My black, thirty-seven-year-old English teacher was on her husband’s large, leather recliner with her knees on the seat of the chair and with her body facing the back of the chair and amble ass up while her hands gripped the back of the recliner. Mrs. Jennings was wearing only a pair of high heels and black tinted pantyhose that had a seam running up the back of her legs. She looked over her shoulder at me. Her face was still covered with my cum from the blow job she had given me and I refused to let her clean it off. I did, however, wipe the cum from around her eyes. Her black mascara was smudged around her eyes and the red lipstick she painted on her lips was smudged as well.
Six days ago while sitting in her car and meeting her in secret at a rest area off the interstate, my married, religious, sexually naïve, and sexually repressed teacher was afraid I would end our affair after an argument we had so she had told me she would be a whore for me if I would continue our sexual relationship. To prove it to me she gave me her first ever blow job.
The next Friday night at her house, with her husband out of town for the weekend, I gave her an out of her promise by assuring her if she told me she did not want me to treat her like a whore that night all she had to do was tell me. Mrs. Jennings did not take them out I gave her and admitted she desired for me to treat her as such and agreed she would be my black whore for that night. I don’t think she fully understood what that meant and what I was planning on doing to her nor have her do to me. She was about to find out how devious the mind of this horny, seventeen-year-old white boy could be.
I took a moment to look at the older black woman’s face as she nervously waited for me to continue to treat her like a whore. I have mentioned several times that Mrs. Jennings was not one of those hot, older teachers boys at high school lusted after or desired or talked about and made crude sexual innuendoes about in the locker room at school. While I found her face and her body sexy and attractive, my high school peers did not. She was not ugly, but she was not a hot-for-teacher type as a then-current, popular, rock and roll song mentioned.
They would rate her looks as average or maybe a tad above average. Not me, however, I found her attractive, alluring, and sexy. With my cum on her face and her makeup smeared and the worried, even slightly frightened but also a look of lustful anticipation on her face at that moment, I found Mrs. Jennings extremely sexy. The fact that she was on the recliner with her large, bubble ass up in my direction, wearing only pantyhose with no panties under them, and her high heels, just added to her sexiness. I also had to admit I found her attractive and sexy because she was of the African American race and was the first black woman I had ever fucked.
“Now it’s time I get a better look at that big, fat, black ass,” I told her and kneeled on the floor in front of her butt.
I reached up and placed my hands on her butt cheeks, Mrs. Jennings flinched in either anticipation or fear or maybe both. I then laughed at her.
“Why, Mrs. Jennings,” I taunted, “This is something new. It seems you have been a naughty teacher.”
“I, I, I did it for you,” She told me in an embarrassed tone. “Like the girls in your filthy magazines. I wanted you to like it.” She looked over her shoulder at me again. “Do you like it?”
Even with her legs pressed together and her thick thighs, Mrs. Jennings had a prominent thigh gap and she had a fat pussy that was noticeable when she bent over for me or when she was on her hands and knees with her ass up. I could see her black pussy under the sheer nylon of her pantyhose. Mrs. Jennings had removed the black hairs from her pussy.
“I, I, maybe I shouldn’t have done it. Maybe I should have asked you first if you would like it,” Mrs. Jennings said in a worried voice after several seconds had passed without me answering her question.
I smiled. I smiled because I did like seeing her pussy hairless and I smiled because she wanted my approval and blessing for what she had done. I smiled because after how she sounded so worried I would not approve and her comment about maybe she should have asked my permission first before she made such a change to her body convinced me that I owned her pussy now and not her husband.
I did not doubt she loved her husband and sometimes I think she told me she did to try and make me jealous. I would even ask her at times if her limp dick husband fucked her recently or if he had her jerk him off when he could not get an erection. She would tell me that was none of my business but always answer me with the truth and tell me it was her wifely duty to him to try to have me show jealousy. I was not jealous. It was not Mrs. Jennings’s love I wanted to own over her feelings for her husband, it was her body I wanted to own over him. The things I was going to do to her that Friday night, the things she did for me, the things she allowed me to do to her, the things she did for me, and her constant need for my approval as our affair continued were proof that her body was mine.
I also believed she got off on me humiliating her husband as we fucked or during foreplay. While she was ashamed of herself for it, she could not deny to herself it turned her on and she wanted to hear it when we were intimate with each other. She also knew who owned her pussy.
“No, I like it,” I assured her. “I like it a great deal, but what will your husband say?”
Mrs. Jennings was still looking over her shoulder at me and she smiled at my approval of her hairless pussy. “He won’t know. I left the pubic hair over my vagina and Richard is not like you. He is not perverted and does not look at me down there the way you like to.”
I laughed at her calling me perverted. “Yes but you like my perversions.”
