bottom stung, but Hannah didn’t.

Of course, Jeff told himself that the way Hannah was spanking him was the real way to spank rather than his way which made allowances for the pain. Even so, he rather liked seeing Hannah’s calf muscles tense as each spank was on its way down towards his bottom, and certainly preferred Hannah’s way of spanking him. However, as Jeff felt his eyes fill with tears and then those tears dribble and then flood down his face he forgot all about the comparison of Hannah spanking him against him spanking himself as he squirmed around on the teenager’s lap and kicked his legs and was blubbering uncontrollably.

Hannah heard Jeff’s cries and reckoned he would prefer to experience a proper spanking rather than have her lighten the spanks, but equally had lost count of the spanks so didn’t realise that she was well exceeding the fifty spanks she told herself that she was going to give him. Oblivious, but enjoying herself so much, Hannah kept on landing the spanks until she glanced at Jeff’s head and as he threw his head back she could see the mucous dribbling from his mouth and the tears flooding down his face and on to the floor, and decided she should stop spanking him.

As she put the paddle back on the table and rubbed his bottom so she felt the heat, which she loved, and saw his bottom was almost wholly bruised, which in fact she also rather liked. The elation, though, soon changed to concern that she had spanked Jeff far too hard.

Jeff stayed across Hannah’s lap well after the spanks had stopped as he tried to stop himself blubbering. He had stopped squirming around on her lap as well as kicking his legs, but they had both stopped as soon as the spanking had stopped. The stinging pain, though, was far more intense than he had imagined it would be, but after just a minute or so he had calmed down and whilst still sobbing he did like the way the stinging became rather erotic.

He even once again looked at the backs of Hannah’s well-toned legs and saw that the calf muscles no longer tensed, and, as Hannah rubbed his bottom, so he started to think about the spanking and quickly decided it was far better being spanked properly than masturbating over a film and spanking himself with the paddle. In fact, he even scoffed at how lightly he had used the paddle on himself.

Hannah was happier once Jeff had stopped crying uncontrollably and didn’t mind the sobbing as she kept on rubbing his bottom thinking how it might ease the pain. She didn’t mind him staying across her lap either as it gave her the chance to really study Jeff’s bottom to see if she should spank harder or lighter just in case she got the chance to spank him again. In the event, she decided she had spanked him just right as he seemed to have survived well enough.

Once Jeff seemed to have recovered Hannah ordered, “Okay, Jeff, get up now.”

Jeff seemed almost reluctant to get up as he doubted Hannah would spank him again. As he eased himself up he even thought that it would be a shame if this was the one and only spanking and even questioned the enjoyment of going back to masturbating over a film. Still, he doubted he had much choice as he stood up and feverishly rubbed his stinging bottom cheeks as he stepped from foot to foot. As he did so, he knew that he would regret even more if Hannah didn’t spank him again but wondered how he would be able to change that.

Hannah enjoyed watching Jeff dance around the room taking wide steps as he rubbed his bottom. She noticed that his erection had disappeared but when she looked at her lap noticed how her thighs were covered in his sex juice. It wasn’t the first time a boy’s sex juice had covered her lap as it happened quite often when she gave a boy a handjob so it didn’t faze her at all. In fact, she loved the fact Jeff was relaxed enough to cum when across her lap and as much as she wanted to spank him again she now wondered if that could indeed be manipulated. 

As Jeff recovered and stood in front of Hannah rubbing his bottom but without dancing he saw his cum on Hannah’s thighs. He was immediately embarrassed and said, “I am so sorry, Hannah,” as he reached for the towel he had ready to blast his cum into when he masturbated.

Hannah found it rather funny that instead of throwing the towel at her, Jeff actually cleaned the cum off himself. She looked up at him as he finished and smiled and seeing her smile he managed to smile back.

Jeff looked down at a smiling Hannah and smiling back and said happily, “Erm, thank you, Hannah, for spanking me. I guess I deserved it for watching porn,”

Hannah wondered if the apology and reference to the porn film was a signal for her to suggest he get another spanking some time. She tried it with, “Well Jeff, you will deserve another spanking if I catch you watching any porn again, for sure.”

Jeff gasped at the threat, but saw it as the route to another spanking, so he blushed and looked coy as he replied, “I guess you would be right to spank me again for that, Hannah.” 

Hannah saw that as further evidence that Jeff wanted to be spanked again, and suggested, “Just for porn or for other things you do as well?” 

Jeff liked how Hannah was moving towards spanking him again and said, “If there are other things you think I deserve a spanking for then maybe you should spank me for them as well?”

Hannah laughed as she replied, “There are loads of things Jeff,” and after a moment  added, “Shall I make a list?”

Jeff bit his lip and replied, “Sure thing, Hannah. It would make me a better person knowing I had a spanking coming if ever I let you down.”

Hannah was about to ask whether Jeff was joking but decided from the sincere look on his face that he meant it. So cool, she said to herself, as not only could she tell her school friends she had spanked Jeff, but there was bound to more times she would be spanking him in the future, and no doubt the very near future.

Jeff was pleased he had agreed to the ‘list of rules’ because, although it would be ever so embarrassing if his friends found out Hannah spanked him, he knew that he would find her spanking him so much better than continuing just to fantasise about it. 

He knew he was now so aroused because of the stinging pain and couldn’t wait for Georgina to come home. Jeff smiled at Hannah as he thought about Georgina but saw she was again looking at his tummy, or rather his returned erection. He blushed and looked at the floor.

Hannah saw Jeff’s re-established erection and felt even more sure she would be spanking him again. 

As Hannah and Jeff thought their own thoughts both were looking forward to repeating the discipline spanking very soon.

Published 6 years ago

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