My lovers are always surprised, sometimes even shocked, at the overwhelming strength and duration of my orgasms. I never reveal the true reason, that would truly be shocking.
It was July 1st. We’d arrived at my grandparents’ farm the night before. It was thrilling to be back in Transylvania where I grew up. My parents and I had left when I was eight to emigrate to the United States for a better life. Now, at twenty-two, this was my graduation present, the one I’d longed for. My memories of the few years spent on the farm, roaming the nearby forests and swimming in their lagoons had been lovingly preserved in my memory.
Sometimes I still chuckled to myself when I thought of the stories Grandpa would tell me about Dracula and his vampires roaming the forests. He would occasionally throw in werewolves that also roamed the forest, just to further scare me. I’d laugh and giggle, sometimes cover my eyes, or hide behind the old sofa so the monster would not find me. It was great fun.
From before I could walk, my parents would take me through the forest, showing me its beauty and mysteries. The Emerald Lagoon was my favorite place. There were numerous stories about how a fiară tentaculată lived in it. He was known, in the legends, to be a tentacled beast that consumed hapless passersby that couldn’t resist a swim in the beautiful green water.
By age five I knew the forest like the back of my hand. My parents were very trusting in my astuteness and knowledge, so they thought nothing of letting me roam freely. Their only warning was, “Varena, never swim in the Emerald Lagoon.” Of course, I ignored that.
Swimming naked in the cool green water was my motivul existentei. The water felt like liquid emeralds, rich and sparkling on my skin. Although quite prepubescent, I found the cool water gave me a special feeling I could not explain but was pleasing, unlike anything else I had experienced in my brief life. My hope was to meet the monster. Of course, that never happened. Deep down I knew there was no monster.
The lagoon was said to be bottomless. It was as clear as fine crystal. A luminescent, green moss-like growth covered the rock wall edges. The clear water faded away to darkness. I would dive as deep as my small body would take me and always the same: more nothingness, no sign of a monster. No sign of anything. No fish or other aquatic creatures were to be found in the Emerald Lagoon.
Now, fourteen years later, I was back, and quite postpubescent. I’d grown into a beautiful, dare I say sexy, experienced young woman. On the flight over, and even before, I’d dreamed about the Emerald Lagoon and once again experiencing its delightful water flowing around my naked body. A memory that lingered was the special feeling its water had always given me. I wanted that again.
At breakfast that first morning, I was fidgety, anticipating my dive into the water. Although thrilled to be with my grandparents once again, I was even more excited at the thought of the lagoon. I’m sure they all knew it or at least they knew something was on my mind.
“If you all don’t mind, I think I’ll go for a hike through the forest. It’s been so many years, and I always loved it so. This time I’ll have my camera to record its beauty.”
“Of course we understand, dragă Verena,” Grandma said. “Go, enjoy yourself.”
“Just no swimming in the Emerald Lagoon,” Dad warned.
“Oh, of course not. I don’t want to be eaten by a monster!” Laughing as I replied.
“He’s really there, dragă. Have no doubt,” Grandpa chimed in.
“Don’t worry Grandpa. Your tales were quite convincing,” I said as seriously as I could manage.
Excusing myself, I picked up my camera and headed for the door. Passing the open, old wooden door that Grandpa had made so many years ago, I heard him say, “Did you see the ţâţe on our Verena?”
“Shush now! Such a thing to say,” Grandma snapped out.
“It’s okay dad,” my Dad replied. “She’s matured into quite the young woman and is quite proud of it.”
Laughing to myself, I went happily out the door and headed for the forest and my favorite lagoon in the world. Recalling it was about a half-hour walk, I took my time, stopping to take pictures of the unique old-growth trees and the flora that adorned the forest floor. So many memories came flooding back. It was a unique, unspoiled wilderness.
Before I knew it, rounding a bend in the trail brought me to it, sparkling green from the sunlight filtering through the trees, the Emerald Lagoon. Standing by its edge, I took several pictures, then stripped and began to tease myself, something I was too young to do my last time here. Grandpa was right, I did have nice ţâţe. It felt good to rub and pull them, make them hard in anticipation of the cool water. Then my slit, maybe it was just my mind wanting it to be so, but whatever caused it, my pussy was wet in eager expectance.
Knowing I was at least alone in the near area, maybe the whole forest, I spoke into the void, “Okay mister monster, here I come, I hope you’re ready!” With that, I dove into the sparkling green from the highest boulder.
Like a soft hammer blow, the cool water hit me. Just as I like it was my first thought. The water’s temperature provided shock and pleasure at the same time. Then, letting my momentum and a few leg kicks carry me as deep as possible, I finally coasted to a stop. The water was clear. Looking up, I could make out the treetops overhanging. Looking around, darkness. Now’s your chance mister monster, I thought, as the air in my lungs caused my ascent to begin.