Mrs. Jennings turned her and looked down. I knew she was blushing and could not deny she liked what I did to her.
She flinched and looked over her shoulder at me when I placed both of my hands on her butt cheeks. I grabbed her pantyhose at her pussy area, gathered a handful of the nylon material in my fists, and ripped a hole in her stocking to expose her pussy. Mrs. Jennings gasped. I kept ripping until her entire ass was exposed.
“I want to get a better look at your ass and shaved pussy.”
Mrs. Jennings instinctually brought her hands behind her back to cover her pussy from my view. I grabbed them by the wrists.
“No. Put them on the back of the chair.” She did as I told her to.
“What, what are going to do?” She asked in a nervous voice.
“Have some fun with your pussy and ass and even taste it,” I grinned as I told her. She flinched again when I told her I was going to taste her pussy. Mrs. Jennings had never let me go down on her pussy and I felt it was about time. “Yes, Mrs. Jennings, I am going to use my mouth and tongue on that old black pussy. I just hope it’s not all smelly and rank due to age.” I teased her. “But maybe you need a spanking for being such a dirty, black whore for shaving your pussy? Maybe you are right, maybe you should have asked me first?”
Mrs. Jennings knelt higher up in the recliner and pressed the front of her body against the back of the chair and looked over her shoulder at me.
“You wouldn’t dare,” she told me.
I picked up my jeans off the floor, pulled my belt out of the loops in a single motion, folded the belt, pushed the loop together, and quickly pulled it apart. It made a loud snapping sound.
“Well someone needs to punish you for being such a black whore and we know your husband won’t because he has no idea what an old whore you are.” I taunted her by showing her the folded belt. “Now, get back down and ass up and take your punishment like a good whore.”
I was pleasantly surprised Mrs. Jennings kneeled back down in the chair and stuck her butt up for me. I had thought for sure she was going to protest and even get up off the recliner and tell me no. I took a moment to take in the view of her ass.
Her ass cheeks were exposed and protruded from the large rip in her pantyhose. Mrs. Jennings had a large butt that bubbled out nicely and with her bent over like she was it made her ass wider. I was going to be able to use the belt on each butt cheek separately with ease. I liked her ass, even with the small amount of cellulite where the curve of her butt met her upper thighs and the few faint stretch marks that looked like old, thin scars on her black butt. The fact her fat pussy swelled from between her upper thighs just added to how sexy I thought her ass was.
I gave Mrs. Jennings a swat on her butt with the belt. It was a playful swat and not hard at all. It was so playful that Mrs. Jennings giggled.
The second swat was harder and Mrs. Jennings’s ass flinched forward. “Oww, that stung,” she told me in disbelief I would hit her harder. She rubbed her butt where the belt landed
It was not very hard and it would not leave marks but I figured it would sting. I was not out to hurt her badly but I wanted her to feel the belt across her ass.
“Of course, it stung,” I told her. “Punishment is not supposed to feel good. What’s the point in that? Now move your hand so I can give you what you deserve for being a whore.”
She lowered her hand and again I was shocked she was going to let me use the belt on her butt.
I gave Mrs. Jennings five smacks with the belt on her left ass cheek and five on the right. Each one stung her and she cried out after each swat landed. Again it was not that hard, but enough to sting her black ass. It was not hard enough to make her cry but was enough to make her eyes watery. Once more she surprised me by letting me continue until I was finished. Her obedience to me that night so far was great and a turn-on and after spanking her with the belt and her allowing me to, I knew I could do about anything I wanted to her and she would consent. I tossed my belt on the floor and got on my knees behind Mrs. Jennings. It was time I got a good look at her now hairless pussy.
Before I got a better look at it or played with it, I kissed the older woman’s ass and ran my tongue over it sensually. Mrs. Jennings let out a soft moan from my gentle attention to her butt. She flinched when I gave her asshole a closed-lip kiss but did not say anything. I pulled my head back to look at her.
Without any hair on her pussy, it looked even fatter than before and the color contrast of her pussy compared to the color of her skin complexion was even more obvious. The flesh around her pussy was a dull, almost ink-black color and I found it sexy and erotic. Mrs. Jennings’s inner pussy lips appeared larger with her pussy bald but they didn’t dangle out or look flappy and both her inner and outer pussy lips were well defined. The older woman had a long pussy slit that led from the entrance to her pussy up to a large clit hood that hid her nub of pleasure. I could see the shade of coral pink on the inside of her pussy but I wanted to see more of it. I had one problem I needed to overcome first and it had nothing to do with Mrs. Jennings but with me.
