The Dress – Redux

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It was Monday at lunchtime and one of the first warm days of the spring and the sun felt amazing on my naked body as I lounged on the patio for some much-needed sun.  It felt so good to feel the sun again on my body as I took some time for myself during a work break.

But my reveling was soon interrupted by my phone chirping a notification of a text message; ‘Hey, do you have time for a chat?  Want to ask you something.’  It was a message from my ex-boyfriend Chris. We had a long-term and intense relationship before I met my husband Jacque, but it had ended badly, although we had recently reconnected on social media and patched up a friendship.

‘Sure,’ was my simple response expecting a phone call.

My phone then sounded again, but this time indicating a face-time request.  I thought for a moment about answering naked but then answered it anyway. “Hey Chris,” I said.  My pulse beat just a little faster thinking about being on a video call with Chris while naked. 

“Hi Jean… Oh, looks like you are getting some sun.  I suppose in your typical nudist fashion,” he said with a hint of sarcasm.

“I guess you do know me,” I responded.

“Let me see you,” he said.

I felt a sudden flush with his brazenness as I was enjoying some quiet alone time and then an ex-boyfriend calls and wants to see me naked.  “You are as bad as ever!” I responded as I held the phone further away, secretly wanting him to see me.

“God, I always loved seeing you out tanning naked.  Your tits still look amazing!” he said.

“Thank you, Chris.  What did you want to talk about?” I deadpanned while keeping the phone out so he could see me while my cheeks flushed with arousal.

“So, I have a project at work that is bringing me to DC for a few weeks and I wanted to ask you about staying with you while I am in town.  I could stay at a hotel but thought it would be cool to hang with you and Jacque for a while,” he explained.

“Wow, I haven’t seen you in a long time and would love that, but I will have to check in with Jacque to make sure he is cool with it,” I answered.

“Understood,” he replied.  “Wouldn’t want him to feel weird with me being there.”

“I don’t think he will be weird about it at all.  I just don’t want to say yes before I check in with him.”

“Got it.  Will you still tan naked while I am there?” he joked.

“Is that another question you would like me to run by Jacque?” I said with a laugh. 

With that, we said our pleasant goodbyes, but my heart was beating much faster than normal and I felt the beginnings of arousal as I contemplated Chris spending three weeks with us.  There was nothing that could come between Jacque and me, not even Chris.  But the thought of having him in my home for a period of time got my mind wandering the rest of the day.

I knew Jacque would be home late from work as Mondays are always bad for him at the office. When dinner was prepped and the sun began setting, I put on one of Jacque’s favorite white and very sheer tops and a small thong.  The top was one he bought for me because it is very tight and does not hide much at all and he loves to see me in it more than he likes to see me naked sometimes.

I opened a nice bottle of wine and left him a note in the kitchen then went back to the patio to enjoy a glass and some private time before he arrived.  I thought about letting Chris see me in the video chat and how much that aroused me and the prospects of him staying with us.

Jacque had always brought up other men in our love-making and fantasy talk, but I am not one to swing with strangers, so I was never keen to take it further than fantasy. At my age, I want to have a connection and chemistry with lovers and not just have sex with others; I did that enough in my younger days.

As my mind continued to think about the possibility of Chris helping to fulfill a fantasy for us, I reflected on the amazing sex we used to have.  We had a very hot sexual relationship that was very fulfilling, although the rest of the relationship had its limitations.  But the sex was amazing, and I found myself getting more and more aroused at the possibilities. 

When Jacque finally arrived home and found me on the patio, I was more than a little turned on and I could see by the reaction in his eyes as he approached me with empty wine glass in hand that the top had the desired effect.  “Come here and kiss me and get a glass of wine,” I said as I smiled internally at his gaze.  “It certainly didn’t take long for me to get a rise out of you with this top!”

“You know how much it turns me on when you wear things like that,” he responded.

“It is the least I could do after the long day you had,” I said as I caressed my breast with my free hand while looking into his eyes.  Men are suckers for that move.

After we made small talk about the day’s events and got caught up, I brought up the subject of Chris’ call.  “So, I had an interesting call from Chris today,” I said.

“Really?” Was his one-word response as he raised an eyebrow.

“He said that he is going to be in town for a few weeks on business and was wondering if he could stay with us while he is in town,” I explained. 

“That is interesting,” he said slowly and paused for a while looking at me.

“Well, what do you think?” I asked.

He looked me up and down a few times and hesitated to answer and I wondered what he was thinking about. “I am fine with him staying with us.  But I have one condition to my agreement, and it is that you have to wear outfits like this while he is here,” he said as he gestured towards my breasts clearly in view in the sheer top.