Being an avid swimmer, I could hold my breath for minutes. This allowed me to rise slowly by expelling air throughout. As the water became brighter from the penetrating sunlight, its greenness became more noticeable. At one point, I sensed movement near me. Quickly spinning, there was nothing to see—it must have been my imagination.
Breaking the surface, I rolled onto my back and just floated, enjoying the whole experience. It was what I’d expected and more.
I started teasing myself again. Although my wetness below was diluted by the cool waters of the lagoon, its magic still flowed through me, and my nips remained fully hard. I needed to cum, but some edging was good. It would make the ending sweeter. My fingers danced and played from place to place.
Just as I’d decided enough was enough, time to finish, there was another disturbance in the water below me. I flipped, looking and feeling below me—nothing. Had all my thoughts affected my nerves? There was no one here but me.
The distraction had broken my focus. No more imminent orgasm. I let myself go vertical, treading water to just keep my head above the surface as the cold centered my mind. Then it happened again, another disturbance—I ignored it, wishing there really was a monster that would grab and ravish me. Oh well, I’d have to be satisfied with my fingers. Within what must have only been seconds, an appendage of some sort wrapped around my chest, covering both nipples. Then a manipulative suction started.
“What the fuck!” I shouted to no one. My startled initial reaction was to try pulling it off me. Then two more, what I had by now realized were tentacles, had each wrapped around my legs, spreading them. Then another invaded my pussy, filling and stretching it like nothing I’d ever experienced. Only a few seconds later, it began sliding in and out, fucking me, moving so that it also caressed my clit on every stroke. The only things I could move were my arms, and they provided no useful assistance. I was helpless against this overpowering creature, whatever it was. Yet, as spooked as I was, for some unknown reason part of me welcomed it, wanted this experience. Eager for more, my fear evaporated.
Then, “Oh my fucking god!” I screamed as the orgasm consumed me, my body trembling like never before. It was a je-ne-sais-quoi experience. As I calmed down, a tentacle entered my mouth and snaked down my throat. Then, as he pulled me below the surface, I heard in my mind, Don’t worry Verena, I knew you’d come back someday. I watched you as a child and knew you were the one. Your destiny was always to come back for me. You can’t breathe as you know it, but I will sustain you. As you can understand my thoughts, I can understand yours.
We were sinking lower and lower, entering the darkest of dark water. Why are you doing this to me? Who are you? For some unknown reason I had no fear of dying—I just wanted to understand.
All will become clear in time. For now, just enjoy what I can give you.
There was not much more I could do. The last of my fear having vanished, I was full of curiosity, desire, and need. I desperately wanted another orgasm like the last. He did not disappoint.
Having greatly reduced his stimulation of me, he did not end it. I was like a pot of water sitting on simmer, nowhere near boiling, but not cooling down either. Then he turned up the heat.
Wanting to shout, Holy shit! all I could do was think it. The feelings running through me were not unfamiliar, but their intensity was. My pot boiled faster than any flame could do. I’d lost my concept of time. Soon I was shaking and mentally screaming, Fuck YES! More, more. Give me more! Fucking-A unbelievable. That degenerated, even mentally, into gibberish. Somewhere in my mind, I did feel a tremendous flood of intense warmth flowing into me. It lasted much longer and filled me to overflowing, something I’d never experienced from any man.
Having recovered my senses, I realized we were on the floor of a naturally occurring cavern in the side of the rock wall. His tentacles still filled and held me. Despite everything, I was still alive, in some ways maybe more alive than ever before. I still want to know: who you are, why you are doing this to me, are you going to kill me?
He remained behind me. Trying to move, to escape, was impossible. His tentacles held me fast. I couldn’t even turn my head. I’d never so much as glimpsed him. Referring to him as a male is simply because there was no other frame of reference. He’d fucked me twice, so the gender seemed reasonable, but nothing about this really seemed reasonable. Maybe the legends had all been correct.
I am Thrir’ul. I’ll try to answer your questions. I am from a planet in another galaxy. Our species is thousands of your years old and has begun to degenerate. I came here many of your years ago on a mission to help our people survive. Have no fear. I intend you no harm. As long as we stay connected you will be completely safe; it is much like you would call symbiosis.
I asked again, Why are you doing this to me? You know my name and said you knew I’d come back someday. Explain that to me!
I needed a special human female. One who possessed all the physical and mental traits necessary. You are the only one I’ve encountered who meets the requirements, but you were too young the first time.
You waited fourteen years for me to come back to this lagoon? How did you know I’d return, and when?
We can fold time and space. Fourteen of your years was only minutes to me. As to how—I planted thoughts in your brain that made it imperative you return after you physically matured, and you have.