My cock was fully erect again and I had to overcome my desire to just fuck the woman’s pussy hard and shoot cum all into her fat pussy. It was a struggle over my desire to fuck her and get the blissful physical release and my wanting to play and taste her pussy and even her asshole. Yes, I had every intention of rimming and sticking my tongue up Mrs. Jennings’s fat black ass. My wanting to taste and play with her pussy and asshole won out, at least for the moment. I did not know how much willpower I was able to control. Lucky I was only seventeen at the time and I knew that since Mrs. Jennings’s black body turned me on and how her submissiveness and willingness to do what I had told her to do so far that night if I did fuck her again I would be able to get aroused and hard quickly before I took her into her bedroom.
I had fucked my black English teacher hard many times in my bedroom, but that was going to be nothing compared to what I was planning on doing and fucking her that night in her marriage bed. I was going to fuck the older woman’s brains out and wear her fat pussy out and even try and fuck her tight asshole. At seventeen, I had read erotic stories in porn magazines written by men and women where they mentioned that the woman got fucked so much in one night that she eventually begged the man to stop because her pussy or even asshole could not take it anymore. In the stories, the man kept fucking the woman anyway, and even as sore and tired as the woman was she still enjoyed getting fucked so hard. Yes, I knew all those so-called true stories were not true, but I intended to use Mrs. Jennings’s pussy and asshole and mouth to see if that could happen.
I had never spent the entire night with any of the girls I fucked, and I wanted to fuck Mrs. Jennings’s not only until she begged me that she could no longer take any more of my cock in her sore pussy and hopefully asshole and to humiliate her both verbally and physically, but also until my body was spent. I wanted to be at the point no matter how hard I tried or things I would have her do to me I would be unable to get an erection and then start on her over again the next morning. Being seventeen that was going to take a lot of fucking the older woman and her sucking my cock for that to happen I believed or hoped. Before all that, I wanted to taste and play with her pussy and asshole.
“Put your hands on your pussy and spread it apart for me,” I told the older woman.
“Patrick, no. That’s vulgar,” Mrs. Jennings replied.
She did not sound as embarrassed as she used to be when I made her do crude things like that. She even giggled after she told me no. I was disappointed it didn’t humiliate her but glad she was starting to loosen up sexually.
“Do it or I will get my belt again and this time it won’t be playful.” I bluffed with a harsh tone in my voice.
Yes, I liked spanking her with my belt and planned on doing it more in the future to play around with her and maybe even a little harder the next time. I was going to spank her black ass more that night with my hand, but I really would not have spanked her with the belt as hard as I had just implied.
Mrs. Jennings stopped giggling and made a whimpering sound as she believed my bluff. She brought her arms behind her back and placed them on her butt cheeks and spread herself for me.
“No, not like that. Like this,” I told her and moved her arms so that they went under her thighs and then positioned her fingers on her inner pussy lips. “Now spread that old, fat, pussy apart. I want to see the pink inside or shall I get the belt?”
Mrs. Jennings made this puppy-like whimpering sound as she spread her lips apart for me. I grinned because I knew this time I did humiliate her. I made a long exaggerated examination of her open pussy and then made tisk tisk sounds.
“No still not good enough. More like this,” I told her and again positioned her the way wanted her.
I had Mrs. Jennings pinch her large pussy lips in her fingers.
“No pull them apart and stretch those black lips for me,” I ordered her.
Mrs. Jennings, once again showing her subservient nature to me or as I believed she would have shown to any man who was fucking her the way I was, did as I told her. I could tell by her now louder whimpers she was highly embarrassed to be exposed to me the way she was and in the position her body was in. Her ass was up, her knees pressed against her big tits, and her face was turned to one side and pressed against the recliner in the gap where the crook met the seat of the chair and her face glistened in areas that were still covered with my cum.
“More,” I told her and placed my fingers over hers and tightened my grip, and stretched her pussy lips as far as they would go. “Hold them like that.”
Mrs. Jennings made a whimpering squeal and when I looked at her face it was twisted in a grimace and she had tears in her eyes not from pain but humiliation. I thought the look on her face was very sexy.
“Now that’s how a proper whore shows herself to a man,” I taunted her and chuckled. “Are you a proper whore, Mrs. Jennings?”
She did her best to nod her head but pressed against the chair it was difficult for her. I knew soon she would be uncomfortable but I didn’t care. I liked seeing her like that.
I smacked her ass with my hand, much harder than I intended, and it gave a loud slapping sound and Mrs. Jennings’s butt jerked forward and she gave a squealing sound that reminded me of a certain scene in a certain movie where a man is made to squeal like a pig while getting ass fucked. Her grip on her pussy lips came loose.
“I asked if you were a proper who, Mrs. Jennings. Answer me and tell me what you are or I will spank you even harder.”
“I am a whore. I am a proper black whore.”