‘And there it is,’ I thought to myself. Jacque in his way was not only pushing me but also giving his tacit approval for what I was feeling about Chris.  I loved him for his belief that he was the initiator while I was thinking about the fact that Chris had already seen me naked on the video chat. 

“Jacque, do you know what you are asking?” I responded with feigned shock. 

“Of course, I know what I am asking.  You know how much I want you to be more of an exhibitionist and this will give me an opportunity to see you being seen,” he argued. “When will he be here?”

“Late Friday and he wants to take us out to dinner after work,” I responded.  “And just to be clear, I am not wearing this out to a restaurant.”

“I wouldn’t want you to wear that to a nice restaurant, but you have to wear something sexy and teasing.  I want you to tease the hell out of both of us at dinner.  In fact, that goes for the entire time he is here, whether I am around or not at the house or out in town.”

I am sure that Jacque thought that he was pushing me, but I was smiling and getting more and more aroused.  His permissiveness was going to allow me to delve into some fantasies in a safe environment and I was thankful for him, although I would never admit that.

“One last time,” I said.  “Are you sure you know what you are asking and how dangerous it might be?  You know my history with Chris!”

“I know exactly what I am asking,” he said as he stood up.  The huge bulge in his dress pants announcing his approval.

“Come over here,” I beckoned and quickly undid his belt and pants and had his cock in my hands in a second.  He was hard as a rock and I took him into my mouth and ran my tongue down its length and then with one hand made a circle at my mouth and squeezed as I moved up and down.

He quickly exploded with a shaking orgasm in my mouth.  I sat back onto the patio chair and wiped my face off with a napkin. 

“I guess I have some shopping to do for a sexy outfit for dinner.  You are obviously not lying that this will turn you on,” I said with a mischievous smile.

We had dinner but quickly made our way to the bedroom and had amazing sex and my orgasms were filled with thoughts of Chris.


Jacque was busy the rest of the week, so we barely saw each other.  I, on the other hand, had free time so I spent it fantasizing and shopping for dresses to wear to dinner. 

I had always had issues with overt public exhibitionism.  As a life-long nudist, I am very comfortable being naked and being seen by both men and women in appropriate situations, but it had never been arousing in a sexual way.  And even though I do have exhibitionist fantasies thinking about how a man might be aroused and hard looking at me and might want to fuck me, I have always worried about how others would view it and if it would make them feel uncomfortable.

As the week went on and I continued to shop for the right dress to wear, I began to think that I needed to change my outlook.  I did like being seen so why should I be so conservative in my thinking and maybe I should explore exhibitionism while Chris is in town?

Most of the dresses I was trying on, while sexy, were just not calling out to me.  I was still aroused by the thought of Chris living with us and my new thoughts of exhibitionism had me hoping to find a dress that would push my limits a little.

Then I found “the” dress, or maybe it found me, but I was instantly compelled to try it on.  It was a highly colorful purple with a paisley-like pattern and was basically sleeveless consisting of only bunched fabric at the shoulders with a scooping neckline that went from the tops of my shoulders all the way down past my breasts.  Because the neckline started at my shoulders, the fabric barely covered my nipples and the deep plunge resulted in the majority of my inner lower curve of my breasts being exposed. 

The rest of the dress consisted of three large buttons starting below the breast-line that were spaced at a considerable distance so that if the top one was unbuttoned, the dress opened to navel level.  I loved it and it was exactly what I had been searching for, but it fitted a little looser than I liked.  The slightest movement allowed my full breasts and nipples to be visible and I would not be able to control my exposure. So I decided to see if it could be altered quickly before Friday.

I exited the fitting room to find the sales associate to discuss some minor alterations and moved to the large mirrors to wait for them to assist me. I could tell as I walked to the mirrors that the dress was very daring and that not only was the neckline plunging but the slit in the skirt of the dress was in the front and not the side.  The result was that all of my legs and even my panties were visible as I walked. 

As I preened in front of the mirror and took myself in, I noticed a man sitting near the entrance to the fitting room who was obviously the husband of another customer waiting while she shopped. 

I have no idea what came over me and maybe it had something to do with already being aroused by Chris and my thoughts about exhibitionism, but I felt an immediate rush of adrenaline and blood rushing through my cheeks, so I decided to play out some exhibitionism right there on the spot.

I looked at myself in the mirror then turned around to check the backside of the dress in the mirror which resulted in me facing the man directly.  I then bent over to adjust the strap on my shoe which resulted in the dress falling completely open to the man.  My breasts and nipples were on full view and I felt blood rushing into my cheeks.

