The Duet

"A song written by two"

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The keys and strings beckon
Sit beside me and play

We’ll compose a melodic embrace
That will convince you to stay

Hands on black and white keys
Fingers wandering strings

A haunting melody ensues
That our hearts softly sing

Soon notes become breath
Rise in measure and time

In a rhythm that builds
And ties your heart to mine

Pitching, bending and reaching
Ever climbing the scale

An inescapable crescendo
In our melodious tale

With the tempo increasing
In our steady refrain

An octave played higher
As I whisper your name

The lines of the score
Reflected in blue eyes

Harmonies sung by the angels
Echo your comforting sighs

We pause and we rest
A quarter, a half, we’re whole

The melody lingers
Surrounding body and soul

In the silence that follows
It appears we already knew

This song written together
A duet played beside you

Published 9 years ago

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