The older woman whimpered out her response but said it louder than I thought she would. I guess the accidental hard smack on her ass was a good thing. I liked how she included the word black when I did not ask her to call herself that.
“You may make a decent whore yet. Maybe even good enough for me to pimp your black ass out to my white friends, after all, I will need money for college.” I teased her and she whimpered more.
I knew she did not believe I would do that, or did she? Thinking that she may actually think I would do that to her and then if she did think that, she did not protest made me laugh and think just how far would she go in her submissiveness.
At seventeen I did not know anything about BDSM or Master/slave relationships and even though I saw them in movies or magazines I thought it was all just acting. Yes, I knew about women who liked to be submissive to men from my affair with Diane and learning more as my affair with Mrs. Jennings continued, I knew about bondage, using sex toys on a woman when she is tied up, and I knew about spanking her from Diane also. There were differences between Diane and Mrs. Jennings’s submissiveness. Diane was not submissive to men outside the bedroom while I came to discover Mrs. Jennings was subservient to a man in her life that she was in an intimate relationship with, me or her husband, in all aspects of her life. Mrs. Jennings would have submitted sexually to he husband as she did to me If he ever wanted her to. Of course, he never would because of his strict religious values and how he viewed sex. Lucky for me I was there to fulfill that particular sexual need Mrs. Jennings recently discovered she had.
At seventeen if I had known what I do today about BDSM I would have explored it with Mrs. Jennings and seen how far she was willing to go in her being submissive to me, including seeing if she would allow another young white boy fuck her as I watched and then joined in and maybe a young white girl also. But, sadly I did not have that knowledge at that time. There were a few other things I found out about Mrs. Jennings many years later, which will be revealed, I wished I had known when I was seventeen and fucking her.
When Mrs. Jennings’s ass jerked forward from my smack on her butt her hands came off her pussy and after my comment about pimping her out, she reached behind her, took hold of her pussy lips in her fingers, and pulled her pussy apart to stretch her lips for me. I did not even tell her to do it.
The older black woman was extremely wet, wetter than I think she had even been with me. Her natural pussy lubricate was clear but thick like mucus. When she opened her pussy for me to see, her thick fluid stuck to the walls of her pussy and formed strands being stretched from one side to the other and looked like thick, clear, spider webs.
Once again I had to struggle with my desire to just fuck her or to play with her pussy and asshole. The desire to play with and taste her pussy and ass won out.
I ran my fingers up her pussy slit, starting at the entrance to her, gathered up the thick pussy fluids with two fingers, rubbed it all over her vulva to make her now hairless pussy glisten, and then ran my fingers up her pussy slit to her clit. Mrs. Jennings moaned as I teased her. I did not touch her clit and ran my fingers back down her slit. She let go of her pussy again and placed her arms above her head and pressed her fingers into the soft leather on the back of the recliner.
“Please put it in me,” Mrs. Jennings pleaded with me as I ran my fingers over her pussy several times. I knew she was talking about my cock and not my fingers. “Please, Patrick, please.”
“Please what?” I teased her as I kept caressing her pussy with my fingers. “What do you want me to do?”
“Make love to me. Please, baby, please make love to me now,” She whined out.
“Make love? You don’t make love to whores, Mrs. Jennings. You fuck whores. Now tell me what you want me to do and I will do it.”
There was almost a five-second hesitation from Mrs. Jennings and I was once again spreading her pussy fluids over her vulva then she told me what she wanted.
“Fuck me, baby, please fuck me now.” Her voice was close to a whisper.
I smacked her large black ass again and just as hard as I did the last time. If she did not complain then I did not think she would complain this time. She didn’t but Mrs. Jennings let out a loud whimpering yelp of pain.
“I didn’t hear you.”
Mrs. Jennings sniffled once. “Please fuck me, Patrick,” she said louder.
“Fuck what? Your mouth, your old black pussy, or your tight black asshole?” I taunted her. Her body stiffened when I mentioned her asshole and ran my fingers in a circle around her puckered hole. The skin color around her anus was as dark as her pussy.
Mrs. Jennings did not answer but again made whimpering noises. I smacked her other butt cheek and this time Mrs. Jennings cried out loudly.
“Please don’t hit me anymore. It hurts.”
“I am not hitting you, I am spanking you,” I chuckled. “Tell me what you want me to fuck or I will get the belt again.” I was bluffing once more.
“My pussy, fuck my old black pussy.” I laughed at her. I knew saying that embarrassed her.
“Not yet. I want to taste you first. I want to finally see if your old pussy tastes as good as young pussy tastes.”
“No, don’t do that, please, baby, don’t. That’s disgusting and you promised you would fuck me.” The older woman complained but did not move to stop me.