I kept my position and slowly raised my head and met his gaze then looked back down at my exposed breasts before slowly rising back up.   I smiled while looking him in the eyes. I was getting very turned on by this exercise.

I turned back to the mirror and unbuttoned the top button of the dress and it predictably fell wider across my shoulders and breasts revealing more.  I looked at the man in the mirror and watched him watch me.  There was no longer any tension at the shoulders which meant that the slightest movement would cause the arm to slide down.    

I moved my waist to the side which indeed caused the shoulder on my right side to fall which I caught on my elbow before it fell off the side of my body.  But my breast was mostly exposed now, and I looked back at the man, knowing he was watching.

As arousal built within me, I could feel the blood and heat pouring into my now swollen labia. I knew that there was no need to wait for the sales associate.  I was buying this dress as it was.  I left it off my shoulder with my breast precariously ready to be fully revealed and walked back to the fitting room.

As I approached where he was sitting, I stopped and fixed my eyes on his. “You have been watching me,” I said and an immediate rush filled my body as I watched him looking at me.

“Thank you,” I said.  “This has done more for me than you could ever imagine.”

The rest of the week was filled with more than the normal amount of toning exercise, tanning, and a trip to the spa for a Brazilian wax in anticipation of Chris seeing me, all the while having dual fantasies about Chris and exhibitionism. 


Friday finally arrived and I spent the afternoon getting ready, knowing that Jacque would be home early.  I chose a very small black thong that barely covered the thin landing strip of my newly waxed privates then put on a thin silk robe and went to the kitchen to make a pre-date cocktail before he arrived. 

Just as I got to the kitchen, I heard him come in the door, so I undid the ties of the robe to tease him a little.  “Starting early, I see,” he said with a smirk as he saw me.

“Just a little liquid courage and I think you will understand once you see the dress I am wearing tonight,” I responded. 

He kissed me on the cheek while cupping my breast, giving it a gentle squeeze.  “Let me join you then, but now I can’t wait to see this dress!” he said with some excitement.

We chatted a little over cocktails since we had not seen each other all week before I went to the bedroom to put on the dress for his fashion show.  I pushed the fabric to the tops of my shoulders but left all three of the buttons in place but almost my entire chest was exposed.  Then I walked down the stairs to give him a show.

“Holy shit, you look amazing in that dress!  I don’t think I have ever seen a sexier dress than that,” he exclaimed.   

“Jacque, I am going to ask you one last time if you know the danger of me wearing this dress.  You know the relationship I had with Chris, and I cannot guarantee that nothing will happen.  I never wore provocative outfits out with him, and I have no idea what his reaction is going to be,” I said while giving a twirl to show off the effect on the skirt which clearly exposed my thong as I did.

“Jean, I have been thinking about and been turned on by this all week, so I am completely sure.  And please know that you have my full support for anything that might happen,” he answered.

“Well, I have to be honest that I have been thinking about it all week too,” I responded.

“You know, the only thing that could take this look over the top would be if you went commando,” he said with a hopeful tone.

“Not happening, my friend.  No way!” I replied sternly.  “I think you need to go get changed so we can leave before I change my mind about this.”

We left on the early side to meet up with Chris at Le Brit, a crowded and fashionable tapas and wine bar.  But as I got into the car to leave, I realized that I hadn’t sat down in this dress, and the action of sitting caused the loose-fitting top of the dress to open even more.  I was half terrified and half aroused at the thought of how exposed I was going to be without even trying.

When we arrived, it was already crowded, and we had to walk single file as the hostess led us to our reserved area near the bar.  I could sense many eyes on me as I walked in front of Jacque and between knowing men were looking at me and the anticipation of seeing Chris again, I could feel my arousal building.  I decided that I was going to let my control-freak personality go and be in the moment tonight instead.

We were led to a low reserved coffee table with two wing-back chairs and a sofa on the opposite side.  There was only half of the sofa reserved for us so I sat down there so that the two men could sit opposite in the chairs and as I looked around, I was satisfied to see that the area was filled with mostly well-dressed businessmen enjoying a Friday Happy Hour.

We ordered a bottle of wine and appetizers while we waited for Chris and I scanned the area.  There was a man sitting next to me on the other side of the sofa who was obviously checking me out and a particularly handsome man standing by a chair just to the side of us.  He was leaning against the chair and was literally facing me.

