The Education Of Donna Part Two

"Brian helps Donna explore her desires"

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The man on the train had changed Donna. It had left her feeling discontent with her life. She had lived her life for others for too long. She had worked hard at work and looked after her mother for years when others were out having fun and living: dating, dancing, flirting, kissing and having sex. That was what Donna wanted now; she wanted to have sex, she might have to die an old maid, but she wasn’t going to die a virgin.

She had realised before that she was such a sexual person; she had needs, and she shouldn’t be ashamed of them. Spending her nights alone with erotic thoughts, and pleasuring herself just wasn’t enough anymore. She had been thrilled that the man on the train had called her sexy, she knew that she had excited him just as much as the situation had. She had enjoyed it so much when they had cum together.

Next time, she wanted there to be touching, caressing, stroking and licking. She needed to be licked by a man. She spent hours some nights watching men pleasure their partners in this way. She wanted to know what it was like. She wasn’t selfish; she would reciprocate but was aware that she would need to be told what to do and how to please her man. Her man? That sounded exciting to her. She knew who she wanted. She wanted Brian next door. He was about ten years older than her, in his mid-fifties. Brian had been devastated when his wife had left him for her colleague. He had grey hair and a matching beard. He wasn’t very tall, but he was slim and had a very cheeky smile.

He also had a lovely cock. It was the first one she had seen by accident when his dressing gown had blown up one morning when he was putting out the bins. She needed to see it again. She needed Brian but also the opportunity to get him alone. She didn’t know how to approach a man; it had never happened.

In the end, she needn’t have worried as Brian cheerily said “Good morning” to her a few days after she had met the man on the train.

“Hello Brian,” she stammered, unable to look him in the eye.

“Donna, what’s the matter? Have I done something to offend you?”

“No, I’m just embarrassed, that’s all?”

“What, because of the other night? Well, trust me, you don’t need to be. We’re both grown-ups. It wasn’t intentional. Besides, I rather enjoyed it.”

Donna blushed then but felt brave enough to meet his gaze. “I enjoyed it when I saw you, too.”

“What, saw me watching?”

“No, when you put the bins out and your dressing gown opened. I saw you.” She blurted out, looking away again.

Brian smiled then, “You liked it, did you? Well, I can give you a flash whenever you want.”

Before she could think, Donna heard herself say, “How about tonight? I miss cooking for two. I’ll make you a meal, and we could talk about it then. Only if you want to, of course. You don’t have to, I understand if,” she started to garble.

“That would be lovely; I will look forward to it,” Brian smiled; he did have a cheeky smile, “Is seven alright?”

“Perfect,” Donna smiled as she continued up the path.

She didn’t know that Brian watched her as she walked up the road. She didn’t know that Brian often watched Miss Donna as she left for work or when she was pegging the washing out. He loved watching her stretch to reach the line, bending to pick things up out of the basket. Brian wasn’t a pervert; he was a good and kind man, but he was a man, and he knew what he liked. He liked Donna and felt sad that a lovely woman like that was being wasted. He had been secretly in lust with Miss Donna from next door for a long time. Looks like his desire was about to be returned.

He was next door promptly at seven. He had selected a nice bottle of wine. He was sure he could sense curtains twitching along the road as he stood in his new polo shirt and chinos. He had made an effort. He had even used some of the aftershave that his son had left behind on his last visit home from university. This was important to Brian; he had been so hurt and lonely when his wife, Gillian, left him so suddenly. It had affected his confidence, and he had no idea how to approach the dating world when he hadn’t had a date for 35 years.

It turned out the solution was just next door. Did this count as a date? He pondered as Donna opened the door. She smiled as she took the bottle of wine off him. He could tell that she had made an effort, too.

“You look stunning, Donna,” he smiled as she walked towards the dining room.

“You look very nice, too,” she replied, “New shirt?” she giggled.

“How do you know?” he asked.

“You’ve left the label on,” she said as she reached over to snap it off. She lingered a bit too long as she drank in the scent of his aftershave, nuzzling into his neck as she murmured her appreciation. Brian suddenly lifted her face to his and kissed her. It took them both by surprise. Shocked at first, she soon responded. She had never kissed a man before but knew she liked it. When his tongue parted her lips and began to explore her own, she thought she would become a puddle on the floor. When he released her, he looked worried,

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it?”

“Don’t apologise; it was lovely. My first kiss,” she smiled as she entered the kitchen.

“Our first kiss,” said Brian,

“No, my first kiss ever. I have never been kissed like that before.”

Brian was shocked, “You mean you have never been with a man? You are a virgin?”

Donna silently nodded. “What a waste, what a dreadful waste.” Brian smiled. “Well, it looks like we are going to have to start at the very beginning,” he took her hand in his to reassure her. “But first, let’s eat.”

They talked about everything and nothing. They laughed together. He praised the roast dinner she had made. Simple but tasty home-cooked fare. They spoke of his wife and how unhappy their son said she was with her affair partner.

“I try not to take pleasure in that, but I usually fail miserably,” Brian smiled. He stroked her arm as she passed him his dessert. “Thank you, this has been wonderful. It’s rubbish cooking, for one. We should have done this before. Why haven’t we?”

“Because I was nervous because I wasn’t brave enough to ask. I’ve never been brave enough. That’s why I’m in this mess, alone and feeling missed out on so much. On everything, really,” she added sadly.