“I lied about fucking you right now,” I told her. “You thought sucking my cock was disgusting but you enjoy doing it now and you thought swallowing cum was disgusting but you can’t seem to get enough of it and I don’t care if you don’t want me to taste your pussy. I am going to.” I kissed her butt cheeks. “To let you know I am also going to play with your asshole. I am going to rim it, stick my tongue up your ass, and finger it.”
Mrs. Jennings moved her body up, turned around, sat on the recliner with her arms folded over her chest to cover her breasts, and pressed her legs together to hide her pussy. She put her head down and looked at her chest.
“No, Patrick, please no. I don’t want you to,” she whined. “You can, you can put your mouth on my vagi…” she paused for a couple of seconds, “on my pussy but please not the other.”
“I don’t need your permission to taste your pussy and I am going to do the other,” I told her. “You are my whore tonight. Something you not only agreed to be but something you said you wanted.” I reminded her. “Whores get their assholes played with. You can try and enjoy it or you can stop me by getting up, getting dressed, and I leave,” I reached up and ran my hand over her cheek gently, “and go find some pretty white girl my age that will let me play with her asshole before I fuck her.”
Mrs. Jennings’s head jerked up and she looked me in the eyes. She had a worried and slightly angry look on her face.
“Ok you can do the other thing, just please don’t leave,” she said after about a five-second pause.
“Turn back around and stick that fat ass back up,” I told her and she did as I told her.
I leaned forward and using my right hand I placed my thumb on one side of her pussy lips and my index finger on the other side and spread her pussy apart. Mrs. Jennings was still as wet as she was before; apparently, my mentioning of playing with her asshole did nothing to decrease her arousal. I inserted both my middle finger and index finger into her pussy, causing the woman to moan out, twisting them around inside her and curling them, and scooping up as much of her thick, sticky, pussy fluid as I could.
I fingered her pussy slowly for several minutes while I leaned my head to the left so I could see her face. Mrs. Jennings’s head was once again in the crevice between the back of the recliner and the chair, her eyes were closed tight and her mouth opened as she moaned in pleasure; her thick lips forming an O shape.
I pulled my fingers out of her and they were covered in her thick, clear, mucus-like pussy fluid. I spread my fingers apart and her pussy’s natural lubricant stretched like uncooked egg whites between my fingers. I fought off the urge to lick my fingers and instead leaned up and brought my fingers to her lips. When I started to attempt to spread her fluid on her lips, Mrs. Jennings turned her head. She yelped in pain when I spanked her ass again.
“Stop it,” I told her. “Turn your head back.” She did.
With her mouth closed tight, I spread her pussy liquid all over her lips, making her lips glisten, and then forced my fingers into her mouth.
“Suck them. Taste your pussy, Mrs. Jennings. I want you to taste your old, black, pussy before I do to make sure it’s edible.” I cruelly taunted her.
The older woman made muffled whimpering sounds as she sucked and then started licking my fingers that were in her mouth. At first, she started slow and her face showed disgust, but soon she started licking and sucking as if she was savoring the taste. I laughed at her, it was a forced fake laugh to embarrass her when in truth I found it sexy to watch her suck my fingers.
“You must like that,” I teased and pulled my fingers out of her mouth. “Maybe your old pussy is not too bad tasting. You want some more?”
Mrs. Jennings had a look of shame on her face, “If…if you want me to I will.” Her voice was just a whisper.
“Don’t lie, Mrs. Jennings. Liars get spanked with belts. Did you like the tastes of your pussy juices?”
“It was not as revolting as I thought it would be,” she admitted after a pause of a couple of seconds.
“I take that as a yes. Would you like some more?”
I then fingered her pussy again for a while, pulled out of her, and put my slick fingers on her lips. Mrs. Jennings opened her mouth and moved her head forward slightly to suck and lick my fingers again. I chuckled.
“Guess you did want some more,” I teased her.
I also wanted to taste her pussy and ass so I removed my fingers from her mouth, place my hands on her butt cheeks, spread her pussy and asshole apart, and lowered my head. I started by inserting my tongue inside her pussy to taste her and licked and circled my tongue inside her. Mrs. Jennings let out a series of faint moans. I knew just my tongue in her pussy was not giving her much pleasure and that was not my intent. I intended to taste her pussy. I enjoyed her taste but then again I liked the way any pussy tasted. I had been teasing Mrs. Jennings about how her pussy would taste because of her age but did not expect it to taste any different than the pussies I have tasted. It did. I don’t know if it was her age or just how aroused and wet she was, but her pussy had a more musky taste to it. I liked it.
After I used my tongue inside her pussy for a while, I then ran it up to Mrs. Jennings’s butthole. When my tongue touched the tight hole Mrs. Jennings flinched. I then circled my tongue around her puckered hole and she again moaned out softly.