When the waiter arrived with our wine and poured the first glass for the initial taste inspection, I leaned over to take the first pour.  I knew that because I was seated and leaning over, my breasts were probably fully exposed and assumed that Jacque and the waiter had a full view.  But I looked past them both and locked eyes with “Mr. Handsome” knowing that he was now looking directly at me before slowly sitting back up to taste the wine.

After indicating that he could pour the rest the waiter left and I said, “I guess I failed to tell you about the more risqué effects of this dress.  I figured I would wait and let you see for yourself.”

“And see I did,” he said with a wide smile. “I hope to see more of that tonight.  You look sexy as hell and I am proud of you!”

As Jacque was speaking, I looked over at Mr. Handsome who was still looking my way, and gave him a smile and a wink and knew that we were going to be each other’s entertainment for the evening.

Chris texted me to say that he was running late so we ordered a second bottle of wine and I dutifully repeated the game of leaning over for the glass. I did the same each time I grabbed one of the appetizers, hoping that there were many men in the area who might be seeing more of a woman this evening than they had ever expected, and I was getting extremely turned on.

When Chris finally arrived and I saw him making his way through the even more crowded floor, my heart started to beat with anticipation.  I jumped up from my seat and gave him a huge hug and kissed him on the cheek in greeting and the feeling of his hands on me brought back some wonderful memories.  He pushed me back from our embrace and looked me up and down.  “Wow, you look amazing,” he said.

While Jacque and Chris did the man-hug thing I went back to my seat and angled myself slightly on the sofa so I could be facing Chris when he sat down.  As I did, I noticed that the fabric of the skirt fell to the sides of both of my legs and I was quite aware that my thong was now suitably visible.  I decided not to adjust it and left it as it had fallen. But now I was not only flashing my breasts but a lot of leg as well.

We ordered more food and wine and spent time catching up with Chris and his work and why he was in the area.  I also spent a considerable amount of time paying attention to “Mr. Handsome” and made sure I continued my side of our mutual entertainment. 

I have no idea how much wine I had but I was starting to feel its effect and as I was finishing a glass, I noticed him leave and make his way to the bar. I quickly excused myself from Chris and Jacque on the pretense of using the Ladies’ Room but really with the intent of bumping into “Mr. Handsome.”  As I got past Jacque’s chair on the way to the bar, I undid the top button of the dress.  The dress was now open to my navel and as expected, the shoulders loosened and started to fall down my arms.

As I reached the bar, I positioned myself so that when “Mr. Handsome” turned around we were face to face and when he did, he stopped with a jolt, almost spilling his drink. “I have been enjoying you watching me,” I said to him.

“Well, I have been enjoying watching you,” he responded.

I was feeling totally uninhibited standing in front of this incredibly handsome stranger who had been watching me for the better part of two hours in a very crowded room.  “Would you like to see more?” I asked while I simultaneously allowed the right sleeve of the dress to fall down to my elbow.

I felt adrenaline pulse through my body as the fabric fell and I stood at the bar in front of him with my breast completely exposed.  I knew others nearby could see as well, but I did not care.  This exposure was just for him.

“I would never turn down seeing more of a beautiful woman like you,” he responded while staring at my breast. 

I wanted to grab his crotch to make sure he was getting hard but resisted the temptation. “Well, assume your position, I will be back soon,” I said, then walked away towards the Ladies’ Room.  

I adjusted the dress back onto my shoulder but was fully aware of how exposed I was as I weaved my way through the growing throng, knowing that the only way to keep from flashing the crowd was to hold the dress closed.  But I didn’t and just allowed it to open as I walked.

My state of arousal was now at full tilt. Between seeing Chris and my increasingly daring exhibitionism, I was completely wet, and my thong was completely soaked.  I removed the thong before leaving the Ladies Room and made the weaving journey back to the sofa to re-join Jacque and Chris after my little adventure. 

When I got back to Jacque’s chair, I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek while placing my thong in his inner jacket pocket.  The act of leaning over and the undone button had the desired effect and I looked at Chris as he was staring at my now bare breasts, then looked past him to confirm that my new gorgeous stranger had the same view.

As I sat back down, my dress complied and fell to the sides again and I spread my legs slightly to offer a view of my bare pussy.  I looked at Chris and was sure he noticed that I was now commando, something that I promised Jacque I would never do in public. 

By the time we finished another bottle of wine, I was so incredibly turned on that I needed to get home.  I leaned over the table to place another empty glass down and just maintained the position to give “Mr. Handsome” one last show while saying, “gentleman, I hope you have enjoyed my little show, but you need to take me home now!”

With that, Chris paid the bill, and we made the slow trek through the crowd to the doors.  I am sure the abundance of alcohol had a lot to do with it, but I completely enjoyed being seen along the way.