Through our telepathic connection, I came to know and understand him as well as my mind could process. To this day, it still seems like it was a dream state, but the reality of what happened was proof beyond doubt.
He explained that although our bodies and capabilities were much different, our DNA shared many of the same attributes. Their DNA was degrading and they couldn’t repair it further than they already had. Their species was, ever so slowly, decaying. Deformities, abnormalities, diseases were common. Eventually, their entire species would die.
Their DNA was beyond correction without an infusion of new nucleotides. Ours was the best match they’d found in a multi-galaxy search. And of all humans they had scanned, mine were the best nucleotides to integrate with theirs.
He went on to describe how he had stimulated my body to release eggs into my uterus which would be impregnated with his fluid and divide into thousands of modified cells that would contain a hybrid form of DNA. They would not develop further but would be used to reform their DNA. Nothing would change regarding me. My body would be merely the incubator that allowed the process to occur.
Nothing would change, merely the incubator, did you ever think of asking me if I would allow this? I was feeling mad and indignant.
Yes, I did consider that and discarded the thought. This is much too important for me to fail. Are you telling me you’re unwilling to help save a sentient species that is more advanced than you? Also, I did not quite tell you everything…
I must admit to more than enjoying sex with him, as weird as it was. Besides weird, it was also the best sex I’d ever had. There are not words to describe the feelings I’d experienced with each orgasm. Okay, and the part you left out is…
You need to return daily, for the next four days, to receive more infusions of my fluid so that the process will complete.
I thought, Oh my god! He wants to fuck me for the next four days. It might kill me, but I’ll go to heaven the most satisfied woman on Earth!
I take it that means you’ll do it?
Shit! You heard that, didn’t you?
Yes. I know all your thoughts. I guess I should tell you there will be an after-effect of our couplings.
Now what? I thought. Okay Thrill, or however you pronounce your name, what’s the after-effect?
For the rest of your life, every time you have sex you will experience the same strong feelings that you experience with me. My fluid will modify your response to sex as you know it. Sorry, but there is no other way.
Sorry. Sorry?! I’ll be here every day and you’d better perform multiple times each day! I’m proud to be the mother of your regenerated species.
Varena, much time has passed today. You need to be home soon so that no one worries or suspects anything. However, it would be best if we had one more coupling today to ensure the process completes with optimum results. Is that okay?
If you think that’s best, then of course.
This time he turned up the heat slowly but without hesitation. As we began ascending my excitement began building like the heat, slower but steadily. As I was getting close something new happened. A tentacle slowly and gently entered my ass. The new feelings it generated pushed me into another extraordinary, body-shaking orgasm. His fluid once again filled me to overflowing.
When we reached the surface, he released me quickly and disappeared without any further communication other than a lingering thought, Tomorrow…
His fluid, considering the volume he put in me, was quite slowly seeping out. Putting my hand down, I collected some. It was much stickier than human semen. Thinking what the heck, I tasted it—much sweeter than human, quite pleasing in fact.
By the time I returned to the farm it was past 3 pm.
“You’ve been gone quite a long time. We were beginning to get worried,” Mom said.
“And you’ve been swimming,” Grandpa chimed in.
“Yes, I have, and I met a monster! He had tentacles and had me in his grasp. I thought he might drown and eat me, but he turned out to be friendly. We had a wonderful conversation about his life and life in general. It was quite interesting.”
Everyone started laughing, except Grandpa. “I warned you. I know they’re out there. You’re lucky you met a friendly one. Next time you might not be so lucky. Then it’s bye-bye Varena.”
Everyone started laughing again, including Grandpa.
They had already opened Grandpa’s homemade wine. It was accompanied by slices of Grandma’s homemade bread and goat cheese. At my first taste, I was back fourteen years, sitting at the same table, in the same chair, eating the same bread and cheese as I drank the wine. Back then, in Transylvania, kids had wine with the grownups.
The next four days were much the same as the first except there were no surprises. Thrir’ul met me at the bottom of my dive into the lagoon. His tentacles grasped and penetrated me much as the first time. One difference was he kept up the stimulation longer each time before releasing his fluid. He’d discovered my enjoyment and tried to extend it to my utmost capacity to endure and enjoy it.
Between times we had much more discussion about ourselves and our lives. Almost everything was different, but in most ways the differences were just variations on a theme. We’re born, we live, we die, simply with variations—some simple, some complex.
Everything went as he explained it would. I felt no different throughout and, true to his word, my sexual response capacities stayed at the powerful level he imbued me with, much to my never-ending delight and gratitude.
I wish now, as I did then, that my contribution helped save their species. When I asked Thrir’ul if I would ever know, he said he would send a probe to find me and give me a message. I’m still awaiting its arrival.