“Patrick, please don’t. Doing that is…oh my, ohhh wow. Uhhh that feels good.” Mrs. Jennings moaned out as I rimmed her asshole and then drove my tongue deep into her butthole, flicking it and circling it inside her ass.
Tongue fucking her asshole, I removed my hands from her butt cheeks and ran my right hand over her pussy slit and found her clit, and massaged it while I placed two fingers of my left hand inside her pussy. I started rubbing her clit harder and faster, finger fucking her hard, and tonguing her ass. Mrs. Jennings was moaning louder and her pussy was so wet that my fingers made squishy sounds as they rapidly rammed in and out of her. I placed a third finger in her pussy and Mrs. Jennings cried out to God.
It was not long before her moans of pleasure also included the whimpering, squealing sounds she made when she was about to orgasm. I removed my tongue from her asshole and my fingers from her pussy but kept the stimulation on her clit.
“When you are about to cum, tell me,” I told her. “Tell me you are going to cum and use the word cum.”
“Ohh, God! Patrick, more, please! Ohhh, God, baby, please don’t stop! Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh, Patrick my butt, ohh please use your tongue in my butt again!” The older black woman begged loudly between her moans and whimpers and squeals.
I enjoyed Mrs. Jennings’s moans and sex sounds and how she begged me to tongue her ass again, but she did not give me the answer I wanted. She let out a high-pitched squealing sound when I pinched her clit hard. By her sound, I knew it hurt.
“Are you going to tell me when you are about to cum? I asked, still pinching her clit.
“AYIEEEEE!” Mrs. Jennings continued to squeal as I pinched her clit harder. “Yes, yes! I promise. Please, it hurts!”
Satisfied I let go of her clit. I had never done that to a girl before and I liked the reaction it got and thought I would do it again to Mrs. Jennings when I wanted her to do as I wanted her to. I started licking her asshole, rubbing her clit, and fingering her pussy with three fingers again.
Making her clit hurt must have decreased her arousal some because it took longer than I thought for her to get back to the point of orgasm she was in before.
“I’m going to cum!” She finally cried out and I was glad to hear her use the word cum for the first time. “Ohhh, God, I’m going to cum!”
I didn’t let her orgasm, however; I stopped my stimulation on her clit, removed my fingers from her pussy, and removed my tongue from her butthole.
“Why? Why did your stop? I was about to,” The black woman said with confusion and distress in her voice.
“Because I wanted to,” I told her. I then placed my three fingers, coated in her thick, clear pussy juice, on her lips. “Open,” I ordered her.
Mrs. Jennings opened her mouth and I stretched it wide with my three fingers as she sucked them clean and made her gag and choke as I shoved them deeper into her mouth. When I pulled my fingers out of her mouth they were no longer covered with her pussy fluid but her thick saliva instead. I wiped them on her face and then once again started on her pussy, clit, and asshole as before.
Again Mrs. Jennings told me she was about to cum and again I stopped, shoved my fingers in her mouth, and then started once more on her pussy, clit, and asshole. I edged her four more times and each time her begging and whimpering to cum became more desperate.
When I decided to let her orgasm I placed my mouth about an inch from her asshole and first dribbled saliva over it and then spit on it. When she cried out she was about to cum I pulled my fingers from her pussy and jammed a finger up her ass with one hard thrust while still stimulating her clit.
“Uhhhgh, God!” Mrs. Jennings made a loud grunting sound as if in pain as my finger rammed into her asshole. She made the same loud grunt and called out to God again as I rammed a second finger in her ass.
I started rubbing her clit and finger fucking her ass harder and it was not long until her painful-sounding grunts turned into the high-pitched squealing moan the older black woman made and that I found sexy when she orgasmed. As she came, her asshole tightened and loosened around my fingers and I kept up my hard stimulation of her clit and asshole all through her orgasm and only stopped when she finished and was panting for air.
She gave another grunting sound as I pulled my fingers out of her asshole and I took a few seconds to look at her pussy and butthole. I watched as her butthole closed back up and her pussy was covered and glistening with her thick, clear sex fluid. I lowered my head and licked her pussy and lapped up her juices. After I had enough of tasting her pussy secretion, I straightened up, took my cock in my right hand, and guided it into her pussy.
Mrs. Jennings gave a loud moan as I rammed my large cock in her pussy in one hard thrust. Damn, her pussy felt so good and was so wet and it took all the willpower I had to not just fuck her. I knew I would cum quickly if I did and I wanted to do something else to the older black woman before I took her to her bedroom and fucked her silly.
“Now, baby, please now, Patrick, please,” Mrs. Jennings pleaded for me to fuck her.
