The Eternity of Love

"True words spoken from the heart"

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With every flake of snow that falls,
My heart cries out for you.
For every bright star that twinkles so,
I have more love to show.

If I could make a purple rose, 
I’d name if after you.
And plant it in our special place,
Beneath yonder yew. 

No names or days can make me real,
Only feelings in their time. 
The flowers of your heart so sweet,
They lift my heart divine.

Perhaps my memories take their place,
Among life’s faded scrolls. 
I love you more than all the surf,
In every wave that rolls.

So allow me when I go astray, 
Forgive my foolish ways. 
Love knows no rules, no written words, 
In eternity it stays.

Published 10 years ago

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