“Well, it’s not too late. You are still a beautiful woman. I have always thought so. Very attractive,” he repeated as he stroked a line from her neck and along her collarbone, “So what has changed? What has made you brave now?”

Donna found herself telling Brian all about the man on the train, about how her need for a man’s touch had suddenly become all-consuming. As she told him, he continued to touch and stroke her, first her arms, then her legs, higher and higher until he reached the top. He kissed her again then, and as he kissed her, he touched her wetness. She was very wet; it was apparent how much she wanted him, needed him. Brain liked to be needed. He had lost so much confidence when his wife left them, but as he hardened uncomfortably in his trousers, he could feel his confidence coming back.

He gently moved her knickers to one side, and finally, he was touching her, Feeling the silky wetness of her. She groaned as his fingers gently circled her most intimate places. He never stopped kissing her at any point. That was when she felt his finger enter her. She did that to herself, but she couldn’t believe the differences when Brian’s finger and Brain’s strong big hands touched her. He had barely touched her, and she felt she could lose herself already.

“Do you have any idea how lovely you are,” Brian murmured as he suddenly left her mouth and sank to the floor, parting her legs as he did so. She was shocked as he began kissing her thighs, his tongue snaking out as he did so until he found her core and kissed her there. All her fantasies were coming true. He lapped at her, “So beautiful,” he murmured as he bent to his task. Donna had no idea, had never dreamed it could feel like this. She felt her orgasm build to a crescendo until his finger gently grazed her clit, and she was undone.

“Brian,” she screamed,” Oh Brian,” as she carried her on the wave of her orgasm.

As she came back down to earth, she looked down at Brian, his face glistening with her juices.

“Did Miss Donna enjoy that?” he smirked, “Does she approve.”

“Oh, she adored it, Brian. She had no idea. Miss Donna has wasted too much time. She won’t be wasting any more time. What are you going to show me next?

“What would you like me to show you?”

“I want to see you again; I want to touch you. I want to taste you,” she blushed, embarrassed but determined to say what she wanted, what she needed.

Smiling, Brian started to unzip his chinos. Donna didn’t move; she stared, fascinated as he dropped first his trousers and then his boxer shorts, his cock standing up proud from its thick nest of hair.

“Oh Brian,” she said,” It’s beautiful.”

“Well, most women think they are ugly, so my wife always told me.”

“Well, I think it’s beautiful and very big.”

“Well, lesson number one, all men like to hear that, even if it isn’t true.”

“But it is true, Brian. It’s much bigger than the man on the train, and I thought he was big. Can I touch it?”

Brian laughed as he moved closer to her, “I would be very disappointed if you didn’t.”

So, for the first time, Donna intimately touched another person. She was shocked at how soft and velvety his skin felt, yet it was anything but soft and felt as hard as iron. She closed her hand around it, fascinated as she felt the warm skin underneath her grip. She pulled it gently and stared as his foreskin started to roll back.

“Am I hurting you,” she asked as she felt him tense above her.

“Quite the opposite. It feels marvellous. I had forgotten how good it felt to have someone else touch me. It has been a long time, sweetheart.”

‘Sweetheart,’ thought Donna. She liked it when he called her that. She had always wanted to be someone’s sweetheart. Feeling emboldened, she moved forward and stuck out her tongue, tasting his tip. Brian groaned above her as she opened up her mouth and took in the head of his manhood, her tongue exploring all around him. She paused then, and he held his breath, worried that it was already over and she had changed her mind.

“Am I doing it right?” she asked, looking up at him, her face suddenly looking younger than that of the middle-aged woman she was.

“You are amazing, Donna. A complete natural, please don’t stop.”

Feeling happy, Donna continued to taste him; she liked the taste of Brian’s cock. She wouldn’t know how to describe it; it was sweet yet salty. It tasted clean, but most of all, it tasted delicious. She liked it. She couldn’t take any more in her mouth as it was just too big, so she kissed up and down his length for a while, stroking his big, hairy balls as she did so. She remembered to be incredibly gentle here; she had read it in a book. She dropped her head and covered his balls in little butterfly kisses; his soft hair tickled her nose and made her smile. She sucked him in again and carried on licking and sucking until he said,

“Donna, stop or I’ll – “

Donna didn’t stop. Donna didn’t want to stop. Donna never wanted to stop, she carried on until her mouth was filled with his cream as he roared above her. She swallowed it all down. It wasn’t unpleasant. She carried on licking until he was all clean.

She sat back on her haunches, and he looked at her in amazement. “No one has ever done that for me before, let me cum in their mouth. It was amazing. You are amazing,” he said, gathering in his arms to kiss her once again.

“I didn’t know it was optional,” said Donna, confused, “I thought that was what you had to do. I thought that was how you did it. They do it like that in the movies. I liked it.”

“Well, promise me that you will always do it like for me; it was incredible – thank you.”

Donna had never felt so proud. “There will be a next time then?” she asked.

“There will be as many times as you want, my sweetheart. But this time isn’t finished yet. There’s the small matter of your virginity. I would be very honoured if I were the man to take your cherry.”

Nodding with a smile, Brian took her by the hand and led her up the stairs. He was already getting hard again for her. Donna stopped on the stairs and turned out the light. It was going to be a long night.


Published 1 year ago

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