As much as I desired to I just held my cock still inside her pussy. Mrs. Jennings pushed her butt back into me and I slapped her ass hard again and she gave a yelp of pain.
“Don’t move, whore,” I told her.
“Patrick, do it, please,” she whimpered out but did not push back into me again.
“You want me to fuck you and cum inside you?” I asked as I struggled not to do just that.
“Yes, please, yes.”
“Beg me then. Beg me to fuck your black, whore pussy. Tell me to fuck you like a whore.”
“Please, baby, please fuck my black, whore pussy. Please, Patrick, fuck me like a whore,” the older woman said without hesitation and then cried out when I smacked her ass again because she started to grind her pussy into my cock.
I pulled my cock out of her, I was very close to having an orgasm just from being inside her warm wet pussy, and stood up.
“Turn over,” I told her as I grabbed her legs to help her turn her body over.
Mrs. Jennings quickly turned and sat up in the recliner and even spread her legs for me to fuck her. I took her legs and spread them further apart and draped them over the arms of the recliner. I then got on the recliner and placed my feet on the seat of the chair between her legs, squatted down slightly, grabbed the back of her head, and placed my cock about an inch from her mouth.
“You said you would fuck me,” the woman whined out. I liked how she used the word fuck without being told to.
“I said I was going to fuck you like a whore but I didn’t say in your pussy. Open your mouth.”
Mrs. Jennings whimpered again but opened her mouth. I slowly pushed my large cock into her mouth. I only put a few inches in her mouth and held her head still and did not move.
“Wiggle your ass and spread your pussy juice all over the recliner,” I ordered her as I pulled her hair. “Next time Dick sits here I want you to remember how wet your pussy was while you got it and your asshole finger fucked until it made you cum and how you got mouth fucked by a seventeen-year-old’s cock.”
Mrs. Jennings made a muffled whimpering sound but did as I told her to. She moved her hips left and then right and then in a circling motion over the seat of the chair. I looked over my shoulder and could see a snail-like trail of her pussy fluid on the seat of the recliner. I chuckled because I did not think it would leave any sign of her pussy, but that was how wet the older black woman was. I then started to fuck her mouth.
I grabbed Mrs. Jennings’s hair that was in her bun on top of her head to hold her still and rammed my large cock in and out of her mouth and pushed it down her throat. I was surprised she didn’t try and push me away, but she didn’t. She placed her hands on my butt and allowed me to fuck her mouth and I fucked it hard. She gagged and choked and saliva, thick mucus-like, ran out of her mouth and down her chin and over her breasts, snot ran out of her nose, and she was making loud glug, glug, glug sounds when my cock rammed down her throat. One time I pulled out of her mouth for her to catch her breath and she gagged and coughed and a large gob of her spit came out of her mouth and landed on her chest between her breasts. I then started fucking her mouth again.
As I rammed my cock in and out of the black woman’s mouth again, Mrs. Jennings’s hands came off my butt and she started fondling and then pinching her nipples. My fucking her in the mouth only lasted about five minutes at the most and when I had my orgasm I shoved my cock deep into Mrs. Jennings’s mouth, not caring that she choked and gagged. My grip on her hair tightened as my dick exploded in her mouth, causing her to choke even more. Mrs. Jennings made a retching sound and then coughed and a large amount of my cum and her saliva spewed out of her mouth, ran down her chin, and down to her chest. When my orgasm ended I pulled my cock from her mouth and looked down at her as I held her head up by her hair.
Mrs. Jennings’s eye makeup was runny and smeared, she had mascara-streaked tears running down her cheeks, clear snot running from her nose onto her upper lip, her red lipstick was smeared, her lips and chin glistening from her spit and my cum, and cum and mucus-like saliva formed thick strands that dangled from her chin to her chest. Her breasts were covered and glistening from cum but mostly her saliva. Her face had a look of distress on it and she gasped for air and still gagged and coughed. I thought it was sexy and my cock was still hard. When I let go of her hair, her bun was loose and her black hair looked wild and kinky on top of her head.
Before she could say anything or react, I quickly got off the recliner, placed my hands under her amble ass and lifted her off the recliner, and stood up. I then lifted her higher for a better grip and she gasped out, coughed, and wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. I took a step back and bent my knees. Due to the shape I was in, my strength, and the fact Mrs. Jennings was only five foot three inches tall and did not weigh any more than one hundred and twenty pounds, she was easy to lift and manhandle.
“Grab that tube of KY,” I told her.
Mrs. Jennings looked over her should and used one hand to pick up the lubricant tube. She did not ask me what it was for and I doubted she knew how I was going to use it. Mrs. Jennings did not ask me any more questions about anything I told her to do the rest of the night. She just did what I said because after what I had done with her so far, she knew I owned her that night. As the night continued, it was something I reminded her of often. Once she had the lube I stood up straight and walked us to the bedrooms.