As we got to our car Jacque opened my door and stopped me before I got in.  He put his hand inside my dress and cupped my breast as he does and kissed me deeply.  “Your teasing tonight was beyond my wildest fantasy.  Thank you and I hope you enjoyed it too,” he said in my ear.

I took his hand and put it between my legs so he could feel how wet I was and felt his finger easily enter me.  “I started to feel more comfortable and just let things happen and I very much enjoyed it.  And you should know that there were more men than just the two of you who were enjoying it as well.”

With that, we drove home and when Chris arrived, Jacque showed him the guest suite to drop off his bags and I went to the bar to fix the three of us a single malt nightcap. I didn’t want my arousal to fall so I adjusted the dress so the sleaves on both sides were off the shoulder and my breasts were barely covered. 

When they found me at the bar, I looked at both of them while taking a sip of my Scotch.  “Thank you for treating us to dinner, Chris,” I said.

“Thank you for treating us,” he responded.

With that, I put my drink down and said, “sorry, I have to do something,” and walked up to him and placed both hands on his face, and kissed him.  The familiarity of our kiss immediately came back to me and I could not control myself.

I stepped back from him and easily let the dress fall from my arms to the floor.  I stood there in front of both my ex-lover and my husband, totally naked, before moving back to Chris and kissed him again as I took his coat off his shoulders and started to unbutton his shirt.  As I did, he started to caress my breasts and I was in total bliss as I continued to simultaneously kiss and undress him.

I have no idea what Jacque did at that point and I was totally oblivious to his presence. All I wanted to do was fuck Chris.  I forced him to the floor and straddled him and put my hands on his chest while I rubbed my throbbing clit on his cock.  I kissed his entire body letting my hair fall over him as I did. 

I reached behind me and guided his cock inside of me.  Between his average size and how wet I was, he slid in easily and I started to fuck him. He started to moan, and I could tell he was about to cum so I intensified and squeezed his cock with my lips with each upwards stroke. I felt his body tense and I looked into his eyes as I felt him release his load inside of me.

We maintained our eye contact for a few seconds, then I leaned down and kissed him before dismounting and turning around.  To my surprise, Jacque was sitting, naked in a chair a foot away from us, stroking his beautiful hard cock.

I had a desperate urge to feel his girth in me and I sultrily whispered to him, “I need you inside of me, Jacque.” He did not hesitate and was quickly on top of me pressing himself into my wet and now cum filled pussy. His strong thrusts did not last long before I felt him starting to cum and because of his size, I could feel it splashing onto the back of my cervix with his spasming orgasm.

“I love you, Jacque,” I said before he rolled off to the side.

There I sat. Naked and filled with the cum of my best ex-lover and my wonderful husband. I never imagined how good this would feel. “You boys will have to excuse me while I go clean up,” I sighed after sitting there holding both of their hands and kissing both, one after the other.   

I stood up, leaving the dress on the floor beside them, and went up the stairs to clean up.  I put on my thin silk robe, not bothering to tie it, and went back down to find Jacque standing naked by the bar drinking his Scotch.

“I am going to go down to make sure Chris has everything he needs,” I said.

Jacque took the sides of my robe in his hands and moved them to the side and looked at me before kissing me.  “Have a good night, Jean.  I will see you in the morning,” he said.

I was flabbergasted and just stared at him.  “What do you mean, Jacque?” I said.

He kissed me again then said, “I mean, go and enjoy yourself,” as he pushed me in the direction of the stairs to the guest suite. I started to walk in that direction then stopped and looked back at him and smiled and blew him a kiss.  I knew I had the most wonderful husband in the world.

I found Chris in his room, also naked and drinking a Scotch and I stood in the doorway with my robe open. “Nothing I ever expected to happen,” I said.

“Me neither, but I am glad it did, and I can’t believe Jacque is OK with all of this.  I never would have been but it sure is amazing to be on this side,” he said as he took another sip and looked at me. “By the way, I couldn’t help notice how naughty you were being with exposing yourself to the other men in the bar tonight. I think we need to do something about that.”

“What are you talking about?” I stammered.  

“I am talking about the fact that you were clearly enjoying being an exhibitionist and Jacque and I should help you do more of it while I am here.”

With that, I walked over to him and dropped my robe to the floor. We had amazing sex and he brought me to more than a few orgasms while my mind fantasized about my newfound joy of exhibitionism. 

I spent the rest of the night with my ex-lover in our home and fell asleep very contented in Chris’ arms.

Published 4 years ago

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