“No, Patrick, please not here. Please, not this room,” Mrs. Jennings begged as I walked past the guest bedroom she had planned for us to fuck and sleep in the master bedroom she shared with her husband.
I stopped in the hallway, pushed her butt against the wall, lifted her body a little, let go of her with one hand, and used my free hand to guide my cock into her pussy.
“Ohhh, God,” she cried out as my cock went into her wet pussy.
I kissed her hard on the lips, not caring her mouth was coated in saliva, cum, and snot; and then drove my cock deep into her pussy. Mrs. Jennings moaned and gasped into my mouth and started kissing me back. I ran my free hand over her breasts, smearing the mixture of body fluids over them, and then took one of her nipples between my fingers and pinched it. The older woman again gasped out but still fiercely kissed me back.
“I am going to fuck you in the bed you share with your husband,” I told her after I broke our kiss, and at the word husband I rammed my cock into her pussy hard. “I am going to wear your black pussy out tonight and even fuck your black asshole in your marriage bed.” Again I rammed my cock into her hard at the word bed and pushed a finger in her asshole. “Every night you sleep with him, you are going to remember who owns your pussy and fat black ass and how you got fucked like a whore by another man in that bed.” I again rammed my cock into her and drove my finger deeper into her ass at the word bed.
Mrs., Jennings was making grunting noises due to my finger in her asshole and moaning from my cock in her pussy, and whimpering from my words, but she did not say anything.
“Every time he tries to fuck you with his pathetic limp dick or has you jerk him off, you are going to remember how you whored yourself out to me and how I fucked you in ways your husband never could or never would have and how you begged to be my black whore.”
I again drove my cock deep in her pussy and finger deep in her ass to emphasize what I was telling her and done with my speech I pinched her nipple hard. Mrs. Jennings cried out from the painful, sustained pressure on her nipple. Her head was thrown back and pressed against the wall and her eyes closed tight. I let go of her nipple, removed my finger from her ass, and cupped her butt with both hands. She did not say a word to complain or protest when I walked us into the master bedroom. I don’t know if she even heard most of what I was saying, especially about fucking her in the ass, or if her desire for me to fuck her like she was a nasty whore just overpowered the woman’s morals or not.
I know when Mrs. Jennings and I started our affair, she made me promise not to say anything derogatory about her husband, and that was a promise I didn’t keep. At first, she would get upset and even angry when I did, but then she seemed to no longer care. I assumed she just knew that I was going to say things about him and her getting mad about it was pointless. I found out as our affair progressed it turned her on to hear me say such things about her husband when we were fucking. When I said things about him when we were not fucking she did get mad and would ask me to stop.
In the bedroom, I laid Mrs. Jennings on the edge of the king-sized bed, did not even bother to get a good look at the room or its décor, and pulled my cock from her pussy. Mrs. Jennings had her butt on the bed, her legs dangling over the sides, and she prompted herself up on her elbows to look at me. She had a look of fear and excitement on her disheveled-looking face.
I took one leg, lifted it, and removed her shoe, then the other shoe, and she gasped out when I ripped what remained of her pantyhose off of her body. I then grinned down at her. As if she could read my mind, Mrs. Jennings turned her head to the side, placed the heels of her feet on the bed, spread her legs, and lifted her pelvis off the bed as if to offer her pussy up for me to claim what was mine.
I stepped closer to the bed and lay on top of the older black woman. I placed my arms next to her body and used my elbows to prop myself up so that my larger white body was an inch above her smaller black one and started kissing her breasts and nipples. Mrs. Jennings moaned out in response and wrapped her hands around my neck. As I sucked her large, dark nipples, she moaned and wriggled her butt, and thrust her hips up into me.
I sucked and kissed her nipples for a while and then kissed my way up her chest, her neck, and then lifted my head and looked down at her.
“I am going to fuck that…” I started to tell her but she interrupted me by pulling my head to her and kissing my lips aggressively.
As she kissed me, Mrs. Jennings ran her right hand down my stomach and took my cock in her hand, and started stroking it. Mrs. Jennings stopped kissing me and looked me in the eyes.
“Just shut. For once tonight just stop talking,” she told me. “Instead of bragging about what you are going to do to me prove to me what you are going to. Show me with your white dick that you own my black pussy.”
Mrs. Jennings started kissing my lips again and then started kissing my neck and ran her tongue over my ear.
“Fuck me, Patrick, fuck me like a whore in the bed I share with my husband,” she whispered in my ear. “Do anything you want to me.” She pulled her head back and looked me in my eyes again. “Anything you want.”